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Pisces man horoscope. Characteristics of a Pisces man

It is difficult to find a more complex type than the Pisces man. He is so unusual and complex that he rarely finds a large number of true friends. And many believe that Pisces are not of this world.

The Pisces man is contradictory. This water sign is dreamy, prone to building castles in the air and Napoleonic plans, and, moreover, has a lot of talent.

What makes a man interesting?

Yes, the Pisces man is not like everyone else, that’s true. How often does this person come up with amazing projects and ideas, but never really get around to implementing them! Pisces is also talented - often this zodiac sign can do everything in the world, and it seems that any art is subject to it. But in order to achieve real heights in a certain field, be it science or art, a man lacks activity, hard work and drive.

For Pisces men there must be an incentive, or better yet, a person nearby who will push, force, and encourage them to take action. He himself will not take active actions, much less exert himself. In addition, this character often builds such incredible dreams that he escapes reality - and then few people understand him.

In addition, this guy is sensitive, vulnerable, touchy. He lets everything pass through himself, understands other people’s pain and empathizes. This is a good friend - a good listener, caring, sensitive. Another thing is that it is not easy for him to find friends - not everyone is able to truly understand him.

In love and couples

The characteristics of this sign are not simple, especially in the sphere of relationships. The fact is that a Pisces man in love is often just as uninitiative as in other areas of his life.

He can fantasize and create an incredible world, but in reality there will be no active actions or steps. The woman in this couple should gently, delicately, but confidently take the initiative herself.

If a man is in love, he will be sensitive and gentle with his chosen one, but may upset her with his inattention. He may forget about an important date, fail to keep his word, but by accident, due to his own confusion.

In bed, a woman with this gentleman should often praise him and confirm the fact of his irresistibility, masculinity, and exclusivity. A man is gentle and good to everyone, but needs to be constantly reminded of this. In addition, if a woman dreams of a partner who will lead, dominate and control in bed, this is a bad choice for her.

Getting Pisces down the aisle is not an easy task. In general, in family life, relationships and even friendships, this man is passive and will not take the first step.

If the woman he is in love with already feels that the relationship is ready to develop and grow into a family, she herself should gently, unobtrusively give a sign and push him to propose. And he will not be the master of the family - rather, there should be a firm and wise woman who will manage everything.

But that's not bad! A Pisces man can have harmony and happiness in his family if a woman knows and understands how to treat him.

Different ladies - different couples

No two couples or families are alike, and among other features, the characteristics of relationships by zodiac sign are important. The Pisces man behaves differently and differently with representatives of different signs. And if there is good compatibility, then there is every chance of a happy, harmonious life together.

1. A good description of a couple in which an Aries woman meets a Pisces man. When such a guy falls in love with an Aries lady, he can be sure that she will become his friend, support, and incentive to action.

One piece of advice is worth giving to the girl in this couple: do not openly criticize him. And if you see that some of his dreams are too unrealistic, don’t speak directly, he is vulnerable and susceptible.

2. Compatibility with a lady under the sign of Taurus is no less high. This zodiac sign is ideal for Pisces, because the Taurus woman is both support and help for him, while she will listen, understand and take his side.

3. But the characteristics of the Pisces-Gemini couple are not so encouraging. They have little in common - most likely, it will be difficult to find mutual understanding. Each is in their dreams and illusions, both are far from reality.

4. Pisces has very good compatibility with Cancer. A Cancer wife is an ideal option for him, this is exactly what this man is looking for. This zodiac sign is distinguished by the same dreaminess and rich imagination as Pisces, but at the same time the Cancer lady is faithful, earthly, she will be able to build a strong hearth.

5. This man is unlikely to get close to a woman under the sign of Leo - such couples are extremely rare. Leo is a proud, firm, expressive zodiac sign, such a woman is completely earthly, she will not share her partner’s dreams and will put pressure on him.

If he falls in love with this bright nature, it won’t be for long, most likely. At the first criticism, a man will withdraw into himself. Rare girls of this sign will be able to understand a Pisces partner, and it is useless to change him!

6. Controversial compatibility for a couple with a Virgo. The Virgo woman is an ideal friend and partner for this man, but in love she lacks sensuality and lyricism, those qualities that he so seeks and values.

They can become friends, but if suddenly this friendship develops into love, it is Virgo who needs to work on herself, accept her partner completely, love his oddities and characteristics.

7. The relationship between Pisces and Libra is complex. The Libra girl is practical, loves everything that is clear and precise, but the partner she will get is not at all like that. What sacrifices will both have to make in order to build a harmonious, friendly union! This can be done, but only with a great and sincere, conscious desire to be close.

8. Success for a Pisces-Scorpio couple can be ensured at least by the fact that they have ideal sexual compatibility. They feel so good together that no matter what problems there are in the relationship, they will be solved.

Both partners are sensitive. Lady Scorpio is often the leader of the couple, and if she moderates her aggressiveness and does not put too much pressure, then the couple will turn out bright and happy.

9. Sagittarius is not the most suitable passion for this person. They are too opposite - she is active, active and does not tolerate those who talk in vain, plan - and do not act. The Sagittarius woman needs someone who is just like her, a fast-moving and strong leader. So building a strong family will not be easy.

10. Lady Capricorn is a difficult choice for this dreamer. She is pragmatic, very conservative and not inclined to fantasize in vain.

However, the Capricorn woman is quite wise, patient and reasonable, and often it is thanks to her that such couples become happy families. Everything can turn out very well if you understand the soul of your partner and love him sincerely, as he is.

11. But a couple with Aquarius is just a fairy tale. Those around them admire and consider such a union ideal - and for good reason! Lady Aquarius is the same subtle, sensitive and dreamy nature, and when their dreams intersect, miracles begin.

True, in real life they will have a hard time - these two do not know how to overcome difficulties and achieve their goals. But in all difficulties they will be together, understand and support each other, and this is so important!

12. With someone like himself, that is, with a Pisces woman, a man will find it easy and pleasant. After all, he meets his reflection, a kindred spirit - just as soft, vulnerable and dreamy.

The Pisces girl is probably the only sign with whom a man of this sign can be courageous and strong. Almost always, such unions become strong and grow into families.

According to the eastern horoscope...

All men are different, the zodiac horoscope only helps to find out in general terms the character and inclinations of a person, but if you go deeper and look at the characteristics of the sign in accordance with the eastern horoscope, the picture turns out to be more complete and accurate.

  • Pisces and rat are a great combination. It is the rat that gives his character activity and firmness - something that this sign so lacks. The Rat is able to benefit from different situations, it is reasonable and pragmatic. Of course, in combination with the sign of Pisces, these qualities weaken, but still such a person is not too hopeless in his dreams and fantasies, he can achieve something.
  • A bull or buffalo is an assertive, unhurried nature, and gets its way. This harmonizes the character of the fish, although it makes the nature more mysterious and extraordinary. This man is kind, caring, leisurely, and also talented in the arts.
  • This man's tiger qualities are very softened. This is a tame tiger, soft, kind, timid and shy. But he has a lot of internal energy and enormous potential.
  • A cat is a soft, mysterious and vulnerable nature, so such a man is a particularly sensitive nature. He is poetic, sublime, very attractive - but not at all practical and does not know how to withstand the storms of life.
  • A dragon is very unusual - especially in combination with “fishy” qualities. This person is deeply intuitive, has a subtle sense of feeling, is receptive and emotional.
  • A snake with a “fishy” nature is a person who is a little shy, kind and sociable, insightful and wise.

  • A fish combined with a horse is a cheerful and carefree creature. The horse is playful and full of energy - this is a good addition to this sign.
  • The Goat is very sensitive and vulnerable, and the sign of Pisces further aggravates this quality. You need to behave carefully and courteously with them - they are offended, perceive everything painfully, do not know how to fight and worry a lot.
  • The Monkey is a sign with a lively mind, so this combination creates a person with exceptional intuition and insight. These are creative individuals, people of intelligence, they know and remember, it seems, absolutely everything.
  • If this is a rooster, then in combination with the “fish” qualities, the result is an energetic person, but insecure, tense, and nervous. However, this man is kind, sociable and interesting.
  • The dog loves to doubt himself - he is kind, loyal, but indecisive. For Pisces, this is an unfortunate combination - such a man is very indecisive, he is not a leader. But a wonderful friend, parent and husband.
  • The pig (boar) is a wonderful sign, and in combination with the qualities of Pisces, it is a kind and hospitable person, good-natured, sociable and generous.

To understand a person’s soul, it is not enough to read a horoscope. A horoscope should help you see what is hidden, but only in live, sincere communication, only by listening and listening, can you get to know a person and become closer to him. Author: Vasilina Serova

Compatibility horoscope: Pisces zodiac sign man characteristics - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

  • Aries 21.03 – 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 – 21.05
  • Gemini 22.05 – 21.06
  • Cancer 22.06 – 22.07
  • Leo 23.07 – 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 – 22.09
  • Libra 23.09 – 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 – 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 – 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 – 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Pisces man horoscope

Pisces man: appearance

Representatives of this zodiac sign are characterized by a reverent attitude towards their appearance, taking care of it, carefully thinking through their image, and the stronger sex is no exception. These men are sophisticated, they cannot be called brutal, moreover, the negative influence of the patron planet - Neptune - can make them outwardly effeminate and pampered, although their character may be completely different. Often these men resemble representatives of bohemians, wear bright colored shirts, original jeans, supposedly casually disheveled hair - there is nothing official about their appearance.

Pisces man - behavior characteristics

Representatives of this constellation are not devoid of compassion and willingness to help others, which forces others to seek consolation from them and share their problems. Pisces usually has a certain circle of friends, united by spiritual kinship and trusting, warm relationships. However, there are often cases when close friends abuse the kindness and tact of men of this sign, placing their worries and problems on their far from courageous shoulders. They are ready to listen, console, help, but after that they themselves need moral support, since they have the finest mental organization. The character of Pisces men is such that they need at least one sensitive and understanding friend who will patronize them. They themselves try to hide their weaknesses, considering them unworthy of a man.

Communicating with representatives of this zodiac sign is not always easy and simple: these touchy, vulnerable people can quickly lose their peace of mind, they are either overcome by irritation and anger, or they withdraw into themselves and become silent. The emotional variability of Pisces and the frequent changes in their mood often complicate mutual understanding with others.

Pisces sign - a man in work and career

It is quite difficult for Pisces to achieve serious success in their work, although their potential allows them to do so. Often they do not use the abilities bestowed by nature, being in the world of their dreams and not realizing that the basis of most success stories is hard work. They dream of good material security, fame, authority, but they live in anticipation of all this falling from somewhere out of the sky. If Pisces men show more realism and perseverance, they will be able to loudly express themselves, especially in creative professions. Pisces are always looking for easy ways to success, they don’t like hard work, and if they don’t decide on a place in life by the age of 25, then their chances of making a career are rapidly approaching zero.

Pisces man in love

Most often, equally sensitive ladies become fans of Pisces men, especially when they tend to dominate in relationships. A representative of this zodiac sign can be a real ladies' man; he usually has many affairs that remain a secret to everyone. Pisces do not share their love affairs even with close friends, although they certainly have something to brag about, since their personal life is always eventful.

Pisces are characterized by idealization of their partner; if they are in love, they do not notice her shortcomings and forgive her everything. Despite the fact that this man is a romantic and a dreamer who lives in fantasy, he still wants to see a certain element of stability in love; in his understanding, a relationship with a woman should give a feeling of security and satisfaction. Pisces themselves cannot be called a model of loyalty and devotion. They are easily tempted and overly responsive, and if a certain lady needs consolation, then they are ready to support and console her, and often in ways that their regular partners would not like.

Pisces man in sex

In intimate relationships involving Pisces, there is always a considerable amount of romance; these men can pick up the keys to any woman’s heart, their sensual speeches envelop and intoxicate. This sign has a reputation for being good lovers, although sex with them is not always physically passionate. Women are captivated by the subtle understanding of their nature and the sensitivity of Pisces, as well as their rich imagination, which can turn an intimate date into something unforgettable. These are very sensual, erotic men who perfectly understand the needs of women in bed.

Characteristics of a Pisces man in marriage

Pisces men do not strive to quickly have a spouse and children, they are cool about marriage, and a cozy family nest in itself does not paint a picture of happiness in their imagination. They are rarely the first to take the initiative to enter into a marriage union and do this only when the chosen ones themselves begin to persistently push them towards this.

Such men do not strive to take the role of head of the family, preferring to shift responsibility for everything that happens onto the shoulders of their spouse. These are impractical creatures who never worry about tomorrow, do not create reserves for a rainy day, allowing themselves to spend money recklessly. In principle, they do not know how to draw up a clear plan for the future. A woman who wants to live in marriage with a Pisces man must be delicate and patient, not nag him because of impracticality and isolation from the earth, but direct the flow of his imagination and energy into a specific, “earthly” channel.

As the horoscope warns, a Pisces man, having entered into marriage, treats his family well, bestows warmth of soul on his loved ones, but in return he requires constant confirmation of self-love. This is a soft and delicate person, but it is impossible to fully penetrate his soul even after a large number of years lived together. He responds to any attempts to cross the line he has outlined with isolation and coldness. In addition, Pisces are excellent actors; it costs them nothing to ensure that no one finds out about their true feelings, intentions and thoughts or gets the wrong idea about all this.

Pisces zodiac sign - male owner

Men of this zodiac sign dream of living in complete prosperity, but are often unable to provide it: for the most part, these are far from business people. If Pisces brought money to the family, it is unlikely that it was earned through hard work, especially physical labor. Usually they try to replenish their household coffers in other ways, and they are not always honest. To stimulate the performance of Pisces, they need to be periodically carefully “pulled out” from a state of deep thought and daydreaming and their activity directed to a more specific area.

Zodiac signs: Pisces man – father

Pisces become good friends with their children; they will always find something to do together; such a dad will delight his little son or daughter with interesting fairy tales and stories, teach them attention, mercy, and kindness towards people. Pisces are very flattered when children confide their secrets to them. A man often dreams of giving his child what he himself lacked in childhood, making his life comfortable and easy. It is easier for Pisces to communicate with children when they are small, and in adolescence, difficulties often arise in their relationships. It is difficult for these fathers to be tough; their children do not know what a firm hand is, and this sometimes negatively affects their character.

Who is suitable for a Pisces man according to his horoscope to start a family?

If Pisces is a man, compatibility promises to be very good with representatives of such zodiac signs as Taurus, Scorpio, Capricorn.

What to give a Pisces man

Choosing a suitable gift for a Pisces man is not easy due to the complexity of his mental organization and the variability of preferences. A lifesaver for many zodiac signs - household appliances, high-tech gadgets, car accessories - may not work in the case of this person. But such a gift to a Pisces man can still be an exception to the rule - provided that it is a thing of very good quality, close to professional. If there is an intention to give a Pisces man something more modest, let it be something elegant, refined, perhaps with a subtext known only to a narrow circle of people, of which the hero of the occasion undoubtedly belongs.

  • Aries 21.03 – 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 – 21.05
  • Gemini 22.05 – 21.06
  • Cancer 22.06 – 22.07
  • Leo 23.07 – 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 – 22.09
  • Libra 23.09 – 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 – 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 – 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 – 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Characteristics of a Pisces man

at the Women's Club!

It is difficult to find a more complex type than the Pisces man. He is so unusual and complex that he rarely finds a large number of true friends. And many believe that Pisces are not of this world.

The Pisces man is contradictory. This water sign is dreamy, prone to building castles in the air and Napoleonic plans, and, moreover, has a lot of talent.

What makes a man interesting?

Yes, the Pisces man is not like everyone else, that’s true. How often does this person come up with amazing projects and ideas, but never really get around to implementing them! Pisces is also talented - often this zodiac sign can do everything in the world, and it seems that any art is subject to it. But in order to achieve real heights in a certain field, be it science or art, a man lacks activity, hard work and drive.

For Pisces men there must be an incentive, or better yet, a person nearby who will push, force, and encourage them to take action. He himself will not take active actions, much less exert himself. In addition, this character often builds such incredible dreams that he escapes reality - and then few people understand him.

In addition, this guy is sensitive, vulnerable, touchy. He lets everything pass through himself, understands other people’s pain and empathizes. This is a good friend - a good listener, caring, sensitive. Another thing is that it is not easy for him to find friends - not everyone is able to truly understand him.

In love and couples

The characteristics of this sign are not simple, especially in the sphere of relationships. The fact is that a Pisces man in love is often just as uninitiative as in other areas of his life.

He can fantasize and create an incredible world, but in reality there will be no active actions or steps. The woman in this couple should gently, delicately, but confidently take the initiative herself.

If a man is in love, he will be sensitive and gentle with his chosen one, but may upset her with his inattention. He may forget about an important date, fail to keep his word, but by accident, due to his own confusion.

In bed, a woman with this gentleman should often praise him and confirm the fact of his irresistibility, masculinity, and exclusivity. A man is gentle and good to everyone, but needs to be constantly reminded of this. In addition, if a woman dreams of a partner who will lead, dominate and control in bed, this is a bad choice for her.

Getting Pisces down the aisle is not an easy task. In general, in family life, relationships and even friendships, this man is passive and will not take the first step.

If the woman he is in love with already feels that the relationship is ready to develop and grow into a family, she herself should gently, unobtrusively give a sign and push him to propose. And he will not be the master of the family - rather, there should be a firm and wise woman who will manage everything.

But that's not bad! A Pisces man can have harmony and happiness in his family if a woman knows and understands how to treat him.

Different ladies - different couples

No two couples or families are alike, and among other features, the characteristics of relationships by zodiac sign are important. The Pisces man behaves differently and differently with representatives of different signs. And if there is good compatibility, then there is every chance of a happy, harmonious life together.

1. A good description of a couple in which an Aries woman meets a Pisces man. When such a guy falls in love with an Aries lady, he can be sure that she will become his friend, support, and incentive to action.

One piece of advice is worth giving to the girl in this couple: do not openly criticize him. And if you see that some of his dreams are too unrealistic, don’t speak directly, he is vulnerable and susceptible.

2. Compatibility with a lady under the sign of Taurus is no less high. This zodiac sign is ideal for Pisces, because the Taurus woman is both support and help for him, while she will listen, understand and take his side.

3. But the characteristics of the Pisces-Gemini couple are not so encouraging. They have little in common - most likely, it will be difficult to find mutual understanding. Each is in their dreams and illusions, both are far from reality.

4. Pisces has very good compatibility with Cancer. A Cancer wife is an ideal option for him, this is exactly what this man is looking for. This zodiac sign is distinguished by the same dreaminess and rich imagination as Pisces, but at the same time the Cancer lady is faithful, earthly, she will be able to build a strong hearth.

5. This man is unlikely to get close to a woman under the sign of Leo - such couples are extremely rare. Leo is a proud, firm, expressive zodiac sign, such a woman is completely earthly, she will not share her partner’s dreams and will put pressure on him.

If he falls in love with this bright nature, it won’t be for long, most likely. At the first criticism, a man will withdraw into himself. Rare girls of this sign will be able to understand a Pisces partner, and it is useless to change him!

6. Controversial compatibility for a couple with a Virgo. The Virgo woman is an ideal friend and partner for this man, but in love she lacks sensuality and lyricism, those qualities that he so seeks and values.

They can become friends, but if suddenly this friendship develops into love, it is Virgo who needs to work on herself, accept her partner completely, love his oddities and characteristics.

7. The relationship between Pisces and Libra is complex. The Libra girl is practical, loves everything that is clear and precise, but the partner she will get is not at all like that. What sacrifices will both have to make in order to build a harmonious, friendly union! This can be done, but only with a great and sincere, conscious desire to be close.

8. Success for a Pisces-Scorpio couple can be ensured at least by the fact that they have ideal sexual compatibility. They feel so good together that no matter what problems there are in the relationship, they will be solved.

Both partners are sensitive. Lady Scorpio is often the leader of the couple, and if she moderates her aggressiveness and does not put too much pressure, then the couple will turn out bright and happy.

9. Sagittarius is not the most suitable passion for this person. They are too opposite - she is active, active and does not tolerate those who talk in vain, plan - and do not act. The Sagittarius woman needs someone who is just like her, a fast-moving and strong leader. So building a strong family will not be easy.

10. Lady Capricorn is a difficult choice for this dreamer. She is pragmatic, very conservative and not inclined to fantasize in vain.

However, the Capricorn woman is quite wise, patient and reasonable, and often it is thanks to her that such couples become happy families. Everything can turn out very well if you understand the soul of your partner and love him sincerely, as he is.

11. But a couple with Aquarius is just a fairy tale. Those around them admire and consider such a union ideal - and for good reason! Lady Aquarius is the same subtle, sensitive and dreamy nature, and when their dreams intersect, miracles begin.

True, in real life they will have a hard time - these two do not know how to overcome difficulties and achieve their goals. But in all difficulties they will be together, understand and support each other, and this is so important!

12. With someone like himself, that is, with a Pisces woman, a man will find it easy and pleasant. After all, he meets his reflection, a kindred spirit - just as soft, vulnerable and dreamy.

The Pisces girl is probably the only sign with whom a man of this sign can be courageous and strong. Almost always, such unions become strong and grow into families.

According to the eastern horoscope...

All men are different, the zodiac horoscope only helps to find out in general terms the character and inclinations of a person, but if you go deeper and look at the characteristics of the sign in accordance with the eastern horoscope, the picture turns out to be more complete and accurate.

  • Pisces and rat are a great combination. It is the rat that gives his character activity and firmness - something that this sign so lacks. The Rat is able to benefit from different situations, it is reasonable and pragmatic. Of course, in combination with the sign of Pisces, these qualities weaken, but still such a person is not too hopeless in his dreams and fantasies, he can achieve something.
  • A bull or buffalo is an assertive, unhurried nature, and gets its way. This harmonizes the character of the fish, although it makes the nature more mysterious and extraordinary. This man is kind, caring, leisurely, and also talented in the arts.
  • This man's tiger qualities are very softened. This is a tame tiger, soft, kind, timid and shy. But he has a lot of internal energy and enormous potential.
  • A cat is a soft, mysterious and vulnerable nature, so such a man is a particularly sensitive nature. He is poetic, sublime, very attractive - but not at all practical and does not know how to withstand the storms of life.
  • A dragon is very unusual - especially in combination with “fishy” qualities. This person is deeply intuitive, has a subtle sense of feeling, is receptive and emotional.
  • A snake with a “fishy” nature is a person who is a little shy, kind and sociable, insightful and wise.
  • A fish combined with a horse is a cheerful and carefree creature. The horse is playful and full of energy - this is a good addition to this sign.
  • The Goat is very sensitive and vulnerable, and the sign of Pisces further aggravates this quality. You need to behave carefully and courteously with them - they are offended, perceive everything painfully, do not know how to fight and worry a lot.
  • The Monkey is a sign with a lively mind, so this combination creates a person with exceptional intuition and insight. These are creative individuals, people of intelligence, they know and remember, it seems, absolutely everything.
  • If this is a rooster, then in combination with the “fish” qualities, the result is an energetic person, but insecure, tense, and nervous. However, this man is kind, sociable and interesting.
  • The dog loves to doubt himself - he is kind, loyal, but indecisive. For Pisces, this is an unfortunate combination - such a man is very indecisive, he is not a leader. But a wonderful friend, parent and husband.
  • The pig (boar) is a wonderful sign, and in combination with the qualities of Pisces, it is a kind and hospitable person, good-natured, sociable and generous.

To understand a person’s soul, it is not enough to read a horoscope. A horoscope should help you see what is hidden, but only in live, sincere communication, only by listening and listening, can you get to know a person and become closer to him.

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Pisces zodiac man

  • Date of birth: from February 19 to March 20,
  • Planet: Neptune, Element: Water,
  • Color: blue-green, Day: Thursday,
  • Stone: Aquamarine,
  • Motto: I believe Energy: Yin.

Zodiac sign Pisces, a man is able to feel the emotional mood of other people and understand their inner world. When communicating with a Pisces man, you will feel that he lives in two different worlds: the illusory world of dreams, intuition, and the ordinary world of everyday life, visible to everyone. This inner world makes him mysterious and mysterious to many people. It is quite difficult to figure out what he really feels and thinks.

Pisces zodiac man often shows duality in his personality, outwardly calm and collected, Pisces often hides his passionate and sensitive personality.

The Pisces man is a dreamer who seeks to escape the harsh realities of life, he tries to create his own world where he can do whatever he wants. A very insightful and understanding Pisces man, he is popular in his circle. The Pisces zodiac is a calm and tolerant sign, it has friends from different walks of life, religions and ethnic groups. Pisces can be emotional and compassionate, but these qualities should not be taken as a sign of weakness. Pisces are quite strong personalities and those who communicate with them for a long time know this.

Pisces are very loyal friends, and often place their friends’ problems higher than their own. He is a sensitive comrade who can lend a shoulder in difficult times and help with both good advice and deeds. Usually in a company, Pisces do not act as a leader, but they have powerful magnetism and can unite people in critical situations. Although Pisces are often called dreamers, nevertheless, they always get down to business when necessary. The Pisces man is well aware of the latest trends in men's fashion, which is reflected in his style of clothing and shoes. He often strives to acquire more than he needs and often makes purchases impulsively.

Financial management is not a strong Pisces trait. While insightful, it can also be impractical and often investment decisions are based more on emotion than common sense. Easily influenced by others, the Pisces man should be careful when giving financial advice to strangers and not believe in quick ways to get rich.

Large, and not very large offices are not a place for Pisces men; he does not like noisy places and strict work schedules. His creative nature requires an individual approach to any work. Therefore, Pisces should consider professions: consultant, writer, musician, social worker, or architect; they may also find their calling as a veterinarian.

Pisces zodiac man relationships, love and sex

The Pisces zodiac sign man wants to find true great love and after he finds it, he will be a devoted husband and faithful lover. Love with a Pisces man is like a warm summer evening after a sultry day; he gives his all and doesn’t ask for anything in return. Love for him represents the ideal of relationships between people.

Deeply romantic and loyal, he loves others with selfless purity.

A shy and modest Pisces man often cannot decide for a long time to take steps to get closer to the woman with whom he is in love, preferring to wait for the right situation. Pisces are not susceptible to love at first sight, slowly and carefully, he will develop a love affair. Sensual and compassionate, the Pisces man tries to please his partner's wishes.

He will make surprises and gifts for his beloved, and simple gratitude will be enough for Pisces to feel appreciated. The quiet and modest Pisces man is very passionate about sex and gentle. He loves experiments and role-playing games, and is a creative and generous lover. His intuition, tenderness and sensitivity make him an excellent lover. Pisces zodiac man is most compatible with the zodiac signs - Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus and Capricorn.

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Text: Sascha Gluwein

You may not believe in astrology, but this will make men born under different constellations unlikely to be alike..

This article should not be considered the ultimate truth. “Ideal” representatives of any zodiac sign, 100% suitable for the given description, do not exist in nature, just as phlegmatic people, choleric people, melancholic people and sanguine people in their pure form do not exist. However, it is quite possible to get a general idea of ​​what awaits you.

The Pisces man is passionate, emotional, active and completely unpredictable. He is constantly tormented by some kind of internal contradictions and would happily do things that are completely opposite to each other at the same time, no matter how absurd it may sound.

Thanks to his innate empathy, this man has a powerful attractive force for others. He prefers to see people as he wants to see them, and not as they really are, in a word, he wears rose-colored glasses for reasons of principle.

The Pisces man has a weakness for sensual women, especially if, in addition to sexuality, they also demonstrate a desire to dominate. He idealizes the people he loves and turns a blind eye to their sins.

This man has a natural inclination for architecture - he is especially good at building castles in the air and structures on the sand. He loves to indulge in dreams of ideal love. He only needs a “complete set”, consisting of romantic walks along paths of moonlight, confessions in poetry, bouquets of roses with which he is supposed to shower his chosen one, kindred spirits, common interests, a sense of security and deep moral satisfaction. Sex for him is akin to the mythical Grail, which is supposed to be obtained from the hands of a beautiful princess after long ordeals and trials of the crusade.

But you shouldn’t think that before you is a real knight without fear and reproach - there can be no talk of any loyalty, he is too suggestible for that. Living with a person who resembles an animated weather vane is extremely difficult; you will have to react sensitively to the slightest change of mood, and, most importantly, be ready to become a symbol of stability for him. A place where he can return, knowing that your boundless love is always waiting for him.

Yes, he is an unusually creative person, smart and attractive, but marrying him is the same as publicly admitting your masochism. For him, family life is just a journey from point A (registry office, marriage registration department) to point B (registry office, divorce department).

The Pisces man is confident that money that can be spent today does not need to be put off for tomorrow. We don’t know whether Niko Pirosmani, an artist whose love story is known thanks to the hit “A Million Scarlet Roses,” was born under this zodiac sign, but the song describes a behavior typical of Pisces.

This type is a pronounced individualist who hates working in a team, and let’s face it, in principle, he doesn’t like to strain himself. If there is an ingenious and extremely simple way to solve a complex and extremely confusing problem, Pisces will definitely find it, solely in order to quickly “get even” with it. Pisces make wonderful representatives of creative professions. True, Pisces often lack practical thinking, organizational talent and drive, so necessary to achieve success.

In fact, a Pisces man is more like a SpongeBob than a fish; he has no personal beliefs. If there are positive people next to him, he will absorb their positivity, find himself in the company of alcoholics - and soon he will begin to pawn himself.

Pisces and sex

In bed, he necessarily begins to lead “joint actions” and gets angry if he does not receive an immediate feedback. From his point of view, delay is always like death; if he wants a woman, he must get her immediately.

This type prefers secret relationships, as a rule, with married women; there are simply no restrictions in the form of laws or morality for him. As a rule, he chooses experienced, sophisticated women who need sex at any cost.

He likes it when his partner undresses him slowly, with teasing movements; perhaps one of his favorite positions is sitting, when the woman sits facing him, this way he has both hands free and an excellent opportunity to get to her erogenous zones.

It’s not enough for Pisces to just dream; they certainly want to realize their erotic fantasies. He may not be able to carry out all the orders of his domineering partner, but he will at least try to do it!

This man is a real find for those who like hard sex in the S&M style; he will be happy to transform into a slave. He likes to please. If his beloved demands that he change into women's clothing, he will put on a bra, stockings, panties, shoes, and gloves. If the Mistress decides to punish him, he will not even try to object to her. Unconditional submission is what Pisces gets pleasure from. Kneel down, kiss her feet - he is ready to fulfill any of her whims.

The Pisces man is often the third, least active partner in bed, or even acts as an observer, enjoying the way his woman has sex with another man. His erotic dreams sometimes push him to have “weird sex” with toys from a sex shop, for example, with inflatable women.

Men born under the sign of Pisces are very indecisive by nature. They lack the tenacity and arrogance to take leadership positions at work and in the company. Due to their rather gentle nature, it is difficult for these people to build a career in a large team. They are sociable and well versed in human psychology, but these qualities are not enough for successful leadership.

Characteristics of a man

The Pisces man is a happy owner of enormous potential! But as a rule, he doesn’t even try to implement it on his own. He prefers to be pushed, encouraged and stimulated.

Astrology bestows the sign of Pisces (men) with the following characteristics:

It is very difficult for such men to make any decisions. It doesn't matter whether they are complex or simple. He tends to dream, plan, and fantasize a lot. But all dreams remain only in his fantasies. He will not even try to implement his plans. All because he is simply incapable of taking this step. He won't even think about trying to achieve results. He'll just go with the flow. He will prefer to wait for a favorable combination of circumstances.

Very often, from a young age, Pisces is characterized as a person unadapted to independent life. As a rule, this characteristic goes with him throughout life. From a young age, a man of this sign needs the support and care of his parents, and then his wife. But if he has excellent support, under her guidance, he can achieve significant success in his career.

He is impractical in life - it is very difficult for him to find a way out of a difficult conflict or stressful situation. He cannot quickly respond to changing circumstances.

Pisces are touchy and vulnerable, but they are quick-witted and not vindictive. They are always ready to help anyone who needs it. Moreover, regardless of who the person in need is. If Pisces cannot provide real help at the moment, the person in need can always count on sympathy or moral support. Pisces are often trusted with their secrets..

Positive characteristics of Pisces men:

  • responsiveness;
  • tact;
  • restraint in communication.

Success and career growth

Representatives of the sign do not like to bother themselves with hard work, both physical and mental. They dream of easily achieving their goals, which does not happen. To avoid failures, it is advisable to achieve some success in your profession before the age of 25. This sign has many creative talents. But due to their infantile nature, it is difficult for them to achieve both recognition of their work and material benefits. If a life partner with a persistent character meets a guy and believes in him, then together they will be able to provide themselves with both prosperity and recognition.

According to the horoscope, the following professions are better suited for such guys:

  • jewelers;
  • tailors;
  • designers;
  • watchmakers;
  • shoemakers.

The creative nature inherent in these people gives them a chance to become excellent artists, musicians, and writers. This zodiac sign has character traits such as compassion and mercy. Teachers, doctors, psychologists - all these professions suit them. Businessmen from Pisces men are completely unsuccessful, since they expect the money to fall into their pocket, they like to get involved in dubious enterprises, some kind of scams, missing out on the opportunity to earn money legally. Easy money doesn't stay in their pockets for long.

Health and appearance description

The Pisces man looks weak, sickly, and effeminate. Most often he has a thin physique, but if Jupiter influences the sign, the man may be prone to excess weight. His muscles, as a rule, are not expressed.

Men of this sign have a round face, white skin, and deep, large eyes. His gait, posture and facial features indicate that the person has a soft, indecisive character. A person is tormented by mental confusion, psychological immaturity lies in wait for him all his life.

He is very impressionable, so he is constantly exposed to stress, he is susceptible to mental illnesses.

Physical potential depends on the date of birth. Astrologers claim that men born in the 3rd decade of their sign are the strongest and most resilient. Those who were born in the last few days of their sign are the weakest and most painful.

Pisces simply need to take care of their health. They should monitor their digestive and nervous systems. It is imperative to take care of your heart and legs and take preventive measures to prevent colds.

Pisces are very dependent on other people's opinions, so they have the habit of taking care of their appearance. Therefore, they choose extravagant hairstyles and non-standard hairstyles.

Love and family relationships

In love, a woman can be happy only if she has wisdom and is very strong. From love, a man of this sign expects stability and security. Jealousy and scandals are unacceptable to him.

Pisces sees an ideal in his beloved, so his chosen one must fully correspond to his ideal.

The Pisces man has the qualities of a wonderful lover. His romance, sensuality, tenderness and understanding of women prove this. In bed and love, he prefers to give leadership rights to his chosen one.

The Pisces man does not tolerate the slightest criticism or pressure from outside. If his chosen one has a desire to change her beloved’s character for the better, she should not put pressure on him, she should act gently and unobtrusively. Otherwise, the guy may misunderstand his chosen one and eventually lose interest in her.

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For a comfortable life, a Pisces man must find a niche, some kind of body of water in which he can calmly trust the flow. But it is important not to miss a turn in the right direction, which often happens to Pisces due to their incorrigible daydreaming. You just need to gather all your strength and use it only to achieve your goal, concentrating exclusively on it. But the highly developed intuition of Pisces will tell you exactly what to spend your energy on.

Constantly living in fantasy is just as important for Pisces as reality. Therefore, it seems that the man is weak and cannot make a firm decision. Until the age of 25, they simply need to find their stream, otherwise problems may arise in all areas of life, which Pisces men are not always able to overcome. If a man did not have time to do this before the age of 25, he must necessarily prepare soft ground by the age of 36. After this age, finding yourself will not be easy.

Pisces are wonderful friends. They know how and love to listen to their interlocutors without interrupting, and if it comes to secrets, they will keep them to themselves without revealing them to anyone.

Pisces men - characteristics of love relationships

For such a sweet and romantic creature as a Pisces man, you need a strong, discreet woman who knows how to take care not only of him, but also of herself. From your lover you will receive all the most wonderful things that money cannot buy: romance, love, care, attention, all the stars from the night sky, poems dedicated to you personally. But you will have to take care of the material part of the relationship yourself. If the spiritual component is more important to you, then Pisces is the ideal option for you. If not, then give up this idea - you will not change Pisces.

If your man is one of those who has already found his streak and calmly goes with the flow, then you are lucky: he will spend a considerable part of his income on you. According to the horoscope, the Pisces man is quite wasteful. Be attentive to your family's financial condition.

Pisces men - appearance characteristics

Pisces have an oval, elongated face, a pronounced but harmonious nose, a smooth line of lips, large sad eyes - it seems that these people think about all the troubles of the planet at once. Often fair complexion, sometimes with a slight tan. If a man watches his figure, he may well maintain a slim shape, but more often

Pisces are still prone to slight obesity. Young guys are very attractive, but in the future they will still have to resort to the help of gyms or do running, gymnastics or even yoga on their own, because diets will not give the desired result.

Pisces men - characteristics of the best way to make money

Men are most suitable for jobs related to cars (for example, sales or repairs). They will also be quite comfortable in the role of military personnel. They make excellent trainers and teachers, as the horoscope states. A Pisces woman will feel most comfortable as a poet, writer or journalist.

Pisces men - characteristics of family life

Pisces are men who need to be guided in the right direction. If your husband is a Pisces, you will have to manage your household wisely and without unnecessary costs, otherwise your spouse will not be able to make up for the losses or even understand your actions. It is important for him that the woman he loves believes in him, and not nag him for being too dreamy and sluggish. In this case, he will achieve a lot in his life.