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Colonel cassad LJ battle map. Cassad's pimply toad

Briefly about the visit of German Chancellor Merkel to Moscow. 1. Merkel said that Nord Stream 2 will be completed in any case, even despite American sanctions. Despite Washington's demands that this project be considered “political,” Merkel...


As Iranian sources previously indicated, the “black boxes” were damaged, but the information was preserved. Since Iran has already officially invited Ukraine (its representatives received official permission to fly to Tehran) and Boeing representatives to join the investigation in Iran,...


Briefly on the development of the situation around the assassination of Soleimani in Iraq. 1. Trump threatened dire sanctions against Iraq if Iraq continues to expel American troops from the country. These sanctions against Iraq will be even tougher than those against...


Based on the results of yesterday's events in Iraq. 1. NATO suspends training operations in Iraq due to security concerns. Operations are being stopped, including in Iraqi Kurdistan, where NATO helped train the Peshmerga. 2. Germany...


Olkhon, who attended the SDD meeting, which was attended by Surkov, who had arrived from Paris, states that at the closed part of the meeting it was said that Zelensky was declared “incompetent to negotiate” in Moscow. "Everyone Good morning. Yesterday there was the 5th meeting of the SDD, which took place...


Donald Trump has fired one of his administration's top warmongers. The official reason is already familiar - strong disagreements on foreign policy issues. And it’s not hard to guess why if you look at the key failures of the American foreign policy


Corruption records of the “chocolate king” When Yanukovych fled Ukraine, he was accused of taking with him $2 billion in cash. The place of the “evil panda” was replaced by the heroes of the “Gidnost Revolution” led by Poroshenko, who proclaimed...


From the moment he took the post of president, Zelensky actively began to use Old Man Lukashenko’s recipe for fighting “bad officials.” During visits to various enterprises or departmental meetings, those who “especially distinguished themselves” are scolded on camera and fired. And often...


Since there were questions, it will be short. 1. It is quite obvious that due to the inertia associated with the presidential elections, the Zelensky-Kolomoisky party will win. The key question is whether she can get 50% using party lists and single-mandate constituencies….


Elections to the Verkhovna Rada as a factor of political and physical survival The historical boomerang of lustration is returning to Ukraine again. The topic of lustration of Poroshenko and a large group of people associated with Zelensky raised coup d'etat 2014, reflects the classic completion...


IN last days The topic of resuming negotiations on Donbass in the Normandy format has revived. Active political consultations are being held in order to organize a full-fledged meeting of Russia, Ukraine, France and Germany with hints that if it is successful, then...


US President's lawyer Rudolph Giuliani, who canceled his trip to Ukraine because of the enemies of Donald Trump and the United States surrounded by Zelensky, announced one of their names. This is evidenced by the video of his interview with Fox News. Rudolf…


By taking an active part in the Venezuelan crisis, Russia shows that it is not going to follow the Monroe Doctrine and reserves the right to interfere in the affairs of countries in the Western Hemisphere, he said in an interview with Fox News Chief Editor The Washington Free…


“Agent Donald” recently proposed that Russia and China amicably carry out nuclear disarmament together with the United States. 1. It’s quite funny to hear such statements from Washington, which has been consistently dismantling the current system of treaties in the field for more than 15 years...


On the issue of simplifying the issuance of Russian passports to residents of the DPR and LPR. 1. The fact that they will start issuing passports is good, I would even say wonderful. Of course, this should have been done earlier, but this is the case when...

By the way, another schmuck asks for the scoreboard.
Let me explain.
Schmuck it's called Rozhin aka colonelcassad .
The bottom line is that this schmuck embezzled money that people donated to help Donbass. And he is no different from Dubzdi, by the way.

This schmuck, just like Dabzdi, and his friend Istyagin embezzled funds intended to help ordinary residents and militias.
Actually, my instincts rarely let me down, and when the fundraising and approach to Girkin/Strelkov began, I immediately realized what it would lead to. And it did happen.
The schmuck dissociated itself from Gikrin/Strelkov precisely for this reason, and not for the one it claimed: that Girkin was going into politics and this was at odds with his stated goals. It would be difficult to come up with a more heinous explanation.

Unfortunately I can't provide more at the moment. full information(specifics, screenshots, etc.) for reasons beyond my control.
I would happily do this if I knew that decent people wouldn't get hurt. I don't have that confidence yet.
But as soon as I receive permission to publish all the data, I will certainly do so.
The screen, by the way, is from here:

I was amused that the pimply schmuck (they are somehow similar in this regard to the dubs - they are just as disgustingly pimply) couldn’t find anything better than to apply the definition of “crazy” to a woman who simply wrote the truth about him one day. Apparently, from the great mind of Boryaroghin, aka the pimply toad, he leaked into the network the data of a person who was wanted by the Nazis, and from the same great mind, the DPR passes appeared in his shithole. Well, apparently, to make life easier for the kaklo-Nazis.

Toad will have to recall the words of Freud’s grandfather: “... a person talks about what he lacks. Someone who lacks sex talks about sex, a hungry person talks about food, a person who doesn’t have money talks about money, and our oligarchs and bankers talk about morality...” ©
To paraphrase the grandfather: the toad cassad talks about what he lacks - intelligence. You are our crazy one, Kassadic, get away from the monitor on which you are cutting yourself into tanks, wash your clothes so that you don’t reek of discharge, wipe up the crumbs from the countless sandwiches that you eat right there, and return the stolen goods.
And maybe only then will I pretend that I don’t know anything about you. Neither about the stolen money, nor about the countless messes that you, with your cleverness, made in a car and cart.

UPD. I answer questions in a personal message to everyone at once - what amount are we talking about.
Istyagin and the bearded toad embezzled several million. It was with this money that they promoted their fucking Kassad-info and other crap, forgive me. It is on this money that both the bearded toad and the sweet couple of the Istyagins are now fattening up.

One of the types of propaganda blurting out the betrayal of Novorossiya is a very common technique that is still very common, when the situation is presented in such a light as if nothing is over yet, the struggle continues, and the Kremlin can still do right choice, but is just delaying it for now. We bring to your attention a critical look at this manipulation from a respected Point Worker.

Boris Rozhin is a paid, sophisticated, insidious, cunning propagandist of the Putin regime, who skillfully imposes a “cunning plan” on readers under the guise of “moderation” and “neutrality,” which makes it possible to more successfully implement this destructive propaganda, covering up the criminal anti-Russian actions of the Putin regime, causing enormous harm to the Russian people and contributing to their tragedy.

He is very actively trying to declare that he is neither one of those who believe that the Putin regime has given up and betrayed*, nor one of those who support the “cunning plan”, although in fact he is very cleverly promoting this same “cunning plan”. The cleverness lies in the fact that he does not openly and openly, like the seekers and others, transform the betrayal and surrender of Novorossiya, Little Russia and more western Russian lands by the Putin regime into a deafening victory for Putin, but cunningly and meanly tries to present this betrayal simply as an inconsistent policy, all only.

At the same time, he, like other propagandists of the regime, covers up the Russophobic actions of the Putin government with the word “Russia,” which causes hatred of Russia among loyal and abandoned Russians, who, thanks to mass propaganda, do not distinguish the Putin regime from Russia.

Rozhin, being a Bolshevik and heir to the Bolsheviks, is completely terminologically, and therefore ideologically, on the side of the enemy and, thereby, is an enemy of the united Russian people.

He writes about the so-called. “Ukraine”, instead of writing about the anti-Russian project “Ukraine” that occupied Russian lands, i.e. New Russia, Little Russia, more western Russian lands (Galician Rus', Carpathian Rus', etc.). He singles out the non-existent nationality “Ukrainians”, instead of talking about the political sect of Ukrainians - former Russians, one way or another infected to varying degrees by Russophobia (Ukrainianism), they began to be nurtured by the Austro-Hungarian leadership (although the Poles began to act powerfully in this direction ), the Bolsheviks actively continued. Rozhin even once tried to dissuade the Bolsheviks from creating a conveyor belt for turning Russians into Ukrainians, but interestingly, he did not abandon the deceitful Bolshevik Russophobic approach.

The presence of such a situation in the field of terminology allows Rozhin and other paid propaganda prostitutes the widest field for manipulation. According to the basic training manual, “Kharkov is “Ukraine”, and “Ukrainians” live there, and there are no Russians there. You need to slightly influence your Ukrainian partners (who have long realized that there is no threat behind these pathetic intimidations of Putin’s government) and Kharkov is a Russian city, etc. Those. Putin’s propagandists place “Ukrainians” where they want them, Odessa, Kyiv, Nikolaev, etc. - these are “Ukrainian” cities, which means there is no need to liberate them, “stupid crests are jumping around there.”

And once again I am writing about the real situation, which is as follows:

There are Russian lands occupied by the anti-Russian project “Ukraine”, led by the ancient Russian capital - Kiev. Above I wrote which Russian territories are included in them.

On the occupied Russian lands there live Russians who need to be liberated, and Ukrainians who need to be returned to the united Russian people. Yes, yes, take it and return it to the united Russian people. First, you need to liberate the occupied Russian lands by force, and then with the help of educational, humanitarian programs, active information work in the media and book publishing, responsible economic policy return Ukrainians.

A Russian person, he understands why it is necessary to liberate Russian lands, Russian people, why it is necessary to return Ukrainians to a single Russian people. But the Erethians do not understand. They don’t need any of this, they don’t have pain. Maybe this little text called “Argument”, the meaning of which is perfectly clear to the Russians, will help the Erethians understand.

I return to Putin’s propaganda of the Rozhin type. One of Rozhin’s main lines is to constantly show that the anti-Russian Minsk agreement is supposedly impossible to implement, and he constantly tries to provide information that supposedly reflects the veracity of the installation he is introducing. At the same time, the Bolshevik Rozhin strives to ignore the fact that, thanks to the Minsk Agreement, Kyiv, Kharkov, Odessa, Nikolaev, Ravva-Russkaya, etc., i.e. the cities of the occupied Russian lands are under Ukrainian occupation. Trying to ignore the fact that the Putin regime is trying to surrender the tormented remnants of Novorossiya, where people live practically outside the legislative framework, on its own terms, but the American leadership needs much more, and that is the only reason why the process of surrender is being delayed. Rozhin is not only no better than traitorous propagandists like Ishchenko, etc., but also worse than them, because he acts with more sophisticated and insidious methods, with the help of which he more skillfully fools people.

*As far as I can imagine, it was Putin’s propagandists who threw the well-known message “Putin leaked everything” into the information space in order to refute it themselves, pointing their finger at the tormented remnants of Novorossiya and howling that they say, you see, DPR and LPR then exist, which means they allegedly didn’t pass. There is also a manipulation of the word “everything”. It was inserted into the specified message on purpose. Because on the one hand, since the exhausted DPR and LPR seem to have not surrendered (according to the Minsk agreement they surrendered), then in this way Putin’s propagandists “refute” the phrase “surrendered everything.” On the other hand, Putin’s propagandists insist that the DPR and LPR are “that’s all,” and that on the territory of the occupied Russian lands (Putin’s Russophobes Russophobic call them differently) there are “stupid jumping crests” who do not need to be liberated. While the DPR and LPR are only a smaller part of Donbass (the Putin’s lie “Nobody will surrender Donbass” is still used today), and Donbass is only a small part of Novorossiya. And there is also occupied Little Russia and more western occupied Russian territories. And living on the occupied Russian lands are Russians who need to be liberated, and Ukrainians who need to be returned to the united Russian people, as I wrote about above.

(1981) - blogger

Boris Aleksandrovich Rozhin, better known on the Internet as Kassad Colonel (date of birth July 14, 1981) - author of the blog The mouthpiece of totalitarian propaganda. Famous blogger, one of the popular communists in LiveJournal.

Biography facts

Boris was born and lives in Sevastopol. His parents are Elena Georgievna and Alexander Vasilyevich Rozhin. There is a brother Georgy. His grandmother led tours at the Black Sea Fleet Museum. She had large library and got my grandson addicted to reading. The home library was constantly replenished. Today, Colonel Cassada's house houses several thousand books.

From 1989 to 1996, Boris Rozhin studied at the Sevastopol high school No. 44, then Colonel Cassad entered the Humanitarian and Technical Lyceum (history, physics). Graduated from the South Ukrainian State Pedagogical University named after. Ushinsky (SF).

In 2003, Kassad Colonel worked as a system administrator at Pension Fund city ​​of Sevastopol. In 2007-2008, he was a security officer at the Alen supermarket chain. From 2008 to 2013 he works as a freelancer. Provides educational services, freelancing, web design. Since 2014 – head of the editorial office of the information and analytical center “Voice of Sevastopol”

Activities on the Internet

On March 28, 2009, on the LiveJournal platform, Colonel Cassad, the mouthpiece of Totalitarian Propaganda, started a blog. According to Boris Rozhin, he “got the name Colonel Cassad out of nowhere.” Today, the popular socio-political blog occupies 90th position in terms of social capital in the free ranking. The number of regular readers is more than 5,700 people.

Here Colonel Kassad writes on political, historical topics, about films, books, science fiction and chess, and about personal matters. All this is presented with humor whenever possible. The content of the magazine reflects what Colonel Cassad himself is interested in, all judgments are subjective. It is not considered mass media.

The diary has a permanent section “Red Hodgepodge”. In 2014, in March and April, it took 2nd place in the LiveJournal ranking in terms of the number of views. Since April of this year, the administration of the site began to block the entry of Colonel Cassada’s recordings from the Horn of Totalitarian Propaganda. Early summer 2014 Cassad Colonel was completely blocked for some time for collecting money for the Novorossiya militia. The following month, the SBU became interested in the blog for actively calling for war against the Kyiv regime and destroying the integrity of Ukrainian territory.

In February 2014, Colonel Kassad introduced the famous Internet meme “Polite People” into circulation.

Personal life

Boris is not married. Cassad Colonel did not serve in the army due to health problems - a diseased liver. Has a negative attitude towards smoking and alcohol. He respects honesty and kindness in people. The purpose of life is to improve the world.

From the age of six, Colonel Cassad successfully played chess. He is a master of the International Chess Federation. He is the champion of his hometown hero in 2003, 2005, 2009, 2010, 2012.

Kassad Colonel does not watch TV. I have to watch films regularly because I write reviews on them. According to Rozhin good work very little now. Some favorite films: " Star Wars", "War and Peace", "Aty-Bati, the Soldiers Came", "Seventeen Moments of Spring" and others are sometimes reviewed.

Kassad Colonel reads a lot, prefers science fiction. The main thing for him is that the work is interesting. Favorite book noted in VKontakte is “Songs of Hyperion” by Den Simmons. I like re-reading collections of works by Lenin and Stalin.

Interested in philosophy, history, politics, political science, science fiction, online games, computer hardware, copyright, rewriting, web design. In history, he specializes in the first half of the 20th century, the theme of the Second World War and the perception of victory in the post-Soviet space.

"... and he dreamed about the page of “Colonel Cassada” in LiveJournal for November 2020. And, reading it, he somehow knows that Boris Rozhin recently urgently moved to Armavir and is preparing for a match for the Krasnodar Territory chess championship.
The page discusses the details of the fierce battles for the village of Abdur Dar Nahur in Eastern Somalia, where government troops, with the support of the Russian Aerospace Forces, finally broke the resistance of the local ISIS and they agreed to evacuate on green camels to Western Darfur, where they have yet to be destroyed in alliance with by the authorities of this country and with the support of the Aerospace Forces.
He habitually clicks the mouse on the “Traveler1” tab, but sees only a picture: “This resource is blocked by a decision of the Uryupinsk City Court for promoting extremism, sexual violence and anti-clerical values.” He grins sarcastically - “here we got to Vershinin... it lasted a long time... “Murid” was closed a year ago.”

Clicks the "Yandex" bookmark and reads:
"International observers, having examined the results of the repeat referendum in Crimea, held under the auspices of the Central Election Commission Russian Federation, noted numerous violations during the voting. Namely, mass stuffing of pre-printed ballots, intimidation of voters, “carousels” and many others, excluding the possibility of recommending recognition of this referendum as having taken place by the EU countries and, in general, by the international community. According to observers, the figure of 76.6% who spoke in favor of secession from the Russian Federation and joining Turkey, with the creation of the Crimean Tatar Autonomous Ulus, cannot be real, since, according to previously conducted public opinion polls, at least half of Ukrainians citizens living in Crimea voted for returning to Ukraine.
Representatives of Kyiv have already expressed a strong protest, saying that as a result of Putin’s machinations, the separation from Ukraine as an integral part of it is being consolidated. At the same time, they noted that Ukraine, with the support of Poland and a number of other EU countries, will soon initiate new package sanctions against the Russian Federation for further unfriendly actions.
In turn, the press secretary of the Locum Tenens President of the Russian Federation - Peskov (Navka) - during a briefing of the foreign press, angrily denied all accusations and, citing data from the Central Election Commission, stated that “the will of the Crimean people is sacred” and the Russian Federation fully admits. “The Crimean people have never seen such democratic and fair elections before,” Mr. Peskov quoted the words of the Locum Tenens President. To a question from a Novaya Gazeta correspondent about whether Peskov confirms that Crimean residents of non-Crimean Tatar nationality are not allowed to participate in the elections, the press secretary replied “Well... Mmmm...” and, not with out of the blue, he began to talk about the events in Eastern Somalia, where the S-400 Triumph complexes again repelled an attack by ISIS air pirates using manned drones.
...Cry. Recording of yesterday's "Sunday Time" with Vladimir Solovyov. Political scientist Rostislav Ishchenko argues with “specialist on the Ukrainian issue” Alexander Rogers about the latest events in Donbass. Ishchenko is cautious in his assessments: in his opinion, the recent ambush murder by bandits from the so-called “DPR underground” of two “UN peacekeepers” from the Polish-Lithuanian contingent is evidence of some dissatisfaction of Donbass Ukrainians with the regime established after the end of military operation to force peace so-called "militia" (which refused to recognize Minsk-3 and continued fighting after the transfer of the border with the Russian Federation from the “peacekeepers” to the Ukrainian border guards). Ishchenko noted that the “Kiev regime,” despite publicly given promises, continues to violate the rights of the Russian-speaking part of the Ukrainian population of Donbass and, while certainly condemning this brutal crime, one should still pay attention to the circumstances of its violation, which once again indicate the need to support the Moscow party Medvedchuk in the upcoming elections to the Verkhovna Rada."
Alexander Rogers, in his characteristic expressive manner (he reminds many of the recently deceased Kurginyan), angrily attacked his opponent, accusing him of “misunderstanding of the political situation and vile (hereinafter several “squeaks” replacing profanity) work for the forces opposing the President - Locum Tenens. Looking into the eyes of the audience with inspiration, “Shunya” recited (to thunderous applause from the studio): “The support of our Supreme Leader always and in everything - without doubt, without comments, without remarks - is an indispensable condition for our final geostrategic victory! Whiners and people of little faith who (prolonged “squeak”) even in intonation question the genius of the Kremlin’s decisions are potential traitors! Our victory is inevitable and soon we will see all the fruits of the ingenious combination that has been played out by the leadership of the Russian Federation for many years and is already nearing completion!”