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Computer games as a territory of propaganda. Examples of destructive propaganda in computer games Games that are killing our children

Pokemon Go may be banned in Russia. This proposal was made by the first deputy chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Defense, Franz Klintsevich. According to him, “catching Pokemon” has a negative impact on the human psyche and creates a feeling of permissiveness. This is not the first time that computer games have caused a sharp reaction from legislators, and sometimes it comes to a full ban. So, ten games that for some reason were banned in different countries peace.

KZ Manager Millennium
Where it was banned: Germany

The game received the title of one of the "most useless" according to Imagine Games Network magazine. But this is not the main reason for the ban in Germany. It is legally prohibited in the country to use any symbols of the Third Reich outside of a scientific context, be it a swastika or images of Adolf Hitler. The game takes place in a concentration camp where main character- a warden, and his task is to force prisoners to work using repressive measures. Interestingly, despite the ban in Germany, most versions of the game exist in German.

Mortal Kombat
Where it was banned: Germany, South Korea

A true classic and the first game in history with an "18+" rating. Interestingly, the developers initially planned to make a game with the participation of Jean-Claude Van Damme, but limited themselves to the “fighting” genre. Mortal Kombat was often criticized and banned for its scenes of violence, but nevertheless, the series of games, already numbering 20 parts, remains one of the most popular in history: comic books, films, cartoons and TV series were made based on it.

Grand Theft Auto
Where it was banned: Thailand, Malaysia, UAE, Brazil

The gaming space is a nonlinear virtual reality where the gamer can freely move around the city and do whatever he wants: steal cars and helicopters, rob passers-by, use various types of weapons. This is why the game is rated "adults only" in most countries. However, in Brazil they found another reason to limit access to the simulator: in GTA Episodes from Liberty City they used the music of a local composer without permission. The creators of one of the most profitable video games were probably accustomed to the fact that many Hollywood stars volunteered to voice the characters.

The Pokémon Trading Card Game
Where it was banned: Saudi Arabia

The Pokemon card game received favorable reviews from critics around the world, although it was called a bit boring. The gamer's task is to move around the game space, challenge characters to a card duel and collect various icons. But the chief mufti Saudi Arabia I saw Zionist propaganda in the game. According to the kingdom's religious leader, one of the symbols in the cards resembles the Star of David. And crosses and triangles, the mufti noted, represent symbols of Christianity and Freemasonry, respectively. As a result, his opinion was listened to and the game about Pokemon was banned at the legislative level.

Marc Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure
Where it was banned: Australia

The main character of the game is a graffiti artist who spends most of his time painting walls, carriages and truck trailers. In the story, he uses street art as a means of protesting against restrictions on freedom of expression. However, the ban on such activities was actually imposed: the initiator was the Australian Attorney General Philip Ruddock. In his opinion, the game promotes vandalism: graffiti is prohibited in the country. There were opponents to this decision, citing local authorities' permission to play street racing and other graffiti games, but the censors remained adamant.

Where it was banned: New Zealand, Australia, Malaysia, Germany

On the cover of this shooter game, the creators proudly wrote “banned in 13 countries around the world.” In the simulator massacres, according to legislators, drugs and a cynical attitude towards religions and various minorities are promoted. In some countries, access to the game has been limited by age. As the creators of the game assure, almost any task, be it cashing a check or going to the laundry, can be completed peacefully, without resorting to violence and illegal actions. But gamers prefer to use other game features.

Where it was banned: Brazil

According to the Yahoo! Games, Bully is one of the ten most controversial computer games of all time. The action takes place in educational institution. Teenager Jimmy must defend himself among school groups such as "nerds", "hooligans", "majors", "jocks", etc. To do this, the main character can use slingshots, spray paint, skateboards and firecrackers. And besides, a teenager can kiss peers of any gender. In Brazil, the game was considered to be propaganda of violence among minors and a fine of one thousand dollars was imposed for its distribution.

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2
Where it was banned: Mexican state of Chihuahua

The main character travels to northern Mexico to resolve the conflict between Mexican rebels, the military and the US army. According to the scenario, the Prime Minister of Canada is assassinated in Mexico City, the life of the US President is under threat, and power in the republic passes into the hands of armed rebels. The game caused outrage in the Mexican state of Chihuahua. The regional authorities considered it a threat to the tourism business. In their opinion, the landscapes where the game takes place resemble the northern state, which offended local residents. It is noteworthy that the game is freely available throughout the rest of Mexico.

EA Sports MMA
Where it was banned: Denmark

The game was announced as the first trailer for the battle between Fedor Emelianenko and Brett Rogers. She immediately became popular among fans of fights without rules. Virtual fighters have at their disposal various types of defense and attack techniques from almost all types of martial arts. Unexpected news was the ban of EA Sports MMA in Denmark. Local authorities discovered that the game contained advertising for energy drinks, which is illegal in the country. The creators of the game said that their simulator was as close to reality as possible and refused to cut out the scenes with drinks, so Danish gamers were left without the popular game.

Company of Heroes 2
Where it was banned: Russia

A non-trivial history of the game ban: the users themselves asked to restrict access. The strategy scenario caused outrage among Russian gamers: according to the plot, Soviet soldiers were supposed to kill each other during the retreat, burn the houses of their compatriots and shoot Polish partisans. Immediately after the release, gamers signed a petition to ban the game. The publisher of the strategy had to stop sales in the CIS countries.

In virtual reality, human capabilities seem unlimited, and the computer games industry annually offers more and more new games that arouse great interest. Computer games develop addiction - this is their main danger. This is a mental disorder and requires the intervention of doctors and the support of loved ones to be cured.

With computer addiction, a person is immersed in virtual reality and only occasionally returns to real life. In severe cases, gambling addiction leads to loss of appetite (the player does not want to stop eating) and sleep (it is impossible to break away from the game, since the desire to continue the fight with the enemy is irresistible). It all starts very simply, with the usual sitting at a computer game. It is becoming longer and longer. It seems to the teenager that he spent little time at the computer, but it turns out that several hours have passed. When addiction to the game becomes obvious, it is already very difficult to fight it. Adults sometimes find themselves in such dependence, which negatively affects their fate.

Many online games come with paid services and with a gaming addiction, a teenager can spend all his available money on gaming.

The most dangerous games are various shooting games, racing games, and adventure games. They are accompanied by aggressive emotions and cause anger. This often manifests itself in relation to someone who is trying to distract from the game. Some games do not cause obvious aggression, but they require increased attention and quick response. This causes severe mental stress. Add to this a long stay in the same position during the entire game and it becomes clear why the game is so exhausting and draining. nervous system. A person’s psyche becomes fixated, just like the body, it freezes in one position and the person’s consciousness becomes dull. It cannot say “stop” in a timely manner. Therefore, even seemingly harmless computer games played for a long time are very harmful to the psyche and health.

A long stay in a sitting position disrupts the mobility of the spine and leads to diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Hands that spend hours squeezing the mouse or clicking on the keyboard become very strained. Impaired spinal mobility leads to deterioration of blood supply to internal organs and various diseases. Computer games cause eye strain, which can lead to poor vision. Therefore, the statement that spending a long time at the computer is harmful to health is not a joke at all.

Computer games can also be beneficial. Play a little games that promote the development of logic, memory and attention, i.e. intelligence in general, useful. These are various puzzles, rebuses, logic games. There are strategy games. They do not force your eyes to strain, do not require excessive attention and reaction speed. Such games can be interrupted at any time for more important life matters, and then continued in your free time. They are easy to dose over time. There are various educational games, for example, for teaching a foreign language or school subjects. In combination with other developmental activities, such games will even be useful. A teenager, just like an adult, can spend no more than 1-2 hours a day on computer games. During this time you can play and get useful information, and remain a living person in the real world.

The Internet also attracts teenagers with social networks. On the Internet it is easy and simple to make new contacts, or it is easy to break them off if something does not work out as you would like. You don't have to worry about the impression you make on the other person. On the Internet you can present yourself the way you want, and you don’t have to try to change your appearance or learn anything. A teenager has the illusion of a life filled with emotions, without any difficulties arising. This is all very deceptive.

To find friends in real life or meeting a girl, you need to expend mental strength. Mental work is also required to maintain relationships. Communication on the Internet is very easy. There is no need to play sports and lose weight if you have excess weight, you don’t need to pump up your muscles to get a girl to like you. On the Internet there is no need to get rid of your bad habits. You can come up with any name for yourself and pretend to be a hero. Thus, the teenager, like adults, stops working on himself. He wastes time on empty communication and in real life he may not have friends. This entertainment may hide loneliness, fear of real communication, and lack of self-confidence as a person. A teenager may be afraid of criticism or ridicule of himself, because he considers himself ugly, not witty, not... The teenager creates the illusion of communication, while he becomes more and more lonely and loses the habit of communicating with real people. Attempts to move from online communication to real acquaintance, as a rule, occur rarely, and even more rarely does this acquaintance continue.

The danger of Internet communication also lies in the fact that it is possible to invent any image for yourself. In the process of correspondence, you can imagine yourself as anyone, even a movie character, a famous person. Many teenagers think so and mistakenly spend their lives on the Internet and put themselves at risk of losing their own self. In addition, the desire to impersonate another person often leads to mental disorders. If you find this in yourself, then you have an inferiority complex. Don't you have your own merits to be a valuable person to communicate with, with your own name, your own character traits? If this is not the case, then you need to take care of yourself. Firstly, a real living person is always better than a fictional one, and secondly, you need to remember your strengths and develop them in order to write on your own behalf just as confidently and interestingly. During the period of rapid development of the body, this is the time for this. After all, it is necessary to develop not only the body, but also the mind and soul. To do this, you need to read books, watch movies, play sports, play educational games and communicate with real people. Diversely developed people are always interesting. And if you are embarrassed to talk about yourself and consider yourself to be the most ordinary and unremarkable, then you should change this.

An online conversation partner can also pretend to be someone else. Or you yourself, without seeing or hearing him, can endow your interlocutor with fictitious traits. When you meet, you may be surprised: what do you have in common with this person, what can you talk about with him?

Real friends are much more interesting. You can talk about a lot of things with them, go to the cinema, discuss a topic that worries you. A friend can help in a difficult situation and ask for help himself. Real relationships develop. While you spend hours on the Internet, your peers manage to do something, develop as individuals, and become more successful in life.

Communication on the Internet among teenagers occurs in a special language. Adults don’t even always understand it. When communicating using abbreviated and distorted words, emoticons, a teenager’s vocabulary and speech abilities become impoverished. In the company of Internet lovers, he looks like he belongs and can communicate in this slang, but he loses his literacy and ability to clearly express thoughts and feelings. Long-term communication only on the Internet leads to the fact that the ability to maintain a conversation with a live person is significantly reduced, even lost.

When spending a long time on the Internet, a person stops noticing the beauty of real life - the people around him, events, nature, feelings, both his own and that of another person. Internet addiction leads to the development of neuroses, psychoses and even schizophrenia.

The Internet allows you to develop a person’s horizons, as you can find any information on it. If you are searching the Internet for information on a subject that interests you in order to study something in more depth, this is normal.

If you wander aimlessly through websites, thinking about what else to look for, then you are just wasting your time. This means it’s time to stretch, shake yourself up and urgently do something not related to the computer.

special project

Games that are killing our children

Reports of very dangerous and even deadly games that Russian teenagers are addicted to have become so frequent that such expressions as “a wave has covered” and “a craze” are quite appropriate.

“Death groups”, “Run or Die”, “Disappear for 24 hours”: not only Moscow, but also Kuzbass schoolchildren began to receive messages on social networks that would make any parent’s hair stand on end. What new dangers threaten our children, and most importantly, how to deal with them, we will understand in this article.

To begin with, it is worth mentioning the message that began to be actively distributed on social networks in early February 2017. It begins with the words “Sent from the Department of Education” and contains a warning to parents. It describes extremely dangerous games that directly threaten the lives of children. Then, on February 7, children's ombudsman Anna Kuznetsova called on police to investigate the Run or Die game. And on February 8, a 20-year-old guy died in Berezovsky. Immediately there were suggestions that the young man was a member of a “death group” on a social network.

On this moment Everyone's attention is focused on three teenage "hobbies": "Run or Die", "Disappear for 24 hours" and "death groups" on social networks. In this article we will try to understand in detail what each of these phenomena is and how parents can protect their children.

"Run or Die"

What it is?

This is a call to grossly violate traffic rules, endanger your own life and create a dangerous traffic situation. This “game” has no philosophy other than “show how cool you are.” This is from the same opera as jumping into the snow from garages, car “hooks” and “bungee jumps”. Do you remember anything about your childhood, dear parents? But jokes aside: those funs were exactly the same evil as the hashtag #flight or die. I think there is no need to tell anyone about how dangerous it is to cross the road in front of a car. Why do teenagers take such risks? Why don't new generations get smarter? The answers to these questions lie in the field of child psychology.

“As the child grows up, the psyche must go through a stage of individuation, which will mark the transformation into a boy or girl. This stage is reflected in the rite of transformation of a boy into a man among primitive tribes, where, through a series of risky tests, the boy becomes a man. Teenagers take similar risky steps, showing that they have overcome fear and made this transition; accordingly, in the group of teenagers there are those who were able to do this and those who were not able to. During this period of mental formation, it is extremely important to take a certain place in the group, and the fear of being rejected by the group is much stronger than the fear of death and injury,” explains psychoanalyst Alexander Sedov.

What are the authorities doing?

As for the mass appeal of the “Run or Die” game, it most likely exists only on the pages of the media. After each frightening headline on the RuNet follows: “The department for promoting road safety of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs assured us that so far no accidents related to such disputes have been recorded in the region.” We are talking about any region of Russia. That is, accidents involving children, unfortunately, do happen, but all cases are individual.

However, the authorities have already begun to fight. As we have already mentioned, Ombudsman Anna Kuznetsova appealed to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate with a request to investigate. In the future, visits by representatives of departments to schools and special preventive classes will probably follow.
In Kuzbass, such measures are being taken without the participation of Kuznetsova.

“Inspectors for minors, together with traffic police officers, conduct raids to suppress violations of traffic rules by children and teenagers. In schools, police also carry out explanatory work. The main thing is to teach children safe behavior on the streets and on the road,” said the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kemerovo Region .

Nothing new: from the cradle, instill in your child exactly how to cross the road. And more effective ways does not exist. That is, behave like all normal parents. And from about the same age, begin to explain the difference between coolness and stupidity. However, since the hype around this hashtag has already swelled, it wouldn’t hurt to talk again.

And for drivers there is only one piece of advice, also as old as the history of the automotive industry: if you see children or teenagers on the side of the road, reduce your speed. Always. With or without a hashtag, you never know what will come to mind.

"Disappear for 24 hours"

What it is?

This is a call to hide so that no one finds you for 24 hours. It is prohibited to take a mobile phone or any other means of communication with you. It is not difficult to imagine what danger the child will expose himself to and what will happen to the parents’ nerves.

The existence of such fun was reported to the world by the media of the city of Rostov-on-Don, where two boys disappeared within 3 days of each other. Moreover, according to their data, one of the boys definitely played “Disappear for 24 Hours”, the second “most likely”. The boys were found alive and well, the police did not talk about any game, but, at the instigation of the federal media, a “game that is being distributed among schoolchildren on the Internet” appeared. True, there is no reliable information yet about other players outside the Rostov region. It’s not a fact that such a phenomenon as “Disappear for 24 hours” even exists. And we are certainly not talking about a mass hobby.

What are the authorities doing?

So far, none of the government officials have officially recognized the existence of such a phenomenon, especially on a national scale. No such disappearances were observed on the territory of Kuzbass. They are looking for missing people, but their disappearances are not being linked to any game or hashtag.

How can parents fight this evil?

Children started running away from home not yesterday. The reasons are always the same: either bad relationships with parents, or “towards adventure.” In the latter case, reading “Tom Sawyer” may be enough. There is no other means of combating this except parental attention. If you raise a child and devote a lot of time to him, then with a high degree of probability you will understand that he is up to something. And if you miss the moment of escape, then contact the police in time. And most importantly, when the child is returned home (or returns himself), do not give vent to anger; any competent teacher will advise you to do this. Your task is not to punish the fugitive, but to prevent similar “games” in the future. Conduct a debriefing, figure out what led to the escape, in general, negotiate with the child, enter into an agreement with him that will suit everyone. And don’t be lazy to explain how dangerous this is. Believe it or not, a teenager may simply not understand this, despite the fact that he is already so big.

“Children, for a number of reasons, are not able to objectively weigh risks; the mental attitude “nothing bad will happen to me” is still too strong. Teenagers often consider the right to manage their own lives to be an attribute of adulthood, without having sufficient adult experience, taking the adults’ phrase “I am the master of my own destiny” too literally,” Alexander Sedov shares his knowledge.

"Groups of Death"

What it is?

But this is already very serious and truly scary. According to the most optimistic estimates, the number of victims of this “game” in Russia is at least 15 teenagers. All of them committed suicide, and all were members of so-called “death groups” on social networks. The starting point of the “game” is considered to be November 23, 2015 - on this day a girl known on the Internet under the nickname Rina committed suicide. Novaya Gazeta examined the circumstances of this tragedy in detail. The article had the widest resonance. It was after this that they no longer began to talk about “death groups,” but to shout all over the country. However, the Russian Investigative Committee states that these groups began to appear online much earlier – since 2013.

Without playing with words, the participants in such “groups” are people systematically preparing their own death under the guidance of the group administrator. They are given tasks step by step, the last of which is suicide. Administrators of such groups most often contact teenagers themselves, start a conversation, and invite them to “game.” Such communities on social networks are always closed, which adds to their attractiveness in the eyes of teenagers - “I was invited, which means I am the chosen one!”
There are no officially confirmed cases of suicides associated with “death groups” in Kuzbass. But this does not mean that our children do not know about them. They are very familiar with scary hashtags like #f57, #morekits or #nyapok (we'll tell you more about them a little later). But the worst thing is that here in Kuzbass, children receive offers to “start the game” from polite strangers. A Kemerovo schoolgirl who received the message forwarded it to the Sibdepo editorial office.

No direct appeals, only hints of the freedom that the “little whale” will gain. It even seems to be the other way around - he dissuades. But when we at the editorial office read this message, we felt unwell. And most importantly - what awaits the “player” next. This is what a Kemerovo high school student who received this message told a Sibdepo correspondent.

“For example, #f57, #f58, #morekitov, #quiethouse. You should make a wall post with a poem about suicide and these hashtags. Then the curator writes to you, you tell them why you decided to commit suicide, you write them your address and phone number. The first task is to make the inscription “whale” on your hand (there are others). Every day you will have to enter their conversation at 4:20 (this time, because there is something related to drugs). At this time, you listen to audio with screams, screams, etc. And every day you write on the wall how many days are left, there are 50 in total, every day there is a new task, the last one is suicide. If you refuse, they begin to intimidate you, that they will come to your house (you told them the address yourself) and kill the whole family, they call you on the phone and thereby drive the child to suicide,” the girl said about the rules of the “game.”

Here are excerpts from the correspondence of our heroine with one such “player”.

You can applaud the girl and the parents who raised her. She quickly realized that this was no longer funny and stopped the conversation. But in her place there could be someone who would want to participate “for fun.” And what then, we already know: going online at 04.20, tasks, whales, butterflies, “if you refuse, we will kill your family” and so on. What if the child is depressed? Having a fight with your parents, breaking up with your girlfriend/boyfriend... You never know what kind of trouble may seem like the catastrophe of the century to a teenager. Namely, these children are the main target of the “curators” from the “death groups”.

Philip "Lis" Budeykin is the creator of the closed community "f57" on the social network "VKontakte"

Who needs all this and why?

Somewhat quite specific people are known to investigators of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation and the FSB, and one is known to all of Russia. His name is Philip Budeikin, known online as Philip Lis. He has now been arrested, declared sane and awaiting trial. He himself claims that he “got carried away” and “didn’t want to,” and his goal was only popularity on the Internet. This, by the way, is quite possible - in December 2015, Lis participated in a large-scale Internet flash mob, when dozens of schoolchildren pretended to commit suicide.

Some of the administrators of the “death groups” are known to the general public only by their nicknames, for example, Sea of ​​Whale and Miron Seth. The latter, by the way, after Novaya Gazeta made a fuss, said that journalists are idiots, and he is pursuing a noble mission.

This screenshot was published by journalists from the portal. According to the publication, after an investigation by Novaya Gazeta, Miron Seth decided to “deploy a machine gun,” and the Sea of ​​Whale simply realized what was threatening him and stepped away from managing his groups. The fame-hungry Fox pretended to be the Sea of ​​Whales, gathered his subscribers into his group f57 and promoted suicide until he was arrested.

But these are only a few. And no one knows how many such groups appeared on VKontakte alone. The Investigative Committee speaks of 8 communities, the same speaks of hundreds of similar groups.

Who are they, these “curators”? What motivates them?

Fox version

People who want popularity and are overplayed.

Internet users version

Professionals working for the powerful enemies of Russia, with the help of “death groups”, depriving our country of the future. They are subtle psychologists; they know how and where to deliver psychological blows and deprive the victim of their will.

Psychoanalyst's version

These people realize their unconscious needs that they cannot realize in any other way:
- unconscious sadistic tendencies, the desire to control people, to feel like a ruler over the lives of others.
- realization of one’s own aggressive impulse, the opportunity to experience an extreme form of aggression - essentially killing another person.
- realization of the need for one’s own greatness - gaining the status of an idol, a ruler over destinies, satisfaction from creating one’s own cult.

Psychoanalyst Alexander Sedov also complained that the topic of suicide is sometimes overly romanticized in music, literature and cinema. And such “curators” simply use this. As a result, it seems to the “little whale” that he will lie all so beautiful and pale. And the “curator” prefers to remain silent about the protruding tongue and relaxed sphincters. It turns out that every time, “hanging out” on social networks, our children have a chance to meet such a “Fox” one on one.

still from the movie "Romeo and Juliet"

What are the authorities doing?

The work of the investigative authorities is in plain sight. As RIA Novosti reported, in November last year, employees Investigative Committee conducted searches of administrators and members of “death groups” with the pseudonyms “Philip More”, “Miron Stekh”, “Keeper of Truth” and others. This happened in 10 regions of Russia, including Kuzbass. We have already mentioned the detention of Philip Lys.

Management social networks regularly “bans” communities that appear again and again. Even Instagram, which doesn’t have much to write about, announced a campaign launched against suicide propaganda.

But this is work that is being carried out at the federal level. What about the regions? In particular, here in Kuzbass? The Department of Education of the Kemerovo Region said that they did not send any messages on social networks, they do not personally fight any communities, and carry out systematic work on suicide prevention on an ongoing basis.

“In Kuzbass, cool watch and conversations with students and their parents on the topic of cybersecurity, including on issues of safe behavior on social networks,” the department’s press service told Sibdepo.

Regional police, in turn, are taking steps specifically against “death groups” on social networks. As the press service of the department said, employees of the regional Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs purposefully monitor social networks, looking for not only “curators”, but also children who show interest in suicidal communities.

“When minors who are prone to committing suicide are identified, as well as those who are members of the above groups or games, specialists from all bodies and institutions of the prevention system are involved in working with children and families. Police officers promptly inform psychologists about cases where their intervention is necessary, and to the maximum extent possible. In a short time, such specialists are involved in the work of psychological support for minors,” the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Kemerovo Region reported.

And if we talk about the struggle on a planetary scale, journalist Maxim Kononenko expressed a sensible idea in his article “Why are we still not ready for the “sea of ​​whales”?” . The author proposes to abandon anonymity on the Internet altogether. However, he immediately refutes his thesis, reminding how many countries there are on our planet. And that for such a decision they all must adopt the appropriate laws and monitor their implementation. Unreal? Right. So let's think about what we can do ourselves, in our own families.

At the end of October, the VKontakte online community, which promotes death and suicide, launched a game. Its essence, in the words of its creators, is “Self-knowledge through self-destruction.”

The leaders of these communities even determined the dates for the “cutting out” of teenagers (as the slang in these groups is called for leaving life). The Center for Saving Children from Cybercrime warned the public about the deadly dates. They also named the next dates of the alleged suicides - November 17 and 23.

As Myslo correspondents found out, these dates are not accidental. On November 23, 2015, 16-year-old Rina Palenkova from Ussuriysk committed suicide. Her body was found on the railroad tracks.

Before her death, the girl posted a photo online with the words “nya.bye.” For a year now, Rina has been the idol of teenagers who decided to commit suicide. They put her photo on their avatar and admire her and her actions.

On November 14, 2016, another incident happened in the Pskov region. A 15-year-old boy and girl locked themselves in a house with weapons.

They fired at the police car and then committed suicide. The teenagers filmed everything that happened on camera. mobile phone and broadcast on the Internet. After their suicide in death groups, they were immediately dubbed “modern Bonnie and Clyde” and elevated to the rank of idols.

Death quest

Journalists from different cities of Russia have written more than once about the fact that groups promoting suicide live and thrive on social networks. However, in October, the leaders of the dangerous movement became more active again. Myslo correspondents conducted their own investigation. And they were horrified by what they saw.

Communities actively publish pictures, recordings and videos depicting suicide that promote suicide. Group administrators directly promise participants: death will solve all problems at once. It's scary, but teenagers easily buy into such advertising. To attract attention, the leaders of the deadly communities launched a mysterious game with strict rules. If you don't comply with them, you'll be kicked out of the group.

It’s easy to get into the “game”; just post a simple poem on the wall. We will give an excerpt of the text “I want to play the game. Wake me up at 4.20. Give me the number. Give instructions..." Myslo does not publish the full text for ethical reasons. The entry is supplied with certain hashtags (keywords), which are what community leaders use to look for “their people” in the Internet space.

The players' slang includes the words "Quiet House", "terminal", "Truth". Their meaning is unclear to the uninitiated. In addition, advanced players communicate in Hebrew and in codes that standard codebreakers cannot decipher. We will give some phrases from encrypted publications: “Why do you live? Death is endless. Why live when you can die."

"I am your guide"

To understand how the organizers of scary games operate, I, Myslo correspondent Oksana Kosyakova, decided to “fish with live bait” and created a fake page on the VKontakte social network. On the page - all the attributes of a teenager disillusioned with life - membership in suicidal communities, a whale in the avatar (an animal in Lately has become a symbol of suicide because whales often beach themselves before dying).

I registered in several groups, left posts in discussions about recruiting players, and asked “experienced” players how to play. To which I immediately received the answer “Are you cutting yourself? Photo." We sent a photo of a scarred hand. This turned out to be a pass. “They will write to you soon,” we received in response.

"Hello. I am your guide. Did you call me? - a certain Alexandra Ledkova wrote to us in personal messages.

The page is clearly not real - not a single real photograph, and there is writing on the wall in Gujarati, one of the 23 official languages ​​of India.

In the correspondence, the conductor asked why I wanted to PLAY. And after I came up with a sad story about unhappy love and misunderstanding in the family, I again demanded a photo of the scars. I hit the nail on the head!

The organizers of the game gather just such teenagers who are disillusioned with life.

They don’t talk directly about suicide, but everything is clear - they offer to save you from your problems.

I received a new task: to carve the word “Mei” on my body, which means freedom. The conductor asked to make the cuts deeper. I sent a photo, but it wasn't enough. “Stronger,” was the answer.

Of course, we didn’t take all the photos in reality—we faked the pictures in a photo editor. To enter the game you need to seriously injure yourself. But what would such tasks lead to for a teenager left alone with problems? Those who pass the test to the end are prepared for suicide...

Tula teenagers are at risk

At least seven Tula schoolchildren have already wanted to play the game that attracts teenagers. Myslo correspondents found them only because they indicated their place of birth on social networks.

It’s scary to imagine how many other teenagers from our region are currently contemplating suicide. It is almost impossible to track this.

After a wave of calls for the game and statements from social activists about impending suicides, Roskomnadzor closed objectionable groups online. But this did not solve the problem. Communities with scary posts and photos are multiplying at tremendous speed. Teenagers engage in them again and again. Discussions with selected people turn into private messages. Only two people know what they are talking about.

To enter some groups, you will have to go through an entire quest, complete a task aimed at self-harm, and compose a video message. The organizers are well aware that they are being hunted, so they do not allow adults to participate in the game.

Schoolchildren usually get in touch at night so that their parents don’t guess anything.

But all these conventions are only in reality. On their pages on social networks, schoolchildren do not hesitate to publish pictures, videos and poems justifying suicide. Apparently, they think this is entirely their territory. In groups, they share ideas on how to commit suicide painlessly and where it is best to do it. Send your photos from rooftops and railways.

“I will die before your eyes,” writes Tula resident Andrey on his page. Under the post there is a chilling comment: “Waiting *-*.” The commenter's page has been deleted and no longer exists.

We go to the page of another Tula schoolgirl. The girl writes:

“You can’t get attached to anyone. Everyone leaves. Some to others, and some to heaven.” And again the comment is a picture of a man flying from a high-rise building.

Who is behind the death games?

Investigators from different parts of Russia are now trying to answer these questions. A special working group has been created on the basis of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. But so far the work is progressing extremely slowly. Law enforcement is finding it difficult to combat this new type of online crime.

On November 15, a serious turn in the matter took place. The Investigative Committee reported that the police detained one of the administrators of the death group, Philip Lis.

As Myslo learned, the guy was detained after a suicide attempt by one of the teenagers in St. Petersburg. The boy survived and testified about the constant influence on him from the administrator of the online community.

The investigation has evidence that from December 2013 to May 2016, the attackers created eight virtual communities on the VKontakte network, where they openly promoted suicide and persuaded minor users to commit suicide. Investigators found that access to these groups was strictly limited and, similar to membership in a closed club, was at the discretion of the community administrator. At the next stage, the newly minted participants had to pass various tests and tasks, as they completed them the rating progressed, opening access to new “opportunities”: content and tasks related to the topics of death, suicide, self-harm and the staging of these events.

To confirm their “successes,” the guys sent drawings, texts, photographs of cuts, and the like to the group administrators, who enjoy unquestioned authority.

It is worth noting that the consistent impact on children was facilitated by tactics that were clearly calibrated from a psycho-emotional point of view, because some tasks were completed late at night, which led to a systematic lack of sleep and, as a consequence, a deterioration in well-being, a decrease in volitional and analytical abilities, and the inability to perceive what was happening balancedly and adequately .

As a result, a child who joined a group to participate in an exciting game and perform entertaining and, at first glance, innocent tasks, fell into a strong psychological trap.

Death was promoted as the only correct and beautiful way out of difficult life situations, depressive psychological states were cultivated, the use of violence against oneself and others was cultivated, and unshakable human values ​​- family, friends, education - were criticized, ridiculed and devalued. Balancing on the edge between virtual and real reality, the children projected what was happening on the screen into their own lives, perceiving it as something natural, ordinary, normal, while the group leaders kept their finger on the pulse, forcing the children to perform increasingly sophisticated tasks.

At the moment, investigators of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia in the city of St. Petersburg have identified 15 victims - minors who were in “death groups” and committed suicide in various regions Russian Federation. The suicides of five more guys did not take place.

Investigators are conducting a series of searches in 10 regions of Russia, including the Tula region. Electronic media are confiscated, witnesses and victims are interrogated.

Only thanks to the testimony of the surviving children did the investigators have grounds for arrest. The fact is that it is not easy to prove the involvement of groups in child suicides. The article “Incitement to suicide” states that the grounds for prosecution under it are “threats, cruel treatment or systematic humiliation of the victim’s human dignity.” Posts in death groups do not fit any definition.

In Tula, sad cases of the impact of deadly groups on teenagers are already known. April 3 two

Their bodies were found at the construction site of one of the long-term construction projects. Next to them is a suicide note in rap style, on their social media pages there are messages about impending suicide and subscriptions to deadly communities. The Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Tula Region opened a case under the article “Incitement to suicide.”

Investigators found out that the girls did not enter into correspondence, but were active in groups talking about suicide. And this was already enough for the schoolgirls to take the decisive step.

Andrey Titov

The investigation has no evidence that any of the administrators of groups on social networks or websites communicated personally with the dead girls and persuaded them to commit suicide. There is information that they themselves were subscribed to news in these groups and regularly saw the information that was posted in them. Nevertheless, the investigation of the criminal case continues, says Andrey Titov, deputy head of the department for the investigation of particularly important cases of the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Tula Region.

Myslo correspondents learned that a post-mortem comprehensive psychological and psychiatric examination established that information from the Internet influenced the psyche of adolescents. And suicide itself was seen by the girls as a positive way out of the situation, which would allow them to find themselves in a different reality. However, the girls were prompted to act not only by the Internet, but also by the problems surrounding them - misunderstanding in the family and rejection by their peers.

The girls discussed the upcoming action a lot among themselves. And also, according to their friends, one of the girls even cut her hands some time before the tragedy. Could this be the same “entry” into communities or the game? Now there is no answer to this question.

How to protect your child from harmful information?

On November 1, it took place in Tula. Anna Kuznetsova, Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Russian Federation, arrived in the city. She said that the imperfections of the Criminal Code are already known. And at the federal level they are struggling with shortcomings.

Anna Kuznetsova

Unfortunately, we only learned about groups promoting suicide when we began to understand the causes of the tragedies that had already happened. We propose to amend the article of the criminal code “Incitement to suicide” to cover virtual reality. We are working on it. Meetings with heads of social networks will be held soon. We understand that we cannot put this off until tomorrow, we need to act today.

The Ombudsman was also supported by her Tula colleague, Commissioner for Children’s Rights in the Tula Region, Natalia Zykova.

Natalia Zykova

These groups pose a huge threat to the lives of our children, who, unfortunately, spend a lot of time on the Internet. Some communities are closing, others are opening. Many of them are registered abroad, and it is quite difficult to fight them.

And the chairman of the coordination council, the commissioner for children’s rights of the Central Federal District Olga Kopyshenkova agreed that to combat dangerous sites we need constructive methods.

Olga Kopyshenkova

Unfortunately, children behave differently at school and on social networks. Their true face and spiritual qualities are revealed on social networks. Our task is to ensure that children are not neglected in this dangerous information world. We will try to do everything to save our children. The procedure for closing a site is currently very complicated. The only body that can close the site is Roskomnadzor. If we take the experience of the regions in the Central Federal District, then on average 50 sites per year are closed precisely with the help of the work of the commissioner and children's public councils. New constructive methods are needed at the state level.

What to do to avoid such problems in the future, said Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University. Lomonosova Lidiya Matveeva. She believes: to solve the problem, it is necessary to create new Russian heroes, examples for modern youth.

Lidiya Matveeva

The objective reality to which you and I have lived was, naturally, predicted in all sacred texts. Temptation came as network communication. Is it possible to save our children from information dragons? It is possible if you start the rescue process as early as possible. In children under seven years of age, the voice of conscience is still clearly audible. It is necessary to work with children in such a way that it is not “Masha and the Bear” that shapes the image of a good child, but other media content. Not Harry Potter, but our man who achieves success. It is necessary to create a new heroic and mythological epic for children, where there would be admiration for the courage and valor of a man and admiration for the secrets of female beauty.

Will such advice work in practice? It’s strange to think that propaganda of new Russian heroes for children will replace a warm atmosphere in the family. Therefore, all the conference speakers agreed that a lot depends on what children and adolescents see and feel at home. It is parents who should become the main assistants in solving all teenage problems.

From the editor

Myslo has raised the topic of child suicide many times. This next publication is not a tool to induce panic, but a call for parents.

The fight against the organizers of suicidal communities is being carried out at the federal level. But tracking every child is unrealistic. Only parents can do this.

According to those around teenagers who have already committed suicide, children usually do not show themselves in any way at home, do well at school, behave as usual, but only give free rein to their feelings on social networks.

Please note that if teenagers have friends pages with the names Kholod, Reich, Lis - most often, members of death groups are hidden behind such pseudonyms. Be wary if you see the keywords #f57 #f58 or #morekits and #quiethouse. A teenager’s depressive publications are a reason to seek qualified help from a psychologist.

No one is calling for you to invade the privacy of your teenage child, snoop on the password, or enter the page under his nickname. Just a little attention to the child, his behavior, his problems and joys!

Experience shows that a happy child cannot be persuaded to commit suicide through social networks.

But if a person feels uncomfortable in a family, if he thinks that he is not important and not needed, if his peers do not accept him, if he has complexes and problems, then expect trouble. Don't be indifferent to your children!

All data about dangerous pages is at the disposal of the editors and can be transferred to law enforcement agencies upon request. We immediately passed information about Tula teenagers involved in death groups to the office of the Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Tula region.

You can't ban it!

When the first wave of suicides swept across the country, psychologists and statesmen They immediately proposed banning the Internet. It's so Russian! They advised, at a minimum, to take away gadgets from children from evening to morning, or even allow them to be used only under the supervision of their parents. This cannot be done, says Sergei Kovalenko, head of Internet projects at the Sloboda publishing house.

I am sure that there is no wave of child suicides associated with special VKontakte groups. These groups are not the cause, but the effect. Also in mine school years peers cut their hands to the Cure and Agatha Christie and wrote poems about death. It’s a tender age, playing decadence with like-minded people is a nice thing. And in the era of social networks, you can do this without leaving your home. Does this mean that by disconnecting your child from the Internet, you will save him? I doubt that for the generation of the 2000s, social networks, on the contrary, are rather the main window into life.

So, let's start sorting it out. Be the first to voice his topic tumbler73, and the topic is just according to the specifics of his magazine, we listen: Are there any console or computer games that are prohibited by law in the Russian Federation? Other countries?

Every day, computer games are gaining more and more momentum, which are very popular among children and teenagers. At first glance, there is nothing criminal about this. However, the geeks of the gaming industry are creating new action games that attract their fan base with greater force. However, at the same time, many teenagers are attracted not by logic and strategy games, but by those that develop them, the so-called “shooters” or the “First Person Shooter” genre. The main factor present here is violence, which led to the introduction of a number of legislative acts in some countries, banning their sales or even banning computer games altogether.

The list of bans has also been expanded to include many popular games, as well as one of the famous ones - Counter-Strike. Thus, in Brazil, according to a court decision, in 2008, a ban was adopted regarding the sales of the games Counter-Strike and EverQuest. This problem was interpreted as follows: they lack human norms and oppose generally accepted democratic morals. Computer game experts considered this decision absurd, since this action became an influencing criterion for the entire gaming industry of the country and Cyber ​​Sports, because in Brazil there are many Counter-Strike teams that perform on the world stage.

In addition, Greece is another country that has banned computer games. As a result, any computer games in public places are completely prohibited in Greece. So, for playing chess on a laptop in a park, you can go to jail for three months or be fined up to 10 thousand dollars. Slot machines and electronic consoles were also banned. The funny thing is that the Greek authorities have nothing against computer games as such - initially it was planned to ban only gambling, but it soon became clear that Greek officials were not able to determine the degree of gambling of a particular game. Having discovered its powerlessness in determining the “legality” of a particular game, the Greek government decided to cut short and ban all computer games at once. However, officials in many places suffer from a lack of common sense. They act, supposedly, with the best intentions. For example, in July of this year, the fight against violent computer games was launched in our Belgorod region. Especially for this purpose, the regional governor issued a decree banning the distribution of “products that promote violence, aggression and antisocial behavior” in computer stores, and the regional administration’s youth affairs department was appointed responsible for developing measures. That's it, so now you can't even play Arkanoid - breaking bricks of walls, if desired, can be equated to vandalism or, at least, interpreted as a call to commit illegal actions.

After the introduction of such a ban, a lot of rallies were held, because many giants in the field of gambling lost an entire state to which they supplied computer games.

The next country is Germany, but they are just about to introduce a ban on computer games that have a violent nature. The German authorities came to this decision after a pogrom by one of the students at the school, who was very fond of games with a violent nature. After a number of actions by the German government, some tournaments were even canceled in Germany. If this continues, then in general CyberSports in the country (which is in second place in terms of development) will die. All popular games, as well as one of the popular Cyber ​​Sports, Counter-Strike Steam, will actually become illegal in Germany. Now there is an opinion that by September next year the German authorities will pass a law that will ban the computer industry.

A mental child, Sashko, has gone completely crazy from computer addiction. Primary school students were asked to spend no more than 1 hour a day at the computer... swearing, hysterics, withdrawal from addiction and everything that came out of this experiment - see in the video:

Here's a big list for example games banned for sale in Germany. Don’t think that Germans don’t play these games, they are simply not sold in Germany and do not have German versions.’s worth going to Switzerland or Austria and you can already buy the forbidden fruit.

Usually German players buy English versions from the UK (there is no censorship there).

The following games are prohibited from sale and will not be sold:
50 Cent Bulletproof (Sierra)
Alpha Prime (Shape)
Beat Down – Fists of Vengeance (Capcom)
Cold Fear (Ubisoft)
Cold Winter
Crackdown (Realtime Worlds) for Xbox 360
El Matador (Plastic Reality) version shown at the Games-Convention.
Doom and Doom 2 (id Software) except the GBA version. Old story, then cruel games had just begun to appear, thoughts were the first scapegoats.
Duke Nukem 3D (3D Realms)
Gears of War (Epic Games) for Xbox 360 and PC. Now do you understand why the Xbox 360 is selling so poorly in Germany? Because you can't buy a praised game!
GoldenEye 007 (Rare)
Hitman: Codename 47 (IO Interactive)
Killer Instinct (Rare)
Kingpin: Life of Crime (Xatrix Entertainment)
Max Payne (Remedy Entertainment)
Mortal Kombat Armageddon (Midway)
Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks (Midway)
Narc (Midway)
Postal and Postal 2 (Running with Scissors, Inc.)
Painkiller (People Can Fly) in English version
Red Faction (Volition, Inc.)
Resident Evil 2 (Capcom)
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (Capcom) in English version
Return to Castle Wolfenstein (id Software) German and English version
Rise of the Triad (Apogee)
Shellshock Nam '67 (Guerilla)
Silent Scope, Silent Scope Complete and Silent Scope 2 - Fatal Judgment (Konami)
Soldier of Fortune (Raven Software)
State of Emergency (Rockstar Games)
State of Emergency 2 (Codemasters)
The Punisher (Volition, Inc.)
The Warriors (Rockstar Games)
Total Overdose (Eidos)
True Crime: New York City (Activision)
Vivisector: Beast Within (Action Forms)

The following games were allowed, for adults only and were sterilized. This means that the blood has been completely removed or replaced with green. Fatalities are not shown (black screen and video), scenes are cut off, techniques are cut out.

Blood and Blood 2 (Monolith Productions); Blood is now allowed again, distributed as Freeware
BloodRayne and BloodRayne 2 (Terminal Reality) sterilized
Carmageddon (SCi Entertainment) spayed
Carmageddon II: Carpocalypse Now (SCi Entertainment) neutered
Command & Conquer: Generals (EA Pacific) neutered
Condemned: Criminal Origins (Monolith Productions) sterilized
Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil (id Software) sterilized
Far Cry (Crytek) sterilized
F.E.A.R. (Monolith Productions) sterilized
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (Rockstar North) sterilized
GUN (Activision) sterilized
Half-Life (Valve Software) sterilized
Medal of Honor and Medal of Honor Underground (Electronic Arts) sterilized
Mortal Kombat 4 (except Game-Boy version), Mortal Kombat Mythologies Sub-Zero and Mortal Kombat Trilogy (Midway Games) have been neutered
Quake, Quake II, Quake III Arena and Quake IV (US version) (id Software) neutered
Resident Evil - Code: Veronica (X) (Capcom) neutered
Saints Row (THQ) spayed
Scarface: The World Is Yours (Sierra) spayed
SiN (Ritual Entertainment) sterilized
Stranglehold (Midway Games) neutered
The Darkness (2K Games) sterilized
The House of the Dead and The House of the Dead 2 (Sega) sterilized
Unreal Tournament, Unreal Tournament 2003 and Unreal Tournament 2004 in der englischen Fassung (Epic Games) are sterilized

Australian censors continue to poison the lives of local fans of electronic entertainment. This time, the shooter F.E.A.R. fell victim to their high morals and ethics. 2: Project Origin.
Australia's Office of Film and Literary Classification (OFLC) has refused to assign any age rating to post-apocalyptic game Fallout 3, effectively banning its sale in the country. Gamespot reports this.
As journalists found out, the reason for the ban was the protagonist’s ability to take drugs to achieve various positive effects. Fallout 3 has syringes, pills, pill bottles, and a special injection device attached to the protagonist's arm.

The Australian rating agency OFLC (Office of Film and Literature Classification) has banned sales in the Green Continent of the first-person shooter Soldier of Fortune: Pay Back, which is being developed for PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 by the Claudron studio. As agency representatives explain, the game defies any classification due to its cruelty.

The project Silent Hill: Homecoming (PC, Xbox 360, PS3) from Double Helix was not allowed into Australia. This game will not be available for purchase in a country that once banned Postal and many other violent interactive entertainments.

Following the recent news of Fallout 3 being banned from sale in Australia due to drug references, it's Dead Space's turn. This game is banned from sale in China, Japan, and, surprisingly, Germany.

The Iranian National Computer Games Foundation and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps opposed the sale of an unreleased military simulator on the territory of the Islamic Republic Arma 3. This reaction was caused by episodes in the game in which NATO troops fight a Middle Eastern army led by Iran.

Recently, Iranian players have increasingly become unwitting victims of Iran's confrontation with the Western world. So, some time ago local fans World of Warcraft started complaining on the forums that they couldn’t connect to the game. At first, suspicion also fell on the country's authorities, but very soon it became clear that the real culprit of the problems was the company that developed the game, Blizzard, and the sanctions imposed against Iran by the United States. Innocent players were blocked due to the fact that American companies are prohibited from having any business contacts with citizens of the republic.

Lately, scandals have plagued Arma 3. And also - increasingly on an international scale. Recently, two employees of the Bohemia Interactive studio were arrested during a trip to the Greek island of Lemnos, as they were allegedly photographing a military base. The developers were accused of espionage and sent to jail until the circumstances were clarified, and Bohemia was even forced to specifically state that its employees were in Greece on vacation and no one gave them any instructions to film secret objects.

What about in Russia?

In Russia, because of the “Russian Breivik” (who shot people in a Moscow office), who turned out to be a big fan of Manhunt, violent computer games may be banned. IN State Duma a proposal was made to create an interdepartmental commission that would oversee the sale of video games. According to representatives of various factions, such games can become a catalyst for violent crimes. In particular, deputies from the party " United Russia» plan to make a request to Federal service for supervision in the field of communications, information technology and mass communications (Roskomnadzor) to ban sales of Manhunt in Russia, since if this program is intended for an adult audience, but is distributed on the Internet without restrictions, and children can use it, then this is illegal.

Manhunt is already banned in Australia, Germany, Canada and New Zealand. In particular, it has already been considered as a “catalyst” for brutal murders during the investigation of one of the high-profile cases in the UK, but this game is not (yet) banned there.

However, at the moment, no games are legally prohibited in Russia. But local authorities are taking their own measures. For example, in computer salons and Internet cafes in Belgorod and the region, by order of Governor Evgeny Savchenko, the distribution of any types of products that promote violence, aggression and antisocial behavior is prohibited. The inspection commissions will include representatives of district committees for youth and education, SES and police, and psychologists. Each salon owner will receive developed instructions so that they know which games are preferable for children of what age. From now on, the gaming repertoire of salons should not contain paramilitary and so-called arcade games. In general, almost any computer games, both Western and Russian production. Most computer games contain elements of violence to one degree or another. The first victims of the order will be games in the 3D-Action genre, such as the Quake, Doom, Half-Life or Counter Strike series, as well as, quite likely, all sorts of fighting games in the spirit of Tekken, Mortal Combat, Virtua Fighter and real-time strategies of the Warcraft and Starcraft family and Command&Conquer. Although, exactly what criteria will be used in the Belgorod region to evaluate the violence of games is not specified. The goal of all these events is to combat youth aggressiveness and propaganda of violence. The German authorities have already tried to take similar actions, after a crazy fan of 3D shooters picked up a real weapon, killed 16 people and committed suicide. These events also came back to haunt Ukraine, where a resolution similar to Belgorod’s was urgently adopted to combat the propaganda of violence, and law enforcement officials rushed to long-suffering computer clubs to confiscate violent computer games. Belarus is also concerned about this problem. Thus, the education department of the city executive committee of the city of Molodechno took constant control over the work of computer clubs in the city. In Molodechno computer clubs, the use of the game Armageddon with any options is prohibited and a list of games with blocked access to options with negative episodes has been approved. Similar games include Quake-3, Unreal-Tournament, Counter-Strike, High Life, Diablo, Strike Back, Alice, Red Scorpion and others. In this regard, members of the commission are allowed, in the presence of GROVD officers, to confiscate floppy disks with games prohibited for use by minors, or with open access to options with episodes of violence, horror, rape, pornography and profanity.

In general, which are prohibited in them

Experts (some) have identified the worst modern ones, and most importantly - prohibited computer games for children.

  • Game Dead Space. It is played by children, but is recommended for ages 18 and older. The gamer goes through terrible battles for his own life. He fights vile monsters with modern weapons. The main task is to avoid and kill your enemies in the form of terrifying creatures.
  • Game Naughty Bear. This harmless name hides a game for those who are over 18 years old. These are far from cute teddy bear games. Naughty Bear has become one of the most violent and disturbing games of the year. Little Bear has all the characteristics of a sociopath who strangles others, rips their heads off with doors, scares them and drives them to suicide. There is no blood in the game, which makes censorship difficult. But this is a game about a creative approach to murder, which is in no way permissible for the psyche of children.
  • Mortal Kombat game is a whole series of fighting games. These games also have an 18+ age rating, which unfortunately is not taken into account. Mortal Kombat is based on the franchise of a very popular brand among violent video games. The graphics are very realistic, and much exceeds the gamer's expectations. Latest version The game features even more perfect graphics and perfect multiplayer functionality. The level of lethal weapons and the brutality of massacre scenes has also increased.
  • Game Mafia II. Applicable only to those over 18 years of age. Bandits, drugs, alcohol, abuse of women - the game is full of them. The “exciting” life of a mafioso should not be part of a child’s life.
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops game. This is already the 7th part of the Call of Duty game. It is also intended for those over 18 years of age. It is considered one of the most realistic games. The game genre is shooter. Gamers become fighters who participate in armed conflicts in different countries (in the USSR, Vietnam, etc.) during the Cold War in the late 60s. XX century The game contains some of the most frantic, intense combat of any video game ever made. Bodies and body parts realistically fall when wounded, clothes become soaked in blood, etc. Psychologists confirm that the game is truly addictive.
  • Game Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days. Also designed for adult gamers. It's not for nothing that this game features two of the most immoral characters: the psychopath Lynch and the hardened criminal Kane. Their misdeeds are self-serving, involve shocking acts of violence, and the bloodshed is horrifyingly realistic.
  • Game Medal of Honor. Recommended category for the game: over 18 years old. The game is based on real military events. Psychologists consider this game too violent for children. Hyper-realistic graphics recreate modern military territories in Afghanistan. Executions, authentic depictions of blood, a variety of soldier’s wounds, profanity – this is hardly acceptable for children.
  • Castlevania: Lords of Shadow game. The game is intended for adult gamers. By the way, many young dads could have grown up on earlier versions of this game. But now it's in 3D and has shockingly realistic bloody scenes. The hero of the game is a member of the brotherhood of holy warriors. Enemies are torn apart with fountains of blood. And fairies are topless women who captivate the imagination.
  • Game Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. Highly not recommended for people under 18 years of age. Players find themselves in the 15th century and take on the role of assassins. Rome is depicted very realistically. Computer characters also participate in the game. Swords and fights look very realistic. Axes are thrown at the enemy's head. Mature themes, dialogue and extreme violence are inappropriate for children.
  • Game Fallout: New Vegas. Also listed in the “18+” category. The genre of the game combines shooter and role-playing game. Players can interact not only with each other, but also with given computer characters. The conversation may become rough and sexual. Shots and wounds with severed limbs are played out in slow motion. The game is downright dark.
  • Game Dead Rising 2 (Rise of the Dead). This zombie game is packed with adult entertainment. The hero drinks to regain strength and vomits back if he drinks too much. In the city he encounters half-dressed waitresses and advertisements of a sexual nature. Cruelty is presented at its peak. One example of a weapon is the chainsaws on the handlebars of motorcycles that dismember characters.

Here are the events of 2012:

In St. Petersburg, 17-year-old Maxim, who did not work or study anywhere, stabbed his mother to death because she forbade him to play computer games. This was reported on June 9, 2012, by the press service of the local Investigative Committee (IC) of the Russian Federation.

According to law enforcement agencies, on June 8, a teenager in an apartment located in one of the houses on Oktyabrskaya Embankment had an argument with his 35-year-old mother, who, having reprimanded her son for constantly spending time playing computer games, turned off the system unit, and kicked Maxim out of the room .

In response, the teenager broke the door and stabbed his mother several times, after which he turned on the computer and continued the game. The woman got to the phone on her own and called ambulance. She died during medical procedures while her son continued to play.

Currently, a criminal case has been opened against Maxim under Part 1 of Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Murder”). If convicted, the teenager could face up to 15 years in prison.

Let's look at one of the versions of the most brutal computer games:

Top 10: Celebrity Deathmatch

Our list opens with a 2003 claymation parody game called Celebrity Deathmatch, based on the MTV show of the same name and released on all popular platforms. The player has access to 27 real actors, singers and characters from films, such as Justin Timberlake, Carmen Electra, The Mummy and others. Cruelty manifests itself from the first seconds of the confrontation. So, chainsaws and other improvised means are easily used, allowing you to “chop off” something important to your opponent. Although Marilyn Manson, for example, even after losing his limbs, can continue to fight using what is left of them. He also has a voodoo doll at his disposal, with which he can inflict tons of pain on his opponents. But this is only a small part of the “fun” that is available in two modes: against the computer and against each other. You can see for yourself by watching the video.

Top 9: Grand Theft Auto (San Andreas)

In ninth place, as one might expect, is the beloved GTA. Back in the early 2000s, this so-called real-life simulator captured the imagination of gamers around the world with its variety of gaming situations and combat arsenal, in which one could find everything the bloodthirsty soul desired: from hand-to-hand combat to chainsaws and grenade launchers. However, the game earned its “adults only” rating not so much for its cruelty as for its subsequently cut out explicit scene of a sexual nature, which anyone could unlock with a special script.

Top 8: Left 4 Dead 2

The next item on our brutal list is the hordes of infected zombies from the second part of the famous Left 4 Dead from VALVe, released two years ago on PC and Xbox. Proof that this game is in the top for a reason is at least the fact that its release was banned in a number of countries (including Australia) due to excessive cruelty in the form of abundant and too realistic “dismemberment”, possible due to the presence of various types melee weapons: an ax, a samurai sword, a chainsaw and other “equipment” that allows you to examine the insides of enemies in great detail.

Genre: cooperative shooter with survival horror elements

Top 7: Dead Space 2

On the seventh line is a worthy successor to the “Dead Space” series, in which a desperate engineer named Isaac Clarke seeks salvation from a horde of alien creatures of all kinds and stripes under the general name “necromorphs”. The presence of this game on the list is due to locations abundantly splattered with blood, as well as close-ups of scenes in which piercing and cutting objects are used, piercing the characters’ faces (although the main character’s arsenal is much wider: from flamethrowers to plasma guns). This whole thing is accompanied by chilling screams of pain and horror, as well as an exorbitant amount of blood per gallon. square meter. The game was released on PC, PlayStation and Xbox this year.

Genre: third-person shooter with survival horror elements

Top 6: MadWorld

Quite an unusual game. And that's why. Firstly, the entire action takes place in black and white and only blood and scraps have a pronounced red color, which especially well emphasizes the cruelty of what is happening. Well, secondly, as for the cruelty itself, here you have the impaling of lamp posts and road signs on the fittings, and the classic cutting in half with a chainsaw, as well as tipping enemies onto a wall with sharp spikes, decapitation with golf clubs, throwing the enemy’s carcass into a turbine engine and much, much more. Add to this the seasoning of mocking comments, as in the case of Celebrity Deathmatch, (after all, the game is made like a real-time show) and you get MadWorld. Another feature of this game is that it was released only for Wii consoles in single-player and multiplayer modes.

Top 5: Fallout 3

And this, consider it a classic. Fifth position and familiar to many from childhood is Fallout, the crowning feature of the third part of which was the springboard-spring flying off of enemy limbs (especially heads) as a result of the slightest contact with bullets or other weapons of the protagonist. But the most “delicious” thing is different: the player is given the opportunity to independently select almost any part of the enemy carcass that he would like to “chop off”, even in slow-motion mode. And although for many the plot of the near future with various types biological threats fade into the background here; it is worth noting that it contains quests, the task of which is to kill family members and animals with a knife, for example. Well, as you can see, we are gradually getting closer to games in which cruelty is shown not against some mythical aliens and cartoon zombies, but quite ordinary people, like you and me. What, isn't it scary yet?

Top 4: Mortal Kombat (2011)

But before we get to the top three, let me introduce you to that very “Mortal Kombat”, which became famous for its cruelty, primarily thanks to the legendary “finishing off” of the opponent, also known as Fatality. In the new version of the game, dated April of this year, the bloodthirsty gamer is offered a whole range of characters that are different in their severity and cruelty, combat techniques and, of course, final kills. But it’s hardly worth describing them in words; it’s better to see them once. But only once!

Top 3: Postal 2

As one showman famous for his mustache says, the first three players are in the studio! Indeed, we have finally reached the three most brutal games of all time, and let's start, perhaps, with Postala, released back in 2003, which still holds the leading position in terms of the level and concentration of cruelty. An interesting detail: almost any task in the game can be completed in a relatively peaceful way, but no - everyone around is trying to force our Dude to resort to using a shovel, napalm and heavy artillery, which he happily does, not forgetting to put the cat in as a silencer for a machine gun or shotgun.

Top 1: Manhunt 2

The developers of the Manhunt game series are solemnly sentenced to first place for their particular cruelty towards the characters of their products. A few facts so that you understand the seriousness of the circumstances aggravating their “guilt”: murders in the game are usually committed from an ambush (from behind the victim’s back) and are classified as “executions”. They are also divided into three levels: fast, brutal and terrible. This is all seasoned with the general atmosphere of a psychiatric hospital with a corresponding plot. We won’t say anything about the translation of the game’s name itself.

Genre: stealth-action, survival horror

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