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French onion soup. French onion soup: recipe. How to make French onion soup

If the word “onion” in the title scares you onion soup, then it’s completely in vain. When you try real French onion soup, you will understand that all those terrible associations with whitish nasty onions in the soup have nothing in common with the caramel-fragrant thick French version.

This is the perfect cold weather dish. Actually, the French are saved by them. In the French-speaking part of Switzerland, or more precisely, in Geneva , onion soup is traditional dish during Geneva Escalade. It is hearty, thick, hot and very, very tasty.

How to make French onion soup?

This soup is prepared not from any onion, but only from soft, sweetish varieties, so that there is no bitterness. The onions are caramelized (the French and caramelized onions are almost synonymous. Moreover, you can add to this duet foie gras and a little - you will get a culinary masterpiece!) and then cook for a long time in the oven until a thick, soft, aromatic state. Be sure to sprinkle it on top. Sometimes they just stuff toast with cheese in there. The toast gets soggy in the soup and the result is quite a complete dish, ready to replace the entire lunch.

Recipes onion soup a great multitude. Each one cooks a little differently, but it’s very tasty everywhere. IN Latin Quarter in their set lunches the ruble is a piece for 10 - 15 euros onion soup often included as a first course. And although the second and third after it are no longer obligatory, at least it won’t be so offensive if you don’t like them. Because the correct Frenchman is something, huh onion soup It won’t spoil what you can’t say about the wrong Swiss.

Therefore, if suddenly you are carried away, then don’t try onion soup it would be simply blasphemy.

Wonderful Belonika has a wonderful onion soup recipe. With pictures. First hand, as they say.

Onion soup

Onion soup is one of the most famous soups in world cuisine, designed to restore strength, especially during night work, excessive entertainment, for weakened patients and for people without appetite, with decreased tone and depression. nervous system.
Many peoples of Europe and Asia have onion soup in different variations. The most famous is French onion soup, used at the courts of monarchs when entertainment lasted beyond midnight. There is also an Uzbek onion soup - yorma, which is also very nutritious (with fat tail fat, very high in calories) and tasty, consumed by people with heavy physical labor.
The proposed version of onion soup combines European and Asian approaches. Contains calculations of products for four people, for two persons and for one eater.

The remaining components included in the soup: water - half the volume of milk or a little more, allowing for it to boil away; salt - 1-2 tsp. (to taste) black pepper - 8-10 peas, previously crushed
1. Chop the onion finely and carefully sauté in oil over moderate heat in a metal saucepan (stainless steel), avoiding frying the onion until brown.
2. Carefully pour in water and then milk, making sure that it does not run away, and, stirring all the time, continue to heat over moderate heat.
3. When the onion has completely blossomed into a thin puree, add salt and pepper and then add melted cheese.
Note #1
Method of introducing cheese into soup.
1. To prevent cheese from curdling in hot milk, proceed as follows: put cheese (1 triangle at a time) into a bowl or deep cup and add to it gradually, with spoons, hot liquid (depending on how much cheese will be consumed, continuously rubbing this cheese until complete dissolution into the emulsion).
2. Pour the cheese-soup mixture into the rest of the (main) soup, stirring quickly to prevent the cheese from curdling. The soup should also not be too hot, and for this it must be poured in advance from a metal dish (saucepan) into an earthenware tureen or a large deep plate.
Note #2
You can make onion soup exclusively with water without milk; other components and technology are the same.

. V.V. Pokhlebkin. 2005.

See what “onion soup” is in other dictionaries:

    French onion soup with cheese and croutons. French onion soup onions in broth with cheese and croutons. Onion soups have been very popular since ancient times. These soups were famous and widespread during the Roman era. Due to accessibility and... ... Wikipedia

    Peasant style onion soup- Cuisine: Mexican cuisine Type of dish: First courses Cooking time (minutes): 3 Ingredients: Onions 100, butter or margarine 10, corn flour 10, broth 180, milk 100, cream 50, bun 50, egg 1/2 pcs . (Yolk), grated cheese 20,... ...

    Onion soup with a large concentration of onions is characteristic of all Central Asian cuisine. However, the recipes for its preparation are different among different peoples of Central Asia. In Uzbek cuisine, pieva is prepared with meat, and onions are taken three times as much by weight as... ... Great encyclopedia culinary arts

    French onion soup onions in broth with cheese and croutons. Onion soups have been very popular since ancient times... Wikipedia

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Sorry, but let's start with a banality: onion soup, or soupe a l'oignon, is the hallmark of French cuisine. Like any, let’s not be afraid of this word, “cult” dish, onion soup has a rich history.

And it started in Ancient Rome. It was there that onion stew was first cooked and fed to Roman legionnaires. Onions were an ideal food for soldiers for several reasons: they were inexpensive, easy to prepare, provided energy, and killed germs. Why soup? It's easier to add onions to the salad. But the Romans believed that raw onions caused headaches. There were no such complaints about the soup.

Then, for many centuries, onion soup remained the lot of the poor - cheap and cheerful. The recipe has not been preserved, but I think it was simple.

And in Paris, before it became a delicacy, onion soup was prepared in the Les Halles district, the famous “Belly of Paris” - a former huge food market that was demolished in 1971. During the day, soup, which included onions, beef broth and dry bread, supported the strength of the working people, and at night - city revelers, so it was served around the clock in all the taverns around the market.

By the way, even today in the former market quarter (1st arrondissement) you can taste a portion of wonderful soup if you feel hungry at night. Go to Au Pied de Cochon (“At the Pig’s Foot”), where they feed night owls when almost the entire city is asleep, and for 9 euros you will get your piece, or rather, a pot, of culinary happiness.

Meanwhile, there is an alternative version of creating French onion soup, and this version is royal. According to legend, the authorship of the recipe is attributed to no less than King Louis XV. It happened to him one day that he was so carried away by hunting that he had to spend the night in the forest - in a hunting lodge. The overnight stay was unplanned, and there was no food stored for the king. In the house there were only onions, butter and champagne. Louis XV decided that all this could be mixed and cooked. The onions were fried in oil and poured with sparkling wine - this is how French onion soup actually appeared.

There's another one interesting story, told by Alexandre Dumas in the Great Culinary Dictionary. The former King of Poland Stanislaus, during one of his trips to Versailles, where he went annually to visit his daughter the Queen, stopped at a tavern in Chalons, where he was served such a delicious onion soup that he did not want to continue the journey until he learned how to cook the same. The cook showed everything, the king wrote everything down and brought the recipe to the French king. By the way, Dumas gives this recipe in great detail in his Dictionary.

Having made a somersault in time, the soup will end up in everyone’s favorite movie “Beware of the Car”. When Yuri Detochkin returned from another “business trip,” his mother served him a bowl of soup with the words: “You are eating onion soup, prepared according to the recipe of the great writer.”

Today there are dozens of editions of onion soup. Even in France, almost every chef has his own version. However, whatever the differences, the basics are unshakable: onions, broth, croutons and cheese (often dry white wine, as in the “monarchist” version).

Equally unchanged main secret taste and aroma - long-term sauteing of onions in oil. During frying, the sugar contained in the onion slowly caramelizes, the color of the onion becomes honey-brown, and the taste becomes deep and delicate. In principle, half an hour is enough for sautéing, but chefs say that there is no need to rush: the longer the process, the more interesting the end result will be.

In French Onion Soup: Cooking Secrets

French onion soup

garlic2 cloves

dry white wine150 ml

butter 100 g

salt, pepper to taste

chicken broth1.2 l

An interesting recipe for onion soup, which is cooked in a saucepan and served in pots. White or sweet Spanish onions work very well in soup. Cut the onion into thin half rings. Melt the butter in a heavy-bottomed soup pot. Place the onion and stew in it over low heat, stirring, for 20-25 minutes. Then add chopped garlic and flour to the onion. Mix well and pour in the wine. Cook for 5 minutes, then pour in broth or water, bring to a boil and add grated cheese. Stir until the cheese dissolves and add salt to taste.

Pour the soup into portioned pots, put a piece of toasted baguette on top of each, sprinkle with cheese and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 5-7 minutes so that the cheese melts. French onion soup is served with croutons and cheese.

History of the soup:
Onion soup has been popular in Europe since ancient times, and it was prepared mainly in poor families. The availability of onions made this dish quite cheap and nutritious.

The modern version of onion soup appeared in France in the 17th-18th centuries. All that was needed back then to prepare the soup was fried onions, beef broth and bread crusts. There is a legend that onion soup was invented by Louis XV himself. It was as if the king woke up at night from hunger in the hunting lodge and went to look for something edible, but found nothing but onions, wine and butter. He mixed and heated these ingredients to create the first French onion soup. Today no one can verify or refute this version, but onion soup is still national dish France.

The only one classic recipe There is no such thing as onion soup; it is prepared differently everywhere. Any broth can be used as the basis for the soup - beef, chicken or vegetarian. The wine is poured in immediately after sautéing the onions; it gives the dish a special sourness. Nutmeg or thyme, rosemary are added for a special spicy aroma. Today, butter, a little garlic, and, as a rule, grated cheese are also added to onion soup. You can also sprinkle cheese on croutons, which are usually served with onion soup.

Onions for soup are sautéed - fried until golden brown over low heat in a large amount of butter with the addition of flour (as a rule, this is done in a thick-bottomed pan, in which the soup is then boiled). Usually sautéing onions is carried out for 30 minutes, but in many French restaurants professionals can conjure special sautéing for many hours, achieving the desired color and taste of onions. Then add sugar, wine, spices and broth (chicken, meat or vegetable) or water.

The soup must be infused under the lid to achieve the necessary taste and aroma. Onion soup is prepared in small portions and served in the same container in which it was prepared. Usually these are ceramic pots. Sprinkle the finished onion soup with grated cheese.

You can serve croutons with the soup separately, or you can put them on the bottom of a soup plate, sprinkle with cheese and only then pour in the soup. Onion soup in a ceramic pot is easy to bake in the oven. To do this, you need to make a lid for the pot out of crouton, sprinkle it with cheese and put it in an oven preheated to 200ºC or under the grill. Once the cheese has melted, the soup is ready.

This is exactly how onion soup is served in modern French cafes and restaurants: in pots and with a tightly baked cheese crust on top. You can’t feel the onion in the soup at all; as a result of cooking, it seems to dissolve in the broth.

The French consider onion soup to be an excellent remedy for hangovers, headaches and for raising the overall tone of the body. In France, onion soup is often served in late-night restaurants.

French onion soup- this is one of the most famous and widespread first courses that belong to the national culinary tradition of a country like France. Onion soup is made from broth with cheese and croutons. The recipe for French onion soup has deep roots in ancient times. The first onion soups began to be made in ancient Rome.

It is worth noting that onion soup has gained popularity not only due to its distinctive taste and aromatic characteristics, but also due to its beneficial vitamin and mineral composition, as well as nutritional properties. Interestingly, onion soup was originally considered a food for the poor. Since onions have always been one of the types of vegetables available and widely cultivated throughout the world. In Rome, onion soup formed the basis of the diet of the poor, but soon the noble citizens of the Empire were able to appreciate the benefits of the first course.

The modern recipe for making French onion soup appeared in the 17th century. Initially, stale bread crusts, beef broth, and onion, which was first fried in fat. Gourmets and connoisseurs of the French culinary tradition claim that onion soup is the quintessence of excellent aroma, as well as great taste. When preparing onion soup, the cook sautes onions, which ultimately gives the finished first dish a characteristic taste and aroma.

During the sauteing process, the onion cut into rings changes its color and becomes golden. Under the influence of temperature, the sugar contained in the onion caramelizes and gives the first dish a distinctive color scheme. The process of preparing French onion soup does not take much time, but professional chefs can prepare the first dish for hours, achieving the ideal taste and aroma due to the long process of sautéing onions.

Real gourmets will be able to distinguish real French onion soup from a quickly prepared imitation from the first spoon. It's all about the so-called flavor charm of real onion soup. To improve the taste and aroma characteristics of French onion soup, many cooks add dry white wine to the dish a few minutes before cooking. Moreover, only high-quality white wine, and sometimes cognac or sherry, are used to prepare the dish.

After adding the alcoholic component of the dish, let the soup sit for a while under a closed lid. This technique will help to significantly improve the aroma and taste parameters of the finished French onion soup. Main feature The preparation of onion soup can be considered a small volume of the first course, which is often served at the table in the same container that was used in the process of making the culinary product. In addition, the specific taste of onion soup does not tolerate large volumes, so the first course is served in small bowls, decorated with croutons.

In France, there is a legend that onion soup was first prepared by the famous Sun King Louis XV, who became famous not only for his political decisions, but also for his refined taste, as well as his love for everything beautiful. The king crashed perfectly not only in government affairs, but also cooking, Louis XV was known as a gourmet. Legend has it that one night the monarch became very hungry and could not find anything edible in his hunting lodge. However, the king was able to find onions, champagne and vegetable oil.

Without hesitation, Louis XV mixed all the ingredients on hand and got the first French onion soup. Over time, onion soup became a staple dish for workers in French markets. Traders fortified themselves with onion soup, which was perfectly nourishing and also saturated the body with a significant amount of useful compounds and biologically active elements. Nowadays, onion soup is considered a “classic” dish served in any French restaurant.

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