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How to make your child grow tall. What determines a child's growth? What can I do to make my child taller? At what age can you grow up and when will you stop growing?

Doctors say that a child’s growth can be influenced with the help of a specially designed balanced diet

At any age, especially in the first years of life, a child’s growth is determined by a sufficient intake of proteins, fats, vitamins, carbohydrates, mineral salts. In our region, the number of children who have deviations in physical development is constantly increasing. Unfortunately, parents, instead of taking their children to a doctor and consulting, let everything take its course. Although the region has long had methods and medications that allow children to grow quickly. The chief endocrinologist of Irkutsk, Irina Zinurovna Ilvova, talks about what affects a child’s growth.

Does growth depend on nutrition?
Everyone already knows that a lack of iodine in the body leads to various unpleasant consequences, in particular, it inhibits intellectual development, and insufficient intake of protein in the body is accompanied by stunting and dystrophy. According to Irina Zinurovna, parents need to ensure that the child receives enough food not only in volume, but also in quality.
It is very useful to eat cottage cheese, meat, milk, vegetables, fruits, fish. It doesn't have to be oranges, avocados or other exotic fruits. For example, carrots with butter or sour cream contain a lot of vitamin A, which is called growth vitamin. But you need to remember that vitamins A and D are absorbed better when they are consumed together with fats, such as vegetable oil.
And for bones to grow, they need vitamin D, calcium and protein. Protein is found in meat, fish, eggs, milk, and cottage cheese. There is a lot of vitamin D in egg yolk, fish oil, red and black caviar. Therefore, children are often given warm milk to drink, to which fresh raw eggs are mixed. Usually, take one egg for two glasses, and shake this mixture. You need to drink it three times a day.
It is very useful to give children multivitamins, especially in winter and spring. Wild herbs are also useful for a small growing organism, which are sometimes even richer in biologically active substances than cultivated ones. For example, nettle, quinoa, dandelion, coltsfoot, plantain, mint, sorrel, fireweed, borage. Good growth stimulants are grains, especially black bread and various cereals.
If you want to be tall, exercise and sleep more
Doctors have proven that rationally dosed loads strengthen bones and grow better. Exercise promotes growth muscle mass and bones, do not allow excess fat to be deposited.
In addition, those who exercise correctly and regularly do not have spinal curvature, which can take up to ten centimeters of growth. It is necessary to accustom the child to physical exercise from early childhood and make sure that he gets enough sleep, since the child grows mainly during sleep, at night.
It has been noticed that in families where they go to bed late and watch TV for a long time, children are stunted. It is also known that children raised in love are taller and have better health than children deprived of care and affection.
Growth accelerates at 11-16 years of age
The most severe disturbances in growth processes are observed in pathologies of the endocrine system. It is known that almost all healthy hormones are directly or indirectly involved in the growth process. In order to stop the growth of the disease in a child in a timely manner, it is necessary to regularly consult a doctor who can accurately identify and eliminate the obstacles that interfere with the normal physical development of your child.
It should be especially alarming if the influence of negative factors occurs in the years when growth acceleration should be observed (11-16 years). It is not always possible to catch up.
The first years of a child’s life are also important, when the level of thyroid hormones is high. It is at this stage that hormones ensure maturation, differentiation bone tissue, central nervous system. Growth retardation caused by a lack of thyroid hormones has characteristic symptoms.
Sex hormones accelerate growth, but if they are in excess in childhood, early closure of growth plates can occur. The child may remain small. A lack of sex hormones during puberty leads to growth retardation.
The somatotropic hormone has the most pronounced effect, it is also called growth hormone (GH). This substance is produced in every person in a small gland - the pituitary gland, which is located in the center of the head in the brain.
GH affects the intellectual capabilities and mental status of a person: activity increases, memory and mood improve. This is an extremely necessary hormone at any age, but a child needs it most of all, because without it the child will not grow up.
Parents should closely monitor the child's growth
At birth and in the first months of life, children with growth deficiency, according to physical development data, practically do not differ from healthy children. The delay becomes noticeable in the second year of life. Gradually, growth rates deteriorate, and after 4 years of life, children gain no more than 2-3 cm per year. In such children, the muscles are poorly developed, and the fat layer is often overdeveloped. Such people have a height of no more than 120-140 cm.
To treat patients with growth hormone deficiency, genetically engineered human GH is used all over the world. The following drugs are registered in Russia: norditropin, humatrope, inotropin, saizen. The effectiveness of these drugs in patients is very high. In the first year of treatment, children grow by an average of 10-12 cm. With long-term and systematic treatment, patients achieve normal adult growth parameters. The earlier treatment is started, the higher the effectiveness of the drug.
How does a child grow correctly?
Parents can take the measurement themselves. A child up to one year old is measured while lying down. After a year, measurements of the child in a standing position are carried out 1-2 times every year. Healthy child in the first 3 months it grows 3.5-4 cm per month and during the entire first year it adds about 25 centimeters. In the second year - 10-12 cm, and then increases in height by 5-6 cm per year.
During puberty, a growth spurt occurs. In girls, it is observed at 11-12 years of age; the increase in height ranges from 6 to 11 cm (on average 8 cm per year). In boys, puberty occurs later, at 13-14 years old, and the increase in height during this period ranges from 7 to 12 cm (average 9.5 cm).
Girls usually reach their final height by the age of 15, i.e., they stop growing, while boys at this age grow very rapidly and reach their final height only by the age of 19-20.
The genetic height of a child can be accurately determined. Doctors call it prognostic growth. Add the mother's height to the father's height and divide in half. Then we add 6.5 cm to the resulting figure (if the child is a boy) or subtract 6.5 cm (if the child is a girl).
Other experts give another formula for proper growth. For boys: father's height plus mother's height multiplied by 0.54-1.5 cm; for girls: mother's height plus father's height multiplied by 0.51-7.5 cm.
Practice shows that sometimes a child may be higher than this predicted height. It is necessary to properly organize nutrition, engage in physical education and sports, and have a normal daily routine. Only through rational nutrition can growth be increased by 10 percent. But infectious diseases, heart defects, chronic diseases bones, etc. cause various disorders in the body and retard growth. Diseases of the endocrine glands, such as the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, and adrenal glands, have a particularly great impact.
According to anthropologists, the average height of a person has changed many times. Neanderthals were 160 centimeters, Cro-Magnons were about 183 centimeters. In the Middle Ages, the height of men ranged from 165 to 170 centimeters.
Now in Russia the average height for men is 175 centimeters, for women - 164. Girls grow up to 17-19 years old, boys up to 19-22 years old. After 22 years, an increase in height is possible mainly only by correcting defects in posture (for example, stooping, lateral curvatures of the spine). It can reach 3-5 centimeters, and in some cases even 10 cm. With age, height decreases: by 60 years by 2-2.5 cm, by 80 by 5-6 cm.

A clear-eyed baby snoring peacefully in a crib, or one who has not even been born yet, already contains information that parents are so interested in. Having inherited a certain growth limit from them, the baby develops according to the planned plan.

What will the child's final height be? There are a huge number of formulas that can answer this question. Let's look at 5 of them. They are based on the assumption that the final height of a child depends 75-90% on heredity, and above all, on the height of the parents.

1. The first formula, as they say, is “folk”, because the name of its creator has sunk into oblivion. But it is quite popular, and this is a good sign for trying to find out the future growth of your baby.

If you want to find out the boy’s final height, then add the mother’s height with the father’s height (in centimeters), multiply the resulting sum by 0.54, and subtract 4.5 cm from the result of the multiplication.
In formula form, it looks like this:
Estimated height of the boy (BO boy) = (father's height + mother's height) * 0.54 – 4.5;

If the final height of a girl is calculated, then the sum of the height indicators of the mother and father should be multiplied by 0.51, and then 7.5 cm should be subtracted from the result obtained.
Formula: girl’s OL = (father’s height + mother’s height) * 0.51 – 7.5

3. The third formula belongs to a researcher from Czechoslovakia (back when it was the USSR) V. Karkus.
Boy's PR (cm) = (father's height + mother's height multiplied by 1.08): 2;
Girl's OL (cm) = (father's height multiplied by 0.923 + mother's height): 2.

4. The following formula belongs to the authorship of the creators of the article “Short stature in childhood,” Professor Vladimir Smirnov and endocrinologist Gleb Gorbunov. It is slightly similar to Hawker’s formula, but assumes a calculation accuracy of plus or minus 8 cm.
Boy's PR (cm) = (father's height + mother's height + 12.5): 2 ±8;
Girl's OL (cm) = (father's height + mother's height - 12.5): 2 ±8.

This formula does not so much calculate the expected final height of the child, but rather assumes the maximum and minimum height of the baby given the current height of his parents.

5. Another “folk” formula suggests calculating the final height of a child based on the height that the baby reached at 1 year old.
Boy's height (cm) = child's height at the age of 1 year + 100 cm;
Girl's OL (cm) = child's height at the age of 1 year + 100 cm - 5 cm.

Any of the above formulas assumes the “ideal” growth of the baby, which he can achieve under favorable circumstances. If a child has chronic diseases, he is far from healthy and rational, there is a shortage in the body, or, conversely, an excess of any vital substances and vitamins, then his development proceeds at a slightly different pace.

It should also be taken into account that a decrease in programmed growth is caused by inadequate physical activity (weightlifting, or vice versa, low physical activity), insufficient sleep, stressful situations in young years.

What determines child's height and is it possible to influence it using available methods? In most cases, a child's height is determined by genes - if you want to know the baby's height, look at his parents. However, the genetic program for growth can be influenced by a number of factors.

Children grow fastest in the first year of life: approximately 25 cm. By the 2nd year they add another 8–12 cm, by the 3rd year 7–8 cm, then the growth rate is approximately 4–6 cm per year. But if a child after 4 years grows less than 4 cm per year, this is a cause for concern. Therefore, it is recommended to record the baby’s growth approximately once a year at one time.

Genes and factors

Health problems can affect a child's growth. For example, chronic diseases respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels, hormonal disorders. Systematic intake of medications containing glucocorticosteroid hormones (say, to relieve asthma attacks) also slows growth.

It happens that babies born with height and weight below normal grow poorly. Even despite the care of their parents, about 10% of such children after 4 years of age still lag behind their peers. A similar delay occurs in children whose mother or father is shorter than 160 cm. Doctors find only constitutional growth retardation in most children.

There is no pathology, but the child remains the smallest in the class for a long time. In such children, as a rule, puberty begins later: thus, nature prolongs their growth time. As a result, children usually reach their normal level without any treatment.

Visit to an endocrinologist

The growth hormone (GH) is responsible for human growth. Thyroid and sex hormones and insulin are also important, but due to growth they are active only in the presence of normal levels of growth hormone. It turns out that a deficiency of one or more of the listed hormones or an excess of adrenal hormones can cause growth retardation and cannot be avoided without proper treatment.

Endocrine growth retardation, fortunately, is found in only less than 1% of children. A real lack of growth hormone leads to dwarfism (dwarfism): boys grow up to 140 cm, girls up to 130 cm. Thus, the sooner parents contact an endocrinologist and receive an appropriate prescription for treatment, the greater the chances that their child will grow to average or even taller.

Is it possible to influence a child's growth?

What growth factors can parents influence? First of all, on healthy diet.

* For a child to grow normally, his body needs everything to build long tubular bones, muscles, teeth, skin and other tissues and organs. Amino acids from complete protein are practically the main construction material. 60% of protein foods must be dairy products, fish, poultry, eggs, meat - i.e. products of animal origin. But at the same time, you need to make sure that these products are not excessively fatty, because... fat slows down the production of growth hormone.

* 40% of the diet should be plant foods. First of all, cereals. Observance of religious fasts and vegetarianism, fast food and processed foods are unacceptable for children!

* Carbohydrates provide energy for growth, but they must be obtained from the same grains and cereals. Whole grains (buckwheat, pearl barley, millet, etc.) perfectly increase the synthesis of necessary growth hormone. Sweets that lack fiber slow down the production of growth hormone! Instead of candy better for the child buy fresh fruit.

*Vitamins and minerals are very important for growth. First of all, it is vitamin D, the lack of which leads to rickets.

* We must not forget about calcium and iodine. At 6-10 years of age, children should receive 150 mcg of iodine and 800–1200 mg of calcium per day. Teenagers – 200 mcg of iodine and 1200–1500 mg of calcium.

In addition to nutrition, the regime is extremely important: the child must receive emotional and physical exercise, while having a good rest.

What else affects growth?

* 70% of growth hormone is produced from 22 to 24 hours - exclusively during deep sleep. Children under 12-14 years old need to sleep at least 10 hours, teenagers - at least 8! Using a smartphone, tablet or computer before bed significantly reduces the depth of sleep, so the production of growth hormone will be incomplete!

* Almost any physical activity that does not force you to overexert yourself helps your child grow. Traditionally, sports that require jumping and stretching help growth: basketball, volleyball, badminton, swimming, long jump and high jump.

* “Psycho-emotional short stature” - the cause is not a deficiency of growth hormone, but a very bad atmosphere in the family.

An individual growth program is individual and different for each person, having its own characteristics, but there are still general patterns. Men grow on average to 18–22 years of age, women to 15–19 years of age.

Dear moms and dads! Having worked as a pediatrician for more than thirty years, every day I encounter children who are stunted. In the last 10 years we have a very good medicine A growth hormone. Contact the All-Russian School of Growth at the Children's Clinic of Endocrinology scientific center Russian Academy Medical Sciences for any consultation, having previously made an appointment by calling +7 495 500-00-90 or through the website make an appointment. Our doctors and I will try to help you. You can write me a letter with questions at the address: Moscow, st. Dmitry Ulyanov, building 11. Professor Valentina Aleksandrovna Peterkova

Video. How Growth Hormone helped a child become taller

Previously, if a child did not grow, he became a dwarf or a midget. To survive they created their own circuses and theaters. Nowadays, if you start treating a child from childhood, he will grow up healthy and tall. The treatment is very simple. For a child who does not have his own growth hormone, this hormone is simply administered as a medicine.

Photo. A - When Vanya came to the Institute of Pediatric Endocrinology, he was slightly taller than 80 cm and was far behind his peers. B - In 22 months, Vanya grew by 22 cm. It was then that Academician Dedov said that in adult life Vanya is guaranteed a height of at least 170 cm. V - Vanya is only 12 years old, but his height is already 145 cm. Over 6 years of treatment, he has grown by 60-65 cm.

How to determine if a child's growth is normal

A full-term baby at birth has a height of 48-54 cm. During the first year of life, he gains 25 cm and per year his height becomes 75 cm. During the second year, growth increases by 8-12 cm. Subsequently, the child usually grows by 5-6 cm per year, but NOT less than 4 cm per year.

How can parents understand that their child is stunted?

A child should have a height of 75 cm per year, BUT children born prematurely or with low weight do not get this. Then you have to wait up to 5 years. If a child gains less than normal and lags significantly behind his peers, then you should definitely consult a doctor. At this age, it is already possible to make a diagnosis whether the child has enough growth hormone or not.

Does a child's height depend on the parents' height?

To determine what your child’s height will be as an adult, you need to add up the height of the parents and divide in half. Then add 6.5 to this figure for a boy or subtract 6.5 for a girl. For example: Mom's height is 164 cm, father's height is 176 cm, in total we get 340 cm, divide in half, we get 170 cm. For a daughter, the average final height will be about (170-6.5) = 163.5 cm, for a son (170+6, 5) = 176.5 cm. The final height of the child may be 3-5 cm more or less than calculated.

Does a child's growth depend on nutrition?

Due to diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver or pancreas, food is poorly digested and the child grows poorly.

How sleep affects growth

Growth hormone is released into the blood at night when the child is sound asleep. Important!!! To grow up, you need to go to bed before 10 pm!

Why doesn't the child grow?

The pituitary gland of the brain produces Growth Hormone. This substance causes human growth to accelerate. If little growth hormone is produced, then the child is born with normal weight and height, and then begins to grow poorly and by 2 years does not reach 85-88 cm, but only 78-80 cm. Every year the child is increasingly stunted. If he is not treated with Growth Hormone, then in adulthood he will have a dwarf stature - men less than 140 cm and women less than 130 cm. Important!!! All children who have a deficiency of growth hormone must be treated with Growth Hormone.

How to determine whether a child has enough Growth Hormone

For this purpose a special test is made. The child is given a drink or given intravenous medication that stimulates the production of growth hormone. Usually this is clonidine or an insulin solution. Before taking the pills and every half hour for two hours, blood is taken from a vein for growth hormone. Based on the test results, the doctor will determine whether the child produces enough Growth Hormone. If the secretion of Growth Hormone is reduced, the doctor will prescribe Growth Hormone.

At what age can you grow up and when will you stop growing?

Until the growth zones close, a person can grow. The most fertile age is 6-15 years. After puberty, it is almost impossible to influence growth. Growth zones are examined on an x-ray of the hand - the so-called “bone age”. In healthy people, the passport and bone ages coincide. With growth retardation, bone age is behind or, conversely, ahead of passport age.

Who should prescribe Growth Hormone

If you have problems with growth, you should consult an endocrinologist rather than use this drug yourself.

What is genetically engineered Growth Hormone?

Previously, Growth Hormone from the pituitary gland of deceased people was used for treatment. Now they use genetically engineered Growth Hormone, which is synthesized in a test tube. Growth hormones in Russia - Humatrope, Genotropin, Saizen, Norditropin, Biosome. All drugs are safe and have the same growth effect.

Is it possible to inject Growth Hormone every other day?

It is possible, but the growth will increase less than if you give injections daily. My advice: if you want to grow up, take injections every day!

How long to take Growth Hormone injections

Injections must be given for several years in a row until growth is sufficient or until the growth zones in the bones close. In adulthood, it will be necessary to continue treatment, only the dose will be 7-10 times less.

Why should a person who has reached a height of 170 cm continue to receive injections?

Growth hormone is needed not only for growth, it is also needed for the heart to work properly, for strength in the muscles, for excess fat not to be deposited, for strong bones.

What dose of Growth Hormone is usually used to improve growth?

Only the doctor determines the dose. But most often the dose for each day is 0.1 units per 1 kg of the child’s weight. You can calculate the dose by week. Then it will be 0.5-0.7 IU/kg per week. If the child weighs 15 kg, then the daily dose is 1.5 units, if 22 kg - 2 units, and if 28 kg - 2.5 units.

Are there complications from Growth Hormone?

They happen, but not often. Usually, immediately after the first injections, swelling of the eyes appears, sometimes slight stiffness when bending the fingers, sometimes swelling in the legs (very rare in children). But don't be afraid of this. Growth hormone started working, which increased metabolic processes. Usually the swelling goes away within 2-3 weeks.

Is it necessary to interrupt injections during ARVI?

You can avoid injections for 2-3 days, but as soon as the temperature drops, you need to start treatment again. You can continue to give injections despite high temperature, if it does not cause much concern to the child.

How much does a child gain in height when treated with Growth Hormone?

Usually in the first year of treatment - 10-12 cm (from 7-20 cm), in the second year of treatment - 8-10 cm, in subsequent years the child grows the same as his peers, 5-7 cm per year. We have children who have become 187 cm, 184 cm, 168 cm, i.e. no one remained a dwarf.

What tests should be taken during treatment with Growth Hormone?

  • once a month you need to check your blood sugar;
  • once a year, take an x-ray of the hand to determine bone age;
  • check thyroid hormones once every three months.

If the child does NOT have a deficiency of Growth Hormone, but is not growing well

Growth hormone is used for a number of conditions accompanied by stunting. For example, with chronic renal failure, Russell-Silver syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, Down syndrome, Shershenevsky-Turner syndrome and others.

Mom and dad are short. Can a child be tall if treated with Growth Hormone?

This condition is called constitutional short stature. Such children produce sufficient amounts of Growth Hormone. There is no need for additional administration of Growth Hormone. But all over the world they are trying to treat such children. Sometimes it is possible to increase final height by 8-10 cm. This is not as much as with a deficiency of Growth Hormone. Yes, and complications may occur more often. However, after weighing the pros and cons with your doctor, you can try this treatment.

What is constitutional delay of growth and sexual development?

Some boys lag behind their peers. Most of their peers make a big growth spurt at the age of 13-15 years, but these boys make such a leap at the age of 15-18 and by the age of 18-20 they catch up with their peers. Usually this is how either dad, or brother, or uncle grew up. There is no need to be afraid of this. In these cases, Growth Hormone is usually not prescribed.

Now Ormon Growth is treated non-healing bone fractures, congenital bone diseases, severe dystrophies, various genetic syndromes accompanied by short stature.

The growth of a child is one of the main anthropometric indicators of his health. For the first time, the baby is measured immediately after birth, as this is necessary to determine the degree intrauterine development baby.

Most children born between 37 and 40 weeks of pregnancy have standard growth rates - from 49 to 55 cm. Here it is worth mentioning right away that we are talking only about healthy babies who do not suffer from congenital diseases and do not have problems with the functioning of organs and systems .

Rates of growth

During the first year of life, the baby will grow by about 20-25 cm. This is the most intense indicator for the entire period of his life, since in the future the baby will grow 2 times slower. Babies over 6 months of age are especially active in growing in height, because their diet during this period becomes more varied due to the introduction of complementary foods.

After a year, the growth rate decreases somewhat, but remains quite high. By the time a child reaches two years of age, growth rates increase by an average of 12 cm (compared to a twelve-month-old child), and next year the child will grow by only 6 cm.

These numbers are the statistical average by which the baby’s growth increases in each subsequent year.

How can factors influence growth?

In both newborns and older children, nutrition plays a primary role in the growth process.

For example, children who receive mother's milk as food grow somewhat slower compared to their peers who are bottle-fed. This is due to the fact that breast milk (or rather, its composition) directly depends on the mother’s diet and can change with the introduction or restriction of any product.

The composition of infant formula is always constant, so the increase in weight and height of children eating milk substitutes is stable and corresponds to generally accepted standards.

For older children (over 6 months), other reasons may affect growth, for example:

  • Timely introduction of complementary foods.

Children whose mothers delay adding new foods to their diet (according to age) may be slightly stunted in growth. This is due to the fact that the amount of nutrients (primarily iron) in breast milk decreases when the baby reaches six months.

A deficiency of vitamins and mineral salts can negatively affect development and growth, which is why the introduction of meat, vegetable, fruit purees, as well as cereals should be done at this age (unless the doctor recommends another scheme for introducing complementary foods).

  • Heredity.

The hereditary factor also has great importance, therefore, if the height of one of the parents is less than 160-164 cm, there is no need to panic that the child is slightly behind in terms of growth.

  • Sufficient intake of vitamin D.

It is not for nothing that this element is called the “growth vitamin”, since it is a sufficient supply of vitamin D that ensures correct height child.

If it is deficient, the baby may develop a serious disease - rickets, so pediatricians recommend that all mothers give their children this vitamin from birth.

By the way, vitamin D drops (“Aquadetrim” or “Vigantol”) are included in the list of free medications prescribed to children under 3 years of age in any region.

If the child eats well on his own, and his diet consists entirely of the “adult table”, that is, the baby is weaned from the breast and bottle, it is nutrition that will be the decisive factor in ensuring growth and development.

In order for a child to develop correctly, the children's diet must include all the necessary elements, so the menu must include the following food groups:

  • meat (especially veal and beef);
  • fish (cod, tuna, salmon, mackerel, etc.);
  • beef liver;
  • fruits (apples, pears, bananas);
  • greens (preferably from the garden);
  • vegetables;
  • dairy products (kefir, milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, etc.);
  • nuts (not earlier than 3 years!);
  • seasonal berries;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice);
  • juices and compotes.

If the child’s growth significantly exceeds (or, conversely, lags behind) the normal values ​​​​established by WHO experts, you should contact your local doctor to undergo an examination and receive the necessary help.

How to find out a child's height?

The technology for measuring height does not present any difficulties, and this can be done even at home, focusing on the data in the table. To measure your height, you will need a special stadiometer, which you can buy in a store or make yourself.

Electronic stadiometers are very convenient for measuring the height of newborns, but you can also use a standard one. The whole procedure is done very quickly.

To measure you need:

  • put the baby on the stadiometer;
  • press the head tightly to the upper base of the product;
  • Straighten the legs and press the heels to the wooden surface.

The maximum error of this measurement is about 0.5 cm.

For children over one year old, you can use a vertical stadiometer. The principle of use will be the same.

Growth rates for children of different ages in the table by month and year

Age Height (boys), cm Height (girls), cm
Newborn 51 49
1 month 55 54
2 months 59 57
3 months 61 60
4 months 64 62
5 months 66 64
6 months 68 66
7 months 70 67
8 months 71 69
9 months 72 70
10 months 73 72
11 months 75 73
1 year 76 74
1.5 years 82 81
2 years 88 87
2.5 years 92 91
3 years 96 96
4 years 103 103
5 years 110 110
6 years 116 115
7 years 122 121
8 years 127 127
9 years 133 133
10 years 138 139

Height deviations: causes

If the child is stunted

Most parents are very worried if their baby is significantly lower than his peers. If the child is healthy, has no problems with appetite, sleeps well and actively participates in games with other children, there is no need to worry. Most likely, this is caused by hereditary characteristics. Even if the parents were of normal height, perhaps the grandparents were short and had a thin build.

Only a specialist should make a conclusion about the child’s health. If there are signs of any health problems, you should get tested and undergo the necessary examination.

Other reasons leading to the slowdown include the following:

  • endocrine pathologies, impaired synthesis of thyroid hormones;
  • rickets;
  • congenital heart defects;
  • helminthic infestation;
  • acute lack of minerals, vitamins and nutrients.

If the child is taller than normal

The most common cause of a growth spurt is early puberty (especially in girls). Some girls may begin menstruation even at age 9, and their height and weight will be significantly higher than their peers. This is a temporary phenomenon, and after 1-2 years the growth rate will slow down.

Increased growth in childhood can also be caused by a genetic predisposition.

Other causes of this phenomenon are less common, for example:

  • chromosomal pathologies;
  • pituitary tumors;
  • endocrine disorders.

What are the dangers of growth spurts in childhood?

The main problem that arises as a result of the intensive development of children and adolescents is a lack of calcium. It is calcium that is a building element for bone tissue, therefore, when it is deficient, bone density is impaired, they become fragile and weak.

The first warning signal, indicating an insufficient supply of calcium, is the appearance of small white dots and spots on the teeth. They are the result of demineralization of the enamel, which occurs in the absence of the required amount of calcium.

Problems with blood vessels can also adversely affect your health. This problem is typical mainly for teenagers.

As a result of decreased blood vessel tone, a child may develop:

  • murmurs when listening to the heart;
  • increased pressure (or surges);
  • headache.

Don’t forget about the likelihood of stretch marks (stretch marks) appearing on the skin. Despite the fact that this is just a cosmetic defect that does not pose a health hazard, it should not be allowed to occur.

Striae do not go away completely - they only fade, but remain on the skin for life, which can cause the appearance of complexes in adolescence (especially in girls).

When should you see a doctor?

If deviations from the norms are minor, there is no need to worry. It is enough just to monitor the condition and well-being of the child. But if the fluctuations are within 15-20%, a visit to a pediatric endocrinologist is mandatory. The doctor will prescribe additional tests for the child that will help identify the true cause of the disorders.

Any disturbances in the child's growth should be monitored by a pediatrician. Some parents ignore obvious problems with height gain, believing that there is nothing wrong with it, and these are just characteristics of the body.

In most cases, this happens, but you still shouldn’t rely on “maybe”. It is the parents who are responsible for the health of their child, so it is their responsibility to take the necessary measures in case of any deviations so that the child does not have to suffer from possible complications in the future.