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How the Internet helps to learn foreign languages. Using the Internet in learning foreign languages ​​Goals of learning English using the Internet

English is the dominant language of the Internet. The Internet, in turn, is becoming the dominant means of studying in English. Today's reality is rapid and dynamic changes in the ways and methods of language learning. With the constant development of the Internet, a previously unparalleled environment is being created for communication, information management, and for the development of new forms of social interaction, without any boundaries. The Internet makes it possible to independently acquire knowledge and share it with others. MP3, iPod, Skype and PDAs technologies, as well as various blogs and podcasts, provide a huge variety of communication, information, literature, news and other language content materials available anywhere and at any time.

All this sounds very convincing, however, let's figure out what advantages and disadvantages, as well as potential problems, exist today when using Internet resources to learn a foreign language.

Most actual problem today is that the Internet is not always available to all students and teachers. According to World Bank statistics, Internet use directly depends on the financial condition of the country. For example, the total percentage of Internet users in Sweden is 75.6%, 61.4% in Holland, 68.7% in Japan, 50% in Germany, 17.7% in Greece, 14.2% in Turkey and only 11.1% in Russia. So, only 11% of Russians have the Internet, which significantly complicates the teacher’s task. The second is the lack of skills in using the Internet, the third is that not all topics offered by the Internet are acceptable for school-age children, and, finally, too much information often only complicates the task and leads away from a specific topic.

What are the advantages of the Internet? First of all, the Internet forces students to use English in everyday life and provides functional communicative events. Communication with native speakers allows students to practice specific skills such as negotiating, persuasion, clarifying meaning, demanding information, and engaging in real, authentic discussion. The Internet makes it possible to jointly acquire knowledge through correspondence, exchange of information and then comparison and evaluation. The Internet is a useful environment for communicating with native speakers online, which allows not only to form, develop and improve writing, reading, speaking and listening skills, but also helps improve computer skills (keyboarding, creating and storing files, Internet search and etc.). The teacher, who is the leader, gives the task and, as it were, recedes into the background, giving the student the opportunity to work independently, only correcting and directing his actions, which is very important today, since it is one thing to know a language, and a completely different thing to be able to use it.

Of course, the Internet today is not available to everyone, but if you have the opportunity to use its services, you can teach children in a year not only to use search engines, type and edit texts and use e-mail, but also to create creative products using programs such as Power Point, Movie Maker, etc.

Let's consider the following situations.

  1. The teacher gives the task to write a short essay with elements of analysis on the topic “Drugs – start and finish”. The topic is first discussed in class. At the discussion stage, it is very important to arouse students’ interest in this topic, and the key to success is the choice of the topic itself. It should be relevant and correspond to the age interests of children. At the next stage, students search, find and process information at home in order to obtain the final product - a short essay. It would seem that everything was printed and handed over to the teacher, but no! You must submit your essay by mail via the Internet. The essay must be sent as an attachment to a letter addressed to the teacher. Thus, with the help of one task, the teacher gives a whole range of tasks, for the solution of which it is necessary to possess various skills: search reading with information extraction, composing a written statement with elements of analysis, composing official letter, working with Internet resources, working with email, etc.
    When giving such tasks, it is necessary to limit the number of words in advance, gradually practicing writing skills, with which the student will be able to competently express his thoughts, controlling the amount of written work.
    After checking, the teacher gives a mark and gives recommendations by responding to an email. Thus, the educational process, as it were, goes beyond the classroom, becomes virtual, and the child, coming home, opens his mailbox with interest in order to find out if the teacher has answered him.
    This kind of task increases the interest of students, a kind of dialogue arises between students and the teacher, closer personal contact, which is psychologically very important for the child.
  1. For the following situation, you need a computer science room with computers and the Internet. Each student receives the task of creating and filling out a table with approximately the following content (the topic and amount of information requested can vary in accordance with the level of preparedness of the children and the topic being studied at this stage of the educational process):

Angelina Jolie

Date of birth
Place of birth State:
Marital status Husband:
First film
The latest shooting project
Famous quote

The teacher gives the task, using any English-language search engine, to find the necessary information right in class. A certain time is allotted for the task, after which children must send the completed tables to the teacher by email. The time allotted for completing this task can be gradually reduced.

Working individually, without the help of parents or a teacher, the child learns to find and sort information on his own. At the same time, instead of automatically learning new vocabulary material at home, the child remembers it with pleasure during the lesson.

  1. How tedious it is to learn poetry by heart, especially in a foreign language! This process, which we all dislike so much, can be turned into an exciting creative competition.
    How to instill in a modern child a love of poetry? Creative work carried out in a group under the skillful guidance of a teacher - best way succeed.

William Shakespeare
Sonnet 18.

Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate;
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer lease hath all too short a date;
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimm’d;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance or nature’s changing course untimm’d.

Fabulous! But it's difficult. What are our actions?

We divide the class into two or three creative groups. We give the task to create a music video based on a sonnet. Children, using Internet resources, select music, images and create a slide for each line of the sonnet. Thus, they thoroughly study each line, delve into the meaning, debate, exchange information, and consult with the teacher. Colleagues and parents can be involved in this process; they can become members of the jury and evaluate the children’s work. As a result, we have a joint creative product and a Shakespeare sonnet that children will remember all their lives!

There are many such examples of using the Internet; any teacher who uses modern technologies, of course, owns a solid folder of methodological developments. However, when carrying out the educational process using the Internet, the following must be taken into account:

  1. The Internet cannot completely replace the classical form of education and live communication between teacher and student.
  2. The use of Internet resources is not always welcomed by parents.
  3. The effectiveness of using the Internet depends on the competent selection of material and the teacher’s competence in this area.


The goal of teaching a foreign language is practical knowledge of the language, allowing for communicative activities. The purpose of using information technology in the work of an English teacher is to increase students’ motivation to study the subject, increase their cognitive and communicative interest, and prepare students for independent work and communication with native speakers.

A modern teacher is, of course, a teacher who uses Internet resources.


  1. “Teaching English with Information technology. How to use Internet and IT when teaching for professional English language teachers”, David Gordon Smith and Eric Baber, 2003.
  2. “The Use of the Internet in ESL Learning” Selami Aydin, 2007.
  3. “English Language Learning and Technology”, Carol Chapelle, Cambridge University Press, 2005.
  4. “Computer-assisted language learning Context and Conceptualization”, Michael Levy, Oxford Linguistics, 1997.

MBOU boarding school in the village of New Kainlyk


in English language


Completed by: 5th grade student Manyanov A.

Head: Gizzatullin B.A.




    1. The role of computers in our life

      Survey results





Topic of this study : “Ways to learn English using a computer and the Internet.”

Relevance the chosen topic is related to the need to apply modern technologies in mastering a foreign language.

The computer is the most suitable assistant in language learning, the purpose of which is communication. Computer-assisted learning has developed especially successfully in Lately in connection with the development of the Internet.

Target research: identify the most useful and convenient ways to learn English on the Internet.


1) compile a list of educational sites on the English language on the Internet;

2) through a survey, identify the opinions of school students on the use of computers in the classroom and at home.

3) Make a presentation inPower Point

Subject research is computer-based learning of English, andobject - analysis of training programs and websites on the Internet.

The following methods were used in the work:

search, aimed at selecting programs and sites for language learning;

a survey to determine effective forms of students’ independent work with a computer.


1.1 The role of computers in our lives

Life modern man It’s hard to imagine without computers and the Internet. Nowadays, almost everything is connected with computers. The computer represents one of man's most amazing and significant achievements.

The use of a computer as a tool for working with information is very diverse and multifaceted. He can view in a few seconds electronic library and find the information you need. The computer helps you, teaches you, entertains you.

Many computers around the world are specially connected into computer networks. The Internet is the most popular. With its help, a large amount of information is transmitted, magazine articles, business letters, poems and prose, opinions and views, games and jokes, in short, everything that can be converted into computer information and sent over communication channels. At the same time, you are guaranteed fast and error-free exchange of information, quick access to it and its processing.

1.2 Possibilities of the Internet in learning English

Now the Internet has great information capabilities and no less impressive services. The Internet creates a unique opportunity for foreign language learners to use texts, listen and communicate with native speakers.With the development of the Internet, opportunities for learning English have increased significantly. Due to the fact that English is spoken in many parts of the world. The Internet space is filled with information in English, which also plays a teaching role. The Internet is considered a technical breakthrough last decades, which had a very strong influence on the development of educational technologies. In addition to the fact that many recommendations and educational materials are posted on the Internet, the technical capabilities of the World Wide Web provide the opportunity to conduct educational classes directly on the Internet. On the Internet you can find almost all the teaching materials for learning English, online tests and animated materials. All this is widely used in learning English. The Internet space allows you to immediately put into practice your knowledge of the English language online. Using the Internet, a person can communicate with residents of different countries and representatives of different ethnocultural communities, thus not only improving their knowledge of the language, but also improving the skills of perceiving English speech among representatives of different nations. With the help of online communication, a person does not need to simulate a situation or role-playing game, since he is already in live communication. Also, many English teachers recommend using the Internet to manipulate the formulas of speech etiquette, since during live communication, speech etiquette is learned faster, since you find yourself in a real language environment.

We can use the Internet:

To independently search for information as part of working on the topic of the lesson;

For self-study;

For independent preparation for tests.

In addition, during extracurricular hours you can work independently to improve your knowledge of a foreign language. To do this, there are many different courses online for different categories of students, intended for self-education or training under the guidance of a teacher.

Participation in chats in which schoolchildren from different countries world - an additional, very interesting and useful opportunity for new contacts in real speech practice. So far, this type of language teaching has not been sufficiently studied, but it is only a matter of time. During discussions and conversations, there is not only an exchange of information on a particular issue, but also an acquaintance with some elements of another culture.

Today it is difficult to imagine the work of a school without access to the Internet. The Internet is a universal means of searching for information and transferring knowledge. The undeniable advantage of the Internet is that it represents an inexhaustible source of information on any issue.

I have researched several websites that can help you learn and improve your English.

The most popular sites for language learning:

1. www.

3.American homepage

4. Lucent Technologies

5 .abc-english-grammar

7. City Net

8. English . ru

Thus, using information resources on the Internet, the following results can be achieved:

b) improve pronunciation skills;

c) improve grammatical skills;

d) expand your vocabulary;

f) become familiar with cultural knowledge, including speech etiquette, features of the speech behavior of various peoples in communication conditions, cultural features, and traditions of the country of the language being studied.

    1. Survey results

In my work, I decided to explore what the role of computer technology is in learning a foreign language. And for this purpose, I conducted a survey, which consisted of 7 questions:

1. What does a computer mean to you in teaching a foreign language?

a) obtaining information;

b) a source of pleasure;

c) study.

2. Do computers make foreign languages ​​interesting?

a) yes;

c) no.

3.Do computers help enrich English vocabulary?

a) yes;

b) depends on the type computer programs;

c) no.

4. Do computer programs help master the grammar of a foreign language?

a) yes;

b) sometimes;

c) no.

5. How often do you use the Internet to study a foreign language?

a) every day;

b) rarely;

c) I don’t use the Internet at all.

6. Have you used the Internet when preparing for an English lesson?

a) yes;

b) no.

After analyzing the results of the survey, I came to the conclusion that for the majority of students the computer is a source of information (62.5%); 46% believe that using computers makes learning a foreign language interesting and can enrich your vocabulary (56%); the majority of students believe that using computers when learning a foreign language contributes to better understanding of grammar (57%); Most students use the Internet when learning a foreign language (50%). They use the Internet to search for reports during foreign language lessons (92%).

As the survey results showed, in our school the majority of students are computer literate. Among the students there are users of a fairly good level. This means that the guys can not only masterfully play various computer games, but also have skills in working in various computer programs, communicate on the Internet, create computer presentations for lessons and events.


The study showed that the use of computer technology is not only a source of pleasure, but first of all, it is a way of obtaining information. Many have skills in working in various computer programs, create computer presentations, and communicate on the Internet.

I have compiled a list of available educational Internet sites that can help in learning English.

But Internet technologies will in no way replace live communication between teacher and student.

In our age of high technology, computers play a huge role in learning English, as there is an interesting and useful opportunity for new ways of acquiring knowledge. Thus, I came to the conclusion that the Internet can really help and speed up the process of learning a foreign language.


1. Kushnirenko A.G., Leonov A.G., Kuzmenko M.A. etc. What is the Internet? Information and communication technologies in education. // Computer science and education. - 2013. - No. 5-7-p. 14 -18

2. Polilova T.A. Ponomareva V.V. Introduction of computer technologies in the teaching of foreign languages ​​// Institute of Foreign Languages ​​– 2007. - No. 6.- p. 35-36

3. English educational sites on the Internet

4. Multimedia textbooks, learning programs“Professor Higgins”, “English without an accent”, multimedia programs “Oxford Platinum” and “English. The path to perfection”, etc.

Annex 1

English educational sites on the Internet

In order to find out where and what educational sites exist and what benefits they can bring, we identified the following official educational sites on the Internet:

www. busuu .com - the largest in the world social network for foreign language learners. There are 11 to choose from languages ​​- Spanish, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Polish, Turkish, Arabic, Japanese, Chinese.

City Net website does possible travel in different countries, visiting parks, monuments, etc. Any other attractions, here you can find everything about the selected country.

English invites you to find out your level of English proficiency, take part in
online competitions, gives practical advice on learning a foreign language.

America homepage is a journey through states and cities, getting to know the history, culture, and way of life of Americans.

Lucent Technologies website , her divisionBell Labs allows you to hear how any phrase sounds in a foreign language. A speech synthesizer has been developed here that turns printed text into sound.

Ca offers a wide range of possibilities: lessons with sound, studying grammar, phonetics, radio broadcasts, English chat.

Website – phonetics, grammar, English vocabulary, slang, idioms, dictionaries, tests, English exams, topics, essays, abstracts, audiobooks, song lyrics, scripts, translations, etc.

Ca is intended primarily for those who wantimprove your English speech comprehension skills hearing, reading and correct pronunciation . And also very useful for those who wantquickly expand your vocabulary

Appendix 2

Diagram 1

Diagram 2

Diagram 3

Diagram 4

Diagram 5

Diagram 6

Diagram 7


Nowadays, new information technologies are being intensively introduced into the educational process. And if we consider the lesson as a social order from society to the education system, then today we have reached a level where the computer literacy of a school graduate should be sufficient to be able to freely work on a personal computer as a user. In education today, special emphasis is placed on the child’s own activities in searching, comprehending and processing new knowledge. The teacher acts as the organizer of the learning process, the leader of students’ amateur activities, providing them with the necessary help and support. Today we can already say that Internet technologies are part of the general information culture of teachers and students.

The educational information space is just beginning to fill up. In order to avoid haphazardness and incompetence, it is necessary that subject teachers with many years of experience contribute to filling out this information resource. Therefore, it is important for teachers to know what services and for what didactic purposes they can also use in their teaching practice when using modern pedagogical technologies.

First of all, we should consider the possibilities of the Internet in the educational process. The advent of the Internet in education stimulates children's desire to learn, expands the zone of individual activity of each student, and increases the speed of delivery of high-quality material within one lesson. All this is done through email correspondence with schoolchildren from other countries, the creation and implementation of joint telecommunications projects, the opportunity to read books in the original, and participation in various competitions and olympiads. The issue of integrating the Internet into education and, in particular, its use in teaching foreign languages, is currently quite relevant. This is mainly due to the fact that when using the Internet as a means of teaching a foreign language, many goals and objectives of training and education are realized in the best possible way.

Based on the above, purpose This work is to identify the didactic possibilities of the Internet in teaching foreign languages. In turn, the goal is specified as follows: tasks:

1) Analyze the available literature on this topic;

2) Identify the features of the Internet and their impact on the educational process as a whole;

3) Conduct a survey of teachers to identify their opinions about the Internet as an educational resource.

4) Consider the Internet as a means of teaching types and aspects speech activity in foreign language lessons in high school.

Object This work is the process of teaching a foreign language using the Internet.

And correspondingly subject - the possibilities of the Internet as a means of teaching a foreign language.

This work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and an appendix. The first chapter discusses the educational opportunities of the Internet for teaching foreign languages, including distance learning. The second chapter contains recommendations on the use of the Internet for teaching types and aspects of foreign language speech activity, as well as the possibilities of the Internet when implementing project methodology. The application includes data from a survey of foreign language teachers and some practical developments.

Theoretical The value of this work lies in the fact that the author justified the use of the Internet in the educational process. Certain practical The recommendations proposed by the author for using the global network in foreign language lessons are significant.

Chapter 1. Internet as an educational resource

1.1 Computer telecommunications in the secondary education system

New computer technologies can be used in a regular classroom in urban and rural schools, in secondary schools, gymnasiums, and lyceums. They make it possible to realize modern tendencies in the educational systems of many countries around the world. These are global trends in education. At the same time, until now we have limited ourselves to technologies that are used in a specific lesson, in a specific school, i.e. in the full-time education system. It must be said that the desire for integration in the field of education, as one of the most clearly manifested trends, dictates the need to enter a single global educational space. Hence the interest in all countries of the world in new information technologies and, in particular, in computer telecommunications, which open a window into this global space.

The history of pedagogy is rich not only in innovations in the field of methods and organizational forms of teaching. At different stages, parallel to the development of technical thought, there was an intensive introduction of all kinds of visual aids and technical means into the educational process. Everything was done to increase the efficiency of the proposed innovations and the educational process as a whole. Ultimately, in pedagogy and didactics, one single goal is always pursued - the upbringing and education of the younger generation. Very few technical devices have been developed specifically for the educational process. Perhaps, in this series we can only name a graphic projector and a language laboratory device for foreign language lessons. The teachers borrowed all other technical equipment from everyday life: a gramophone, a record player, a tape recorder, a TV, a video recorder, and finally a computer. These useful things were created for the arrangement different areas human life. Each of them has certain properties and capabilities that determine its purpose in everyday life, culture, economics, etc. And each time, based on the intended purpose of a particular technical means, we try to highlight its inherent technical qualities that can help in solving a certain problem areas of knowledge, culture and will be useful Everyday life. Teachers have never stood on the side of this process.

Development of communication systems in economic developed countries world led to the emergence of a unique Internet network. In Russia, the choice of Internet providers is quite wide and allows you to find a work opportunity that best suits the needs and capabilities of each specific subscriber.

The Internet is a global network that brings together users from various organizations, government agencies and private firms, as well as private users. The prototype of the Internet was the experimental network of the US Department of Defense. Now the Internet is spread all over the world, and more than 40 million people have already become its users. Over the past few years, there have been dramatic changes in the approach of programmers to the use of computer telecommunications (CTC). The properties and functions of CTC are becoming much more powerful, and the scope of application, in particular in pedagogy, is expanding sharply. A powerful area of ​​educational activity using CTC is emerging, such as online publications. Almost any result obtained by students during an educational project or simply in a lesson can be published on the Internet in a matter of minutes. In fact, any educational activity using new information technologies can now not only be considered, but actually be networked.

Until the mid-90s, the Internet was used primarily for sending email, that is, messages and files from one user to another. Other email-based options were available: teleconferences- exchange of opinions via emails on certain topics, news servers- sending news on certain topics in the form of emails, file servers - file storages that an Internet user can receive in the form of an email by sending it with a specially prepared request to a file server. To facilitate data on the Internet, special search services were organized - computers that allow you to find required document. Therefore, until 1993-94, the Internet was used mainly in the scientific field.

Around 1993-94, the situation on the Internet changed radically, and the reason for this was the emergence and widespread implementation of new service- WorldWideWeb, literally translated - the World Wide Web. WWW is a worldwide distributed database of hypertext documents contained on the Internet. Every computer with a permanent connection to the Internet can be used as a Web server and documents can be placed on it. .

Of course, the Internet can hardly be considered only as a means of education. This is an information environment in which there is a subject-educational area that fully reflects all the capabilities of the global network and all its services. That is why it is advisable to understand the didactic properties of these services, i.e. in those characteristics that may be useful for the educational process. .

Now everyone understands that the Internet has enormous information capabilities and no less impressive services.

Educational services are designed to satisfy the user's needs in various areas and aspects of education.

For example, Email, includes the following properties of the Internet, which will be very useful in any education system:

ability to transmit information various types(text, image,

sound) over long distances;

the ability to store and structure the transmitted information on the computer of the provider of this service;

the ability to store and structure transmitted information on the computers of the sender and recipient of emails;

the ability of the computer of the provider of this service to track the “fate” of emails (identify and report a delay in the delivery of a letter, incorrect addressing, etc.);

ability of the sender's computer software and

the recipient of emails, understand the storage structure of received emails, delete or archive emails that are no longer relevant, maintain a database of correspondents’ addresses, etc.;

compatibility of hardware and software of the computers of the provider of this service and the computer of its subscriber;

and so on. This list can be significantly expanded.

It is a well-known fact that the Internet creates a unique opportunity for foreign language learners to use authentic texts, listen and communicate with native speakers, i.e. it creates a natural language environment. Modern means connections with partners and access to information resources on the Internet presuppose fairly fluent knowledge not only of computer technology, but also of foreign languages. .

Currently, opportunities such as receiving education at a distance, communication between students and teachers, not only within the same school, district, but also in other regions of the country and the world, are becoming increasingly important. With the help of modern information technologies, it becomes possible to receive education not only full-time, but also remotely, without leaving your home. The global Internet provides access to information in scientific centers world, libraries, what creates real conditions for self-education, broadening your horizons, and improving your skills.

There is an opportunity to organize joint projects among students from around the world, and to exchange experiences between teachers, students, and scientists. Any education system is an open and fairly stable system. Therefore, such components as the goals and content of education must remain unchanged in any form of education within one state in accordance with the programs and standards of education adopted in that state. As for the methods, organizational forms and means of training, they may vary depending on the applied concept of training and forms of training. That is why we consider it necessary to turn to means that can ensure the fullest realization of these opportunities, push back the walls of the classroom, and open access to the wide world of knowledge, including the dialogue of cultures. .

Only with this approach can the next technical means turn out to be truly useful for the educational process and find a clear place in this process, in the system of other educational means, either absorbing their properties, thus replacing those previously used, or complementing them. Computers are quite expensive technical means. But as the famous English teacher Anthony Mullan once noted, if the computer had not been invented as a universal technical device, it should have been created specifically for educational purposes. That is why, speaking about new information technologies in the educational process, we need to carefully separate their didactic properties and functions.

According to the definition of E.S. Polat, " the didactic properties of a particular teaching aid are understood as the main characteristics, signs of this means, distinguishing them from others, essential for didactics, both in terms of theory and practice ".

Thus, by analyzing the qualities of teaching aids, teachers strive to determine their didactic properties, and then their functions in the educational process. .

When classifying the didactic properties of the Internet, we consider it reasonable to distinguish two main classes of properties of computer telecommunications (CTC):

properties related to their telecommunications basis, i.e. their technological capabilities;

properties associated with the use of computers. .

However, the Internet, not only being a means of teaching, provides teachers and students with ample opportunities, including when learning a foreign language.

1.2 Distance learning

Another important opportunity for using the Internet is distance learning, i.e. distance learning in a situation where the student is separated from the teacher by distance. For many years, this form of education was known in our country as correspondence.

The strategic goal of the educational institution is to ensure that citizens have the right to receive education at any level at the place of their residence or professional activity. This goal is achieved in line with the global trend of mobile dissemination of knowledge through the exchange of educational resources. It is natural that the means of achieving such a goal should be high-tech and scientifically based organizational forms that are remote in nature.

By method of receipt educational information distinguish:

synchronous learning systems and


Synchronous systems involve simultaneous participation in the process training sessions students and teacher. Such systems include: interactive TV, audio graphics, computer teleconferencing.

Asynchronous systems do not require the simultaneous participation of students and the teacher. The student chooses the time and lesson plan himself. Such systems in distance education include courses based on printed materials, audio / video cassettes, e-mail, WWW.

Mixed systems that use elements of both synchronous and asynchronous systems.

According to the technical basis of data transfer, the following forms can be distinguished: distance learning:

means of audio graphics (Audiographics);

through interactive TV and video conferencing

via teleconferences (Internet);

via WWW (Internet)

Recently, the Internet has been replacing other forms. This is due to three circumstances:

1) technical development of Internet technologies, allowing cheaper and more convenient means to imitate any educational model,

2) ease of connecting to the Internet,

3) low connection cost.

The rapid development of the Internet makes it possible to simulate any type of system, as well as build fundamentally new educational complexes.

This makes the Internet the most promising means of distance education.

The Internet is the cheapest medium. Development and delivery of distance courses does not require special studios or complex non-standard equipment.

The organization of additional education will allow many part-time students to solve the problems of lack of time, financial costs, finding the necessary textbooks, reference books and other foreign language aids. Thus, distance learning is effective option implementation of the final goals of teaching foreign languages ​​to students of humanitarian specialties through correspondence courses at a non-linguistic university.

When asked about the possibility of replacing full-time education with preschool education, we received the following results from teachers: the majority doubt it (45%); slightly less (35%) agree with this statement, but subject to availability good techniques training and a minority of respondents are against (20%).

Undoubtedly, the Internet carries enormous potential for educational services. Educational services include informing both students and teachers on a wide range of topics related to their learning and teaching activities. For example, advertising via the Internet of new teaching aids published in traditional printed form is also an educational service. A very large number of Internet services can be used to manage the education system, and not only for the needs of the educational process itself. This may include advertising services and distribution of instructional and methodological materials, providing access to legal and other databases on educational issues, etc.

1.3 Advantages of the Internet as a learning tool

In the last 2-3 years, the term Internet education has quite actively entered into pedagogical practice. Informatization of education is a priority of Russian education. The task of the school existing in modern society, prepare your students for the ability to navigate the information space, the opportunity to master the information culture. Currently, there is no longer any doubt about the need to use the Internet in the school process. And in almost all areas of the school educational space it is possible to use the capabilities of the network.

The following main categories in the school space can be distinguished:

Educational process

Extracurricular activities (after-hour activities)

Management work

Let's take a closer look at the advantages of the Internet for each of this category.

Educational process:

the possibility of distance learning for both students and teachers;

conducting educational interdisciplinary telecom projects;

holding distance olympiads;

participation in teleconferences;

participation in thematic competitions for creating web pages;

virtual methodological associations of subject teachers.

Extracurricular and educational work:

obtaining additional information from various information sheets;

holding discussions for subject teachers on various topics; participation of students and teachers in chats on a given topic;

information about various competitions and opportunities for obtaining grants;

consulting services (legal certificates on the rights of teenagers, professional advice on creating web pages, etc.);

the opportunity to establish personal contacts between teachers and students from different countries.

Management work:

creation of a unified management infrastructure for a district, district, city;

creation of unified library catalogs within the district, district, etc.;

using the capabilities of online stores;

search for personnel based on available vacancies.

As can be seen from the above, the Internet provides opportunities for obtaining information resources and personal self-education and

students and teachers. And these two subjects are inseparable and form the basis of the school educational space.

The Internet provides, on the one hand, a huge information field containing a wide variety of pedagogically valuable information, and on the other, various means of enlivening the perception of this information: graphics, sound, movement.

This alone shows significant advantages Internet before traditional paper textbook.

Thus, information technologies allow:

organize various types of joint research papers pupils, teachers, students, researchers from different schools, scientific and educational centers of the same or different regions or even different countries. The project method makes it possible to organize truly research creative or purely independent applied practical activities of partners using a variety of methods and forms of independent cognitive and practical creative activity;

provide prompt consulting assistance to a wide range of students from scientific and methodological centers;

create networks for distance learning and advanced training of teaching staff;

quickly exchange information, ideas, plans on issues of interest to participants, topics of joint projects, thus expanding their horizons and increasing their cultural level;

instill the skills of genuine research activity, simulating the work of a scientific laboratory or creative workshop;

develop the ability to obtain information from a variety of sources, process it using the most modern computer technologies, store and transmit it over any long distance, to different parts of the planet;

create a genuine language environment (in conditions of compatibility of international telecommunications projects, regular teleconferences, as well as audio and video conferences, chats), facilitating the emergence of a natural need for communication in a foreign language and hence the need for learning foreign languages;

to promote the cultural and humanitarian development of students through exposure to the widest range of cultural, ethnic, and humanistic information.

These advantages of the Internet become obvious when using it directly in a student or school classroom. Ideal conditions For such work, it is necessary to have a computer class with an Internet connection. Using the Internet in class should not be an end in itself. In order to correctly determine the place and role of the Internet in teaching a foreign language, first of all, you need to find clear answers to the questions: for whom, for what, when, and to what extent it should be used.

Of course, direct access to the Internet in the classroom is practically impossible, since it is hardly possible to find any acceptable number of foreign language classrooms in our schools equipped with a sufficient number of computers with Internet access. Although it should be said that some teachers, having only one computer and Internet access in the office, try to use this small opportunity in the lesson. Therefore, here we need to look for other ways. By the way, especially in big cities, one should take into account the fact that many families already have home computers with real access to the Internet and the teacher should take this possibility into account. A.A. is right. Leontiev is that educational technologies cannot be learned. We can only outline guidelines for their possible application. The teacher’s creative potential will tell him the area of ​​search, and professionalism will give impetus for interesting finds and solutions. Naturally, when working with the Internet you cannot do without problems.

Let's take a closer look at these problems:

The first problem when working on the Internet is associated with a clear understanding of the fact that the Internet cannot replace a teacher. If you want to use online information resources on a particular topic or problem, you should not only familiarize yourself with this information, which goes without saying, but, what is very important, clearly formulate the goals and objectives of students using this information, the methods of their independent learning activities with this information. It is necessary, in other words, to didactically structure all independent activities of students in accordance with the goals and objectives set, to predict the possible results of their activities (individual or joint).

The next difficulty is related to organizing student activities online. It is clear that not all or even most schoolchildren still have free access to the Internet. Not every school has this opportunity. In large cities, computers are much more often used individually in families than in schools. And yet the situation is changing quite rapidly. Time dictates the need for knowledge of foreign languages ​​and fluent use of a computer, primarily its telecommunications services and resources. Each office cannot be equipped with a sufficient number of computers with Internet access. This means that we can talk about using Internet resources outside of school hours.

Of course, when preparing for a lesson, a teacher can print out some materials if it is important for him, for example, to show how to work with text material, what facts and how to look for, which is very important in foreign language lessons. If students are given the task of independently finding this or that information on a certain topic or problem, which often arises when working on a project, then the task of finding such information should be made as easy as possible. User skills, including those on the Internet, are taught to students in computer science classes, although only in high school. We often need these skills much earlier. The children very quickly master the necessary user skills to work on the Internet. The point is different. There is a rule of one difficulty in psychology. If you give your students the task of finding the necessary information on a certain topic or writing an essay and illustrating it, i.e. If you set a specific didactic task, then it is better to remove the remaining difficulties associated with other tasks, or make them as easy as possible.

This organization of activities of students and teachers with Internet resources allows, on the one hand, to solve the problem of organizing independent cognitive activity of students with different goals, and on the other, to save time, and with it material resources, the efforts of students and teachers, which indicates how it is known about the effectiveness of the activities undertaken.

Common to all types of online activities is the problem of communication, network communication. Communication culture is also an indicator general culture person. At the same time, the culture of communication requires certain intellectual skills: the ability to briefly state the main idea, the ability to listen and hear the interlocutor, the ability to lead a discussion, argue one’s own point of view and, under certain circumstances, accept the opponent’s point of view, the ability to form a common point of view that takes into account the opinions of the parties, etc. All these skills should be specially taught to students at school. These skills are especially relevant when communicating online. In discussions, including professional ones, which have recently become increasingly popular on the Internet (and not only in text, but also in audio), the friendliness of the tone and style of communication, the culture of communication, the desire for mutual understanding are very essential condition the success of such a dialogue or polylogue. Dialogue of cultures, intercultural interaction is a reality. People belonging to different cultures, different religions, different social classes, different levels of education, and, finally, different age groups can freely communicate with each other, united by one problem that interests everyone. As shown above, communication skills also relate to general educational intellectual skills, which are included in the concept of developmental education.

New pedagogical technologies, which we have written about more than once, make it possible to successfully solve this problem. Therefore, as we are once again convinced, all the problems associated with effective use services and resources of the global Internet, presuppose, first of all, their pedagogical solution, and only then can we talk about using the capabilities of the Internet for more effective implementation of these solutions.

But we must not forget that, no matter what properties this or that teaching tool, information-subject environment, has, didactic tasks and features of students’ cognitive activity, determined by certain educational goals, are primary. The Internet with all its capabilities and resources is a means of realizing these goals and objectives.

Today, almost every school has Internet access, but, unfortunately, it is not available to everyone. In addition, not all teachers are ready to use global network resources in their lessons. Teachers who are accustomed to traditional methods and young professionals have different opinions on this matter. In order to show how familiar teachers are with the Internet and interested in it as a means of teaching, we conducted a survey of foreign language teachers in the region, the results of which we would like to present.

So, some teachers believe that using the Internet in the educational process is a waste of time, although 55% of them used Internet materials for their lessons. Of course, there are teachers who stick only to the traditional textbook, and there are those who are truly interested in the Internet. We present the data below in percentage terms in the form of charts:

It should be noted that the number of Internet supporters could be greater if not for the difficulties and shortcomings in its use. The diagram below reflects the most common difficulties that, according to the surveyed teachers, occur in working with the Internet.

Despite these disadvantages, many teachers would like to be able to teach a lesson using the Internet. But, unfortunately, as the teachers noted, this does not always depend on them.

Undoubtedly, all teachers know what the Internet is and what opportunities it has. More people think that the Internet allows one to broaden the horizons of both students and teachers themselves.

Based on the results of our survey, we can conclude that the overwhelming number of teachers believe that the Internet is one of the technologies of OFL, but they do not attach leading importance to it.

Summarizing the results of the survey, we can say that, in general, teachers are interested in using the Internet in their lessons. But, unfortunately, not every teacher is given such an opportunity. Teachers at our school mainly use computers as typewriters to type and edit calendar-thematic planning, didactic material, tests in paper form, office design, generalization of experience (development of lessons, reports). Only a few teachers search for material for lessons on the Internet. After analyzing the situation at school, we came to the conclusion that our schools are poorly introducing information technology into the educational process.

Conclusions on the first chapter

1. Students’ work on the Internet covers various types of activities:

independent work with information on a particular topic or problem being studied;

independent learning activities (in self-education mode) to deepen knowledge in a certain area, fill gaps, prepare for exams, etc.;

learning activities under the guidance of a remote teacher in a distance learning course;

2. The Internet is a very powerful information weapon that can be used both to obtain scientific and educational information and for educational purposes to develop spiritual and cultural values ​​in the younger generation.

3. The overwhelming number of teachers believe that the Internet is one of the effective means of teaching foreign languages, but its use in the modern educational process is clearly insufficient.

Chapter 2. Opportunities of the Internet in teaching a foreign language

2.1 Internet in teaching written types of speech activities

IN real life a person is faced with the need to master written types of speech activity (reading, writing). Unfortunately, existing foreign language textbooks, both domestic and foreign, do not contain the required amount of materials for these types. With the help of information materials on the Internet, you can fill in the missing gaps.

The Internet is an excellent means of obtaining information about the latest events in the world. And this primarily involves reading. Thus, with the help of the Internet, you can turn your classroom into a news agency, and your students into first-class reporters. This type of activity is suitable for high school, as it includes extensive reading and the art of interpretation, fluent speech.

Reading in a foreign language as a type of RD and as an indirect form of communication is, according to many researchers, the most necessary for most people. Few people have the opportunity to communicate directly with a native speaker; almost everyone has the opportunity to read in a foreign language (fiction, newspapers, magazines). That is why teaching reading today acts as a target dominant. The process of reading, which involves complex mental operations (analysis, synthesis, inferences, etc.) and its result - the extraction of information - are of great importance in the communicative and social activities of people.

The reading process, as is known, is based on the technical side, i.e. on skills that represent automated visual-speech-motor-auditory connections of linguistic phenomena with their meaning, on the basis of which recognition and understanding of written signs and written text as a whole occurs and, consequently, the implementation of communicative skills as a whole.

Depending on the target setting, a distinction is made between viewing, introductory, studying and searching. Mature reading ability presupposes both mastery of all types of reading and ease of transition from one type to another, depending on the change in the purpose of obtaining information from a given text.

Scanning reading involves obtaining a general idea of ​​the topic and range of issues discussed in the text. This is a quick, selective reading, reading the text in blocks for a more detailed acquaintance with its “focusing” details and parts. It usually takes place during the initial acquaintance with the content of a new publication in order to determine whether it contains information of interest to the reader, and on this basis make a decision whether to read it or not. When skimming, sometimes it is enough to familiarize yourself with the contents of the first paragraph and key sentence and skim the text. This type of reading requires the reader to have fairly high qualifications as a reader and mastery of a significant amount of language material. To teach scanning reading, it is necessary to select a number of thematically related text materials and create a viewing situation. Of course, by working directly on the Internet, students can also find a huge amount of authentic reading material on the topic they are studying. In this regard, tasks like:

Based on the title (illustration), make an assumption about the topic and content of the text;

by the external structure of the text, the features of printing design, determine the type (character) of the text (advertising, announcement, weather reports, TV program);

Based on the dominant word in the title, make an assumption about the keywords of the text and the area of ​​knowledge to which this text belongs.

It should be noted that when using the Internet in the classroom, the teacher can provide students with the opportunity to study a huge amount of material (letters, photographs, various advertisements, announcements, etc.) directly related to a specific topic, including regional studies, which contributes to the formation of children's ideas about the culture of the country of the language being studied.

Introductory reading represents cognitive reading, in which the subject of the reader’s attention becomes the entire speech work (book, article, story) without the intention of receiving specific information. For such reading, before the lesson, the teacher can select texts for each student in the school’s media library or from his home computer, if he has one, taking into account his individual capabilities. Then, during the lesson, the teacher will only need to distribute the addresses of Internet texts or, if it is not possible to work with a computer in class, print out these texts.

During introductory reading, the main communicative task facing the reader is to extract the basic information contained in it as a result of quickly reading the entire text. It requires the ability to distinguish between primary and secondary information. When teaching this type of reading, it is advisable to use the following exercises:

After reading the text, determine what questions are raised on this topic.

Fixing the subtracted information in the form of a plan, keywords, abstracts, etc.

Briefly convey the content of the text in your own words in a foreign language.

For practice in this type of reading, relatively long texts are used, linguistically easy, containing at least 25 - 30% of redundant, secondary information. As for the Internet, having a huge amount of varied material, it remains an indispensable assistant in teaching introductory reading.

Study reading provides for the most accurate and complete understanding of all information contained in the text and its critical understanding. Study reading is careful reading and insight into the meaning through text analysis.

Its task is also to develop the student’s ability to independently overcome difficulties in understanding a foreign text. The object of “study” in this type of reading is the information contained in the text, but not the language material. Study reading is distinguished by a greater number of regressions than other types of reading - repeated re-reading of parts of the text, sometimes with a clear pronunciation of the text to oneself or out loud, establishing the meaning of the text by analyzing linguistic forms, deliberately highlighting the most important theses and repeatedly speaking them out loud for the purpose of better memorization content for subsequent retelling, discussion, and use in work. It is studying reading that teaches a careful attitude towards the text. For this type of reading, texts are selected that have educational value, informational significance and that present the greatest difficulty for this stage of learning, both in content and in language terms. When teaching this type of reading, the following exercises are suitable:

Try to understand the meaning of the highlighted words from the context; check yourself in the dictionary.

Read the sentence (paragraph) and find words confirming that we are talking about...

Read the paragraph and write down all the verbs with prepositions denoting movement (time of action, place of action)

However, we should also not forget that when working with texts for learning reading, a three-part structure of work is distinguished (before reading, during reading, after reading). However, the percentage of such work on the Internet will be less, since learning reading involves long-term work with the text, and in our time the learning process is aimed at preserving the health of children. At the same time, the Internet can become for a teacher an inexhaustible source of texts for students of reading.

Search reading focused on reading newspapers and literature in the specialty. Its goal is to quickly find well-defined data (factors, characteristics, digital indicators, instructions) in a text or in an array of texts. It is aimed at finding specific information in the text. Scanning reading presupposes the ability to navigate the logical and semantic structure of the text and select from it the necessary information on a specific problem. In educational settings, search reading acts more like an exercise, since the search for this or that information on the Internet, as a rule, is carried out according to the instructions of the teacher. Therefore, it is usually a concomitant component in the development of other types of reading.

Thus, if you plan to work with text for introductory , viewing or search engine reading, then the teacher should also find suitable texts on the Internet in advance. It is better to give reading such texts to children homework in order to organize active oral practice in the lesson based on what has been read. During the lesson, the teacher organizes the activities of students in accordance with the specifics of this type of reading.

An indispensable assistant in terms of mastering reading skills is an online newspaper. It will allow students to plunge into the thick of world events taking place almost in this moment, see what is happening from different points of view.

BBCWorldService provides the opportunity not only to read, but also to listen to news in many languages, and you can even choose the appropriate level of English proficiency for yourself and listen to the news in LEARNING ENGLISH mode. The double classification of articles may seem interesting - by topic and by continent. Feedback to the publisher is provided using the CONTACT US link.

In addition to audio, ABC News also provides video accompaniment to its publications. It is also possible to have a conversation on the proposed topic among readers in the CHAT sections.

CNN World News also provides information in multiple languages ​​and dual classification of articles. It is possible to call audio and video accompaniment. Interaction between readers with the editors and among themselves is possible within the DISCUSSION section, which has its own message board (MESSAGE BOARDS), conversation room (CHAT) and communication with the editorial board (FEEDBACK). In addition to the above, The New York Times offers its readers an educational version of the newspaper with ready-made lesson developments.

You can ask students to work in twos or threes, research the Internet - articles covering all aspects of life: editorials, sports, weather, culture... The advantage of such work is the full involvement of the whole class, combined with the differentiation of tasks: strong students can do research more difficult articles, while weaker ones can be assigned a report on weather conditions or something in the cultural field.

In addition to working on your reading and writing skills, you can improve your vocabulary. To do this, you need to invite students to compose dictionary entries based on the information they read. It is possible to acquire new grammatical skills, examples of which were found in the articles.

The main advantage of such work is that students gain access to first-hand information, rather than week-old or even older printed publications, and find themselves involved in the thick of world events, personally influencing it.

The Internet can and should be used not only passively, but also actively. With the help of the Internet, students can try themselves in the role of information providers rather than consumers. The website THE YOUNG VOICES OF THE WORLD is an open forum, which is a kind of publishing house where those who wish can publish their works, making them available to an audience of millions and expressing their opinions for discussion. All works are accompanied by the email address of their creator, which allows feedback and starting discussions. That is, the Internet can fully provide us with textual information.

Also, one of the ways to form and formulate thoughts is written speech. Externally expressed, like oral, written speech is secondary and represents a recording of our thoughts and associations. For many years, writing acted only as a means of teaching other types of speech activity, allowing students to better assimilate program language material, as well as as a means of monitoring the development of students’ speech skills and abilities.

Meanwhile, the written form of communication in modern society performs an important communicative function. Therefore, at present, the attitude towards writing and teaching students the ability to express their thoughts in writing has changed dramatically. Writing as a learning goal is present in programs for all types of educational institutions, at all stages of foreign language training. The Internet does not directly develop writing skills, but you can only find a series of exercises and rules for practicing writing techniques. These are the exercises.

First group of exercises includes writing text (letters, postcards, messages) based on a sample, which is typical for primary classes. For example, write a congratulation to your favorite teacher in a foreign language.

Second group - These are exercises in constructing your own written statement using various supports: verbal (key words, plan, logical diagram) and verbal-visual (picture, photograph, phrases, expressions). Used in primary school. For example, Describe the picture according to plan.

Third group of exercises, having a productive nature, requires students to be able to express their thoughts in writing without relying on verbal elements. For example, write an essay on this issue.

Some Internet services can help with this: email, various forums and chats.

So, with the help of the Internet, you can successfully carry out effective teaching of productive types of foreign language speech activity - writing and reading.

2.2 Internet in teaching oral speech activities

Individual foreign language speaking by one student and listening to it by another does not mean that we have before us an example of genuine paired communication as a typical interpersonal interaction.

The main goal of teaching a foreign language is formation of communicative competence, all other goals (educational, educational, developmental) are realized in the process of achieving this main goal. Communicative competence in its modern understanding involves the formation of the ability for intercultural interaction.

Oral communication consists of speaking and listening, which is called listening in the methodology. The concepts of “listening” and “listening” are not synonymous. Listening means only the acoustic perception of sounding speech, and listening is the process of perceiving sounding speech, which, in addition to listening, also involves hearing, understanding and interpreting information perceived by ear. English teachers sadly note that many students in secondary schools have difficulty listening to the speech of native speakers. Formation of listening skills is one of the ways to solve this problem.

The problem is that it is not very easy to find quality materials for these assignments. Of course, you can buy manuals like a book + audio cassette from respected British publishers, but these books are quite expensive and can be found mainly in major cities. Where, then, can teachers of small cities, towns, and rural schools find such materials? The Internet, which is a source of audio materials with the speech of native speakers (including professional actors) in the form of sound files and texts for these sound fragments in the form of text files, can help solve this problem. In this case, the teacher or methodologist has the opportunity to transcribe the sound fragment onto an audio cassette and print the text. This material can then be used in any form to prepare for lessons. In addition, it is possible to establish contacts via the Internet with actors and page authors. On some of them, authors and speakers ask to evaluate their work, send comments, criticism, and may even read some work at the request of visitors to their sites.

Proper use of audio materials can significantly help prepare listeners for real communication situations and alleviate possible difficulties. Teaching students to understand spoken language is one of the most important goals of education. It is almost impossible to develop just one speech or language skill in a lesson. Working with audio texts, we simultaneously practice lexical, grammatical, and phonetic skills. Audio texts provide information for discussion, which, in turn, involves further development of speaking skills. In this case, listening is a means of learning.

Listening is a very complex type of speech activity and, accordingly, contains some difficulties.

Let us consider the difficulties associated with the conditions of perception:

1) one-time and short-term presentation of information, which requires the listener to quickly react when perceiving the sounding text;

2) we are not able to change anything, we cannot adapt the speaker’s speech to our level of understanding (each person has his own style, sometimes it is too scientific, and sometimes too emotional, full of idioms and figurative expressions);

3) the pace set by the speaker. The average rate of English speech is 250 syllables per minute.

When teaching listening, the teacher focuses on the student’s speech experience, corrects it and selects the appropriate structure for working with audio text.

Knowledge of the above listed groups of difficulties allows you to correctly assess the level of difficulty of listening as such, take them into account when organizing educational listening, remove them, and possibly create them, bringing the educational task as close as possible to real communication situations.

Listening training and skill development involves the gradual formation of receptive auditing skills. Most methodologists divide audit exercises into preparatory and speech exercises. Preparatory ones are aimed at overcoming certain difficulties of listening and at developing its mechanisms. Speech exercises are controlled speech activities that provide listening practice based on comprehensive overcoming of audit difficulties.

Here are some exercises:

Listen to a few sentences and raise your hand when you hear a question sentence.

Listen to several verbs and name those that are used in the simple past tense.

Title the text you listened to.

Break the audio text into meaningful pieces.

In cases where the school has the ability to copy audio information from the Internet, authentic information can be used to improve listening skills. You just need to keep in mind that almost any text for listening needs some processing and adaptation due to its possible reduction. In addition, the text may contain a number of words unfamiliar to this group of students that are difficult to understand even from context. It is better to write out these words in advance and, if they are significant for further work, combine them into phrases and record them on a tape recorder in the form of a two-beat paused exercise, so that the children can get used to their sound, recognize them by ear and pronounce them correctly. Further work is organized in the usual way according to the teachers’ plans. It is important to involve lively statements from native speakers, obtained from various Internet resources, for discussions in the classroom.

It should be noted that to organize oral communication, the following nuances must be taken into account:

Is the computer equipped with a sound card and speakers?

Is the computer equipped with a video camera for conducting

video conferences with partners.

As for the sound card, the vast majority of modern computers have it in their configuration or can have it at the user’s request. This is not a problem now, and the cost of the sound card is not high. As for the video card or video phones connected to a computer that have appeared recently, in our country this is still exotic, quite expensive and therefore not accessible to the mass of users. Therefore, theoretically (i.e. technically) the task of organizing oral communication with native speakers can be accomplished. In practice, for most users such a network service is not yet available.

In the process of real group communication in native and (or) foreign languages, a huge role is played by the dominant or, conversely, detached positions of the subjects of communication, the explicit or hidden structure of interpersonal relationships, proficiency or insufficient proficiency non-verbal means communication and much more, which can and often does cause real difficulties in communication for children and even adults. In addition, some students have real, and most often imaginary, inferiority complexes, which manifest themselves in the process of communication in their native or foreign language. A number of students, on the contrary, are characterized by excessive self-confidence, which often gives rise to its own difficulties in the process of communication. In order to avoid such problems, it is necessary to use multi-level exercises to work on oral speech.

Express your point of view on this issue:

Describe the picture data;

Contact different interlocutors with a request.

Here you can provide a lot of exercises on a situational basis, as well as on the Internet to provide us with graphic (static or dynamic) and audio information. These are the capabilities of the Internet that we will count on in our analysis. possible ways use of network resources and services in foreign language lessons and in extracurricular activities of students. The rest should be decided by educational technologies.

Let's list these possibilities:

if the computer has a sound card, then you can record (with certain technical specifications) audio information (speech of political and statesmen, interesting speeches on various topics by native speakers on a variety of issues), reducing it to the required limits on your tape recorder;

conduct a discussion in cooperation groups on the topic

or other problematic information obtained from network resources

Internet, and then organize a general discussion of the whole class;

conduct linguistic analysis of certain messages

oral or written statements of native speakers containing phraseological units, realia, idioms, proverbs, sayings, neologisms, reflecting the specifics of the functioning of the language being studied in the culture of the people;

use, at least in fragments, works of art by authors of the country of the language being studied, obtained in virtual libraries. This is especially fertile material for various kinds of projects and discussions;

use the materials of electronic grammar reference books, the exercises offered in them, as well as lexical reference books, dictionaries, reference books of a regional nature, materials of distance courses available in the public domain to include them in the lesson.

However, the listed examples of using Internet resources in the classroom do not exhaust these possibilities.

It can be concluded that it is possible to effectively develop listening skills via the Internet. Having enormous possibilities, the Internet has a huge advantage over the textbook and the cassettes attached to it. Using the Internet, you can not only hear the speech of a native speaker, but also practice your speaking skills, as well as communicate on various topics on television forums and chat rooms.

2.3 Internet when teaching aspects of speech activity

2.3.1 The Internet in the process of developing pronunciation skills

When teaching speech skills such as speaking and reading in a foreign language course Special attention should be noted for phonetic errors, i.e. on the sound design of speech. Students, as a rule, are completely unaware that they are using the skills of their native language within the framework of foreign phenomena. Therefore, it is very important to identify typical mistakes for the purpose of their further correction and the formation of an approximate pronunciation.

As modern research shows, pronunciation is a basic characteristic of speech, the basis for the development and improvement of all other types of speech. Phonetics as an aspect of learning refers to the sound structure of a language - the totality of all sound means that make up its material side (sounds, sound combinations, stress, rhythm, melody, intonation, pause). Mastering the sound structure is mandatory for communication in any form. Speech will be difficult for listeners to understand or not understandable at all if the speaker violates the phonetic norms of the language. A listener will not understand someone else's speech well if he himself does not have pronunciation skills, since auditory images, or standards, are accumulated in a person's auditory memory, and then what he hears is compared with what he has accumulated in his memory. The formation of phonetic skill involves the restructuring of habitual articulation based on the establishment of similarities and differences in the pronunciation of sounds in native and foreign languages, the formation of phonemic hearing, as well as mastering the technique of pronouncing foreign sounds in a word, phrase, sentence in the process of speaking. During reading and writing, internal pronunciation works, which means internal voicing and pronunciation. Consequently, only the presence of pronunciation skills ensures the normal functioning of all types of RD.

The goal of teaching pronunciation is to master the auditory-pronunciation side of speaking and reading:

listening and hearing skills, development of phonemic hearing;

pronunciation skills, i.e. mastery of the articulatory base of a foreign language and methods of intonation brought to automatism;

development of inner speech (inner speaking)

In this case, the Internet can certainly help. There are some sites aimed at developing pronunciation skills. They involve learning pronunciation skills by repeating sounds, words, sentences after the speaker, but here it is necessary that a microphone be connected to the computer. With this type of work, your pronunciation and the correlation of your speech with the speaker’s speech are monitored. For greater interest, grades may be given for the work you have completed. There are also many exercises aimed at developing auditory and pronunciation skills.

Exercises for active listening and recognition of sounds and intones, aimed at developing phonemic hearing. Exercises can be performed by ear and using graphic support, from the teacher’s voice and using the Internet:

listen to a series of sounds/words, press a certain key when you hear a sound […].

listen to a series of sentences, when you hear an interrogative sentence, press the key ...;

say the words behind the announcer into the microphone and compare them with the standard.

Reproduction exercises, aimed at actively pronouncing sounds, syllables, phrases, sentences following a model teacher or speaker - in choir or individually. Exercises can be of a playful nature - “Echo”, “Deaf and Mute”, “Parrot”, etc.

An effective means of mastering phonetic material is to memorize tongue twisters, rhymes, and dialogues. For example, on the Internet you can find rhymes containing phonetic material:

My kitty is white;

My kitty is light,

High in the sky.

In order to relieve monotony during the training process, the announcer pronounces words/sentences

quiet - loud,

fast slow,

happy - sad,

solemnly - disappointedly, etc.

So, at the initial stage of learning, it is necessary to lay the foundation for good pronunciation, which involves correct intonation, observing pauses, knowledge of the stress patterns in a sentence, as well as correct articulation. As experience shows, pronunciation skills cannot remain unchanged, so it is important not only to maintain pronunciation skills, but also to continue improving them at the middle and senior stages of education.

2.3.2 Internet in the process of forming lexical skills

One of the most promising areas in the field of teaching foreign languages ​​(FL) in last years Early education in a mass comprehensive school is recognized. Today, no one needs to be convinced that teaching a foreign language at the initial stage of education not only contributes to a stronger and more fluent practical knowledge of it, but also carries great intellectual, educational and moral potential. At the initial stage of learning a foreign language, the foundations for mastering a foreign language are laid. At the same time, along with the development of students’ communicative skills in various types of speech activity (SSA), much attention is paid to the formation of skills in mastering language material, since SSA, like any other, is based on relevant skills and abilities.

The ability to carry out automatically, relatively independently, a number of actions and operations related to recalling a word from long-term memory and correlating it with other lexical units (LU) is called lexical skill (LS).

Consequently, the goal of teaching the lexical side of speech is the formation of productive and receptive lexical skills. First of all, when perceiving a word by ear or in graphics, its recognition must occur, which involves an instant correlation of the contextual form of the word with its familiar image. Using a computer allows you to form a graphic image of a word simultaneously with its sound and motor image. At the display stage, LEs and their corresponding pictures appear on the screen.

Simultaneously with the graphic representation of words, schoolchildren have the opportunity to listen to LE (in this case, a sound image of the words is formed). Written fixation of vocabulary helps to strengthen the connections between words (speech-motor, auditory, visual) and thereby contributes to their better memorization. Using the Internet also provides certain convenience for the teacher, since he does not have the opportunity to bring all the items he needs to school, and their visual representation requires a lot of time.

Familiarization with vocabulary using the Internet can be carried out directly in the lesson, if there are computers in the foreign language classroom and they are connected to a local network. If this is not possible, then surely in our time every school already has at least one computer connected to the Internet and a multimedia projector. Through it you can show both pictures and LE. For better memorization, it is better to teach vocabulary skills in the form of a game. Through repeated, focused practice, consciously automated operations become a skill. Let's consider the operations that characterize productive and receptive functional skills and the possibility of practicing them using the Internet. At the stage of training and using vocabulary for productive activity will be determined by operations to connect words, based on the content of the statement. In order to form LE, the teacher uses the Internet to train students in actions to combine LE. Let's give an example to work out this operation. For example, students are asked to:

match the pictures with LE;

make a sentence from these words,

fill in the gaps in sentences/dialogues with suitable LE;

make up phrases from the given words...

The local network will help the teacher track everyone's progress. Since all the children work at the same time, the winner can be identified immediately,

if you perform a task in the form of a competition. Quickly completing such tasks makes it possible to increase the amount of vocabulary being studied due to the time saved.

The Internet also makes it possible to intensify the process of teaching vocabulary based on children completing tasks of different but equal complexity. Here are examples of exercises for using LE in speech activities:

Compose a coherent dialogue from disparate remarks

Guess the meaning of words similar to Russian and check the accuracy of your guess in the dictionary

Name the nouns that can be combined with this verb

Orally select antonyms, synonyms for these words...

When performing such tasks, it is possible for two students to work at one computer, i.e. In addition to providing variety in tasks, the Internet helps children develop the ability to work individually and in pairs. When learning using the Internet, control is carried out at all stages of vocabulary teaching due to the fact that with its help the problem of feedback is solved. Thus, the Internet creates conditions for individualization and intensification of the process of teaching vocabulary, ensuring that all students perform exercises of equal complexity at the same time.

2.3.3 The Internet in the process of developing grammatical skills

Grammar is an object of constant debate in methodology. Grammar has a function building material speech (oral and written). It permeates the entire language. This is the skeleton on which all words, speech utterances, and texts are supported. Grammar is the circulatory system that nourishes living language; the foundation on which a building called “Foreign Language” is being erected. Grammar can be compared to traffic signs, geographical map, with a city development plan. It helps us communicate in language, live in this language, and create. The importance of studying the grammar of a foreign language also lies in the fact that it helps us to better understand the grammatical structure of the language, develops logical thinking, observation, and the ability to analyze and generalize.

Teaching the grammar of a foreign language means forming mechanisms specific to this language, and in such a way that students simultaneously develop certain grammatical knowledge so that they are “in working order” (A.A. Leontiev). In the process of working with grammatical material, students gradually accumulate language knowledge and begin to develop grammatical skills (GS). The Internet can also help with this. On the Internet you can find some ideas, tips, and exercises for developing GBV.

Productive GN is understood as “the speaker’s ability to choose a model that is adequate to the speech task and formulate it in accordance with the norms of a given language.” The speech task is always the communicative intention to communicate something, to convince something, to express an opinion, etc. It is the fulfillment of tasks that this or that form serves.

Receptive GL should be understood as the ability of the reader (listener) to recognize the grammatical forms of the language being studied and relate them to their meaning.

By grammatical skills we mean the automated use of grammatical material in productive and receptive RD.

The formation of GBV is gradual, stage-by-stage. So, G.V. Rogova, F.M. Rabinovich, T.E. Sakharov distinguishes three stages: familiarization, training, application.

Familiarization with new grammatical material should not take much time. Especially if the Internet helps with this. Firstly, the teacher does not need to waste time making various support diagrams. Secondly, there is a lot of scientific and entertainment material for differentiated learning for children on the Internet. Thirdly, the teacher will not need to spend a lot of time on students for control - the Internet will “do” everything for him. At this stage, it is necessary to reveal the meaning, formation and use of the grammatical structure, to ensure control of its understanding by students and primary consolidation. Here are examples of exercises at this stage:

Form grammatical forms according to the model and enter them in the answer form;

Tell me which grammatical phenomenon you would use in the following situations;

Change the situation so that you can use the opposite grammatical structure.

The main time is devoted to automation during training exercises. After entered new material, the rule - instruction is formulated and a speech sample is presented, the stage of training students in the use of this material in speech follows. In his speech practice, a person says something not because he wants to use this or that grammatical phenomenon, but in order to express his disagreement or agreement, confidence, etc. Therefore, exercises should be communicative in nature. For example,

Say that today everything was as usual.

Write your own poem based on the model;

Express confidence and surprise at the foreign friend’s statement.

The peculiarity of grammar exercises is that any sample offered by the teacher is not a sample for imitation, but a sample for solving a communicative problem. GBV is not only acquired, but also lost.

Therefore, work on systematization and repetition of grammatical material is important. To systematize at an early stage of learning, students can create their own page on the Internet and keep there “Zaikin’s Notebook” or “My Computer”, in which they can write down grammatical structures and their grammatical forms in the form of diagrams, drawings, etc. Thanks to this page, children from other countries can also visually learn grammar, express their opinions, and give an assessment. This systematization is end-to-end in nature and creates a situation of constant accumulation of grammatical material, which gives stability and strength to grammatical skills.

Control of the formation of GN is carried out in the process of listening to oral statements, i.e. in the activity itself. For control, special exercises are also used, for example, filling in gaps, choosing the right one from a number of forms, and making corrections. Knowledge of grammatical forms is controlled by exercises to transform one form into another. Most exercises should be of a test nature, since they are time-saving, objective in assessment and have a mass character. Of course, in foreign language lessons you cannot use a computer all the time, since there are many other tasks that can only be solved through direct communication. But the role of such lessons cannot be underestimated. It is computer training that carries enormous motivational potential and corresponds to the principles of individualization of training.

2.4 Internet in project activities

Project work by students is the most effective activity for children outside of class time. But its effectiveness depends entirely on the organization and coordination on the part of teachers. Why is project activity so attractive for the educational process in a foreign language?

In addition to the enormous potential that the project method itself carries for the formation of communicative competence, significant additional opportunities arise when using information resources and Internet services in the process of schoolchildren’s project activities. Only with the help of the Internet can you create a genuine language environment and set the task of creating a need for learning a foreign language based on intensive communication with native speakers, working with authentic literature of a wide variety of genres, listening original texts written down by native speakers. This is perhaps the most effective opportunity to develop sociocultural competence based on a dialogue of cultures.

On the Internet, students and teachers can find any information necessary for the project: about museums and their exhibits around the world; about current events in different parts of the world and people's reactions to these events; about ecological situation in different parts of the world; about national holidays; statistical data on a wide variety of issues, etc.

The simplest project is correspondence using email. The advantages of this type of correspondence are obvious: schoolchildren have a real opportunity to use a foreign language as a means of communication, master basic computer skills, and obtain the information they are interested in from an authentic source in the shortest possible time. The role of a foreign language teacher is to encourage students, provide them with language assistance, and use the information received in the lesson in the form of individual assignments.

Along with correspondence, joint telecommunications projects with foreign partner schools seem to be very effective.

By educational telecommunications project we mean joint educational and cognitive, creative activity partner students, organized on the basis of computer telecommunications, having a common problem, goal, agreed upon methods, methods of activity aimed at achieving a common result of joint activity. Projects can be completed both in class and outside of class time. Project activities are most effective if they can be connected with program material, significantly expanding and deepening the children’s knowledge in the process of working on the project. There is always some kind of problem at the heart of a project.

And no matter what problem we take, all discussions will be conducted in English. That is why we are talking about creating a language environment and conditions for creating the need to use a foreign language as a means of real communication in the process of intercultural interaction.

The project should not be limited by topic. We need a small, but significant problem. Only in this way will it be possible to switch the attention of schoolchildren from the form of the statement to the content. In this case, the children’s thoughts are occupied with how to solve the problem, what rational ways to solve it to choose, where to find convincing arguments proving the correctness of the chosen path. Much depends on the problem. If it turns out to be interesting both for our students and for schoolchildren in other countries, then suitable conditions arise for organizing an international telecommunications project.

This is one possible option. They may be clean extracurricular projects, if the guys join some international project offered on networks. Such projects are always organized around some interesting problem. If the proposed problem is interesting for a group of schoolchildren or even for individual students, they need to be encouraged to engage in individual or group project activities outside of class time. But even in this case, you cannot let the guys go free swimming. Control and necessary help should be provided systematically. IN otherwise, if the student does not see the sincere interest of the teacher and parents in his activities, enthusiasm quickly fades.

Very interesting interdisciplinary projects, also organized around a specific problem. These can be international projects on ecology, geography, demographic, historical, creative projects. But if they are international in nature, then they must be conducted in a foreign language. In any case, in project activities with native speakers, a foreign language performs its main function - a means of forming and formulating thoughts, a means of communication. Communication takes place with speakers of another culture, the language of which is studied by schoolchildren. Therefore, language acquisition naturally occurs against a sociocultural background. The guys not only solve the problem together, they get acquainted with the national and cultural characteristics of the partner countries, and learn a lot of interesting things about each other. And what is especially valuable is that students learn to understand each other and realize the fact that we all live on the same planet, that we have nothing to share. This means we should learn to respect and understand each other. We must also keep in mind that any project must end with a very real, tangible practical result.

Thus, Internet projects are educational technology, allowing their participants to solve their training (educational) tasks by organizing their own activities in cooperation with partners and colleagues (including from different countries) and using Internet resources.

In the activities of the pedagogical community, the use of Internet projects creates conditions for ensuring a modern level of education, developing professional skills and effectively improving the qualifications of teachers, expanding the boundaries of educational spaces, gaining experience in multicultural interaction, the existence of ideas of a culture of peace and building the practice of public diplomacy.

Conclusions on the second chapter

The Internet provides many opportunities to improve the quality of foreign language teaching and create incentives for learning. He is an excellent assistant in organizing the educational process, namely, in teaching various types of speech activity.

The Internet can contribute to the development of speech skills, and

provides a wide range of additional exercises for working on the lexical, grammatical and pronunciation aspects of speech. Using the Internet, students can develop independent work skills, encouraging them to participate in project activities on the global network.


Undoubtedly, new computer technologies play an important role in teaching foreign languages ​​at the present stage. A special place is given to the Internet.

This mainly depends on the wide range of network capabilities.

Firstly, the Internet allows you to constantly receive new information on a topic of interest. At the same time, information in a foreign language will be completely authentic and, moreover, modern.

Secondly, existing sites allow you to track your level of knowledge by performing one or another training exercise.

Thirdly, with the help of the Internet, it is possible to create a genuine language environment based on intensive communication with native speakers, work with authentic literature, and listening to original texts, which undoubtedly helps to increase the level of motivation of schoolchildren.

And finally, the Internet is an indispensable assistant in teaching various types and aspects of speech activity.

Internet resources, of course, can be present at all stages of teaching a foreign language. The global network will play a particularly important role when students work independently, encouraging them to search and be creative.

The didactic possibilities of the network are very great. It can become a means of achieving educational goals for both the student and the teacher. In this case, the teacher becomes an assistant, doing work that is most organic in the modern context of education. The Internet does not replace the teacher, but is becoming one of the most important means of teaching a foreign language at the present stage.

List of used literature

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    Topic: ... Section: ... foreign languages ​​Purpose: ... report Format: ... WinWord

    Analysis of the educational and methodological set for the fifth grade of schools with in-depth study of the English language, authors Vereshchagina and Afanasyeva. Consists of a textbook, a reading book, a teacher's book, a workbook and an audio aid.

    Reasons for the emergence and wide spread of neologisms. Lexical (newly created), semantic and individual-stylistic (occasional) neologisms. History of the site "". The Internet as one of the main sources of the emergence of new words.

    Goals and objectives of teaching students foreign language vocabulary. Analysis of developed computer programs for teaching English vocabulary. A set of tasks and exercises for teaching 7th grade students vocabulary using computer technology.

    Use of information and communication technologies in education. Means of information and communication technologies in the foreign language teaching system. Information and communication technologies in scientific activity. Practice.

    Tiraspol Secondary School No. 17 Abstract By German language On the topic: New pedagogical technologies in teaching foreign languages: “Training in cooperation”

    Identification of principles for the formation of language competence based on an analysis of literature on methodology, pedagogy and psychology, Analysis of teaching materials from the point of view of the possibility of using the project method and teaching vocabulary. Project “Why not be like Agatha Christie?”

    Introduction In recent years, the issue of using new information technologies in secondary schools has been increasingly raised. These are not only new technical means, but also new forms and methods of teaching, a new approach to the learning process. The main goal of teaching foreign languages ​​is the formation and...

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    Great opportunities that knowledge of foreign languages ​​opens up for everyone. Reasons why you need to learn English, the use of language in the fields of culture, economics, business, education, politics, and leisure. Modern methods of teaching English.

    A project is a student’s creative activity that corresponds to his physiological and intellectual capabilities. Project method in the process of learning a foreign language at school. The teacher’s task is to organize project-based activities in foreign language lessons.

    Experimental use of the project method in English lessons in high school. Generalization of the work experience of teachers who use the project methodology in their activities. Analysis of the application of the project method within the framework of teaching practice.

    The Internet as a communicative environment and features of the functioning of the Russian language on the global network. The use of slang, abbreviations, acronyms and the revival of the epistolary genre. Written spoken language as new form language interaction.

    Work experience of a teacher of Russian language and literature in a general education school in the formation of the speech culture of schoolchildren. The Dobroslov School program is a selection practical materials, helping students improve the culture of verbal communication.

    Informatization of education in the modern world. Teaching a foreign language using a personal computer. The use of computer programs and educational disks in teaching foreign languages. Using the Internet to teach languages.

    In the structure of the lesson for training oral speech Four stages can be distinguished: preparatory, perception of a fairy tale during initial reading, control of understanding of the main content, development of language skills and oral speech skills.

    The importance of students’ written speech activity in learning a foreign language, the role of information technology in it. Features of teaching writing at the middle stage of learning a foreign language. Writing as a means of teaching a foreign language.

    The concept of an Internet forum and its place in the Internet environment. Modern discussion forums for English language learners. Issues of organizing thematic discussions at the forum. Methodological principles for organizing and conducting thematic discussions.

    Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation Shuya State Pedagogical University Department of Romance-Germanic Philology and Teaching Methods

Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Taksimovskaya Secondary School No. 1 named after A.A. Mezentsev “Ways of learning English using the Internet”


Kirilenko Anastasia Sergeevna

Student of grade 6 "B"


Named after A. A. Mezentsev

Purpose of the study: studying and identifying accessible and effective ways to learn English using the Internet.

Relevance: Determined by the growing importance of the English language in the life of modern society.

Research topic questions related to finding out the most popular ways of learning a foreign language using the Internet have arisen.

Object of study: ways to learn English on the Internet.

Subject of study: video lessons “Polyglot” and I. Shipilova when studying English by middle school students.

Ways to learn English using the Internet.

Ways to study

Distance learning


Lessons via Skype

Video lessons



  • Possibility of creating a flexible and convenient lesson schedule.
  • Saving. Even if video lessons are paid, they are still cheaper than individual lessons.
  • The training is interesting and allows the use of a variety of media material, due to which the learning of the material is better.
  • Eliminating personal contact with the teacher and other students, which in some cases will help get rid of psychological discomfort.
  • Lack of influence of the teacher on the student, due to which control and often the effectiveness of classes are lost.
  • Deterioration in assimilation of material due to lack of physical interaction. The teacher’s facial expressions and gestures, as well as his voice, are also involved in memorizing the material.
  • The need for high-quality Internet connection so that the lesson is not interrupted and brings maximum benefit and efficiency.



  • Flexibility - students can receive education at a time and place that suits them;
  • Long-range operation - students are not limited by distance and can study regardless of their place of residence
  • Cost-effective - the costs of long trips to the place of study are significantly reduced.
  • Lack of real, “human” communication between students and teachers.

The learning outcome directly depends on the student’s independence.

  • Constant access to sources of educational materials (electronic textbooks, videos, etc.) is required.
  • Lack of practical classes necessary to consolidate theory and better assimilate knowledge.
  • There is no regular outside control over the student.
  • Electronic educational programs and courses are not always well developed and meet all international requirements.
  • In distance education, learning is conducted mainly only in written form. For some students, the lack of opportunity and requirement to express their knowledge orally can lead to poor learning and many other problems.



  • Free-schedule classes.
  • Less strain on vision.
  • It is possible in parallel, while listening, to do something else, the opportunity to listen and study in different places and settings.
  • Lack of “feedback”. When you work independently, no one will tell you what you are doing wrong. No one will correct incorrect pronunciation. Nobody will listen to your story.
  • It's hard to find a quality book.
  • You will have to listen to several books to understand whether you understand the “teacher’s” reading, whether you are satisfied with the explanations, voice, etc.
  • Self-study will depend only on you; the quality may not justify the effort.

Lessons via Skype - study material with a teacher using Skype software.

Skype is free software that allows text, voice and video communication over the Internet between computers.



  • Saving time, because classes can take place anywhere where there is a computer (laptop) and an Internet connection.
  • Classes can be continued while on a business trip or away.
  • The ability to almost instantly send the necessary materials - text, table, audio, video, presentation, etc.
  • The opportunity to study with a teacher from anywhere in the world.
  • Saving on travel to public transport, metro and by car.
  • Feedback, the opportunity to communicate directly with the teacher.
  • Difficulty performing certain types of exercises that may require additional software.
  • There may be technical problems with the Internet connection, microphone, webcam, computer itself, etc.
  • Additional computer activities can negatively affect his health.
  • Expensive.



  • Possibility to study at any time.
  • The site provides reinforcement of the material (repetition is the mother of learning).
  • No feedback.
  • There is no one to control the learning process.
  • It is difficult to find a suitable training site.

I conducted a survey among students in grades 6-7 at school. They were asked to answer the question: What do you think is the most convenient way to learn foreign languages ​​using the Internet? 43 people were interviewed.

Survey results:

I also conducted a survey among Internet users. They were asked to answer the question: What do you think is the most convenient way to learn foreign languages ​​using the Internet? 58 people were interviewed.

Survey results:

After looking through all the reviews in our school and on the Internet, I was able to identify the most famous and widespread video courses.

  • Polyglot. Intellectual reality show, intensive English language course. Teacher - Dmitry Petrov - polyglot (he has more than 30 languages ​​to his credit), psycholinguist, simultaneous translator, author of a methodology for intensive teaching of foreign languages, author of the book "The Magic of the Word". Dmitry Petrov's method is not to start the language, but to penetrate into it, to feel comfortable in a new language environment.
  • Irina Shipilova. A well-known video blogger. Irina has her own YouTube channel, where she teaches 4 languages: English, Spanish, Italian, German. Her lessons are very exciting and interesting.

Study " Comparative analysis the most popular ways to learn English, video lessons “Polyglot” and “Irina Shipilova, identifying the most effective.

To conduct the experiment, two groups were created: one group of students from grade 6a (5 people), and the second group from grade 6b (5 people). Students who were learning English and had some learning difficulties were selected. The first group of students studied the “Polyglot” course, the second group studied the “Irina Shipilova” course for two weeks. The result of our work was that the most effective course for 6th grade students was the course “Irina Shipilova”. The guys studying this course coped with the first and second tests with a minimum number of errors. The “Polyglot” course turned out to be quite difficult for students of this age category.

Test results

"AND. Shipilov"


  • Among the huge number of online resources for learning English, you can choose the one you need if you know its pros and cons,
  • Video lessons are the most convenient and acceptable way to learn English because:
  • gives you the opportunity to choose your own teacher, set a class schedule, etc.
  • Training takes place with the help of visual aids.
  • For free.
  • If you apply maximum effort and interest, learning will be fast and effective.

3. Video lessons by I. Shipilova - the most popular and effective method learning English for secondary school students.

4. We have compiled a list of accessible and useful educational Internet sites for learning English (Appendix 2).

5. Internet technologies will not replace live communication between teacher and student.