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Imbuilding exercises. Imbuilding: what is intimate gymnastics and how to use exercise equipment for imbuilding. Exercises to feel the muscles around the vagina

Vumbuilding, or in other words, imbuilding, is the real art of training intimate muscles by a woman. Have you ever thought that by performing special exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles, you can get rid of many difficulties in the future? No? Well, be patient and try to read this article to the end, as perhaps you will change your mind and gain insight into the art that ancient women, such as geishas, ​​possessed.

Since ancient times in different cultures and different nations had “secret” practices for maintaining intimate muscles in good shape, but not everyone knew about them, only dedicated “priestesses of love.”

The very first sources that describe the art of wumbling were such ancient treatises as “Kama-Sutra”, “Tantra”.

In ancient society they did not see anything shameful in such techniques and understood the benefits that they bring to both the woman and the man - the lover. But along with the development of Western society, humanity’s knowledge about the ancient techniques of love gradually began to fade away. In Puritan society, girls were raised so that they knew nothing about the peculiarities of sexual life, and everything that was in any way connected with sexual life was considered as something dirty, unacceptable and contrary to morality. This went on for a very long time, until the 20th century arrived; it was in this century that the famous sexual revolution took place. Since then, a gradual revival and improvement of ancient love techniques began; it was the 20th century that can be considered the beginning of the emergence of such an art as wumbling/imbuilding.

A great contribution to the development of a woman’s intimate muscles was made by such a famous person- a gynecologist like Arnold Kegel, he dealt with the problem of urinary incontinence in women after the birth of a child. During the research, the professor found out that this problem is caused by the fact that some women have very weak intimate muscles after childbirth, then Kegel developed several special exercises for women with which they could pump up their intimate muscles. At that time, Arnold Kegel could not even imagine what a useful discovery he had made.

Why is it worth training your intimate muscles?

IN modern world Most women experience weakness of the intimate muscles caused by irregular sex life and in a sedentary manner life. If you are concerned about the following signs of weakness of the intimate muscles, then you should think about starting to perform special exercises.

  • Urinary incontinence under certain circumstances, such as laughing, sneezing, lifting heavy objects;
  • Haemorrhoids;
  • Prolapse of the vaginal walls;
  • Air entering the vagina during sex or bending over;
  • Water enters the woman's vagina.

Of course, the above reasons are not the only motivators for training a woman’s intimate muscles. When practicing wumbling, a woman will receive a whole range of “bonuses” that significantly improve her quality of life.

After performing special exercises, a woman experiences elasticity and tightness of the vaginal tissues, and blood circulation in the pelvic organs improves. Imbuilding classes also help a woman prepare for childbirth (childbirth is easier), recover after childbirth, for example, get rid of urinary incontinence after the birth of a child. But still, most women begin to engage in special training not because of the reasons listed above, but because wumbling classes can significantly improve the quality of sexual life.

Some women, for example, were able to achieve a vaginal orgasm only after working on their intimate muscles.

To everything else, I would like to add that a woman who has mastered the ancient art of geisha will be able to give her man such strong sensations in sex that he will not escape her later.

Methods of training intimate muscles.

The advantage of wumbling/imbuilding is that a woman can easily perform special exercises at home.

Kegel exercises.

Among all known exercises, Kegel exercises have gained the greatest popularity. And this is not surprising, because this particular technique is basic and widely used in the art of wumbling and imbuilding. The exercises performed allow you to increase the compression of the lower muscles of the vaginal canal, and after they are achieved noticeable results, move on to the next stage of imbuilding.

Here are some examples of Kegel exercises:

The simplest thing is to imagine that you want to go to the toilet “in a small way.” The essence of this exercise is that you do it (tension your muscles) as if you wanted to stop the flow of urine, without moving your legs.

Then follow these simple steps:
  1. For 10 seconds, try to squeeze and relax the vaginal muscles as quickly as possible, and then rest for 10 seconds. This technique must be performed in 3 approaches.
  2. The second technique is similar to the first. You will need to do the same, but for 5 seconds, and now you need to rest not 10 seconds, but 5 and repeat this exercise already in 9 approaches.
  3. Final move: squeeze your intimate muscles for 30 seconds and relax for 30 seconds. Repeat 2 times.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in such exercises, and any woman can perform them at home or in any other convenient place and at a convenient time. The basic principle of basic Kegel exercises is for a woman to squeeze and relax her pelvic muscles, so you can even develop a set of exercises for yourself.

Gradually, from basic exercises they move on to the rest of imbuilding, that is, they learn to “squeeze” the upper part of the vaginal canal using the press and diaphragm. On top of everything else, for best result A woman is recommended to use special simulators for wumbling (laser simulator, pneumatic simulator, various weights and balls). Of course, all the exercises can be easily performed at home, but an unprepared woman who is faced with this for the first time may find it difficult to master the art of wumbling, which is why there are now a sufficient number of different schools for training intimate muscles. In these schools, an experienced instructor will help and tell you how to perform special exercises correctly, sometimes even just one lesson is enough. I would like to wish those women who have decided to engage in wumbling success and be patient while developing the muscles of love.

Imbuilding is a set of exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles. The developers of this technique found followers mainly among the female audience. It turned out that regular training of intimate muscles improves women Health, increase libido and even make women more attractive in appearance.

Intimate gymnastics, or imbuilding, received its name by analogy with bodybuilding. This is a system of exercises that is aimed at strengthening the pelvic muscles. It was developed by Yu. Kornev. He was not an absolute innovator in this matter. Before him, there was another system called wumbling, it was proposed by V. Muranivsky. These two approaches differed in their view of the anatomical structure of the small pelvis. Muranivsky was of the opinion that the vaginal muscles are located along the entire length of the vaginal canal and that they can be trained in the same way as the muscles of the vagina (the “entry muscles”). He allowed the possibility of training, because he believed that the vaginal muscles are four rings located one above the other, and that through gymnastics one can cause a wave-like contraction of all muscles in turn. Muranivsky called them VUM - vaginal controlled muscles, hence the name of his theory. Kornev called this approach an anatomical inconsistency, criticized it and proposed his theory, based not on esotericism and misunderstood quotes from medical research, like Muranivsky, but on scientific facts.

The greatest load in the pelvic area falls on the pelvic floor muscles. Their lower layer consists of:

  • urogenital diaphragm, shaped like a triangle, in the center of which is the vaginal sphincter;
  • anal sphincter.

The vaginal canal begins at the point where the pelvic floor muscles narrow. Ring fibers, says Kornev, are indeed there, but these are not controlled rings, as they are understood in wumbling, but smooth muscles that line the walls of any hollow internal organ. Gymnastics cannot cause their contraction; you can only stimulate them by changing intra-abdominal pressure using breathing exercises and pneumatic simulators.

The controlled muscles are located in the lower part of the vaginal canal - and Kornev suggests working with them.

There are two main tasks that he sets for newcomers to imbuilding:

  • learn not only to contract intimate muscles, but also to fully relax them;
  • learn to contract intimate muscles in isolation from other muscles.

Kornev suggests training vaginal muscles in two modes:

  • static, when there is a load on the muscles but no movement. For comparison, he suggests picking up a metal can and tensing the muscles of your forearm. The same thing happens when you try to hold some kind of load with your vaginal muscles;
  • dynamic, when there is both movement and load on the muscles. A good example is working with a rubber wrist expander. For intimate muscles, this is consistent contraction and relaxation without simulators.

The result will not be immediate, but after several months of regular training and alternating static and dynamic loads.

What are the benefits of intimate gymnastics?

The benefits of intimate gymnastics (whatever technique you choose) are felt after about a month of regular training.

The first and obvious advantage is the ability to exercise on your own (thus you will only have to spend money on exercise equipment).

  • Why strengthen intimate muscles: they support organs abdominal cavity
  • and small pelvis and prevent their prolapse;
  • when they are in good shape, the frequency and intensity of orgasms increases;
  • with elastic muscles, the problem of urinary incontinence does not bother you;
  • the ability to control the vaginal muscles makes childbirth easy and quick;

training prevents blood stagnation and the development of diseases of the pelvic organs: in women this can be cervical erosion, cysts, in men - problems with the prostate gland and, as a result, impotence and infertility. Hypotonicity of the intimate muscles can cause partners to be dissatisfied with their sex life. It is generally accepted that during sexual intercourse the muscles intimate area are strengthened. This is wrong. During sex, the vaginal muscles only become more stretched. More from negative consequences

- the mucous membrane is injured, less lubricant is released, which means that after each sexual intercourse the risk of microcracks and infection in the vagina increases.

Why does a man need intimate gymnastics?

Men also need intimate gymnastics. The structure of the pelvis is the same for everyone, and although the muscles are more developed in men, they also need constant training. The higher the muscle tone, the stronger the erection, the higher the control over ejaculation, the lower the risk of hemorrhoids and congestion in the prostate gland.

If you do not consciously include the pelvic muscles in the work, doing special exercises or playing sports, specifically squeezing the pelvic floor muscles, the muscles will not develop and even in athletic men they weaken, and in those who spend a lot of time sitting they begin to atrophy, plus it adds congestion in the pelvis. (Pay attention to how over the years the scrotum begins to sag and how, during an erection, the penis no longer rises to 12, but only to 9 “o’clock”). And after 35 years, every 2 men have already visited a urologist!

Contraindications to intimate gymnastics

Imbuilding classes are serious physical activity and quite intense, and therefore they are not suitable for everyone.

  • if there is a threat of prolapse of the pelvic and vaginal organs:
  • in the postoperative period;
  • within a month after the abortion;
  • during pregnancy (with caution, as recommended by a doctor);
  • during the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • with inflammation of the genital organs;
  • for tumors of any nature.

How to know if you need training

There are several simple exercises to check the tone of the genital muscles:

  • sit on the edge of a chair, spread your legs and insert your middle and index fingers into the vagina, after lubricating them with lubricant. Try to squeeze your perineum so that your fingers close together. If it works, the muscles are toned, if not, you need to train;
  • prepare 0.5 tbsp. warm chamomile decoction with 2 drops vegetable oil. Using a douche, inject the solution into the vagina and watch the reaction. The solution may flow out by gravity - this means that muscle tone is very weak; if the liquid flows out slowly, in parts, the muscles are in good shape, but it must be maintained. If the water has not flowed out after 5 minutes, the condition of the muscles can be assessed as satisfactory; it is enough to perform the simplest gymnastics;
  • exercise for men: squat down, tighten your anus and try to pull your testicles up. If it works, do gymnastics for prevention; if it doesn’t work, gymnastics will help you get back in shape.

Preparation for classes

You need to start training on an empty stomach. Exercises are performed on the floor or on a hard sofa. For comfort, you can close the curtains and turn on your favorite music.

How to organize independent training

You need to do intimate gymnastics, starting with simple exercises. But you have to push yourself to the fullest, until you get tired. The duration of the training should be gradually extended. You can start with 20 minutes and work your way up to 45–50 minutes. After an hour of exercise, the muscles, as a rule, get tired and numb, so long-term workouts are unproductive.

After the first classes, it is normal to feel fatigue, swelling of the vaginal muscles, pulsating blood and nagging pain in the lower abdomen (signs that the muscles have begun to work - remember how muscles ache after a regular workout). Heavy discharge should not be scary either - this is a consequence of the renewal of the mucous membrane and cleansing of the body.

If your pelvic muscles are weak, even simple exercises will seem impossible at first. You can usually get used to new loads within a week - by this time the muscles will have already “woke up”. The main thing is to do everything sequentially: first warm-up, then exercises - from easy to complex.

Training the vaginal muscles according to the Kornev system necessarily includes:

  • dynamic retraction and static retention of retracted muscles without increased intra-abdominal pressure and additional load with exercise equipment;
  • dynamic retraction and static retention of retracted muscles with additional load with exercise equipment, but without increased intra-abdominal pressure;
  • dynamic retraction and static retention of retracted muscles with additional load on exercise equipment and/or with increased intra-abdominal pressure.


Kornev recommends starting your training by mastering the basics of breathing exercises. The key exercise he suggests working on is called the “Tower”. It helps to tighten the lower abdomen and at the same time the pelvic floor muscles. This is important for preventing prolapse internal organs. The main difficulty when performing this exercise is to pull in the muscles of the pelvic floor and lower abdomen without straining the entire abdomen and thus increasing intra-abdominal pressure (it puts additional stress on the muscles and stretches them).

What to do:

  1. Draw in your stomach, feel how the internal organs rise along with the diaphragm on which they press (this is only possible if it is relaxed).
  2. Relax your stomach, feel how the internal organs descend, followed by the diaphragm, and the volume of the lungs increases.

Learn to inflate your stomach well and draw it in as deeply as possible. The greater the difference between the retracted and bloated abdomen, the stronger the massage of the internal organs.

Yu. Kornev

Vagiton system

The next most difficult stage is to learn to completely relax your stomach, and then, in such a relaxed state, pull up only the bottom or only the top.

When you learn, start mastering belly breathing. When the lower part is tightened, move the upper abdomen; when the upper part is tense, breathe from the lower part. Control yourself, try not to switch to chest breathing.

During abdominal breathing, the diaphragm does not work; it is relaxed and fluctuates up and down, following the moving belly. Kornev called this exercise “Swing”. It is also an intermediate link on the path to mastering the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles. When you master the “Swing”, it’s time to learn how to do the “Wave” - like a belly dancer:

  1. Relax your stomach, then try to pull in only the upper part.
  2. Then pick up the lower abdomen.
  3. Now relax your upper abdomen.
  4. Then relax your bottom.
  5. Repeat 3-4 times.

Do not strain the diaphragm during the exercise.

The result of repeated repetitions should be the ability to retract and relax the stomach with tense pelvic floor muscles. When performed correctly, this does not require effort and happens naturally. Kornev recommends straining the pelvic floor muscles along with the abdomen under any load, be it natural functions like sneezing, blowing your nose, defecation, or carrying heavy objects, jumping, etc.

Basic exercises

Basic exercises in the Kornev system teach not to relax the vaginal sphincter when retracting the anus. That is, feel each point separately.


The exercise involves taking turns retracting the anus and squeezing the vaginal sphincter. You strain here and there, hence the name of the exercise. True, Kornev warns: when the anus and sphincter are retracted to the maximum, it will no longer be possible to transfer the tension to just one point. Therefore, he advises simply placing an emphasis here and there.

This exercise is suitable for both women and men.

Imbuilding instructor L. Shishigina advises men this training option:

  1. Take your starting position: squat in front of a large mirror.
  2. Tighten your scrotum and, on a count of times, pull your testicles up while inhaling. On the count of two, relax, exhale and return to the starting position. The stomach and anus should be retracted along with the scrotum. Feel it for yourself.
  3. Do 4 pull-ups, then rest for 10 seconds.

The workout consists of 24 approaches (that is, you need to do 96 pull-ups in just one go).

Exercises to develop intimate muscles should be done every day. Morning, evening, and preferably during the day. After all, it is invisible to others. And also squeeze your muscles while physical activity. And always, throughout the day, keep the pelvic muscles and lower abdomen tightened, at about a third of strength. (The stomach will be tightened even while eating).

Lidiya Shishigina, imbuilding instructor

Working with simulators

So that work with the vaginal muscles can be controlled and feedback received, Kornev suggests using simulators: either a vaginal ball, invented by his predecessor, doctor A. Kegel, or his own laser simulator.

If you want to work with a laser pointer, you need to stand opposite a wall (so that the distance to it is about 2 m), insert the ball into the vagina and spread your legs wide apart. The exercise involves squeezing the ball as tightly as possible with the vaginal muscles. The deeper inside the ball, the lower the laser pointer indicator. As soon as you relaxed, the spot of light rose higher. The ball will rise forward, behind pubic bone, and up.

The amplitude of the movement of the light spot will show whether you have really learned to retract your pelvic floor muscles or whether you just think so. A good result is when the distance from the top point (the point of complete relaxation) to the bottom (the point of maximum tension) is about 1.5–1.8 m. It is recommended to take control measurements once a week, not more often.

Increased intra-abdominal pressure can prevent the machine from retracting. If you strain too much and the laser dot still creeps up, work on the “Tower” exercise, learn to tense your pelvic floor muscles and relax your stomach. Practice shows that when you are relaxed at the top, you need much less force to pull the machine in.

If you have to work with a weight trainer, find a regular 1 liter or 1.5 liter plastic bottle, fill it with water and screw the cap on. A cork (though for some reason without a bottle) comes with the exercise machine.

The exercise consists of alternately retracting and relaxing the vaginal muscles. The result is judged by whether you managed to lift the bottle or not. Kornev advises additional loads only after you have reached the optimal amplitude.

The duration of classes is no more than 20 minutes per day. Trainings are held daily.

Imbuilding equipment - table

View Description What level of training is it intended for? How the training goes Training result
Vaginal ball (egg)It is made of jade in the shape of an egg or in the form of a polymer-coated ball.For beginnersThe ball/egg must be held using tension in the intimate muscles. The higher the level of training, the smaller the size of the ball or the greater its weight.Pelvic muscle development
Laser trainerIt is a rod with a ball attached at one end and a laser pointer at the other.For entry levelThe ball is inserted into the vagina, the laser pointer gives a projection on the wall, showing how deeply the vaginal muscle is retracted. The deeper the ball, the lower the projector point.Strengthening the pelvic muscles
Pneumatic trainerIt consists of a pneumatic sensor, a pressure gauge and a pump with which the sensor is filled with air.For advanced levelThe vaginal chamber of the pneumatic trainer is inserted into the vagina. The pressure gauge shows the force values ​​of the actions performed by the muscles and serves as a means for visual monitoring of pressure.Strengthening the abdominal and abdominal muscles
Weight trainerThe design with a suspension can be of two types - coated with stainless steel or silicone.For advanced levelThe structure is placed in the vagina, the woman stands up and begins to move. When the device, obeying the force of gravity, begins to fall out, the woman reflexively squeezes her muscles, trying to hold the device.Increased tone of the vaginal muscle

If you are too preoccupied with building a career and don’t have time to go to an experienced instructor for imbuilding (woombing) classes, that is, training to develop intimate muscles, then I can advise you to master a system that will help you succeed by saving your precious time.

Imbuilding at home. If you have decided to strengthen your vaginal muscles, do not put off starting until tomorrow, start right now before you change your mind. The simplest thing you can do is to use the body's natural resources. The fact is that the PC muscle, the pubococcygeus muscle, which looks like a figure eight and makes two loops around the anus and the entrance to the vagina, is responsible for strong muscles inside, in the holy of holies of your body. This bundle of small striated muscles of the perineum is responsible for controlling the process of urination, and if you suddenly “leak” when you cough, laugh or sneeze too much, then it’s urgently time to start strengthening your bodily structure. Start by forcing the stream to stop when urinating. Hold the flow for a few seconds and then relax again. Repeat several times during one release of excess liquid. This way you can turn your toilet into a gym. But you shouldn’t limit your living space to use its various corners for health purposes. You can use any seat as a simulator: a chair, an armchair, a stool, even a car or tram seat - if you are on the go. Try training your PC muscle while you sit at work or while traveling. Tighten your perineum with a retracting motion in the same way as you did while holding back the stream. You can imagine that you are forcefully squeezing the entrance to the vagina so that it is impossible to penetrate it from the outside. Hold the tension for 10 seconds and then relax. If this time seems too long, hold for as long as you can, gradually increasing the period of tension. This exercise should be performed three times a day for ten repetitions. When this level has been mastered, begin to gradually increase the number of repetitions to fifty. Exercise machines for imbuilding

Find a pencil. No, not to write a love letter or magic spell, which will instantly turn your vagina into an iron tool for kneading garlic or cracking nuts. A piece of a pencil that has already served its owner can be used at first as a primitive simulator. Carefully insert a pencil treated with any antiseptic or alcohol into the vagina with the blunt side, grasp it with your muscles and try to move with it around the apartment. It is especially interesting to do this while doing household chores - it is useful both for the comfort of your home and for your health. If the exercise seems too easy, try “sucking” a pencil into your vagina and then pushing it out of your bowels.

Exercises with jade balls. If you want to get a serious exercise machine, invest in jade balls, which are sold in adult toy stores. There you will be invited to familiarize yourself with a huge assortment of balls. different sizes, color, texture and weight. Insist that you want the Chinese version. The ancient Chinese were very strong in this matter and used exclusively jade as a material, symbolizing sexual power and possessing healing properties. Three egg-shaped balls of different sizes on a fishing line can be used either separately or all together, fastened to each other. The task is to carry the balls in you for quite a long time, starting from 3-5 minutes. With them, you can walk around the apartment and perform various natural movements, straining a muscle you already know and holding the precious load. It is ideal if you learn to move the eggs up inside your body using the force of the vaginal muscles and push the two testicles together.

We are conducting the first tests after imbuilding. Prepare for a sexy date. When you feel your feminine power not only in the spiritual sense, you can begin preparations to conquer your lover - not only with your appearance, but also with your insides. Lie on the bed, spread your legs slightly, as if the man of your dreams was already at an intimate distance from you. Insert your finger into the vagina and try to hug it with your tight muscles. Check out how your partner’s “battering ram” will feel when it invades your womb. If the result pleases you, proceed to the second stage of the test. Enter the vagina with your index and middle fingers, and then spread them so that you get the letter “V”, then the walls of the vagina will stretch slightly. Now try to squeeze your fingers with your muscles so that they connect. Try to resist the pressure of your trained muscles with your fingers. If your natural lubrication is not enough, use a lubricant.

Well, imbuilding at home is complete, you are quite ready to pave the way to your man’s heart through a penis tightly wrapped around the vagina. A little cynical, but very effective! If the man is worthy, grab him quickly, because in these days this is very rare. As rare as a woman with muscles - inside and out!

The frequency of orgasms, the quality of sex, women's health, hormonal balance - it turns out that all these concepts are closely related to the state of the intimate muscles of your body. And they, like any other muscles, can be pumped up and developed to obtain the desired result - this is what we will talk about today.

Summary of the article

Intimate fitness or vumbuilding, as these workouts are sometimes incorrectly called, is not a newfangled trend for girls who are fed up with ordinary sports, but a really working system that was known to the ancient priestesses of love and was mentioned in the legendary Kama Sutra. If you want to become the most desirable for your husband, learn to get a quick and bright orgasm, maintain beauty and sexuality for a long time, you just need to work on your pelvic floor muscles. Read on - we will debunk the myths and tell you about the real working rules of wumbling.

Wumbuilding - what is it and why is it needed?

To understand the system and understand how it works, let's understand the terms. All these “wumbuildings”, “kegels”, “imbuildings” are only confusing, because in articles and videos everyone calls them whatever they want. So, wumbling exercises mean training vaginally controlled muscles, this system was invented by V. Muranivsky. Now let’s take a moment to remember the school anatomy course and think about where there could be controlled tissues in the vagina? For those who are still in doubt, let us remind you: the vagina is a hollow tube with smooth muscles inside, like the stomach or intestines. You can't shorten it or do anything with it. However, the smart guys who introduced the concept of “wumbuilding technique” into use talk about four rings in the vulva, after mastering the control of which you can perform real miracles with your vagina. That's bullshit. Only the areas that surround the vagina can be controlled - these are the areas you feel when you try to squeeze or contract it. These are the ones that need to be trained in order to give a head start to the Thai entertainers or just to feel the beauty of high-quality sex and orgasm.

So, we figured out that wumbling exercises at home are an incorrect expression, although very common. We will also use it, but you must remember that in fact we are talking about imbuilding - training the pelvic floor.

No less often, intimate fitness is called “Kegel exercises,” but this is also not entirely true. Kegel exercises are just part of a larger complex for fitness of the pelvic floor muscles.

How does the Muranivsky simulator for vaginal muscles work?

It is believed that the main vumbilding simulator (TP), which is actively promoted by trainers and vumbilding video lessons, was invented by V. Muranivsky. In fact, this is not entirely true - a pneumatic balloon device for calculating the compression force of the vulva was invented and patented much earlier, but it was Muranivsky who decided to equip the balloon with a limiter. This limiter was needed to prevent the TP from falling out of the vagina when pumping the mythical VUMs (in fact, it just increased intra-abdominal pressure). V. Muranivsky considered the vaginal muscles of the entrance to be completely insignificant and said that pumping them was harmful. But if you move further into the vagina, those same VUMs begin there that will help you find eternal sexual well-being.

We do not even recommend starting wumbling lessons - trainers seriously offer their students the Muranivsky simulator, which does absolutely nothing: it is designed to pump up tissues that do not exist in nature! quote

The technique of wumbling is actively promoted: techniques and pictures can be found literally everywhere. But since now you know what wumbling is, avoid dubious resources.

Intimate gymnastics or intimate muscle training

And now about the good stuff - training is really possible, and it will quickly bring your women's health and vulvar tone to optimal levels! You will be able to feel your partner’s penis much better, you will receive more vivid orgasms and will retain your youth and ability to bear children for a long time.

You can do exercises for the vulva without any exercise equipment - you don’t need anything other than 5-10 minutes of free time a day. Classes must be systematic to bring real results. You can study anywhere - at home, at work, while traveling. Of course, doing all this at home is much more convenient - lie down, relax and concentrate on the process. You can also use exercise machines - below we’ll talk about those that really help train intimate muscles, make them strong and young. First, let’s talk about what we train in general. The pelvic floor tissue is a muscular group consisting of the bulbospongiosus and Levator ani. Anatomically, this group forms a kind of “hammock” that supports the internal organs of the pelvis. Over time and under stress, this “hammock” begins to sag and stretch - as a result, prolapse of the vagina and uterus and other gynecological problems are observed. Plus, hormones are not produced as actively, and the aging mechanism—menopause—is triggered. So vaginal training is a must – it’s as important as keeping your face and body looking youthful.

You can start training your intimate muscles at any age, but if you have given birth to a child or are over 24 years old, it is simply necessary - the vaginal tissues gradually sag and weaken unless you exercise them. This means that the vagina of an 18-year-old or even a 25-year-old girl will be very different, but you have the power to return the organ to its youthful parameters. Most young ladies start exercising only when they notice changes, but you can be smarter - do it earlier so that your tissues work like in their youth!

Why do proper training, but not wumbling?

So, you and I have found out that no matter how promising the reviews about wumbling may be, this system will not be able to improve the condition of the body or bring at least some benefit. Yes, wumbling in the video looks impressive, and the trainers talk very convincingly about the benefits of their system, but it is unscientific and even harmful. Better concentrate on simpler and more effective activities.

What does the correct method of intimate fitness provide, and why is it so popular? Let's talk in more detail about the results that can be obtained after regular exercise:

  • Narrowing of vaginal volume;
  • The ability to quickly and easily achieve orgasm (increased vaginal sensitivity, pleasure regardless of the size of the partner’s penis);
  • Normalization of hormonal levels;
  • Prevention of menopause;
  • Setting the correct monthly cycle;
  • Minimizing the manifestations of PMS;
  • To amaze your partner in sex, for example, to be able to do female vaginal frictions, for example, “technique of suction of an erect penis”, “technique of deep throat with a vagina”;
  • Facilitation of pregnancy, prevention of ruptures of the birth canal;
  • Prevention of uterine prolapse, urinary incontinence, inflammation and a number of sexually transmitted diseases.

It turns out that intimate gymnastics for women is a panacea for all ills? Not exactly, but it really does have the ability to transfer quality of life to new level and significantly improve your women's health, increase sexuality and orgasmicity (the ability to receive release during sex). We can say that this training system is indicated for absolutely all women of any age - it will be an excellent prevention of many health problems.

Well, it’s not even worth talking about the narrowing of the vulva - this is precisely the quality that men associate with young girls who have not yet had partners. That is why women who have a narrow “there” subconsciously attract lovers who have been in bed with them at least once. You've probably heard about a special operation to restore the hymen or narrow the vulva - women really go for this, because they do not know how to narrow the vagina after childbirth in other ways and how to regain their youthful parameters again. But in fact, after 2-3 weeks of regular exercise, you will see how much your body has changed, how narrow and elastic the vagina has become. You will also become much better at feeling your partner’s penis, so if you don’t want to exercise for the man’s sake, do it for yourself.


Of course, exercises for the vulva also have contraindications - you don’t need to do them thoughtlessly so as not to harm yourself.


  1. Benign and malignant tumors of any organs and systems;
  2. Inflammatory and infectious processes of the genitourinary system, lower extremities;
  3. Prolapse of internal organs (prolapse of the uterus through the vulva or rectum through the anus);
  4. Postoperative or post-traumatic period;
  5. Acute conditions of the body (appendicitis and others);
  6. Vaginal bleeding;
  7. Immediately after childbirth (you can only engage in sex after your doctor has given you permission to have sex.
  8. During pregnancy, if the doctor prohibits it.

We should also talk about exercises of intimate muscles during pregnancy. Technically, such fitness can help strengthen the birth canal and make it easier for the baby to pass through it, but it is better to prepare for childbirth during pregnancy planning - imbuilding at home can provoke uterine hypertonicity. Therefore, strengthening the pelvic floor muscles can only be done with the permission of the attending physician, who will confirm that there is no threat to the child.

But in the period after childbirth, intimate gymnastics is the best thing you can come up with. But it’s better to start doing it not in the first days, but after the body has recovered – after about 3-4 weeks. This will allow:

  • Quickly return the genitals to their original “pre-pregnancy” state;
  • Prevent uterine prolapse;
  • Narrow the vulva and bring the sexual thrill back into the marital relationship.

What is muscle tone: how to understand that they are weak

The tone of the vaginal muscles is the strength with which they can contract. It was for such a test that a pneumatic device was invented, which was subsequently improved and was called the Muranivsky simulator. Of course, you don’t have to buy it - you can check your muscle tone in other ways.

  1. Insert your index finger into the vulva and try to squeeze it as much as possible - if you can squeeze your finger, at least slightly, the tone is normal. Check the surface with your finger - in a vagina with normal tone it will be ribbed, and with reduced tone it will look like the inner surface of the cheek.
  2. Sit on the edge of a chair, insert two fingers into the vagina - the index and middle. Spread them inside in the form of the letter V. Then try to squeeze at the bottom - ideally, your fingers should connect under pressure.
  3. During sex, pay attention to how you feel your partner’s penis - if there is practically no sensation, then the tone is low. By the way, a man feels the same thing - it is more difficult for him to achieve orgasm with a woman who has weak tone.

If your tone is low, don't be upset. This is a problem for more than half of women around the world and it is associated with completely natural processes.

Causes of low vaginal tone:

  • Mature and old age;
  • Low estrogen concentration;
  • Abortion;
  • Pregnancy and childbirth, feeding the baby
  • Strength training classes.

As you can see, it is almost impossible to avoid a decrease in tone - hormonal fluctuations accompany a woman almost all her life. However, weakening of intimate tissues even at a young age is not a death sentence. We will tell you how to quickly and effectively rejuvenate your body, increase sensuality and sexuality. Next, we bring to your attention the most best test, which will help you determine the tone of the vaginal muscles. He will show you 100% whether everything is really narrow there or whether you are being a little disingenuous.

Bottle test

Take a vaginal ball with a string, for example, Svakom or Geisha Balls, insert the vaginal ball into the vagina 1/3 from the entrance, compress it with muscles, and hang it from the string plastic bottle with water, there should be approximately 50 ml of water. Next, you need to stand up with clenched muscles. If the ball does not fall out, then pour another 50 ml and so on. If you hold up to 200 ml of water with your muscles, then your muscles are weak. If from 200 to 500, then the muscle tone is average, and if more than 800, then it is strong. Contraindications to this test are not to do it often, preferably once every 2 weeks. It is imperative to start with 50 ml, because some people cannot even hold 50 ml.

Anatomy and physiology

We have already discussed why the advertised wumbling exercise for beginners at home does not actually work - vaginally controlled tissues simply do not exist. Now let's talk about what we will actually be training and where it all is located.

Where are the pelvic floor muscles located?

What you will see from the outside if you sit in front of the mirror and spread your legs is the perineum, the soft muscular support of the internal organs. Together with the inner deep layer of tissue, the perineum forms the pelvic floor muscles - they include:

  • Spongy-bulbous;
  • Iliococcygeal;
  • Levator ani, which forms the posterior wall of the vulva and elevates the anus.

You cannot feel each area separately - they form a single mechanism that helps contract the vagina from all sides. This muscle has been well studied, it can really be pumped up, unlike the mythical rings inside the vagina, which V. Muranivsky, the founder of the wumbling system, spoke about.

Exercises to feel the muscles around the vagina

In fact, feeling a group of intimate muscles is not so difficult - when you go to the toilet, try to hold back urination, those same tissues are responsible for this. Almost all exercises for narrowing the vagina are based on this simple action, which pumps and tightens the muscle group we need.

If you don’t succeed, it doesn’t matter - everyone has the same muscles, but you need to put in a little more effort. Watch our lesson “How to feel MTD” and follow the recommendations of our sexologist.

What systems are there besides training the intimate muscles?

We have already said that exercises for the vulva are not new topic, ladies practiced them many centuries ago. True, this was not a mass phenomenon; mainly courtesans and some ladies of high society resorted to this method of preserving youth. Now we will look at the main training systems, their pros and cons.

Kegel exercises

The “father” of intimate training was the American urologist Arnold Kegel, in whose honor the set of exercises of the same name is named. He developed his system for women suffering from urinary incontinence, but noticed that, in parallel with the cure, the patients began to enjoy intimacy, their vagina became narrower and more youthful. According to the Kegel method, it was supposed to do exercises and use special simulators.

Kegel exercises to improve the tone of the pelvic floor muscles really work, but only if you adapt them to modern realities. The original system is outdated and now gynecologists no longer recommend it to their patients, offering newer and more effective methods.

Training on balls or eggs

An elastic flexible egg or ball made of medical silicone is used to practice pull-ups that involve the same pelvic floor muscles. The product is not bad, but it’s not worth starting your studies with it - the muscles we need are located in the first 2/3 of the vagina, and the egg can fall further, where you can’t do anything with it, or, on the contrary, fall out of the vagina. Training intimate muscles at home using such balls is only good for experienced women who already feel and control the tissues of the entrance and the muscles of the lower third of the vagina.

Training on vaginal balls

Vaginal balls are one of the most ancient and popular systems for pumping up intimate muscles. The balls can be connected by a thread or completely autonomous; some models offer both wearing options; Svacom and Geisha Balls are best suited for this. Exercises for the pelvic floor muscles with their participation are simple - you need to lift the balls up, knock them against each other, move them - all this without hands, using only the internal muscles. There are also balls with a shifted center of gravity - they will help you have fun during exercise and remind you of the need to exercise. In general, it is unlikely that you can get by with just one set of balls: beginners need stimulators of larger diameter and lighter weight, then these indicators change to the opposite. By the way, it is important to understand that such simulators are professional and semi-professional; to understand all the diversity, watch the video tutorial “Vaginal balls. Training system."

The advantages of such a system are obvious - it helps to start wumbling training from scratch and is also suitable for advanced women. But if you do it chaotically, instead of benefit you will only get harm - for example, the ball may go too deep.

Our training system is suitable for everyone, it also includes working with vaginal balls. If you strictly follow the instructions and exercise regularly, the balls will quickly get your internal muscles in order.

The vaginal cone, developed for women by Stanislav Plevnikov, is similar in principle to vaginal balls, only without a displaced center of gravity. When the cone is inserted into the vagina, its muscles contract - this strengthens them when worn regularly. To begin with, it is recommended to sit with the exercise machine for 15 minutes, then you can use it while walking to get results faster. Remember: classes must be systematic and correctly performed. To do this, it is best to use our system, which has already shown the best results.

Made in the form of a rod with a ball at the end (balls come in different sizes and weights). The point is that you insert the ball inside and begin to contract the vagina, and the laser broadcasts the result of your actions on the wall - you can get feedback and understand whether you need to put in more effort. This is a good option, and not the most expensive, but it lasts quite a long time. However, if you definitely want a simulator for wumbling and it is important for you to see the results of your exercises, you can stop at it. Our video tutorial on how to train muscles has a special training system for owners of a laser device. Watch it in the video course “Training and development of intimate muscles.”

This device was first invented by Arnold Kegel and later modernized. The word “pneumatic” is in the name because the device has a chamber with compressed air - something similar to a tonometer for measuring pressure. Using it is quite simple - you insert the sensor into the vagina and begin contractions, after which you look at the display - you can see the compression force on it. Maximum efficiency is achieved due to the fact that the sensor provides resistance to the muscles. The best representative of the species is Sky Bird.

It’s convenient to work with pneumatics, but you also need to exercise according to a certain pattern - you can find it in our intimate muscle fitness video.

This type of device is very similar to conventional pneumatic ones, but in addition to the resistance of compressed air, vibration is connected - the developers considered that in this way the device will use up to 95% of tissues. In fact, this expensive development with an interesting concept is not so effective - studies have not revealed a dramatic increase in the quality of training compared to conventional pneumatics.

Modern devices synchronized with mobile phone, can be called the latest generation of devices for strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. They really work and take into account all the features female body, allow you to create a training program and have different operating modes. Examples – Gballs, Magic Kegel. Disadvantages: high cost compared to other stimulants. If you decide to train with them, watch our lessons on training intimate muscles, they have a special system.

They are a structure in the form of a ball with a weight on a long stick, used for the same purpose - strengthening the pelvic muscles. In fact, such a device is not suitable for beginners, since it is difficult to independently regulate the desired weight of the weight, and if the indicators are too high, vaginal bleeding may begin.

Not only the girls themselves, but also doctors can choose best option how to strengthen the bladder or how to shrink the vagina after childbirth medical indications. For this purpose, doctors most often choose expanders with simple device and simple functionality. The simplest of them is a pessary, made in the form of an elastic ring. More complex expanders are an elongated sensor equipped with a spring - by inserting it inside and squeezing the pelvic tissue, the woman overcomes the resistance of the spring. The disadvantage of such methods is the lack feedback and understanding whether you are performing the techniques correctly.

Myostimulation of intimate muscles is considered one of the most effective systems today. A device, for example, Pelvic Muscle Trainer, is equipped with a vaginal sensor and a muscle stimulator itself, which has a display. It works like this: after switching on, the stimulator sends electrical impulses that stimulate and awaken the muscles. There is no need to be afraid of electricity - it is not painful at all and even pleasant. The device can be used both to tighten the vagina after childbirth and to achieve amazing results in strengthening the vulva.

Mystim Tickling Truman E-Stim Vibe is a vibrator and pulse current generator that will allow you to quickly and very effectively influence the MTD and get quick results. The vibration mode is needed for pleasure, increasing sensuality and awakening erogenous zones, but electrical stimulation-pulsation works specifically with the tone of the tissues, bringing them to an optimal state. If you use the device every day, very soon the vulva will narrow due to the tightening of the tissues around it. The Mystim device is also convenient because it can work for up to three hours without recharging.

The Kgoal device is an excellent pelvic floor tissue stimulator that is an improved version of older pump models. A bulb filled with air is inserted into the vulva, after which you pump the tissue using the compression method and can see the results on the display of your smartphone (Kgoal synchronizes with your phone). The main feature of the stimulator is the ability to track the frequency and duration of exercises and record progress. Believe me, when you see the real result in relative percentages, your motivation increases greatly and your self-confidence returns. By the way, practicing is not at all boring - the application will offer you several game training modes.

Which vaginal muscle training system is best?

Instead of being deceived and looking for information about wumbling - exercises at home, video lessons, start practicing a proven and really working system. Our method is very simple and accessible even for beginners - in it we suggest using one of the recommended simulators (vaginal balls, smart balls, laser pointer, pneumatic). Calculated full course for 21 days - during this time you will not only understand how to train the vaginal muscles, but also really see the results.

If necessary, the course can be repeated as often as necessary, unless there are contraindications. Below we will offer you several basic techniques, a crash course, so to speak. If you want to complete the full version in 21 days, watch our video lesson “Unique 21-day MTD training system.”

How to do exercises at home correctly

Of course, you are probably interested in how to train intimate muscles at home without attending special courses or centers. Even simple techniques can give stunning results if done regularly and correctly. Pay attention to the simple exercises below - you will need vaginal balls to perform them.

Exercise 1

Take 2 of the lightest vaginal balls, preferably on a coupling, so that their total weight is no more than 50 grams. Gently insert the balls into the vulva using water-based lubricant. If you have no experience, it is best to lie on your back, bend your knees and slowly insert them inside.

The question is quite logical: why insert two balls? In fact, everything is very simple: you need the simulator to be located directly in the pelvic floor area, because only in this case the techniques for the vagina will be effective. These tissues surround the vagina only ⅓ from the opening. If you insert one ball, then the insufficiently strengthened vaginal tissues will not be able to hold it, and it will go up to the cervix, or will constantly fall out of the vagina, which is also not very good.

The first day you wear the balls for 15 minutes, and every 5 minutes you do the following techniques for the vagina: you squeeze the balls inside for 10 seconds, then you rest for the same amount of time.

You should have 5 such approaches. After 5 minutes of performing this technique, everything must be repeated again. After 15 minutes, take out the balls, wash them with warm water and soap and hide them until next time.

Exercise 2

Lie on the floor on your back, spread your legs slightly to the sides, insert balls into the vagina. Play your favorite music first (or use your phone so you don't have to get up). Try to make movements inside to the beat of the music, you can also move your hips and stomach, but do not stand up. Don’t forget that after each strain you must completely relax your pelvic floor muscles.

Exercise 3

You need to concentrate on the back wall of the vagina. Lie on your back again. Your knees should be slightly bent. Now you can begin to perform the third main exercise.

Retract your anus well, wait a little, and then relax completely. It is important that the buttocks and stomach do not take part in such work. If you manage to conduct a lesson fulfilling these basic conditions, you can consider that you have achieved the desired result.

Exercise 4

The next stage is retraction and relaxation of the front and back walls of the vagina. Some experts call this technique "blinking." To obtain the greatest effect, these actions should be combined with proper breathing. To do this, you will need to learn to breathe with your stomach.

As you inhale, pull in the back wall of the vagina and hold the tension for up to 10 seconds. Repeat the same with the front wall. If you don’t succeed in using the vaginal technique right away, you should never be upset. Try to focus on performing the first two techniques. It’s quite possible that you didn’t work there a little.

Exercise 5

This technique involves the use of a pump (pneumatic) muscle stimulator. Just insert the device into the vagina and start making contractions for 5 minutes without a break, then, as in the previous version, 10 seconds of tension and 10 seconds of rest. Repeat this for 5 minutes.

To make it clearer, use intimate muscle training in pictures.

Training and pregnancy

It is optimal if you cared about how to train the vaginal muscles before pregnancy - then you enter the process already prepared. But many expectant mothers first learn about the need to pump up the pelvic floor muscles only while carrying a child. They must be very careful - yes, it is physiologically useful, childbirth will be easier, and recovery after it will be much faster and easier. But if you already have a history of miscarriages or the doctors are afraid of a miscarriage and put you on preservation, you can’t do anything like that. We are talking about how to strengthen the vaginal tissue, but at the same time, exercise can provoke uterine hypertonicity, and this is very dangerous for the baby.

So, it is possible to develop MTD, but only under the guidance of the attending physician and with his permission. With a completely intact healthy pregnancy, this will only bring benefits.

Article content:

Many representatives of the fair sex are interested in the question: how to carry out imbuilding exercises at home? There are many types of this charging. For the initial stage there are easy exercises. It is always recommended to start with just such classes, gradually moving on to more complex ones, which are designed for professionalism in this matter.

At the very beginning of the path to improving your body, not all exercises will be easy. Be a little patient and try your best. The result will not be long in coming, and you will definitely achieve complete harmony with your body.

What is imbuilding?

Imbuilding can be called intimate exercise. To be precise, this is a system of exercises aimed at strengthening muscles that are in one way or another connected with the intimate area. You can often hear a horror story as old as the world that after childbirth, the muscles of the intimate area are greatly stretched, and nothing can be done about it.

But these are just prejudices. All that remains is to sympathize with those who, due to ignorance of their own anatomy, become hostage to such myths.

The female genital organ is a smooth muscle organ. But it is also known from a school anatomy course that smooth muscles do not have the ability to voluntarily contract. But it can stretch perfectly, which makes it possible to increase the lumen of the intimate area so much that a child can pass through it. The complex system of the female body responsible for the intimate sphere is not made up of genitals alone. In addition to the genital organs, it includes the muscles of the pelvic floor, perineum, and even the abdominal muscles and diaphragm. They need to be trained in imbuilding classes.

By learning to properly control these muscles, you can not only master the ability to consistently contract or relax the vagina. Strong muscles of the pelvic floor and perineum are the prevention of such age-related problems as, for example, uterine prolapse and urinary incontinence, and improved blood circulation in the pelvic area is the prevention of inflammation of the woman’s reproductive system and cancer.

Another common misconception exists among those women who have heard what imbuilding is and want to do it at home as soon as possible. They believe that, having mastered the technique, they will become irresistible in all respects - their weight will decrease, and real miracles will begin to happen in bed. Unfortunately, it's not that simple.

Imbuilding is a set of exercises that work deep muscles, and strengthening them will not in any way affect the volume of the hips or buttocks. But it often happens that, feeling the tide vital energy from classes, a woman begins to pay closer attention to her diet and general physical fitness, which, of course, together gives excellent results.

As for success on the bed front, no magic will happen here either. Time must pass before a woman learns to apply new useful skills in bed and learns new horizons of her body’s capabilities. And then - there is no limit to perfection!

If you do not have the opportunity to visit an imbuilding trainer, then you can do it at home. If you have a desire to do intimate exercises, then start doing it right away before you change your mind. Take advantage of your body's resources. The most basic muscle, which is responsible for the strength of the remaining muscles included in the intimate area, is called the pubococcygeus. It has the shape of a figure eight (it makes two loops around the anus and the entrance to the vagina).

The initial stage should be forced cessation of urination. You must learn to stop the stream of urine at any time. When urinating, hold the stream of urine for a few seconds and then relax your muscles. Repeat this several times during one urination. From today, going to the toilet little by little turns into a gym at home.

You can also train the muscles of the perineum anywhere. Tighten your vaginal opening in the same way you held back your urine. You need to hold this retraction for ten seconds, then relax, and so on ten times. Such exercises must be done at least three times a day. When it becomes easier for you, then begin to gradually increase the repetitions up to fifty times.

Special breathing exercises help strengthen the pelvic muscles. Breathe very deeply, but at the same time you need to retract your anus. Watch the muscles of the intimate area and abdomen. They shouldn't strain themselves. Many gynecologists prove that if this training exercise is carried out, then after a short time you will be able to notice a positive result. It will also help tighten and tone all the pelvic muscles and improve.

Imbuilding classes are convenient because simple exercises can be done anywhere: at your workplace, on the way to or from work, while doing everyday household chores. It is enough to devote just a few minutes to this, and you will soon feel the result.

You can use more complex training for imbuilding exercises at home, which require the use of special vaginal simulators.

An ordinary pencil can serve as a simulator. Treat it with alcohol or any antiseptic. Insert the blunt tip of the pencil into your vagina. Try to grab it with your intimate area and move around the apartment, you can do household chores. Believe me, these trainings are interesting. If this is very simple for you, then try to suck in the pencil and then push it back out.

Special jade balls are an excellent training tool. Of course, they are not cheap, but they are worth it. The ideal option would be jade balls made in China - they are made from real jade, which has healing properties. It is necessary to boil for several minutes and cool, then you can use it. They look like three elongated balls attached to a fishing line. Each of these balls has a different size.

They can be used individually or all together. Now your goal is to wear these balls inside your vagina, initially for at least five minutes. You can move around the apartment and do household chores. To keep them in, you will have to constantly strain the muscle.

Over time, increase the duration of exercises with this load. Ideally, you need to learn how to move them upward when they are in the vagina. Don't worry, they won't stay there forever; they can be easily removed with a fishing line. It should hang as a free end.

One of the modern methods is the use of a pneumatic simulator, which is a chamber that is inserted into the vagina and filled with air. With the help of this simulator, not only the intimate muscles are strengthened, but also the pelvic muscles are massaged, which makes them more elastic.

There are a lot of other simulators for imbuilding training; describing all the methods in detail would take a lot of time. You can go to any intimate store and consult with a specialist. They will definitely find something suitable for you for exercises at home.

It was Kegel (gynecologist) who proved the effectiveness of this exercise. There is even a special Kegel exercise machine for strengthening intimate muscles.

Imbuilding exercises at home using this method:

  1. Slow pace. Suitable for the initial stage of imbuilding classes. Lie on your back and bend your knees. Tighten your pelvic muscles as hard as you can, hold it for five seconds and then relax for the same period of time.
  2. Fast pace. It must be done lying on your back at an accelerated rhythm. Tighten the muscle for two seconds and relax for two seconds. And do this at least ten times.
  3. Flashing. They are done in three positions: standing, sitting and lying down. With this type of charging occurs AC voltage various muscles. Change each pose after three minutes. First, the muscles of the intimate area contract for two seconds, then relax. Next, the muscles of the anus tense, also for two seconds and relax. This kind of training should be done until you learn to distinguish between the compression of different muscles.
  4. Pushing out. When doing this, you should push in the same way as you do when going to the toilet little by little. The relaxation stage is repeated for several minutes, and you choose the interval yourself. It can be from two to ten seconds.
  5. Step-by-step lessons. For ten seconds you need to squeeze and unclench your pelvic muscles for ten seconds. Rest ten seconds. This is done three times. Then reduce the compression time by five seconds. This means that you squeeze for five seconds and release for five seconds, and the rest is also shortened. Do nine repetitions. And at the end of the exercise, hold the muscle in a compressed state for thirty seconds, then rest for the same amount. Repeat twice.
  6. Elevator. Use your imagination here. You should imagine that you are riding an elevator from the first floor to the tenth, with stops at each floor. At each stop of the virtual elevator, you must squeeze your genitals with renewed vigor; you cannot relax. But as you begin to go down, at each stop the intimate muscle should gradually relax. Repeating the exercises is not required and you can perform this training up to three times a day.

Why do you need imbuilding classes?

Intimate exercise is, first of all, needed to strengthen intimate muscles. But after you finally strengthen them, great horizons will open up before you in terms of intimate health:

  • you will receive high-quality pleasure, you will be able to manage it yourself, by the way, and your partner too;
  • you will not experience various diseases such as menopause, premenstrual syndrome;
  • the risk of inflammation of the female organs will decrease;
  • make it easier to endure childbirth and recovery in the postpartum period;
  • your partner will receive great pleasure from intimacy with you, which is the key to a long-term relationship.

Currently, imbuilding has become a very popular activity among the female half of the population. Several thousand women have already achieved stunning results. With the help of intimate exercises, it has become possible to preserve women's health. It is not necessary to hire a special instructor for this type of fitness. It is enough to spend a few minutes on special imbuilding exercises at home. The more you try, the faster you will achieve good results.