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Beautiful flowering trees in the middle zone. Choosing decorative bushes for landscape design. What plants are grown to create hedges?

Each owner, based on his desires, creates a unique image of the garden. If you plant only tall trees in it, it will be boring and dull. Only shrubs, especially flowering ones, can correct the situation and create a feeling of eternal holiday in your garden.

Such plants have a wide variety of species and varieties. They are presented:

  • Evergreen shrubs that retain foliage in winter. In harsh climates, they are rare and require shelter during cold weather. Lingonberry, rhododendron, periwinkle are striking examples of shrubs of this species.
  • Decorative deciduous shrubs that do not produce flowers. They are grown for beautiful leaves. These are plants such as bamboo, bamboo, boxwood, aralia, and jasmine.
  • Decorative flowering plants with incredibly beautiful flowers of various types different shapes and coloring. This species includes honeysuckle, almonds, roses, lilacs, and cherries.


This plant stands out for its bright, early and lush flowering. At this time it looks amazingly beautiful. The grace and richness of colors of rhododendron can only be compared with a rose. A flowering branch of a bush looks like a bouquet. Its beauty is emphasized by glossy leaves.


This plant is a favorite among gardeners. Jasmine has irresistible blooms. When you enter the garden, it seems as if snow has fallen. Snow-white flowers fascinate with their purity and aroma.

If we give examples of shrubs used in flowering alleys, from which hedges are created, then jasmine is definitely worth mentioning.


It is very popular. Lilacs have long been used to decorate local areas, parks and gardens. Thanks to its delicate aroma, beautiful, abundant and long-lasting flowering, it has earned everyone's love.

The best ornamental plants

Barberry, hawthorn, camellia are the best examples of decorative shrubs. They are used in landscape design. They are created by nature for beauty.

  • Barberry is considered one of the most beautiful deciduous shrubs. Its yellow, bright red and later brown shoots are incredibly attractive. The variety of varieties allows such plants to be widely used. grown to create borders and They are used in single plantings and large areas. They decorate gardens and parks.

  • Hawthorn represents such types of shrubs that give beauty at any time of the year. In early spring, during the flowering period, its corymbose inflorescences attract attention, and in summer - fruits of orange, yellow, red, burgundy and black colors. In autumn, the plant pleases with the varied colors of its leaves.
  • Camellia is a type of evergreen shrub and is the most ornamental plant. Very important to know features shrubs when choosing them for planting on your site. Camellia is notable for its exquisite And dense shiny dark green leaves give it charm.

Woody ornamental plants

Almost all flowering ones belong to tree species. They bloom in spring or early summer, and some only in August. If we talk about examples of long-lived shrubs, it is worth noting that their flowering time lasts from early spring to late autumn. In evergreen deciduous woody plants, the leaves remain green throughout the winter and their fibrous structure resembles leather. Various shrubs, the names and photos of which you see in the article, give the garden a unique charm. After all, they bloom in different terms, their leaves do not fall at the same time. And some species remain green all year round.

  • Ginseng is one of the evergreens. This shrub is very large and is distinguished by thorny branches, umbellate flowers and black fruits. Ginseng is not afraid of severe frosts.

  • Hydrangea paniculata is a medium-sized bush. But sometimes the plant reaches three meters in height. It depends on the growing conditions. Hydrangea doesn't like the sun. It seems like it was created for growing in the shade. This shrub is distinguished by paniculate inflorescences of white and later slightly reddish shades.
  • The common rose cannot be confused with another plant. It is notable for its amazing flowers, large leaves and decorative appearance of the bush. The rose has a unique feature: unpretentiousness is combined with peculiar beauty.
  • - tall tree-like shrub. Its sparse branches are decorated with large light green feathery leaves. The bright red inflorescences, reminiscent of candles, are especially beautiful in the bright sun. This shrub is usually used in single plantings, as it loves a lot of space. It grows poorly next to tall representatives of the flora.

Herbaceous plants

In the spring, as soon as the snow melts, small thick shoots begin to break out. They grow rapidly and soon create massive herbaceous shrubs with numerous stems. First, buds appear on them, and then large flowers with an amazing smell. These are peonies, the beauty of which can be admired endlessly. They will perfectly decorate any garden with their lush blooms, exquisite flower shape and unsurpassed aroma.

Dianthus pinnate is also a perennial herbaceous plant. The bush is formed due to the rooting of numerous shoots and looks like a dense pillow. This plant is distinguished by oblong bluish leaves and single pink flowers with a pleasant smell. Carnations are used to create flower beds. These herbaceous shrubs will add value to any garden.

Marsh wild rosemary also belongs to evergreen plants of this type. It is distinguished by shiny dark green leaves, which are covered with reddish fluff underneath. White inflorescences of regular shape attract attention. They are collected at the ends of the stems in bunches.

Now you know what herbaceous and tree-like shrubs are. The names and photos given in the article will help you choose plants for your garden.

Beautiful, decorative, flowering, frost-resistant, low shrubs for the garden - we’ll consider them all. We will analyze in detail which unpretentious ornamental shrubs are best planted in a summer cottage in the Middle Zone, Moscow region, North-West, Siberia and the Urals. And it’s up to you to decide which ones to choose.

Types of ornamental shrubs

All ornamental bushes can be divided into deciduous and coniferous. Both are used in design. They help solve various problems landscape design— zoning space, creating hedges and beautiful borders. In some cases, even single plantings of beautiful flowering shrubs look advantageous. IN Lately Topiary haircut is popular, so designers turn a shrub (of a certain type) into a sculpture in the literal sense.

Decorative bushes of various shapes, types and sizes decorate gardens of completely different styles. Often the main factor is the placement of plants that can be easily trimmed.
For hedges, free-form or clipped shrubs are planted. To decorate the boundaries of the site - groups of tall specimens. And for zoning within a group of short and medium-sized plants. With the help of decorative shrubs you can accentuate passages and mark gates.

Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs in the country

All the shrubs described here easily tolerate cold and often little snow winters, that is, they grow and bloom well in most regions and regions of Russia. Each species is given a photo and a small description so that it is clear in general terms what the plant is. Each of the bushes is described in more detail on other pages of the site.

Deciduous shrubs in landscape design

Some of them are decorative throughout the season due to their beautiful foliage, and some are pleasing to the eye mainly during flowering.

Decorative deciduous shrubs for the garden

Unlike their flowering counterparts, deciduous species remain attractive throughout the warm season. Many of them are extremely convenient to grow, as they are frost-resistant, unpretentious and tolerate formative pruning well.
Low-growing species - Fortune's euonymus, Thunberg's barberry. Medium-sized - snowberry, privet. Tall - hawthorn, bladderwort, derain, common barberry, mountain ash, red Japanese maple.

Barberry Thunberg

Unpretentious in care, not afraid of summer heat and drought, tolerates winter well, grows even on poor soils. Can serve as a decorative hedge against uninvited guests. It is highly decorative due to the beauty of the leaves and tolerates formative pruning well. It has several varieties, differing in the shape and size of the crown and the color of the foliage:

  • Atropurpurea Nana is the most popular dwarf variety with purple leaves;
  • Red Pilar - has a columnar crown, and its reddish-purple foliage becomes scarlet by the end of the growing season;
  • Golden Ring - the leaf plate of this variety has a coral color with a golden border along the edges, and the height reaches 3 meters;
  • Aurea - reaches 1.5 m, leaves are golden or yellow;
  • Kobold is a dwarf variety with green leaves, its crown has the shape of a ball. Can replace boxwood. Requires shelter for the winter;
  • Green carpet - the height of the bush reaches 50 cm, and the leaves are green in summer and red in autumn;
  • Kornik - this 1.5 meter tall variety goes well with roses and conifers. The leaves are green with white spots in summer and the green color turns red in autumn.


This shrub is always attractive, even without foliage, as its branches are bright red. Derain is unpretentious, shade-tolerant, frost-resistant, grows on almost any soil. Suitable for large areas, as the bush is quite tall.
There are many varieties of wood:

  • Elegantissima - with white-green leaves;
  • Siberica Variegata - with reddish-green foliage with pink edges;
  • Kesselring - with chameleon leaves of a brownish-pink hue with the addition of yellow and green colors.

Red Japanese maple

Decorative shrub with red leaves. At first its foliage is bright green, and as autumn approaches it turns reddish-orange and then turns red. This bush looks great anywhere on the site, as it goes well with both conifers and ferns and, for example, hostas. Does well in the shade.

Japanese maple has many varieties and each of them has foliage coloring that is attractive in its own way:

  • Aconitifolium - orange-red leaves;
  • Vitifolium - carmine red leaves;
  • Atropurpureum - dark red, almost black-red foliage.


An unpretentious, fast-growing ornamental shrub with openwork leaves. Foliage has interesting feature- gradient, transition from one shade to another. Orange, red, yellow, pinkish, green - all these colors smoothly mix with each other on one single leaf.
The highest decorative effect is observed closer to autumn. You can plant a bush either on sunny place, and in partial shade. Fertile soil is preferred. The plant does not like drought.


It lends itself well to cutting, so it is widely used in landscape design.
Depending on the variety, the bladderwort has completely different foliage colors:

  • Diabolo - dark red, almost black leaves. In spring, its foliage has a lighter shade - carmine red, but then gradually darkens;
  • Darts Gold - yellow-fiery leaves;
  • Nugget - the foliage is yellow at first, but turns green towards autumn;
  • Red-leaved - the leaves are scarlet in the spring, and with the arrival of cold weather they turn dark burgundy.

Variegated shrubs for the garden

Shrubs with variegated leaves with photos, names, descriptions.

Euonymus Fortune

This is a low evergreen shrub, originally native to China. Its height does not exceed 60 cm. The foliage is very decorative - dark green with a white or yellow border, as seen in the photo. The plant produces fruits, but only in the southern regions; in the North, the bush rarely blooms and bears fruit. This frost-resistant plant, unpretentious, looks great both as a single element in the landscape of the site and as the main accent among a group of matching colors.

Flowering ornamental shrubs

All these plants are most decorative during flowering; the rest of the time they are, as a rule, ordinary garden bushes with green foliage of various shapes. However, they have an attractive appearance if well cared for.


This shrub pleases the eye not only in early spring, when numerous yellow flowers bloom on its branches, but also in autumn, when the leaves turn golden and sometimes purple-violet.


An unpretentious and very beautiful shrub, blooming profusely and luxuriantly, with branches bending down to the ground. Some varieties of spirea have beautiful foliage, for example, Vangutta, Pink Ice. Spiraea blooms in both spring and summer, depending on the species.


Commonly known as jasmine. The most famous ornamental shrub. And they love it not only for its beauty during flowering, but also for the pleasant smell emanating from the flowers. The plant is frost-resistant, unpretentious, and disease resistant.
Depending on the type, bushes vary in size, crown shape, color and aroma of flowers. The flowering time of mock orange depends on its variety, but it usually begins in May and lasts about a month. There are those that bloom both in summer and early autumn.


The most decorative time for it is autumn, at which time its leaves turn yellow, red, orange, burgundy or purple, and in place of small flowers appear snow-white, soft pink, red or dark purple bursting berries, which are stored on the shoots after leaf fall.


The lush inflorescences of this shrub look like puffs of smoke, and bright leaves that change color throughout the season adorn the mackerel bush from spring to autumn.
This decorative shrub will fit into the design of any style site.

Decorative almonds

Its time is spring, when all the branches are densely strewn with delicate pink flowers. Almonds are also beautiful in the fall when their leaves turn orange-red or pink.
The most decorative almonds are the three-lobed almond (Louisiania) and the steppe almond (bean almond).

Mahonia holly

Very beautiful in the second half of spring, when it blooms. Its bright yellow panicles blend seamlessly with shiny, jagged green leaves.
At the end of summer, mahonia is decorative due to the dark blue fruits that appear on the bush.


The time of greatest decorativeness is autumn, when there are red berries and burgundy leaves. Viburnum blooms with lush inflorescences even on poor soil and lack of sun.

Hydrangea - shade-loving shrub for the garden

It can bloom where other shrubs cannot show their decorative properties. Hydrangea prefers shade and moist soil. It is frost-resistant, unpretentious, and blooms in large snow-white, pink, lilac, blue or purple “balls” or “panicles”.

Hydrangea is characterized by long flowering, which begins around July and continues until early autumn. Pairs well with rhododendrons, clematis, lilies, roses and ferns.


This shrub can be classified as an ornamental deciduous, as it is beautiful both during flowering and before and after it.
Weigela blooms in May, especially magnificently at the very beginning. Weigela middendorf can bloom twice per season.

Rose hip

Decorative and at the same time medicinal shrub. Attractive in appearance both during flowering and during fruit ripening.
Rosehip is unpretentious, grows quickly, has a very dense crown, prefers sun or partial shade. The bush blooms from May to August.
Can be used as a hedge, as the branches have thorns.

Lilac is a beautiful shrub in the garden

Grows and blooms on sunny areas and in partial shade. A universal plant for summer cottages in the middle zone. Frost-resistant and unpretentious. It can often be seen in the front gardens of private houses and the surrounding areas of high-rise buildings.
The flowering time for lilacs is May; for some species this period extends until June.

Coniferous shrubs for the garden: photos, description

Here are the most unpretentious conifers, requiring minimal care. All these plants will fit into the design of small gardens and summer cottages. Taking care of them is not at all difficult.

The main requirements for them are: they must overwinter without shelter, grow well on all types of soil; They should not freeze in winter, get wet, dry out, or burn in the sun.


The shrub grows well on light soils, both in the sun and in partial shade. Some creeping forms of junipers may suffer from excess moisture, so it is better to plant them in rockeries and on slopes.
Look beautiful in combination with ferns.

The main species that are used in the design of plots in the middle zone: Chinese juniper “Old Gold”, horizontal juniper “Andorra Compact” and “Blue Chip”, “Wilton” and “Prince of Wales”, scaly juniper “Blue Spider”, Cossack juniper .


Among the species there are a lot of those whose height is only 50-80 cm.
This shrub has bluish-green or yellow-green needles, which are needle-shaped when young and scale-like when mature.
There are decorative cypress trees different types, differing in crown shape, shades of needles, growth rate.

This is an evergreen shrub. Young plants have soft, needle-like leaves, while adults have scaly leaves. Thuja is undemanding to growing conditions and is highly frost-resistant.


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Beautiful flowering shrubs for the Moscow region on video

In our huge country there are a large number of summer residents who tend their own gardens. However, many of them limit themselves only to flower beds, as they think that growing ornamental shrubs is much more difficult. And in vain!

After all, many varieties of these plants do not require special daily effort from you to grow.

So which bush is better to plant in your garden?

About 1,500 different types of shrubs are grown in Russia. Naturally, each type requires specific care, but what kind of care?

This depends on the climate of the particular region, the level of shade in your garden and the winds.

Which shrubs are winter resistant?

Frost-resistant shrubs that bloom throughout the summer season are especially popular. Such plants are suitable for the harsh climates of our country, because they do not need to be additionally insulated against cold weather.

Let's look at the most common types of them.

Lilac is a bush that grows 3 meters in height. Its branches can interfere with the growth of other plants, so lilacs must be pruned promptly and correctly.

If you are not sure that this bush will survive the cold, you can purchase special varieties for cold climates. For example, "Alice Harding" or "Paul Tyrion".

Hydrangea is a bush with large inflorescences. It is required to regularly fertilize with magnesium or iron, as well as prune the plant.

You need to cut off excess shoots in the fall, when the flowering period ends, and in the spring you need to remove the tops of the branches to the upper buds. That is, circumcision is done twice a year.

Spiraea is a bush that resembles the shape of a cascade due to the heaviness of its flowers. Some can grow up to 2.5 meters high. Therefore, of course, you need to remove the shoots. This should be done immediately after flowering.

The varieties that gardeners most often grow are “Golden Princess” and “Shirobana” - they are small and, with proper care, grow to about 70 cm.

Buddleia - a bush that can reach about 3 meters in height. Prune it as soon as it finishes blooming. More suitable for temperate climates. It can withstand cold frosts, but before that it needs to be hilled up and then covered with spruce branches.

What shrubs love shade?

Another shrub that is often planted is shade-tolerant. They can be used as decorations not only for the garden, but also for appearance your home - this will not harm the growth of bushes in any way. Below are the most popular plants.

Weigela is a shrub that grows up to 70–80 cm. The flowers bloom at the end of April and most often bloom until late autumn. Mandatory conditions for flowering: warm weather and shady area.

Wisteria is a shrub that sometimes reaches a height of 18 meters. Many people use such plants to decorate unfortunate places in the garden. Wisteria blooms from spring to autumn and is accompanied by a rich aroma.

Deutzia is a small shrub that begins flowering in late spring. If you plant several bushes nearby, you get an interesting composition. But you need to regularly trim branches and shoots to maintain beauty.

What plants are grown to create hedges?

For hedges, fast-growing shrubs that do not reach large sizes are best suited. The following are widespread among summer residents.

Barberry is a bush that creates a difficult-to-pass hedge due to its thorns, and also easily takes its shape thanks to its crown. Treatment does not take much effort: feed no more than once a month, trim the upper branches if necessary, spray periodically.

Thorn is a bush that sometimes grows up to 3 meters, so it needs to regularly cut off its branches and give it the necessary shape. During the flowering period, sloe smells like almonds.

Dogwood is a bush that grows up to 5 meters in height. Because of this, it is more often used for external garden fences. The crown of this plant requires regular pruning of branches. The bush blooms from March to May, but in the summer you can enjoy its berries.

What shrubs with fruits can be grown in the garden?

You can probably find raspberries, currants or plums in every summer cottage - these are all fruit bushes.

If your garden does not allow you to grow large ornamental shrubs, then you can decorate the area with fruiting plant species different varieties.

For example, most people think of raspberries as red or pink, but they can also be purple, white or black.

What are evergreen shrubs good for?

Evergreens are usually used to create hedges or decorative elements. For this, the bushes listed below are most often used.

Magnolia is a shrub not exceeding 1 meter in height. Its beautiful leaves can remain on the branches for many years. In the warm season they turn green, and in the cold season they turn copper.

Honeysuckle is a shrub no more than 50 cm high. It tolerates shady areas well. During the frosty season, it is better to cover honeysuckle.

Rhododendrons are usually low shrubs. It does not require constant watering and grows well in the shade, but in winter it should be covered with special material.

How to feed shrubs in the fall?

Different plants require different care. Some people need iron, others need fluoride, others need something else. But there is general recommendations, which are suitable for almost all plants.

Give the bushes fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus. This procedure can be done only once every two years.

Also, experienced summer residents advise eliminating fertilizing containing nitrogen in the fall - this will only enhance the growth of new branches, and they will die during the first cold weather.

Photos of ornamental shrubs

" Trees

Gardens and dachas of the new wave - stylish cottages, with a comfortable area for residents to relax, surrounded by a beautiful landscape. A traditional dacha, the main function of which is harvesting, also necessarily includes a recreation area, lovingly decorated by the owners. It is for the spectacular design of a personal garden, a beautiful lawn, a playground for children that you need ornamental plants and trees, which are worth talking about in detail.

In addition to the natural aesthetic function of giving a person enjoyment of the beauty of nature, ornamental trees and shrubs are used by gardeners and designers to solve purely practical problems. Visual expansion of a too narrow or very small area. Decorating outbuildings, strengthening sloping areas and screes. Zoning the site, creating dividing screens between the vegetable garden and the garden area. Protecting the individual space of a small dacha from prying eyes, without erecting a fence.

Popular ornamental trees in the garden and country house

The current trend in gardening is a beautiful, fruit-bearing garden that does not require enormous physical effort to care for and maintain its decorative appearance. The beauty and unpretentiousness of trees is a priority; the practical benefits of plantings fade into the background. This explains the popularity of new forms of fruit and forest trees presented by modern selection:

  • compact standard trees with a spherical crown;
  • dwarf forms fruit and forest trees;
  • weeping forms;
  • columnar hybrids familiar trees.

An interesting novelty is the use of forest trees for decoration. summer cottage. For example, hornbeam seedlings are sold by nurseries at bargain prices. Hornbeam is great for creating hedges, decorative backdrops and walls.

To create spectacular compositions and edging lawns, trees of different heights are used:

  • tall (up to 6 m);
  • medium tall (up to 3 m);
  • low-growing and dwarf trees (up to 1.5 m).

Tall trees form a backdrop(wall, or focal point), which is complemented by lower trees and shrubs. The undersized ones form the foreground of the composition. Trees can be decorated with gravel, located on an open lawn, solo, or combined into relief, multi-tiered groups.

The tallest ones are planted in the background, then the middle ones. Low-growing trees and shrubs are located in front.

Recognized leader - coniferous trees

Mature plants require virtually no care. Coniferous plants are decorative all year round, including winter. At the beginning of spring, many species bloom with bright lilac candles, reminiscent of Christmas tree decorations.. Then comes the time of active growth, the young shoots are much brighter than last year’s branches. During this period everything coniferous trees look especially elegant.

Spruce grows well in marshy soils, this is especially true for the Moscow region. Pine is drought-resistant, tolerates pruning well, which allows you to vary its height and decorative shape. For low hedges and walls, we can recommend yew. Yew holds its shape well and does not require significant pruning.


The unpretentious thuja can be safely chosen as the main decorative element of the garden, which will unite the plantings with a single design. Thujas of different varieties will fit perfectly into a composition with low-growing shrubs, variegated and flowering trees.

In the nursery you can choose varieties of pyramidal, ellipsoidal, or spherical shape. A garden wall made of thujas planted in a smooth line looks very interesting. This allows you to create an unusual twist on even a standard summer cottage plot.

For the middle zone, varieties and hybrids of Western thuja are recommended. The unpretentious variety Brabant is suitable for forming walls and scenes. A single thuja will grow wide; planting a thuja too close (after 0.5 m) will form a wall that is too low. The optimal distance between seedlings of the Brabant variety is 1 m. An interesting variety is Thuja Wagner, which has a round shape, shorter. Thuja loves showering, spraying, sprinkling.

Decorative maples

The most popular is maple Canadian, Sycamore, Norway maple with burgundy foliage. They are a great solo plant on an open lawn and are good in compositions and against the backdrop of hedges.

Norway maple or sycamore burgundy color

Like most plants with brightly colored leaves, ornamental maples prefer full sun. In the shade, the natural color will fade. Maple prefers fertile soil with neutral acidity. Young seedlings should be covered for the winter. Mature plant frost-resistant variety this will no longer be required.

Exotic for lovers


It can be formed as a bush, but a full-fledged tree with a picturesque crown can grow. Blooming magnolia is an exotic sight; most varieties have a delicate, vanilla-citrus aroma. Magnolia is strewn with large flowers (bud length up to 12-15 cm). The color scheme and shape of the opened flower differs quite radically among different varieties of magnolia.

The whimsicality of magnolia is greatly exaggerated, for successful cultivation It is enough to follow a few rules. When planting magnolia Special attention should be given to the root system and the choice of planting site. You need to buy magnolia with a root ball (in a plastic container), preferably in a nursery or garden center. When planting, try not to injure the roots of the seedling. Magnolia loves bright sun and does not tolerate drafts and winds. Optimal place planting - under the southern wall of the house, any outbuilding. It does not like calcareous soils, so such lands must be acidified with peat. An adult plant will not need any care, only minimal care. sanitary pruning. For growing in gardens in the middle zone, deciduous forms of magnolia and corresponding hybrids are recommended.

Young seedlings, even frost-resistant varieties, should be covered for the winter (mulch the roots and cover the crown with agrofibre).


The Japanese relative of the familiar cherry is famous throughout the world for its magical blooms. The growing conditions for sakura and magnolia are identical. Sunny place without drafts; neutral or slightly acidic soil. Like ordinary cherries, sakura will require seasonal spraying against pests, abundant watering, and significant pruning.

It is not necessary to buy sakura; it reproduces well by cuttings. This is much cheaper than buying a seedling. In August, the cuttings are grafted onto a traditional cherry (or sweet cherry) using the budding method (with an eye, a bud).

Decorative forms of fruit trees

The familiar apple tree has many decorative subspecies that bloom more abundantly than ordinary apple trees. Blooming with scarlet flowers, the Ola apple tree is simply filled with flowers so that the branches are not visible.

Apple tree color Ola

Ornamental varieties are grown using familiar agricultural techniques familiar to gardeners for caring for traditional apple trees. Fruits - small (paradise) apples decorate the garden until late autumn. Yellow, red, purple - look great on branches. They attract birds to the garden, a modern option for a natural solution to pest problems. Apples of paradise make original jam. Especially interesting are the weeping forms, with variegated and colored leaves.

Decorative shrubs in landscape design

Shrubs in the garden technically perform the natural function of undergrowth. From an aesthetic point of view, shrubs harmoniously complement garden trees and flower beds, performing the role of middle management. This is an extensive class of diverse plants; we will focus on especially popular species.

Junipers: type and variety of bushes

Emphasized decorativeness, a wide variety of shapes and varieties, the names of the most common are given below. By releasing phytoncides, junipers significantly purify the air. In sunny weather, a healing aroma hovers near such a plant.. A common advantage of junipers is frost resistance. Bath lovers will benefit from young juniper branches, which are added to bath brooms for aroma.


Recognized varieties include juniper Variegata. Flat, with scaly azure needles and contrasting sand tassels at the end. The shrub is shade-tolerant, but in a sunny place the decorative tassels of Variegata will be brighter. An adult plant on a sufficient area will look like a lush flower bed.


Unpretentious plant smoky in color, prefers light soils, looks great in a composition with variegated hostas, regular and tree peonies. Loves loosening and sprinkling of branches. When transplanting, the hole should be 2 times larger than the root ball. Junipers do not resist pruning, although they do not require obligatory pruning.

Between the bushes of the Cossack juniper there should be at least 1 - 1.5 meters. In adulthood it is a spreading, lush bush.

Rock Sky Rocket

Tall blue juniper - Rocky Sky Rocket. In diameter up to 1 meter, in height up to 7 meters. It looks like a slender tree, vaguely reminiscent of a cypress.


Low juniper Glauka (up to 30 cm), can grow up to 3 meters wide. The powerful root system of this plant allows, if necessary, to strengthen the slopes. This suitable plant for the first plan of a garden composition.

Mint Julit

The fastest growing medium juniper is Mint Julit, reaching 3.5 m in width, up to 1.5 m in height.. Blue Carpet is an active aggressor and occupies a vast space. It responds to pruning with increased growth. This must be taken into account when planting, and can be used for your own purposes.

Barberry - adding bright accents

The interesting shape of the bush, delicate branches, bright foliage inherent in various varieties allows barberry to lead among colored shrubs. Blooms actively in spring. The crown is purple, red, lilac, light green in the summer, incredibly transformed in the fall. This is a real carnival of colors, from lemon to wine-colored foliage, scarlet clusters of fruits. Barberry berries are an excellent seasoning for pilaf and meat dishes.

Barberry looks great in single and group plantings. A front garden, an alpine hill, edging meadows - all these compositions can be successfully complemented by barberries of your favorite variety and color. Barberries of different heights (from 30 cm to 1.5 m) can be interestingly displayed in a prefabricated mixborder. Thunberg's barberry is good in combination with coniferous plants. The low-growing cushion-shaped barberry Green Carpet is used for rocky compositions in the Japanese style.

Grows well in an open, sunny place, not picky about soil. Does not tolerate stagnation of ground inputs When planting, barberry should be provided with a high-quality drainage cushion.

Low-growing shrub (up to 80 cm) in looks very exotic, blooms profusely with orange-red flowers. In summer and autumn it is decorated with fruits resembling apples of paradise. Used for flower beds and rose gardens.

Japanese quince grows well on light sandy loam soils and loves well-lit places. The housewife makes excellent jam from the fruits.

Red viburnum

A familiar shrub that never ceases to delight with its beauty and healthy berries. Viburnum is very good in bloom; in the fall it turns purple-yellow, the red clusters of berries glow in the sun.

Viburnum loves shady places, the bush can grow quite extensively. This property of viburnum can be successfully used to decorate outbuildings and blank walls of barns. Loves good watering, the soil for planting is mixed with humus (1×1). The ground under the viburnum bush should be mulched with tree bark, this will help the moisture-loving plant to develop.

It grows wild in central and southern Europe, North Africa, the European part of Russia, mainly in its middle part and in Asia Minor. Rarely found in the west and north of Russia. Viburnum can be found in the Middle and western Siberia , as well as in the eastern and northern regions of Kazakhstan. Viburnum viburnum does not grow in Central Asia and the Far East.

Familiar from its indoor forms, the large-leaved garden hydrangea is a godsend for lovers of bright, active flowering plants. Large inflorescences (12 - 15 cm) bloom in July and remain on the branches until autumn. An adult wisteria bush is not tall (up to 1 m), it can reach two meters in diameter, this must be taken into account when planting. Large inflorescences come in white, greenish, crimson, pink and even blue.

Hydrangea loves well-lit places, but direct sunlight is harmful to it. You will need moist, slightly acidic soil, abundant watering, and fertilizing. When planting, peat, sand, and coniferous forest soil are added to the soil mixture. By feeding hydrangea with iron supplements, amateurs achieve bright blue coloring of hydrangea inflorescences. It is advisable to mulch the tree trunk circle with pine needles and use slightly acidified water for watering. Hydrangea should be covered for the winter.

An interesting new product: columnar fruit trees

Compact, productive trees, strewn with fruits of the usual size, have charmed many gardeners. Columns bear fruit in the second year, take up little space, and are easy to care for.. The lifespan of such a tree is up to 15 years, in contrast to the usual longevity of ordinary trees of fruit and stone fruit crops.

What types of columnar trees are there?

Columnar apple tree is a low-growing, dwarf (relative to standard) standard tree. Proven, high-quality varieties - Arbat (red apple of medium ripening), Bolero (winter), Gin (summer variety).

Seedlings of columnar trees of the latest selection are available for sale.: plums, cherry plums, pears, peaches. The main problem is the instability of the variety. Dying of lower branches, changes in the shape of the crown (formation of a “broom”), freezing of growth buds, degeneration of the variety. There is outright fraud by sellers. If you decide to grow colonies, buy adapted seedlings from trusted regional nurseries.

On this moment, only the columnar apple tree can boast a large number of varieties of sustainable selection. Other column-shaped new products can be purchased only at your own peril and risk.

Features of planting and caring for fruit trees

Columns are very convenient for processing and maintenance, organizing drip or spot irrigation. The height of an adult fruit tree is about 1.5 m; it is grown using conventional agricultural techniques, like ordinary fruit and stone fruit trees.. Depending on the variety, seedlings are planted at a distance of 0.4 - 0.7 m from each other. The distance between rows is 2 - 2.5 m. Seasonal pruning, pest control, fertilizing, and loosening of the root circle will be required.

After planting a one-year-old seedling, the plant will show its variety in the first year. To do this, leave 2-3 flower ovaries on the tree; it is better to remove the remaining flowers in the first year. The seedling needs strength to adapt to a new place and form a healthy root system.

Selection does not stand still; popular varieties are constantly being improved. Should you experiment with original new products, or choose something that has been proven over the years? decorative variety is a constant temptation for the gardener. Based on your taste preferences, you can choose an original decoration for your favorite garden.