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“You will be his wife, and my mistress”: what Slutsky said to the journalist. The Duma commission found no violations in Slutsky’s behavior


In 1994, at the strangest World Cup in the history of the Russian national team, our team surprisingly still had good chances of reaching the playoffs after two defeats at the start - from Brazil and Sweden, respectively. We remember what happened next: 6:1 with Cameroon, five goals Oleg Salenko and amazing luck. This result did not affect anything globally - all other scenarios that could take Russia out of the group turned out to be not in our favor. Team Pavel Sadyrina returned home, leaving him tormented by doubts - what would have happened if he had fielded the same lineup in the first two rounds as in Cameroon? Six changes to the base compared to the lost matches not only brought victory, but also made us remember the preparatory period for the World Cup. Afterwards, Sadyrin was forced to change the lineup, played well in friendly matches, but before leaving for the USA, he returned to the team those who had previously publicly refused to play under his leadership.

As a result, the team only scored at that championship in the third game. Making you wonder: what would happen if...?

20 years later Fabio Capello in the same way forced us to be tormented by doubts - why they remain on the bench Denisov With Dzagoev? But in the third and decisive match of the group, he released them with the score 1:0 - and in the end the team did not leave the group, allowing the Africans to win back. Would it be possible to maintain the winning score without resorting to the services of those whom everyone so wanted to see on the field? Question. Would it be better if the two Ds, who are so lacking at Euro now, played from the first minutes? One more question.

Roman SHIROKOV. Photo by Alexander FEDOROV, "SE"

The best way to illustrate the fans' tendency to mood swings with us journalists is their attitude towards Shirokov. Turned it on Slutsky in the application for the European Championship - this caused caustic surprise among the masses. I left him on the bench in two matches - the same reaction. Any problems in the team’s performance are perceived exclusively through individual players. Played Kokorin it doesn’t matter with Slovakia - we demand that for Wales they leave him in reserve and switch to a system with two forwards. Maybe this will really happen, but breaking the scheme during the tournament in conditions of a shortage of players is hardly a smaller risk. You can lose something that is already working, even if it’s only for a while, but it’s working. It is no coincidence that in all other matches, where one of the teams frankly did not play the way they wanted, the coaches changed the players - to one-dimensional ones, but not the model itself.

When we try to understand whether it was Slutsky’s decision to stop at a couple Neustedter - Golovin and in the second round, it seems to me, one significant thing is being overlooked. U Glushakova, who scored against England (even if he touched the ball over the line or on the goal line) and scored against Slovakia, had a muscle injury. Because of which he did not conduct all training at the base in France in the general group. And the Spartak player was simply not ready for the entire 90 minutes. The fate of most matches here is decided after the break. It is more logical to have a player on hand who will strengthen the game by coming on as a substitute, than, on the contrary, to weaken your team by removing him at the beginning of the second half.

If this argument is not only correct, but also priority, it becomes clear not only the absence Glushakova in the starting lineup, but also the presence in it Golovin. It's no secret that Slutsky sees Mamaeva a strong attacking midfielder. And if so, having too large an attacking group on the field at the same time against the powerful midfield of the British and Slovaks is too big a risk. Golovin, probably, is also not a strong defensive player and is unlikely to ever become one, but the coach should know better the requirements for the overall structure of the game.

80th minute. Denis GLUSHAKOV celebrates a goal. Photo by Alexander FEDOROV, "SE"

It is possible that this is an erroneous view, but I am now considering pairs of midfielders Neustedter - Golovin And Glushakov - Mamaev just like blocks. When it is possible to replace the structure as a whole, and not in fragments. And if the connection in the center in the third round turns out to be completely new, this will not only be a consequence of unsatisfactory play, but also evidence that Glushakov I’m already ready to stand on the field for more than a half.

I watched the match with England from the press box without leaving for a break. An interesting detail - as soon as the referee blew the whistle for the break, the substitutes entered the field. Everyone was warming up quite monotonously, as it always happens. But only Shirokov made accelerations and jerks. It was obvious that he was being prepared to replace him. But he only came out for the last fifteen minutes. Why? Did you feel pain or spasm? Or Slutsky decided not to rush for some reasons of your own?

Judging by the post-match press conference in Lille, the head coach is aiming to reshuffle the squad. Trying to guess again what they will be like, I would venture to guess that the composition will change, but not the scheme. There will be three forwards again, but Neustedter With Golovin will be in stock. Because a scheme is an idea, thought out and suffered, and reshuffling players is the next step. Slutsky- a coach, a tactician, for whom the emotional component is secondary. Who knows, maybe the national team plays the second halves better than the first because he chews something out for the players during the break in the locker room.

The team's third game is decisive.

All emotions are for later.

P.S. I just wrote the text, and it became known that Shatova muscle damage. But the team doctors Eduard Bezuglov And Mikhail Butovsky many players were restored in record time - the same Shirokova to Sweden, for example. I am confident that medical professionals and the Zenit player will be back in action for the decisive meeting.

MOSCOW, February 27 – RIA Novosti. State Duma deputy from the LDPR Leonid Slutsky said that he reserves the right to file a lawsuit at any time for accusations of harassment of journalists.

"IN in this case This is not about harassment. Everyone who knows me at least to some extent imagines that I am unlikely to be capable of such actions. It’s even more strange - my colleagues have already talked about this - that more than a year later they even came out of nowhere, since the virtual, anonymous carriers of these attacks themselves say that this happened a long time ago. Therefore, this is some kind of provocation with the aim of adding a fly in the ointment to my reputation,” Slutsky told RIA Novosti.

The politician noted that this whole situation arose “on the eve of the elections,” and therefore he considers this “simply a rude tactic during the election campaign.” The parliamentarian also emphasized that, nevertheless, he treats such accusations “calmly and philosophically.”

“They waited a year. I also reserve the right to file a lawsuit at any time when I deem it appropriate. Now any lawsuits are simply grist for the mill of those who would like to stir up such a scandal... We will continue to work and engage in professional activities. The situation this is artificial in itself and I think that it will pass in the same way,” he concluded.

Earlier, a correspondent for the Dozhd TV channel working in the State Duma, during a broadcast with LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky, said that a member of the faction was “molesting female journalists.” As the correspondent explained, we are talking about deputy Leonid Slutsky. The channel's website reports that two journalists working in the State Duma, on condition of anonymity, told Dozhd about harassment by the parliamentarian. Zhirinovsky said on the TV channel that he was hearing about this for the first time, did not consider such behavior normal, and promised to talk with Slutsky on this topic.

The head of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs himself called the accusations against him slander and expressed confidence that the leadership of the State Duma will understand the situation. The deputy noted that attempts to make him a “Russian Harvey Weinstein” look like a cheap and base provocation and are doomed to failure in advance.

Vice-Speaker of the State Duma Igor Lebedev, in turn, said that the LDPR on March 1 at the State Duma Council will raise the issue of depriving all representatives of the Dozhd TV channel of accreditation in the lower house of parliament after accusations were made in the media of harassment of parliamentary pool journalists by Slutsky .

In response to this, acting The editor-in-chief of the Dozhd TV channel, Alexandra Perepelov, expressed the hope that Lebedev, instead of “threatening journalists” with deprivation of accreditation, would conduct an investigation into Slutsky.

A new charge of sexual harassment has been brought against the chairman of the Duma Committee on International Affairs, Leonid Slutsky. Public discussion of the deputy’s behavior began in the last ten days of February, when journalists from the parliamentary pool came forward with anonymous evidence against Slutsky. One of them, producer of the Dozhd television company Daria Zhuk, revealed her name after she was supported by the deputy editor-in-chief of the RTVi television channel Ekaterina Kotrikadze.

Events developed according to the usual pattern in such cases: while some warmly supported the journalists, others were skeptical of their words, and Leonid Slutsky himself rejected the accusations and called them “a rude tactic during the election campaign.”

Regarding the accusations of sexual harassment, I can say the following: attempts to turn Slutsky into a Russian Harvey Weinstein look most like a cheap, low-grade provocation. And - unfortunately for the initiators of these attempts! - are doomed to failure in advance.

If someone has complaints against me, then let these people express them to my face. And I’m not going to react to the stuffing, which, by the way, is quite in the spirit of the Dozh TV channel. It is clear that the entire strategy of the so-called opposition journalist is based on banal mud-slinging. From a business point of view, it’s difficult to find fault with me, so they came up with “harassment.”

However, on March 6, the deputy was accused of harassment by BBC employee Farida Rustamova, who retained a full audio recording of the meeting with Slutsky. The transcript of the audio recording impressed even many of those who disparagingly commented on sex scandals in Hollywood - it seems that the same thing looks more convincing on domestic material.

Unexpectedly, during the conversation, Slutsky changed the topic of conversation and suggested: “Little bunny, maybe you should throw it at<...>is this BBC? I'll take you somewhere." [...]

I have a young man, Leonid Eduardovich.
-Drop him.
-Don't want.
-I want to marry him.
-Great, you will be his wife and my mistress.

Rustamova once again tried to ask a question about Le Pen, but did not receive any more substantive answers. After which, with the words “come on, little bunny, you’ll be in the mood, stop by, I missed you,” according to the journalist’s recollections, the politician abruptly approached her, “ran his hand, the inside of his palm, up over my pubis” and jumped away.

Rustamova recalls that it was so unexpected that it plunged her into shock and stupor: “I didn’t understand what happened. It was very abrupt. I started stuttering, gurgling, I was in a numb state. I mumbled that I was more with you I won’t come, you’re giving up.”

Judging by the answer, which is available on the audio recording of the conversation, Slutsky did not agree with this assessment of his actions.

“I don’t let go of my hands, well, just a little bit. Letting go of my hands is an ugly expression,” the deputy answered.
-But you do it!
-I do it beautifully.

About a year has passed since all this happened; Farida Rustamova decided to speak openly only after she saw the testimonies of other girls.

I am very grateful to Katerina Kotrikadze, whom, unfortunately, I did not know until yesterday, and Daria Zhuk for their courage, and with them to the Dozhd and RTVi TV channels. Not every editorial office will dare to protect its correspondent in such a situation.

I was very lucky to work for the BBC. I am supported, helped, I am protected. Thank you for this, my dear corporation.

Deputy Slutsky has powerful friends. LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky personally asked President Vladimir Putin to appoint Slutsky as chairman of the International Affairs Committee after the State Duma elections. Slutsky himself, a couple of years ago, out of the blue, showed me photographs of his, as he called them, close friends. Among them were photos with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (on a yacht), Prince Albert II of Monaco and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev. Slutsky is also closely connected with the Russian Orthodox Church and with people from the capital’s construction complex.

No one called me or threatened me, but by making this story public, I fear for my safety.

I assume that, most likely, this situation will be released under the brakes and Slutsky will not get anything for it. But I hope that this story will help make my colleagues suffer less from harassment and not be afraid to talk about it.

The editor-in-chief of Echo of Moscow believes that one of the reasons why the avalanche finally happened was the deputy’s discussion of the scandal on Facebook:

I want to fully support what Katya Kotrikadze did. I regret that she herself did not explain why she did this, besides those harassments 7 years ago. She read on Leonid Slutsky’s Facebook his discussion of this story, when they were still talking about him anonymously with his friends, former deputies: “Ha-ha-ha! Can’t you lend me two girls?...” - “And I can only have pretty ones...”. - “And you only have pretty ones.” Ha-ha-ha!” And this pissed her off, and absolutely rightly so.

That is, instead of the person apologizing, saying that he was misunderstood, that he liked the girls: “I apologize to those whom I offended, I didn’t mean to” - he begins - ha ha ha! over their victims. This absolutely pissed her off. She opened up.

Therefore, my full support for Katya Kotrikadze and the unknown Daria Zhuk. But this explanation is that when all this became known, and they still mock those who consider themselves its victims - this is what led her to the disclosure. And I understand that. And I support this. Although I never support any kind of campaigning, you know. Therefore, Katya, we are with you. We understand how much courage it takes to say this. The same ones will grin behind your back, but we are with you and “Echo” is also with you

Screenshots of this discussion were indeed widely distributed on the Internet, accompanied by a large number of unflattering comments addressed to the “people’s representatives.”

Weinstein in a parallel universe.

A State Duma deputy, accused of harassment, shares journalists like sausage on FB with his colleagues. Openly laughing.

Deputies from the Committee on International Affairs are discussing on social networks how to start harassing journalists together.

And yes, the very fact of such a discussion should be submitted to the ethics commission.

Having read State Duma deputies Anton Morozov, Alexei Gabisov, Alexei Dolin, I remembered Talleyrand: “Entire nations would shudder if they knew what nonentities rule them.” It must be so disgusting to publicly curry favor with your superiors.

I kept wondering why I was not at all impressed by the story about deputy Slutsky, who rudely pestered journalists and now there seems to be audio evidence of this. And I understood. It’s just that I, like the majority of Russian citizens, am deeply convinced that our deputies (well, ok, not all, but the majority, and certainly all of the LDPR elders):

a) tear off the wings of flies
b) crush old women with asphalt rollers
c) organize cannibal orgies
d) worship Satan
d) openly work for our reptilian enemies

I don't mean to say that grabbing girls is a minor offense. But just if tomorrow it turns out that one LDPR deputy ate another deputy without salt and didn’t even choke, then I wouldn’t be surprised at all.

Who will argue with the fact that Slutsky (who is a deputy, not a coach) is a vintage scumbag and in general<человек недостойный>? This is a medical fact. But what does the public want? Expulsion of him from the State Duma? So there they are all like that. He sits in a place worthy of his moral qualities. And according to the party line it is quite consistent.

However, even in the State Duma there are exceptions: for example, deputy Oksana Pushkina believes that Slutsky should be fired and promises to introduce amendments to the legislation that will strengthen liability for sexual harassment.

Many journalists and public figures supported the deprivation of Leonid Slutsky’s deputy mandate and supported their colleagues.

So, well, have you finished off this lustful animal? Even?

Farida Rustamova, you’re great, I’m sending rays of support with all my might

I know Farida personally, and I vouch for the fact that she is telling the truth. I'm with you and we are with you, the scoundrel must be punished

After all this, Slutsky should at least be deprived of his mandate and expelled from the State Duma. This will be easier to do with an audio recording. We must do everything possible to bring the matter to an end, to establish the maximum number of cases of harassment on the part of Slutsky. The feeling is that there are many more victims from this deputy.

I remember those who grunted during Weinsteinheit: “What were these fools thinking when they went to his room? This is what they go to the room for, and not for a tete-a-tete conversation.” This argument doesn't work here. The journalist goes to the deputy’s office precisely for a one-on-one conversation.

Farida Rustamova, you're cool for telling me. And the fact that I couldn’t fight back on the spot is normal, it shouldn’t be ashamed. I'm with you.

Farida is great for deciding to talk about this and post the voice recording. She's wildly unpleasant. And how difficult it is for Farida.

Slutsky, of course, will now remain silent and pretend that nothing happened. But now this is concrete proof of what happened. And about Slutsky I would like to write as quickly as possible as at least “ex-State Duma deputy.”

I have known and respected Katya, Farida, and Dasha for a long time. I met Katya a thousand years ago in Tbilisi, I worked with Dasha at Dozhd - the kindest, most soulful person, I started communicating with Farida from regular get-togethers of ex-employees of Gazeta.Ru and I remember how patriarchal she was brought up.
You are great for taking the plunge, I can imagine how hard it was to tell. And I hope that now Slutsky will have his balls torn off both in his family and at work.

They, of course, don’t want to hand over their own, but it’s also a big shame. I don’t even know how they will get out of it, what else they will come up with.

All this time, no one was trying to make excuses for Slutsky. And they didn’t hesitate to shout about black panties on air. And they giggled on his Facebook. And they ran around, almost calling him a saint.
Deputies, you should be ashamed of many things, but maybe now you will at least stop defending your vile fellow tribesman who does this? Or is this a normal norm within the walls of the State Duma and everyone does it?

I will repeat for the hundredth time. All the reality in the West that outrages the right-wing patriarchal public in Russia - women’s struggle for their rights, migrants, LGBT, basic income (welfare), legalization of soft drugs, direct democracy and, in general, the general humanization of social relations - will come to Russia. It will start with Moscow, then there will be others big cities. Again, a special explanation for adherents of such a right-wing patriarchy: this is neither good nor bad - it is a given, a natural process of social development. For example, a hundred, even seventy years ago, these right-wing conservatives would have been rotting in the trenches, but now they are sitting in warm rooms - and no one is reproachful about this. And two hundred years ago they would have been flogged with rods for reading the foreign press and sent to hard labor for freethinking. Almost like Dostoevsky.
Everything flows, everything changes.

#they write that Slutsky is everything.
And in terms of career
And in the sense of marriage, although he was forgiven _much_
But the main thing is that it is by his example, as @Docpro is convinced, that it will be shown where simple Russian male flirting is (no match for Western and European ones), and where there is sexual harassment.
And, as some “friends” advise, he can no longer escape abroad - he will be fried there with his feathers inside.
It always falls to someone to be shot in front of the line without the right to a pistol with one cartridge.
So expect convulsions and a logical outcome.

But, of course, not everyone believes that the deputy should be punished.

They started killing Slutsky completely. The BBC, over there, trumpeted. Meanwhile, he is a normal, moderately lustful man. Nature takes its toll. It seems that liberal journalists want to be known as victims, “like in Hollywood.” Venediktov, by the way, has already come forward and supported the victims. Feels behind him).​

When you read and read all this, you become so lost that you want to say: have you gone completely crazy?
And you yourself are not funny, not disgusted - from such a concentration of hypocrisy, idiocy and unbearably false hysteria over a three-kopeck issue?
Well, if some stranger touched you, then slap him in the face, leave and forget about it in a minute.
Oh, he called me “bunny” - and after that I cried for three years.
Oh, he is a State Duma deputy - and he dared to invite me to become his mistress.
How could he!
This is an injury!
This is a moral disaster!
And if you were pushed on the subway, do you cry into your pillow at night?
And if a drunk called you a bad word, do you go to a psychotherapist?
I understand that “he waved his hand and bounced off” - this is practically Chikatilo, and after that, if you do survive, it still takes a long time to come to your senses, every now and then trying to commit suicide, but...
When the wrong men pester you, it can be unpleasant, I believe.
But hypocrisy, little bunny, is a very big sin.

But let's imagine that the ethics commission State Duma this one will take it<выгонит>Slutsky from the committee chairmen.

Already in the morning after this day, “accusations of harassment” will appear on the market for security services. In our country, where many thousands of people are imprisoned for planting drugs on them, setting several girls hired for 500 rubles on a person would be much more technologically advanced.

And personally, of course, I believe Kotrikadze. And yes, here we are not dealing with girls for 500 rubles, but with people well-known in the industry, with provenance and an appropriate attitude towards them and their words (Rozovsky’s accusation of some kind of crazy woman the other day, as you can see, was not developed).

But these respected girls are now creating a new repressive mechanism with their own hands. Of course they don't want that. But they do.

And as soon as the mechanism is created, the case with Rozovsky will become an exception. They will accuse in chorus, in many voices. No one will be able to make excuses - a residue will still remain.

If you want to ask me: what should be done in this situation, if it’s so bad and so bad?

And I will answer you: I don’t know what to do.

This is our national peculiarity. Whatever is done is for the worse.

Others argue heatedly with those who are not prepared to discuss history seriously.

Dear (and inexpensive) fellow men, choking on their irony in in social networks about the case named after. Slutsky, I have a request for you right away - shut your mouth, eh. And now to the point. I understand that the concept of empathy as such is alien to you, but try with your meager brains (or the semblance of them) to imagine that you are a young girl, a parliamentary correspondent. You are invited for a conversation by a speaker, a man twice your age, heavier and physically stronger. He closes the office door. And pins you in a corner. And tries to slobber on it. Or he gets under your skirt. What the hell recorder are you talking about? What the hell are fingerprints in this situation, hello? From the skirt? It’s already good to run away. And imagine (although it’s unlikely you’ll succeed) what stress and socially programmed shame it is to talk about it. I understand that you are all smiling disgustingly now and saying that it is impossible to prove anything. Especially for your sake, I hope that karma still exists

I once tried to slap him, but I couldn’t reach him. And she ran for the stun gun. And I was bullied after that. That’s why we don’t risk hitting them in the face, which they will announce later<сумасшедшей>

Such men’s conclusions infuriate me so much, they infuriate women in the comments who think that “what’s wrong”, that the professionalism of a female journalist is ridiculed and questioned and not a word is said about the fact that the deputy is an asshole. That they do not believe that such “behavior” of a man is unacceptable and traumatic.
I don’t remember the faces of the random “tram” scoundrels, but I remember the disgust and horror of their sudden touches. And even more so, I remember all the inappropriate jokes, unambiguous suggestions and hints from my colleagues. This is very unpleasant. And this is not forgotten. Even if you didn’t give yourself offense and answered.
I would really like Slutsky to lose his mandate.
And so that his colleagues would start looking at him askance.
And so that society would stop thinking “what’s wrong”, he didn’t kill and eat him in the end.

I don’t even know what angers me more: the comments of men who giggle about harassment, or the reaction of women who say that men just look after me like that, and we should be happy.
This is all a continuation of the conversation about the lack of respect for human dignity. For many decades, ideas about human dignity were burned out with a hot iron. Managed. Congratulations. And now for all cops, guards, officials, and for any security guard, the main pleasure is to humiliate. This is the only way they can assert themselves. And I have absolutely no idea what to do about it. How to explain what human dignity is. How to talk about the need to respect not out of fear, but because mom and dad raised me that way. I'm terribly angry. Evil, including because of powerlessness. I was lucky: my stepfather, when I started working, was a very famous journalist. Both his surname and his authority protected me. Because almost everyone perceived me not as a journalist, but as a daughter. It was a shame. But now I understand that it helped me avoid many unpleasant situations. I really want to protect my colleagues. Your girlfriends. I want to go and punch Slutsky in the face (sorry, I know this is administrative) for my friend Katya, for my friend Farida. For Dasha Zhuk, whom we only met a couple of times. I know everyone will continue to laugh. That women with challahs on their heads who work in the State Duma will protect the ghoul. They will lie that the girls made it all up and are just trying to attract attention. God forbid that you attract attention in this way!

I don't know what to do with this. I guess I’ll just constantly remind you that Slutsky is scum. Like any man who considers such behavior normal. Maybe someone will listen. Suddenly he thinks about it. Suddenly he agrees.

It's scary when someone close to you becomes a victim. It’s even worse when you read or hear the reaction of people in power to this story and you understand that they don’t want to understand anything, but are covering up for an immoral type. I hope that the existence of the audio recording and SMS will become a serious argument for people in the presidential administration and the leadership of the State Duma to deprive Slutsky of his parliamentary powers or at least force him to apologize.

On the other hand, everyone who observed the actions Russian authorities V last years, knows that absolutely any amount of evidence can be declared insufficient.

Scandal with Slutsky

When they call their names, then we'll talk
- When more than one Kotrikadze says, then we’ll talk
- When the recording is ready, then we’ll talk
- When there is a photo, then we’ll talk
- When the video comes out, then we’ll talk
- When the sperm comes, then we’ll talk The most important question: why did you acquit Slutsky at the ethics commission?

Pozdnyakov: The question is both simple and difficult. At the commission meeting I had one desire - to understand what happened. In the stories of children [journalists] ( hereinafter note from nuances appear that perhaps cannot be written about on paper.

Moments that are not expressed are felt. I wanted [clarity]. Second. President elections. Before this, a big operation took place the day before: the expulsion of our diplomats in England. Before this - a libel about toxic substances, weapons and other things. I'm sorry, it's utter nonsense. They wanted to fail the elections. But it didn't work out.

Next: a statement from this presidential candidate. But still, no matter what the person was, it was necessary to react. She accumulated everyone. But I felt that something was wrong, because a long-standing, long-standing misfortune, problem, resentment manifested itself right now.

It was now that a girl’s story from a year ago emerged; another saw this case on a website, in electronic networks, and suddenly remembered her insult, her insult. And everything coincided! [Charges] against one person [- Slutsky]. I was wondering: why? Yes, a prominent man. Yes, in the nomenclature. But I learned that he was instructed at the time [of the presidential election] to unite international observers. It was clear that they would come to a reliable person, a representative of a reliable party. The calculation was for the failure of the presidential election campaign. And when the conversation was going on at the commission meeting, some points slipped through from one madam [Farida Rustamova]... And we talked for a year! I said: why didn’t you contact me, my dear? I would advise you that you are in the wrong place... I had the feeling that she herself did not understand what was happening, that she was being controlled.

How are they managed?

How can I know... This is such a moment: someone is interested, someone is offended, and someone is obliged. She said it herself: [French presidential candidate Marine] Le Pen came. This is the BBC Russian Service! It's tough there, the laws of the market. Everything is strict. She said: we have a lot of competition between media representatives. There’s a whole story around this [harassment] - why didn’t you soap his face right away? It accumulated and accumulated... And then, why throw away these nuances? I’m not a young man, I’m uncomfortable [hearing about] these hidden, intimate parts, what are their names. And then - the recording was on!

Slutsky says: “Am I a fool?”

Slutsky says: “Am I a fool? Will I really succumb to provocation? It will work against me.”

It turns out this is a provocation. She makes me sick to my stomach. Today I hear: media leaders are recalling their journalists. Where do they pick it up from? They say that the Duma does not decide anything - why is it needed? But the Duma is elected by the people. An entire organ is destroyed state power!

An entire government body is being destroyed!

State Duma Deputy Vladimir Pozdnyakov

The presidential elections have just taken place. There is so much [criticism] against the Prime Minister! It turns out that there is a “Kremlin list”. This means that the government will also be under pressure! Or maybe destruction. And just like that, if you rise above this labyrinth, there’s so much!

But your commission relied only on words from one side and the other. Why did you take Slutsky's side?

We listened to all the girls! What did you endure for several years? Have you been looking for arguments for a year? No justification!

What should have been done?

Act immediately. I'm a man. I don't know how. But I understand simply: if someone insulted me, I would challenge him to a duel and destroy him like a scoundrel for his ruined honor. It’s bad that the gauntlet isn’t being thrown down now.

That is, Slutsky should have been slapped in the face? Then Slutsky would be the victim.

I don't know, I can't comment on this.

Photo: Vladimir Fedorenko / RIA Novosti

Have there been similar scandals in your practice?

No. And even if I heard something, I never develop the topic, because in this case I think: like my granddaughter, my great-granddaughter will be. Will I watch with lust? No! With bitterness and pain.

Your colleagues say that Rustamova herself provoked Slutsky. Do you agree with this?

You know, last year we installed a heating main near our house. Summer. Representatives of the former republics are sitting in the trench Soviet Union, from Central Asia. A girl is walking in front of me. Skirt to mid-thigh. I see with what lust this 20-year-old dark guy looks at the Slavic woman. And he just has... Lust! I caught up with her and said: “Girl, honey, what are you doing? Well, step aside! We must take into account the mentality of our people and those of our visitors!” How many [rapes] happen in the West, instructions are written on how to behave. She didn't understand what they were talking about. Then we talked in detail. She admitted: “Yes, I’m setting myself up.”

What are journalists exposing themselves to in the State Duma?

I don’t know, I just see for myself whether it’s available or not. You can express yourself by turning your head, lifting your hair, bending over to help you look... I notice the hairstyle, the jewelry, and the clothes - how she tried to look. There are moments that are visible. We men feel it. But now I’m already afraid... I won’t ride in an elevator with a woman alone. At least with the journalist.

I won’t ride in an elevator with a woman alone. At least with the journalist

State Duma Deputy Vladimir Pozdnyakov

We must draw conclusions. Someone will now take revenge. How do I know who comes here and for what purposes? Why does she have such a short skirt, why a tight blouse with things crawling out of her blouse... Maybe she wants to have fun and then wants to get some kind of bribe? And girls need to take care of themselves. If it really [happens] - hit it backhand.

And then keep quiet?

Why keep quiet? Women have protection through the authorities. But in general, yes, there was no need to wash dirty linen in public.

There was no need to wash dirty linen in public

State Duma Deputy Vladimir Pozdnyakov

How do you explain to them what harassment is and how to respond to it?

We are now going a little deeper into the problem.

Well, let's put emphasis and dot the i's.

Then I will touch on one more aspect. There is juvenile justice. In preschool institutions they teach [in Europe] how to pull these... rubber products onto a blank. And so on. It used to be very embarrassing. I couldn’t even watch kisses in films - I shyly lowered my head. In the West they are now passing special laws to protect [women] - God forbid they look at someone invitingly, they can be punished. But our country is different, our moral values ​​are different. The education of immorality and lust is underway - the time is apparently coming when these formulations that you are asking about will be clearly defined. But there is a legal side, and there is a moral side. Legally, you can provide for a lot, but there are intonations of voice... You can gently say: “My fool,” but if you write it, the person will be offended. In any case, I don’t regret for myself that we made such a decision, but then I’m ready to help these girls as much as possible.


How will they formulate it? Maybe they will contact specialized authorities, add the documents they have, and test Slutsky with a lie detector. And it may turn out that he was made... Slandered... He said so. On March 8, he congratulated women and then said that if he unwittingly offended someone, I’m sorry. But in the prayers of the Orthodox there is such an expression. If I voluntarily or unwittingly offended anyone, I'm sorry.

Do you feel sorry for him?

It's a pity. Maybe he just got hit by a big one, enormous power evil that affects him today. In this regard it is a pity. On the other hand, there is no need to expose yourself either. Such things should not be allowed to happen. But what things? We don't know what was there. Everything from the dysfunction of society fell on him.

You don’t admit at all that Slutsky could really harass girls because he felt unpunished?

No. I don’t know, I haven’t observed it, I haven’t watched it, I can’t predict. But we, in the male community, have all sorts of them - both with hussar moods, and who never open their mouths with obscenity, and from whom all sorts of nasty things flow from their mouths.

I don't know... I wasn't present for those kinds of conversations with him. I was present only in deeply decent relationships.

You said that you felt that the journalists were lying. What did they have to say for you to believe them? How to behave?

I don't know, it's deep inside. I'm not an artist and never will be. But I have a negative attitude towards artists, because these people play in their own and other people’s lives.

How do you recognize this? Are there criteria?

One wants to convey his thoughts, reflections through the classics, as he understands this work, while others are now undressing on stage, practically showing [sexual] acts... Especially modern theater is guilty of this.

So, in your opinion, the speech of the journalists was a performance?

I didn't look at them from that point of view. I was sorry that one girl, Farida, I had the feeling that I had been caught. She may have spoken sincerely...

But if she spoke sincerely, it means that Slutsky really harassed her, touched her pubis...

If I were her, I myself wouldn’t say that this place is called that. Lower abdomen as a last resort.

“Not the pubis, but the lower abdomen”

State Duma Deputy Vladimir Pozdnyakov

Okay, lower belly. But if she speaks sincerely, then it happened.

No, it's no longer sincere.

What changed?

It’s already different... Well, why are we toiling. Different words.

So “pubes” is no longer true?

We talked today... If the device... If we say “lower abdomen”, then this is the lower abdomen, and when we say “pubes”, then the device can also decipher.

Didn't understand.

Organ, genitals, phallus...

Do you want to say that if a girl calls a spade a spade, this means that she is slandering?

It's clear. But if the journalists told the truth, what sanction should be applied?

(interrupts) Cut him off... Castrate him. In general, I am in favor of all those who committed violence against children and violence against women being castrated not chemically, but physically.

But if the journalists told the truth, then cut him off... Castrate

State Duma Deputy Vladimir Pozdnyakov

Don't you need to take away the mandate?

If you received two sets, take both. I'm kidding in this case. What is the difference between a deputy and a citizen?

There is more demand from him.

Well, that’s why you need to be careful about your actions, hand movements... You can show indecent expressions on your fingers, or you can chastely hold your fist or hide it behind your back.

Aren’t you afraid that after the decision of your commission, girls who have faced harassment at work will simply be afraid to talk about it, because you said that no one will prove anything?

Well, that means, in a certain way, Oksana Pushkina is right... We need to introduce [the bill]. But it is difficult to prove all this. Yesterday we listened very carefully. I restrained myself and said almost nothing. It was necessary to take him at his word - they caught him.

What impact will this scandal have on your work and the work of your colleagues?

I don't know what the consequences will be. Yes, to me, actually... Let's analyze for each member of the council and commission whether we are worthy of being deputies. But I’m not defending myself, I’m defending the State Duma as a body. If someone is guilty, let’s hand it over to the investigative authorities, and everyone will get what they deserve... That’s it, my dear, we have a meeting.

Six large media outlets at once, including the RBC and Kommersant holdings, announced a full or partial boycott of the State Duma due to the fact that the ethics commission found no violations in the actions of LDPR deputy Leonid Slutsky. Previously, several journalists accused Slutsky of harassment, and on March 8 he even managed to apologize to the women whom he “caused distress.” Government authorities have not yet officially responded to the boycott.

The ethics commission heard the case of Leonid Slutsky on March 21. Deputies examined statements from female employees of the Dozhd channel and other media outlets who accused Slutsky of molesting them when they communicated at work. Medialeaks spoke in detail about . The chairman of the commission, Otari Arshba, ultimately said that “the commission does not find any behavioral violations in Mr. Slutsky.”

In addition to the statements, the BBC management handed over to the commission an audio recording made by correspondent Farida Rustamova, which she considers evidence of the deputy’s unethical behavior. Arshba said that the commission did not listen to the recording and advises the “girls” to contact law enforcement agencies, Interfax reports.

Members of the commission draw attention to the fact that the applicants voiced their complaints against their colleague Slutsky almost simultaneously, during the presidential elections of the Russian Federation, and also after a considerable time (from a year to three years) after the alleged “incidents”.

Arshba also stated that the facts studied by the commission “indicate the selectivity, purposefulness, and planned nature of the applicants’ actions.”

Soon after this, the management of the RBC holding announced that it would stop working in the State Duma. All RBC publications are recalling their journalists from this government body. The head of the joint editorial office, Elizaveta Golikova, explained that in this way RBC expresses disagreement with the position of the ethics commission.

With this decision, the ethics commission essentially recognized the possibility of sexual harassment of journalists by newsmakers as a norm. We do not agree with this approach and refuse to consider the Duma’s position on this issue normal.

Several media outlets followed RBC's example. The TV channels Dozhd and RTVi, whose employees had previously reported Slutsky’s harassment, completely refused to work with the Duma. Dozhd editor-in-chief Alexandra Perepelova said that “it is simply dangerous for women to be in the State Duma.”

The editorial board of the Dozhd TV channel, which was the first to raise the issue of deputy Leonid Slutsky’s harassment of journalists, including our colleague, is outraged by the position of the State Duma and the parliamentary ethics commission and considers its decision unacceptable and mocking.

RTVi chief editor Alexey Pivovarov said that the channel will not “interact with this government body” while Slutsky remains a deputy.


RTVi declares its solidarity.

He wrote in a telegram that “Echo of Moscow” will no longer take comments from Slutsky and recalls correspondents from the State Duma Chief Editor radio station Alexey Venediktov.

1. “Echo of Moscow” stands in solidarity with journalists who have become victims of harassment in the State Duma.
2. “Echo of Moscow” is disappointed by the decision of the parliamentary ethics commission, which essentially justified such practice in higher education. legislature countries.
3. “Echo of Moscow” now considers the State Duma an unsafe place of work for journalists of both sexes (you never know what preferences the deputies have) and, in accordance with the proposal of State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin, is recalling its journalists from the State Duma.
4. “Echo of Moscow” confirms its decision of March 5 to cease interaction with the Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs Leonid Slutsky.
5. “Echo of Moscow” stands in solidarity with the editorial offices of RBC, “Kommersant” and “Dozhd” and calls on other editorial offices to show solidarity with journalists. announced a boycott of Slutsky personally, and not of the entire State Duma.


State Duma deputy Leonid Slutsky ignores accusations of sexual harassment. From now on, ignores the existence of Deputy Slutsky and joins the boycott organized by our colleagues. All materials about him that do not relate to allegations of harassment will be deleted.

If accreditation ends and the media recalls its journalists, again in accordance with the accreditation regulations, the passes are revoked.

In private, the general producer of Match TV, Tina Kandelaki, announced support for female journalists who reported harassment by Slutsky.

Who said that a woman at work, at the most inopportune and unexpected moment, wants a light and sudden massage? intimate areas? Especially from a deputy. Especially in his office. Especially during interviews.

Kandelaki compared Slutsky’s actions to the actions of a pedophile.

Usually, in exchange for candy, it was offered to give the grandfather his palm, which could have been accidentally placed in a place that was not intended for a child’s palm. But today, in broad daylight, adventures happen in Moscow in the State Duma, in the office of a deputy.

The general producer of Match TV urged her colleagues not to be afraid of harassment and to fight back.

IN modern world Reputation is important to any official. Any such act makes you want to slap him in the face and forever explain to homegrown Nero that the State Duma is not a place for sexual games.

It is unknown whether the channel will boycott the deputies.

Deputy from " United Russia» Oksana Pushkina supported the journalists, writes RIA Novosti.

Well done! I was happy for my workshop. Actually, my current colleagues don’t give up theirs either. A precedent has been created. There is such a problem in the country. It must be resolved through legislation. It's my opinion. I will do everything that depends on me.

Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technologies and Communications, United Russia member Leonid Levin, on the contrary, believes that the media are wrong, Interfax reports.

I consider the decision of a number of media outlets to recall journalists from the federal parliament to be emotional and contrary to the most important task of the press to inform society.

Former RIA Novosti employee and creator of the Noodlesnimalochnaya blog Alexey Kovalev believes that a boycott of the media can be effective.