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How to Roast Peanuts - Best ways to roast peanuts with sugar, salt and glaze. Cooking peanuts in sugar glaze Peanuts in sugar syrup

How great it is to sit down on a cozy sofa with the whole family at home and start watching an interesting movie. And if there is a bowl of delicious, crunchy nuts (peanuts in sugar) next to it, it’s a complete thrill. Harmful, you might think? A lot of calories, it ruins your teeth, and in general you can’t eat in front of the TV. Of course, you can’t, but sometimes you really want to. And then, everything is possible and useful in moderation. And especially nuts, which are very rich in vitamins and minerals, fats and other components so necessary for our body.

Sugared peanuts contain:


  • A (necessary for the development of the body);
  • B1 (metabolism);
  • B2 (life expectancy);
  • B6 (protects against stress, regulates protein metabolism);
  • B9 (normalizes blood circulation);
  • C (protection against viruses and strengthening the immune system);
  • D (responsible for growth);
  • E (antioxidant);
  • PP (energy).
  • Minerals:

    • potassium;
    • magnesium;
    • zinc;
    • iron;
    • sodium.

    We take into account the nuances

    This little nut can lift your mood, improve memory function, and increase and maintain overall tone. Peanuts in sugar recipes, which are common, can be prepared very quickly. Become a preventative measure in the fight against many diseases. Comprises:

    • complex carbohydrates (9 g per 100 grams of nuts);
    • vegetable fats (45 g);
    • simple carbohydrates (40%);
    • fiber (8%);
    • proteins (25%).

    Fiber, as you know, is necessary for digesting food and cleansing the body. Due to its healing properties, it is used in nut diets. 100 grams of raw peanuts contain 551 calories. The only thing that doctors do not advise is eating nuts:

    • kids;
    • and those who may have allergic reactions.

    Groundnuts can be eaten raw or roasted and used in many culinary dishes. We bring you a delicious recipe for sugar coated peanuts.

    Homemade preparation

    It is better to roast Chinese nuts yourself. How it's done? Very simple. We recommend purchasing nuts that have already been shelled. Rinse the nuts with water. Then pour a thin layer onto a thick frying pan. Do not remove the peel (it will fall off on its own). Fry over low heat for about 15 minutes, stirring constantly until cooked (the selected kernel breaks easily and the inside is golden brown).

    It's even easier to do this in the microwave. Peel and place in an even layer on a glass dish in the oven, do not cover. Turn on at maximum power for up to 5 minutes. That's it, the roasted nuts are ready.

    Cooking process

    1 way

    In order to prepare delicious peanuts in sugar, you only need: 1 glass of peanuts, half a glass of regular sugar; 50 ml (a quarter of a glass) of plain water.

    Add sugar to the water, stir until completely dissolved. Fry the nuts over low heat (do not peel them first). When the peanuts begin to crack, pour syrup into the pan. Gently stir constantly with a spatula so as not to break the kernels. Once all the water has evaporated, sugar lipstick will form. After about 15 seconds, each nut is covered with sugar crystals. So I'm ready. Remove and let cool. Ready.

    Method 2

    Longer in time, with the additional use of vegetable oil (almond oil), but also tasty. What do you need:

    • 100 g nuts;
    • 40 g simple sugar;
    • 50 ml of water (half a faceted glass);
    • 1 tbsp almond oil.

    How to cook?

    Roast the nuts and remove the skins (very easy to clean). Add water to the sugar, bring to a boil and simmer for about 7 minutes. Pour the nuts into the resulting syrup, mix, and put back on low heat. Stir constantly until the sugar becomes caramel. Place peanuts one at a time on a sheet greased with almond butter and leave until cool. The goodies are ready.

    What to do?

    Peanuts in sugar are a very satisfying product. For those who are watching their weight and counting calories, here is the nutritional value of the lovely crispies (calculated per 100 grams):

    • calorie content of peanuts in sugar 624 kcal;
    • proteins – 18 g;
    • fats – 33 g;
    • carbohydrates – 29 g.

    Let us add that this dish is loved by both adults and children. It is very convenient to use for snacks, especially if work does not allow you to leave even for a lunch break, and there is no proper nutrition. In this case, homemade sugared nuts will come in handy.

    Cook delicious food, eat right. Make your loved ones happy. And enjoy your own culinary masterpieces.

    Sugar Peanuts Recipe: Video

Peanuts in sugar– an oriental sweet, very favorite in our family. I often bought these delicious sugar-coated nuts from dried fruit and nut dealers until I came across this wonderful, simple recipe for incredibly tasty nuts. What’s even more impressive is their instant preparation. In about five minutes you can sit down to drink tea with crispy, crumbly nuts!

How to cook peanuts in sugar


  • 1 tbsp. peanuts
  • half a glass of sugar
  • 50ml water

1. Pour peanuts into a frying pan and place on the stove to fry.

2. Mix sugar with water.

3. When the nuts are roasted and begin to crackle, pour sugar and water into the frying pan.

4. Stir the peanuts with a spoon or spatula until the water has completely evaporated.

5. As soon as all the water has evaporated, the nuts will be covered with a thin layer of sugar crystals. The main thing is not to stop interfering and not to miss this moment.

6. Transfer the nuts into a wide bowl and let cool. The pan is very easy to clean - soak it in water and the stuck sugar will dissolve.

Having figured out how to fry peanuts, everyone will have the opportunity to enjoy their favorite snack, the taste characteristics of which are much higher than those of store-bought analogues. The nut cake will also be tastier if you use your own homemade additive.

How to roast peanuts?

There is more than one way to cook fried peanuts, each of which will find its own performers and will be appreciated.

  1. Perhaps the most trivial method of browning nuts is frying them in a frying pan. For this, it is important to use a vessel with a thick bottom and high walls, ideally cast iron.
  2. Roasting peanuts on a baking sheet in the oven is no less popular. It is important to maintain the correct temperature conditions and not exceed the recommended oven time.
  3. If you have a microwave, you can brown the nuts using it. It should be remembered that raw materials must be placed in the device only in a moistened form.
  4. When learning how to fry peanuts, it is important to remember that the final result will primarily depend on the quality of the raw materials: the nuts must be fresh, not have an unpleasant musty smell or rancid taste.

How to fry peanuts in a frying pan?

  1. If you are unsure about the purity and quality of the nuts, they are first washed under running water, the liquid is allowed to drain, the moisture is dried with a towel, or they are allowed to dry on their own by spreading the peanuts on a napkin in one layer.
  2. Pour the nut mass into a heated frying pan in a thin layer and allow them to dry initially, heating over low heat, stirring.
  3. Next, increase the heat to medium and fry the contents with constant stirring for about 15 minutes or until the first positive test for the desired taste.
  4. When frying the peanuts in the pan is completed, they are poured into a plate or paper bag and allowed to cool completely.

How to roast peanuts in the oven?

It's even easier to cook peanuts in the oven. In this case, you can stir the nuts only a couple of times during the heat treatment.

  1. The peanuts are first rinsed under running water, allowed to drain and dry, spread on a piece of cloth or paper towel.
  2. Pour the prepared raw materials onto a baking sheet in one layer and place in the oven on the middle level.
  3. The temperature of the device during the drying and frying process must be maintained at 160-170 degrees.
  4. The cooking time for the nut mass may vary depending on its initial moisture content and be 10-15 minutes. The readiness of the snack is determined by testing.

How to roast peanuts in the microwave?

The next section is for those who do not yet know how to properly roast peanuts in the microwave. This method is one of the fastest and simplest.

  1. The nuts are washed and, without drying, while still wet, poured into a glass container suitable for use in a microwave oven.
  2. Send the container to the device at high power and cook for 5-10 minutes, depending on the capabilities of the device.
  3. When browning peanuts in the microwave for the first time, assess the degree of readiness of the snack every minute so as not to miss the moment of readiness and not to overcook the nuts.

How to roast peanuts in shells?

If there is a need to cook peanuts fried in shell, in this case they refuse the microwave and choose among the remaining two methods: in a frying pan or in the oven.

  1. Unshelled nuts do not require washing. However, if, upon inspection of the raw material, visible contamination is observed on the surface, it is still preferable to rinse and dry the product.
  2. Fry peanuts in the shell in a frying pan for about 30 minutes, constantly stirring the nut mass covering the bottom of the vessel in one layer.
  3. In the oven, unshelled nuts cook faster: at a temperature of 170 degrees, frying will take only 15 minutes. To do this, boxes of peanuts are spread on a baking sheet and placed on the middle level of the device.

How to fry peanuts with salt?

The following recommendations will help you figure out how to fry. To do this, salt the nuts to taste by adding a few drops of oil to the pan and mix thoroughly. If you don’t want to feel the greasy film on the products with your hands, use the idea, the subtleties of which are outlined in this recipe.


  • peanuts – 200 g;
  • water – 1 teaspoon;
  • salt – 0.5 teaspoon.


  1. The peanuts are rinsed, dried and placed in a dry frying pan.
  2. Fry the nut mass for 15 minutes, rub it with your hands, removing the husks.
  3. The peeled roasted peanuts are returned to the pan.
  4. Dissolve salt in water, pour it over the peanuts and fry until all the moisture has evaporated.
  5. The salted roasted peanuts are placed on a plate, allowed to cool completely and enjoyed.
  6. The snack is prepared in the oven in a similar manner. When roasting in the microwave, use only shelled peanuts, adding salt to the wet nuts before cooking.

Crushed roasted peanuts

Roasted peanuts, whole or crushed, are often used to add to all kinds of desserts and baked goods. Moreover, there are recipes where it is required. Unlike simply roasted nuts, this addition is prepared more intricately and will require a little patience and free time.


  • peanuts – 150 g;
  • granulated sugar – 230 g;
  • vegetable oil – 20 ml;
  • nut butter (optional).


  1. Peeled and crushed peanuts are fried until creamy and placed on an oiled parchment sheet or silicone mat.
  2. Oil the bottom of the saucepan, pour sugar into it and heat it on the stove until all the crystals dissolve.
  3. The resulting caramel is poured over the nut crumbs and allowed to harden.
  4. Break the resulting workpiece and use a blender to obtain fine crumbs or a creamy paste, adding a little nut butter if desired.

Roasted peanuts in coconut juice

A true treat for those with a sweet tooth will be roasted peanuts in coconut glaze. It is preferable to fry the nuts yourself, ensuring that the product becomes creamy in color. You can taste the dessert after the glaze on the peanuts has cooled and hardened, which is most conveniently placed on a silicone mat.


  • peanuts – 500 g;
  • coconut milk – 100 ml;
  • powdered sugar – 250 g;
  • granulated sugar – 150 g.


  1. Roast the peeled peanuts and cool.
  2. Mix coconut milk with sugar and boil until thick.
  3. Pour the slightly cooled glaze over the peanuts spread out on a silicone mat, sprinkle the nuts with powdered sugar and let them harden completely.

Roasted peanuts with garlic

By adding roasted nuts with all kinds of seasonings, you will be able to get an excellent spicy addition to a glass of beer. The characteristics of the appetizer prepared with garlic are perceived with particular delight. To do this, roasted peanuts with salt are supplemented with dried vegetable granules, often adding hot pepper and other spices to taste.


  • peanuts – 500 g;
  • olive oil – 20 ml;
  • dried garlic – 1.5 teaspoons;
  • pepper, curry or other spices - to taste;
  • salt – 1 teaspoon or to taste.


  1. Fry the spices and garlic in oil for a few seconds.
  2. Add the nuts and continue frying for another 2 minutes, stirring.
  3. Add salt to the nuts, place on a baking sheet and cook at 160 degrees.
  4. In about 10-15 minutes, delicious roasted peanuts will be ready.
  5. Transfer it to a plate and allow to cool completely before using.

Roasted peanuts with sugar

Further instructions for those who want to learn how to deliciously fry. The resulting dessert is so delicious that it is simply impossible to resist the temptation to eat everything without leaving a trace. This should be remembered by those who are watching their weight, because the calorie content of a serving of such a delicacy is very high.

There was a time when I very often bought these sugar-coated peanuts in the store. I really liked this simple dessert, and even now I’m not at all averse to eating some of these sugar-coated peanuts. But the trouble is, one day I discovered that in my small town such peanuts had disappeared from store shelves. It was this fact that pushed me to find a solution to this problem; I began searching and studying ways to prepare peanuts in sugar at home.

And, as it turned out, preparing such peanuts is very simple, and visually the homemade version of this dessert is no different from the store-bought version. Now I cook these wonderful nuts with enviable frequency, and my children gobble them up instantly.

Fun fact: the recipe for making sugared peanuts contains only peanuts and sugar, and water. That's all. A natural product, without impurities, dyes, flavor enhancers and other inedible crap. Peanuts in sugar are perfect for those who cannot live without sweets, but try to limit themselves in their quantity. I ate several of these nuts and quenched my body’s thirst for sweets and desserts. Very comfortably.

Cooking time: 15 minutes

Number of servings – 6


  • 300 g peanuts (raw)
  • 0.5 cups sugar
  • 0.5 glasses of water

How to cook peanuts in sugar. Recipe with photo

First, you should decide on the issue of washing peanuts before frying. I once looked for an answer to this question and I can assure you that there are approximately equal numbers of peanuts that are washed and those that are not washed before roasting. Therefore, to wash or not to wash is up to you.

If you decide to wash the peanuts before roasting, you should let the peanuts dry slightly on a napkin before you start roasting them.

Fry the peanuts in a dry frying pan over medium heat. From time to time we stir and stir the nuts, preventing them from burning. Approximate roasting time is 7-10 minutes. Once you notice that the peanuts have darkened slightly, it's time to move on to the next step.

Fill half a glass with sugar and add water. For half a glass of sugar - half a glass of water (or even a little more, this is not critical).

With a sharp movement, pour the contents of the glass into the frying pan with the already fried peanuts. Be careful not to burn your hand with the steam. Stir sugar, water and peanuts evenly.

Continue cooking the peanuts in sugar, but from this point on you can no longer leave the pan. Stir the nuts all the time. After two or three minutes, you will notice that a syrup has formed from the sugar and water, and the peanuts can now be said to be cooked in this syrup.

After a few more minutes, the syrup containing the peanuts will begin to crystallize, making it more difficult to mix the peanuts. The mass will be sticky and unyielding.

But after another two minutes, all the water will completely evaporate from the pan, and the peanuts will really become “sugared.” The nuts will be coated with sugar. In this case, the peanuts do not stick together, each nut is separate.

In principle, cooking peanuts in sugar at home is over. But the nuts must be allowed to cool completely (at least 1.5 hours), and only then offer them.

There was a time when I very often bought these sugar-coated peanuts in the store. I really liked this simple dessert, and even now I’m not at all averse to eating some of these sugar-coated peanuts. But the trouble is, one day I discovered that in my small town such peanuts had disappeared from store shelves. It was this fact that pushed me to find a solution to this problem; I began searching and studying ways to prepare peanuts in sugar at home.

And, as it turned out, preparing such peanuts is very simple, and visually the homemade version of this dessert is no different from the store-bought version. Now I cook these wonderful nuts with enviable frequency, and my children gobble them up instantly.

Fun fact: the recipe for making sugared peanuts contains only peanuts and sugar, and water. That's all. A natural product, without impurities, dyes, flavor enhancers and other inedible crap. Peanuts in sugar are perfect for those who cannot live without sweets, but try to limit themselves in their quantity. I ate several of these nuts and quenched my body’s thirst for sweets and desserts. Very comfortably.

Cooking time: 15 minutes

Number of servings – 6


  • 300 g peanuts (raw)
  • 0.5 cups sugar
  • 0.5 glasses of water

How to cook peanuts in sugar. Recipe with photo

First, you should decide on the issue of washing peanuts before frying. I once looked for an answer to this question and I can assure you that there are approximately equal numbers of peanuts that are washed and those that are not washed before roasting. Therefore, to wash or not to wash is up to you.

If you decide to wash the peanuts before roasting, you should let the peanuts dry slightly on a napkin before you start roasting them.

Fry the peanuts in a dry frying pan over medium heat. From time to time we stir and stir the nuts, preventing them from burning. Approximate roasting time is 7-10 minutes. Once you notice that the peanuts have darkened slightly, it's time to move on to the next step.

Fill half a glass with sugar and add water. For half a glass of sugar - half a glass of water (or even a little more, this is not critical).

With a sharp movement, pour the contents of the glass into the frying pan with the already fried peanuts. Be careful not to burn your hand with the steam. Stir sugar, water and peanuts evenly.

Continue cooking the peanuts in sugar, but from this point on you can no longer leave the pan. Stir the nuts all the time. After two or three minutes, you will notice that a syrup has formed from the sugar and water, and the peanuts can now be said to be cooked in this syrup.

After a few more minutes, the syrup containing the peanuts will begin to crystallize, making it more difficult to mix the peanuts. The mass will be sticky and unyielding.

But after another two minutes, all the water will completely evaporate from the pan, and the peanuts will really become “sugared.” The nuts will be coated with sugar. In this case, the peanuts do not stick together, each nut is separate.

In principle, cooking peanuts in sugar at home is over. But the nuts must be allowed to cool completely (at least 1.5 hours), and only then offer them.