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How often to water cucumbers after germination. How often to water cucumbers, when and at what time is best. Watering cucumbers at different stages of plant development

Cucumbers love water very much. However, you should not overfill them and allow water to stagnate. The root system of the plant has a special structure and needs constant moisture. If cucumbers experience a lack of moisture, this can cause darkening and brittleness of the leaves. If there is too much water, this will lead to a decrease in the amount of oxygen in the soil. As a result, the leaves will become pale, the vines will slow down and green leaves will appear.

Changes in the amount of moisture and significant temperature fluctuations cause bitterness in the fruit. It is necessary to monitor soil moisture, especially in hot weather. It must be at least 80%. When the humidity level drops to 30%, the crop will begin to wither.

Very often, gardeners, arriving at the dacha, begin to fill the cucumbers with water. Summer residents know that the plant loves water very much, but they have no idea how much water it needs. Their excessive care leads to rotting of the roots and a decrease in crop yield.

How often to water cucumbers in open ground? In summer, moisturizing should be done at least twice a week. In extreme heat, the event should be held once every two days. After the young plants are planted in the ground in the spring, they should be moistened weekly. If the soil on the site is clayey, water the cucumbers less often, but with plenty of water. This is due to the ability of clay to retain moisture.

Proper watering is carried out in the morning or evening. During the daytime, when the air temperature is at its maximum, drops of water falling on the leaves cause burns. In addition, during hot hours, moisture quickly evaporates and watering loses its effectiveness.

If the soil on the site is too dry, you should not immediately “reanimate” it by filling it with water. It is better to water gradually, in small doses.

Weeding the beds should be done very carefully, because the roots of the cucumbers are located very close to the surface.

Water requirements

Before you start watering, you need to select the right water. Under no circumstances should the crop be moistened with cold water. It negatively affects the roots of the plant, interfering with the natural ability to absorb water. The water temperature should not exceed 19 °C. When using water from a well, it is necessary to create a special container on the site where it can heat up in the sun.

Irrigation rules and techniques

You can moisten vegetables in different ways: using a hose, buckets or watering cans. Proper watering is one in which water only falls on the ground. This way you can moisten the soil as much as possible and nourish the roots.

Drip irrigation is effective when growing vegetables. You can purchase a ready-made system for such humidification or build it yourself. The main “advantage” of drip humidification is that in this case the water reaches its destination – the roots of the crop. As a result, the vegetable grows quickly, and you save water and reduce the number of weeds in the area. Often, in parallel with watering, the vegetable is fed, which has a positive effect on its development.

So, growing cucumbers is not difficult if you follow all the tips for caring for them and water according to all the rules.

Video “How to water cucumbers”

In this video, an experienced gardener will share the secrets of proper watering of cucumbers.

How to water cucumbers in open ground: frequency and methods

My son and daughter-in-law almost lost their cucumber harvest last year. A young family, novice summer residents, they watered the cucumber bed with tap water. Analyzing together what is the cause of diseases and delays in plant development, we identified this negative factor. A heat-loving and moisture-loving crop, the cucumber comes from a subtropical climate; it does not tolerate cold weather and can get sick or die.

For inexperienced gardeners, I have prepared an article in which I talk about how to properly water cucumbers in open ground. After all, every business has its own subtleties on which success depends. Like no other crop, cucumbers require constant humidity and steaming, but everything should be in moderation.

What water to irrigate

The delicate leaves of the vine, which is the cucumber, have a rather finicky disposition regarding the watering system. First of all, this concerns the water temperature. You need to understand once that the beds with planted cucumbers should be moistened only with warm water.

Each summer resident acquires containers for water for irrigation. These can be barrels, bathtubs, buckets, all kinds of tanks. We pour water into them in the evening, it settles here, warms up, and becomes suitable for the irrigation procedure.

Cold water from a hose is destructive for the plant, both for the leaves and for the root system. What is the danger:

  • Cucumber lashes spend a lot of energy recovering from an ice shower, but could use it to grow;
  • The plant may shed flowers and ovaries;
  • There is a possibility of powdery mildew and rot.

What time of day is best to water?

Dangerous! You cannot water on a hot afternoon - you will cause the leaves to burn, because the evaporation will be very strong.

How often to water cucumbers

The frequency of watering cucumbers in open ground depends on several factors - weather conditions, as well as the stage of growth. If the plant is young and has just been transplanted into the garden bed, it needs one watering, but an adult fruit-bearing cucumber needs a completely different one.

If cucumbers have recently been planted with seeds in open ground, they need to be watered from a watering can every day in the heat (if it’s cool, then every 2-3 days), and kept under a film cover. Water consumption is 5-7 liters per square meter. meter. Regarding seedlings, we can say that they need to be watered only at the root, without touching the leaves, which have pubescence and suffer from drops of water falling on them.

Advice! Try to water the cucumbers so that water does not get on the leaves. This can cause disease and slow down the growth of the plant.

Methods of watering cucumber plantings

There are several ways to water cucumbers. Everyone chooses the best option for themselves individually.

Sprinkling method

Spraying from a hose or watering can is suitable for young seedlings and small seedlings, and is also used in a bed with planted seeds. While they are in the ground, they need uniform and continuous moistening of the soil surface.

Groove method

Many summer residents use so-called grooves, which are made along the rows. A continuous shallow trench is filled from time to time with water from a bucket or watering can without a nozzle. Thus, a fairly large area of ​​the bed is moistened, the water penetrates deeply and is absorbed by the roots of the plants.

Drip irrigation

Requires gardeners to have a creative approach and some financial expenses. Everyone comes up with their own model of drip irrigation. For example, take 2-5 liter bottles of water (preferably with a narrow neck) and dig them into the ground, bottom up. In this case, one or two holes are made in the bottle cap (they can be made with an awl or a nail), and the bottom is cut off. We dig three or four bottles per square meter and pour water into them.

This type of watering is suitable for those who are away from the dacha for some time, because the water gradually seeps into the ground through small holes and moistens the soil. The good thing about this method is that you can add food and fertilizer to the water bottles.

Dosed drip irrigation can also be done using a thick-walled plastic hose or pipe that is laid along the cucumber rows. A hole is made near each plant through which water enters the beds.

This type of watering is not suitable for me because cold water flows into the hose, and it is detrimental to the cucumber crop. To “properly” install such equipment, some costs will be required. Some craftsmen equip such a system with taps, motors and heating elements. If this type of watering of cucumbers seems optimal to you, why not try it.

Jet irrigation method

This is the most common way using a watering can. The sprayer is removed from it, and water is supplied directly under each plant. At the same time, as mentioned earlier, avoid getting water on the foliage.

  • After numerous waterings, the soil around the roots is eroded and they can become bare. To prevent this, from time to time we add soil to the bed and hill up the root area a little.
  • Irregular watering and prolonged absence of watering contribute to the appearance of bitter fruits.
  • To maintain moisture for a longer time (for example, a forced departure), we use mulching at the root part of the plant.
  • Water the cucumbers after you have harvested the fruits, and not before, so that the plant does not waste energy on ripening the greens.

Gardeners know that there is nothing tastier than cucumbers from their garden, so we share with each other wisdom and experience on how to get a good harvest.

Proper watering of cucumbers in open ground

When growing cucumbers in open ground, it is very important to comply with all the conditions of this process and provide proper care. Proper watering is of particular importance.

In this article we will tell you how to water cucumbers in open ground to get a rich, high-quality harvest.

Conditions for growing cucumbers

Before you start growing a crop, it is important to familiarize yourself with the conditions that are necessary for the normal growth of the vegetable.

  • Landing. The most favorable time for planting vegetables is the second half of May. Starting from this time, there are fewer night frosts, and constant warm weather sets in. Vegetables can be planted either by seeds or seedlings.
  • The soil. The plant prefers fertile, heavy soils. Choose a well-lit place for planting, with access to sunlight. Vegetables can die from strong winds - this should also be taken into account when choosing a site.
  • Weeding. When caring for cucumbers, it is necessary to regularly thin them, since darkening the plant affects its development and growth.
  • Loosening. Before flowering, it is important to loosen the soil. After the third leaf becomes noticeable, the vegetables are hilled.
  • Watering. This point is very important when growing crops.

It is worth taking into account the excessive temperature requirements of cucumbers. Frosts have a detrimental effect on the plant. If the temperature drops below +15 °C, crop growth may slow down. The optimal temperature for growing cucumbers is +25. +30 °C.

By providing the necessary conditions for growing vegetables, you can get a good harvest and taste delicious cucumbers from your garden.

Does cucumber like moisture?

Cucumbers are a moisture-loving crop, but even despite this, you should not “flood” them. The plant has a special structure of the root system, so it is important to constantly moisten the soil. If there is not enough moisture, this will lead to darkening and brittleness of the leaves. If there is excess moisture in the soil, the amount of oxygen will decrease, and this will cause the leaves to turn pale, lead to inhibition of the growth of vines and the appearance of greens. If there are constant changes in the humidification process, as well as temperature fluctuations, this can cause bitterness in the fruit.

How often to water cucumbers in open ground

  • How often to water cucumbers in open ground
  • How to water tomatoes in open ground
  • Effective tips for growing cucumbers

Features of growing cucumbers in open ground

Cucumbers come from hot India, so to get a good harvest you need to create tropical conditions for them. This can be difficult to do when growing outdoors, so gardeners have to resort to various tricks to protect delicate plants from cold dew, northern winds, rain, diseases and pests.

In addition to excellent nutrition, such a bed maintains optimal humidity and temperature for cucumbers. If it is not possible to use manure, you can replace it with compost made from weeds or hay, but in this case, instead of water, you need to use a warm urea solution to speed up the maturation of the compost. The appearance of white mycelium and then mushrooms on the manure bed means that the temperature inside it is optimal for planting cucumbers. You can plant both pre-soaked seeds and cucumber seedlings, but it is worth remembering that these plants do not tolerate root damage well, so the seedlings must initially be planted in separate cups. To protect from atmospheric influences, the bed is covered with film or non-woven covering material.

How to water cucumbers in open ground

Cucumbers require daily abundant watering, especially if the weather is hot, dry. For watering, you need to use a watering can with a divider, watering throughout the entire bed, including the leaves of the plants and the soil around them. It is better to use warm water heated in the sun, since cold water causes cucumber roots to die. If the heat is intense, you can additionally place containers of water on the cucumber beds - by evaporating, the water increases humidity, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the plants.

If the air temperature has dropped and it has rained, daily watering is no longer required, but you need to monitor the condition of the soil and water the cucumbers as needed. Overmoistening of the soil leads to rotting of the roots and the growth of fungal infections. The soil around the roots should be mulched with humus or peat to avoid drying them out and retain moisture. By taking into account all the features, you can achieve good harvests of this capricious crop.

How to water cucumbers correctly

Watering when cultivating cucumbers is very important. There is a difference when growing in open ground and in greenhouses: in the methods, frequency and rates of watering. And it is also possible to get cucumber harvests even if you don’t water them.

How to water cucumbers: frequency, time and norm

Cucumber is a tropical plant and loves high humidity and stable heat. As they develop and ripen, cucumbers require different amounts of watering. There is also a difference in irrigation when growing in open and protected soils. You should follow certain recommendations when watering:

  • no watering is required immediately after planting seeds or planting seedlings;
  • after 3–4 days the first watering is carried out;
  • before flowering, water depending on the drying of the soil (once every 4–5 days);
  • after the appearance of the ovaries - the most abundant watering (once every 2-3 days), and with the beginning of fruiting - every other day;
  • The best time to water is early morning or evening, after sunset. Daytime watering in the sun can cause burns on the leaves;
  • when rains come and the dampness in the soil increases, irrigation is stopped;
  • The irrigation rate in open ground is about 4–5 liters of water per m2 before flowering and 10–12 liters per sq. m. meter during the formation of ovaries and during the fruiting period;
  • in greenhouses, more moderate irrigation is used - about four liters per square meter. meter;
  • During periods of long heat, sprinkling is used - plant leaves are watered from a watering can (4–5 liters per sq.m.). At the same time, the water norm is reduced by 2–3 times.

When watering cucumbers, like other garden crops, there is a “golden” rule: do not overwater.

Video: how often to water cucumbers in open ground


When watering cucumbers, it is important to observe the temperature regime. The water temperature during irrigation should not be lower than the ambient temperature.

Watering cucumbers in the open ground should be done with water heated to 18–20 o C. When the air is heated above 30 degrees, the water should be heated to 25 o C so that there is no large temperature difference. The best option is to use water heated by the sun and settled in various containers (barrels, vats, etc.).

In greenhouses, the water temperature is higher, approximately 20–25 degrees, and should ideally correspond to the soil temperature.

Barrels are used to heat water from the sun.

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Features of growing cucumbers in open ground

To reduce the soil drying out, use mulching.

How to water cucumbers in open ground

​Self-pollinating Mid-early hybrid, with large pimples. It is distinguished by a predominantly female type of flowering and, as a result, a large number of cucumbers; lack of bitterness; small seed chambers; crunch; high salting qualities. Resistant to disease and stressful conditions. ​

How to water cucumbers?

​Work will begin May 1-15. On any day during these periods, they dig up the garden bed (where cucumbers did not grow the previous year). Level, make grooves at distances of 15-20 cm. Water with a hot solution of “Ideal” or “Breadwinner” fertilizer or sodium humate (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water), spending 3-5 liters per 1 m2. Sow dry seeds at distances of 12-15 cm and cover with a small layer of earth (1-1.5 cm).​

​You can get an early harvest by growing cucumbers in open ground in a specially prepared bed. The bed is made high, warm, protected from the wind, and well lit. It is made from leaf waste. But the best bed is made from straw manure. Prepare the bed as follows. Take leaf debris (leaves, mown grass, small twigs, pine needles, etc.), sawdust, small shavings, chopped straw, paper trash, mix everything thoroughly and, out of the blue, make a bed at least 50 cm high, 80 cm wide -90 cm, length is arbitrary. When making beds, the garbage is placed tightly and compacted. Then everything is watered with the prepared solution (for 10 liters of water (80 °C) take 1 kg of mullein, 2 tablespoons of nitrophoska and 1 teaspoon of copper sulfate), spending 5-6 liters per 1 m2 of bed. After this, a glass of wood ash, a glass of dolomite flour or chalk are scattered on 1 m2 of beds.

​cucumber seedlings​

​Cucumber fruits are cylindrical, elongated, with wedge-shaped ends, and can be as large as 60 cm long and 10 cm in diameter. Cucumbers are grown for eating fresh (called salad cucumbers) and for pickling (called pickling cucumbers).​

Until the fruit sets, you just need to keep the soil moist so that the tomatoes have enough water. A sure sign of dehydration of tomatoes is drooping leaves. This is a signal that it is time to water.​

A strong jet will wash away the ground around the bushes, exposing the roots, and this leads not only to diseases, but also to attacks by pests;

After a good rain, watering should not be carried out. It can be renewed after the top layer of soil has dried.​

Both experienced vegetable growers and beginners are engaged in growing cucumbers. Depending on the growing method, the care of these plants will vary, but it is necessary to take into account the plants’ need for special temperature conditions, humidity and timely watering.​

​In addition to quick help,​

​F1 Matilda.​

​F1 Levin.​

​A double layer of Lutrasil covering material is spread on the garden bed. The material is covered on all sides with earth or heavy slats to prevent it from blowing away.​

​In the middle of the bed (alongwise) make a furrow 15 cm deep and 40-45 cm wide and pour the soil mixture into it (to the top), then cover the entire bed from above with a layer of soil mixture up to 7-10 cm. The soil mixture consists of 3 parts of peat, 3 parts of manure humus (brown) and 2 parts of old wood sawdust. You can add 1 part of turf soil.​

​two true leaves will appear, it needs to be fed with a solution: for 3 liters of warm (25 ° C) water, 2 teaspoons of mineral fertilizer nitrophoska or nitroammophoska, or “Breadwinner”.

​Having an embedded seed and ripening from a flower, cucumbers are scientifically classified as fruits. Almost like tomatoes and zucchini, however, their bitter-sour aroma contributes to

​During the formation of fruits, the soil should not be allowed to dry out. Otherwise, the ovaries will fall off, and those remaining on the branches will not produce the tomato harvest expected in size.

Proper watering of cucumbers

​if the roots are still exposed, then you need to immediately loosen the soil and hill up the bushes, covering their lower part;​

​How many times should you water cucumbers in a greenhouse?​

​Cucumbers come from hot India, so to get a good harvest you need to create tropical conditions for them. This can be difficult to do when growing outdoors, so gardeners have to resort to various tricks to protect delicate plants from cold dew, northern winds, rain, diseases and pests. A warm manure bed is perfect for growing cucumbers without a greenhouse. To do this, at the end of April - beginning of May, gardeners place cattle manure in a pile 70-80 cm high, spill it with water and cover it with a dark film. Under these conditions, fermentation of biological material occurs, manure is heated to 55-60 ° C. Under such conditions, all pests die, and nutrients after fermentation become available to the cucumber roots. In addition to excellent nutrition, such a bed maintains optimal humidity and temperature for cucumbers. If it is not possible to use manure, you can replace it with compost made from weeds or hay, but in this case, instead of water, you need to use a warm urea solution to speed up the maturation of the compost. The appearance of white mycelium and then mushrooms on the manure bed means that the temperature inside it is optimal for planting cucumbers. You can plant both pre-soaked seeds and cucumber seedlings, but it is worth remembering that these plants do not tolerate root damage well, so the seedlings must initially be planted in separate cups. To protect from atmospheric influences, the bed is covered with film or non-woven covering material.​

The mulch will gradually enrich your sandy soil more and more.

​Self-pollinating very early hybrid, with large pimples. It is distinguished by a predominantly female type of flowering and, as a result, a large number of cucumbers; lack of bitterness; small seed chambers; crunch; high salting qualities; resistance to diseases and stressful conditions.​

​Mid-early hybrid with predominantly female flowers. Plants are powerful and tall. Fruits with white thorns, without bitterness, suitable for pickling and canning. Resistant to cucumber mosaic virus, powdery mildew and adverse weather conditions. ​

​For 25-30 days, while the seedlings are growing, the covering material is not removed. During this period, water 1-2 times with warm water. In case of frost, additionally cover with film.​

​After filling, the bed is watered with a solution: for 10 liters of water (50 °C) take 1 teaspoon (at level) of copper sulfate, 1 tablespoon of nitrophoska or azofoska fertilizer, stir well and water at the rate of 4-5 liters per 1 m2 of bed. ​

During the growing period, cucumber seedlings are watered once a week with warm (25 ° C) water, completely spilling the pot. The seedlings are watered in the morning, at 10-11 o'clock.

  • ​which are perceived in cooked and raw foods as vegetables. It should be noted that vegetable is simply a culinary term and there is also no conflict in classifying cucumber as both a fruit and a vegetable.​
  • At this time, you need to water the tomatoes along the rows. And when the fruits appear, the entire surface of the open ground should be moistened. This is due to the fact that the roots of tomatoes grow widely and receive moisture not only in the space where they were planted. To ensure that water penetrates inside the bed and moisturizes the roots at depth, you can dig a container with many holes at the bottom, such as seedling pots, and pour water into it. Water, through the holes below, will penetrate faster and deeper into the soil, and not just spread across the surface.​
  • ​Cucumbers (and all plants) need to be watered early in the morning (before dew appears) or in the evening;​
  • ​In a greenhouse, it is very important not to overdo it with watering, as this can negatively affect the future harvest. It is best to use drip irrigation systems for watering in greenhouses.​
  • ​It is better to water the plants in the evenings, after 18-19 hours local time. At this time, plants are most receptive to watering, and there is no longer intense heat. The water has time to soak into the ground before morning, and the dew drops dry without causing burns on the leaves. It is not recommended to water cucumbers in the morning and during the day, since in this case the water quickly evaporates without having time to reach the roots, and condensation forms on the film at night, which leads to the development of various diseases. Cucumbers require daily abundant watering, especially if the weather is hot, dry. For watering, you need to use a watering can with a divider, watering throughout the entire bed, including the leaves of the plants and the soil around them. It is better to use warm water heated in the sun, since cold water causes cucumber roots to die. If the heat is intense, you can additionally place containers of water on the cucumber beds - as the water evaporates, it increases humidity, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the plants. If the air temperature has dropped and it rains, daily watering is no longer required, but you need to monitor the condition of the soil and water cucumbers as needed. Overmoistening of the soil leads to rotting of the roots and the growth of fungal infections. The soil around the roots should be mulched with humus or peat to avoid drying them out and retain moisture. By taking into account all the features, you can achieve good harvests of this capricious crop.​
  • ​Water as grandma says. Because my grandmother has more experience with her garden. But you should not water if it rained that day. Best wishes. I wish you a good harvest!​
  • ​F1 Libella.​
  • 10 days before planting, the seedlings are fed; 1 tablespoon of any natural fertilizer (“Ideal”, “Breadwinner” or sodium humate) per 10 liters of water, spending 8 liters per 1 m2.​
  • The bed is made in early May, seedlings or seeds are sown on May 10-12. It is possible a little earlier, but with the obligatory covering at night and in cool weather with double plastic wrap. To do this, install arcs 80-90 cm high. On warm days, one film is removed. From June you can slightly open the film on the south or east side or remove it completely. At night, the bed is covered with film if the temperature at night is not higher than 15 °C. The cucumber plant is very heat-loving and cannot tolerate temperatures below 15 °C. During fruiting, the greens become full only at night temperatures of 18-22 °C.​

​If the greenhouse is covered with two layers of film and is well prepared, then there is no need to grow seedlings at home. Seedlings are grown immediately in a greenhouse on a small area of ​​the garden bed. The seeds are sown on April 20, and then 20-22 days later, around May 10-12, the seedlings are planted over the entire area of ​​the greenhouse, i.e., in a permanent place. If the temperature drops during the period of seedling growth, it is necessary to cover the inside of the greenhouse with a light thin film (“Lutrasil”).​

How often to water tomatoes in open ground?

​The main thing: cucumbers are very demanding of direct sunlight throughout the day, especially in the morning and evening light.​

How to water tomatoes in open ground after planting them?

Moreover, you need to water the tomatoes regularly so that the soil is always sufficiently saturated with water. If the soil is allowed to dry out, the fruits will crack.​

​Just like in the garden bed, young cucumbers require moderate watering at the rate of 4-5 liters per 1 m² of bed as the soil dries out. Throughout the flowering period, the soil should be moistened every 2-3 days. Then it is recommended to water every other day, pouring 9-12 liters per 1 m². If it is very hot outside, the cucumbers require additional moisture, so you can sprinkle them in the evening. To carry it out, the amount of water required during this period of development will need to be reduced by 2-3 times.​

​Cucumbers are 95% water. That is why, if you want to get this vegetable from your garden that is tasty and not bitter, then you should familiarize yourself in advance with how to organize watering for it. From this article you will learn how to properly water and feed cucumbers when grown in a greenhouse and in open ground.​

​Water. Cucumbers should be watered in warm, dry weather. On cold days, watering is harmful. Before flowering and the formation of ovaries, watering should be moderate, otherwise increased growth of the vegetative mass will begin and the appearance of female flowers will be delayed.

​F1 Evita.​

​Widespread hybrid. Has good growth. The fruits are finely ribbed, medium to dark green in color, with white spines. Almost resistant to downy mildew and cladosporiosis. ​

​Before fertilizing, it is necessary to slightly loosen the soil between the rows.​

​Cucumbers are sown 1-2 seeds in grooves in one row in the middle of the bed to a depth of 2.0-2.5 cm with a distance between seeds of 50-60 cm.​

Seeds for seedlings are sown in pots, cups or bags measuring 8x8 or 10x10 cm.

  • ​Cucumbers can be grown in almost all types of soil that have adequate drainage and aeration, although light, humus-rich soils are preferable. Cucumbers should not be grown in one place more than once every five years, as otherwise the risk of disease increases. Experience shows that cucumbers respond well to the application of organic fertilizers, which improve the soil structure. When growing cucumbers, a constant and uniform supply of nutrients to the plants is necessary.​
  • ​Before each watering, it is recommended to loosen the open soil.​
  • ​When the fruits ripen, much more water is required, namely at least 10 liters per square meter;​

How often to water tomatoes in open ground?

In addition to watering, for good fruiting, cucumbers require fertilizer. In total, 5-6 feedings should be carried out during cultivation. Organic and mineral (especially phosphorus and potassium) fertilizers should be used for them.​

​What time of day is best to water cucumbers?​

How to water tomatoes in a greenhouse?

​In hot weather, watering on the leaves of plants is unacceptable - this can cause severe burns to the leaves. It is best to water cucumbers in the morning or evening.

Growing cucumbers in open ground, varieties, growing seedlings

​High-yielding early-ripening hybrid with pimply gherkin cucumbers. It is distinguished by a predominantly female type of flowering and, as a result, a large number of cucumbers; lack of bitterness; small seed chambers; crunch; high salting qualities; resistance to diseases and stressful conditions. For tunnels and open ground. The best variety for canning.​ ​F1 Lord.​​Feeding and watering are done on a warm day, when the air temperature is at least 18 °C. After fertilizing, cover the bed again. After emergence, if both seeds sprout, one, weaker plant is removed, and the rest, as they grow, are directed along the ground across the bed, either to the left or to the right. But it is better to tie them to wires stretched to a height of 60-70 cm above the bed. ​

​One of the nutrient soil mixtures is poured into the pots, as for growing at home. Then pour over a warm (50 °C) solution (dissolve 1 tablespoon of liquid sodium humate in 10 liters of water). Before placing the finished pots on the bed in the greenhouse, the bed must be dug up, leveled, lightly tamped and be sure to sprinkle with a solution of copper sulfate from a watering can (1 tablespoon of copper sulfate in hot (80 ° C) water) at the rate of 2 liters per 1 m2 beds. And only then arrange the pots one to one, that is, in a bridge manner, without distances between them. In the middle of the pot, make a hole 2 cm deep and sow one seed at a time, then cover it with soil mixture and cover it with covering material on top.

Cucumbers can be grown in seedlings and without seedlings. Since cucumbers are sensitive to cold, good germination depends on soil temperature (above 14°C).​

​Tips on how to water tomatoes​


​in the greenhouse, cucumbers are watered according to the same scheme as in the garden, only irrigation may not be carried out (if the greenhouse is equipped with a humidity control system);​

​Today we will talk about what watering cucumbers is. Nothing complicated, you say. Yes, you don’t need to be a big specialist to water a plant. However, some crops require special care, including cucumber.​

The most optimal time to water cucumber bushes is considered to be early morning or evening. If you water in the morning, it is very important that the water on the leaves has time to dry before the sun begins to get hot. Otherwise, the plant will get burned. The evening watering time is calculated so that the moisture has time to be absorbed before it gets cold outside. If you water too late, you can cause root rot.

From the beginning of fruiting, watering is carried out regularly, since 20-27 liters of water are consumed to produce 1 kg of fruit.

Mid-season, productive, bee-pollinated hybrid, predominantly female type of flowering. It is cultivated in open ground, spring greenhouses and tunnels. Zelenets is 10-12 cm long. It has high canning and pickling qualities. Resistant to downy mildew and olive spot. ​


​25-30 days after germination, the seedlings are ready to be transplanted to a permanent location.​

​BED No. 3 (warm)​

​Seedlings are grown for 22-25 days. Maintain the temperature at night not lower than 12-14 ° C, during the day not lower than 15-1 ° C, at night you need to cover it warmer, and during the day remove excess insulation. If during the day the air temperature reaches 20 °C or higher, you can open the window on one side of the greenhouse.​

​The seedling method of cultivation allows you to speed up the fruiting of cucumbers in open ground by two weeks. When transplanted, plants should have 2-3 true leaves (2-3 weeks after sowing).​

All vegetables growing in open ground should be watered in the evening.

​do not over-water, do not spread slurry on the beds, just moisten the soil;​

​From sowing to flowering​ ​In very hot periods, cucumbers can be watered using the sprinkling principle both in the morning and in the evening. And when it gets colder or during rainy periods, on the contrary, watering should be reduced. This is due to the fact that cucumber is a tropical plant with roots located close to the soil surface, and therefore does not tolerate waterlogged soil.​Don't flood it. Water once every day. In the evening or in the morning.​

​Little crane, Parisian gherkin, Moscow gherkin, Desdemona.​

​F1 Farmer.​

​Before planting, the bed is dug up to the full depth of a bayonet shovel and leveled. Make holes in the middle of the bed at a distance of 60 cm from each other (calculate the distance from center to center of the holes).

​In autumn, any garbage, leaves, grass, branches, paper are collected in a heap. At the end of April, this garbage is cleared away so that it warms up in the sun. At the beginning of May, beds are made from it 70-80 cm high, 100-120 cm wide and of arbitrary length. If the garbage is dry, then it is watered with hot water, the bed is thoroughly compacted, then holes are made in two rows in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 70 cm. The diameter of the hole is 30 cm, the depth is 35 cm. The bed is prepared so far only from garbage. Before filling with soil, the bed is watered with a solution of potassium permanganate (2 g of potassium permanganate is diluted in 10 liters of water and 2 liters of solution are consumed per 1 m2). Water from the top and sides. Then the bed is sprinkled with chalk, or fluff lime, or wood ash at the rate of 2 cups per 1 m2. Separately prepare the soil. Take 5 buckets of peat, turf soil, humus, a bucket of sand and 2 buckets of sawdust. This whole mixture is mixed and fertilizers are added to 1 bucket of this mixture: a tablespoon of superphosphate and nitrophoska and 3 tablespoons of wood ash, mix thoroughly again. On May 10, the prepared soil mixture is added to each hole in a layer of 22 cm, and the entire bed on top (except for the holes) is sprinkled with the same mixture in a layer of 2-3 cm to cover the debris and give the bed a neat appearance. Then water with warm water (40 °C) with the addition of 1 teaspoon of urea or 1 tablespoon of liquid sodium humate (growth stimulant), dissolved in 10 liters of water at the rate of 3-5 per 1 m2. The bed is covered with film to warm it up. Sowing begins on May 12; swollen, slightly sprouted, but not sprouted seeds are used for sowing.

​Feeding​​The need for water during growth and especially during fruit formation is very high. To obtain a high yield, it is important to water every 2-3 days. Do not use cold water or water with high chlorine content. Use pollination by bees. It is advisable to use warm water that was collected in advance and had time to sit in the barrel and warm up. We advise you to organize watering in the garden from a barrel.​


​One of the reasons for the bitterness of cucumbers is insufficient watering, so take this matter seriously; ​​​As soon as you sow the seeds, you should immediately take care of the soil moisture. At this stage, while you are waiting for the first shoots, use a watering can for watering. Do not pour from a bucket under any circumstances, otherwise you will simply wash away the seeds. Watering the cucumbers is carried out with settled warm water. Wait about five days until the leaves begin to emerge, and then continue watering with a watering can. Make sure the ground doesn't dry out.​

​How to water cucumbers?​

​they love water. so they need to be watered every day.​

​Based on materials from the site​

​A productive, mid-season, bee-pollinated (partially self-pollinating) hybrid with predominantly female flowering type. It is grown in open and protected ground. Zelenets are 10-12 cm long. Relatively cold-resistant. Resistant to olive spot, downy mildew and powdery mildew. A special feature of the hybrid is the intensive growth of the main shoot and the rapid appearance of lateral shoots, with the growth of which comes the peak of mass long-term fruiting. Suitable for canning and pickling. ​​Add 2 tablespoons of any fertilizer (“Giant”, “Bogatyr” or “Breadwinner”) to the holes and mix them with the soil. Water the bed with holes with warm water and begin planting.

In order to get a high yield of cucumbers, seeds are sown not of one, but of three to seven varieties (for example, P, Levina, F1 Patti, F1 Claudia, F1 Marinda, F1 Matilda, F1 Bianca, F1 Prestige, F1 Farmer, F1 Othello, F1 Regina, F1 Santana). Place two seeds of one variety in the first hole, two seeds of another variety in the second, two seeds of a third in the third, etc. Before sowing, the bed and holes are additionally watered with warm water at the rate of 3 liters per 1 m2. Seeds are planted in holes to a depth of 2-2.5 cm with a distance of 5 cm between them, covered with light plastic film, pulled tightly on all four sides, at the bottom of the bed the film is tightly sealed with soil or slats and left so until the end of harvesting.​

​. On a warm day, seedlings in the phase of two true leaves need to be fed with the following solution: for 10 liters of warm water, take 1 glass of liquid mullein or 1 tablespoon of liquid “Ideal” fertilizer and 1 teaspoon of mineral fertilizer, spending 2-3 liters per 1 m2 of bed. During the growing period, seedlings are watered 1-2 times with warm (30 ° C) water at the rate of 2-3 liters per 1 m2 of bed. The seedlings are watered in the morning (at 10-11 o’clock), when the air warms up.

​Regular fruit collection is required (at least 2-3 times a week). Large fruits take away a lot of nutrients from the plant, which leads to a reduction in the number of fruits on the plant.​

​Watering should be combined with fertilizing, and this can be done simultaneously using liquid mineral and organic fertilizers.​

​From ovaries to fruits​​For cucumbers it is necessary to use warm, settled water (+15-20°C). In order not to harm the plants, watering should be done with a watering can through a sprayer. This will help prevent exposed roots and compaction of the topsoil. If this does happen, then it is necessary to immediately hill up the bush, filling its base up to the cotyledon leaves.

​My grandparents always say: water your cucumbers every day.​

​The truth is somewhere in the middle)​

​F1 Othello.​

​Before planting, the seedlings are well watered in advance.​​If cold weather is expected after May 12, then the top of the film can be covered with some additional insulation material overnight. After five days, cucumber shoots appear; after 10-12 days, when the cucumber plants rest against the film, you need to use scissors to cut out the film around the circumference of the hole. The rest of the bed remains covered with film until the end of the growing season. Throughout the summer, carefully determine the soil moisture in the hole with your hand and, if the soil is dry, water the plants at the rate of 0.5 liters of water in each hole.​ ​ ​

​To obtain early cucumbers, seedlings both for open ground and for greenhouses can be grown in small quantities at home on a windowsill.​

In order for tomatoes to grow juicy and tasty, they need to be watered infrequently, even in hot weather; it is enough to water once every 4-7 days, but very generously. One tomato bush requires 20 - 25 liters of water, especially during flowering and fruiting.​ ​Now you know everything about the science called “watering cucumbers.” Delicious fruits to you and bon appetit!​

​Finally the ovaries have appeared! This means that cucumbers will appear very soon. To prevent this process from taking too long, water the bushes every day. Now we will tell you how to water cucumbers correctly. This must be done strictly at the root. If the weather is hot outside (25 degrees and above), then you also need to irrigate the leaves. This is done to cool them down. This way the flowers and ovaries will not fall off. This procedure is done only in extreme heat; on other days, watering the cucumbers is carried out as needed, that is, not every day.

​If you don’t have a sprayer, then when watering you need to make sure that the water does not pour out with strong pressure and that the stream does not get under the root. Or you can produce it in grooves made between the beds, which should then be mulched.​

Grandma is right, cucumbers need a lot of water. Grandfather is probably just drinking water)​

​Everything is good in moderation.​

The hybrid has a unique precocity. The ripening of small tuberculate fruits occurs on the 40-45th day after emergence. Crispy, pleasant taste, genetically without bitterness, the fruits are used for fresh consumption and canning. Resistant to cucumber mosaic virus, cladosporiosis, two pathogens of powdery mildew, relatively resistant to downy mildew. The fruits retain their presentation and consumer qualities for a long time. The hybrid is used for cultivation in open ground and with the use of temporary film shelters. ​

​Dig up seedlings with a large wet lump and plant them in the holes. Cover with soil and water 1-1.5 liters around the plant.

To prevent the plants in the hole from falling, sawdust or peat is added to them in a layer of 3-5 cm, and the sawdust is prepared in advance: take 2 tablespoons of ammonium nitrate or urea for 1 bucket of sawdust. Caring for cucumbers in such a bed consists of fertilizing and watering.

​BED No. 1 (ordinary)​

Cucumber seeds are sown during April in pots or cups 8-10 cm high.

​Tomatoes are also fed once every 10 days with Potassium Humate “Prompter”. Do not under any circumstances feed tomatoes with manure or green infusion, this will lead to late blight. To prevent late blight, treat the bush with chlorine and copper oxide before fruit set. Dilute it 30 grams per 10 liters of water.​

​Tomatoes are whimsical plants that have firmly established themselves in summer cottages. And all because gardeners have mastered the rules of watering them. It should not be too abundant, but drought should not be allowed. In both cases, the tomatoes will get sick and die.

​From fruit to harvest​

​How many times a week should you water cucumbers?​

​I water every day and not just water, but fill. If there is not enough water, they will be bitter. Loosen the soil: the roots will “breathe” and will not rot. In general, it is impossible to overwater in open ground; the water goes deep.

​Cucumbers are very prone to root rot.​

​F1 Regina.​


​Plant plants in warm weather during the day. The larger the earthen ball of seedlings, the better the survival rate.​ ​Feeding.​ The beds for cucumbers are prepared in advance in a warm and well-lit place. Pumpkin crops (cucumbers, zucchini, squash) should not have grown there in the previous year in order to avoid the accumulation of diseases and pests. In autumn, the bed is sprayed with a solution of copper sulfate (take 1 tablespoon of copper sulfate per 10 liters of water), spending 1 liter of solution per 1 m2 of bed. After this, all plant residues, including roots, are removed from the garden bed and burned. Before digging, add 1 cup of dolomite flour or ash to the bed, as well as 2 tablespoons of superphosphate per 1 m2. The bed is dug up to a depth of 12-15 cm and left until spring. In the spring, 10 days before sowing or planting, 1 bucket of manure humus, peat, old wood sawdust, as well as 1 glass of ash are added per 1 m2 of beds and dug to the depth of a bayonet shovel. The nutrient soil mixture is prepared in advance: 2 parts each peat and humus and 1 part of small old sawdust. Add 1 tablespoon of nitrophoska and 3 tablespoons of wood ash to a bucket of this mixture. All vegetables planted in the greenhouse must be watered only in the morning so that the greenhouse is ventilated during the day. Evening watering in a greenhouse leads to diseases, late blight, and brown spot. The frequency of watering is once every 7 days, watering must be plentiful, about 25 liters of water per bush. When moving to the garden bed, you need to pour a lot of water into the holes so that the roots of the plant develop well and become stronger. Then it is not recommended to water the tomatoes for 10-14 days. This moisture is enough to take root.​ ​Some gardeners have a question: how often to water cucumbers during fruiting? Here opinions differ. Some believe that this should be done every day, others say that it should be done twice a day. In fact, when your plant gives you its fruits, it needs more strength. To make cucumbers juicy, you need more water. This means that during this period you need to water abundantly. This is clear. How often to do this must be decided depending on the circumstances. Again, if it’s thirty degrees outside (and in recent years it’s been abnormally forty degrees), then it won’t hurt to water twice a day. If the weather is moderately hot, then once is enough. The amount of watering required for cucumbers depends on the place where it is grown, weather conditions and the period of development. Let's consider each option separately.​ ​depending on the weather. if it's hot during the day. water with confidence. It is better to water in the evening and the water will be warmer and there will be no sunburn. long lashes can be pinched. the bush will be thicker. ​Of course, on sandy soil the water drains faster.​​Mid-early hybrid, used for growing in open ground and under temporary film covers. Prone to parthenocarpy. Resistant to cucumber mosaic virus, cladosporiosis, powdery mildew pathogens and root rot. Elegant fruits without bitterness, excellent taste, ripen on the 50th day after germination. ​​If the seedlings were planted after June 12-15 and the frost has already passed, the bed with cucumbers does not need to be covered. But still, the greatest harvest of cucumbers is obtained when the bed is covered with one layer of covering material on arches (80 cm from the base of the bed). If the cucumbers are bee-pollinated, then the ends of the bed are left open; self-pollinated ones are completely closed. Cucumbers open when harvested, fertilized and watered. Before fruiting, cucumbers are fed twice with an interval of 10 days. The first time on June 10: add a teaspoon of urea, potassium sulfate and superphosphate to 10 liters of water. For each feeding, 2 liters of fertilizer solution are given per hole. During fruiting, cucumbers are fed three times with an interval of 10-12 days. Then they are leveled and watered with hot (60 ° C) water, 5-6 liters per 1 m2. It’s even better to pour a solution of potassium permanganate (1 g per 1 liter of water) at the rate of 3-4 liters per 1 m2 or sodium humate (1 tablespoon of liquid sodium humate per 10 liters of water), 3-4 liters per 1 m2. Then the bed is covered with a clean film before sowing or planting cucumbers. You can also prepare the following mixture: 1 part each of turf soil, peat, humus, sawdust, or 1 part each of peat and humus. Add 1 cup of wood ash to a bucket of these mixtures. Any soil mixture can be replaced with ready-made soil soil “Living Earth” without adding fertilizer.​ ​Cucumber​ Then the time comes when tomatoes in open ground need to be watered generously. Moreover, this must be done so that water does not get on the leaves. All watering should be done exactly at the root of the plant.​ ​Tips and recommendations​ How many times should you water cucumbers in open ground?

​And our soil is sandy. We water it 2 times a week - more often it is not possible. - They make good cucumbers.​ ​But too much in any matter is not good. .​​F1 Leandro.​

Water the cucumbers 2 times or generously once a week. Dry root dressings are done once a month: 2-3 tablespoons of any fertilizer (“Breadwinner”, “Giant”, “Berry”, “Bogatyr”) are sprinkled around the plant. For the first feeding, 1 kg of mullein is diluted in 10 liters of water, 1 tablespoon of nitrophoska. In the second feeding, add 1 tablespoon of urea, 3 tablespoons of wood ash, 1 tablespoon of liquid sodium humate to the same amount of water. Third feeding: dilute a tablespoon of azofoska in 10 liters of water. The consumption rate of the fertilizer solution is 2 liters per hole.​

​After 5-6 days, the film is opened, watered a little with warm water (50 ° C) and sowing of seeds or planting of cucumber seedlings begins. After sowing or planting, the bed is covered with a new plastic film, on arcs 60-70 cm high, or with a covering material - a double layer. In cool summers, the covering material is not removed.​

how often to water cucumbers? grandma says pour it every day, they love water, grandpa grumbles, if you flood it, it will rot. who’s right?

Zhanna S

Any soil mixture is mixed well and poured to the top into pots. Then pour the pots with a warm (40 ° C) solution: 2 tablespoons of mushy mullein, 1/3 teaspoon of copper sulfate and 1 tablespoon of urea per 10 liters of water. In order for the soil mixture to compact, the pot is filled to the top.
​(Cucumis sativus) is a widespread cultivated plant in the Cucurbitaceae family, which includes squash, and is in the same genus as the honeydew melon.​
​How to water tomatoes correctly?​
Watering cucumbers, as you understand, is a simple matter, but there are some subtleties here. For example:​
​After planting, seedlings or cucumber seedlings need to be watered as the top layer of soil dries, approximately every 5 days at the rate of 8 - 9 liters per 1 m2. This regime should be maintained until they begin to bloom. After flowers appear on the bushes, you should switch to watering once a week.​
​If there is a lot of sand, then listen to grandma))) You definitely won’t get wet in the sand, we also have sandy soil, every day we throw a hose into the garden bed and leave it for a good spill.​
In addition, frequent watering washes nutrients into the deep layers of the soil,
​An early high-yielding hybrid, with large pimples. It is distinguished by a predominantly female type of flowering and, as a result, a large number of cucumbers; lack of bitterness; small seed chambers. It has high pickling qualities: cucumbers do not form voids during canning, are crunchy, and can be stored for a long time without deteriorating in quality. High resistance to diseases and stressful conditions. ​
​Water-feeding is carried out 3-4 times during the summer, with an interval of 7-10 days in the fruiting phase: 1 tablet of sodium humate per 100 liters of water.​
​Cucumbers need to be fed and watered at 10 a.m. Cucumber vines are formed up to 1-1.2 m, then the top is pinched, and the side shoots are pinched to 40-50 cm. Water the holes with warm water (24 ° C) until fruiting 2-3 liters twice a week, and during fruiting 3 -4l three times a week. The yield when planted on a bed made from garbage is higher than on simple, ordinary ones. In addition, with this method, watering is carried out only in the holes; there is no need to destroy weeds, which almost do not grow under the film. Cucumber plants are less affected by fungal diseases, and their root system develops well. Maintenance activities such as loosening, bedding, and cucumber vines located on top of the film are excluded and are always clean. ​

Anastasia Dolbina

During the summer period, 4-5 feedings are done. ​


​Seedlings are grown for 25-30 days, no more. They try to maintain the temperature at night not lower than 14-15 °C, and during the day not lower than 18-20 °C. If during the day the air temperature reaches 22 °C or higher, you can open the window slightly, but so that the flow of cold air does not fall on the plants.​


It is advisable to choose the evening time to water the tomatoes. This is due to the fact that the heat of the day is already subsiding and water from the ground will not evaporate much. Therefore, more of it will go to tomatoes. You can greatly simplify your task if you organize automatic watering.​


​cold water can lead to diseases of the root system (various rots) or to the ovaries falling off (dying);​


During the period of ovary formation and active fruiting, the cucumber needs abundant watering. It is recommended to carry it out every 2-3 days, increasing the amount of water to 25 liters per 1 m². In dry summers, to increase air humidity, it is recommended to place containers of water between the rows or refresh the leaves from a watering can.​
​I water every other day, we plant a lot, but maybe we would water it every day. One Molokanka woman advised me to plant cucumbers next to corn, I tried it, I really liked it, I’ve been planting it like this for 4 years, try it, maybe it will suit you. We never planted them in holes, just in rows - it’s easier to water them. In short, make a row and plant two or three corn grains in it, every 20-30 cm. Next to it, make a row for cucumbers, as soon as the corn rises, plant the cucumbers, then when they begin to weave, I lift them onto the stalks of corn, it turns out to be a living trellis - it’s easier to harvest -there is no need to jump so as not to spoil the cucumber ogudina, the corn holds moisture in the ground well and I harvest until the cold weather, there is no contact with the ground - they get sick less. I'll put a photo in my world, if you're interested, take a look. I wish you a good harvest!​


​And the cucumber has a superficial root, and it likes to eat well.​


​F1 Marinda.​

Galina Russkova (Churkina)

In rural areas, gardeners mainly feed cucumbers with diluted bird droppings and slurry mixed with mineral fertilizers (nitrophoska, superphosphate).




​BED No. 2 (warm)​

Olga Mironova (Gancharovskaya)


​is a climbing vine that roots at the base and grows along trellises or other supporting structures that wrap thin growing tendrils around the ribs. The plant has large leaves that form a canopy for the fruit.​

Successful cultivation of any plants is unthinkable without proper watering. If you intend to get rich harvests from your pets, you need to provide them with optimal soil and air moisture. This can be achieved by observing irrigation norms, maintaining the desired water temperature and choosing the optimal time to irrigate the soil. One of the most moisture-demanding crops is cucumber. Many opinions and disputes arise on the issue of when it is better to water cucumbers - in the morning or in the evening and how to do it correctly.

When is the best time to drink cucumbers?

Is a bright, smooth, pimply cucumber your dream? And, of course, the cucumber you grow is simply bound to please you with its sweet taste and fresh aroma! He will make you happy, but for this you will have to work a little, having first decided on some issues for yourself. One of them: when is the best time to water cucumbers - in the morning or late afternoon. The answer to the question depends on whether you raise your pets in open or closed ground.

Open ground cucumbers on trellises

How to water ground cucumbers

The best time to water a cucumber plantation is considered to be early morning or the end of the day - a time when the sun is still or already low above the horizon. If the choice is made in favor of morning watering, it must be done so that before the sun begins to get hot, the water that gets on the leaves has time to dry. In the evening, you need to water about 17 hours so that moisture has time to be absorbed into the soil. But if a cold night is expected, it is worth moving watering to the morning.

In hot weather, many people use sprinkling of cucumber vines. However, you should not irrigate the leaves of these vines under the scorching sun: they will get burned. You can combine irrigation with morning watering. But you shouldn’t get too carried away with sprinkling: this promotes the activation of fungal diseases.

In very hot weather, it is possible, and sometimes simply necessary, to water the cucumber beds twice a day: both in the morning and at the end of the day. And in warm cloudy weather, it is permissible to moisturize them at any time throughout the day.

Growing cucumber in a greenhouse

Greenhouse cucumbers - watering features

When choosing the time to water greenhouse cucumbers, you should give preference to evening watering, especially if the plants are already bearing fruit: the irrigation water warms up enough during the day, and the cucumber fruits “pour” at night - they need life-giving moisture. But morning watering is not excluded, and in hot weather - twice watering, morning and evening.

For modern gardeners, a good opportunity to properly water vegetables is a drip irrigation system. It creates the most favorable conditions for all garden and greenhouse plants.

This method is especially good for watering tomatoes. But what if it is not possible to purchase or make your own drip irrigation system?

Homemade drip irrigation system

How and when to water tomatoes

Tomatoes, like cucumbers, require a considerable amount of soil moisture, but tomatoes cannot tolerate excessive soil moisture. But their requirements for air humidity are different - these vegetables need dry air.

Proper care of tomatoes in open ground

The soil under the tomatoes should be saturated with moisture “rarely, but accurately.” Each bush requires a bucket of water per week, and more often in extreme heat.

Signs that tomatoes need to be watered urgently:

  • dry soil under the trunks;
  • leaves curled in the evening if they do not straighten out in the morning.

Tomatoes are watered only at the root

However, if there is a long break between waterings, do not rush to give the tomatoes plenty of water. You should water little by little, otherwise the fruits may crack due to sudden saturation with moisture.

In hot weather, it is necessary to moisten the soil under the tomatoes only in the evening, so that the water lingers longer in the soil and penetrates to the tops of the roots.

Ventilating a tomato greenhouse after watering

Features of watering tomatoes in a greenhouse

The signs of “thirst” for greenhouse tomatoes do not differ from those given above. The watering times are the same here. But, unlike open ground tomatoes, you should prefer morning care. It is important that high humidity is not created in the greenhouse after watering the tomatoes. Therefore, after this procedure, it is necessary to organize mandatory ventilation by opening transoms and doors - tomatoes are not afraid of drafts.

Greenhouse tomatoes should only be watered at the roots; irrigating the bushes is unacceptable. However, the latter also applies to open ground tomatoes.

Watering tomatoes is done only at the root

Now you know when to water your garden in open and closed ground. The same recommendations apply to most plants, including garden and indoor flowers. If any uncertainty remains, you can always get clarification from specialists.

Proper watering of cucumbers is of utmost importance in the agricultural technology of your favorite vegetable - even short-term drought has the most negative effect on plant productivity.

On the contrary, keeping the soil moderately moist throughout growth extends the cucumber season and prevents.

Cucumbers are very demanding of water. This is explained by a weak, superficial root system, which often does not have time to provide the powerful leaf apparatus with moisture and nutrients. Thus, on hot, sunny days, the cucumber bed is watered every day, or even twice a day.

However, waterlogging of the soil is also detrimental to plants, since in this case the air and thermal regimes in the soil in the garden bed are disrupted.

After planting seedlings and emergence of seedlings and before fruiting begins, cucumbers in open ground are watered once a week and moderately - 4-5 liters. /sq.m.

Thanks to this moderation, plants direct all their energy to producing a large number of fruits and do not waste water and nutrients on the development of unnecessary tops. And if you nevertheless notice that the cucumbers have begun to “fatten”, slightly dry the soil in the garden bed - reduce the number of waterings or reduce their rate.

It is important that the air humidity in the place where cucumbers are grown is about 90%, especially on hot sunny days.

To achieve this, water the paths between the cucumber beds with warm water every morning. At the same time, it is advisable to make the paths wide so that it is convenient for you to work.

As soon as cucumbers enter the fruiting period, their need for water increases sharply. That's why With the appearance of the first flowers, the bed is moistened more often: every two to three days at the rate of 8-12 liters of water per square meter of planting.

The watering rate is adjusted depending on the prevailing weather and the variety.

Water the cucumbers only at the roots. You need to try to prevent moisture from getting on the leaves and the base of the main stem. In the area of ​​the root collar, the soil must always be dry, otherwise the root will begin to rot. That's why It is not recommended to hill cucumbers.

During flowering, cucumbers should be watered in the first half of the day, preferably in the morning - at 9-10 o'clock. Then, during the daytime, due to evaporation, optimal humidity is maintained around the plants.

When growing cucumbers, I advise you to dig a peg for each plant. This way you will know where to pour the water.

When the first ovaries appear on the plants, watering is transferred to the afternoon - from 16 to 20 hours. The last piece of advice applies to ground cucumbers: water the plants only in the morning. This is due to the fact that at night condensation accumulates on the walls and roof of the greenhouse, which is a favorable environment for the development of infections.

Cucumber vines are irrigated only with warm water at a temperature of +20 to +22 degrees. Otherwise, the plants will be highly susceptible to disease and early aging. And so that you always have heated water at hand, keep watering containers in the greenhouse.

Once again, I note that all the advice in the article is advisory in nature.

For example, if at the first stage of development dry and sunny weather established and the foliage on the plants lost turgor and began to turn yellow right before our eyes, the frequency or watering rate is increased. Thus, When watering cucumbers in open ground, you should rely on common sense, and not on some virtual numbers.

I told and showed how to properly water cucumbers in open ground in the video.

More and more people are thinking about the environmental friendliness of the vegetables they eat. When growing cucumbers, it is important to know how to properly water them in open ground so that there is a large and tasty harvest.

How to water cucumbers in open ground - water preparation

In order for cucumbers to grow and produce a generous harvest, they must be watered with pre-prepared water. Water must be poured into containers in the evening so that it warms up and the chlorine disappears from it. Since cucumbers love warm, soft water, the optimal water temperature for irrigation is considered to be 20-25 degrees. Rainwater is also suitable for irrigation. To collect rainwater, you should place collection containers under the roof drain. It is not advisable to water cucumbers from a well, because the water obtained by this method is rich in salts and various impurities. To soften well water, add acetic or citric acid.

How to water cucumbers in open ground - frequency of watering

The frequency of watering cucumbers depends on the stage of plant growth and weather conditions.

  • At the initial stage of growth, young plants require frequent watering. Because their root system is located in the top layer of soil, and the water from it, in turn, quickly evaporates. Therefore, it is necessary to water frequently, but little by little, at a rate of 5 to 7 liters per 1 sq.m. If it is not hot outside, watering should be done 2 times a week. But, if it’s sultry, water it every day.
  • At the stage of flowering and ripening of cucumbers, the amount of water for irrigation doubles. At the rate of 10 to 15 liters per 1 sq.m. Adult plants should be watered once every two days, or every day in hot weather.

Watering should begin to be reduced when the air temperature begins to drop. Most often, a reduction in watering occurs towards the end of summer, beginning of autumn.

How to water cucumbers in open ground - watering methods

You can water cucumbers in open ground using several methods:

  • sprinkling method;
  • “trickle” method;
  • drip method.

For newly emerged plants, sprinkling watering is best. At this stage, cucumbers will benefit from simulating rain.

For flowering or ripening fruits, the sprinkling method is not suitable, since drops falling on the leaves of the plant act as magnifying lenses that scorch the leaves. Therefore, at this stage of development it is necessary to use the trickle watering method. You need to water with the spout of the watering can as close to the ground as possible so as not to wash out the roots.

Drip irrigation is considered the most economical option for irrigation. This method consists of a container of water connected to hoses or pipes that are connected to each bed. Make small holes in the hose yourself, opposite each bush of the plant. A more budget-friendly option for drip irrigation would be to bury plastic bottles in front of each bush, cutting off the top of the bottle and piercing the lid so that the water slowly seeps out.

To grow cucumbers productively, you need to know and follow a number of tips, namely:

  • water that gets on the leaves of cucumbers can slow down the growth of the crop and cause plant diseases;
  • Since the root system of cucumbers is shallow-rooted, watering must be done with caution so as not to wash out the roots. Strong pressure from the hose can damage the roots;
  • when the root system is exposed, hilling should begin;
  • You need to water with warm, settled water;
  • There is no need to regularly water planted seeds in open ground, since during planting the hole was generously filled with water, and after that the hole was covered with film. Therefore, a special climate is created under the film and soil moisture occurs independently;
  • when the seeds sprout, the film must be removed and watered once a week;
  • when planting cucumber seedlings in open ground, water the hole generously, so subsequent watering should be stopped for a while until the seedlings are established;
  • with abundant watering, the plant rapidly grows tall;
  • During the ripening period, cucumbers need to be watered regularly so that the vegetables do not have a bitter taste;
  • the best time for watering is evening or early morning;
  • To maintain moisture for a long time, use soil mulching;
  • It is necessary to water cucumbers after harvesting so that the plant does not waste energy on soon-picked vegetables.