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Do-it-yourself solar battery from improvised means and materials at home - how to assemble and make a solar battery from diodes, transistors and foil? Selection of components for manufacturing. Selection of photosensitive plates.

The use of alternative energy sources today is gaining more and more popularity in society. Solar energy production is completely free and available to everyone. And if ecology and economy are accompanying indicators for your life, then we offer you an article on how to make a solar battery with your own hands.

Autonomy is another criterion for your photovoltaic installation. For isolated sites with solar panels, you can achieve an average of 3 to 5 days to ensure your self-consumption. Solar panels have a special function, they should not discharge less than 50% in order for your solar panels to work in optimal conditions. Battery life is expressed in cycles.

Calculate 7 to 15 years for a 500 cycle battery. Install solar panels according to the needs of your installation. There are 2 types of installation: the so-called “parallel” battery assembly allows you to accumulate capacity to store the energy coming from your solar panels. Conversely, the “in series” setting allows you to accumulate the tension of all yours.

  • Principle of operation
  • Calculations and preparation

Principle of operation

It is worth agreeing that receiving completely free electricity is not just a dream, but a reality. Getting closer to your dream of electrifying a private home through the use of an alternative source of energy is very simple. You only need to take a few actions, the costs of which will not exceed the family’s weekly profit.

Once electricity is produced from a solar panel, if you don't use it immediately, you should save it for later use. Electricity is stored in special batteries called slow discharge batteries or solar cells. Unlike a car battery, which is designed to produce large amounts of energy quickly, a solar cell must provide a stable current over a long period of time. This battery also needs to be recharged many times.

The discharge and charge of the battery constitute a cycle; solar panels are designed for a certain number of cycles. Capacity is inversely proportional to voltage: batteries with the highest capacity are 2V batteries. Attention, for a system up to 12V you will need 1 12V battery or 2 6V batteries or 6 2V batteries. Capacity solar battery expressed in ampere hours. This capacitance represents current that can potentially discharge. Never completely discharge.

But before the installation is done, it’s worth finding out how a solar battery created with your own hands from scrap materials works. What are the main structural elements, how do they interact with each other and what are they intended for. In fact, the device consists of only three necessary elements:

    A constructor consisting of relatively small elements. The task of a solar battery is to convert the light effect into a flow of positively and negatively charged electrons. Typical elements are not able to generate high voltage electric current.

    Beyond 40% discharge the battery is in danger. Can some of this energy be easily harnessed? The idea for me was to use solar energy to charge a battery that is used to light the terrace in the summer. The purpose of this page is to get you started, technically it is very possible today.

    A solar collector located on the roof receives sunlight and converts it into electricity. This electricity is a continuous voltage of about 20 volts, which varies depending on the lighting conditions: the brighter it is, the more energy is produced. Of course, production stops at night.

    The normal generation rate for one element is 0.5V. The task of the solar collector is to produce electricity voltage 18V. This indicator is quite enough to charge a 12V battery. So there is no need to talk about generating a voltage indicator of 220V. A power plant with a typical energy output will occupy a huge amount of space.

    The energy from the panel is sent to the regulator, which converts it into a stable voltage of 12 volts. The regulator also plays the role of a distributor, it takes 12 volts for consumption, but it is what determines where the energy comes from: either directly from the panel, or from the battery if the panel is not producing.

    The energy created by these famous 12 volts can thus create "something" through this system. This something in my case had to be light bulbs. These LEDs are ideal for use in this context: they are powered by 12 volts and consume very little. The reverse of the medal is not illuminated, and neither is the classic light bulb, so to obtain the same brightness, it takes a few LED lamps must be placed under one ordinary lamp, and their light is less pleasant than an incandescent lamp.

    1. Batteries.

    These elements in the design are used to provide a private home or cottage with the necessary amount of electricity. One battery charge will not last long. But it all depends on the power and number of connected sources of electrical energy consumption.

    So my goal was to convince you that you can now put a small solar panel at home and not necessarily live in a very sunny corner. Asser is simple to implement, but where to find the regulator and does it have more power or characteristics, thanks for your answer.

    But you are right, there is a connection between the power of the panels and the regulator. At Conrad in Lille you will find everything you need for a catalog sold elsewhere, then get back double the price of your first order. Or go through Conrad's website. In absolute yes, but in practice the income will be very bad.

    As necessary, the number of batteries can be increased over time. At the same time, it is necessary to supplement the system solar collectors. More than 10 batteries can be used in one operating system.

      Inverters at home convert extracted low voltage current into electrical energy high voltage indicator. A typical device can be found on the open market. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the characteristics of the purchased inverter: the output power of the device should not be less than 4 kW. This power is enough to power a cottage or country house.

      An example of self-consumption in numbers

      Generate your own electricity and make immediate savings on your bills with 100% clean and local energy. Time to switch to solar energy! The electricity produced by solar panels is consumed directly in the building without passing through the grid. This is called self-consumption.

      The "full" cost of solar kWh is 6.5 cents for this site. Thus, the savings achieved are 31% of the current electricity price. Faced with this predictable increase, the cost of self-consumed solar kWh is set to 25 years.

      Calculations and preparation

      Before moving on to the technology of making a solar battery with your own hands, it is worth deciding on the necessary parameters. It is recommended to determine the amount of load calculated on the sources of future energy consumption. Often two parameters are known:

      To save on electricity bills, our readers recommend the Electricity Saving Box. Monthly payments will be 30-50% less than they were before using the saver. It removes the reactive component from the network, resulting in a reduction in load and, as a consequence, current consumption. Electrical appliances consume less electricity and costs are reduced.

      In this case, is self-interest interesting?

      The principle is simple: all the costs associated with solar panels are added together and divided to produce a 25-year lifespan of the panels, taking into account the slight decrease in their efficiency over time. Costs that have been taken into account include the initial investment, the cost of its financing and operating expenses: insurance, Maintenance and repairs for 25 years. Every day, customers choose to go solar. However, the interest of this method of generating electricity depends on four parameters.

      • what voltage indicator is needed for a particular electricity consumer;
      • what amount of current needs to be provided in this case.

      The product of two known parameters shows the consumed volume of power load.

      A homemade solar battery is made from special elements that are charged by light exposure. Typical elements are installed in many calculators. It is permissible to purchase new solar components separately, but the cost will be equal to the finished battery assembly. You can find workable used composite photocells at many auctions, because they are “hands-on”.

      Sunlight on your roof. It depends on where you are, the exposure of your roof and any shade. Production is optimal when the roof slopes to the south. On flat roofs a good slope can be achieved by placing the panels on consoles. We strongly recommend not installing panels on parts of the roof that are subject to shading, even partial shading. Solar Generator Size The larger the generator, the lower the solar kWh cost. For a site with a “blue tariff”, 50 m² of panels may be enough to obtain a competitive cost.

      Solar cells are connected to each other by conductors as follows:

      • cells are laid out on a flat surface;
      • the conductor is carefully placed on the cells;
      • solder and soldering acid are applied to the place of future splicing of the conductor and the element;
      • then the conductor is carefully soldered without pressure.

      The housing for soldered photocells with conductors for private use can be made of glass (plexiglass) in a frame made of plywood, wooden blocks and fiberboard:

      Consumption profile. The closer your consumption profile is to your solar panel production profile, the better value you have for solar kWh. Roof type Many configurations allow panels to be laid down in good conditions, whether on roof terraces with acroters or roofs inclined in steel tanks or fiber cement slabs. We also have solutions for placing panels on the ground if your building cannot receive roof panels. A job such as a new building, expansion or renovation is often a very good opportunity to switch to solar energy.

      1. The bottom is cut out from pre-lined plywood and framed around the perimeter with prepared bars with a cross-section of up to 25mm. For natural ventilation to avoid overheating of the elements during work, holes d-10mm are drilled into the bars (steps up to 20cm).
      2. Made from fiberboard, the substrate for photocells is also equipped with drilled holes for ventilation.
      3. The housing cover is cut out of plexiglass and fixed to the surface with self-tapping screws.

      Panel at no cost at home

      It is possible to make a solar panel at home without purchasing photocells. A homemade solar battery made of diodes or transistors, of course, will not provide all the energy needs of the house. However, a transistor battery can easily ensure uninterrupted operation of small home electronics.

      And energy storage?

      Because our own roofers install the panels, we can repair or insulate your roof when installing solar panels. Contrary to popular belief, lithium-ion battery storage is already 100% more reliable. The batteries store solar energy collected during the day for use in the evening or at night. The storage systems we offer today in addition to the solar generator also respond to the desire to ensure sites' supply security in the event of problems in the distribution network.

      You can assemble the device from old “P” or “KT” type transistors at home. First, the top part of the transistors is carefully sawed off so that light can freely enter the p-n junction. The upper part of the “P” type transistor is purged after the powder has been poured out. To use photocells, it is necessary to reconnect the cells into blocks (parallel connection). The fastening of transistor cells is reproduced by hanging fastening on a textolite substrate.

      Detailed description of photovoltaic consumption

      This revolution will profoundly change the way energy is produced and consumed on a global scale. Already cheaper than Chinese coal, within reach of everyone and environmentally friendly, photovoltaics is today the most suitable technology to meet our energy needs. It's time to change the way we look at photovoltaics and move beyond accepted ideas. To convince you, here is a comprehensive approach to all aspects of solar self-consumption.

      Diodes (type D223B) should not be disassembled. The paint is removed from the glass surface of the case (with acetone). The diodes are soldered into the substrate in a vertical arrangement, which gives a greater effect to the illumination area of ​​the element.

      Solar panel made from simple aluminum cans

      The incredibly practical design of solar heaters is created from beer cans. You just have to collect the required number of empty cans. The material of beer cans should be aluminum.

      Photovoltaic panels convert light into electricity. When a home or building is equipped with photovoltaic panels, the electricity produced can be used in two ways: either it is supplied directly to the home or building to cover all or part of its needs, or it is injected into the home's distribution network and sold by its manufacturer. In this case solar electricity combines with electricity from other sources to supply metered consumption to homes and buildings in the neighborhood.

      We talk about solar self-consumption or “photovoltaic self-consumption”, where we equip a house or building with photovoltaic panels and the electricity produced is consumed locally. It is often assimilated to energy autonomy or even energy self-sufficiency, which is one of the possibilities offered by this technology, but which requires a storage device. Indeed, photovoltaic panels produce electricity only when there is light, and the power they provide depends on its intensity: production is therefore more important in summer than in winter and it is more important when the weather is fine than when the sky is covered.

      It's best not to use tin beer cans. The material is highly susceptible to corrosion and has a low heat transfer rate.

      Assembling the cans into a single system looks like this:

      1. Preparing jars. Each can is rinsed and the bottom of the beer cans is punched to allow air flow to collect heat.
      2. The surface of the cans is degreased.
      3. The prepared cans are glued on top of each other, like a construction set.

      To achieve energy self-sufficiency, surpluses must be produced and stored. Storage technology is now well developed, but the investment is not justified in all cases, especially when the home or building is already served by a relatively reliable electrical network. We will return to the issue of energy storage in a moment.

      Intelligent Energy System

      In general, speaking of self-consumption, the goal is to use the available roof space, which receives a large amount of solar energy that still remains unused, to equip it with photovoltaic panels and produce an amount of energy equivalent to 50%-100% of the home's consumption or buildings. This means that when equipped with panels, the home or building has two sources of electricity: the distribution network, through the electricity meter, and solar panels.

      The frame for the heat exchanger must be made of a base, a wooden frame and plexiglass for the front finish. It is better to make the base backing from foil. After all, as you know, installing a foil backing increases the reflective qualities of the base.

      Accumulating natural sunlight is a beneficial action in terms of ecology. In addition, the production of sunlight is completely free and available in any open area of ​​the dacha. And besides, such a nice saving Money You will be pleasantly surprised.

      In practice, the electricity supplied by the panels always takes precedence over the electricity taken from the grid, meaning that all production that can be consumed on site will be carried out, only additional ones will be taken off the grid and purchased at the supplier. This property of self-flow photovoltaic systems allows full utilization of the solar resource. This is a result of both the properties of electricity and the connection of the photovoltaic system directly to the electrical panel "downstream" of the electricity meter in relation to the distribution network.

      Currently, alternative energy sources are very fashionable and popular, especially among owners of country cottages or private houses. But often such a device costs a lot of money and not everyone can afford to purchase solar panels for their home. Therefore, making solar panels with your own hands has become very relevant. So how can you make solar panels yourself?

      Characteristics of solar panel

      A solar cell is a semiconductor structure that is capable of converting solar radiation into electricity. This allows you to provide your home with economical, reliable and, most importantly, uninterrupted power supply. Especially this is relevant for hard-to-reach areas, as well as where there are frequent power outages from the main source.

      This alternative energy source is quite practical because, unlike a traditional source of energy supply, it costs much less. Making solar panels with your own hands allows you not only to optimize energy consumption, but also saves money.


      Solar batteries have the following advantages:

      • simple installation due to the fact that there is no need to lay a cable to the supports;
      • generating electricity is absolutely harmless environment;
      • there are no moving parts;
      • electricity is supplied independently of the distribution network;
      • minimal time spent on system maintenance;
      • light weight of batteries;
      • silent operation;
      • long service life at minimal costs.


      Despite quite significant advantages, solar panels also have their disadvantages, such as:

      • the complexity of the manufacturing process;
      • sensitivity to pollution;
      • the effective operation of solar panels is influenced by weather conditions (sunny or cloudy days);
      • such a design requires a lot of space;
      • The batteries don't work at night.

      Requirements for a solar battery

      Install solar panels Anyone can do it in a private home. But in order for such a DIY design to bring maximum benefits, its features should be taken into account. The following requirements apply to the solar battery:

      Materials needed to make a solar battery with your own hands

      If it is not possible to purchase solar panels, you can make them yourself. At the beginning need to decide on the material, from which they will be made.

      To create panels, high-quality photocells will be needed. Manufacturers today offer the following types of devices:

      • elements made of monocrystalline silicon have an efficiency of up to 13%, but are not efficient enough in cloudy weather;
      • Photocells made of polycrystalline silicon have an efficiency of up to 9% and can work on both sunny and cloudy days.

      To power your home, it is best to use polycrystals, which are available in kits.

      It is important to know that everything needed for assembly Cells are best purchased from one manufacturer, since products of different brands have significant differences in the effectiveness of the products. This may create additional difficulties during assembly, entail costs as a result of operation, and the solar battery will have low power.

      To make a solar panel from improvised materials, you will need special conductors designed to connect photocells.

      The body of the future design is best made from aluminum corners that are light in weight. You can also use a material such as wood. But due to the fact that the structure will always be exposed to atmospheric influences, its service life will decrease.

      The dimensions of the panel body depend on the number of photocells.

      The outer covering of photocells can be made of plexiglass or transparent polycarbonate. Tempered glass is also used, which does not transmit infrared rays.

      Thus, to make a solar battery with your own hands, you will need the following materials:

      • photocells in the set;
      • fastening hardware;
      • high power copper electrical wires;
      • silicone vacuum stands;
      • soldering equipment;
      • aluminum corners;
      • Schottke diodes;
      • transparent sheet of polycarbonate or plexiglass;
      • set of screws for fastening.

      Such materials can be purchased at a building materials store or online store.

      How to make solar panels with your own hands?

      In order to make panels with your own hands, you need to collect the required materials. A solar battery for a home is assembled in the following sequence.

      To properly make solar panels with your own hands, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

      Every person dreams of getting free electricity in their home, and this dream is possible. By making solar panels with your own hands, you can enjoy an additional source of electricity. Wherein This design does not cause any harm to the environment Moreover, it is very reliable and inexpensive.