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Movement of Novorossiya by Igor Strelkov. Social movement “Novorossiya” Strelkov Igor Ivanovich. National Security Council

On November 12, 2014, the official website of the social movement “Novorossiya”, headed by Igor Ivanovich Strelkov, began its work. The site is located at . This site is official information resource social movement, which will post reports on the work done and publish requests for humanitarian assistance. In the near future, a register of official representatives of the Novorossiya public movement in Russian cities and regional centers will be published on the resource, who will coordinate the collection and dispatch of humanitarian aid to the cities of Novorossiya.

About the social movement "Novorossiya"

On October 30, 2014, in the capital of our Motherland, Moscow, the founding congress of the social movement “Novorossiya”, created by citizens and public associations of Russia and headed by Igor Ivanovich Strelkov, was held. I would like to especially note that the movement is not politicized and sets itself mainly goals of a humanitarian and social nature. The name of the organization is consonant with the main direction of activity chosen by its founders - providing all possible assistance to the residents of Novorossiya who rebelled against the bloody Kyiv regime.

The prerequisites for the creation of such a movement arose a long time ago and were determined, first of all, by the urgent need to systematize the collection and transportation of humanitarian aid to the cities of Novorossiya. Due to the absence of any unified and closed system, certain problems arose. More or less “highlighted” in in social networks Militia units and healthcare facilities received humanitarian aid with enviable regularity, sometimes even in quantities exceeding their needs, and those who were unable to post their requests on the Internet were left without any supplies. Another important reason is the huge number of scammers who, hiding behind good motives and the names of decent people, collect money and humanitarian aid throughout Russia, which is not used for humanitarian purposes at all. It's painfully offensive when the collected good people, purchased with the last money, is then sold or even thrown into a landfill.

The primary goals of the participants in the Novorossiya movement are to create a unified, transparent and effective system for the collection and distribution of humanitarian aid, providing assistance to refugees, and supporting the wounded undergoing treatment in Russian clinics. Already today, work is underway to unite those humanitarian workers, ordinary citizens and organizations that over many months civil war, have proven themselves only with the best side. By pooling the resources of many, we will be able to build an impeccable system that will soon postpone the impending humanitarian catastrophe in Novorossiya.

Why exactly Igor Ivanovich Strelkov? Will the former Minister of the Armed Forces of the DPR, a man of war, be able to lead a movement that sets itself purely peaceful goals? I've been asked this question more than once. I believe that Strelkov is exactly the figure who can not only lead the humanitarian movement, but also take it to a qualitatively new level. A patriot of his country, a man of exceptional decency, for whom honor is not an empty phrase, will become just that guarantor who will leave no doubt in anyone’s mind that all the collected cargo and cash will be delivered to their destination.

If you collect humanitarian supplies with only one goal - to help civilians and fighters of Novorossiya, if your main requirement is that the help you collect should be delivered to those who need it most, join the social movement "Novorossiya", led by Igor Ivanovich Strelkov . In unity there is strength and victory!

The website of the public movement “Novorossiya” has opened Igor Strelkov. The site should be fully operational soon.

As previously announced, the main activity of the movement is “ Novorossiya“It will not be politics, but the humanitarian sphere - providing assistance to militias, refugees, and the wounded.

On the website you can find the necessary contacts for coordinating actions with the Novorossiya movement and providing assistance to Donbass.

The head of the DPR Zakharchenko announced a list of appointments to the governing bodies of the republic


In accordance with subparagraph 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 59 and paragraph 2 of Article 76
Constitution of Donetsk People's Republic I DECIDE:

1. Appoint the following members of the Council of Ministers of the Donetsk People's Republic:

1 Acting Minister of Justice - Ekaterina Vladimirovna Filippova
2. Minister of Revenue and Duties - Alexander Yuryevich Timofeev
3.Minister of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities – Vasily Yakovlevich Rassadnikov
4.Minister of Health Viktor Viktorovich Kuchkov
5. Acting Minister of Education and Science – Igor Vladimirovich Kostenok
6.Minister of Youth, Sports and Tourism - Mikhail Viktorovich Mishin
7.Minister of Transport – Semyon Alexandrovich Kuzmenko
8.Minister of Labor and Social Policy – ​​Olga Viktorovna Malinovskaya
9.Minister of Finance – Ekaterina Sergeevna Matyushchenko
10.Minister of Emergency Situations and Civil Defense – Alexey Alexandrovich Kostrubitsky
11.Minister of Defense – Vladimir Petrovich Kononov
12.Minister of State Security - Andrey Yuryevich Pinchuk
13.Minister of Internal Affairs - Oleg Vladimirovich Bereza
14.Minister of Foreign Affairs - Alexander Igorevich Kofman
15.Minister of Communications – Viktor Vyacheslavovich Yatsenko
16.Minister economic development– Samokhin Evgenia Viktorovna

2.I.o. Minister of the Council of Ministers Kuchmista Natalia Gennadievna prepare and submit for approval to the People's Council of the Donetsk People's Republic candidates appointed members of the Council of Ministers of the Donetsk People's Republic.

National Security Council

In order to prepare decisions of the Head of the Donetsk People's Republic on the development strategy of the Donetsk People's Republic, ensuring the security of the vital interests of the individual, society and state from internal and external threats, carrying out a unified public policy in the field of ensuring national security, I DECIDE:

1.Establish the Security Council of the Donetsk People's Republic.
2. Appoint Alexander Sergeevich Khodakovsky as Secretary of the Security Council of the Donetsk People's Republic.
3. Within ten days, the Secretary of the Security Council of the Donetsk People's Republic shall submit for approval the Regulations, structure and staffing of the Security Council of the Donetsk People's Republic.

Head of the Donetsk People's Republic A. Zakharchenko

Not long ago, a press conference was held dedicated to the Novorossiya movement, whose leader is Igor Strelkov.

Judging by the microphones on the table, priority in covering the conference was given to two TV channels: RBC and TsarGrad TV.

The editor-in-chief of the Tsargrad TV channel, Ilya Kuzmenkov, told the Dozhd TV channel details about the participation of former producer of the American Fox News channel Jack Hanick in this project.

Jack Hanick is one of the creators of the American television channel Fox News, where he worked for 15 years since 1996.

Konstantin Malofeev is Strelkov’s sponsor and is the creator of the Tsar-Grad TV channel.

The channel will have an “Orthodox”-monarchist orientation.

The channel will be managed by Hanik, a Catholic from the United States, who is obviously included in the media elite of American conservatives.

Do you think the producer and director of the largest American news channel Fox News, who is part of the US elite, will work for the benefit of our country? And why does a Catholic American need an “Orthodox” monarchy in Russia?

And in general, in order to establish a monarchy it is necessary to change the foundations of the Constitutional system. Usually they are changed in a revolutionary way. It turns out that Strelkov needs a revolution? This idea can be confirmed by the presence at the conference of the coordinator of the “National Liberation Movement”, a fighter for, calling for the fight against the “occupation” power, revolutionary deputy Yevgeny Fedorov. At 28:50 sec. we can see his performance. Evgeniy Alekseevich always avoids answering the question: “What will happen after the victory?” He usually says that “we’ll sort it out there,” the main thing is “to liberate the Motherland.”

In this aspect, I would like to talk about the ideologists of the NOD. For example, in the structure of the Central School of NOD, there is a head of visual agitation and propaganda - Andrey Vladimirovich Kinsbursky.

And here are the publications of the leader of the NOD campaign on the website of the Academy of Trinitarianism.

In his works he openly attacks Orthodoxy, expresses anti-Christian, neo-pagan ideas, and distorts the history of Russia.

Take at least one article - “Goyim or outcasts”.

“But relatively recently, even in pre-Petrine times, Moscow Rus' (then Moscow Tartary) was the western periphery of Great Tartary.<…>But apparently, several centuries before this map was drawn, the influence of Vedic Tartary, that is, the power of the goyim, the power of the white race, extended to almost all of Europe<…>

And then there are yogis, that is, they seem to be the same goyim, but topsy-turvy. Goyim stand on their feet, and yogis strive on their heads. And there are also some outcasts. Either these are those who come from the goyim, or those who were driven out of the genus of the goyim.<…>

And a thousand years ago, the newly created Orthodox Christian Russian Church itself was engaged in this (killing people - author's note). And when Vladimir the Bloody introduced it by force into the lands of Vedic Kievan Rus, he killed so many people in ten years that a whole third of Russian settlements and cities completely disappeared.”

And Andrei concludes this way: “the future belongs to Russian civilization, to the revived Orthodox Slavic Vedism, to the new Aryan paradigm and Russian science.”

What to say? Long live the Russian Ahnenerbe, which promotes the Izborsk Club. And here it must be added that Strelkov himself was published back in the 90s in the newspaper “Zavtra”, Chief Editor which is the leader of the Izborsk residents - Alexander Prokhanov. The conductor of the conference is Vladimir Khomyakov, also from this team, he is one of the experts of the Russian doctrine, which is promoted by the Izborsk Club; we have already written about the anti-Christian essence of the document.

And if Khomyakov is only one of the experts, then its author also spoke at the conference (1:25:40). This is another member of the Izborsk Club, blogger Maxim Kalashnikov (Vladimir Kucherenko). His speech was revolutionary in content: he proposed issuing a civil ultimatum to the Kremlin and creating a National Guard led by Strelkov, creating a Government of People's Trust.

Maxim himself is a rather straightforward comrade and does not hide the fact that he is a fascist.

Also, from his previous publications, follow statements about the need for rapid innovative development of Russia, the transition to a new historical era"Neuromir" (Neurosots).

Let us remember the recent PR of the Neuromir resource by Mr. Strelkov. When the Politring with Starikov took place under the colors of the “Right Sector” banners.

But let’s return to the conference, where Vika Tsyganova’s husband, Vadim Tsyganov, also spoke (46:50). He said that there is some sacred knowledge about the clash that is taking place (in Ukraine - author's note), and that based on this knowledge we will win. What kind of sacred knowledge is this? Is this not the rhetoric of Alexander Prokhanov?

Here it is appropriate to recall some events at which we saw among the lecturers Alexander Prokhanov and other neo-fascists, and among them, for some reason, Vadim Tsyganov.

Further (47:43) Vadim said that “the divine stamp is visible on the Russians” and called for breaking the blockade of all central channels (Fedorov’s rhetoric) in March at a rally-concert near the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Moreover, despite the fact that most of the speakers shared anti-Christian ideas, including Strelkov himself, Girkin nevertheless emphasized that the activities of the organizers of the movement received the blessing of the highest hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church, but did not say how or from whom.

After Kalashnikov’s speech ended, Khomyakov wanted to give another floor to the famous Eurasian Korovin, but the latter did not wait and left. Let us remind you who the Eurasians are, their leader is, by the way, also a member of the Izborsk Club.

But let’s return to the conference, at it (2:57:00) there was a question for Strelkov regarding the assessment of Putin’s policies.

Girkin responded that the authorities’ tactics are harmful to the country and lead to a worsening of the situation in Russia. He said that assistants (probably Surkov - author's note) make this tactical policy, and that these assistants work based on their views, without asking Putin. Next the question was asked: “What is stopping you from replacing these people”? Strelkov replied that the question was not for him.

That is, the bottom line is that, according to Strelkov, the traitors around Putin are pursuing a sabotage course, but for some reason he does not change them.

At the same time, Igor Strelkov today does not say that Putin is a traitor, he acts differently - he claims that there are traitors around Putin (Surkov - author's note), and then, consumers of Strelkov's propaganda, a logical question should arise: “Why is Putin with doesn’t do anything to traitors?” and the corresponding answer options: “Putin is powerless” (Fyodorov’s rhetoric), or “Putin has given up” (rhetoric of tougher nationalists).

Igor Strelkov spoke at Politring with Nikolai Starikov about the fact that Vladislav Surkov is a traitor. Here I remember the screams of white ribbon workers leaving the American embassy that were heard not so long ago. They also shouted: “you are Surkov’s propaganda” and called for a fight against Putin.

But today, Igor Strelkov began to speak more softly in relation to the President. Here's what he said earlier.

Website, archive for 2010-2012, forum participant under the pseudonym “Kotych”. He is also FSB Colonel I.V. Girkin.

That is, Igor Strelkov openly called Vladimir Putin a traitor who is slowly handing over the country to the Americans because he wants to remain in power until the end. Strelkov argued that we needed a revolution, then a military dictatorship and, of course, a tsar, and “Vova is not suitable for this - his time is up.” This is how it works.

Considering that this entire movement is surrounded entirely by supporters of the idea of ​​​​building a World Theocratic State in Russia, radically disposed towards the Russian Orthodox Church, and seeking to put occult forces in the service of the Empire, there is no need to talk about any positive role of this movement. However, as usual, wolves dress up in sheep's clothing so that, under good pretexts,...

Yes, of course, Strelkov is a correct guy, in the sense that as a commander he is professional, on the other hand, to a certain extent he is “unmercenary” and does the right thing by exposing the grabbers in the Kremlin and the LDPR and thinking about the strategy of the LDPR in this war.
But here are his political ideas... “Crush Ukraine”, create in its place “Greater Novorossiya”... In 1945, the victorious countries did not set a goal to create a completely different country in place of Germany, it was about eliminating fascism in the state.
And then: hasn’t Kyiv had the right to statehood since the 12th century (what the government in Kyiv should be is another question!). Anti-Ukrainianism is somehow incomprehensible, and he turned the broad Eurasian idea again into the idea of ​​a “Russian world.” Aren't there too many political science ambitions for a military expert? Although we need people devoted to the interests of the people... We need an example of moral behavior of leaders...
But as an intellectual, Strelkov is again more of a military expert: Of course, he understands that if you put forward the slogan of Greater New Russia, then in Kharkov, Odessa, etc. (maybe) the partisan movement will intensify and it will be easier for Lao PDR fighters to fight! Otherwise, they can’t retake the airport and Sands (difficult)... In place of the movement of Novorossiya (it is not clear that this is Novorossiya), it is better to simply create something like a committee to help the fighters (and residents!!!) of the Lao PDR. And Lao PDR is simply Donbass (Lugansk region is also part of Donbass)...
From the position of the Ervasian idea, the LDPR is part of the Eurasian civilization, and the West of Ukraine is rather part of Western civilization. Hence the need for either the federalization of Ukraine with division into only TWO parts, or the isolation of the Republic of LDPR as (in the future) an independent country.
There is no need for any “Russian world”, nationalism, anti-Ukrainianism, self-praise of Orthodoxy, and, moreover, only Russian Orthodoxy (although Orthodoxy came to us from Kyiv!). Just create a committee for humanitarian aid to LDPR fighters, and that’s all. It’s the fighters who are fighting now, not Strelkov. They know better what to fight for. And they are now fighting for Sands, for the airport - this is already a big real deal. Keep residents safe! They don’t need to ascribe or “drive” their own political goals.
And history will put everything in its place (perhaps the broad Eurasian idea will justify itself, and not the more limited Russian-nationalist one). Strelkov himself is not very involved in issues of supplying (assistance) to the fighters; he has too much political talk, ill-conceived “ideas”... This hinders the movement - extreme anti-Ukrainianism and other mistakes repulse those who would like to help the Lao PDR fighters financially. It is necessary (or useful) to create some other movement to help the LDPR fighters, which would not be fixated on Strelok’s “geopolitical projects of the future” with their certain mistakes and overlaps...