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Analysis of stool for protozoa, how to collect. Stool analysis for worm eggs and protozoa is normal. How to take it and what can be revealed? Storing stool for analysis of worm eggs

Unfounded weight loss, especially in combination with a changed blood picture - a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin (anemia) and an increase in the level of such a fraction of leukocytes as eosinophils. Frequent diarrhea, nausea, vomiting may also be a reason for such a check;
- Recent use water from open reservoirs, travel to tropical countries, using well water without boiling;
- Mandatory check Persons working in the catering industry and in child care institutions are tested for worm eggs once a year. A check is carried out as part of a mandatory medical examination, including before employment.

Get ready Submitting feces for analysis must begin several days in advance. IN in this case The dietary requirements are less stringent, as with a general stool analysis, but taking laxatives and other drugs that affect intestinal motility (for example, antispasmodics) should still be discontinued several days in advance. Also, you should not overuse green vegetables and meat products; it is best to include milk and its processed products in your diet.

After the morning defecation Use a special spatula to remove 15-20 grams feces and place them in a sterile container that has a tight-fitting lid.

Deliver sample to the laboratory no later than two hours after collecting the sample for analysis.

- Whipworm eggs, which is the cause of trichocephalosis, is elongated in shape with characteristic caps at the ends.
- Liver fluke eggs They are distinguished by their large size - 130-150 by 60-70 microns, light brown in color, surrounded by a two-layer shell. There is a cap on one of the poles; the contents are homogeneous or slightly grainy.

- Bull tapeworm eggs They have a round shape and are surrounded by a two-layer shell. When released into the external environment, the shell of the eggs is very quickly destroyed, so only round-shaped embryos are identified, which are called oncospheres.
- Pork tapeworm eggs also round in shape, but have a dense shell covered with radial stripes.

- Cat fluke eggs oval in shape, have a cap on one of the poles and thus resemble the eggs of the liver fluke, but are one and a half to two times smaller.
- At schistosomiasis schistosome eggs are found in feces, which are easily distinguished from others by the presence of a spine on one of the poles.

Sometimes in analysis feces The eggs of worms can be detected by pinworm eggs - a small worm that lives in the rectum and lays eggs in the skin around the anus. The process of laying eggs in the skin causes severe itching. To diagnose enterobiasis (a disease caused by pinworms), it is often not stool analysis that is used, but skin scraping from the perianal folds. Pinworm eggs have an irregular shape and are surrounded by a two-layer tuberous shell.

In the human body and normal there are a large number of protozoa that belong to symbiotic microflora or opportunistic organisms. And according to appearance It is almost impossible to determine whether a cyst is a pathogenic microorganism or not. Therefore, for effective diagnosis, it is necessary to study the vegetative forms of protozoa, which persist in feces for a very short time. For this reason, stool analysis for the presence of pathogenic protozoa is carried out almost immediately after defecation, until the fecal matter has cooled.

At stool examination The following microorganisms can be detected for the presence of pathogenic protozoa:
- Blastocysts-cause nausea and diarrhea; different experts treat these protozoa differently - some classify them as pathogenic microorganisms, others classify them as opportunistic.

- Dysenteric amoeba- a microorganism within which the presence of red blood cells is determined, on which it feeds. Destroys the intestinal mucosa, causing severe inflammation - amoebiasis. Its relative is the intestinal amoeba, some authors consider them as two stages or forms of the same species.

- Giardia- as a rule, they cause damage to the biliary tract, but are excreted in large quantities along with the feces.

Analysis of stool for worm eggs and protozoa can be prescribed not only for diagnostic purposes, but also to control the quality of treatment provided. To do this, repeat tests are performed after the start of treatment and their results are compared. Sometimes stool analysis is supplemented by other clinical studies - general analysis blood, collection of bile and duodenal contents.

Synonyms: Parasitic examination, Feces for protozoa, feces for protozoa

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  • Description
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Period of execution

The analysis will be ready within 1 day (except for the day of taking the biomaterial). You will receive the results by email. mail immediately when ready.

Completion time: 2 days, excluding Saturday and Sunday (except for the day of taking biomaterial)

Preparing for analysis

In advance

To transfer stool and urine to the laboratory, purchase sterile 60 ml disposable containers in advance from a pharmacy or receive them at a medical center for free. Sign your name and order number on the containers.

A stool examination is carried out 48 hours after taking laxatives, drugs that increase intestinal motility and color stool, x-ray examination stomach and intestines using contrast agents, enemas, rectal suppositories, during menstruation or within 3 days before or after it.
Bleeding hemorrhoids and bleeding due to prolonged constipation can distort the result.

On the day of delivery

How to collect feces:

  • urinate in the toilet,
  • collect the stool in a clean, dry container, excluding urine and genital secretions,
  • Using the spoon that came with the container, fill the test container one third, taking stool from different areas,
  • screw the lid tightly
  • Keep the container with stool in the refrigerator and transfer it to the medical center on the day of collection.

Analysis information

Examination of feces for protozoa is a universal method for diagnosing intestinal protozoonoses during epidemiological and diagnostic examinations of the population. Used to detect the presence of cysts and oocysts of intestinal protozoa.

Research method - Formalin - ether method

Material for research - Feces

Stool analysis for protozoan cysts

Examination of feces for protozoa is a universal method for diagnosing intestinal protozoonoses during epidemiological and diagnostic examinations of the population. Used to detect the presence of cysts and oocysts of intestinal protozoa. Intestinal protozoa belong to the phylum Protozoa. Characteristic feature This type is that at all stages of the life cycle they exist in the form of a single cell. There are two stages in the life cycle: the vegetative stage - the trophozoid stage (active, mobile, reproducing, feeding) and the stable stage - cysts.

Interpretation of the results of the study "Analysis of feces for protozoan cysts"

Interpretation of test results is for informational purposes only, is not a diagnosis and does not replace medical advice. Reference values ​​may differ from those indicated depending on the equipment used, the actual values ​​will be indicated on the results form.

Microscopic examination of the preparations is carried out after enrichment. In this case, the following protozoan cysts are most often found:

  • Conditionally pathogenic intestinal protozoa: Trichomonas hominis, Lamblia intestinalis, Dientamoeba fragilis, Chilomastix mesnili.
  • Sarcodaceae: Entamoeba coli, Entamoeba hartmani, Entamoeba histolytica, Blastocystis hominis, Endolimax nana, Iodamoeba buetschlii.
  • Ciliated: Balantidium coli.
  • Sporozoans – coccidia: Cryptosporidium spp, Isospora belli, Isospora natalensis.

If the test result is negative, the answer indicates: “no protozoan cysts were detected.” If the test result is positive, the response indicates, for example: “Entamoeba histolytica cysts were detected.”

Unit of measurement: qualitative test

Reference values: not found

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The Lab4U team is doing everything to make this unpleasant procedure simple, convenient, accessible and understandable. Make Lab4U your permanent laboratory

Synonyms Russian

Stool analysis using the Parasep method, stool analysis for protozoa, stool examination for protozoa and helminth eggs, parasep

Amebiasis, intestinal amebiasis, intestinal amoeba, entamoeba coli

Roundworms, ascariasis

Balantidia, intestinal balantidiasis, ciliate dysentery, balantidiasis

Blastocysts, Homini blastocyst, blastocytosis



Diphylobothrium latum

Yodameb Buechli

Dwarf amoeba, endolimax nana, non-pathogenic amoeba, amoebiasis

Dwarf tapeworm, rat tapeworm, hymenolepiasis, hymenolepis nana

Lanceolate fluke, lanceolate fluke

Giardia intestinalis, Giardia, intestinal Giardia, Giardiasis

Opisthorchis felineus, cat fluke

Opisthorchiasis, opisthorchiasis

Liver fluke, hepatic fasciola, common fasciola

Liver fluke

Teniates, taeniids, taeniosis, taeniasis, pork tapeworm

Tominxosis (eucoleosis), tominx, thread nematodes

Trichostrongylides, strongylates

Trichostrongyloidiasis, strongylatosis

Trichuriasis (trichocephalosis), whipworm

Fasciola hepatica



Wide tapeworm

Schistosoma hematobium, bilharzia, urogenital (genitourinary) schistosomiasis

Schistosoma mansoni, intestinal schistosomiasis

Schistosoma japonicum, Japanese schistosomiasis, Japanese fluke, blood fluke

Entamoeba histolytica, dysenteric amoeba, amoebiasis, amoebic dysentery, amoebic colitis

English synonyms

Research method

Parasep - sedimentation ether-formalin method.

What biomaterial can be used for research?

How to properly prepare for research?

  • Avoid taking laxatives, administering rectal suppositories, oils, limit (in consultation with your doctor) taking medications that affect intestinal motility (belladonna, pilocarpine, etc.) and drugs that affect the color of stool (iron, bismuth, barium sulfate), within 72 hours before stool collection.

General information about the study

The Parasep concentration test system is more new modification closed enrichment system that can be easily adopted and tested in any conventional microbiology laboratory. When using this method, the material is placed in the tube of the Parasep test system with the addition of special solutions, centrifuged, which allows, due to the difference in the specific gravity of various particles, including eggs and cysts, to be isolated from the substrate and accumulate them in one layer, and then examined using microscopy.

However, due to the inconsistent release of helminth eggs and protozoan cysts, if any stool microscopic analysis is negative and clinical symptoms persist, repeat stool examinations may be required at intervals of several days.

When is the study scheduled?

What do the results mean?

Reference values

Diphyllobothrium latum

not detected

Ascaris lumbricoides

not detected

Trichocephalus trichiurus

not detected

Thominx aerophilus

not detected

Ancylostomatidae genus sp.

not detected

Fasciola hepatica

not detected

Opisthorchis felineus

not detected

Trichostrongylidae sp.

not detected

Dicrocoelium lanceatum

not detected

Schistosoma mansoni

not detected

Schistosoma japonicum

not detected

Schistosoma haematobium

not detected

Taeniidae genus sp.

not detected

Hymenolepis nana

not detected

Blastocystis hominis

not detected

Entamoeba histolytica

not detected

Balantidium coli

not detected

Lamblia intestinalis

not detected

not detected

not detected

Chilomastix mesnill

not detected

Jodamoeba butshli

not detected


Important Notes

  • The diagnostic sensitivity of the study is 2.5 times higher than the method of Kato and Miura.
  • Higher diagnostic efficiency of the analysis is achieved through standardization of each stage of the procedure.
  • High reliability of the analysis is achieved by reducing the likelihood of false positives (low probability of artifacts) and false negative results.

Who orders the study?

Analysis for enterobiasis

Stool analysis for protozoan cysts

> Stool analysis for the presence of protozoa

This information cannot be used for self-medication!
Consultation with a specialist is required!

What is a stool test for protozoa?

Analysis for the presence of protozoa - examination under a microscope of stained stool smears in order to identify single-celled microorganisms. Protozoa have a rather complex individual development cycle, including several stages and forms. Some species require another organism (besides humans) to complete the development cycle, others require certain environmental conditions (water, air, soil). Not only sexually mature forms, otherwise called vegetative, but also cysts can be found in feces. A cyst is a special dormant stage, in which the protozoa do not reproduce or feed, but pose a danger to humans.

In what cases is a stool test for the presence of protozoa prescribed?

Most often, the study is prescribed by an infectious disease specialist or pediatrician. Therapists and general practitioners prescribe tests as part of the registration process medical books and certificates, as a pass-through analysis when a patient is hospitalized in a hospital.

The study is carried out if there are complaints from the digestive system. This could be diarrhea or, on the contrary, decreased stool, flatulence, discomfort in the abdomen or in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium, nausea, vomiting. There may be blood or mucus in the stool or vomit. It often turns out that the patient drank water from an unfamiliar reservoir or source, or ate contaminated or stale food. Traveling to hot exotic countries is also dangerous in terms of protozoan infection.

How to properly prepare for research and collect material?

For research, you need to collect stool in a special container with a spoon and a screw cap. It is usually given out in a laboratory, but you can buy it yourself at a pharmacy. The amount of material sufficient for analysis is no more than 1/3 of the container volume. Feces are collected immediately after defecation. It is imperative to perform a perineal toilet. It is important to prevent contamination of the material with urine and secretions from the genital tract. Transportation to the laboratory must be carried out as soon as possible. The material can be stored in the refrigerator for some time (1–2 hours).

Two days before the test, you should not take laxatives and drugs that stimulate the peristalsis of the digestive tract (as agreed with your doctor), as well as drugs that color the stool (drugs containing bismuth, iron). It is necessary to exclude the introduction of rectal suppositories, creams and ointments.

What should the analysis be like normally, and what protozoa does it detect?

Normally, protozoa are not found in feces. The most significant pathogens detected by microscopy are balantidia, amoebas (dysenteric, etc.), and lamblia. The analysis also identifies cryptosporidium and other protozoa. Any of these microorganisms can leave the body on their own. For example, recovery from cryptosporidiosis in a person with a healthy immune system occurs in 2–3 weeks. However, amoebiasis that is not cured in time can go from acute to chronic. The study is used to monitor the effectiveness of therapy after its completion. Feasibility drug treatment assessed by the doctor. Sometimes drugs are prescribed prophylactically even with a negative test.

Disadvantages of the method

A negative result does not always indicate the absence of protozoa in the stool. This occurs when their number in the test sample is small, as well as when the period of protozoan excretion in feces does not coincide with the moment of taking the analysis, which directly depends on the life cycle of the microorganism. In case of obvious clinical symptoms and negative test results, it is recommended to take a stool test again after a week.

The human body, outside and inside, is a “home” for many microorganisms. There are especially many of them in human beings. Some of them relate to beneficial microflora, which helps us cope with various problems and also contributes to many digestive processes.

However, pathogenic microorganisms, helminths and protozoa also often enter our body and become the cause of a variety of infectious diseases, some of which can be very dangerous to human health. Since intestinal pathogens, worms and protozoan microorganisms mainly live in the intestines, traces of their vital activity, life forms, cysts and eggs are found in the contents of human intestines - feces. To identify protozoa and helminth eggs, special tests are carried out.

There are a large number of pathogenic protozoa that live in the lower sections. They enter the human body through drinking, food, dirty hands and other ways. Protozoa can provoke a number of diseases, some of which are very dangerous to human health and even life. These microorganisms are capable of spreading throughout many organs of the human body, destroying them, causing a sharp deterioration in health and the appearance of a number of unpleasant symptoms, adversely affecting the entire body as a whole.

When is the test ordered?

In most cases, stool testing for protozoa is a routine procedure and is performed for children upon admission to the hospital. kindergarten, to school and other educational institutions.

For adults working in catering, manufacturing and retail establishments food products, medical and educational institutions, such an analysis is mandatory, as it helps to identify carriage in time and prevent further infection.

Also, stool samples for protozoa are taken as prescribed by a doctor after the following patient complaints:

  1. Sudden sharp weight loss without significant reasons (with a normal diet), especially if it is accompanied by digestive disorders, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and in some cases blood in the stool.
  2. If a person swam in open natural reservoirs, especially small freshwater ones, and could swallow this water, or when drinking well and contaminated water.
  3. Returning from tropical or other countries with poor hygiene and a high risk of infection by helminths and other microorganisms.
  4. Also the basis for the study are the patient’s subjective complaints, which may allow one to suspect the presence of protozoa.

Preparation for analysis and material for research

Before the analysis, you do not need to undergo any special preparations or procedures, however, to obtain a reliable result, you must follow a few fairly simple rules:

  • It is necessary to stop taking a number of medicines several days before the test. It is especially important to remove laxatives, including those based on oils, antispasmodics, as well as other medications that can affect the work of the skin, in particular, its peristalsis.
  • The use of rectal suppositories, as well as enemas (laxative or medicinal), especially those containing oils, should be excluded.
  • It is necessary to remove drugs that can affect the coloring of stool, distorting the normal picture. These are bismuth, iron and barium sulfate.
  • In order for the simplest test to be as informative as possible, you need to remove a number of vegetables and fruits from your menu that could affect the test result. It also doesn’t hurt to reduce the amount of meat products, giving preference to light foods, as well as low-fat dairy products.The period of abstinence from all of the above remedies and products is at least three days, unless otherwise recommended by a specialist.

The test requires the patient's stool. To do this, about 20 grams of feces are collected after defecation in the morning, placed in a sterile container and delivered to the laboratory no later than two hours after collection.

In the laboratory, it is done on a glass slide, stained, and then the sample is examined under a microscope.

Staining helps to identify various vegetative forms and cysts, which may belong to opportunistic or symbiotic microflora of the human intestine. Symbiotic microorganisms are very important for the normal functioning of the intestine; their normal presence indicates the full functioning of the immune system, and a decrease in the number indicates the presence of various diseases or the predominance of harmful microbes. Opportunistic microflora in normal quantities does not harm health; these microorganisms are always present in our body. However, a sharp increase in their number indicates the development of various problems and is an alarming sign.

Useful video - Giardiasis in adults and children.

A stool sample in the laboratory may contain protozoa different forms– live and cysts (“preserved” naturally). In most protozoa, cysts are uninformative, they are very difficult to differentiate from each other, so living (vegetative) forms must be studied. To do this, the stool analysis must be as fresh as possible.