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How to make real money. How to make money? How to make money out of money? Money makes money

Sell ​​some of your items to local stores. There are both individual stores and chains that buy goods from the public at a reduced price and resell them, but at a higher price. Review your things: there is something you no longer like, something you don’t use, or something you don’t need – it’s time to take it to a similar store.

Direct sales. If you'd rather be completely hands-on with selling your own items rather than taking them to a local store, consider types of sales such as garage sales (where local laws allow), local markets, classified ads, and online auctions. Of course, this will require more involvement and planning on your part than just donating your items to a suitable thrift store, but on the other hand, you can make more money this way.

  • If garage sales aren't allowed or accepted where you live, find out if there's a flea market nearby—or perhaps you can sell items at a regular street market, which usually sells garden vegetables and flowers (but also and in another case you will have to pay for a place to trade). However, the simplest and most common way is to sell through advertisements on the Internet or even in a local newspaper. The ad will include your phone number, so consider purchasing a separate SIM card for this purpose.
  • Expensive or large items are best sold on sites like Craigslist or eBay to attract a wider audience. If you need to sell something more valuable than old clothes or garage tools, don't limit yourself to just your city or region: shipping costs will be well worth it.
  • Sell ​​organic materials. As strange as it may sound, you can sell the components of your body for normal money. We're not talking about organs, but things like plasma, sperm and hair are always in circulation.

    Get rid of excess metal. The range is wide - from old jewelry to a pile of metal in the garage. Metal things (like any metal) are always in price and this is a great way to get easy money.

    Rent out your space. If you have a room that you don't use or a parking space on a busy street, perhaps this is also a way to earn money, and receive money regularly. You must be in complete control of the agreement with the tenant in order to terminate the agreement at any time (if something goes wrong).

    Sell ​​photos. Stock photos (exchanges for selling photographs) are quite simple, somewhat generalized shots that people can use in their articles, booklets, and brochures. Such photos do not cost much, but if you manage to create thematic collections, you can make money from this, especially if you sell the photo several times. The best thing about this method is its simplicity: just upload a photo from a storage device, send it to the site and wait for payment.

    Hello dear readers. Today we will again discuss money issues. It is very easy to start making money on the Internet, you just need to take the first steps in this direction. I will teach you how to make money with minimal effort and working from home.

    Now I will tell you about the most popular and one of the most profitable options for working on the World Wide Web. None cash costs you won’t suffer, so you should start your thorny and long journey towards making money online with just these simple, but extremely popular methods.

    How to make money: working with axle boxes

    Bux(bux - slang. " bucks" or " dollar") is a site where some users can watch ads and complete tasks without investing, while others can show their ads or offer tasks for money. They are also called active advertising systems , click or email sponsors. They appeared in Russia several years late and in their functionality were copies of English-language axle boxes, only in Russian.

    Until today, the operating principle remains the same. The user views the advertiser's website in a frame with a time counter, after which he receives a reward.

    Typically, such sites pay little money, but there are ways to increase your income many times over. Next, we will consider ways to make money using the example of the Seo-Sprint book. These methods work the same way on all other Russian axle boxes.

    Method 1. Working on axle boxes (for active and hardworking people)

    When you get a little familiar with the book’s website, look through the entire database of tasks and select from it the reusable tasks that are most convenient for you and cost from 0.90 rubles.

    This kind of work usually takes several days; along the way, you can complete one-time tasks you like. The total cost of all tasks should be 200 - 300 rubles. When you achieve automaticity in completing these tasks, it will take you 2-3 hours a day to repeat them.

    Once a week, check new received tasks - this is necessary to maintain the amount of 200 - 300 rubles per day, since over time, advertisers delete tasks that become no longer relevant for them.

    Method 2. Attracting referrals (for sociable people)

    This method is most suitable for people who communicate a lot on social networks and are members of many communities and groups. In your section personal account“working with referrals” You will find your referral link.

    People who follow and register using this link will become your referrals (subordinates) for whose work, from this site you will receive a percentage of their income. Minimum percentage on this resource 5% of the referral’s income, maximum -40% of the income.

    Your referral income is not deducted from the referral’s income, but is paid for by additional payments from the project itself. You can advertise this site on forums and social networks using your referral link. Of the 100 registered using your link, approximately 15% remain; the rest stop working. The reason is that people don’t like to work hard, but they want to get a lot and preferably quickly, but here you need hard work.

    Usually, when working on one axlebox and actively attracting referrals to it, you can earn about 10,000 rubles. per month, who attracts referrals by several points at once raises their income to 22,000 - 45,000 rubles. per month. The advantage of this method is that when you manage to attract those who are really determined to work and earn money, you can make a profit for several months, and sometimes even years.

    How to make money: we work with affiliate programs

    A partner is a person who sells other people's goods without buying them. it just means that you don’t have to buy anything, you don’t have to pay for anything.

    Of course, experienced partners invest a lot of money in promoting products in order to earn much more. But you don't need to do this. It is enough to advertise affiliate products for free.

    Earning money on the Internet through affiliate programs ranges from a fraction of a percent to more than half the cost of a product or service. It all depends on the type of affiliate program.

    Product affiliate programs

    In such affiliate programs it is proposed to sell a variety of goods - from books to luxury goods. The product itself costs money, and the buyer also needs to pay for its delivery. And prices in online stores have to be kept lower than in offline stores, otherwise they will not be able to compete. That's why trade margin very low, usually no higher than 5-10%. Hence, the affiliate percentage that a seller can pay to a partner is very small - sometimes only 1-2%.

    If this is an affiliate program of a home theater store, high-end mobile phones or other goods worth about 50,000 rubles, then the affiliate reward can be 500-1000 rubles per sale. Another thing is that selling such goods is difficult because they are expensive.

    It is easier to sell inexpensive everyday goods - books, flash drives, video games, etc. Affiliate remuneration in such online stores can reach 5-12%, which in monetary terms is approximately 10-100 rubles.

    Affiliate programs for info products

    Infoproducts are information in a form that is easy to understand. These are usually digital books that can be read using e-books and computers, audiobooks that can be listened to using a player or computer, video lessons for viewing on a computer, etc.

    The main difference between information products is that information can be replicated at almost no cost. Hence the very low cost of information products and, as a result, a high percentage of affiliate remuneration. When selling information products in digital form (downloadable), it reaches 50-70%. When selling information products with delivery on DVDs - up to 25-35% (you have to pay for the production of discs, their packaging and delivery). It turns out that from one sale of an information product a partner can earn from 100 rubles (digital books) to 5,000 rubles (video courses on discs).

    We live in the information age. Success is achieved by those who learn faster, who assimilate new information and master new skills faster than others. People don't want to spend years learning new skills in traditional ways - in educational institutions, courses, etc.

    That is why information products that allow you to learn in just a few days are in increasing demand. As demand grows, supply grows. The number of affiliate programs for information products is so large that you can choose for almost every taste.

    What do you need to make money online through affiliate programs?

    In order to advertise affiliate products for free, you need an advertising platform for which you do not have to pay. Such a platform can be your thematic blog. This is a blog filled with information on a specific topic for which visitors will come to it.

    And when they received the information they needed from you and were satisfied, you can offer them to receive more “advanced”, more detailed information, but for payment.

    It's reminiscent of tasting tables in stores. You can try it for free, but just a small piece. And if you like it, buy a lot.

    The main thing is to make sure that visitors like the information on your blog. Only then will they want more.

    Therefore, you need to blog and select affiliate programs on a topic that you like and that you are well versed in.

    To make money on the Internet in affiliate programs, you will need an Internet wallet, into which you will receive the money you earn. The most convenient payment systems in which you can create wallets for free and which can be specified when registering in affiliate programs are Yandex.Money, Web Money and RBK-money.

    So, you will need:

    1. A blog on a topic that is interesting to you and popular, in which there are affiliate programs;
    2. At least two or three affiliate programs that exactly correspond to the topic of the blog;
    3. One or two online wallets for earning money.

    Yandex or Google will help with this. It is enough to type the phrases that are usually found on selling sites:

    • Affiliate program;
    • Earn by recommending a course;
    • Register in the affiliate program;
    • Earnings for webmasters, etc.

    The main condition for earning money in affiliate programs

    Give people quality useful information on the topic of affiliate products.

    • High quality;
    • Useful;
    • On this topic.

    How to make money: surfing sites

    Let's consider a view like surfing . This is the easiest way to earn money. There is manual surfing, i.e. you go to the advertiser’s page and stay on it for 20-30 seconds. Then move on to the next one. Now, I can’t even imagine who uses it. This is hard labor.

    Nowadays autosurfing is mainly used. This happens as follows. You go to a special sponsor page, where advertising changes automatically. You can lower the page to tray, do whatever you want, the process is underway automatically.

    You can stay in this mode for as long as you feel comfortable. You will be awarded credits, which can then be converted into money. But this is not even a lot of money. At the same time, you need to keep in mind what kind of Internet you have, what kind of traffic. Otherwise, it may turn out that if the Internet is not unlimited, you will have to pay for it while you are surfing more than you earned.

    If you are interested, you can easily find such sponsors yourself using a search engine. But, I want to warn you, not everyone pays, there are also scammers. I can’t recommend anyone in this field. I consider this type of income a waste of time. But at the beginning of your journey, you can try. You have to touch everything with your own hands. This is what making money on the Internet by browsing sites looks like.

    The foreign exchange market is of interest to many, although it cannot be classified as earning money without investments. But what would work on Forex did not end in a complete loss of invested money (draining capital), it is necessary to be able to predict market movements, which requires good knowledge of both technical and fundamental analysis combined with the skillful application of this knowledge.

    You need to be able to manage risks and see exactly when to enter the market and when to stay out of the game. An important role is played by self-discipline and the ability to strictly follow a plan drawn up in advance, without succumbing to one’s emotions. But even then no one will give you a guarantee of making a profit.

    To increase the possibility of making a profit, more accurately enter the market and timely exit from it, many traders resort to help advisors or use signals of various Forex-robots .

    And although they do not provide a 100% guarantee of the profitability of the transaction, they nevertheless significantly reduce the risk of a large loss.

    Diversity of the foreign exchange market

    There are many options to make money on the foreign exchange market. These include currency pairs, stocks, all kinds of mutual funds, and so on. Each broker offers a fairly diverse range of services:

    • Providing a trading platform (terminal).
    • Training, which can take place in an office near you or remotely.
    • Weekly or daily market forecasts.
    • Online support, etc.

    Be careful when choosing a broker, because you will be working with him for more than one month. Find for yourself those tools, indicators and strategies that are suitable and understandable to you. Read more, try, test.

    And the most important thing: Not a single strategy, not a single indicator or robot will give you a 100% guarantee of getting rid of losses!!! If you are not ready to take risks, then find yourself another type of earning money on the Internet that does not involve a lot of risk!

    Many people have heard stories about how people get money from practically nothing. To understand how to make money from nothing, you need to restructure your thinking and believe in your capabilities. A good incentive is to have a specific dream and the amount of money required to realize it.

    You need to learn not only how to make money, but also how to manage it. Examples of many businessmen indicate that, having earned a lot of capital, they lose it due to the inability to manage it correctly.

    Ways to create money from nothing

    • Implementation of ideas. You need to learn to see what is inaccessible to others. You can implement ideas yourself or sell them to others.
    • Mediation. By providing services to buyers and sellers, you can earn a good percentage and gradually reach a higher level of income.
    • Investments. They allow you to invest funds and receive income, with virtually no personal involvement. As an option, you can consider bank deposits.


    There are many ways to make money out of nothing. When choosing a specific one, the presence of certain skills, inclinations and character traits is taken into account.

    The main idea of ​​money from nothing is the ability to create (find) and use a creative idea. This requires thinking outside the box to see new ways to generate income. Even a seemingly primitive idea can lead to success.

    Engage in mediation. To begin with, you can help sell something to your friends by finding a buyer for a small percentage. More profitable is intermediation in the sale of real estate. But it is better to move on to this option after having some experience.

    Use your skills or talent. You can promote them through your own website, posting examples of creativity on it and offering it to visitors. If you have any skills or abilities, you can share them via the Internet, selling them to sites or working in technical support.

    Turn your liabilities into assets and make them work. Every person has small savings or real estate. Money can be deposited in a bank or invested. Real estate can be a source of initial income. In order not to lose your money, you will have to study and read literature.

    Often, the obstacle to improving your situation and increasing your well-being is your own underestimation. You need to believe in your capabilities, and many seemingly tightly closed doors will open. True, you shouldn’t overestimate your capabilities either.

    You need to determine for yourself exactly how much money you need to realize your desires or dreams. You can write it down and put it so that it catches your eye at least several times a day. To achieve it, you need to set yourself several simpler and more specific goals that can realistically be achieved over a certain period of time.

    Question: I don't have any special talents. How to make money out of nothing if my favorite activity is computer games?
    Answer: This option has long been used to create money. There are sites on the Internet dedicated to the “sales” of heroes and their equipment. Use your love for the game by leveling up your hero, and then sell him.

    Question: Is it possible to make money effortlessly from your blog?
    Answer: Firstly, space can be sold for advertising, and secondly, for articles with links. To do this, however, you will have to work a little to make your blog visited and interest advertisers.

    Question: I recently lost my job and decided to completely change my career. What can you do?
    Answer: First you need to analyze your abilities and skills. It’s better to write down on paper everything you know, as well as what you would like to do. Try to use this opportunity to start doing something truly interesting.

    Trends in the development of the world economy, some features of social and political life Many people in the country are being pushed to look for additional income. If desired, everyone can find many interesting ideas that do not require investment. In some areas get net profit you can practically “out of thin air” and without investment. The only thing you can’t do without is determination, planning and a willingness to use all available intangible resources, primarily time.

    Is it possible to make money out of nothing?

    Making money from practically nothing is not a myth, but a reality. Of course, the phrase should not be taken literally. Business ideas of this format, although they do not involve material costs, still require some personal resources. To achieve any goal, you must first plan your course of action, consult with a specialized specialist on a specific issue, and spend time and effort.

    How to make money?

    If you want to get additional income or create a profitable business, you can with minimal investment, and sometimes out of nothing at all. It’s quite possible to make money out of thin air, but you just need to prepare well, study information on the topic, analyze the potential demand for the product for the target audience and the market in general, and also objectively evaluate own strength. Despite the fact that many business ideas can be successfully implemented from almost nothing, you need to understand that without perseverance, dynamic growth and the desire to achieve a goal, it is impossible to get a positive result.

    Selling ideas

    For various reasons, many professionals in their field, people with scientific knowledge and enormous experience in a certain field do not receive decent remuneration for their work and do not realize their intellectual potential. There are many creative, creative and inventive individuals who do not even suspect that their ideas can make good money. To successfully sell a mental product, you need to prepare a high-quality presentation that will immediately answer the most important questions of potential buyers:

    • what problem it solves, what needs it can satisfy;
    • why it will be successful and will be interesting to the audience;
    • what competitive advantages does it have over other ideas;
    • why does the author need to sell the idea (it is necessary to give a message to the buyer that the goal is not profit, but the creation of a profitable joint project, if it is a startup; or long-term mutually beneficial cooperation);
    • how much the idea itself costs and how much profit it can bring to the new owner.


    In the traditional sense, the term “investment” refers to long-term investments in the economy to generate profit or other desired goals through the sale or provision of goods or services. You can invest your capital profitably and receive interest from it for life, or make good money over time by reselling it. People with average incomes most often choose mutual funds, purchase valuable papers, opening PAMM accounts, bank deposits, investing money in precious metals. If the capital is solid, it is usually invested in larger projects - investments in enterprises, venture capital companies, purchase of real estate, property by proxy, antiques.

    But to really make money out of thin air, you need to think carefully about your investment tactics. Before opening a bank deposit, you will need to objectively assess its reliability, the effectiveness of the proposed interest rate and choose the best option, understand how many years later it will be possible to receive net income, its volume, is it profitable? Also, in order to systematically accumulate profits, you need to invest regularly, creating your own financial flow. But it is worth considering some risks associated with this type of business: currency fluctuations, inflation rates, the likelihood of an economic crisis, bank bankruptcy, etc. If you get it from an investor, you can create it from almost nothing.

    How to start investing successfully:

    • You need to get your finances in order (start earning more than you spend, saving capital for the next stage of investing).
    • Study the theory of investment (it is important to understand the basic terminology, study books and recommendations of authoritative speakers, articles in business publications).
    • Decide on the goal and desired result (in addition to the basic desire to earn money, it is important to decide on the timing of investments and receipt of income, the danger of risks, etc.).
    • Take into account the risks and allow for losses (you don’t need to invest all your savings or your last money, it is important to objectively assess the level of danger).
    • Choose a strategy (take risks by investing in fast-growing projects with high interest and risk, or choose the optimal ratio of assets).
    • Control your emotions and gradually build your portfolio (all decisions must be logically justified, you must monitor the situation on the market, be ready to sell assets that have risen in price in order to buy cheaper ones and receive greater profits in the future).


    It is quite possible to build a successful business from nothing through mediation. This is the name for a type of activity that involves the acquisition of a product not for the purpose of using it, but for further sale and profit from the difference in purchase and sale prices (or means the provision of information or practical services without own investments). Modern technologies allow you to become an intermediary and make money without investment, even via the Internet. For example, many are engaged in sales in the format, when a person finds wholesale suppliers with a good pricing policy, a wide range of goods and offers their products as if from himself. After receiving the money and the buyer's address, he transfers it to the supplier (who makes the shipment), and then pays for the products, receiving the difference in price in hand. You don't even need to leave your home to do this. The main thing is to find clients, and this can really be done with the help of the Internet.

    You can also become an intermediary in the field of real estate, the sale of household items, equipment and even services (broker, agent on the financial exchange, travel intermediary). The choice of a market niche depends on a person’s experience, personal qualities, skills and knowledge, development potential, and connections. It is important to understand that not everyone can achieve success in this type of activity. This is a specific type of income that requires, in addition to knowledge of the essence of the matter, the ability to understand human psychology and business acumen.

    Advertising on the body

    One of the easiest ways to make money from nothing is through body advertising. Some PR agencies actively use this marketing ploy. Anyone can contact the office of a company that pays to have an image with the logo of an enterprise or brand applied to the body (an option for a real tattoo is possible). In most cases, it is placed for a period of 1-3 months, and the cost depends on the length of placement and the body part. The average price if advertising lasts up to 1 month is approximately the following:

    • back – up to RUB 4,500;
    • breast – up to 5500 rub.;
    • forearms – up to 3500 rubles;
    • legs – up to 2000 rub.

    If this type of income is offered by a professional company, the brand logo will be applied in a certified center under the supervision of specialists. For example, services such as Advtruck will help you make money out of nothing. Russian company“220 Volt” has already practiced the promotion “Get a tattoo with the 220 Volt logo and get 10,000 rubles.” Often those who wish to do so themselves place advertisements offering to put advertisements on their bodies, publishing them on thematic forums, specialized websites, or using the online auction eBay. Many people make money by demonstrating body art at exhibitions, corporate events and presentations.

    The relevance of this type of income is justified by the fact that effective interaction with the modern buyer can no longer be achieved using only traditional methods of advertising and attracting customers. But using tattoos as an advertising method is only appropriate if they correspond to the main purpose of the advertising message. American citizens Caroline Smith, Billy Gibbie, Joe Tamargo, Russian woman Yana Makarova (Perm) and others have already received fame and money for tattoos placed on their bodies. But, despite the relative ease of making a profit, it is important to consider some points:

    • the likelihood of prejudice from others;
    • possible harm to health, allergies, infections;
    • income may not cover the resulting discomfort and expenses.

    Selling air

    You can make money out of nothing even by selling air. Although the idea is absurd, it can actually be profitable, and the history of marketing proves it. For example, Russian Sergei Luchnikov successfully sold canned air. The main thing is that the proposal is successfully presented, based on original idea and became relevant to the audience. For good money on the online auction eBay they sold the smell from the concert of Justin Bieber, Rihanna, Beyoncé, performances by American rapper Kanye West in support of the album Yeezus, fresh mountain air of Iceland, canned air of St. Petersburg, Paris, fog of San Francisco, dust from a volcano Eyjafjallajökull.

    The air is preserved in cans or plastic bags. The cost can vary (depending on the value of the product and the seller’s pricing policy) - from several rubles to tens of thousands of dollars. For an example and to assess the specifics of this market segment, it is worth looking at advertisements for the sale of air, for example, on the resources “Airofrussia”, “Etsy”, “Fogtastic”. People want to capture their emotions, to join the atmosphere of a place where they did not have the opportunity to visit, and modern marketing skillfully uses this, because when buying air from interesting places and concerts, the buyer will be able to return to realistic memories not only at the level of visualization, but through emotions and organs feelings. If a person is creative, has original thinking and can correctly present the product to the audience who will be interested in it, he will be able to earn good money literally “out of thin air.”

    Various donations

    You can also make money from almost nothing through donation, by donating renewable tissues, such as hair, blood, biological fluids and germ cells, to specialized clinics. Most often they decide to donate blood, but there is a limit on the number of requests per year: for men no more than 5 times, and for women no more than 4 (with a mandatory break of at least 14-60 days). Strict requirements for donors have also been developed. For example, age from 18 to 60 years, weight from 50 kg, absence of infectious diseases, fact of drug use, psychotropic substances, successful completion of a medical examination. State blood transfusion stations usually pay the patient monetary compensation in the amount of 5% of the cost of living in a particular region - an amount of about 600 rubles. More significant money is paid only if the donor has a rare blood phenotype (approximately 1,420 rubles), when he can be allowed to donate plasma and other blood components by apheresis (from 1,788 rubles to 45% of the subsistence level). In private institutions the price may be higher.

    The cost of donating fluid containing male reproductive cells ranges on average from 1,500 to 3,500 rubles. Egg donors are paid more - approximately 50-70 thousand rubles, but the degree of impact on the body during preparation, as well as the complexity of the process, is much higher. More simple ways making money from donation, such as selling hair (for a length of 35-40 cm they offer about 10-20 thousand rubles, but the longer the curls and the better their condition, the higher the price), do not require special training. If a person decides to change his image, he will optimally combine income generation and a new haircut.

    Selling heroes in games

    If a person is passionate about computer games and understands their intricacies, he can make money by selling heroes for real money. With the passage of each level, the character becomes stronger, and when he reaches a certain level of genesis, he can be transferred for money to another player who will continue the game. The cost of heroes varies and depends on many factors (rating, type of character, level, etc.), some manage to get up to several thousand dollars. You just need to “pump up” them to the required level, buy clothes, uniforms, weapons or other necessary attributes of a particular game (this seriously affects the price) and then sell them without additional investments. Resources, of course, will require time, effort and certain experience. In addition, they often sell game accounts on specialized resources. You can publish an ad in thematic groups on social networks, on forums, and trading platforms, for example, “Online Cash”. Some gaming market specialists do not consider those who play for the sake of selling characters to be real players, because then the pleasure from the game is lost and all efforts are aimed at formally achieving the desired level and receiving money.


    Surrogacy can bring quite a profit. No material investments are required. But the specifics of the procedure require successful completion of a number of tests, diagnostic and therapeutic measures, taking a large amount of hormonal drugs and a certain psychological attitude. To fulfill all the requirements and conditions, a woman will spend a lot of time and effort, including emotional. In addition, transferring someone else's embryo, pregnancy and childbirth can affect your health in the future; this risk also needs to be taken into account. All costs for medical examination and food, as a rule, are borne by the married couple, who will enter into a special agreement with the surrogate mother.

    To find a buyer for the service, you should look for advertisements on specialized forums, contact government family planning and reproduction centers and private clinics of this profile. Most of these institutions have their own websites where basic information for applicants is posted. On some, you can immediately fill out an application, indicating basic data, and after a call from a specialist, find out the exact time of the meeting with the doctor, the stages of the examination and other nuances of surrogacy. Private reproductive clinics often offer comfortable conditions for medical support, including legal advice, monthly maintenance and free accommodation. The remuneration depends on the agreement between the parties, but on average it is 600,000-1,600,000 rubles. It is paid only after the birth of the child.

    Earnings on exchange rates

    It is quite possible to make money on exchange rates and get money. But for this you will need to carefully monitor the financial market and monitor current rates at different exchange offices. It is important to consider possible costs, such as time and resources to compare the performance of exchangers and buyers' offers. You can make a profit on the exchange rate not only of real currency, but also of electronic currency. Statistics show that it can fluctuate up to 10%. Those who want to make money on jumps in real currencies must take into account that significant income can only be obtained by operating large sums. As an option, you can use another format of work: buying currency without intermediaries and opening a foreign currency account with a brokerage company (but a large amount is required - the minimum conversion volume is 1000 USD). Exchange rates can be quickly monitored online around the clock, thus better controlling the optimal exchange time.

    Replacing a person in line

    For many people, the service of changing a place in line is very relevant. Many procedures, especially those related to paperwork, are associated with bureaucracy, which takes a lot of effort, time and requires prompt decisions from the applicant. Such offers often come from companies providing household services. But it’s quite possible to make money from this on your own. Most likely, it will not be possible to achieve a very high income, but everyone can improve their financial condition without much effort. In fact, there are not so few people who are ready to use the time spent in line more rationally (especially since sometimes the wait can last up to 7-10 hours), although such a service is not in very great demand. You can offer it on regional bulletin boards, in thematic groups of social networks and on city forums with high traffic. On average, 1 hour of time in line costs 200-1000 rubles.

    Resale of real estate

    Income from the resale of real estate is generated by the difference between the purchase price by the intermediary and its final cost. As a rule, they buy apartments and houses from developers (sometimes they buy them back during construction) and make them turnkey for resale. But in this case, investments will be required. In order to get money practically “out of thin air” through the resale of real estate, you need to find a client who agrees to buy it at the offered price. Also, apartments and houses that urgently need to be sold are often sold at a price below the market price, and the new owner offers them at his own markup.

    Some novice entrepreneurs in this area choose a different format of work - they gradually buy separate rooms located in a communal apartment with a large area. As a result, the cost of rooms purchased separately will be significantly lower than the price of 1 large apartment (even without renovation). An additional advantage that will positively affect the price will be the favorable location of the property (in central areas, within a network of developed infrastructure). At the same time, it is necessary to remember about possible difficulties (long time for buying rooms, registration of an apartment, problems with documents) and consult with professionals at all stages of the transaction. Experts recommend that beginners in the field of apartment resale purchase only marketable apartments (1, 2-room apartments) at the start, because with larger dimensions they are more expensive, so there will be fewer potential buyers.

    It is important to consider that in order to earn money in this way, you need at least minimal experience in the real estate market, free capital and business acumen. It will take patience and an understanding that sales delays often occur. To get an acceptable result you will have to wait different period, which cannot be predicted in advance - from several months to several years. It is also necessary to formulate an adequate price, not to allow yourself to be drawn into the excitement and lose a sense of reality during the preparation of the transaction, and not to skimp on legal support, because an inattentive buyer can always become a victim of scammers.

    Advice: If the period of resale of real estate at the desired price takes a long time, there is no need to waste time and money. An apartment or house can be rented out; this service is always relevant on the market. Thus, the acquisition will not hang as a “dead weight”, but will bring real money, at least partially compensating for lost profits during the waiting period.

    Growing fruit online

    Modern technologies and trends in the development of the IT market allow you to earn money without leaving home at any time of the day, and sometimes even in the process computer games. Their separate category is developed in the format of an online vegetable garden or orchard, where the user can grow and sell virtual fruits. There are many special sites that make it possible not only to play, but to receive money for it and withdraw it to an electronic wallet, and then cash it out. Can also be achieved in the game high level, and then sell your game account to another user.

    Advice: implementation will help you make money out of thin air. For example, you can start dropshipping New Year's paraphernalia, provide intermediary services to entrepreneurs who sell New Year's goods, and rent out real estate.

    Anyone can make money out of thin air if they want, but it is important to choose your niche and do something for which you have the ability and interest. It is necessary to take into account the method of making a profit, possible risks, the relevance of the offer for the region and the selected target audience. In the process of work, you need to understand that income cannot be obtained without purposefulness, investment of moral strength and time.

    Helpful Tips:

    1. You need to tune in to running a business that will actually bring money practically out of thin air, to get rid of the poor man’s mentality.
    2. To get income without material investments, you will need to invest not only time, but experience, knowledge and skills.
    3. It is necessary to choose an idea whose implementation will be in demand.
    4. You should not neglect recommendations and consultations with specialists, especially in the case of real estate transactions.
    5. In order to better master the strategy of running your business, learn more about ways to make money, including “out of thin air,” you need to engage in self-development and monitor modern tendencies development of different market segments.

    In addition to the options described, you can make a profit out of nothing using, renting out real estate, or playing.

    Save the article in 2 clicks:

    Making money “out of thin air” is quite possible; if desired, every person can achieve a positive result. You just need to choose interesting idea and make sure that there are resources to implement it. Original thinking and creativity can also bring significant profits even without investment.

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    In what ways did I personally manage to earn more than 1,000,000 rubles? What do you need to do to get your first money today? What ways to make money quickly are there and how can you get started?

    Hello, Dear friends! Alexander Berezhnov, entrepreneur and one of the authors of the business magazine, is in touch.

    To make a lot of money quickly, you need to have a clear idea of ​​how to do it.

    In this article we will look at 7 proven methods available to the common person. They have been tested by me personally and have proven their effectiveness in practice.

    All you have to do is study them and put the acquired knowledge into practice.

    Here we will not consider getting a job or clever fraudulent schemes. We will rather talk about business ideas that can bring you profit tomorrow.

    Make yourself comfortable! I promise - you will not regret reading this article to the end!

    1. How realistic is it to earn 30,000 rubles? in 2 weeks

    This is absolutely real, tested from my own experience! However, nothing happens for nothing and you will have to work really hard somewhere with your head, somewhere with your arms and legs, but the result is worth it.

    This article will only talk about legal and morally normal ways to make relatively quick money.

    Let me immediately give you guidelines on which areas (with the exception of standard work) you should pay attention to in order to quickly earn a lot of money:

    • selling unnecessary things from home;
    • earnings from mediation;
    • creating income using the Internet;
    • turning your hobby into a business;
    • consulting (teaching);
    • provision of paid services.

    One way or another, I will tell you about all these areas of earning money in an article with examples and recommendations. During my experiments in making money using the above methods, I managed to make a profit of more than 1,000,000 rubles! I especially want to emphasize that I earned this money not from a classic job, but from doing business.

    How did I earn this money:

    1. Opened a business on the Internet. I created my own profitable website on the Internet with a partner -
    2. Provided paid services. I created websites and computer designs to order with my friend Vitaly (if you want to repeat our success, read my article “”)
    3. He was involved in mediation. I sold goods and services through the Avito electronic bulletin board ( and found customers for familiar apartment renovation contractors.

    These methods were enough for me to earn decent money by the standards of the provincial city of Stavropol, in which I live.

    2. What you need to know to make a lot of money

    To do this you need to do the following:

    1. Find out which ways to make money work and which don’t. In this article I will talk specifically about working methods. If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments to the article.
    2. Learn from the experience of people who are already making money and repeat what they do. It's always easier to follow the beaten path than to reinvent the wheel. Moreover, we are talking about how to make money in 2 weeks.
    3. Start acting immediately after receiving PRACTICAL knowledge. After all, your financial success depends only on you. If you are not lazy and understand this, then you should prove at least to yourself that you are capable of making money, and not just complain about fate.

    That's all. Let's get to practice!

    3. How to make money quickly - 7 real ways

    The methods described below are suitable for people with absolutely average abilities.

    Some of them will be connected to the Internet and some will not. Therefore, computer skills at the level of a confident user will give you great advantages.

    Method 1. We sell unnecessary things (ours and others)

    Have you ever thought that you can make good money on old things that you no longer need?

    If you do a general cleaning of your apartment (house, office), as well as the garage and basement, you will find a lot of “junk”. In your opinion, these things may not have value, but someone really needs them and you can make money quickly from this.

    Old tires, broken household appliances, unnecessary furniture, accessories that you are tired of - these are thousands, and sometimes tens of thousands of rubles!

    Before such things become completely worthless, let's implement them and replenish our budget.

    Some will say that he doesn't have many old things to sell. This usually happens because you simply did not audit your property.

    Personally, I found more odds and ends at home than in 40,000 rubles.

    Among them:

    1. Professional Santa Claus suit, which was made to order. Cost in used condition - 10,000 rubles
    2. The clothes, including very good ones, are almost new. Cost in used condition: approx. 8,000 rubles.
    3. Car tires with rims for VAZ. Cost in used condition: approx. 5,000 rubles.
    4. Unnecessary electronics and household appliances (laptop, camera, juicer, food processor). The cost of everything together in used condition is approximately 15,000 rubles.
    5. Accessories, figurines, old furniture. The cost of used items is approx. 10,000 rubles.

    How to quickly sell unnecessary things and earn 30,000 rubles in 2 weeks? - further we will talk about the methods tested by me personally.

    We hand over old things to a thrift store in your city

    In almost every city there are so-called “thrift stores” (thrift stores), where you can bring a lot of things at once and sell them in a fairly short time.

    In this case, the store will take a percentage from you for the fact that you earned money with its help. Typically the store commission is 20%.

    By the way, there are industry consignment stores, such as computer or furniture stores, that deal only with certain categories of goods. Accordingly, here they will be able to evaluate your things more objectively.

    We provide free advertisements in local newspapers

    Each locality has its own free newspapers like “Everything for You” or “From Hand to Hand”.

    You can submit advertisements there in several ways: call, come to the office and fill out an application, place your advertisement in a newspaper via the Internet.

    Posting advertisements around the area

    This is one of the best ways sell old furniture, refrigerator, washing machine, piano, bicycle and other relatively large things.

    Since a person who saw the ad and became interested in your offer can immediately come to you and look at this thing.

    If you have good presentation skills and are pleasant to talk to, you will most likely be able to easily find a buyer and sell your product at a good price.

    The best way is to sell things through free Internet boards

    I single out this method as the best, since it has almost all the advantages of the previous ones, and at the same time has a number of undeniable advantages:

    • The site's audience is already looking for your product. Unlike newspapers, where the reader sees all the advertisements in a row, the user of the site (electronic bulletin board) specifically goes there and goes to a certain category, where you place your advertisement.
    • Detailed positioning of your offer. If newspapers often have a limit on the number of characters, and adding photographs is generally a problem, here all these possibilities are fully available to you.
    • Huge audience. Every day more and more people are looking for information on the Internet, and newspapers and magazines are fading into the background, becoming obsolete. By posting your ad on the site, you greatly increase the chances of selling your product.

    The best site for selling things is Avito ( This is the most popular electronic free bulletin board in the Russian-language segment of the Internet.

    I promised to periodically give examples from personal experience.

    So, with the help of the Avito website, I managed to earn 10,000 rubles in 1 week.

    When they call you based on an ad, you find out the person’s name, find out his needs and say that a specialist (specialist) will call him back and your client will continue working with him.

    Remember, perhaps you have familiar entrepreneurs who sell something and agree with them on a percentage of sales if you find them a client.

    You can also negotiate with third-party companies whose managers you did not know before. Become their freelance sales manager, and in just a couple of days you will earn your first money.

    Method 3. We sell things made with our own hands - “Handmade”

    As you know, our people are creative and for some people making crafts, souvenirs, and gifts with their own hands is a hobby from which you can quickly earn quite a lot of money.

    You've probably seen ads like:

    • “Making bouquets of sweets and soft toys”
    • “Original gifts to order” and others

    This type of income is especially popular among girls. It is possible that you are also interested in making handmade items*.

    Handmade(from the English “Handmade”) - made by hand. Crafts and other arts and crafts self made.

    I have a friend, his name is Yura, who makes custom designer watches, bracelets and other popular accessories.

    Another friend of mine, Anna Belan, teaches handicrafts to children and makes custom-made crafts. I even took it from her and posted it on the website.

    So Anya turned her hobby into a good business. Our local Stavropol television even filmed several stories about this girl.

    Here is one of these videos about Anya:

    Therefore, guys, if you have a craving for creativity and a desire to create something with your own hands, feel free to start making money this way.

    You can also become an intermediary, selling handmade crafts from familiar craftsmen. These people can be found on the Internet, because here on “handmade” forums a huge number of “handy” creators hang out.

    Offer them to sell their crafts for a percentage, I’m sure they won’t refuse.

    Let's move on to the review of the next method for making money quickly.

    Method 4. We train (consult) people for money

    If you are professionally versed in something and can teach it to others, then why not make money this way?

    You can organize your own paid courses, advise people individually, or become a private tutor, like my friend Alexey, who helped me learn English language. This young man teaches languages ​​via Skype with his wife; they teach adults and children.

    That is, you can earn money without leaving home and you can start quickly - new technologies will only help you.

    So, think about it, maybe your knowledge can be “monetized”.

    By starting small and learning how to make your first money from your talents, you can make the World Wide Web your main source of high income. If you are interested in this topic, then read our article about it. This is the dream of many people and a modern trend especially among young people.

    Method 5. Borrow money (against your income or property)

    If you need money very urgently, and you know that you can pay it back in the near future, then you can borrow it. And even though this is not a way to earn money, but rather a way to get money, it still solves the problem of their absence. You can also read our article on the topic “”, it describes the most popular methods.

    A loan is one of the opportunities to quickly get money. But how to do that?

    There are several ways to do this:

    Take out a consumer loan

    Typically, such a loan is issued without problems to people with a permanent job for 6 months or more. Loan interest rates range from 15% before 30% in different banks.

    Here, your salary income will be the guarantor of loan payments. By the way, if you have some passive income, it will also be taken into account by the bank and will positively influence the decision to issue you a loan.

    Take advantage of quick loans

    This is the same loan, only it is issued much faster and often with one document - a passport, and you do not need to confirm income from your place of work.

    Unlike banks, quick loans issued by so-called microfinance companies.

    However, this method of receiving money has its own small drawback - an inflated interest rate, which usually amounts to tens of percent per year.

    Such loans are specifically designed for citizens who are about to receive a salary or sell something.

    Borrow money against property

    If you have any property: an apartment, a car, a garage, retail space or equipment, then most banks will be willing to give you a loan against it.

    To do this, you must have documents confirming ownership of such property.

    Naturally, in any case, the property against which you want to take out a loan should not itself be encumbered with a loan.


    Try to repay the money you borrowed from the bank on time, because if you do not repay it or are late in repaying the loan, you will face litigation and financial penalties from your creditors.

    In addition, you will have a bad credit history, which means that your chance of getting a loan in the future will be much less.

    Method 6. Find a part-time job on the Internet

    Making money on the Internet is suitable for people who are good at computers, since some methods of earning money here will require special technical knowledge.

    As in real life, there are many ways to make money on the Internet:

    • Provide paid services. If you are a designer, programmer or writer (), register on remote work sites such as Freelancing ( and Workzilla (, take orders, complete them and receive your honestly earned money for completing them.
    • Start your business online. In this case, you will not make a profit the very next day, but in the long run your income will be large and stable.
    • Engage in the resale of advertising, websites and information on the Internet. By becoming an intermediary on the global web, you can earn money from anywhere in the world if you have a computer and the Internet. Again, I tested this method of earning money myself. My personal result: 28,000 rubles per month. I earned this money from affiliate programs. By the way, for most ways to make money through online mediation, you don’t even need to have your own website.

    Ways to make money online through mediation:

    Selling links

    This is a whole market in which you can become an intermediary. Sell ​​links on large sites for a percentage. To do this, write to the owners of such sites a proposal for cooperation. By selling several links a day, you can make money quickly. Moreover, the cost of one link on good sites starts from 30 00 rubles .

    It is quite possible to agree on your commission in 20% and more. So from the sale of one link you can earn from 600 rubles.

    Selling banners

    The same situation is with the sale of banners. There are sites whose banner prices are tens and hundreds of thousands of rubles per month.

    That is, for 1 transaction you can earn from several hundred rubles before several tens of thousands!

    Imagine, it’s like realtors (intermediaries in the real estate industry). We rented out some real estate or sold it and made good money from it. Only the realtor needs to move around the city all the time, and this is a big expense.

    You can engage in mediation in the field of Internet advertising even from home, and your income can be comparable to intermediaries in the real estate sector.

    Mediation in the field of website sales

    Relatively recently, a market for the purchase and sale of websites as a ready-made business began to form. A good website can bring its owner no less money than a large store in a city with a population of over a million.

    And as you know, where there is money, over time people appear who want to get it.

    In the previous method, I already compared a person in Internet mediation with a realtor. The situation here is exactly the same.

    Bring together sellers and buyers of sites and get your percentage. On average it is 10% from the cost of the site. If you think that this is mere pennies, then I assure you that it is not so.

    If the site brings its owner an income of 30,000 rubles, then it can already be sold for 750,000 - 1,000,000 rubles. Calculate how much you will earn from this if you find a buyer for such a site with your commission of 10%.

    This method is suitable for you if you are fairly well versed in websites and can correctly calculate their cost based on the average monthly income of the project and other important indicators, which affect the cost of the site.

    Participation in affiliate programs

    Nowadays, many products and services online have their own affiliate program. This is an opportunity for you to make good money.

    And you can do it like this. You register in the affiliate program and receive a special link.

    In different affiliate programs they range from 10% before 90% .

    All payments and calculations are carried out automatically. That is, you can even sleep at the moment when someone orders something using your affiliate link, and wake up in the morning and receive a letter that you have received a commission in a certain amount.

    I recently wrote a very detailed article, which contains all the technology for making money on affiliate programs, be sure to study it “”.

    How to find affiliate programs - there are 2 ways:

    1. Use search engines by entering “affiliate programs for earning money” or “affiliate program aggregators” into the search bar.
    2. Take advantage of well-known and proven affiliate programs from the service (affiliate programs of information goods and services) or the largest Internet megamarket in the RuNet,

    Method 7. Pawn valuables (jewelry, electronics, car)

    Another way to quickly get money is to urgently sell valuables at a pawnshop. Getting money here for jewelry, digital and household appliances, and even a car is now not a problem.

    If some time ago a pawnshop meant organizations that bought gold, silver and precious stones, now industry-specific pawnshops are becoming increasingly popular: car pawnshops, pawnshops of household appliances and electronics. Here you can literally get money for your iPhone, computer or LCD TV in just 10 minutes.

    At your discretion, you can either get a loan secured by your valuables, or simply sell the item. At the same time, you must understand that the pawnshop will value your item below its real market value. But you will get your money quickly. To do this, it will be enough to present your passport. This is how the pawnshop insures itself against transactions with stolen items.

    This concludes the review of the main ways to earn quick money. Below I will talk about how to avoid falling into the hands of scammers, and then I will summarize the entire article.

    4. Another 40 ways to earn 30 thousand rubles in two weeks

    Friends, in addition to those listed, I offer you 40 more different ways to quickly earn 30 thousand rubles. I haven't tried all of them myself, but I'm sure they're all quite viable. So, you can earn:

    1. While looking after the house. You can find a part-time job yourself or contact a special agency. Today, many owners do not want to clean their houses, walk their dogs, water their flowers, or cook. For this they hire special workers. The average payment for such work is 2-3 thousand per day (depending on what needs to be done). Therefore, in two weeks it is quite possible to earn 30 thousand.
    2. Photography. If you have a digital camera and are good at taking pictures, you can start photographing weddings, birthdays and other events. The fee for one day of filming can be from 10 thousand rubles. It’s easy to calculate how much you can earn in two weeks. For 30 thousand you will need to spend three to four days of filming. The rest of the time is searching for clients and processing photos.

      Fashion photographer

    3. Working as a nanny. If you get along well with children, then you can get a job as a nanny in the evening (or whatever is convenient for you). You can find a job on your own or through an agency. Prices for services vary: if wealthy people are hired, then the nanny’s payment can be 2-2.5 thousand rubles per day, depending on the time spent with the child and additional services (lessons, walks, taking and picking up from school, with classes).
    4. Teacher. If you speak languages ​​or know how to play the guitar, bake cakes, sew, knit, then you can not only do what you love, but also become a teacher. Usually they charge from 500 to 1000 rubles for one lesson (for 1 hour). You can recruit students and train them individually or in groups. It all depends on your free time and skills. Tutoring is a good business these days.
    5. Conducting master classes. This point follows from the previous one. Let's say you know how to do hair. You can gather a group of similar interests and conduct a master class. For an hour of such an event they charge from 300 to 1000 rubles. If you have a whole group, then, accordingly, you can earn more.
    6. Working as a model. Many art schools require models for students. This is not an easy job, as you need to sit still for several hours. But they can pay good money there. Some agencies pay up to 50 thousand per session. You can find such a part-time job on websites or apply to an institute or academy yourself.
    7. In the crowd. There are sites where administrators post information about recruiting viewers for TV shows, extras in movies, and sometimes you can come across roles with words. Prices for such work vary from 500 to 10 thousand rubles per shooting day.
    8. Voice acting. Audiobooks are very popular now, so you can read and record your own voiceovers. You can find a job on job sites. Usual earnings are 5-10 rubles. in a minute. In two weeks you can earn from 30 thousand rubles.
    9. Working as a consultant. You can consult people for a fee. For example, create a diet menu for the week or a workout plan in the gym. For one such consultation, specialists charge from 3 thousand. If you have no experience, you can ask for a little less. Think about what you can do and how it can be applied.
    10. Website development. Suitable for those who have at least a little knowledge of programming. For one order you can immediately earn the entire amount, in some cases more.
    11. Writing comments. This is a fairly popular type of income today. You can find many offers on the Internet (for example, or Here the cost of 1 comment varies from 5 to 50 rubles. Such earnings cannot be considered as the main job (two weeks a large amount not make money), but as additional income it’s quite suitable.
    12. Copywriting. If you write articles well, you can write them for money. Professional copywriters receive from 200 rubles. for 1000 characters. At the first stage you will earn 40-70 rubles. for 1000 characters. At the same time, by writing 2-3 articles a day, you can earn 30 thousand in 2 weeks.
    13. Administrator of social networks. If you modern man, you know all the nuances of designing blogs and popular pages social networks, creating advertisements, then you can easily make money by becoming an administrator. Such work can also be found on the Internet. You can earn from 15 to 50 thousand rubles per month, depending on your experience and employer.
    14. Sales Manager. You can become an intermediary between the client and the seller. Thus, a percentage of the sale will be yours. Earning 30 thousand in two weeks is quite possible if you put in the effort. And when selling expensive things (cars, real estate), this amount can be obtained from one transaction.
    15. Part-time work on YouDo. This is a site where you can register as an employee and sell your services: haircuts, hairstyles, home renovation, plumbing, manicure, massage, etc.
    16. Translator. If you are good with languages, you can earn extra money as a translator. For one text on A4 they charge from 1,000 rubles.
    17. Advertising. If you have a page on social networks and there are many subscribers there, you can make money from advertising. To do this, you need to find an advertiser and agree on the terms of cooperation. Depending on the product and employer, you can earn from 10 to 50 thousand rubles on one post.
    18. Working as a courier. Nowadays there are many websites and phone programs for the delivery of food, documents, goods (for example, Peshkariki, Dostavista, Delivery Club). There you can register and select suitable orders. You can earn from 20 0 rubles per delivery. If you have your own car, then from 1000 for delivery. By completing 30-40 orders in two weeks (2-3 per day), you can easily earn 30 thousand.
    19. Breeding animals. Purebred dogs and cats can be quite expensive. One puppy or kitten is sold for at least 4-5 thousand. This way you can earn from 20 to 50 thousand rubles in half a month. However, it must be taken into account that this type of income also involves considerable expenses.
    20. Monetization. This is income from social networks due to views of your page. You can configure it in your personal account.
    21. Writing student papers: coursework, tests, diplomas. One job can cost from 500 to 15 thousand rubles.
    22. Rent. You can rent out not only an apartment, a garage or a car, but also any other things: Wedding Dress, shoes, tools, household appliances, etc. Earnings depend on the prices you set.
    23. Providing assistance in personnel selection. You can find such work on the Internet! You will look for employees for a specific position and transmit the data to the manager. Earnings depend on employment. Usually they pay from 500 to 2,000 rubles for 1 person.
    24. Working as an operator. Many companies hire employees to work remotely by telephone. All you need to do is call customers and write down orders. Here you can earn from 10 thousand per month. It's a good option as additional income.
    25. Real estate. You can earn extra money renting out apartments. On average, a realtor receives from 7 thousand rubles for one rented apartment. If you work for an agency, you will have to give half of it to them. But you will be provided with orders.
    26. Car wash. Suitable for students as additional income. Washing one car, as a rule, costs from 30 0 rubles.
    27. Working as a bartender and waiter in the evening. You won't get very rich on a salary, but you can make good money on tips. The main thing here is to choose a well-visited establishment.
    28. Writing scripts. Nowadays, creating videos is very popular, so many people are looking for screenwriters. If you have experience or talent, then you can do this. For 1 text you can get from 1 to 10 thousand, depending on the customer company. You can find such work on the Internet.
    29. Participation in rallies. Such an event usually lasts from 1 to 3 hours. They pay about 1000 rubles. Of course, it is unlikely that you can find so many rallies in 2 weeks, but you can combine them with other work.
    30. Help with moving. If you have a large car, then you can advertise and transport things. This service costs from 1 thousand rubles (depending on distance and weight). You can also earn extra money as a loader.
    31. Garbage removal. This work is suitable for owners of trucks. A filled car costs from 5 thousand rubles. So in 2 weeks you can earn about 70 thousand if you find a job every day.
    32. By delivery. There are sites where people look for travel companions. There you can transport people in both directions. A passenger car can accommodate 4 people, and the cost per person starts from 1 thousand rubles.
    33. Animator for birthdays and other holidays. For an hour of work you can earn from 500 rubles.
    34. Organization of holidays and weddings. For such an event, professionals charge from 50 thousand. You can start small, for example by asking for 10 thousand. So, by organizing 3 events, you can earn 30 thousand in 2 weeks.
    35. Assistance in purchasing cars. If you are technically savvy, offer your services. You can not only go out with the buyer and inspect the cars, but also offer your own product options, for which you can take a percentage. For such work you can get 30 thousand per sale. If you are organizing assistance in purchasing a car, then this amount will be for 5-6 transactions.
    36. Dispatcher. There are many websites that require drivers to transport goods. You can go to this site and find drivers. From each delivery you receive a certain percentage. You can get up to 5 thousand from one shipment.
    37. Sports betting. This, of course, is not the most successful example, but sometimes it works. This type of earnings is suitable only for those who are well versed in bookmakers. Here you can raise 30 thousand even in one day, but the risks are great.
    38. By organizing a marriage agency. You can find girls for men and vice versa. Payment depends on whether you work for yourself or for a “ready-made” agency. In the latter, as a rule, the percentage is good, and in 2 weeks it is quite possible to earn 30 thousand.
    39. Selling poems and novels. If you are a poet or writer, you can sell your works. One poem is paid from 500 to 2000 rubles, depending on the publication. And the novel starts from 20 thousand.
    40. Caricatures. If you know how to draw, you can make money from it. There are a lot of artists and cartoonists on the street. They usually charge from a thousand rubles for one portrait. Just 2-3 portraits a day - and 30 thousand in 2 weeks is guaranteed.