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How does a child develop at 2 years old? Two year old crisis. Normal tantrums: how to deal with them

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The development of a child at 2 years and 2 months is quite active. During this period, the baby is especially inquisitive and tries to see and hear as much as possible, which often causes trouble for parents. It becomes more and more difficult to keep track of your child after two years. During this period, the baby develops a number of qualities, which we will discuss below.

At the age of two years and two months, the baby becomes more sociable. He enjoys spending time on playgrounds and attending early development groups. In order for your child to get sick less often when interacting with his peers, it is necessary to work on increasing his immunity by getting routine vaccinations.

You can also strengthen your immune system through regular exercise. You can bathe your child in water with a low temperature, allow him to walk barefoot on sand or grass in the warm season, and regularly spend time with him in the fresh air.

Baby's sleep and feeding schedule

At 2 years and 2 months, the baby’s daily routine is practically no different from the routine to which he was accustomed at 2 years old. The baby still sleeps for 12 hours, of which only 2-2.5 hours are daytime naps. It is important not to deprive the baby daytime sleep, which helps him during this difficult period to remain full of strength and energy to get to know the world around him.

Parents should try to put their child to bed at the same time every day, following a daily routine. Continuous wakefulness during this period should not last more than 6 hours.

At this stage of development, babies eat 4 times a day, with breaks between meals should be no more than 4 hours. The child's menu should include light, healthy and nutritious dishes. Sweet, salty, spicy, fried foods It should be excluded from the children's menu.

Mental development of the baby

At 2 years and 2 months, the baby’s psyche is quite flexible. The baby adapts to new conditions quite easily, quickly absorbs everything new, and imitates adults in behavior and speech. The baby gets used to a certain atmosphere at home, appreciates comfort and stability, but at the same time has nothing against change. The only thing the baby is not ready for yet is separation from his mother. If at this age a baby is sent to kindergarten, he will definitely experience stress.

At this time, it is very important for parents to take care of creating a psychologically comfortable atmosphere around the baby. Children at this age often change their mood; they can easily switch from tears to laughter and vice versa, while emotions are still beyond their control and often get out of control.

If the baby has a breakdown, he cries, gets angry and freaks out, then parents should under no circumstances leave him alone with his grief. In order for the mental development of the baby to occur without failures, adults must support him in every possible way, calm him down, try to nullify negative emotions, and surround him with positivity.

At 2 years and 2 months, the child becomes more independent. The baby refuses the help of adults and tries to do everything himself.
Sometimes parents get tired of this initiative, believing that it is too early for the baby to eat, dress, or wash his hands on his own, because it takes so much time and does not always work out as it should. In fact, the baby’s independence needs to be encouraged - be patient, because this is a certain stage of his development.

The emotional world of a baby at this age is very diverse. Children depend on their parents' reactions to their actions. They are incredibly happy when they are praised, and get upset if their parents get angry and fight.

Some children After two years, signs of the crisis of the third year are already beginning to appear. Kids can become capricious, irritable, impatient, and often do something to spite adults, observing their reaction.

Psychologists are sure that the crisis of the third year of life is a certain stage of growing up that cannot be ignored. The more mistakes parents made in upbringing before the age of two, the more acute the crisis will be. It is important for parents to show by their own example how to behave correctly, without reacting to the whims and breakdowns of the baby with screams and hysterics.

What can a child do at 2 years and 2 months?

After two years, children are especially active and enjoy their own dexterity. They no longer just walk confidently - they run quickly, overcome obstacles, jump on two and one leg. Fine motor skills of the fingers are improved, so children are able to perform delicate operations with objects. After two years, you can already notice which hand is the dominant one.

In terms of intellectual development, a baby aged 2 years and 2 months can:

IN play activity A child at this age also develops new skills. The baby enjoys playing hide-and-seek, blind man's buff or kvacha according to the adult rules, and shows a special interest in role-playing games. The child already knows how to play with the ball, hitting it with his feet, grabbing it with both hands. The development of motor skills allows the baby to collect pyramids and insert toys (matryoshka dolls, frames, etc.).

In terms of everyday skills, after two years the baby is already capable of a number of independent actions:

Features of baby speech development

At 2 years and 2 months, the child’s dictionary already contains more than 200 words. For now, most of the words are in the passive dictionary, that is, the baby knows them, but does not pronounce them. Every day it
passive and active dictionaries are replenished with new words. Parents should watch what and how they say in the presence of their child.

At this age, babies are already able to distinguish plural from the only one, they ask a lot of questions, wanting to know about everything in the world. A baby at this age copes well with constructing simple sentences, easily learns short poems by heart, and uses conjunctions and prepositions in sentences, although not yet competently.

After two years, children communicate not only with their parents. They seek contact with peers at a party and on a walk. If, at the age of two years and two months, the baby does not express a desire to talk, remaining silent in response to parents’ questions, then it is worth consulting a pediatrician. Of course, child development
occurs on an individual schedule, but you may need to work on speech development already at this age.

By the age of two and a half, the baby should already be able to combine at least three words into one sentence. If the little one can do it, then he speech development goes on as usual. If after two years he is still unable to combine several words into one simple sentence, then a speech therapist will also help to cope with the problem.

Regular creative activities, such as:

  • drawing;
  • applique;
  • modeling;
  • articulation gymnastics;
  • finger games.

Remember that speech development after two years is inhibited by television, computers and other gadgets, the background noise of which negatively affects the child’s memorization of individual words.

How to develop a baby's memory?

Memory development will be accelerated by the following game options:

How to develop a baby physically?

At 2 years and 2 months, the baby can already be taught to perform simple physical exercise. At this age he is quite capable of mastering:

In addition, a baby at this age will gladly take part in group games with a sun bunny, driving round dances, a train or “catch-up”.

How to develop a child's musical abilities?

Moderate musical development will allow you to introduce your child to beauty from an early age. No need
force things, but some attention will have to be paid to the music. What you can do:

  1. Play children's songs and melodies for a child after two years of age, discuss what he heard, try to hum after listening
  2. Try playing children's instruments with your baby
  3. Teach your child to distinguish sad from happy music
  4. Listen to the sounds of nature, analyzing them together
  5. Determine the source of sound
  6. Try to guess the melody
  7. Dance and sing to the music

How to develop your baby's creative abilities?

In order for a child’s development to be harmonious, it is necessary to work with him from time to time. An interesting activity for a child after two years will be drawing lines, circles and primitive compositions: rain, snow, grass. Closer to two and a half years, the baby will already be able to
color pictures, choose colors yourself, draw with watercolors and crayons on the asphalt.

In addition to drawing, you can do modeling with your baby from time to time. Working with clay and plasticine stimulates the development of finger motor skills, improves imagination and develops the child’s imagination.

Additionally, you can develop your baby through appliqués and construction. Use colored paper and cardboard, cotton wool, wads of paper, and napkins for this. You can design using the Lego constructor, cubes, special Dienesh blocks and Cuisenaire sticks.

Getting to know the world around you

After two years, you can already explain to your child what it consists of. the world who represents the world of animals, birds and insects. While walking, show your child dogs, cats, birds, name them, tell them about the peculiarities of their lives. At this age you can take your baby to the zoo.

It is also important to explain to your child such concepts as night and day, to acquaint him with the main phenomena of nature and the signs of the seasons.

2 years will be the starting point for his further development, will help the baby adapt among his peers, and will diversify his leisure time. A child who has been properly and effectively taught in early childhood is more receptive to science and creativity at an older age.

Basic principles of teaching a child (2 years old)

Today, modern children are well versed with computers and love to watch a variety of television programs. Of course, this makes life easier for mothers. They sit the kids down to watch cartoons and can calmly do household chores. But in fact, activities with a 2-year-old child should not be so scarce. During this period, speech is formed and memory, intelligence, and the ability to think creatively develop.

Set aside time every day to play educational games with your baby. But keep in mind the fact that children during this period are very restless. It is difficult for them to concentrate on one activity; they want to splash out their energy in active entertainment. Distribute your time correctly: one lesson should not last longer than 15-20 minutes.

You need to be able to enjoy the process of playing with your baby. Of course, classes with a 2-year-old child in kindergarten will include instructive forms and introductory moments. Many educators give homework, which is designed to be performed together with parents. Don't ignore him. But if your child does not attend preschool, then create and study at home. Classes with such a small child should be carried out only in a playful way. You can't force your baby to do something he doesn't want to do. This approach can discourage learning at a very early age.

Activities with a 2-year-old child at home can be easily varied. Today there are many educational games and all kinds of materials available. In any case, such a process should be bright and carry only positive points. When the baby feels that he is being forced, interest will disappear instantly.

A two-year-old child and the peculiarities of his thinking

The child is growing and becoming more active and smart every month. Don't miss this chance and direct all your energy in the right direction. You may notice that the growing little person has become capricious and wants to assert his own “I”. He often uses hand pushing and foot stomping - all part of child psychology. Learn to patiently explain what can and cannot be done. Treat your baby as an adult and when communicating, try to squat down so that your eyes are at the level of his face.

A 2-year-old child learns by imitating. Therefore, if you want to raise an inquisitive person who strives for knowledge, do not sit all day in front of the TV and do not chat with your friends on the phone all evening. Your idleness will become a bad example for your child. It’s better to sit your son or daughter next to you at the table, give him a pencil and a piece of paper for drawing, and solve a crossword puzzle or read a book. You can draw with your baby.

At this age, a child wants to do everything himself. Don't discourage independence from the very beginning! If your baby wants to put on tights or button up a sweater on his own, wait patiently while he fiddles with buttons or an unruly pant leg. Help only when the child asks. Regardless of whether the child did it or not, praise him.

Where to start

Lessons for 2-year-old children should start with development. Buy blocks or construction sets and build towers and houses with your child. First, start with primitive figures; after a couple of days, the child will begin to assemble such structures on his own. Just don’t play silently, talk to your child all the time and show emotions. Say positive words and praise him.

Probably every mother notices that during this period children actively want to take part in household chores. Let them sweep on their own or give them a duster to wipe up dust. This is how you lay the initial foundation for understanding what help is. Always let him help you, otherwise in the future you will have to force him to do house cleaning.

Taking care of kids on our own

Of course, caring for a 2-year-old child can be entrusted to a professional nanny. But you must agree, why at such a wonderful time give the baby into the hands of someone else’s aunt? Entertaining games bring parents and children closer together; be sure to attract the attention of the father. Children should feel the integrity of the family. You won’t notice how quickly time will pass and the baby will grow up. Therefore, take the opportunity to play with your child, at the same time you will develop important abilities and discover a little personality. All this will be very useful in later life.

Design activities that will develop your child's specific abilities. For example, creative or speech. Alternate tasks with outdoor games, preferably outside. The duration of each lesson with a two-year-old child should not exceed twenty minutes. At this age it is quite difficult to focus your attention on one subject.

Developing baby's speech

At two years old, your child should not only know the name of an object, but also give a short description of it. Ask them to tell you as often as possible what the baby saw and retell the fairy tales you read. To do this, it is necessary to conduct thematic classes with the child. 2 years is the age when children are inquisitive and love to listen and watch. While reading stories, analyze what is happening. You can use finger puppets. Do little theater shows with questions and answers.

For example, when reading a fairy tale, skip a word and ask your child to add his own words that fit the meaning. Do the same with poems - let the child say the ending. Always use facial expressions and body movements when narrating the next story. interesting story. Children love when there is some action. Toys, cardboard cutouts and dolls make great characters for your stories.

After each book you read, ask questions about the content. Let the child develop attentiveness and memory. Pay attention to little things and details. When reading dialogues, always change the voices. The child must imagine all the characters in detail. Also ask him to retell - let him use facial expressions and voice.

For the child to speak correctly

In bookstores you can find very interesting publications that present poems for speech development. They are used by speech therapists when working with children who have obvious signs of imitating sounds and asking how this or that animal talks. Get pictures of various animals, show them to your baby, and let him imitate their voices. Usually children love to play this game and after a while they independently bring cards with pictures. Every parent should conduct classes with a 2-year-old child to develop speech.

Hand coordination and motor skills

Touches have great importance for children. You probably noticed that at 1.5 years old the child carefully watched his hands. Now you need to learn how to control your limbs. Activities with a 2-year-old child should include playing with fingers. Learn rhymes that will turn the activity into an interesting story. Let the baby bend and straighten the corresponding fingers, learn the game “Foods”. With the help of such exercises, hand coordination develops. Touch your child's hands as often as possible. Such physical contact with parents is very important for every child.

Why is it so important to develop fine motor skills? Because when the fingers work, nerve impulses provoke the development of those parts of the brain that are responsible for the speech apparatus. This means that he is responsible for In addition, this good preparation for future penmanship classes.

Material for classes

Bring various materials that have a different feel (a piece of fur, velvet paper, foil, a bag of beads, plastic, leather). Let the baby touch them and say what he feels. Exercises with a 2-year-old child with plasticine are very useful for motor skills. You need to start by sculpting simple shapes; let the children learn to make a circle, square, triangle out of plasticine. Next, you can purchase cut-out forms. You roll a thin layer of plasticine, and let the baby cut out various stencils. Make the classes more difficult every week, show that you can make a lot out of such material.

Give him pencils and let the child learn to draw. Just try to explain right away that little scribbles can only be made in a special album. At first, do not leave children alone with felt-tip pens and pencils, otherwise unpleasant surprises may await you. Show how to draw primitive objects that consist of sticks and circles.

The baby must be attentive

Come up with a 2-year-old child for every day that will develop attention. It is very important that the baby is not absent-minded, otherwise over the years this quality will be difficult to eradicate. At two years old, a child does only what interests him. At this age, the baby can abruptly throw one toy and start playing with another. At the age of 2.5 years, passive attention develops into active attention. Then it is important for parents not to miss the moment.

Start playing hide and seek. Place a toy in your baby's room and ask him to find it. Repeat this game several times, each time hiding the item in a new place. You can glue shapes all over the room. For example, cut out mushrooms from cardboard, come up with a symbolic basket, and let the children collect the “harvest” throughout the apartment.

Playing with shadows is suitable for older children. For this you need objects and their silhouettes. The child must match and find the correct shadows to the main pictures. The game “Build according to the drawing” develops attention well. To do this, take cubes and other parts from which you can build various shapes. Then draw a drawing of the future structure on paper, and let the child look at the drawing and build. All children simply love these games. You will see what wonderful results work with your child gives. A two-year-old child needs constant care.

In the future, the skill of switching attention from one to another will be very useful. For this to happen naturally, it is necessary to start training from childhood. To do this, guess the moment when the baby will be actively interested in something. Next, ask a question, and if the child begins to respond to it, then the process has begun. For example, when your child is drawing, ask what he ate in kindergarten. It is necessary that children can simultaneously do their business and at the same time carry on conversations. This will make it much easier adult life. You've probably come across people who are doing something and not only cannot talk, but also turn off the TV or radio. They are distracted by any rustling or background noise.

I want to remember everything!

What is memory? This is the ability to reflect on past experiences. From birth, the baby perfectly develops reflexes that are based on memory. At first the baby does not react at all to his parents, but then he begins to smile at his mother, who is associated with food. He simply remembered that this particular woman was capable of giving milk. This is a primitive example, which is based on the child’s first memory experience.

At 2-3 years old, involuntary memory appears: the baby remembers some words and simple poems. Naturally, in order to remember them, you need to speak and show them repeatedly. This is why children need developmental activities. 2 years is a very important age. Use toys and picture cards, remember that lessons should not last more than 30 minutes.

Let's look at a few simple games that will help develop memory skills.

  1. Place any three toys in front of your baby. Talk about each of them. Next, ask the child to turn away and remove one character behind his back. Let the child name who is missing in this three. Over time, increase the number of participants - the more items, the more difficult it is to remember them.
  2. Show your child the picture, then turn it over and ask him to describe the action drawn. To make it easier, you can ask leading questions, for example, “what color dress is the girl wearing?”, “What grows near the tree?” Ask to bring items from another room.
  3. Get into the habit of socializing before bed. For example, read a fairy tale, and tomorrow afternoon let the child tell the story he heard. Ask them to tell you what interesting things happened to the little family member all day. Sing songs and recite rhymes. All this contributes to the development of the memory of your beloved child.

Thinking and perception in children 2-3 years old

A child aged two years chooses bright objects. From logic toys that carry information about shape and size, choose only one item. Today play with a pyramid, on the base of which you need to put rings according to size. Dedicate the next day to a house with cube-shaped holes on the roof. Place all the items together with your baby. Demonstratively show that a round hole does not fit a square.

Organize activities with your 2-year-old child to learn colors. First, show cards of the same color and clearly say what color it is. Then ask your child to point to the card when you say the name of the color. Then the task becomes more complicated: throw a bunch of toys of different colors and ask them to arrange them by color in different containers.

Adding details develops logic well. Leave the room and put on, for example, a scarf. Ask your child what item was added to your image.

Cut the picture into two parts and show that by connecting the parts, the image becomes complete. Next, increase the number of cut pieces.

In fact, a lot of different toys have been invented that develop thinking and logic. Buy such items and pay attention to the game. Only in this way will the child understand how to play complex toys. Don’t ignore your baby, always come to his aid if you notice that he can’t figure it out. Every child should have puzzles and construction sets. Ask to build a tower of the same color or put only yellow objects in the box. Working with a 2-year-old child with colored paper will also lead to the child starting to remember colors. Always explain your actions and state your request in detail. For example, “bring the pink bunny who is sitting next to the horse,” “bring me the green shoes that we will put on our little feet.” This way you can remember more words.

Come up with new educational activities for your child. 2 years is an important period in the formation of thinking and logic. Every baby loves to spend time with their parents, so pay as much attention as possible to your child. Independent play leads to children growing up withdrawn and taciturn. And it is very difficult for such children to adapt to modern society.


Classes for a 2-year-old child at home must be carried out daily. Read and talk more. Listen to a lot of funny children's songs, teach your baby to move to the music. If you see that he is interested in dancing, then do not ignore his talent and enroll your child in the appropriate club. The development of the child depends only on the parents. Classes allow you not only to gain skills, but also to reveal talents.

Excitability, stubbornness, hysterics... What to do about it?

The behavior of a two-year-old child is in many ways similar to the behavior of a one-year-old child, but new features also appear in him. Which?

Speech mastery

One of the main milestones in the development of a child of this age is the acquisition of speech. As soon as a little person learns to formulate his desires and thoughts, he moves to a new level. In general, between 2 and 3.5 years, when phrase speech should normally appear, there is less crying and frustration.

And yet, the child will master the full volume of his native language later, only by the age of 4. So far, not every child can formulate his every desire or condition. And this can give rise to a variety of discontent and frustrations. It’s very disappointing when you want to talk about what book you should read, but no one understands you. Or you ask to wear a purple blouse, but no one reacts, and they also ask: “What, what?”

All this can cause great frustration, screaming and even such vivid forms of behavior as hysterics and throwing on the floor.

Normal tantrums: how to deal with them?

On average, once a week you can expect a child of this age to be upset to the point of tears. Hysterics occurring up to 2-3 times a week can be considered the norm - much depends on the temperament and intensity of the child’s development. But if hysterics and tears are repeated up to 2-3 times a day, then the baby is either going through a critical period of development or is experiencing prolonged stress. If neither one nor the other is true, then you should contact a specialist: a neurologist, or a psychologist, or a homeopath.

Only future phlegmatic people manage without irritation and hysterics at the age of 2-3 years. That is, parents should prepare themselves for encounters with episodes of hysterics and learn to react to them correctly and behave correctly.

One of the main parenting skills that is acquired at this time is containing emotional resistance, irritation and anger of the child. What it is?

Here is a fairly typical example: a child does not want cartoons to be turned off. Or he doesn’t want to leave the sandbox and yells about it. A situation that few parents have not encountered. What might emotional containment look like?

Firstly, it is important not to connect to the child’s emotions - do not start talking in raised voices, scream and get angry.

Secondly, stands in a calm voice at accessible language explain to the child what is happening to him: “Vanya, you are very upset, you are angry, you don’t want... to leave the walk. Many children who are 2 years old really don’t want to go home when it’s time for lunch. But...” And then you list your own arguments why you should definitely go home.

This measure does not give immediate results; on the contrary, screaming and crying in the first minutes after such an explanation can only intensify.

But the long-term, cumulative effect is very good: over time, when 2-6 weeks have passed from the start of using this behavior interpretation method, you will notice that the child begins to read not only his own behavior, but sometimes yours as well: “Mom, mom wants to lie down.” Over time, the child's ability to better understand his own condition, as well as the feelings and desires of other people, will only develop.

Why is this necessary? Despite the fact that our baby is already a speaking creature, the motives and reasons for his own behavior are most often incomprehensible to him. Even when the word “I” is already actively used, it is very difficult for the baby to understand and name the reason for his own joy or frustration. Complex own desires and reluctances also cannot yet be clearly formulated by the child. And here mom can help a lot, as a “children’s translator.”

Interpreting a child’s behavior is a universal way of responding to tantrums and other disruptions in his behavior.

Early and late speaking children

At this age, a lot depends on how large the child’s active vocabulary is. Thus, a 2.5-year-old person can pronounce complex philosophical speeches, or he may barely be able to say a two-word phrase.

And this determines behavior. That is, the psychological ages of well- and poorly-spoken children will be different if their calendar ages coincide. And if the child does not yet actively speak, then the characteristics of his behavior will most likely relate to, and this is not a developmental delay, but a variant of the norm. And the time it takes to develop active speech is a highly heritable factor, and this happens differently in each family.

As a result, the child's maturity and the parents' demands on him between 2 and 3 years depend on how well the child speaks. And often for those children who began to speak early, parental demands are too high, and these demands sometimes become an unbearable psychological burden for them. little man.

Love of tradition and the importance of routine

The child’s nervous system still retains features of a tendency toward inertia. This is not as pronounced as between one and two years, especially when the baby begins to speak freely, but it is quite noticeable. Young children are big conservatives and do not like innovations in food, clothing, arrangement of toys and the sequence of events during the day. It is difficult for a child of this age to offer not only a new, unfamiliar dish, but also familiar food in unfamiliar dishes.

And during weekends and vacations, when the usual routine is disrupted, children can behave much worse. This happens because the baby is highly dependent on the degree of fatigue and the number of impressions. This is another feature of the age of 2-3.5 years. If a child is knocked out of his usual routine for one reason or another, and there are too many impressions, he will behave worse than usual.

And nothing can be done here. You can influence the behavior of a child of this age only when he is calm, not too tired, well-fed and not out of his usual rhythm - in the so-called “green” range. But if at least one of the conditions described above is violated, any attempt to influence the child will lead to difficult behavior or hysteria.

Excitability is a common feature of age

It is much easier for a child of this age to become overexcited than to calm down, and this is not an individual characteristic, but a general feature of the age. Many means of folk pedagogy are aimed at extinguishing excitement: nursery rhymes, fables, lullabies. We modern parents are often not very good at reassuring. We are committed to development and creating a learning environment. We weren't taught to calm down. In general, it often seems to us that if a child cries, it means that something wrong is happening.

There may be two thoughts fighting within a parent. The first: “Children shouldn’t cry, we need to urgently do everything he wants” - this is from the repertoire of permissiveness. And the second: “How dare he yell, because I told him...” - this is from the arsenal of teachers kindergarten, with whom we communicated in childhood.

I am not at all a fan of children crying a lot. And yet, until the age of 4-4.5 years, until the control of the cerebral cortex over emotions and states of arousal matures, a temperamental child may have a lot of tears and screams. Not because you are bad parents, but because the child is that age.

And, of course, you should try to predict crying and upsets in advance, avoid them if possible, and respond competently. But in general, this behavior is normal and expected.

The baby depends on the emotional state of the adult

The child depends on the mother’s condition; he is affected by the so-called “law of contagion of emotions.” That is, the baby connects to the main, most powerful emotion, which prevails in the adult who this moment is with him. And if the parents have a quarrel or conflict, the child begins to behave restlessly or inappropriately - not because he wants to, but simply because he cannot do otherwise. Psychological defenses do not yet work at this age. And therefore, it is useless to tell your baby to “calm down” when you yourself are nervous. He cannot create an island of calm himself, but can only join your island of calm and confidence.

Negativism and stubbornness are signs of growing up

The child’s own opinion and resistance to what the parents say and want from him begins to appear. This behavior is a sign of a 3-year-old crisis, and in these cases it is best to switch the child’s attention and turn the situation into a playful one (more on this in the next article). But if you start “butting heads” with a child, arguing with him on equal terms, stubbornness will only intensify, especially in temperamental children.

Peer contacts

Between 2-3 years, the child begins to show a steady interest in peers, their games, and behavior. The child singles out one of the children and calls them his friends. In my opinion, at this age it is very useful to attend classes where children are present with their parents. This will have the maximum developmental effect, because the age of separation from the mother has not yet arrived.

Children most often at this time play not together, but near each other, looking with great interest towards their peers. This is the first stage cooperative game, and the actions of other children should be commented on and explained to the child. This will help him further understand the behavior and relationships of other children.

Let's summarize:

When a child cries or screams, do not think that you can immediately “turn it off”. Emotional Processes at this age are inert.

Take advantage of any opportunities to switch attention - this is the golden key in raising a child of this age.

Do not compare your baby with others: a child’s temperament and character are a lottery ticket, and there is little opportunity to influence him.

The second birthday is already behind us. How fast the baby is growing! By the time he was two years old, he had become quite an adult and had acquired many new skills that he happily demonstrates. During this period, raising a child will require even more patience, calmness and skill from parents.

The crisis at 2 years is manifested by aggression and hysterics

Physical changes

The height development of a two-year-old child begins to slow down and averages about 10 cm per year. Weight increases by 2.5-3 kg.

  1. The proportions of the body change: the growth of the head stops, but the development and elongation of the lower limbs begins.
  2. The percentage of adipose tissue decreases, as a result of which the swelling of the cheeks and tummy disappears.
  3. At two years old, the face loses its roundness, the legs become long and slender.
  4. The “pads” on the inside of the foot disappear.
  5. Thanks to the increase in elasticity in the muscles, the child’s body becomes similar to an adult.


Having reached the age, the child can walk independently and gradually masters speech. These two skills are his main achievements. The development of new territories causes huge changes in the physical and mental state of a small person, in addition, his psychology changes. The energy of moving forward haunts the baby. He needs to see and touch everything.

A child at two years old is already quite independent

The development of mobility will be observed for several more years, and providing the opportunity for movement is one of the first tasks for parents.

The skills acquired at an early age will be remembered forever. At two years old, boys and girls are already capable of:

Formation of speech

At the age of two years there is active development baby's speech. Over the course of a year, his vocabulary increases 10 times. Now the child is able not only to ask questions using a single word, but also to construct small sentences. During this period, it is very important to talk more with your fidget, tell stories and fairy tales. And in no case should you distort words, believing that such a language is clearer and simpler.

A child of two years old cannot always clearly express his desires in words. You need to be patient, try to listen to him to the end and understand what the baby wants.


Games occupy one of the first places in education. By the age of two, many children develop skills in handling pencils, plasticine and watercolors.

To speed up the development of fine motor skills in children, you can teach your child to draw with a brush or simply with a finger, dipping it in paint and leaving prints of your small palms on a sheet of Whatman paper attached to the wall of the room.

At two years old you can play with your baby role-playing games

In the sandbox, girls and boys of two years old are already capable of not only digging a hole. They will be able to make Easter cakes if they are taught this, or pave the way for a car. At home you can try playing with a doll - bathing it, feeding it, putting it to bed. Girls especially love these games. During the game, such qualities as love and care are nurtured. Along the way, ordinary everyday items are studied: soap, washcloth, towel.

At the age of two, both boys and girls are already able to independently find a way out of difficult situation. For example, they like to pull out a rolled ball from under a chair, or play hide and seek. You can try to solve simple riddles together. To interest children in this useful activity and help them with the answer, it is good to make large drawings depicting the object or animal that needs to be guessed and show it if it is difficult. This is where memory and ingenuity develop.

But when working with a two-year-old child, you should always remember that two-year-old children cannot perform the same actions for a long time. It is difficult for them to sit in one place for more than half an hour, so all activities should be limited in time.

Two year old crisis

Often mothers of children who have reached two years of age notice that changes suddenly begin to occur in the child’s behavior, and not in better side. If just three months ago he was obedient and fulfilled any requests, now the baby has been replaced. Whims that turn into hysterics arise completely unreasonably and several times a day. It is becoming increasingly difficult to distract a screaming child and switch his attention to another subject, as it was before.

Tantrums are common at two years old.

The psychology of such child behavior is defined as a crisis two years of age.

Behavior during the transition period

Tantrums can manifest themselves in a wide variety of forms. Having decided to satisfy his desire, the child screams loudly, falls to the floor sobbing, or begins to hit everyone around him, break and throw toys around. The development of the situation is getting out of control. The reasons that cause such inappropriate behavior are different. To parents they seem absurd and unworthy of attention, and the demands are sometimes simply impossible to fulfill.

Hysteria in a toy store

For example, when entering a store, a baby begins to grab all the toys in a row. Any persuasion to put everything back and take only a teddy bear or a car ends in crying, turning into hysterics.

Parents clutch their heads, remember with horror when and where they behaved differently, what they missed in raising their children. And they don't find an answer.

Reasons for changes in child behavior

This psychology of behavior in two-year-old children is not difficult to explain. At this age, the child begins to feel independent and needs to master new relationships with the outside world. If earlier he was one with the adults, now it seems to the baby that he can cope with all the tasks himself, and parental education infringes on his personality. Of course, the desire to be independent should be welcomed and encouraged, but only to the extent that there is no danger to the baby’s health. Children's tantrums and disobedience are costs transition period.

Checking the limits of what is permitted

From the age of two, children begin to explore the boundaries of what they will be allowed to do. Many parents have noticed that if they refuse their child some of his wishes, for example, not turning on a cartoon, since it’s time to go to bed, he begins to cry and fight in hysterics. This goes away instantly if you turn on the TV.

Negativism at two years old

At two years old, a baby begins to interact with the world around him and observes the results.

If the reaction to his actions is the same every time, then the memory records it as normal. And the next time, trying to achieve what he wants, the child pulls the usual strings in anticipation of the usual result.

Hysteria is a demand for attention

Over time, the baby should feel the resistance of the surrounding world. If there is no resistance and everything is allowed to him, then something is wrong, danger lurks somewhere.

When throwing a tantrum, the child does not at all expect to receive what is required. He waits for resistance from those around him to assure him of his safety.

Crisis resolution

Faced with such behavior of the child, parents begin to look for a solution to the problem. Some lock the child in a separate room with instructions to reflect on his behavior, others make it clear that no one is going to console him, and that’s where their upbringing ends.

Tips for parents

Many parents can’t think of anything better than to give in to their child so that he can calm down. This is the wrong and dangerous path. Having become accustomed to achieving by shouting, the child will become uncontrollable.

Parents need to establish what is allowed and what, on the contrary, is not allowed, and always follow the accepted rules.

If a crisis situation has arisen and the child does not want to fulfill the requests of elders, you need to calm down and firmly explain why the demands will not be fulfilled. If the hysteria does not stop, you should not continue the argument, but simply leave the room. Left alone, the child will quickly calm down and begin communicating again.

From the point of view of motor skills, a 2-year-old baby shows incredibly high physical activity. You cannot suppress this desire and try to keep it within “strict limits” - after all, for normal development, a two-year-old child needs to move a lot and often. The ability to walk is improving and the baby already has good balance. He can run and, if at an earlier stage of his development he already tried to run, now he should be able to do it much better.

What can a 2 year old child do?

  • He walks well and can run, but sometimes falls.
  • Goes up and down stairs, stepping on each step with one foot.
  • Many children at 2 years old go to the potty on their own or ask their parents to sit them down.
  • Actively talks, can build simple sentences, consisting of 2–3 words. Uses adjectives and pronouns.
  • You can notice that a child at 2 years old begins to give preference to his dominant hand: right-handed - right, left-handed - left.
  • The two-year-old toddler quite consciously strives to achieve parental approval, for which he is ready to fulfill a feasible request. He is very upset if he does not receive deserved praise.

One of the main skills of a 2-year-old child is understanding abstract things. At this age, he begins to construct simple sentences and use adjectives. Understands the meaning of the words “later”, “tomorrow”, “more”, “less”. Distinguishes living animals from toys that represent them. For example, he understands that a toy in the shape of a cat is an object, and the cat itself is a living creature. Likes to listen to stories that happened in the past, is aware of what it is. The child used to love to listen to children’s stories read aloud by his mother, but now he has become old enough to understand their content and, carried away by the story, will wait to hear the continuation.

Development at 2 years

If a few months earlier the child was helpless, now you yourself may feel helpless, trying to keep up with him. Children at 2 years old are mobile and very active, preferring the fastest method of movement - running. Coordination of movements is quite good, but sometimes falls and even injuries occur, most often insignificant. The baby happily climbs on the sofa, armchairs, chairs, runs from wall to wall, and travels throughout the entire area of ​​the apartment or house available to him. At the age of 2, the baby has already learned to move compartments in the closet, move chairs to climb higher, open and close doors behind him. Therefore, if you want to prevent him from entering a room where he could get hurt or damage something, it is better to lock the door leading there.

At 2 years old, the child begins to give preference to the dominant hand, so attentive mothers can determine whether he is right-handed or left-handed. The so-called fine motor skills become more developed, the baby can make pyramids, build “castles” from cubes, pick up a pencil and draw lines on paper. The child’s gross motor skills manifest themselves in the form of improved coordination when running, the ability to step over obstacles, and climb large objects. The coordination of movements has become much better, which can be seen in stepping over small obstacles while walking.

Two-year-old children help an adult dress themselves: they raise their legs to put on their shoes, put their arms up, or even try to put them into the sleeves. They can put on a hat or socks on their own. Able to partially undress without assistance. They control the physiological needs of the body, know what the potty is for, ask to sit them on it, or even sit down themselves.

Care at 2 years

Nutrition is almost no different from the adult menu. By the age of 2, the proportion of mother's milk gradually decreased and now you can completely stop drinking it. And in order for the baby to continue to grow well and develop successfully, his menu should be varied, containing all the necessary products. Despite the fact that a 2-year-old child is still quite small, his body should receive about 1,500 kcal per day for four meals. The dishes that the baby will eat no longer need to be subjected to thorough mechanical processing, turning them into a homogeneous porridge-like mass - teach him to chew food on his own.

Carry on maintain hygiene. Wash your face in the morning, regularly brush your teeth with a special children's paste, and wash your hands before each meal. Teach him to take care of himself. Explain that dirty hands are bad, and if you don’t brush your teeth, they can deteriorate over time.

Don't forget walk– fresh air is very beneficial for a growing body, so don’t miss a single day. Always dress appropriately for the weather, do not overcool the child’s body and avoid overheating.


Many mothers wonder: How long does a 2 year old baby sleep?? Sleep at this age is approximately 12 hours a day. Night sleep is 10 hours, daytime sleep is only one, usually in the afternoon, lasting about 2 hours. Try to maintain the same daily routine: feed your baby, walk with him, bathe him and put him to bed at the same time.

Activities and games for two-year-olds

Let's draw. Thanks to drawing, fine motor skills develop, which contributes to mental and creative development, perception of shape and color. At first, the baby will only have doodles, but the process itself captivates the children and over time, meaningful drawings begin to form from lines and dashes.

Let's learn colors. Your two-year-old toddler probably already knows the names of 1-2 colors. The game increases vocabulary and promotes mental development. Take various objects of the same color: cubes, balls, sheets of paper. Show your child, for example, a yellow toy, name its color, let him touch it, hold it in his hands. Then repeat the same with the next yellow object. When you have done this procedure 4-5 times, say: “Now let’s look for the yellow color. Where is the yellow color? Together, look for the color yellow in the room. When your child shows you 2-3 yellow things, try playing with a different color.

Make the game a little more difficult. Now offer to take a yellow cube and place a red one on it. Place yellow cubes in a row, then red ones, and on top you can use, for example, green ones.

Active games in the fresh air. What kid doesn't love walks! But running along the alleys in the park alone is not as fun as playing with mom or dad! And if you also find a company of peers, it will be absolutely great! You can play catch-up; in the summer, playing outdoors with your child provides great variety with water pistols; in the winter, you can sculpt a snow woman.

Games in the sandbox will give your little one undisguised pleasure, and at the same time train fine motor skills, develop attention and engage the child’s imagination!