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Battalion commander rank according to the state. What military ranks are provided in the Russian army. What is a platoon, company, battalion, etc.

This will be my first blog post. It’s not a full-fledged article in terms of the number of words and information, but it’s a very important note, which can be read in one breath and has almost more benefits than many of my articles. So, what is a squad, platoon, company and other concepts known to us from books and films? And how many people do they contain?

What is a platoon, company, battalion, etc.

  • Branch
  • Platoon
  • Battalion
  • Brigade
  • Division
  • Frame
  • Army
  • Front (district)

These are all tactical units in the branches and types of troops. I have arranged them in order from least number of people to most to make it easier for you to remember them. During my service, I most often met with everyone up to the regiment.

From the brigade and above (in number of people) during the 11 months of service, we didn’t even say. Perhaps this is due to the fact that I do not serve in a military unit, but in an educational institution.

How many people do they include?

Department. Numbers from 5 to 10 people. The squad is commanded by the squad leader. A squad leader is a sergeant's position, so commode (short for squad leader) is often a junior sergeant or sergeant.

Platoon. A platoon includes from 3 to 6 sections, that is, it can reach from 15 to 60 people. The platoon commander is in charge of the platoon. This is already an officer position. It is occupied by a minimum of a lieutenant and a maximum of a captain.

Company. A company includes from 3 to 6 platoons, that is, it can consist of from 45 to 360 people. The company is commanded by the company commander. This is a major position. In fact, the commander is a senior lieutenant or captain (in the army, a company commander is affectionately and abbreviated as a company commander).

Battalion. This is either 3 or 4 companies + headquarters and individual specialists (gunsmith, signalman, snipers, etc.), a mortar platoon (not always), sometimes air defense and tank destroyers (hereinafter referred to as PTB). The battalion includes from 145 to 500 people. The commander of the battalion (abbreviated as battalion commander) commands.

This is the position of lieutenant colonel. But in our country, both captains and majors command, who in the future can become lieutenant colonels, provided they retain this position.

Regiment. From 3 to 6 battalions, that is, from 500 to 2500+ people + headquarters + regimental artillery + air defense + fire-fighting tanks. The regiment is commanded by a colonel. But maybe also a lieutenant colonel.

Brigade. A brigade is several battalions, sometimes 2 or even 3 regiments. The brigade usually has from 1,000 to 4,000 people. It is commanded by a colonel. The abbreviated title for the position of brigade commander is brigade commander.

Division. These are several regiments, including artillery and, possibly, tank + rear service + sometimes aviation. Commanded by a colonel or major general. The number of divisions varies. From 4,500 to 22,000 people.

Frame. These are several divisions. That is, in the region of 100,000 people. The corps is commanded by a major general.

Army. From two to ten divisions of different types of troops + rear units + repair shops and so on. The number can be very different. On average from 200,000 to 1,000,000 people and above. The army is commanded by a major general or lieutenant general.

Front. In peacetime - a military district. It’s difficult to give exact numbers here. They vary by region, military doctrine, political environment and the like.

The front is already a self-sufficient structure with reserves, warehouses, training units, military schools, and so on. The front commander commands the front. This is a lieutenant general or army general.

The composition of the front depends on the assigned tasks and the situation. Typically the front includes:

  • control;
  • missile army (one - two);
  • army (five - six);
  • tank army (one - two);
  • air army (one - two);
  • air defense army;
  • separate formations and units of various types of troops and special troops of front-line subordination;
  • formations, units and establishments of operational rear services.

The front can be strengthened by formations and units of other branches of the Armed Forces and the reserve of the Supreme High Command.

What other similar tactical terms exist?

Subdivision. This word refers to all military formations that are part of the unit. Squad, platoon, company, battalion - they are all united by one word “unit”. The word comes from the concept of division, to divide. That is, the part is divided into divisions.

Part. This is the main unit of the Armed Forces. The term “unit” most often means regiment and brigade. The external features of the unit are: the presence of its own office work, military economy, bank account, postal and telegraph address, its own official seal, the commander’s right to give written orders, open (44 tank training division) and closed (military unit 08728) combined arms numbers. That is, the part has sufficient autonomy.

IMPORTANT! Please note that the terms military unit and military unit do not mean exactly the same thing. The term “military unit” is used as a general designation, without specifics. If we are talking about a specific regiment, brigade, etc., then the term “military unit” is used. Usually its number is also mentioned: “military unit 74292” (but you cannot use “military unit 74292”) or, for short, military unit 74292.

Compound. As a standard, only a division fits this term. The word “connection” itself means to connect parts. The division headquarters has the status of a unit. Other units (regiments) are subordinate to this unit (headquarters). All together there is a division. However, in some cases, a brigade may also have the status of a connection. This happens if the brigade includes separate battalions and companies, each of which has the status of a unit in itself.

An association. This term combines corps, army, army group and front (district). The headquarters of the association is also a part to which various formations and units are subordinated.

Bottom line

There are no other specific and grouping concepts in the military hierarchy. At least in the Ground Forces. In this article we did not touch upon the hierarchy of military formations of the aviation and navy. However, the attentive reader can now imagine the naval and aviation hierarchy quite simply and with minor errors.

Now it will be easier for us to dialogue, friends! After all, every day we are getting closer to speaking the same language. You are learning more and more military terms and meanings, and I am getting closer and closer to civilian life!))

I wish everyone to find in this article what they were looking for,

As in any structure, there is a certain hierarchy in the Russian army. In this case, the “pyramid” represents military positions and their corresponding army ranks. At the same time, shoulder straps are provided as distinctive signs on the uniform of military personnel. Today we’ll talk about what military ranks are present in the Russian army, what are their main differences, how the stars are located on the shoulder straps and how many years to serve before becoming a colonel.

Types, classification of ranks and types of shoulder straps

Let's start by understanding what types of titles exist in general. After all, every person has seen shoulder straps not only on soldiers’ and sailors’ uniforms, but also on the shoulders of rescuers, police officers and state security officials. In fact, everything is simple and there are only two types of ranks in Russia: naval and military.

It is not difficult to guess that the first ones belong to the military personnel of the Navy (this includes units of the coast guard, armed forces operating on the water and under its surface, as well as all naval military units), and military ranks apply to all other types of law enforcement agencies.

As for the classification of ranks in the Russian army, there are officer and non-officer ranks (no jokes, this is really true, albeit primitive). At the same time, officers, in turn, are divided into junior, senior and senior officers. Naturally, the titles are distributed in exactly the same order.

With shoulder straps, everything is somewhat more complicated, since their appearance differs according to a whole list of criteria:

  • the color of the shoulder strap (depending on the type of troops, as well as on what uniform they are intended for - everyday, field or ceremonial);
  • color of stripes (depending on the type of troops);
  • rank (each classification of ranks has a specific order of stripes, stars or stripes).

However, in order to quickly understand the army “constellations”, let’s move on to the direct listing of ranks in ascending order, indicating the corresponding position and insignia.

Non-officer ranks

The list of military ranks begins with the position of “private” (in the naval type the analogue is sailor), this is the first step in the army career ladder, as well as the starting (often the only) rank for recruits who have joined the banners of the Russian armed forces as conscript soldiers. Depending on the type of troops, a position that implies the rank of private may include an ordinary shooter, a driver, a radio operator, a gun crew number, a reconnaissance officer, and many others. Privates wear shoulder straps without any distinctive insignia.

Ensign (midshipman). Holders of this rank form the so-called stratum between soldiers and officers. To put on shoulder straps with two small stars (13 mm), located in a row along the longitudinal side, and manage a vegetable warehouse, you must enter into a contract with the armed forces. In addition, the candidate should take courses at a special school for warrant officers. Of course, the position is not limited to the head of the warehouse - the “ghost” officer (this rank does not require a higher military education, however, most warrant officers do not even think about it) can also be appointed as a company sergeant major.

Find out: What kind of insignia is the maroon beret, what does it give and who wears it

Senior warrant officer (senior midshipman). In general, a complete analogy with a simple ensign, with the exception of a slight difference in salary, as well as the addition of a third star on the shoulder straps.

Junior officers

On the shoulder straps of officers of this category there is one central longitudinal strip of a certain color.

This list opens with the rank of junior lieutenant (the naval equivalent is exactly the same name). Previously, this title was awarded to young men who completed their studies at the military department at a civilian institute. Also, one star (13 mm) in the middle is automatically placed on the shoulder strap upon receiving higher military education or after completing officer courses. The position held by a junior lieutenant is not very different from that of a sergeant - platoon commander.

The next rank in order is lieutenant (similar). After graduating from military universities, young lieutenants are assigned to units where they undergo a kind of exam. Its essence is that a newly minted officer is appointed to a position that requires a much higher rank, for example, head of the food service. If a lieutenant successfully passes the test, then in the coming years his rank will quickly rise to the required one. Also, the owner of 2 stars in a horizontal row has every reason to be a platoon commander (in rare cases, being a deputy company commander).

Senior lieutenant (similar to sailors). This rank quickly comes to those lieutenants who do their job best. Starleys are appointed to the position of deputy company commander to perform any functions. The shoulder straps of a senior lieutenant are decorated with 3 stars, forming a triangle between them.

Captain (lieutenant captain). This officer has every right to be appointed as a battalion commander or as a deputy battalion commander. The rank is intermediate between junior and senior officers. The captain's shoulder straps have 4 stars (2 are located horizontally, the remaining 2 are in the vertical row above).

Senior officers

The shoulder straps of military personnel of this category are decorated with 2 central longitudinal stripes.

Major (captain of the third rank). This rank precisely implies the position of head of any service, so a responsible lieutenant can make his way through his career relatively quickly. A major can also be a deputy battalion commander. On the shoulders of such an officer are shoulder straps with one large (20 mm) star in the middle.

Find out: What shoulder straps did different ranks wear in the Tsarist Army of Russia?

Lieutenant Colonel (captain of the second rank). Often this rank limits the career of a military man. The reason for this is the following - with the rank of lieutenant colonel there may be one of several deputy regiment commanders. Accordingly, advancement in rank is possible only for one single position, which is no longer vacated as often as those listed above. A lieutenant colonel wears 2 large stars on his shoulder straps, similar to a lieutenant's.

Colonel (captain of the first rank). As a rule, an officer of this rank is the commander of a military unit (he also heads the regiment headquarters). In addition, a colonel may hold the position of deputy at division headquarters. On the shoulder straps of such a serviceman there are 3 large stars arranged in a triangle.

Senior officers

The shoulder straps of this category of military personnel are made with a fabric relief and a strip along the perimeter of the entire shoulder strap (with the exception of one transverse part). Stars are used only in the embroidered version.

Chapter 10. Military ranks

Military ranks are needed to distinguish who is more important in the army. Every position has a corresponding title. But there are times when the position is high and the rank is low. The chief of staff of the regiment had the rank of major, and the battalion commanders were lieutenant colonels. So this major arranged such a showdown during the divorce. As much foolishness as he had, he mocked. And what can you do, the old people had to stretch themselves in front of the young and nimble.

Having received a military ID, you are automatically assigned the rank of private. In the navy this is a sailor. We ended up in a training unit - we were all cadets, i.e. took a training course. This is the lowest rank. Now the position can be different: shooter, machine gunner, driver, gunner, radio operator.

The most piquant rank in the army is corporal. As a rule, these are henchmen of officers. They are called excellent soldiers. There is a saying in the army: “it is better to have a prostitute’s daughter than a corporal’s son.” But some people liked this title, at least one badge.
In our training, junior sergeant was awarded upon completion of the course. In our country, everyone who had a higher education was awarded the rank of sergeant. The sergeant had three narrow stripes. But the deputy platoon commanders (castles) were senior sergeants - this is one wide strip. Our structure was slightly different from the traditional one. As a battalion sergeant major, I held the rank of senior sergeant. Although there could have been the rank of sergeant major. Then there is a wide strip along the pagon. A sergeant is already a commander and boss. Sergeants lead the formation, supervise the work, and conduct classes. But it happens that a warrant officer is appointed as a sergeant major.

Officers. Junior lieutenant is assigned to the most violent troublemakers in the military school. I have never met one in the army. A lieutenant is usually a platoon commander. He has approximately 30 people subordinate to him. Lieutenants wear two small stars lined up horizontally on their shoulder straps, and senior lieutenants wear three.

Captain is a company commander, deputy battalion commander, and a few other positions give the right to this rank. Captain, this is the last rank of junior officers. Captains wear 4 small stars, two horizontally, and two, slightly higher, vertically.

Major is the first rank of senior officers. Our majors were battalion commanders and chiefs of staff. Chiefs of services become majors. The major has one big star on his shoulder straps.

Lieutenant colonel. This rank is assigned to deputy regiment commanders, regiment chiefs of staff, and battalion commanders. Lieutenant colonels wear two large stars horizontally on their shoulder straps. Our regiment commander Kozheurov held the rank of lieutenant colonel. Next comes the rank of colonel, and since we didn’t have colonels in our regiment, I won’t write anything more about ranks. I will say one thing: a rank in the army is a kind of sign of a military man’s qualifications.

Yes, I decided to also say that I personally don’t like titles in this form. I have my own opinion, but no one listens to it. I would suggest simplifying things a little. In my edition it looks like this:
- private;
- sergeant;
- ensign;
- lieutenant;
- captain;
- major;
- colonel;
- general;
- army General;
- Marshal.

The essence of the coding is that in any army the list of main command positions is approximately the same and each position corresponds to a specific rank. Actually, code numbers are a digital designation of a position. The coincidence of the code number when comparing the ranks of different armies means an approximate correspondence of the ranks. The letters following the number mean that one rank in one army corresponds to several ranks in another army.

I emphasize once again that there is no exact coincidence of the “rank-position” relationship in the armies of different countries, and cannot exist. Only an approximate correspondence is possible.

Code Job title
0 Recruit, untrained soldier
1 Trained soldier (gunner, driver, machine gunner, etc.)
2 Group commander, assistant squad leader
3 Part-commander
4 Deputy Platoon Leader
5 Foreman of company, battalion
6 Sub-officers (in the Russian Army warrant officers)
7 Platoon commander
8 Deputy company commander, separate platoon commander
9 Company commander
10 Deputy battalion commander
11 Battalion commander, deputy. regiment commander
12 Regiment commander, deputy. brigade commander, deputy com. divisions
13 Brigade commander
14 Division commander, deputy corps commander
16 Army commander, deputy district commander (army group, front)
17 Commander of a district (front, army group)
18 Commander-in-Chief, Commander of the Armed Forces, honorary titles

Correspondence of main positions and ranks in the Russian Army

Rank Code Job title
Private 1 All newly drafted into the army, all lower positions (gunner, driver, gun crew number, driver mechanic, sapper, reconnaissance officer, radio operator, etc.)
Corporal 2 There are no full-time corporal positions. The rank is assigned to highly qualified soldiers in lower positions or performing excellent service.
Lance Sergeant 3a Commander of a squad, tank, gun.
Sergeant 3b
Staff Sergeant 4 Deputy platoon commander.
Sergeant Major 5 Foreman of company, battery, division
Ensign 6a Material support platoon commander, company sergeant major, warehouse chief, radio station chief and other non-commissioned positions that require high qualifications. Can occupy lower officer positions if there is a shortage of officers
Senior Warrant Officer 6b
Ensign 7a Platoon commander.
Lieutenant 7b Platoon commander, deputy company commander.
Senior Lieutenant 8 Deputy company commander.
Captain 9 Company commander, training platoon commander.
Major 10 Deputy battalion commander, training company commander, head of regiment services (chemical, communications, engineering, intelligence, conductor).
Lieutenant colonel 11 Battalion commander, deputy regiment commander, head of division services (chemical, communications, engineering, intelligence, conductor).
Colonel 12 Regiment commander, deputy brigade commander, brigade commander, deputy division commander.
Major General 14 Division commander, deputy corps commander
Lieutenant General 15 Corps commander, deputy army commander
Colonel General 16 Army commander, deputy district (front) commander.
Army General 17 District (front) commander, Deputy Minister of Defense, Minister of Defense, Chief of the General Staff, other senior positions
Marshal of the Russian Federation 18 Honorary title given for special merits
Who's who in the army. Military ranks.

About military ranks, and to whom and why they are given. This should be quite interesting information for many, since few people know the army hierarchy and chain of command.

It all starts with the military registration and enlistment office. When a military ID is issued, the rank of “Private” is automatically assigned. This means that the person has entered the lower rung of his military career. With this rank, the unit is assigned any position, it can be a shooter, machine gunner, driver, gunner, and so on. There are more privates in a regular military unit. This is not the case with us recently. In connection with the formation of military commandant's offices and the massive transfer of the regiment to a contract basis, people began to be recruited for contract positions, and almost all of them were no lower than warrant officers.

The next step on the army career ladder is Corporal. This title can be given either in connection with the position held, which implies this title, or for excellence in studies, combat and special training. Often, corporals become henchmen of officers, who thereby slightly elevate their charges above the rest. There is even a saying about this: “It is better to have a prostitute’s daughter than a corporal’s son.” Senior drivers in squads, gunners of armored personnel carriers, clerks and some other “officials” automatically become corporals in our company. The corporal wears one corner of his shoulder straps.

The next level is “Junior Sergeant”. To earn this rank in the internal troops, you must undergo sergeant training. This is 4 months of full regulations and hazing combined, but, however, they don’t say that everywhere. After completing this training, you are awarded the rank of ml. s-t (this is how it looks in abbreviation and is pronounced). Junior sergeants are needed to command squads. After some time, they can become deputy platoon commanders, with a corresponding increase in rank. Junior sergeants wear two corners on each shoulder.

The junior sergeant is followed by "Sergeant". A sergeant is a full-fledged squad commander, and the commander and boss closest to the soldiers. Sergeants lead the formation, supervise the work, and conduct classes. The rank of sergeant is awarded to the most capable junior sergeants, those whom the soldiers listen to, those who truly enjoy authority. Sergeants wear three corners on their shoulder straps

"Staff Sergeant". This rank is awarded to the deputy platoon commander. There are as many such people in a company as there are platoons. This is the most responsible position among soldiers. Senior sergeants are the first assistants to officers and warrant officers; they must know their subordinate soldiers well and always be able to manage them. Senior sergeants wear one, but wide, corner on their shoulders.

"Sergeant major." This is the maximum rank a soldier can receive. Please do not confuse this with your position. Sometimes it happens that a sergeant major by rank becomes a sergeant major by position, but more often a warrant officer is appointed to the position of company sergeant major. Petty officers wear one wide and one narrow corner on their shoulder straps, one under the other.

"Ensign". To become a warrant officer, you need to sign a contract and go to warrant officer school. The school for warrant officers, like sergeant training, lasts about four months, where future warrant officers are taught to drink vodka correctly and get paid without doing anything. Ensigns are the most disadvantaged class of military personnel. These are people without higher education who occupy low-level positions. Warrant officers are either foremen, or heads of warehouses and workshops, or contract sentries on the perimeter. An ensign is a person who has left the status of a soldier, but has never reached the status of an officer. Ensigns wear two small stars arranged in a vertical row on their shoulder straps.

“Senior warrant officer” is like a soul outlet for an ordinary warrant officer. Their positions are almost the same, but the salary is slightly higher and their self-esteem is slightly higher. The senior warrant officer wears three small stars vertically.

“Junior lieutenant” - people who have graduated from the military department of a civilian university automatically become junior lieutenants. In most cases, junior lieutenants serve a mandatory officer service of two years, the same as soldiers, only in the role of commanders. The maximum position for a junior lieutenant is platoon commander. This is a person, an officer, who has approximately 30 people under his command. Among soldiers, a junior lieutenant is called a “mamla.” People who have a higher education, but have not graduated from the military department, serve as soldiers for one year; they are called “year-olds.” Junior lieutenants wear one small star on their shoulder straps.

“Lieutenant” - lieutenants become people who have graduated from a higher military educational institution or warrant officers who have managed to obtain a higher education. The lieutenant is the full-fledged platoon commander. Young lieutenants who graduate from a military university are placed in the positions of service chiefs; these positions imply a much higher rank, and if the lieutenants cope with their duties, then every two years they are promoted to the corresponding rank. In the army there is a concept of service correspondence, this is when a person’s rank corresponds to the regular rank of the position held. Lieutenants wear two small stars lined up horizontally on their shoulder straps.

“Senior Lieutenant” - deputy company commanders become senior lieutenants. Deputy for personnel affairs, deputy for technology, and so on. Often, a senior lieutenant is made a company commander in order to later raise his rank to service level. First lieutenants wear three small stars, two horizontally and one between them at the top, forming the apex of a triangle.

“Captain” - captain is a full-fledged company commander, deputy battalion commander, and a few other positions give the right to this title. Captain, this is the last rank of junior officers. Captains wear 4 small stars, two horizontally, and two, slightly higher, vertically.

“Major” - Major is the first rank of senior officers. Chiefs of services, chiefs of staff of battalions, commandants of military commandant's offices, and so on become majors. Often this next title turns the head of the recipient too much, and lust for power and ambition begin to pour out of him. The major wears one large star on his shoulder straps.

“Lieutenant Colonel” - this rank is given to deputy regiment commanders, regiment chief of staff, and battalion commanders. Lieutenant colonels are people who are tired from service and a little arrogant. Lieutenant colonels are the penultimate level that can be occupied in our regiment, and they have enough power to be spoiled by it. Lieutenant colonels wear two large stars horizontally on their shoulder straps, like lieutenants.

“Colonel” - colonels are quite calm people, since for many this is an impenetrable ceiling, and there is nowhere else to “pull your ass.” We have two colonels in our regiment, one is the unit commander, the other is the chief of staff of the regiment. The chief of staff was transferred to us from another unit, where the ranks correspond to higher positions, so he occupies a position here that implies a rank one rank lower. At the division headquarters, colonels occupy positions similar to those in which we have lieutenant colonels, and at the district headquarters, the same positions are occupied by generals. Colonels wear three large stars in a triangle. Like senior lieutenants.

"Major General" is the lowest general rank. The position of major general is either division commander or deputy district commander. I don’t know their types, because... and didn’t communicate at all. Major generals wear one very large star on their shoulder straps. Like majors, hence the name of the rank.

“Lieutenant General” - this rank can be held by the commander of a military district. There are very few such people and I have only seen them in pictures and videos. They wear two very large stars vertically. Like warrant officers.

“Colonel General” is the title given to the commander of our troops. People with this title wear three very large stars vertically. As senior warrant officers.

“Army General” - well, what can we say, this title is held by the Minister of the Russian Federation. On his shoulder straps, there are four very large stars lined up in a vertical row.

So, this chain is completed by our “Supreme Commander-in-Chief” - the President of the Russian Federation.