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How and when bottled water appeared. Bottled water. Classification of bottled drinking water according to consumer properties

Until recently, buying drinking water was a luxury for most Russians. Now almost anyone can afford to drink natural water every day. But many still prefer tap water. People save on their health by reassuring themselves with myths about bottled water.

With this article we want to dispel myths about the quality and cost of bottled water. You can not only drink it, but you also need to.

Myth #1 There is no difference between bottled and purified/filtered tap water.

There really is no difference. But only if tap water was poured into the bottle, purified and artificially enriched with minerals. Yes, most water bottles have images of mountains, forests and lakes on them. But this does not mean that they were collected from artesian wells. To verify the natural origin of water, you need to read the text written in small print on the label. If there are words like “centralized source of water supply”, “conditioned”, “prepared”, then this means “modified” tap water.

The difference between purified or filtered water and water bottled from artesian wells is huge. Together with water, a person receives minerals and substances important for the body. And purified, salt-conditioned tap water is “dead water.” Not only does it not benefit the body, but it can also be harmful to health.

If the bottled water label indicates the source with the well number, you can be sure of the quality. All wells for the extraction of natural mineral water have their own official registered number.

Myth No. 2 Our ancestors drank tap water and did not get sick, and we can

Firstly, the quality of tap water decades ago could indeed have been higher. This is not even due to contamination of sources, but to the state of communications. There were no deposits in the freshly laid pipes that would deteriorate the water.

In Europe, for example, in Switzerland, it is considered the norm to serve tap water to the table. But most of the plumbing there is made of easily replaceable plastic. In Russia, the likelihood of poisoning from tap water is many times higher than from bottled water. Because it is more difficult to control the quality of water all the way from the water intake station to the house than at the enterprise where bottling is carried out.

Second factor. It is necessary to take into account the fact that if a person is absolutely healthy, then he will not care about tap water. It has been proven that people at risk are mainly people who already have chronic diseases, for example, the gastrointestinal tract or cardiovascular system. Enough information has been accumulated by both foreign and our scientists that constant consumption of tap water leads to various diseases, including bladder and colon cancer.

The idea that tap water is in no way inferior to bottled water has taken root after reports from regulatory authorities. Officials reported improvements in the quality of tap water in several Russian cities. However, the reports reflect the overall picture. And measurements are taken at water intake stations. The situation in individual homes can vary greatly. To protect yourself and your loved ones from health problems, it is better to trust those who are truly responsible for the quality of the water supplied.

Myth #3 Good water has no taste

Any natural natural water has a taste. Each person just feels it a little differently. It has to do with simple chemistry. Different artesian water contains a different set of minerals in different proportions: calcium, magnesium, sodium, etc.

Depending on the balance of substances in the human body, he can feel the sweetness of water, bitterness or any other taste. Perception is related to what food forms the basis of the diet: salty, fried, dairy or steamed.

It is much worse if the water does not have a distinct taste. At a minimum, this means that it has been distilled. All the beneficial properties of such water were “killed”. And it was artificially enriched with a minimal set of substances. “Dead water” does not give anything, it can only remove useful things from the body.

Myth No. 4 Water in a glass bottle is better than in a PET bottle

This myth was born with the widespread sale of water in PET containers. It persists thanks to human ignorance and decent marketing from water in glass companies.

The only thing that really matters for water quality is whether modern certified equipment is used for bottling it. If the company follows technology, there is no difference between glass and PET bottles. The taste and composition of the water will be the same. This, by the way, is proven by the fact that most manufacturers of water in glass bottles in recent years have begun to duplicate products in PET containers.

  • Avoid sunlight.
  • Do not heat or cool too much.

Also, if you leave an opened bottle for several weeks, you should not be surprised that the taste and color of the water in it will change.

Myth No. 5 Water in a PET bottle contains harmful substances

One of the most common misconceptions. No toxic substances are released from PET containers into the water. No study has yet revealed this fact. The only thing that might be in the bottle is acetaldehyde. This organic compound is found in the most common foods. In regular yogurt, its concentration is thousands of times higher than in a PET bottle of water.

Moreover, acetaldehyde is not released in a PET bottle unless storage conditions are violated. In case this happens, manufacturers of PET bottles have long begun to include an acetaldehyde absorber in the packaging. The same thing, by the way, is found in the human liver. Without it, people would not be able to drink alcohol at all.

Myth No. 6 Natural water must be expensive

Man, like any other living creature, cannot live without water. In the current environmental situation, it is worth paying special attention to the purity of the water we use.

Disappointing statistics confirm that, under the best conditions, a person drinks about 500 glasses of pollutants such as heavy metals, salts and other various impurities throughout his life along with water.

Try to imagine how much of this “garbage” settles in the heart, muscles, blood vessels and joints of your body. The normal functioning of these organs becomes more difficult with every glass of water you drink. The entire human immune system suffers, and even a seemingly minor runny nose becomes difficult to get rid of. It is known that during the period of a cold you should drink as much liquid as possible, but if this liquid is contaminated, this will only provoke further development of the disease.

This is why it is so important to carefully ensure that the water you and your children drink is free from various harmful substances. Only bottled water can give you confidence in the sterility of drinking water.

In all developed countries of the world, bottled drinking water is already quite widespread and is universally recognized as an environmentally friendly product. It is worth noting that its cost in these countries is quite low. In Russia, a very small percentage of residents regularly consume such water, since information about its benefits has not yet received wide publicity here. However, once you try bottled water, you will hardly want to give it up!

What is "bottled water"?

Bottled water is water that is sold in a hygienically clean container and meets all established purity requirements. Natural additives (flavors, extracts, essences) are allowed in small quantities. Water will not be bottled if it contains any synthetic additives or sweeteners. In this case, water falls into the “soft drink” subcategory.

When purchasing bottled water, in any case, first read all the inscriptions on the sticker.

The standards for real bottled water allow the following names:

  • Bottled,
  • Mineralized,
  • Purified
  • Artesian,
  • Drinking,
  • Kolodeznaya,
  • Key,
  • Carbonated,
  • Still,
  • Therapeutic.

It is worth noting that carbonated bottled drinking water is in greatest demand among consumers of all ages. However, water from mineral springs is more beneficial for humans.

Of course, this water, even if it is labeled “medicinal,” will not be able to cure you of all ailments and will not become a panacea for any disease. You should drink “medicinal” water very carefully and only on the recommendation of your doctor, so as not to cause even more harm to your body. That is why mineralized medicinal water should be sold only in pharmacies. Unfortunately, this rule is not followed in our country.

From this article you will learn:

  • What myths exist about bottled water?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of bottled water
  • Which bottled water is best for drinking?
  • How to use bottled water

Water is a unique substance of inorganic origin. This is the basis of all life on Earth; it is directly involved in various biochemical processes. This substance can serve as a universal solvent that affects both inorganic and organic substances. Most of the human body consists of water, so it accompanies him throughout his life, being an integral part of it. The article below will talk about what bottled water is, which is better, its main advantages and rules of use.

What does bottled water mean?

Based on the definition of the International Association IBWA, bottled water has the following characteristics:

  • compliance with GOSTs and hygienic drinking water standards;
  • packaging in sterile containers;
  • sold for human consumption.

In addition, such water does not contain artificial flavors or sweeteners, and it can contain no more than 1% of plant extracts and essences. If this indicator is exceeded, such water will be regarded as a non-alcoholic drink.

In the international classifier developed by the Federal Food and Drug Commission (USA), bottled water is divided into the following types:

  1. Artesian water, or Artesian (Well) Water. It is extracted from artesian wells, which are drilled in places where pressure water is detected located in rocks. The water enclosed between the waterproof layers can gush out when the roof of the horizon is opened.
  2. Drinking water, or Drinking Water, this is the name of bottled water. Based on the name, this water is sold for human needs in hygienic containers and does not contain any foreign additives. It has no calories or sugars. Flavors, extracts or essences of herbs or fruits may be added in a ratio of 1% to the total weight of the final product. For such water, the concentration of sodium ions is normalized - from zero to an insignificant amount.
  3. Mineral water, or Mineral Water, contains a fairly large amount of dissolved salts (from 0.25 g/l - mineralization in accordance with the world classifier). Bottled and may be labeled accordingly. It differs from other types of bottled water by the constant level and ratio of elements in the source. The addition of additional minerals to such water is completely excluded.
  4. Purified water(Purified) is produced by distillation, deionization, reverse osmosis or similar methods. The trade name may contain a designation of the filtration method, such as distilled, deionized (softened) or purified by osmosis (in accordance with the method used in production).
  5. Sparkling (carbonated) water(Sparkling) contains the same amount of CO 2 both when it comes from the source and after processing.
  6. Spring water(Spring) is extracted from underground springs that flow naturally to the surface. For industrial needs, at the location of such a spring, drilling is carried out to the main aquifer, the outlet is equipped with a pipe through which water is collected and bottled. At the outlet, the physical qualities and composition of the liquid must be the same as during natural flow to the earth’s surface.
  7. Well (from a well) water(Well), bottled. Collected from a well or borehole drilled, excavated, or otherwise constructed in the earth's strata to reach an aquifer.

In the Russian classifier of bottled water there are three positions:

  • Mineral water– obtained from underground sources (wells) registered in accordance with legislative regulations, preserving the primary composition of minerals.

Mineral water, in turn, is divided into the following subtypes:

  1. medicinal water with a mineralization of 8 g/l or less, containing large amounts of boron, arsenic and other elements;
  2. medical-dining room – with a content of salt parts by weight in the range of 2–8 g/l;
  3. dining room - with mineralization 1-2 g/l;
  4. dining room containing minerals in a concentration of up to 1 g/l.

Mineral water flows in aquifers or pools, which are located between special rocks that enrich the water with healing salts for a long period of time. These minerals are found in water, dissociating into negatively and positively charged particles - anions and cations. Depending on the composition of certain salts in water, it is divided into hydrocarbonate, sodium, chloride-sodium-calcium, chloride-sulfate sodium-magnesium, etc. Mineral water is also classified according to pH into acidic, neutral or alkaline.

  • Artificial refers to fresh water for drinking that undergoes technological processing to imitate the natural mineral or other composition. Artificial mineral water is a regular or distilled liquid enriched with chemical components (salts, magnesium, potassium, sodium iodine, etc.) that are present in natural mineral water in identical percentages. This type of mineral water includes products of the famous brands “Borjomi”, “Narzan”, “Essentuki”. Therefore, when choosing which bottled water is best to drink, you should pay attention to the “artificially mineralized water” label on the packaging.
  • The third type of bottled water is drinking water., which is produced by deep purification of tap liquid. It is freed from iron salts, softened, and dechlorinated. Then it is disinfected again using ultraviolet light or silver ions. At the final stage, the water is enriched with useful components - fluorine, calcium, magnesium and other microelements.

Speaking about different types of containers for bottled water, the undoubted leader is the PET bottle. The global circulation of water in plastic containers is increasing every year. The thing is that similar glass packaging, despite the turnover, will cost much more than a PET bottle, which you don’t mind disposing of after use. The largest volume of sales of bottled water is occupied by products for household needs, which are packaged in PET bottles with a volume of 3 liters or more.

Truths and myths about bottled water

To understand what bottled drinking water is and which is better, you first need to dispel some common misconceptions.

Myth No. 1. Bottled purified and filtered tap water are no different.

This statement will be true if the bottle is filled with tap water, which is purified and artificially enriched with minerals. The presence of images of mountains, forests and lakes on the packaging does not yet indicate that it contains water from an artesian well. Confirmation of the natural origin of the liquid will be the text written on the label. Water labeled “centralized source of water supply,” “conditioned,” “prepared,” or “modified” is actually obtained from the tap.

Meanwhile, purified or filtered water and that which comes from an artesian well have a striking difference. Once in the body, the latter delivers useful minerals and substances there. And tap water, even if it is purified and conditioned, is dead, which can not only not be beneficial, but also harm human health.

If the label on a water bottle contains information about the source and well number, you can be confident in its quality. Each well from which natural mineral water is extracted is listed in the official state register.

Myth No. 2. Our ancestors did not know what bottled water was and which was better, drinking ordinary water from the central water supply, and at the same time they did not get sick. Therefore, our generation can do the same.

It is worth considering that several decades ago tap liquid was indeed better in quality. The reason for this was not so much the incomparable cleanliness of the reservoirs, but rather newer communications. After all, new pipes do not contain deposits and bacteria that worsen the condition of the water.

In European countries such as Switzerland, for example, it is quite normal to serve tap water at the table. The main part of their water supply lines is made up of quickly replaceable plastic pipes. In our country, the chance of poisoning from tap water is much higher than when drinking bottled water. Because monitoring the condition of water that travels a long way from the water intake station to the tap in the apartment is much more difficult than in production where bottled water is bottled.

Another fact that should be taken into account is that tap water cannot harm an absolutely healthy person. People who suffer from chronic disorders of body functions, such as the gastrointestinal tract or cardiovascular system, are at risk. At the same time, there is enough evidence among the domestic and foreign scientific community that regular consumption of tap water can lead to serious diseases, such as bladder or colon cancer.

The assertion that water in the central water supply system is as good as bottled water has spread after representatives of supervisory services in several cities of the Russian Federation reported an improvement in the quality of liquid in water pipes in the territories under their control. But it is important to take into account that the information in officials’ reports is general in nature. And samples are taken only at water intake stations. The final point of water supply is private and apartment buildings, in which the situation can vary greatly. To avoid possible health problems due to poor quality water, it is better to trust those who are really responsible for the products supplied.

Myth No. 3. Good water has no taste.

Any natural water will have its own taste, depending on the mineral composition: calcium, magnesium, sodium and other substances contained in artesian waters. Moreover, for each person, water, even with the same chemical composition, will have its own taste.

The difference in sensations between people is associated with their individual metabolism. Depending on this balance, sweeter, bitter and other flavors will be felt. This perception is also based on the nature of the food consumed, for example, the predominance of salty, fried, steamed or dairy products in the diet.

If the water does not have a pronounced taste, it means that it has undergone distillation, during which all its beneficial natural qualities are killed, so that they can then be artificially replaced with a minimum set of minerals. Therefore, before choosing which bottled water is best to buy, you should understand that dead water does not bring anything good to the body, but can only take this good away.

Myth No. 4. Water in glass containers is of better quality than in PET packaging.

The proliferation of water in PET bottles on a large market has led to increased marketing by companies selling water in glass. Therefore, it is natural for different opinions to appear regarding the dubious quality of water in PET containers, supported by human ignorance and the tricks of competitors.

In fact, only water bottling using modern technologies and certified equipment plays a key role in shaping product quality. Under such conditions there will be no difference between a glass and a plastic bottle. The composition and taste characteristics of the water will be identical. Proof of this is the presence of the same manufacturers of the same products in both glass and PET packaging.

  • Avoid exposure to direct sunlight;
  • do not heat or freeze;
  • do not leave the container open.

Myth No. 5. PET containers release toxic substances into water.

One of the most common opinions about bottled water is that it contains harmful contaminants. This fact has not been confirmed by any research. The only foreign substance that may be in a container of water is acetaldehyde. Moreover, organic compounds of this substance are contained in almost all food products. Even a regular carton of yogurt will contain 1,000 times more acetaldehyde than a plastic container of water. In addition, if you do not violate the requirements for storing water in PET packaging, this substance will not be released.

At the same time, manufacturers of plastic bottles have long since played it safe and began to include an acetaldehyde neutralizer in the raw materials they use. An analogue of such an absorber is found in the human liver. Without this substance, the body would not be able to metabolize alcohol.

Myth No. 6. The cost of natural water must be high.

This misconception is most common in countries experiencing shortages of goods. Citizens in such countries are accustomed to the fact that there was always a meager selection of products on store shelves. And after a huge assortment of imported goods began to arrive at retail outlets, domestic suppliers could not adapt so quickly. Therefore, the consumer began to believe that he knew which bottled water was the best, arguing that only expensive, foreign products could be of high quality.

Where is bottled water from?

The bottled water manufacturer, of course, places the main emphasis on its extraction technology. Even water from a puddle can be drinkable after purification. But such a liquid will be dead. Those who have ever tried distilled water know what we are talking about.

Living water is extracted only from underground depths through wells and artesian wells. Theoretically, such a hole can be drilled in absolutely any place. However, there are certain nuances.

The first of these is the depth of the well. It should be sufficient to prevent melt water from entering the underground horizon.

The second important point is a thorough check by epidemiologists not only of the well itself, but also of the area around it: the surface and earthen layers. The production itself is also subject to control: the level of noise pollution, vibrations in the premises, their sanitary and hygienic condition, ventilation and other conditions.

At the exit, the product is checked for compliance with the requirements of SanPiN and GOST. Information about artesian water deposits in Russia is contained in the state register of groundwater.

Due to serious checks on various parameters, many bottled water producers prefer to work with raw materials from wells, where the water does not require additional purification, representing the final product, or requires minor additional purification. Some have taken an even easier path and filter plain water from public utilities.

Which water is better: bottled or filtered

By purchasing drinking water from trusted brands, you can confidently believe that it meets the requirements of GOST and SanPiN and is safe for health. Some manufacturers have begun to produce water with the addition of micro- and macroelements necessary for the human body. Thus, this water will also be beneficial. Bottled water does not require additional processing and is immediately ready for use.

If we are talking about filtered water, it should be noted that water completely purified from suspended matter is not suitable for regular use. Along with harmful substances, filters remove particles needed by the body from the liquid.

Useful elements contained in drinking water are K, Mg, Na, Ca. In tap liquid, their quantity reaches a sufficient level to ensure the normal functioning of the human body.

If water without these substances is taken for a long time, serious damage will be caused to health. This can be confirmed by the words of R. Darrell, an expert in the development and application of purification technologies: “Filtered water cannot preserve life even in an aquarium with fish. They will simply die."

However, water treated by filtration can still benefit the body due to its excellent ability to absorb and remove toxins.

But drinking such water is allowed for a short period. After all, along with harmful substances, useful minerals and trace elements are also removed from the body, the lack of which can lead to the development of hypertension, osteochondrosis, and various dysfunctions.

Which water is better: boiled or bottled?

Bottled water is industrially purified and meets safety standards, making it completely drinkable. It is sold in large bottles that are connected to coolers or pumps.

After boiling, water not only becomes useless for the body, but can also be harmful. Therefore, she is often called dead. The reason for this is the following features:

  1. at high temperatures the liquid is deprived of almost all oxygen;
  2. useful salts become an insoluble sediment during the boiling process;
  3. When tap water is boiled, the chlorine it contains turns into a toxic compound that can cause cancer;
  4. Due to the changed structure during the boiling process, within a day the water becomes a favorable environment for the development of bacteria.

When discussing which bottled water is best to drink, the benefits and harms of boiled water must be analyzed adequately. Indeed, for those who are wondering about the benefits of drinking boiled water, you can find at least one argument - the safety of such a liquid.

Advantages and disadvantages of bottled water

  • Benefits of Bottled Water

When trying to understand which bottled water is the best, you should be sure that any liquid of this type has a number of advantages over others.

Firstly, the activities of organizations involved in the sale and delivery of bottled water are under the vigilant control of government supervisory authorities. Taking this fact into account, we can confidently declare its high quality and safety. However, be aware that some states allow certain contaminants in bottled water. And before purchasing such water, especially from foreign manufacturers, you should make sure that there are no additives.

Another undeniable advantage is ease of use. Modern manufacturers complete bottled water with special coolers and ergonomic pumps. At the same time, by making one order, you can purchase a large number of bottles, the delivery of which is carried out by the manufacturing companies themselves. Couriers from such organizations not only deliver water to the designated location, but also replace the container on the cooler. The buyer receives additional benefits and convenience from this, because he does not have to waste his own time and effort.

Some coolers not only serve as a container for storing and dispensing water, but can also heat or cool liquid. Such functions are especially convenient for office spaces.

Among other important advantages of bottled water is the consistency of its quality and properties during storage. Even if the cooler has not been used for a long time, the water in it will not deteriorate, maintaining its freshness and pleasant taste.

It is also worth noting that bottled water is alive because it does not lose the beneficial substances in its composition. Therefore, purchasing such water is not only profitable, but also useful, which cannot be said about drinking water from the tap, even if it is boiled.

  • Disadvantages of Bottled Water

Despite the large number of advantages, like any product, bottled water also has disadvantages. Thus, some quality standards allow the addition of certain substances to the liquid, which not only change its taste, but are also questionable in their benefits and necessity for the human body. Therefore, you should be careful about which bottled water is best to buy and which manufacturers you should avoid. Before making a choice, you need to read the documentation (especially the fine print) and make sure that the liquid is clean, safe and does not contain any unnecessary additives.

Another disadvantage relates to water purification and packaging processes that use materials that are not environmentally friendly.

Which bottled water is best for drinking: rating

The quality system of the Russian Federation - Roskachestvo - conducted a study of the group of products that includes bottled water and compiled a rating. The organization's experts purchased 60 samples of still water from various foreign and domestic producers (Armenia, Georgia, Italy, France, Norway, Finland and Russia). For analysis, water samples of three types were taken - the first and highest categories, as well as mineral water.

The result was the following figures:

  • 15.5% (or 9 brands) could be awarded a distinction for quality that exceeds existing requirements;
  • 63.8% (or 37 items) can simply be called a quality product;
  • 20.7% (or 12 manufacturers) sell goods that, for one reason or another, cannot be called high-quality.

Experts make the most violations when compiling the ratings Roskachestvo found in mineral waters from companies "Arkhyz", "Elbrus" And Biovita. Samples of these products contained an unacceptable amount of microorganisms that could have a detrimental effect on human health. Experts believe that this problem may be caused by violations of the conditions of transportation or storage of the product.

In the remaining 9 samples, which received the lowest rating, discrepancies between the labeling and the actual composition of the water were identified. These violations were most significant among producers of premium quality bottled water, the contents of which are subject to higher requirements. Among them were an Italian company Norda, manufacturers from Armenia Aparan and domestic "Dixie", "Glavvoda", "Alive key", « BabyIdeal", Courtois, "Demidovskaya Lux". Among them there are representatives of water of the first category - "Uleimskaya".

The French with mineral water became the leaders in the production of bottled water Evian, Russian company "Aquanika", premium water brands "Volzhanka", "Simple good" And Arctic, and the first category – Bon Aqua, "Lipetsk pump room», "Novoterskaya" And " ABOUT! Our family". This product Roskachestvo approved for its safe chemical composition, rich in macro- and microelements, purity, absence of chlorine and bacteria, normal hardness and an appropriate level of mineralization. From this list we can conclude which bottled water is best to drink.

How to bottle bottled water

Many bottled water consumers purchase compact desktop coolers designed for home use or small offices. Thanks to this device, you can always take a short break for a cup of hot tea or coffee or saturate your body with fresh and tasty cool water. For these devices, you can quickly order purified bottled water, which is delivered in almost every city at an affordable price and in the shortest possible time. Despite their compactness, desktop coolers have good technical parameters and functionality that is almost no different from floor-standing units.

Large bottles of clean water can be found in almost every modern family where they are concerned about health. This storage system, connected to a convenient pump, which is fixed on the neck of the container with a special clamp, allows you to quickly draw liquid into any kitchen vessels. Such pumps are offered both individually - in online stores or offline retail outlets, and together with purchased water from the supplier. You can purchase clean water in advance by calculating the required volume for a certain period.

Where to buy a cooler, pump, dispenser for bottled water

The Ecocenter company supplies coolers, pumps and related equipment to Russia for dispensing water from bottles of various sizes. All equipment is supplied under the “ECOCENTER” brand.

We provide the best price-quality ratio of equipment, and also offer our partners excellent service and flexible terms of cooperation.

You can see the attractiveness of collaboration by comparing our prices with similar equipment from other suppliers.

All our equipment meets the standards established in Russia and has quality certificates. We deliver dispensers to our customers, as well as all the necessary spare parts and components in the shortest possible time.

Number of sources used in this article: . You will find a list of them at the bottom of the page.

When purchasing bottled water, it can sometimes be difficult to decide which one to get. This particularly applies to people who do not understand the marketing terminology on the labels or the bottles themselves. Many bottled water companies advertise their products as a more natural, healthier or better replacement for tap water. However, with a little research, you won't have to wonder which bottled water to choose from the myriad of options. It is enough to have only basic knowledge to choose the brand or type of water that will suit you best.


Part 1

Buying bottled water

    Buy water obtained from natural sources. Companies distribute a wide range of water, but you can choose water that was obtained from a natural source: from a spring or an artesian well. Try the following options:

    Avoid bottled water from public sources. Some companies sell bottled water from the tap or from a public water supply. If you want natural or artesian water, don't buy bottled tap water.

    Study the signs on the packaging. There should be a mark at the bottom of the bottle or on the back of the bottle indicating the type of plastic the bottle was made from. Most water bottles are made from polyethylene terephthalate (PET). This type of plastic is used to make various types of plastic containers and has been officially recognized as safe.

    Calculate your approximate budget for bottled water. Some brands are quite expensive, especially if they have special packaging or claim to be artesian water.

    • When planning to purchase bottled water, you need to consider how many bottles of water you consume or plan to consume daily. This way you can determine how many bottles you need to buy to last you a week.
    • You may be able to save money if you buy bottles in bulk. Many stores offer discounts for wholesale buyers.
    • Consider having bottled water delivered to your home. Some companies deliver jumbo water cooler bottles to your home so you can refill the bottles yourself.
  1. Store bottled water correctly. To maintain the quality and safety of the product, bottled water, like most food and beverages, must be stored properly.

    Pay attention to the water bottles and how they were stacked and stored. You may want to rinse the bottle cap, especially if it is not covered with a protective film. Bacteria or other harmful substances may have remained on the lid due to improper handling.

    Part 2

    Finding other sources of water
    1. Buy a water purification system for your home. Purchasing a water purification system makes more economic sense in the long run and will save you from having to dispose of huge amounts of plastic bottles. There are two types of purification systems: whole-house (they filter all the water that comes into the house and are expensive) and point-of-use (they filter water at the point of use, such as a shower head or sink faucet). Most people prefer to use local treatment systems as they are cheaper. Such systems include:

      Buy reusable bottles that are made without BPA. If you choose to use or drink tap water or have access to a purified water cooler, consider purchasing a reusable bottle to do your part to help protect the environment.

      • Using a reusable bottle will help you reduce the amount of plastic bottles and trash you throw away.
    2. Drink tap water. Although tap or municipal water is not as good as some bottled water, it is still a healthy and inexpensive alternative to bottled water. Quite often, tap water is perfectly fine to drink. When in doubt, buy a filter pitcher and place it in the refrigerator to improve filtration.

    Article information

    This article was co-authored by Claudia Carberry, RD, MS. Claudia Carberry is a nutritionist at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. She received her master's degree in nutrition from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, in 2010.

In Europe, there has long been a rule to drink at least 2 liters of still water every day, regardless of the number of first courses eaten and coffee, tea, and other drinks drunk. This norm is sacredly observed by people of any profession and any material wealth. In our country, people are also gradually becoming accustomed to this rule, but not everyone knows what kind of water is best to buy. There is so much of it on store shelves that it’s dizzying. Few people carefully read the information on labels, and besides, it is often presented in such small print that you need to take a magnifying glass. Therefore, among the abundance of brands, some choose the most famous one, others choose the one that is cheaper, believing that the water is all the same. This is not entirely true, because there is water of the highest category and the first, and among them there is natural and purified, which is far from the same thing. So what kind of water should you take for it to be beneficial? Let's figure it out.

Why does the body need water?

Even children know that we are all 80% water. Every day, 500 ml is lost through sweat and breathing, 1500 ml - through urine. In order to restore losses, you need to pour 2000 lost ml into yourself, but it must be high-quality drinking water. All this is true, but only partly.

Firstly, the figure of 80% is the statistical average, but in fact, depending on age, weight and other indicators, each of us has a different amount of water. Secondly, we also lose it in different ways. In the heat more, in the cold less, while on the move more, lying on the couch less. That is, some people need to drink 2 liters, while for others 3 liters will not be enough. But why drink it? Is it only to recover losses? It turns out that water can easily dissolve both organic matter and all kinds of chemical compounds, such as salts. When it enters our body, it absorbs a lot of harmful substances, which are safely excreted in the urine. Thus, a natural cleansing of our systems from toxins and other nasty things occurs. Of course, the best drinking water, that is, chemically purer, copes with this task much more effectively. And another important function of water is that chemical reactions take place in it and complex complex compounds are formed, without which we cannot live. That is why the loss of only about 10% of fluid by our body can end very sadly.

Types of drinking water

Nowadays they write a lot about what drinking water of the highest category is. The rating of this product partly helps to figure out which brand to buy. It is based on all kinds of analyzes and tests that determine the compliance of the chemical composition of water with GOSTs and SanPiNam. But the results of such tests are rarely displayed on labels. But there is almost always data that water was extracted in such and such a region from such and such a depth, and other data that is not understandable to everyone is reported. To clarify the situation, or perhaps to confuse it even more, we note that in nature there are approximately 476 modifications of water, depending on which isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen make up its molecule. Naturally, the properties of these waters differ, and not all of them are equally beneficial for health. Fortunately, not all modifications are able to last long enough, and information about them is not displayed on the labels at all. What kind of water can be used for drinking? Its most famous types are:

  • light;
  • heavy;
  • soft;
  • hard;
  • underground (extracted from wells and aquifers);
  • mineral;
  • water supply;
  • purified.

Drinking water categories

Apart from the technical ones, which are not discussed in this article, there are two categories of water - the highest and the first. Each country has GOSTs and SanPiNs for bottled drinking water, regulating their taste, color, chemical composition, and transparency. Drinking water of both categories, unless it is medicinal mineral water, must be clear, odorless, free of foreign impurities and sediment, otherwise it should not be consumed at all. Regarding the chemical composition, higher requirements, of course, must be met by drinking water of the highest category. The rating, taken into account by many buyers, shows which of the water brands that have undergone quality control meet the standards. It is these products that are becoming the most popular. Currently, about 700 types of drinking water are produced. It is clear that it is difficult to check all of them, and unscrupulous manufacturers can write anything they want on the label. How can an ordinary person distinguish high-quality water from a fake?

Firstly, the price. If the water is actually extracted in an ecologically clean region, and even from a decent depth, then it has high production costs. Therefore, it cannot possibly be cheap. If the water is of poor quality, the manufacturer does not risk setting a high price, since it is very important for him to quickly sell his product and receive benefits before a possible inspection.

Secondly, according to the information on the label. If it really is water of the highest category, it must indicate the place of its extraction, the address and website of the manufacturer, and the chemical composition. In reality, almost all elements from the periodic table may be present in natural drinking water, but most chemical elements make up such a small amount that they are not taken into account.

Mainly indicate the content of such chemicals and compounds:

  • potassium (up to 10 mg/l);
  • magnesium (up to 20 mg/l);
  • sodium (up to 100 mg/l);
  • calcium (up to 20 mg/l);
  • nitrates (up to 45 mg/l);
  • chlorides (up to 100 mg/l);
  • sulfates (up to 30 mg/l);
  • bicarbonates (up to 300 mg/l).

Sometimes the labels indicate the pH of the water, which should be in the range of 6.5-7.5. Inconsistency of even one of these indicators does not give the right to assign the highest category to water.

Light and heavy water

The taste, color, smell of both are the same, but in terms of usefulness they are very different. Numerous experiments have proven that the best drinking water, which, among other things, has high healing properties, is light water. It contains virtually no impurities of deuterium (an isotope of hydrogen) and other heavy elements, therefore cleansing the body of toxins and all metabolic processes in it are better. Light water even helps in the treatment of cancerous tumors. in which deuterium atoms are attached to the oxygen atom, it is harmless to humans if drunk in small quantities. But there is no benefit from it. In nature, deuterium molecules are present in any water, from wells no matter how deep it is extracted. It is logical that any drinking water of the highest category contains these molecules. There is no rating on this issue, but when choosing bottled water, you can buy products from well-proven brands, and at home make light water from this good, but ordinary water by freezing it in the refrigerator and then thawing it. What will melt, first of all, will be the cleanest drinking water in the world, which is most beneficial for health. It is advisable to throw away the remaining ice after such a procedure, as it will collect all the harmful impurities.

Soft and hard water

With these characteristics the situation is simpler. Whether water is soft or hard depends on the content of magnesium and calcium salts in it. You can drink both in small quantities, but in large quantities, hard water can lead to the formation of kidney stones, and soft water can lead to problems with blood pressure. In everyday life you can do it by eye. So, if there is too much calcium and magnesium salts in it, there will be little foam when soaping your hands, and if there is a shortage, it will seem that the soap is not washed off your hands. But when buying water in a store, no one conducts such experiments. Yes, this is not necessary, because the content of hardness salts in water is strictly determined by GOST and must be indicated on the label. The numbers may vary slightly in different countries.

In Russia, as of January 1, 2014, water hardness is measured in degrees and designated “°Zh” or in milligram equivalents per liter, of which drinking water must contain no less than 1.5 and no more than 2.5 units. Sometimes the labels indicate not the hardness, but the amount of calcium (Ca2+) and magnesium (Mg2+), as well as their salts (CaSO4, MgSO4, CaCl2, MgCl2). The quantity of each salt is not regulated by GOST; it only indicates how many of them should be in total. If these standards are met, it means that we may well have drinking water of the highest category suitable for everyday use. To be high, the rating must take into account the content of other useful microelements, especially nitrates. As for the tests for magnesium-calcium, such well-promoted brands as “Aqua Minerale”, “Dombay” did not pass it, and the water of the brands “Holy Source” and “Shishkin Les” turned out to have a lot of chlorine.

Mineral water

Now mineral water is freely sold in any store, so many people buy it as regular drinking water, being confident that mineral water is any water that contains trace elements. In fact, mineral water is water that is extracted only from certain aquifers and has a strictly regulated chemical composition. It is precisely this water of the highest category that can have a rather unpleasant taste, smell, and sometimes even color and sediment, which depends on the salts in which it is rich. It is important to know that, despite the rich chemical composition (indicated on the labels), water is not considered mineral if it is a mixture of natural and artificially made.

Water, which is a mixture extracted from various aquifers, will not be a high-quality mineral water, but, unfortunately, you cannot determine this from the label. You can navigate here only by brand names. Thus, time-tested natural drinking water that has good consumer reviews is “Borjomi”, “Narzan”, “Essentuki”, “Mukhinskaya”, and in Ukraine - “Mirgorodskaya”, “Kuyalnik”, “Polyana Kvasova”. In terms of composition, mineral waters can be sulfate, hydrocarbonate, chloride, mixed, and in terms of the concentration of nutrients, table waters (microelements in them up to 1 gram per 1 cubic dm3), medicinal table waters (microelements up to 10 grams per dm3) and medicinal. You can only consume the canteen every day without consulting a doctor.

Tap and purified water

Previously, no one bought bottled water, and even still water, everyone drank tap water. There are also GOST and SanPiN standards for its purity, so, in principle, it should be suitable for drinking in any quantity. Tap water in most countries is subjected to several stages of purification: mechanical, coagulation, filtration, aeration, sterilization or, in other words, chlorination. Despite such serious technology, the rating of drinking water from the tap is one of the lowest, because it almost always contains large quantities of salts of various chemical elements, these elements themselves, such as chlorine, and sometimes pathogens. Therefore, we no longer want to drink such water.

Savvy entrepreneurs have figured out how to capitalize on it and do good at the same time. The method is simple and involves additional cleaning. The costs of the entire process are relatively low, therefore the price of the product is low, although the label may indicate that the water is crystal clear, mineralized and generally the best.

However, a reasonable buyer should understand that the best bottled water cannot cost 5-10 rubles for one and a half liters, even if it says “spring” or “artesian”. For comparison, bottled water obtained from pure natural sources of the Alps costs 70-80 rubles per liter bottle.

But what is purified water? We use two methods: reverse osmosis, which inspires confidence among the people, although few understand it, and mysterious coagulation. Let's figure out how they work.

Reverse osmosis is the passage of water through several membranes with a microscopic texture, on which all the elements dissolved in the water remain one after another. The result is almost perfectly pure water, similar to distilled water. It is not good for health, because once it enters the human body, it begins to replenish the beneficial substances removed from it, taking them away from our body. To prevent this from happening, manufacturers enrich it again, so the composition of microelements indicated on the labels of such water may be correct, but it is rarely assigned the highest category.

Coagulation involves adding a coagulant (clarifier) ​​to ordinary water, which precipitates certain chemicals and trace elements. After this, the water is separated from the sediment and bottled. The process is so cheap and simple that about 70% of all manufacturers use it. So, when buying the cheapest drinking water, you may stumble upon a product that is not particularly suitable for health.

Water from the depths of the Earth

Many Russians have wells of varying depths (even more than 50 meters) in their yards. It would seem, why should they buy bottled natural water if they can use their own, also natural. However, such water shows an excess of microelements in it not two, or even ten, but several dozen times. It is clear that you cannot drink it. The problem is that the entire thickness of the earth's crust, like a cake made from short layers, is composed of geological layers - loams, sandstones, limestones and others. The closer to the surface of the earth and the closer to populated areas, especially to industrial centers, the more chemical elements, garbage, human and animal waste there are in the layers. All this easily gets into shallow water layers, so they can be used for drinking only after thorough cleaning.

The so-called high water that forms during floods and river overflows is also unsuitable for drinking. And yet, the bowels of the Earth can give us clean and healthy water, but to get it, we need to drill artesian wells. In different regions their depth ranges from 100 to 1000 meters. The necessary water must be between the waterproof layers of rocks and be there under pressure, so it flows like a fountain from the drilled well. In many respects, artesian water is the best bottled water available in stores, despite the fact that it also contains some salts and trace elements. Manufacturers, as a rule, indicate on the labels from what depth and in what region their product was extracted. If this is, for example, the Carpathians, the Urals or the Alps, the ecological purity of which no one doubts, we can safely say that such drinking water is of excellent quality. There can be dozens of brand names here. Which one should you choose if there are no famous or popular ones on sale? There is only one piece of advice here - trust the information on the label.

Carbonated water

It is believed that soda quenches thirst better than plain water, that it is more tasty and completely harmless. But is it useful? If you take European countries, for example Greece, the founder of the rule about daily and compulsory drinking of water, it is almost impossible to find soda there in one and a half liter, and even more so two-liter bottles. This kind of water is sold in maximum half-liter glass bottles, not counting classic soda.

We have everything, adding carbon dioxide to it. It really changes the taste, and in addition, it helps the salts remain dissolved and not precipitate. This is why they enrich them with carbon dioxide before bottling, because they contain a lot of salts. Should non-mineral water of the highest category be carbonated? And why do this if there are not so many salts in plain water that you would be afraid of their precipitation, and the taste should be good even without carbon dioxide? The answer to these controversial questions may be the taste preferences of customers, many of whom like soda.

You can safely purchase products from famous brands whose manufacturers value their name, but when buying cheap soda, it’s worth wondering whether there’s anything good in it other than carbon dioxide. But high-quality carbonated water should not be drunk in large quantities, since the CO2 included in its composition activates the secretion of gastric juice, has an adverse effect on enamel, and promotes increased gas formation in the intestines.

Rating of drinking water of famous brands

A single study that would cover all commercially available water, not forgetting that intended for coolers, has not yet been carried out, so the rating of brands can be considered conditional, since it is based on checks made randomly. According to some data, Bon Aqua water is the best, followed by “Holy Source”, “Aqua Mineral”, “Arkhyz”. According to others, “Holy Source” and “Aqua Mineral” did not reach the highest category at all, and the first place was taken by Nizhny Novgorod water “Dixie”. Second and third places went to “foreigners”, the French Vittel and Evian. Not only in Russia, but also in Europe this is water of the highest category. Customer reviews about it are excellent, but absolutely all respondents note the high price.

The domestic “Lipetsk Pump Room” is a little cheaper, but it also contains fewer microelements. According to the results of the test, “Aqua Mineral” turned out to be completely without microelements, that is, almost sterile, although the label does not indicate this. But the waters “Shishkin Les”, “Simply ABC”, Crristaline, Aparan, “Holy Source” and even Bon Aqua, bottled in Moscow, were blacklisted due to gross violations of quality standards and deception of customers.