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Decorative climbing plants for the garden. Climbing flowers for the garden (44 photos): features of vertical gardening. Bright hedges and spectacular flowering arches. Support for climbing plants

The design of garden areas is impossible without climbing plants, which are planted near fences, pillars, lanterns, and “green arches” are arranged at the entrance to the garden or near gazebos. The range of crops for vertical gardening is very diverse, including perennial vines and climbing annuals. This article is all about agricultural technology, differences, and decorative qualities of climbing crops with descriptions and names. To help flower growers - a photo guide to climbing plants.

Climbing plants for the garden are not only beautiful, they also perform a number of specific tasks:

  1. Zoning the garden area into separate areas.
  2. Masking of outbuildings and fences.
  3. Installation of green awnings over children's playgrounds.

Wherever vertical gardening is used with the help of decorative climbing and climbing plants, this area of ​​the garden becomes unrecognizable, unusual and elegant.

Climbing plants will decorate a gazebo, fence or building on the site

The range of plants for constructing green screens and canopies is very extensive - annual and perennial crops are used for vertical gardening, and they, in turn, are divided into light-loving and shade-tolerant.

Advice. For planting on a site with a southern orientation, you should select those crops that can tolerate strong sun, and plant certain plants in the shade.

Annual climbing plants: green garden canopy

Annual climbing plants are good because when sown with seeds, they quickly grow green mass, forming a dense canopy, bloom and form seeds in one season. Among the annual climbing plants are:

  • Decorative flowering crops - this group of plants includes vines with large, decorative flowers, which already at the beginning of summer create a lacy shadow and delight with their flowers.
  • Fruiting vines - this includes plants that form decorative fruits after flowering. Below we will consider several crops that bear fruit on liana-like shoots.
  • Climbing annuals for shade - this group should include those plants that are capable of growing significant green mass in one summer season in conditions of limited lighting. There will always be shady areas in the garden that need to be covered with climbing plants.

Lianas with decorative flowers

Among the variety of climbing plants with decorative flowers, morning glory is worth noting. The plant is very unpretentious and reproduces well from seeds, including self-sowing. Ripened in a round box, large morning glory seeds are planted directly in the garden bed, where the plant will have to develop for the whole summer - morning glory is difficult to transplant. The plant belongs to the Convolvulaceae family; the genus includes more than 300 species of morning glory.

Ipomoea purpurea

Especially often in the gardens of amateurs you can find Ipomoea purpurea - an annual vine that reaches a height of up to 8 meters. The stem, heart-shaped leaves, and pedicels have a delicate drooping with short hair. The flowers are delicate funnel-shaped gramophones of different colors (white, pink, red, blue, purple, two-tone with contrasting spots or a border), the diameter of which varies among different varieties from 5 cm to 8 cm.

Morning glory grows very quickly to its maximum length, blooms early, and the decorative value of this vine has long been appreciated by amateur gardeners. Morning glory can be found in almost every garden.

Another type of morning glory that looks very decorative when creating a “flowering canopy” is quamoclite. This vine has very thin, pinnately dissected green foliage and an abundance of small, star-like flowers in white or red. Kvamoklit grows quickly, and does an excellent job of entwining some garden structures. Sometimes special spatial frames are installed in the garden, near which quamoclite seeds are planted; in a short time, the plant tightly envelops the support, creating unique landscape figures. A scattering of decorative star-shaped flowers adds charm to unique flower beds.

Thunbergia winged

Morning glory (moonflower) grows naturally in the tropics of South America. Powerful shoots quickly grow from seeds, reaching a height of up to 6 meters. Moonflower decorates the walls of buildings in a short time, rising to the 2nd floor. The flowers of this species of morning glory are much larger, the diameter of the milky-white shining gramophones reaches up to 10 cm. The beginning of flowering is the end of July, the plant blooms for a long time until the first autumn frosts. The pearly-delicate gramophones of the moonflower are open only in cloudy weather, as well as in the early morning or after sunset.

An amazing green bedspread with bright flowers in yellow-orange hues is eye-catching. This is blooming Thunbergia winged - a climbing annual vine that can reach up to 2.5 m in a short time. The leaves are green, heart-shaped, covered with sparse, stiff hairs. Thunbergia buds appear from the axils of the next leaves, it seems that the whole plant is strewn with yellow flowers.

The decorative effect of simple thunbergia flowers is given by the black eye located in the center. The Thunbergia variety 'Black-Eyed Suzanne' includes orange, yellow and cream flowers with bright contrasting spots - the overall result is a very decorative carpet.

Advice. Climbing annuals with beautiful flowers include azarina, rhodochiton, kobeya (sometimes grown in a two-year culture).

Fruit-bearing annual vines for vertical gardening.

Decorative pumpkins can easily be included in this group of plants. The culture is characterized by rapid growth. Huge leaves cover fences, gazebos, wrap around pergolas and canopies. Pumpkin flowers are not particularly decorative, but already during fruit set, the plant acquires an indescribable charm. During the ripening of the pumpkins, when the striped and dotted fruits hang from the stems, it is impossible to take your eyes off this bright Persian carpet.


Another crop that perfectly decorates vertical planes in the garden is momordica. The plant grows quickly, sprouts well from seeds, and decorates high walls. Momordica is a representative of the Pumpkin family. Planting requires fertile soil and special care, but the plant is worth it. When momordica fruits ripen, the vine is practically covered with elongated orange fruits with bumpy skin (the entire surface of the fruit is covered with warty outgrowths). The fruits of momordica and its seeds are used in folk medicine; medicines that lower cholesterol levels and cleanse blood vessels are prepared from the plant. Medicines from momordica reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks and prevent cancer.

Advice. Beans, beans, and okra bear fruit on vertical supports.

Perennial climbing plants

Among the perennial plants for vertical gardening, it is worth noting climbing roses, campsis, virgin grapes, ivy, and hops.

It is difficult to compete with climbing roses in beauty - when a bush is strewn with fragrant flowers, it is impossible to take your eyes off it. The height of roses ranges from 1.8 to 5 meters. Among the beauties there are varieties that bloom once at the beginning of summer, as well as remontant varieties - flowering occurs 2-3 times per season. Remontant varieties continue to bloom with single flowers even during breaks between mass flowerings. Roses have double or semi-double flowers, the diameter of which ranges from 4 to 8 cm. The color of the petals can be red, pink or white in a wide range of tones and shades.

Clematis are amazing vines with huge flowers (can be single or double) of all kinds of colors. Plants require close attention and careful care. Clematis do not tolerate bright sun, so for planting them you should choose a shaded place, completely protected from the wind. Support for the plants is installed immediately upon planting, so it is important to immediately choose a suitable permanent place for clematis. The plant requires reliable drainage - clematis roots quickly become wet with excessive watering and close proximity to soil water.

Campsis grandiflora

Campsis (tubeflower, tecoma) is a powerful vine, the stem of which becomes thicker every year and becomes overgrown with bark. The bright green leaves of Kampsis form a dense tent, among which clusters of orange, bell-shaped flowers hang. It grows to a considerable size and requires shelter for the winter in the central regions of Russia; in the southern regions it overwinters without shelter.

Ivy is the most shade-tolerant plant in vertical gardens. They decorate the walls of buildings facing the north side. Ivy can climb stone and concrete surfaces without support - the plant clings to ledges in the walls with special suction cups. Ivy is unpretentious and tolerates shearing well.

Hops and maiden grapes become decorative closer to autumn - pale green fruits appear on hop bushes, which look very decorative against the background of dark foliage. At the end of summer, girlish grapes are painted in crimson-pink tones, as if an artist painted a green canvas with paints. Grapes and hops are very unpretentious plants and are easy to care for when growing.

Types of climbing plants: video

Climbing plants for the garden: photos

A cozy garden, decorated with colorful islands of flowering flower beds, harmoniously combined with neatly formed tree crowns, is the pride of any summer resident. Overgrown climbing plants for the garden, causing admiration for their splendor, give the site a special attractiveness. After all, with their help you can give your favorite vacation spot a special charm. We bring to your attention some examples and useful tips.

Perennial climbing flowers are among the most popular elements of vertical gardening. With the help of climbing plants, you can successfully decorate any unsightly walls of buildings, and camouflage trees.

Using climbing plants for your dacha, you can wrap the fence enclosing the area in an openwork “blanket” of flowers and leaves

Weaving all kinds of pergolas and trellises, they act as a kind of screen that protects a place of privacy from gusts of wind and sun rays

In addition, the vines growing on the supports act as a “living” barrier, protecting the territory from dust and noise from the street and thereby improving the ecology of the site.

With the help of climbing plants, you can create a picturesque, elegant alley that greets and leads the owners and their guests from the doors of the house.

A gazebo entwined with flexible stems of climbing plants always looks fabulously beautiful. Decorating the building, lacy foliage helps maintain refreshing coolness in the summer heat

Annual climbing plants for the garden are good for arranging flower beds and creating multi-level plant compositions. The excellent ability to quickly increase plant mass allows the gardener to create real masterpieces and picturesque landscapes in the garden.

Flowering vines hanging from hanging flower pots look very attractive, the vines of which spread throughout the flower garden, giving it a special charm.

Flowering vines hanging from hanging pots look very attractive, the vines of which spread throughout the flower garden, giving it a special charm. Colorful cascades of flowering vines are also often used to decorate loggias and balconies.

Among the variety of choices of perennial climbing flowering plants, it is better for beginning gardeners to give preference to varieties that are not particularly demanding on growing conditions.

Among annual climbing plants, morning glory and sweet pea are the least fastidious. In just one season, plant heights can reach three meters

The stems of morning glory are decorated with numerous gramophone flowers, and sweet peas are decorated with fancy “dogs” that exude an exquisite aroma. Unpretentious light-loving plants, but easily tolerating slight shading, will delight you with abundant flowering from mid-June until the end of autumn.

Schisandra and actinidia require a little more care. These perennials annually form climbing shoots, gradually increasing their green mass

Schisandra has beautiful foliage and delicate white-cream flowers with a subtle pleasant aroma. Resembling grape vines. Schisandra shoots can reach a length of 10-15 meters. Young vines of woody climbing vines can reach a length of 3.5 meters in one season, while old shoots do not exceed a length of 6-8 meters. Both plants have not only an attractive appearance, but also tasty, and also healthy fruits.

Among the easy-to-care climbing plants, Kampsis is also worth highlighting.

A small Kampsis seedling in just one or two years turns into a gorgeous tree-like vine 3 to 5 meters high, dotted with orange gramophones

Wisteria, climbing hydrangea, etc. are especially attractive. But these plants are more finicky and require more attention to care.

The best varieties of beautiful flowering plants

Option #1 - clematis

Clematis feels comfortable when the above-ground part of the plant is located on a support and is well illuminated by sunlight, while the soil at the base of the root system remains in the shade. Since clematis is afraid of frost, in winter it is cut off and covered with agrofibre, peat or old leaves.

It's hard to take your eyes off the star-shaped clematis flowers. Delicate white, pink-burgundy, deep purple flowers, delighting with lush flowering from the first days until the end of September, fascinate with their beauty

Clematis has many varieties that differ in the variety of shapes, sizes and colors of flowers. The most decorative varieties are famous for: Alyonushka with lilac flowers in the shape of bells, Maidwell Hall with large purple semi-double flowers, Błękitny Anioł with bluish slightly wavy petals, Romantika with almost black velvet flowers and Hagley Hybrid with soft pink flowers with a diameter of 8-10 cm.

Option #2 - climbing roses

Roses leave no one indifferent, enchanting with their beauty, tenderness and unique aroma. Breeders never cease to delight fans of these flowers with new varieties of roses, distinguished by their marvelous shades and petal shapes.

Climbing roses occupy a separate niche in this family. They are most popular when decorating fences, pergolas, decorative columns and all kinds of arches

Depending on the intensity of shoot growth, climbing roses are divided into three groups:

  • Semi-climbing, the height of which does not exceed 2-3 meters;
  • Climbing, the height of the shoots reaches 3-5 meters;
  • Climbing from 5 to 15 meters in height.

From the thousands of varieties with different shoot heights, flower shapes and sizes, every gardener will be able to choose a rose bush that will be an effective addition to creating a picturesque landscape design.

Thus, all ramblers are distinguished by abundant and long-lasting flowering, as well as beautiful shiny foliage, which retains its decorative effect right up to frost. These are frost-resistant varieties that are resistant to disease. Roses can grow in partial shade, but the flowers are most decorative in open sunny areas.

Among the Ramblers are groups of roses in which flowers form only on last year's shoots; the most popular varieties are Excelsa with flowers of crimson-red shades, Dorothy Perkins with pink double flowers, as well as White Dorothy and Wartburg

Roses with two-color flowers always look especially festive and elegant. The most beautiful varieties among them: Kleine Rosel with purple-red flowers decorated with yellow stamens, American Pillar with pink fringe, General Testard and Evangeline with red edges

By decorating the walls of the gazebo with rose bushes, you can get an excellent opportunity to enjoy not only the unique beauty of the numerous inflorescences, but also the wonderful delicate aroma spreading throughout the garden.

You may also find this material useful on how to create an aromatic garden on your property:

Option #3 - wisteria

Wisteria is not famous for its frost resistance, but new varieties bred by breeders are able to withstand fairly low sub-zero temperatures. For example, Wisteria floribunda calmly tolerates temperatures down to -21°C, and Wisteria macrostachya - down to -40°.

A beautiful plant brought from the southern countries today decorates the gardens of many suburban areas.

Popular decorative foliage vines

Option #1 - ivy

When choosing among decorative deciduous climbing plants, which, although they do not bloom with luxurious buds, but delight the eye with beautiful foliage of an unusual shape, it is worth highlighting ivy, known to most gardeners.

A completely unpretentious plant to care for, it is capable of forming dense thickets on any vertical surfaces, clinging to them with aerial sucker roots.

The evergreen plant looks unusually beautiful at any time of the year, acting as a background for flowering flower beds in warm weather or as a soloist in the winter garden amid the snow cover.

Material about the most unpretentious varieties of climbing plants will also be useful:

Option #2 - wild grapes

Wild grapes are well suited for decorating the north-eastern walls of buildings.

Clinging to supports with the help of sucker roots, it literally digs into stone walls or the plaster of buildings

Among the variety of species of this plant, differing in the shape and color of the leaves, the most widespread are Japanese and girlish grapes. Dark green foliage, covering the walls of buildings with a dense carpet, turns into a rich burgundy color in the fall, giving the building a new, but no less impressive look.

Other options

Hops and aristolochia are also known for their equally attractive properties. Plants that do not require special conditions easily take root even on depleted soils.

Climbing plants for the garden are an excellent solution for those who want to decorate their summer cottage with their own hands. These flowers are divided into perennial and annual. Perennials are used much more often, because these plants have many advantages.

Which climbing perennial flowers are best to use to decorate your dacha, what is special about these plants and how to care for them - everything is in this article.

Features of perennial climbing plants

Climbing flowers for the garden are divided into three groups according to the way these crops grow:

  • creeping - they can climb up only along a support; without special support, these perennials simply cover the ground with a continuous carpet. Prominent representatives of this group are the climbing rose and euonymus.
  • Climbing perennials need at least some kind of support, such as a rough brick wall or fence. The stems of these flowers have sucker-like shoots, with which they can cling to a vertical surface and rise upward. These are flowers such as hydrangea and maiden grapes.
  • Clinging perennials are equipped with tendrils, with which the vines entwine the steps of the support, thereby raising their stem higher and higher. This is how grapes, ampelopsis, grow.

Another category by which perennial climbing flowers can be divided into groups is the stem. Thus, the stem of vines can be herbaceous or tree-like. Flowers with herbaceous stems die off each winter and produce new shoots from the roots in the spring. Tree-like vines continue to grow after winter, increasing the length of the plant every year.

Important! Almost all tree-like climbing perennials tolerate frost well and do not need shelter. But there are varieties whose vines need to be removed from their supports for the winter and wrapped with insulation. You need to pay attention to this factor when choosing a perennial.

Advantages of climbing perennials over ordinary annuals:

Based on the qualities of climbing plants, you can choose the most suitable flowers for your garden.

Varieties of climbing perennials

Among the perennial vines there are deciduous and flowering varieties. These plants may have interesting, large leaves or attract attention with bright inflorescences. Each of the perennials deserves attention; you need to choose them based on external characteristics, as well as the characteristics of the summer cottage.


A very beautiful climbing plant that amazes not only with its inflorescences, but also with its unusual leaves. Actinidia can reach twenty meters in length, its foliage is very dense and voluminous. During the flowering period, the plant is covered with small bright pink flowers, while the leaves of the perennial also change - they first become pale green, and then gradually acquire a pinkish tint.

The floral aroma spreads throughout the entire summer cottage. With the onset of autumn, actinidia changes its shade again - the foliage on the climbing perennial becomes first yellow and then red.


Few people have not heard the name of this perennial flower. A four-meter vine, which is the flexible stem of clematis, is quite enough to effectively frame an arch, hedge or gazebo.

Clematis flowers are very spectacular - they are large inflorescences with a pronounced aroma. The perennial can be any shade: cherry, purple, pink or bright blue. The inflorescences simply fascinate with their beauty, and the perennial blooms throughout the entire season - about three months in a row.


Another well-known representative of climbing perennials that can be used to decorate the yard of a summer house. Blooming honeysuckle looks like a magical cloud. The liana is decorated with a thousand small yellow or pink flowers.

The perennial blooms for a month, this process begins around mid-June. After the fragrant flowers fade, small orange berries appear in their place, which also look impressive against the background of green foliage.

There are many varieties and varieties of honeysuckle; every summer resident will be able to choose the right flower for himself.


This is an option that requires virtually no attention from the owner of the dacha. The perennial belongs to the evergreen vines. Ivy does not need support to grow; the plant has many suction cups with which it can cling to almost any surface.

There is no need to cover ivy for the winter - the perennial is not afraid of frost. And its bright green carved leaves can decorate any fence, building wall, arch or gazebo.

Maiden grapes

This perennial climbing crop is often called wild grapes. Liana grows in any conditions; it does not need a specific soil composition or solar regime. Grapes will grow just as well in the shade as in the sun.

At certain times, beautiful carved leaves are complemented by small clusters of small black berries. This combination looks very advantageous and can decorate any cottage.

To grow, the maiden grape needs a whip or an arch; the flower clings to it with its tendrils. The length of the perennial stems can reach 40 meters, which allows them to entangle fences and walls that are large in area and duration. In addition, vine shoots can grow in different directions.


This climbing perennial comes from Japan. The flower is distinguished by unusual inflorescences in the form of large clusters of pale purple color. In addition to its spectacular appearance, the perennial will give the inhabitants of the dacha an unusually rich and delicate aroma.

The height of wisteria often exceeds 50 meters, so the vines must be periodically trimmed to give them the desired shape. In addition to the most common purple hue, there are flowers in blue and orange tones.

Wisteria does not need to be planted in the northern regions of the country, since the flower does not tolerate frosts exceeding 25 degrees.

How to care for perennial climbing flowers

Perennials require minimal care. Their main advantage is that these flowers do not need to be planted every year. There are just a few features of growing climbing perennials:

  • Flowers need to be planted in a place in the dacha where no construction or other work is planned, because the lifespan of these flowers can be more than ten years.
  • For vertical growth, the perennial must be provided with suitable support. It is important to take into account the way the flower develops (suction cups, antennae, etc.).
  • Every year at the beginning of the season, it is necessary to inspect the flowers: remove dried shoots, last year’s inflorescences, and form a bush.
  • It is not recommended to fertilize perennial flowers too much; this will lead to increased growth of foliage, and, on the contrary, there will be fewer flowers. One feeding at the beginning of spring is enough.

Important! You should not make arches for perennials from metal. In winter, iron cools down greatly, which can damage the vines resting on it. If the support is metal, it is better to remove the climbing flower from it and insulate the vine for the winter.

These simple recommendations will help you decorate your dacha in an unusual and effortless way. And photos of climbing perennial flowers for the garden will be a hint in choosing a flower variety.

The decoration of any garden is deservedly considered to be the elements of vertical gardening, which are created using climbing plants. The variety of types, shapes and sizes allows you to choose vines for any purpose - be it creating a shady romantic gazebo, a topiary figure, a blooming zoning screen or decorating the wall of an outbuilding. As a rule, all climbing flowers for the garden are able to fix themselves on a support, and only a small part of them require a garter.

Every year, perennial vines are gaining popularity when used in landscape design. Currently, there are a sufficient number of plant species and varieties to bring design fantasies and ideas to life in any region, taking into account climatic conditions. Climbing garden flowers delight the eye and surprise with their diversity and possibilities.


The most welcome guests in any garden have been and remain clematis. Their stunningly beautiful star-shaped flowers, framed by dark green leaves, create a mesmerizing picture. A wide color palette from white to burgundy-brown, including all shades of blue, is a distinctive feature of clematis from other perennial vines.

Clematis will feel good not only on a rigid mesh, but also on a regular mesh, as it is able to fix itself on its own with the help of leaf petioles. An obelisk or pyramid is also suitable as a support.


Climbing roses

Climbing roses

Climbing roses are no less popular among gardeners and landscape designers. Many varieties and types allow you to create true floral masterpieces. Modern varieties, for the most part, are all remontant (re-blooming), which has made it possible to enjoy the extravaganza of blooming roses almost the entire season. This shrub, by and large, is not a climbing plant, and its use in vertical gardening is associated with the ability to drive out flowering shoots of great length. Self-climbing roses on a support (details about which can be found) are not fixed and require a girdling garter or fixation of individual lashes.


A beautiful, fast-growing, winter-hardy vine with a delicate aroma that intensifies in the evening, climbing honeysuckle will decorate any garden, effectively highlight the style and add charm to the most ordinary area. Many varieties that bloom at different times allow you to create a wave of floral summer fairy tale.

The most common types of climbing honeysuckle:

    • "Tatar"- the vine, reaching 3 meters in length, blooms in May-June with white and pink flowers;
    • "Caprifol" can reach 6 m, flowering June-July, creamy yellow flowers with a reddish tint;
    • "Brown"- up to 5 m, blooms from mid-June for three weeks with carrot-red flowers;
    • "Telman"- 4-5 m, flowering from mid-May, very abundant with golden yellow flowers for two weeks;
    • "Serotina"- up to 4 m, the latest blooming, from mid-August covered with purple flowers with a creamy core with amazingly fragrant clusters of flowers.

Honeysuckle "Caprifol"
Honeysuckle "Brown"
Honeysuckle "Thälmann"

Baljuan knotweed

A very powerful, up to 15 meters, intensively growing liana can produce up to 5-7 m of new growth in a season. The flowering is so prolific that large (up to 10 cm) wide oval leaves are not visible. White, with a slight pink tint, small flowers are collected in loose pyramidal panicles 15-20 cm long. Intensive branching allows the plant to form a huge green mass. It does not produce root shoots, it is easily propagated by cuttings throughout the entire growing season, but it does not tolerate transplantation in adulthood very well. Used to decorate unsightly outbuildings in the background. Not suitable for pergolas and arches - too powerful and heavy.

Campsis (tekoma, bignonia)

Campsis (tekoma, bignonia)

A tree-like spreading vine that blooms from mid-summer for two months with bright orange or yellow gramophone flowers. Coming from the tropics, Kampsis awakens very late in the spring, when the soil warms up to 15 degrees, and is quite cold-resistant. A distinctive feature is the ability to attach to any support using aerial sucker roots. It is easily fixed on stone, wood, and slate surfaces. Flowering on the shoots of the current year. Produces abundant root shoots.

Hydrangea petiolate

A deciduous tree-like vine that can climb up to a height of 25 meters along a sheer stone wall with the help of adventitious roots. Glossy dark green heart-shaped leaves make petiolate hydrangea look gorgeous even when not in bloom. Starting in mid-June, during flowering, climbing hydrangea is covered with huge loose corymbose inflorescences of small white flowers that exude a delicate aroma. Winter hardiness is quite high, prefers the eastern side and acidic soils. It grows poorly on mesh ventilated supports, preferring walls, solid fences, and tree trunks.

Schisandra chinensis

Schisandra chinensis

A dioecious, light, graceful vine up to 15 meters in length, capable of producing a three-meter annual growth, a truly amazing plant. Not only decorative, but also healing. All above-ground parts have a wide range of applications in medicine. On the supports, the lemongrass is fixed with shoots that wrap around it clockwise. Wooden or plastic supports are preferred to prevent freezing on the metal in winter, since it is not possible to remove the lemongrass from the support. Due to the large length of the shoots, they are used mainly for shading gazebos and terraces.

In addition to climbing flowers, perennial decorative deciduous vines are popular for the garden; the most striking representatives of this species are ivy and are used quite often.

Maiden grapes
Maiden grapes

Maiden grapes

This fast-growing, unpretentious perennial vine has not lost its long-standing popularity among gardeners. Capable of growing on any soil and requiring no care other than pruning, the plant is loved and revered in all regions as the best decorator of unsightly buildings and fences. In one season, maiden grapes can create stable, dense shade in a gazebo, on a terrace, cover from the heat and protect the southern and western walls of houses from overheating. Its annual growth can reach 5 m. Large palmate dark green leaves are very decorative throughout the season. It is especially beautiful in the fall, when there are already very few bright colors in the garden, the girlish grapes glow with all shades of purple, giving the passing summer a solemn look.

The climbing kobea (pictured) is naturally found in tropical parts of South America. Its name is...


An evergreen frost-resistant plant that has the ability to climb the walls of houses, poles and tree trunks without outside help. Adventitious sucker roots cling to any roughness and reliably hold the vine in an upright position. The flowering is as inconspicuous as the leaves are beautiful - bright green, leathery, as if varnished, shiny, they form a dense surface, creating the illusion of impenetrability. In the absence of support, ivy spreads beautifully over the ground and covers it with a wonderful carpet.

In addition to shrub vines, perennial herbaceous vines - calistegia and aconite - are no less popular and in demand.

Wolfsbane climbing

Wolfsbane climbing- a herbaceous perennial that grows anew every year. The above-ground part does not overwinter. The height of the vine is up to 2 meters, the leaves are glossy, palmately dissected, openwork, the flowers are quite large. Flowering from mid-July. Prefers partial shade and moist, fertile soil.

Calistegia terry- a perennial that blooms with large pink double flowers. It can be climbed on any support, the height reaches 3 m. The flowering is very elegant and delicate. It should be remembered that this plant does not tolerate uncontrolled cultivation and needs to limit the root space, as it quickly and quite aggressively invades neighboring territories.

Climbing annuals

Annual vines are an integral part of landscape design. A distinctive feature of this group of plants is their rapid growth and continuous flowering throughout the season. If it is necessary to quickly create a decorative composition, replenish the winter losses of perennial vines, temporarily support and shade their young plantings, decorate topiary figures, the use of annual climbing flowers for the garden is often the only possible option. Planted along the fence, they will create a luxurious flowering hedge, drape the trunks of old trees and give the garden a festive look.

morning glory- the most common climbing annual with a wide range of colors. Heart-shaped large leaves, bright gramophone flowers that open every morning and bloom until noon - this is a beautiful morning glory. Propagated by sowing seeds directly into the ground, in a permanent place.

Kobeya climbing- an exotic beauty that blooms with large purple or white bells up to 7 cm in diameter. Prefers fertile soil, sunny location, demanding watering. Reproduction only by seedlings. Plants sown in the ground may not have time to bloom in the middle zone.

morning glory