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How to arrange a cash gift for an anniversary. Congratulations for the gift of money are cool. How to give money to a woman on her birthday in an original and beautiful way

It's no secret that the art of giving gifts is not an easy matter, so if you haven't come up with anything and decided to give money, don't be discouraged. Money– this is not the best gift for the boss, but an excellent gift for a friend’s birthday or wedding.
Of course, you won’t surprise anyone with an envelope postcard now, but it’s a mistake to believe that money is always a banal gift. Any gift can be presented in a fun, beautiful and unexpected way. We invite you to get acquainted with several interesting ways to give money in an original way.

  1. Buy small chest in pirate style or made under Russian antiquity. Fill it with coins and rhinestones, inexpensive jewelry. Coins and stones can be of different colors and sizes. Place the money at the bottom of the chest, or among the “treasures”. To complete the picture, you can hang a large lock on the chest.
  2. Give money to a smoking man maybe in a cigarette case. To do this, instead of cigarettes, rolled up bills are inserted into it. Thus, both the gift itself and the packaging in the form of a cigarette case will be useful to the birthday person.
  3. To give money stylishly and beautifully , place them in a jewelry box, such as a bracelet or chain. If the box is narrow, first roll and tie the bill with a thin ribbon.
  4. A fun way to give money - This is to place banknotes in multi-colored balloons, and then inflate these balloons. This gift looks very funny.
  5. You can donate money directly from the piggy bank. But it should be possible to view its contents. That is, the piggy bank must be transparent or such that it can be opened and closed many times without breaking. You can even use an ordinary glass jar with a lid as a piggy bank. A piggy bank with money is a good wedding gift; it will mark the beginning of family savings.
  6. Spender You can give money “under glass”. To do this, you need to purchase a photo frame that hangs on the wall. Place the banknotes beautifully under the glass of the frame, and stick a warning message on the surface of the glass, for example: “Remove in case of emergency!!!” or “Don’t interfere! He will kill!
  7. They will look unusual money in a bottle of alcohol . The banknotes must be placed in a sealed bag and a thread must be tied to it. Then, carefully peel off the excise stamp, print out the bottle, place money on a string in it, close the bottle with a cork and mask it with the excise stamp. The main difficulty is to save money from the drink.
  8. Another one original idea how to give money . Need to purchase a small indoor flower with a tree trunk. The bills are attached to the trunk among the leaves of the flower, carefully so as not to damage the plant. The result is a very cute “money” tree in a pot.
  9. You can donate money in a package designed like a nesting doll . Boxes different sizes, wrapped in beautiful paper, add up one into the other. The money must be folded several times so that the size of the box in which it will be located is as small as possible. This is not difficult to do, and the gift turns out to be very unexpected.
  10. Probably everyone would like to receive as a gift suitcase of money . To give your friends such pleasure you will need: a suitcase or briefcase, a large amount of “money” printed on a printer and several real bills. Counterfeits are placed in bundles, and the top bill of each bundle must be real. This gift looks just great.
In conclusion, I would like to remind you that the main thing, after all, is not the gift, but attention. Therefore, even a laminated banknote of small denomination, given as a souvenir, can become a good gift for a true friend.

The best gift is money. The good thing about money is that the hero of the occasion can always spend it on the thing that he really needs. You can present money in an original and beautiful way using the tips listed in this article.

The best wedding gift is money. There is nothing immodest or unusual here. Money donated for a wedding is the basis of a young family’s budget. Previously, money was given in its pure “paper form”, thrown into glass jars, handed over to newlyweds or thrown at their feet.

Then they appeared money envelopes, which became more and more beautiful every year. These envelopes could “hide” a sum of money. It’s nice to give them and no one will even notice how many bills are in your gift, because it’s not customary to open the envelope right at the celebration.

But even beautiful and decorated envelopes began to get boring. Needlewomen came to the rescue and made a savings book for the newlyweds. This is a special album in which many wishes are written, thematic pictures and photographs of the happy couple are pasted in, and at the same time money for the purchase of important things and family expenses.

Making a savings book for newlyweds is not difficult if you have a “creative touch” and a desire to surprise your lovers. If you do not have any abilities, you can always order a savings book online on specialized websites.

A savings book for newlyweds consists of several parts:

  • Sturdy cover(can be made from an A5 folder wrapped in beautiful fabric, paper and even wallpaper)
  • Beautiful colorful pages(each page should be decorated with congratulations and pictures on the topic. The page must have a pocket in which money is invested)
  • Congratulations for the newlyweds(besides the fact that you give money, you should wish the loving couple a happy future and blessings with your warm words)
  • Decorative decorations(Such decorations, as they say, “will create a mood.” You can buy a huge number of beautiful things in any craft store: lace, ribbons, hearts, beads, pearls, rhinestones, bows, herbariums and much more)

Such a touching gift is a must will stand out from all other envelopes with money and will allow the married couple to remember the pleasant moments of the wedding for a long time throughout their lives.

Options for wedding savings books as a gift for newlyweds:

travel style savings book

shopping style savings book

retro style savings book

How to beautifully fold and fold money for a gift?

If you are not good at hand-made things and don’t want to bother creating a creative gift, you should familiarize yourself with ancient art origami. This art will teach you several secrets of folding paper into a beautiful and even voluminous shape.

Money is also paper, and therefore it is absolutely easy to make something interesting out of a bill. Most often these are wardrobe items: a dress, a shirt, a tie or a human figure. You can also make a heart, a bird, a flower, a butterfly and even a car.

You can always choose exactly the figure that suits you matches your event. Depending on who you are giving the gift to (a woman or a man), you can distribute the figures by gender: for a woman - a flower, for example, and for a man - a tie.

Money origami schemes for all occasions:

money origami diagram “heart”

diagram of money origami “slippers”

money origami diagram “butterfly”

diagram of money origami “shirt” No. 1

diagram of money origami “shirt” No. 2

An original wedding gift made from money - money in a bank

As already mentioned, the old Russian custom is to collect money in a jar and then roll it up. Such a gift is considered the first family budget, which is preserved only in order to remain untouchable and intact for as long as possible.

Such a gift will definitely amuse everyone present and will become a warm memory for the newlyweds themselves.

There are several basic ways to create such a jar. Each of them requires the presence of glass containers. It could be a shaped modern jar purchased in a souvenir shop, or it could be a very ordinary Soviet-style one.

Depending on how much money you are giving, choose correct volume of cans: liter, two-liter or even three-liter.

How to put money in a bank, three ways:

  • Exchange your amount that you want to give to the newlyweds into smaller bills. The smaller the bills, the greater the amount of money. The jar is completely clogged money and is sealed up. A decorative scarf is placed on top of the lid and a ribbon is tied. The jar can be decorated with a sticker with a humorous touch
  • If you don't want to give petty cash, you can place each bill only along the side of the jar, and put it inside soft toy or sprinkle some candy. This jar is decorated in the usual way: with a handkerchief and ribbon on the lid. Place a sticker on it that says This gift always looks impressive and fun
  • Can lift everyone's spirits without exception a jar filled to the top with small change. To do this, of course, you will have to exchange your money for a gift (and do this for a long time and in advance) so that there is enough change for the entire jar. You will give the same amount, but only in “iron equivalent”. This type of gift will please your newlyweds and there can be no complaints against you, because small change is also money

jar for newlyweds as a wedding gift

cash gift for a wedding “cabbage of abundance”

DIY money gifts for birthdays

A person with a creative or slightly humorous character always wants to stand out from everyone else in an original way. This feature also applies to giving a birthday gift to a loved one. Nowadays, there are several winning ideas that will make your gift of money the best and most impressive.

For example, you can make money cake. Of course, it will not be covered with real banknotes, but with those made of paper and purchased in a souvenir store. This multi-tiered cake consists of several boxes that are stacked on top of each other depending on size. The birthday boy must open each box and only there find his monetary gift.

If you can't find banknotes at the gift shop, you can use printer. Print out images of dollars, rubles or euros to decorate the cake.

money cake as a birthday gift

If you want to make the task a little more difficult for the birthday boy, prepare a special gift box and put money in it, but not in the usual way, but by wrapping each one in a ribbon and tying a bow. Such banknotes will definitely create a festive mood!

A cash gift that will be divided into small bills, for example, one dollar each, will be especially successful and fun!

Another interesting way to give a gift is give money in balloons. To do this, you should find a huge (or at least large) box in advance. You need to add the entire number of inflated balloons into it, each of which will “hide” a separate bill.

This gift box can be package it beautifully, tie a bow and present it to the birthday boy in the most solemn way!

birthday gift - money in balloons

Money in a frame as a gift for any occasion

This is a classic way to give a gift to a person on any occasion: birthday, wedding, anniversary or anniversary. Such souvenir gifts have been sold in stores for a long time. You are invited to make it yourself and from real banknotes.

To make such a gift you will need:

  • Photo frame(you will need a small one standard size A5)
  • Large bill(only one will be needed, so determine the amount in advance and change the money)
  • Cheerful congratulations(which will give your gift a humorous touch)

How to make a gift:

  • The frame opens and background paper, preferably dark in color, is placed on the base for the photographs. This may be the same insert that is in the frame, or it may be a sheet of dark colored paper. A contrasting dark color will highlight a light banknote.
  • A wish or instruction about spending this banknote is glued to the frame (see below for examples of inscriptions)
  • A bill is placed above the inscription and the frame is closed
  • You can pack the finished gift in gift wrapping so that the person cannot immediately guess that you are giving him money.

Original inscription for a gift in a photo frame money

To add a humorous touch to your framed cash gift, you need to look at examples of work already completed. The inscriptions written within the frames represent n instructions regarding spending the donated amount or interesting quotes.

Examples of gifts “money frame” with the words:

gift "money frame" with inscription

gift made from frame and money

money frame as a wedding gift with the inscription “when the holiday is over”

humorous inscription on a gift with money

original way give money

Money tree as a gift for any occasion

The money tree is not a plant, but in this case a way to give a gift of money. There are even several basic ways to do this. One of them - topiary made of money. Such an item can be purchased ready-made, or you can make it yourself. You will need a small one flower pot, wood blank (purchased at a craft store) and banknotes.

You should pour soil into the pot or put plasticine. A stick of wood is attached to the plasticine and pressed down. Floral drainage is sprinkled on top to hide the plasticine. Indentations are made in the foam mold for the tree crown using a blade or knife. Banknotes must be inserted into these holes., composed of several images.

Tip: Instead of drainage, you can use small change for decoration. The tree trunk can be painted or decorated with decorative elements: serpentine, ribbon, lace, beads, fabric.

money tree - topiary

Another way to give a gift is decorate an artificial tree. To do this, you should go through several souvenir departments to find the right one. The artificial tree is decorated with real banknotes, which are attached with tied bows and given as a gift.

artificial money tree - a way to give money

Another original way is to give a real money tree, decorated with real banknotes. To do this, you should purchase a real plant from a flower shop and carefully attach banknotes, rolled into a tube and decorated with ribbons, to its branches.

money tree with money

Money shovel a gift for any occasion

Money shovel - a new and original way to give a person money with humor. For such a gift, you need to use a real shovel as a basis, just not a garden shovel, but a child’s shovel or a shovel. This item should definitely be decorated:

  • wrap in wrapping paper
  • decorate with serpentine or ribbon
  • draw banknotes on it
  • Glue on rhinestones for a rich look
  • tie a fluffy bow at the top
  • write the parting words “shovel the money”

A bag is attached to such a gift shovel, into which the monetary gift is placed. Banknotes can also be attached to the shovel itself without a bag.

DIY money shovel as a gift

Money in a balloon for a gift

This is very original gift, which is very easy to do yourself. If you have the opportunity, inflate the balloons with helium; if not, regular air will do. These balls have a bill inside. The money must be rolled into a tube and placed in an uninflated balloon, and only then filled and tied.

The balls are put into a box and the larger the box, the more interesting it is. The beauty of this gift is that when presenting a beautiful packaged box with a bow to the birthday boy, he will never guess that it is money!

gift - money in balloons

Words for the gift money in a balloon

Each ball into which you put a banknote should contain a congratulation. This congratulation will improve the mood and give a person a holiday. The congratulation is written on a small piece of paper, in which the money is wrapped in a tube and tied with a ribbon.

Words for congratulating money:

Everyone needs gifts
We need important gifts.
To smooth out dissonances
Accept the gift of finance!

Live happily and beautifully
And don't count the pennies.
Accept our surprise as a gift,
After all, there is money in every ball!

We figured you don't need vacuum cleaners,
Toasters, machines, coffee makers.
So that you don't have dumb questions
We are giving you a financial gift!

This money is for small things
Spend it easily and quickly.
Spend it quickly and boldly,
For tasty treats and sparkling wine!

There is no such thing as too much money
Here's a little more for you!
Let them melt away without a trace,
Don't forget to spend them!

Buy yourself candy
Buy yourself flowers!
This money and coins
To buy dreams!

Don't be shy to spend money
spending is not saving!
Be a record holder in spending,
May you be happy to live!

gift - money in a ball

Wedding gift umbrella with money

An umbrella is another gift that can be used to present cash gift. Everything looks very simple: you need to attach a banknote on a string to the spokes of the umbrella, which will hang down magnificently when it opens.

The beauty of this gift is that from the first moment a person is not able to guess that you are giving him a monetary gift. Only when he opens the umbrella will he see secret gift. Such umbrellas not only lift your spirits, they become an excellent attribute for a photo shoot at any event.

You need to choose a long umbrella that does not fold into a compact shape.

wedding money umbrella

money umbrella as a birthday gift

Wedding gift ship made of money

A ship made of money - This is not a complicated gift, but it is expensive. First of all, you will need to find the ship itself. Most often, they can be purchased in the department of souvenirs or items for decorative decoration of the house.

In such a boat, you should carefully remove the sails with scissors or just your hands. Instead of a sail, you will insert banknotes, which will be attached precisely to the remaining elements of the ship - the cables. Such a gift is very fragile and you should give it very carefully, since money cannot be glued and excess air flow will simply blow it away.

cash gift - ship

Wrapping money as a gift for any occasion

It can give not only pleasant emotions, but also aesthetic pleasure. beautiful packaging money as a gift. Every day many interesting ways are being invented that are funny, beautiful and different from others. You can create your own packaging using scrap items, you can purchase decorative elements at a craft store, or you can find ready-made packaging in souvenir shops.

The most common packaging for cash gifts:

packaging box for money "box"

Decorative money gift packaging box

stylish miniature jars for gift wrapping

pizza box - gift packaging

original gift box

chest - gift packaging

Gift carpet made from money for a wedding

Carpet of money - this is a very original gift, which is often used Lately surprise newlyweds at a wedding and birthday people at a birthday party. It’s not difficult to make from oilcloth and banknotes. It consists of a sheet of oilcloth onto which pockets are sewn. The pocket must match the banknote. IN each pocket is sewn or simply inserted one bill.

A money carpet is convenient because it can be stored rolled up and then spread out on the occasion of a gift.

carpet made of money as a gift

Gift money in cabbage

This way you can risk congratulating anyone. Just choose beautiful head of cabbage, Carefully remove the damaged leaves and unscrew the top ones. A banknote is placed under each folded sheet. The sheets are folded back and such a gift is presented to the person.

Your hero of the occasion should be warned that this fruit contains a monetary gift, so that he does not throw it away and spoil it.

money in cabbage - an original gift

Money cake, how to present?

The most common wedding gift made from paper bills is a money cake. You can do it yourself or order it from a professional. This gift always looks spectacular and evokes a storm of emotions among the hero of the occasion.

Depending on how much money you want to give to a person, in what bills and in what quantities, there are several ways to “serve” a money cake. One of the most common - cake made from rolled up banknotes. They are attached to a round box and decorated with bows and ribbon flowers.

money cake, option No. 1

Second way - decorate money cake boxes with souvenir bills, and put your monetary gift in the boxes themselves. This cake is also decorated with bows and roses made from ribbons.

money cake, option No. 2

Third way - packaging cake. Such packaging is called ““, each piece of the product can be unpacked and the hero of the occasion can find banknotes in it.

money cake, option number 3

DIY cash gift “candy”

DIY cash gift “mattress”

Wedding congratulations for a cash gift

You cannot give money to newlyweds in silence, so pleasant words will serve as an excellent addition to the gift:

There are many adventures in life
Both funny and sad.
Let there be no life without money
And the cabbage rustles!

We are giving you a product as a gift
From melancholy and boredom.
Let these finances warm
Young hands!

Don't be afraid to spend your budget,
After all, you are no more thoughtful!
You with your every expense
Give us pleasure!

As a gift to you, young people,
Banknotes are green, coins are gold!
Be happy, rich,
Let life become cotton candy!

Our gift will come in handy
He will give you a dream.
Go abroad
Get rid of the vanity!

We give you from our hearts
This cash gift.
For sweets and cakes for tea,
Yes, and to the bank, but at interest!

words of wishes to the newlyweds during a cash gift

Words for a gift of money for an anniversary

Anniversary - what a date!
It's simply beautiful!
We brought you your salary
Here's to good years!

Today is this anniversary
It will be the best
Take it quickly
Lots of money!

The best gift is of course honey,
Any invitee will understand this.
But we don’t understand and we brought
A cash gift for you, we didn’t find any honey!

Accept the gift from the heart,
After all, this is very important!
Don’t rush to get upset,
Our gift is paper!

This glorious anniversary
Gives us smiles!
Don't be shy about a gift,
Coins are ringing in it!

congratulations on the anniversary when receiving a cash gift

Congratulations for a birthday gift of money

Birthday is a sad holiday,
Don't be sad, my friend.
Here's a valuable gift for you -
He is made of money and love!

We thought and wondered for a long time,
To give this to you.
And we found what we were looking for
We will give dollars!

There is no nicer gift
The envelope is thicker.
We will give you a cake that is not sweet,
Cake with banknotes, not for children!

Some people love gifts
Some people love flowers.
We give you an envelope,
Full of our love!

Video: “Original gifts made from money with your own hands, expert advice”

The decision to give money to relatives or friends for a wedding is made for various reasons. Some people simply don’t have enough time or imagination to... Some people are firmly convinced that money in this case is the best solution, since young people know their needs very well and will be able to manage their finances wisely.

The newlyweds, of course, will not be upset when they receive a cash gift, because a young family has so many needs for which there really is not enough funding.

But handing over banknotes in a regular envelope or tying them with an elastic band will be too banal. You should definitely try to find an original way to give money for a wedding in an unusual way.

And there are just a lot of such creative ideas. Take advantage of our ideas by playing with and supplementing them with your own extraordinary thoughts.

Let's start with banal ways of giving money, which, thanks to a new interpretation, become quite original. Forget about simple mailing envelopes. And now you won’t surprise anyone with beautiful ready-made wedding envelopes for money. Use your imagination and remember what unusual envelopes still exist.

This can be a huge envelope, the larger it is, the better. Let a disguised courier bring it to the wedding. Don't forget to put unusual inscriptions, instructions and seals on it.

But a disguised postman can be trusted with a letter from distant countries, which took a long time to reach the newlyweds, as evidenced by the many seals, stamps and marks in foreign languages.

An unsightly envelope made of old paper with a wax seal will also work. Handmade gifts are always held in high esteem.

Therefore, you can make an envelope for money for a wedding using the scrapbooking technique, which will definitely be exclusive.

How to give money for a wedding in an original way: do-it-yourself money jar

Yes, yes, in that very reliable glass jar where money is stored more securely than in any bank. This is exactly the jar we will give to the newlyweds, using an original way to decorate the gift.

Place counterfeit bills in the jar along with real bills. Just don’t forget to put a photo of the newlyweds and original parting words on the fake banknotes. In this unique way, you can fill a jar to the brim with “greens”.

Decorate a bank with money with fabric, ribbons, bows and be sure to attach a label confirming the reliability of such a bank.

Pick up green bills, roll them into tubes, and put them in a jar. Present a jar like pickled cucumbers that you grew yourself and ordered yourself. Just don’t forget to really roll up the lid of the jar in this case.

Money box for a wedding

Tell me, this idea is not new. Yes, it was not invented yesterday, but it absolutely does not lose its relevance. Try to play with this idea in an unusual way.

Make a box yourself, pasting it with fake banknotes. You will get original packaging for a real cash gift.

A box with a secret or double bottom is suitable. This could be a container for storing jewelry, in which you need to put a sheet of detailed instructions, how to find real jewelry.

In this way, you can achieve different emotions from the newlyweds, ranging from bewilderment, disappointment, to complete delight and surprise.

What a fun way to give money for a wedding: a little cabbage as a gift

In such a gift we will combine two concepts: cabbage - a plant and money “cabbage”. To do this, take a real head of cabbage and place banknotes under the leaves.

Or we make holes in the head of cabbage, where the rolled banknotes are placed. And you can give such a gift as a down payment on future diapers. Therefore, a baby doll placed on the top of a head of cabbage will be very useful.

Money Tree Wedding Gift Ideas

Continuing the plant theme, it is impossible not to mention the money tree. Even the plant itself is a symbol of prosperity. And if you decorate it with money, the symbolism combined with practicality will appeal to the newlyweds much more. And you can present it in a rather unusual way.

Place an empty pot of soil in front of the young ones. Ask them to put a few coins in it, making sure to water it.

After this, blindfold the young people and ask them to say: “Cracks, Pax, Fax.”

At this time, you need to replace the pot with a real tree with money, which “successfully grew thanks to wedding witchcraft.”

You can make your own money tree in the form of:

  • embroidery or applique of a tree on which to attach coins or bills;
  • a wire tree whose leaves will become banknotes, you can plant it in a pot with coins;
  • foam wood, inserting bills into the slots.

Original presentation of money for a wedding: a bouquet of money

The difficulty of such a gift lies in the ability to roll flowers from paper. If you don’t have such experience, you risk ruining the banknotes.

Therefore, it is better to contact specialists who will help you create a money flower arrangement. Or practice folding the petals on plain paper first. Still, try making a money rose using our master class

  1. We fold the bill diagonally and slightly curl each edge.
  2. We insert the wire into the resulting bend and roll it in a spiral to form a petal. We perform the operation carefully so as not to damage the banknote.
  3. We repeat such manipulations with each money.
  4. We collect a rose from money petals.
  5. We wrap the stem of the flower with adhesive tape; I didn’t forget to insert the petals.

If you have enough patience, you can make a whole bouquet of such roses. Such a gift will create a real sensation at the wedding.

An original wedding gift made from money: an investment in the future

Such a gift is presented as a down payment on a major purchase for a young family. To do this, you can take a box of washing powder or dishwasher detergent.

On such packaging you need to attach a pocket in which you can put money. This will give you a targeted monetary gift as your contribution to the future of the family.

How to pack money for a wedding: counterfeiters

No, with such a gift we will not push the newlyweds to criminal path. But they will have a great way to learn how to draw money.

To do this, we prepare a homemade coloring book, on the spreads of which we place on one side the original bill, and on the other, an impersonal copy, which the couple will have to color in order to receive a cash prize.

How to present money for a wedding in a wedding album

You will need a ready-made original album, but you can make a creative photo book yourself if you know the scrapbooking technique. Instead of photographs, place banknotes of various denominations. And don't forget about the original comments.

-On the refrigerator. -On diapers. -To rest. -For a brick for your house. And give the album itself the name “Family Bank”.

Beautiful wedding gift: umbrella with money

The very idea of ​​such a gift is to attach banknotes to the inside of the umbrella, for which they can be glued or tied with threads.

You can come up with original packaging for such an unusual probe. Use packaging to create the illusion of a sausage stick or telescope. When the newlyweds get to the real gift, be sure to ask them to open the money umbrella.

Golden chest for money for a wedding

This will be a kind of pirate treasure chest. Fill it with a variety of coins, both of different denominations and currencies.

You can add real treasures to your coins:

  • chocolate coins;
  • candy necklaces in bright candy wrappers;
  • beads and colorful comedies.

Place banknotes at the bottom of such a chest, which are best wrapped in film so that they do not get dirty or damaged.

An interpretation of such a gift would be a pot of coins or a small chest in which you can place rare, expensive gold coins or even a gold bar.

How to give money beautifully for a wedding: money garland

A rather original and beautiful way to give money in the form of a garland.

You can make it by attaching banknotes to a bright ribbon with paper clips, folding them in half.

You can decorate such a ribbon with rhinestones, flowers, paper ribbons, and balloons.

A Christmas tree garland decorated with money also looks original. When giving such a president, do not forget to connect the illumination.

We present money for a wedding in an original way: kinder cash surprise

Give the newlyweds a whole basket of toy eggs. But not just like that, but money. To do this, purchase the required number of sweet Kinder surprises.

Carefully remove the wrapper, break the chocolate and remove the plastic container with the toy. Replace the toy with a bill and do all the operations in reverse order.

You can restore the chocolate egg by running a hot spoon along the seam.

Of course, you will have to tinker, but you will get a whole basket of unusual money sweet eggs of surprises.

Candy gift box for money for a wedding

Another sweet gift. True, all you need from him is a box, which should look like a box. Raffaello, Korkunov packaging will do. We put wads of money in the box or real ones, with the original bills only on top.

We attach an inscription to each pack indicating what the gift is for; wife on mink coat, for my husband to get wheels for a brand new car, for my baby to get a stroller.

Mafia gift: suitcase box for a wedding for money

Use everyone's favorite mafia suitcase to pack a gift. You need to put money in packs in it and supplement the composition with bags of white powder.

The role a la cocaine can be played by flour. And the donor himself will have to comply with the dress code, taking care of dark glasses and a headset.

We select packaging for money for a wedding: money balls

Of course, you will need balloons and helium to fill them. And they can be used in different ways. Take small balls and tie banknotes to them on strings. Place all the balls in a box, from which cash surprises will fly out when opened.

Just don't do it under open air. Otherwise, your gift will fly high into the sky if you don’t have time to catch all the balls.

The second option: place the money directly into the balls, adding sparkles and sequins to them. After this, we fill the balloons with helium and the original cash gift is ready.

Barrel of Honey

You will need a pot, barrel or jar of honey. We save the sticker with the words “Honey” or make a new one that is more original.

We place a cash gift inside and wrap the neck with fabric tied with twine.

We present a wedding gift with money in an original way: helping the groom

Everyone knows that every man must have time to do three important things in his life. Why not help the groom cope with this task at the wedding and give it as a gift.

For the birth of a son, we will give a holey condom. To build a house, we will give you a brick with a bow. And so that he can plant a tree, we will give him a real money tree.

Gift in money box for wedding

If there is no time for creative solutions, purchase a box or casket with many drawers and compartments. And place both bills and coins in each of them.

A transparent piggy bank, which will have to be filled at least half, also looks original.

The box idea can be played out quite interestingly by taking several boxes of various sizes at once for a gift. You stack them like nesting dolls. Small to medium, medium to large, and large to the largest.

The money, of course, will be in the smallest box. And in the remaining boxes we place various items in the form of ribbons, sweets, coins, confetti, helium balloons.

Pink in the form of a bouquet of roses.

Fantasize, look for new ideas, and your spouse will definitely like your gift of money and will not look banal.

We have collected for you best ideas how to give money for a wedding. If you missed something or know of new ways, share your ideas in the comments.


How to make a wedding box for money with your own hands in this video.

Question " How to give money? the most frequently asked question immediately after the question “What to give?” Not surprising, because frying money is very prosaic. They are most often given in postal envelopes, at best - in holiday envelopes for money. There is no smell of originality here. To destroy the stereotypes that giving money is boring, I will present you with a lot of options on how to give money and at the same time be known as an original among your friends. Remember, a black cat doesn’t give advice in vain.

You can give money in a decorative vase or small aquarium. Yes, yes, tie a beautiful ribbon around the neck and go to the birthday boy, then the question how to give money in an original way disappears. Already like the idea? So it's time to show you the next one.

Give money in an original way You can do it in a simple jar. Roll each bill into a tube, wrap it with ribbon or thread and roll it into a jar.

You can give money in a bank by “pickling” it like cabbage

For those who are especially creative, we can advise you to make an inscription on the jar, as grandmothers did, so that in the cellar cherry jam will not be confused with black cherry. By the way, you can even roll up the jar with a machine, so that the birthday boy can also open it symbolically.

You can also give money in a balloon. The technology is simple - roll the bills into a tube, carefully push them along with the confetti into the balloon and inflate. Voila - a question, how to give money, solved

You can also buy a box of candies and wrap each candy with a banknote - too an original way to give money. If you buy a transparent box and decorate it with a ribbon with a birthday card, it will be even better.

Or you can take these same candies out of the box and put banknotes instead of chocolate. And eat sweets yourself with a clear conscience. That's it - it's sweet for you, and money for the birthday boy.

You can even come up with a postcard for money. Tube bills will be like candles or flower stems. The main thing is that the birthday boy notices the money in time, otherwise he will be offended that you came to the holiday with only a card.

Can i give money in an original way in an apple. Cut an apple, put banknotes in cellophane in the middle and decorate the fruit with a bow. By the way, you can use coconut, pineapple, and even a head of cabbage for these purposes.

You can also give money in ice - right away with a hammer. This way you will kill two birds with one stone - you will get an original gift, and you will bring ice for cocktails.

Money in ice - why not a gift?

You can twist a flower out of banknotes. Remember how we are? Here's the same scheme.

How else can you give money in an original way?

It is believed that money is a great anniversary gift!
And this is true, giving money is very convenient. Guests don’t have to rack their brains about what to buy for the hero of the day, and the birthday boy doesn’t have to wonder where to put this “original gift.”
But you can give money in different ways. You can say happy anniversary to a woman or man and simply open your wallet and hand over a worn banknote, or you can do it elegantly and beautifully...
If you want to give the hero of the day a truly original gift, a beautiful surprise, and not just an envelope, then you have come to the right address. We bring to your attention several ways to present money in an original way:

Money in a frame.

Of course, now it is no longer relevant to give a postcard or envelope, but it is a mistake to think that money is a banal and uninteresting gift.
Absolutely any gift can be presented beautifully, cheerfully and unexpectedly. It all depends on the character of the hero of the day.
You can present banknotes “under glass”. To do this, purchase a photo frame in advance that can be hung on the wall or placed on the table. Under the glass of the frame, arrange the bills beautifully, and on the surface of the glass part of the frame you should stick a warning message, for example: “Break only as a last resort!” or “Stay away!”
Warn the birthday person that he can break the glass only for a specific, specific purpose, for example, to go on vacation or to buy a car.

Money bag.

Since childhood, we dream of a bag of money.
In our understanding, this is huge and unmanageable luggage, but as an anniversary gift you can get by with a small bag.
Ask the hero of the day if he has ever dreamed of a bag of money? And hand it over!
From a suitable fabric, sew a bag into which you place banknotes and coins. Tie it with a beautiful ribbon and hand it to the hero of the occasion with the wish that the bag grows larger every year.
Just be sure to tell the hero of the day to open the bag before going on vacation to the sea or another resort.
In addition, such a monetary gift can be given to the hero of the day as a prize in a fun competition.

Bouquet of money.

Representatives of the fair sex cannot do without a bouquet on their anniversary.
You have a great opportunity to combine a necessary holiday attribute and a gift of money.
Fold the paper bills like an accordion, tie them in the middle and straighten them out!
Build simple “flowers” ​​and attach them with wire to a real bouquet. The main thing is that everything holds tight.
When congratulating you on your anniversary and presenting such gifts, do not forget to wish them beauty and prosperity.

Money box.

Each hero of the day has his own dream, and, as you know, dreams must be realized sooner or later in order for them to become a reality.
In this case, you can donate money to make your dream come true. Of course, not the entire amount, but only the piggy bank with the initial deposit. The rest of the guests can help you fill your piggy bank.
By the way, a piggy bank can reflect its purpose, for example, a money box in the shape of a car will help the hero of the day to quickly collect finances for a new “iron horse”, a piggy bank in the shape of a house - for a new apartment, etc.
Fill the container of your gift not only with banknotes, but also with coins, so that the piggy bank can make a characteristic ringing sound and feel free to hand it to the birthday person with wishes for a happy anniversary.

Ball with money.

You can make an original cash gift. inflating such a balloon.
How many and what kind of banknotes to put inside is up to you. But the pleasure of bursting the balloon and a kind of money salute suggests that it is better to place a lot of small denomination bills in the balloon.
Remember that money (paper only) must be placed in the balloon before you inflate it.
Choose a ball made of thick rubber so that it can withstand the money as a gift, at least until the moment of donation.
Of course, such a ball is given only if the celebration takes place at home, and not in a cafe. It is not recommended to travel with such a gift in public transport (even in a taxi)!
And before bursting the balloon, warn the hero of the day that “golden rain” will now fall on him. It’s better to do this away from the table, and preferably by laying something on the floor to collect money faster.

Money album.

Make a kind of money album for the hero of the day.
The simplest option is to fasten together multi-colored envelopes, put a small bill in each of them and sign the purpose of each envelope, for example, “For a trip.”
If you have a little more time, you can put illustrations in such an album. Of course, you can take an ordinary sketch pad as a basis, paste a picture from a magazine or photograph on the page, carefully attach a banknote and sign it beautifully.
A photo of a country villa can be accompanied by the title “Down payment for building a house”; a luxury car can be labeled “A piggy bank for a car”.
Such a cash gift will appeal to people you know well, especially if you know each other's dreams and aspirations. During the celebration, you can mention the money album several times and make a toast to the anniversary for the growth of investments.

Money Tree.

For an interesting gift of money, you can make a money tree.
It would be appropriate to give such a gift to both a woman and a man, and amateur gardeners will especially appreciate such a gift.
The stem and branches can be made from scrap materials, place the “greenery” in a convenient pot or vase, and decorate the “tree” with money. In addition, in stores you can find a ready-made blank for a money plant or carefully attach banknotes to the leaves of a living decorative tree.
Be sure to accompany the gift with a congratulation on the anniversary, in which you wish the hero of the day the growth and flowering of his monetary flora.

Money tree: variations.

One of the most popular money surprises is the money tree.
But sometimes it is difficult to find a suitable pot and materials for its manufacture.
If you are interested in embroidery or appliqué, you can make a picture money tree, which has the same properties.
In addition, the hero of the day will be able to enjoy your gift for some time before he disassembles it into its components.
Place the embroidery, appliqué, drawing, or magazine cutout into the frame and carefully create a “crown.” Check the reliability of the fastenings, and feel free to go on holiday!
Such an original gift-surprise will delight the hero of the day and the rest of the guests will like it for its unusualness.

Money cake.

To cook something like this unusual gift, you need to buy an ordinary cake.
The cake should be fresh and tasty. After all, in the end he will still end up in festive table hero of the day
You can only attach bows made from real banknotes to the cake lid. Pair holes are made on the cake lid with an awl or a hot nail. Through them, the accordion-folded bills are secured with wire.
It is in this form that the cash gift is given to the birthday person.
You give money for a reason, but as a valuable and sweet surprise.
A money cake can be presented either from one person or from an entire company. You just need to warn everyone about this in advance.

Money packaging.

Many guests, trying to please the hero of the day and not make a mistake with a gift, present the hero of the occasion with monetary surprises. Money packaging can also be a pleasant addition to an interesting and useful gift, especially if it is small in size - watches, jewelry.
Banknotes are placed in files, the files are cut to the size of the banknotes.
Carefully attach the bills to the packaging with tape so that the gift itself is not visible, and tie a bright bow.
Warn the hero of the day that you should not tear off the packaging abruptly, otherwise your efforts will remain unappreciated. We can say with confidence that such packaging will not be found on any gift!

Money origami.

If your hero of the day is interested in origami, then this is for him!
The art of origami came to us from ancient China, because it was in this country that paper was invented.
You can make a lot of beautiful and unusual things from paper.
Thanks to origami techniques, you can fold any interesting figure from paper, namely from a banknote.
Let this figure reflect some common concept between you and the hero of the day or symbolize your wish for a happy anniversary, the birthday boy will like such a monetary gift.
Please note that to create an elephant like this you will need two bills, and it is better to practice on an ordinary one before assembling the main gift office paper. IN otherwise you will have to look for new bills.
Or you can do it even simpler - fold such a figure from a photocopy of a banknote, increasing in size to A4 format. And put real money inside.
What kind of figurine and how to make it is up to you to decide. Internet at your service!

"Cabbage" for the anniversary.

Are you going to give dollars?
Many of us have heard that the common people call the US currency cabbage, comparing the color of famous banknotes and a vegetable.
You can combine a comic cash surprise, congratulations on your anniversary and a gift in one.
Buy a head of cabbage in advance, preferably “loose”, carefully unscrew the top leaves and put a few dollar bills there so that their edges peek out
. Wish the hero of the day that there will always be “cabbage” in his house and present your gift.
A lot of joy is guaranteed for the hero of the occasion and everyone present, but warn the birthday boy to turn away the leaves before he starts creating culinary masterpieces from a delicious gift.

Canned money.

Souvenir shops offer a new service of rolling money into cans, and you can make an interesting label yourself.
Show your imagination and sign, for example: “Open in a hungry year” or “Expiration date limited by currency fluctuations.”
If tin doesn’t attract you, roll the money yourself into a glass jar and give it to the hero of the day.

The jar can be decorated with various applications, foil and colored paper.
Be sure to tell the birthday person not to forget to open the canned food and not to put it away for storage in the basement or refrigerator. Remember the cheerful label and happy anniversary greetings, which must be said with a smile.

Suitcase of money.

Suitcase of money! Who among us has not dreamed of a whole suitcase of money?
This desire is probably inspired by Hollywood films with a million dollars in the case.
The hero of the day will appreciate such a gift of money.
Pick up a small suitcase or box, you can even make it yourself, for example, using the papier-mâché technique. Place a cash gift inside and hand it over.
To create the illusion of a large number of banknotes, you can fill a suitcase with souvenir money, and put real bills on top or exchange the required amount with small banknotes.
To make the suitcase look more beautiful and original, you can stick bright wooden figures on the lid.
You can order various cases and suitcases in various online stores. The main thing is that you have some time to spare!
Or you can cover any box like a suitcase!

Money cosmetics.

How many times have you come across the question “What to give a girl for her anniversary”?
Of course, girls adore flowers... Roses will delight any female representative.
But flowers are a mandatory attribute of any women's anniversary.
What do girls love besides flowers? Of course, girls love cosmetics, including lipstick, but guess with the right choice quite complicated, starting from the color palette, ending with the properties of cosmetics and the favorite brand of the hero of the occasion.
We propose to build a very interesting monetary surprise.
Take an empty lipstick tube, remove any remaining lipstick, rinse and dry the packaging. Roll up the bill and close the tube.
Give it to the hero of the day with a smile, but don’t forget to warn her that she should already touch up her makeup so that the girl immediately discovers the surprise. Now the hero of the occasion will be able to choose her favorite lipstick herself.

Basket of money.

Remember: “Little Red Riding Hood went to grandma with a basket of pies”?
However, the pies at the celebration do not have any value, but a basket of money will make a proper impression on the hero of the day.
Surely you have baskets at home from flower arrangements. It's time to use them!
Roll the banknotes into a “ball” and tie them in the middle with a ribbon so that they do not lose their shape.
To conveniently place banknotes in a basket, connect the lower corners of the money with wire and tie it to the walls of the wicker basket.
Decorate the basket with ribbons and give it to the hero of the day.
Don’t forget to wish that the money in the basket will be collected easily.
Such a gift will be very original and will be remembered by the hero of the day for many years.

Butterflies with money.

Women love flowers, this is an indisputable fact.
But for this gala event You can’t just come with a bouquet of flowers and congratulations on your anniversary. Are you planning to give a cash gift and want to do it in an original way?
Arm yourself with thick colored cardboard, scissors and a simple pencil.
Draw a butterfly on the cardboard and carefully cut it out along the contour, bend it in half to give the shape of a flying butterfly.
Make two cuts in the middle of the fold, which in the future will serve as a “pocket” for the bill rolled into a tube.
Secure the butterflies with wire or double-sided tape. A cute and original cash gift is ready!

Money in the book.

Money in a book or a bookmark from a banknote.
If you know the hero of the day well and are sure that a book dedicated to his favorite hobby will be a good gift, you can choose one of the interesting places and make a bookmark of money in the book, be it cooking, or a collection of tips for a fisherman.
If you don’t know what exactly the hero of the day is interested in, you can give money in a book with a personal horoscope or a selection of jokes.

Money application.

Thick cardboard, a little imagination, a few bills, colored paper, scissors and felt-tip pens - here you have an original cash gift.
It is best to attach banknotes to cardboard using a very thin strip of double-sided tape; do not overuse glue, otherwise the hero of the day may be left with only the card, and not its contents.
For a woman you can “build” an applique in the form of a boot, and for a man in the form of a train or car.
Coins will look great as wheels for “cars.”
And even if such a monetary surprise seems a little naive and childish, we should not forget that in every even the most adult hero of the day there is Small child who loves crafts.
Especially if they carry some kind of financial “value”.

A pack of cigarettes.

You can give a man who smokes money in a cigarette pack.
You need to buy a pack of cigarettes of the hero of the day’s favorite brand, carefully open it, and remove the cigarettes.
Then roll twenty banknotes of a certain denomination into a tight tube and put them in a packet.
Carefully close the cigarette pack and seal it with film. The pack should not differ from the new one.
It is advisable to play up the presentation of this surprise in some interesting way by inventing cool competition for an anniversary or a draw.