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1c trade management 8.2 step-by-step tutorial to read. Composition and structure of a standard solution

In this video collection I will try to create a truly simple and understandable tutorial for beginners in mastering the program. Each video lesson will cover a specific topic: from initial introduction to the program to filing tax reports.

By the way! Our specialists have worked hard to write a large number of step by step instructions according to the 1C Accounting program - .

I'll probably start with personal experience and I’ll give you a couple of tips on how to quickly learn the program and not get lost in it.

It's always scary to start working right away with real company data in a real database. And this fear has a basis - pressing a couple of extra buttons can lead to the destruction of many years of data, the cancellation of days off for the next month or two. Yes, and nerves are not unnecessary.

An ordinary empty 1C Accounting database will help you overcome fear and become more confident (about how to create it). Before working in the “live 1C database”, a beginner simply needs to go through all the operations from A to Z: configure the program, create new organization, create counterparties, accounts, sales, calculate costs, close the month, prepare reports, etc.

You will encounter many problems, in the course of which you will begin to solve understand the program. The most important thing is that you will understand the full relationship between clicking “some kind of checkmark” and the result in the reporting. But when you click “this checkmark” at the beginning of the quarter, then, of course, you won’t remember about it at the end of the quarter. ( Of course, a description of all the program parameters is in the literature, but what kind of our compatriot reads the instructions? 🙂)

If you have already completed such a “young fighter course,” then do not delete your training base, but always keep it at hand. You can always build a test example and check how the program behaves in a particular case.

It can be very useful to create a copy of the working database and train on it. Believe me, many Accountants with even 20 years of experience in dealing with 1C carry out experiments on test bases before important procedures.

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Video tutorial playlist on YouTube, where the most popular operations in 1C Accounting are sequentially analyzed:

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Trade (both wholesale and retail) is one of the most common types economic activity. Everyone trades: aspiring entrepreneurs and established businessmen, state-owned stores and private supermarkets, small speculators and large commercial and industrial groups. The popularity of this type of activity is explained primarily by its relative simplicity, especially in comparison with industries such as manufacturing, construction or Agriculture: expensive equipment is not required, investments are minimal (especially if you buy goods for sale or on deferred payment terms), special education is not required, etc. Therefore, by the way, trade as an occupation for many entrepreneurs is a kind of “launching pad”: practically all large modern business at one time it began with commercial kiosks, sales tents and small shops.

Modern trading enterprises offer their customers a wide range of goods, which amounts to thousands and tens of thousands of items. Moreover, many positions can be implemented on different conditions: prepayment, deferred payments, discount, markup, batch size, etc. Clients are often divided into categories - VIP client, regular client, regular client, small wholesale client, etc. Product items can be completed and disassembled, many goods are subject to mandatory certification and hygienic studies, substandard items must be written off, inventory must be periodically carried out in warehouses, each company must have its own marketing policy, etc., in general, a modern trading enterprise is a living organism, in constant motion.

Obviously, all this hectic activity requires automation. To solve this problem, there are special software tools, and in this book we will introduce you to the most popular product designed to automate the activities of a trading enterprise - “1C Trade Management”, which is implemented on the latest technology platform version 1C 8.2.

Chapter 1.
First acquaintance with “1C Trade Management 8.2”

The first chapter of the book contains basic information about the program “1C Trade Management 8.2”. You will learn what the functionality of this standard solution is, what the features of the program are compared to previous versions, how to launch the program, create and select information bases, and much more.

Functionality of a standard solution

One of the key advantages of the configuration under consideration is the flexibility of the platform, which allows the program to be widely used in a wide variety of areas. Implemented mechanisms for managing wholesale and retail sales, marketing activities, wholesale purchases, warehouse and enterprise finances, other assets and liabilities open up wide opportunities for accounting and go far beyond traditional accounting and management standards.

The tasks solved using the 1C: Trade Management 8.2 program can be formulated as follows.

♦ Management of inventories and procurement of inventory items.

♦ Maintaining primary documentation with data reflected in accounting and printing of documents.

♦ Registration and accounting of warehouse operations, maintaining warehouse documentation, conducting an inventory of valuables stored in the warehouse.

♦ Accounting for internal movement of inventory items.

♦ Planning and control financial resources companies.

♦ Calculation of the financial result of the company’s activities.

♦ Accounting and adjustment of debt, carrying out mutual offsets, writing off debt.

♦ Maintaining multi-currency accounting.

♦ Conducting and recording the company’s marketing activities, carrying out many analyzes and generating various reports.

♦ Formation of pricing policy and control of its implementation.

♦ Automation of work with company sales representatives.

♦ Maintaining an extensive client base with the ability to store a wide variety of information for each counterparty.

♦ Management of wholesale and retail trade, taking into account all transactions, the formation of orders, registration of receipts, sales and returns of inventory items.

♦ Automation and accounting of customer service.

♦ Accounting for cash and non-cash Money enterprises, maintaining a cash book, accounting for accountable funds.

♦ Setting up, generating and printing various reports on transactions performed.

♦ Using a built-in organizer to improve convenience and efficiency.

♦ Customize and use the Desktop to suit your needs.

In addition to those listed, using the configuration under consideration, a number of other tasks can be solved, the presence of which may be determined by the specifics of a particular enterprise.

Starting the configuration and selecting the operating mode

Each software product of the 1C family can operate in two modes: “1C: Enterprise” (application solution) and “Configurator”. The mode is selected by pressing the corresponding button in the program launch window (Fig. 1.1).

The “1C: Enterprise” mode is an application solution of the program in accordance with its purpose. In other words, it is in this mode that accountants, financiers, managers and other end users of the program work.

As for the “Configurator” mode, it is intended for setting up and administering the program. Here configuration objects are created and edited, interfaces and dialog boxes are configured, the appearance and content of the printed form of documents is determined, and a number of other similar actions are performed. Typically, a system administrator or other authorized specialist works with the Configurator, since this requires specific knowledge (administration skills, etc.).

Here we will not consider in detail the issues of configuring 1C, since special literature is intended for getting acquainted with this topic. Let us note that it is not recommended for the average user to edit the Configurator independently without the most serious reasons: this may violate the integrity of the data, and generally lead to unpredictable consequences.

However, some program settings are transferred to the application solution operating mode. You can edit them yourself, and how this is done will be described below in the corresponding section.

To launch the program, use the corresponding shortcut on the Desktop (when installing 1C, it is displayed on the Desktop automatically). Double-click on it and the launch window will open, which is shown in Fig. 1.1.

Rice. 1.1. Program launch window

In this window, you select the required operating mode (1C:Enterprise and Configurator buttons), as well as the information base.

A list of infobases is formed in the central part of the window. This list may contain an information base with a demo configuration; This database is included in the package and is intended for preliminary acquaintance with the program. The information base is selected by clicking on the corresponding list position. You can add new ones to the list or edit and delete existing information bases - there are corresponding buttons on the right side of the window for this.


IN in this case The infobase is the data that you plan to work with in the upcoming work session.

The path to the infobase directory where the cursor is installed is displayed at the bottom of the window.

The procedure for starting the program is as follows: first, you need to click on the information base in the launch window, and then click the 1C: Enterprise or Configurator button, depending on the mode in which you want to start the program. As we noted earlier, the program is used for its intended purpose in the “1C Enterprise” mode.

Composition and structure of a standard solution

Users of previous versions of the program immediately notice that the user interface has radically changed in the new version of the configuration. At first, this may cause some difficulties, but adaptation takes place quickly, since the advantages of the new structure of the standard solution are obvious.

The main window of the 1C Trade Management 8.2 program is shown in Fig. 1.2.

Rice. 1.2. Main program window

At the top of the interface there is a section panel, which includes links to the following sections of the program: Desktop, Marketing, Wholesale sales, Retail sales, Inventory and purchasing, Finance (this section is open in Fig. 1.2), Regulatory and reference information, Organizer and Administration. The first thing the user must do after starting the program is to select the section in which he plans to work. While working, the user can freely move from one section to another, depending on what he intends to do.

Let us briefly describe all sections of the “1C Trade Management 8.2” program.

♦ Desk. In this section you can create a list of the most relevant tasks, documents and other objects. In other words, everything that requires a priority response is displayed on the Desktop. This section is not mandatory for use, but increases the convenience and comfort of work.

♦ Marketing. In this section, the marketing policy of a trading enterprise is formed: types of prices and price groups are formed, standard agreements with clients, the conditions for providing discounts and markups are determined, marketing activities are planned and carried out, etc. Data from the Marketing section can subsequently be used in other sections of the program.

♦ Wholesale sales. This section provides organization and accounting wholesale sales enterprises. In particular, transactions are processed here, customer orders are processed, shipping documents are issued, invoices for payment and documents for the return of goods from customers are issued, work is carried out with sales representatives, etc.

♦ Retail sales. This section is used by enterprises engaged in retail trade. Here checks are written, a list of retail outlets is compiled, and documentation of retail sales is maintained. In this case, you can use external equipment (fiscal registrars, acquiring terminals, barcode scanners, etc.), which must first be connected and configured in the Administration section.

♦ Inventory and purchasing. This section keeps records of the enterprise's wholesale purchases, as well as warehouse records. Here, prices of partners are registered, orders are placed with suppliers, shipping documents are registered for the receipt of valuables and for the return of goods to suppliers, warehouse documentation is maintained, documents for the internal movement of goods are drawn up, and a number of other actions are performed to manage inventories and purchases of a trading enterprise.

♦ Finance. The name of the section speaks for itself: it is intended for accounting for funds, as well as calculating the financial result of the enterprise. This section contains all documentation for cash accounting (cash orders, payment orders, cash book, expense reports etc.), items of income and expenses are formed, applications for spending and orders for the movement of funds are drawn up, debt is calculated and adjusted, a payment calendar is formed, the distribution of revenue and cost of sales by lines of activity is adjusted, etc.

♦ Regulatory and reference information. In this section, you enter regulatory and reference information that is necessary to use the program. In particular, this is where most directories and classifiers are filled in. In the 1C program, the directory is a repository of basic, basic information, without which it is impossible to operate the program. For example, to generate a document for the receipt of inventory items, you need to indicate in it the supplier from whom the items were received, create a list of these items, indicate the warehouse to which they will be posted, etc. All this information is taken from the relevant directories, where they should be entered in advance. Note that you can add items to the directories as you use the program (for example, directly when entering documents), but it is much more convenient to enter the required minimum information in advance so as not to be distracted by it later.

♦ Organizer. The 1C Trade Management 8.2 program has a built-in organizer that allows you to organize work and rationally use work time. In this section, you can set up email accounts, create lists of tasks and performers, schedule meetings, interactions and other events.

♦ Administration. This section contains all the basic settings for setting up the program, and many actions for its administration are also performed here. Here, lists of infobase users are formed, their access rights are configured, a log of system events is kept, accounting parameters are configured, etc.

As we noted earlier, a section is selected by clicking on the corresponding section panel link.

Each section has its own navigation bar and action bar. Using the navigation panel, you select the required operating modes and activate the corresponding program functions, and the action panel is intended mainly for generating reports and switching to some service functions of the program. The navigation bar is located on the left side of the section, and the action bar is at the top, just below the navigation bar links. In Fig. Figure 1.3 shows all the program interface panels (in this case, the Retail Sales section is open).

Rice. 1.3. Program interface panels

As for the main menu of the program, which in previous versions was located along the upper border of the interface and included the items File, Edit, Operations, Service, etc., it is now called up using the button with an arrow located at the top left of the main window (Fig. 1.4 ).

Rice. 1.4. Main menu of the program

Further, in the process of studying the program, we will refer to some commands of the main menu. Note that they do not directly affect the functionality of the application solution, as well as the procedure for using the program, but consist mainly of service and auxiliary functions.

The central part of the main program window displays the contents of the current operating mode. For example, if you click on the Cash receipt orders link in the navigation panel of the Finance section, a list of previously generated cash receipt orders will be displayed in the central part of the interface (see Fig. 1.2). If you want the contents of the current operating mode to be displayed in a separate window, click on the corresponding link while holding down the Shift key.

To work in the selected operating mode, there are buttons on the toolbar, the All Actions menu, as well as commands in the context menu called by pressing the right mouse button. In Fig. 1.2, the toolbar includes the Create, Find, Print buttons, as well as several other buttons, the names of which are displayed as tooltips when you move the mouse pointer over them. The All Actions menu is located on the right side of the toolbar and is an analogue of the Actions menu, which is well known to users of previous versions of the program. As for the context menu, some of its commands duplicate the corresponding toolbar buttons and All Actions menu commands. Note that the contents of the context menu may depend on the current operating mode (for example, when working with a list of documents and in document editing mode, the context menu will include different commands).

In general, work with the program is carried out according to the following algorithm: first, the required section is selected, and then in the navigation panel or in the action panel, by clicking the mouse, the operating mode is indicated in which all further actions are performed. For quick access to them, the most pressing tasks can be displayed on the Desktop - a special section, the contents of which you create yourself.

Keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the program (“hot keys”)

You can use so-called “hot keys” in the program. For example, adding new position(document, product, etc.) is done using the Insert key, switching to the position editing mode is done by pressing the F2 key, marking a position for deletion (as well as removing such a mark) is by pressing the Delete key, etc. Below we provide a list of “hot keys” that are most popular among users.

Table 1.1.

General-purpose hotkeys

Table 1.2.

"Hot keys" for managing program windows

Table 1.3.

"Hot keys" for working in the editing window

Table 1.4.

“Hot keys” for working in list interfaces and with hierarchical lists

Table 1.5.

“Hotkeys” for working with input fields in editing windows

Table 1.6.

"Hot keys" designed for working with spreadsheet documents

Table 1.7.

"Hot keys" designed for working with text documents

Chapter 2.
Fast start

The contents of this chapter are addressed to those who urgently need to use the program, but have the time to fully study it. this moment No. In other words, here we will show how to perform some of the most popular operations among most users in the 1C Trade Management 8.2 program.

Main stages of working with the program

The procedure for using the program and the sequence of performing basic actions and procedures may, to a large extent, depend on the characteristics of the organization of accounting and management processes at a particular enterprise. However, proper operation of the program implies a step-by-step operating procedure. To avoid confusion and immediately understand in what order you should organize your work, carefully read this section. Please note that here we will only briefly describe the main stages of the work, and a more detailed description of them is given further, in the corresponding chapters of the book.

The first thing you need to do before using the program is to view and, if necessary, edit its settings. By default, settings are offered that are optimal for most users, but sometimes they need to be adjusted in order to best adapt the program to the needs of a particular enterprise.

In the 1C Enterprise mode there are several commands designed to navigate to the appropriate program settings.

Using the commands in the submenu Tools▸Interface Settings, you can switch to the mode for customizing the section bar, navigation bar, action bar, and Desktop. We will talk about this in more detail in the next chapter.

The main menu command Tools▸Parameters is intended to switch to viewing and editing mode additional parameters program operation. As practice shows, in most cases the default settings are optimal for most users.

However, the most important element of setting up the program is setting up accounting parameters. The transition to this mode is carried out from the Administration section using the Setting up accounting parameters item located in the action panel. In this mode, the general accounting strategy and conceptual focus of using the configuration are determined. Specifically, for each section of the program, you indicate which features and functions you intend to use and which you do not. For example, if you want to use price groups, check the appropriate box in the Marketing section. If your company only deals wholesale trade, and you are not interested in retail - uncheck the Use retail sales checkbox in the Retail sales settings section (in this case, the link to the Retail sales section will disappear in the section panel). We will look at the procedure for setting up accounting parameters in more detail in the corresponding section of the next chapter.

The next stage of preparation for work is entering initial data into directories, catalogs and classifiers. They store all the information that is necessary for further work. In particular, information about the partners with whom the enterprise cooperates is stored in the partner directory, the range of inventory items is formed in the item directory, data on warehouses is stored in the warehouse directory, etc. For example, when creating a document for the release of inventory items, you will need information from at least four directories: items, organizations, warehouses and partners. You can enter and edit data in directories while you work (for example, from the document editing mode, you can always switch to the directory editing mode and add the necessary data to it), but it is much more convenient to enter the required minimum information into the directories in advance, so as not to be distracted and Don't waste extra time on this.


Before you begin, fill out at least the following directories: organizations, partners, currencies, items, warehouses (storage locations), individuals, banks and organizational structures. These directories are the most popular in most cases. As for the rest of the directories, they can be filled out as needed.

The next stage is entering initial balances for product items. This does not need to be done only if accounting is carried out “from scratch” (that is, the start of operation of the program coincides with the start of the enterprise’s activities). Entering initial balances is carried out using the Goods Receipt document, which is created in the Inventory and Purchases section in the mode of working with warehouse documents. We will look at this document in more detail below.

If you intend to use marketing techniques (price groups, price types, discounts and markups, standard agreements with clients, etc.), then at the next stage you need to enter the relevant information in the Marketing section. The procedure for working in this section is discussed in more detail below, in the corresponding chapter of the book.

Once the program has been configured, its directories and classifiers have been filled out, initial balances for product items have been entered and the company's marketing strategy has been determined, you can immediately begin using the program. Since all accounting records must be created solely on the basis of the relevant primary documents, the next stage of work will be the entry of documentation.


A primary accounting document is a document confirming the fact of a business transaction and drawn up by authorized representatives of interested parties at the time of this transaction, and if this is not possible, then immediately after its completion. Based on this formulation, we can conclude that, for example, a bill of lading, a payment order issued by a bank, a cash receipt order, or an act of completion of work (services) are primary accounting documents, but an agreement or power of attorney is not. Standard forms primary documents are approved by law by the relevant government bodies and are mandatory for use by all business entities operating in the territory Russian Federation. Standard forms are distributed in the form of forms that can be created on both paper and electronic media.

To enter a document, select the required item in the navigation panel of the corresponding section. For example, the fact of receipt of cash at the cash desk of an enterprise is documented by a cash receipt order, and to enter this document into the program, click on the Cash receipt orders link in the navigation panel of the Finance section. To prepare documents reflecting the movement of non-cash funds, in the same section there are links for receipt of non-cash DS and Write-off of non-cash DS, warehouse documents are generated in the Inventory and Purchases section, for accounting for the movement of goods - in the Wholesale Sales, Retail Sales and Inventories and Purchases sections, etc. The procedure for maintaining documentation in the 1C Trade Management 8.2 program is discussed in more detail below, in the relevant chapters of the book.

The next stage of work is the generation and printing of reports on the activities of a trading enterprise, obtained on the basis of previously entered data. The 1C Trade Management 8.2 program provides extensive functionality for setting up and generating a wide variety of reports. To work with reports, the corresponding action panel items in different sections of the program are intended (for example, reports on funds are generated in the Finance section, reports on marketing activities - in the Marketing section, etc.).

These are the main stages of working with the 1C Trade Management 8.2 program. However, it is worth briefly mentioning the service functions that are designed to block the information base, delete marked objects, work with a list of users, generate a log of system events, as well as to perform a number of other operations. They are accessed using the corresponding commands of the main menu (they are combined in the Service submenu), as well as from the Administration section.

Trade (both wholesale and retail) is one of the most common types of economic activity. Everyone trades: aspiring entrepreneurs and established businessmen, state-owned stores and private supermarkets, small speculators and large commercial and industrial groups. The popularity of this type of activity is explained primarily by its relative simplicity, especially in comparison with industries such as manufacturing, construction or agriculture: expensive equipment is not required, investments are minimal (especially if you take the goods for sale or on deferred payment terms), special education not necessary, etc. Therefore, by the way, trade as an occupation for many entrepreneurs is a kind of “launching pad”: almost all large modern businesses at one time began with commercial kiosks, sales tents and small shops.

Modern trading enterprises offer their customers a wide range of goods, which amounts to thousands and tens of thousands of items. Moreover, many items can be sold on different conditions: advance payment, deferred payment, discount, markup, batch size, etc. Clients are often divided into categories - VIP client, regular client, regular client, small wholesale client, etc. Product items can be completed and disassembled, many goods are subject to mandatory certification and hygienic studies, substandard items must be written off, inventory must be periodically carried out in warehouses, each company must have its own marketing policy, etc., in general, a modern trading enterprise is a living organism, in constant motion.

Obviously, all this hectic activity requires automation. To solve this problem, there are special software tools, and in this book we will introduce you to the most popular product designed to automate the activities of a trading enterprise - “1C Trade Management”, which is implemented on the latest technology platform version 1C 8.2.

Chapter 1.
First acquaintance with “1C Trade Management 8.2”

The first chapter of the book contains basic information about the program “1C Trade Management 8.2”. You will learn what the functionality of this standard solution is, what the features of the program are compared to previous versions, how to launch the program, create and select information bases, and much more.

Functionality of a standard solution

One of the key advantages of the configuration under consideration is the flexibility of the platform, which allows the program to be widely used in a wide variety of areas. Implemented mechanisms for managing wholesale and retail sales, marketing activities, wholesale purchases, warehouse and enterprise finances, other assets and liabilities open up wide opportunities for accounting and go far beyond traditional accounting and management standards.

The tasks solved using the 1C: Trade Management 8.2 program can be formulated as follows.

Management of inventories and procurement of inventory items.

Maintaining primary documentation with data reflected in accounting and printing of documents.

Registration and accounting of warehouse operations, maintaining warehouse documentation, conducting an inventory of valuables stored in the warehouse.

Accounting for internal movement of inventory items.

Planning and control of the company's financial resources.

Calculation of the financial result of the company's activities.

Accounting and adjustment of debt, carrying out mutual offsets, writing off debt.

Maintaining multi-currency accounting.

Carrying out and accounting for the company's marketing activities, carrying out a variety of analyzes and generating various reports.

Formation of pricing policy and control of its implementation.

Automation of work with company sales representatives.

Maintaining an extensive client base with the ability to store a wide variety of information for each counterparty.

Management of wholesale and retail trade, taking into account all transactions, the formation of orders, registration of receipts, sales and returns of inventory items.

Automation and accounting of customer service.

Accounting for cash and non-cash funds of an enterprise, maintaining a cash book, accounting for accountable funds.

Setting up, generating and printing various reports on transactions performed.

Using the built-in organizer to improve convenience and efficiency.

Customize and use the Desktop to suit your needs.

In addition to those listed, using the configuration under consideration, a number of other tasks can be solved, the presence of which may be determined by the specifics of a particular enterprise.

Starting the configuration and selecting the operating mode

Each software product of the 1C family can operate in two modes: “1C: Enterprise” (application solution) and “Configurator”.

The mode is selected by pressing the corresponding button in the program launch window (Fig. 1.1).

The “1C: Enterprise” mode is an application solution of the program in accordance with its purpose. In other words, it is in this mode that accountants, financiers, managers and other end users of the program work.

As for the “Configurator” mode, it is intended for setting up and administering the program. Here configuration objects are created and edited, interfaces and dialog boxes are configured, the appearance and content of the printed form of documents is determined, and a number of other similar actions are performed. Typically, a system administrator or other authorized specialist works with the Configurator, since this requires specific knowledge (administration skills, etc.).

Here we will not consider in detail the issues of configuring 1C, since special literature is intended for getting acquainted with this topic. Let us note that it is not recommended for the average user to edit the Configurator independently without the most serious reasons: this may violate the integrity of the data, and generally lead to unpredictable consequences.

However, some program settings are transferred to the application solution operating mode. You can edit them yourself, and how this is done will be described below in the corresponding section.

To launch the program, use the corresponding shortcut on the Desktop (when installing 1C, it is displayed on the Desktop automatically). Double-click on it and the launch window will open, which is shown in Fig. 1.1.

Rice. 1.1. Program launch window

In this window, you select the required operating mode (1C:Enterprise and Configurator buttons), as well as the information base.

A list of infobases is formed in the central part of the window. This list may contain an information base with a demo configuration; This database is included in the package and is intended for preliminary acquaintance with the program. The information base is selected by clicking on the corresponding list position. You can add new ones to the list or edit and delete existing information bases - there are corresponding buttons on the right side of the window for this.


In this case, the infobase is the data that you plan to work with in the upcoming work session.

The path to the infobase directory where the cursor is installed is displayed at the bottom of the window.

The procedure for starting the program is as follows: first, you need to click on the information base in the launch window, and then click the 1C: Enterprise or Configurator button, depending on the mode in which you want to start the program. As we noted earlier, the program is used for its intended purpose in the “1C Enterprise” mode.

Composition and structure of a standard solution

Users of previous versions of the program immediately notice that the user interface has radically changed in the new version of the configuration. At first, this may cause some difficulties, but adaptation takes place quickly, since the advantages of the new structure of the standard solution are obvious.

The main window of the 1C Trade Management 8.2 program is shown in Fig. 1.2.

Rice. 1.2. Main program window

At the top of the interface there is a section panel, which includes links to the following sections of the program: Desktop, Marketing, Wholesale sales, Retail sales, Inventory and purchasing, Finance (this section is open in Fig. 1.2), Regulatory and reference information, Organizer and Administration. The first thing the user must do after starting the program is to select the section in which he plans to work. While working, the user can freely move from one section to another, depending on what he intends to do.

Let us briefly describe all sections of the “1C Trade Management 8.2” program.

Desktop. In this section you can create a list of the most relevant tasks, documents and other objects. In other words, everything that requires a priority response is displayed on the Desktop. This section is not mandatory for use, but increases the convenience and comfort of work.

Marketing. In this section, the marketing policy of a trading enterprise is formed: types of prices and price groups are formed, standard agreements with clients are set up, the conditions for providing discounts and markups are determined, marketing activities are planned and carried out, etc. Data from the Marketing section can subsequently be used in other sections of the program.

Wholesale. In this section, the organization and accounting of wholesale sales of the enterprise is carried out. In particular, transactions are processed here, customer orders are processed, shipping documents are issued, invoices for payment and documents for the return of goods from customers are issued, work is carried out with sales representatives, etc.

Retail sales. This section is used by businesses engaged in retail trade. Here checks are written, a list of retail outlets is compiled, and documentation of retail sales is maintained. In this case, you can use external equipment (fiscal registrars, acquiring terminals, barcode scanners, etc.), which must first be connected and configured in the Administration section.

Inventory and purchasing. This section keeps records of the enterprise's wholesale purchases, as well as warehouse records. Here, prices of partners are registered, orders are placed with suppliers, shipping documents are registered for the receipt of valuables and for the return of goods to suppliers, warehouse documentation is maintained, documents for the internal movement of goods are drawn up, and a number of other actions are performed to manage inventories and purchases of a trading enterprise.

Finance. The name of the section speaks for itself: it is intended for accounting for funds, as well as calculating the financial result of the enterprise. In this section, all documentation for accounting for funds is maintained (cash orders, payment orders, cash book, advance reports, etc.), items of income and expenses are formed, applications for spending and orders for the movement of funds are drawn up, debt is calculated and adjusted, a payment calendar is generated, the distribution of revenue and cost of sales by business area is configured, etc.

Regulatory and reference information. In this section, you enter regulatory and reference information that is necessary to use the program. In particular, this is where most directories and classifiers are filled in. In the 1C program, the directory is a repository of basic, basic information, without which it is impossible to operate the program. For example, to generate a document for the receipt of inventory items, you need to indicate in it the supplier from whom the items were received, create a list of these items, indicate the warehouse to which they will be posted, etc. All this information is taken from the relevant directories, where they should be entered in advance. Note that you can add items to the directories as you use the program (for example, directly when entering documents), but it is much more convenient to enter the required minimum information in advance so as not to be distracted by it later.

Organizer. The 1C Trade Management 8.2 program has a built-in organizer that allows you to organize work and rationally use working time. In this section, you can set up email accounts, create lists of tasks and performers, schedule meetings, interactions and other events.

Administration. This section contains all the basic settings for setting up the program, and many actions for its administration are also performed here. Here, lists of infobase users are formed, their access rights are configured, a log of system events is kept, accounting parameters are configured, etc.

As we noted earlier, a section is selected by clicking on the corresponding section panel link.

Each section has its own navigation bar and action bar. Using the navigation panel, you select the required operating modes and activate the corresponding program functions, and the action panel is intended mainly for generating reports and switching to some service functions of the program. The navigation bar is located on the left side of the section, and the action bar is at the top, just below the navigation bar links. In Fig. Figure 1.3 shows all the program interface panels (in this case, the Retail Sales section is open).

Rice. 1.3. Program interface panels

As for the main menu of the program, which in previous versions was located along the upper border of the interface and included the items File, Edit, Operations, Service, etc., it is now called up using the button with an arrow located at the top left of the main window (Fig. 1.4 ).

Rice. 1.4. Main menu of the program

Further, in the process of studying the program, we will refer to some commands of the main menu. Note that they do not directly affect the functionality of the application solution, as well as the procedure for using the program, but consist mainly of service and auxiliary functions.

The central part of the main program window displays the contents of the current operating mode. For example, if you click on the Cash receipt orders link in the navigation panel of the Finance section, a list of previously generated cash receipt orders will be displayed in the central part of the interface (see Fig. 1.2). If you want the contents of the current operating mode to be displayed in a separate window, click on the corresponding link while holding down the Shift key.

To work in the selected operating mode, there are buttons on the toolbar, the All Actions menu, as well as commands in the context menu called by pressing the right mouse button. In Fig. 1.2, the toolbar includes the Create, Find, Print buttons, as well as several other buttons, the names of which are displayed as tooltips when you move the mouse pointer over them. The All Actions menu is located on the right side of the toolbar and is an analogue of the Actions menu, which is well known to users of previous versions of the program. As for the context menu, some of its commands duplicate the corresponding toolbar buttons and All Actions menu commands. Note that the contents of the context menu may depend on the current operating mode (for example, when working with a list of documents and in document editing mode, the context menu will include different commands).

In general, work with the program is carried out according to the following algorithm: first, the required section is selected, and then in the navigation panel or in the action panel, by clicking the mouse, the operating mode is indicated in which all further actions are performed. For quick access to them, the most pressing tasks can be displayed on the Desktop - a special section, the contents of which you create yourself.

Keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the program (“hot keys”)

You can use so-called “hot keys” in the program. For example, adding a new position (document, product, etc.) is done using the Insert key, switching to the position editing mode is done by pressing the F2 key, marking a position for deletion (as well as removing such a mark) is by pressing the Delete key, etc. Below we provide a list of “hot keys” that are most popular among users.

Table 1.1.

General-purpose hotkeys

Table 1.2.

Chapter 2.
Fast start

The contents of this chapter are addressed to those who urgently need to use the program, but do not currently have time to fully study it. In other words, here we will show how to perform some of the most popular operations among most users in the 1C Trade Management 8.2 program.

Main stages of working with the program

The procedure for using the program and the sequence of performing basic actions and procedures may, to a large extent, depend on the characteristics of the organization of accounting and management processes at a particular enterprise. However, proper operation of the program implies a step-by-step operating procedure. To avoid confusion and immediately understand in what order you should organize your work, carefully read this section. Please note that here we will only briefly describe the main stages of the work, and a more detailed description of them is given further, in the corresponding chapters of the book.

The first thing you need to do before using the program is to view and, if necessary, edit its settings. By default, settings are offered that are optimal for most users, but sometimes they need to be adjusted in order to best adapt the program to the needs of a particular enterprise.

In the 1C Enterprise mode there are several commands designed to navigate to the appropriate program settings.

Using the commands in the Tools? Interface Setup submenu, you can switch to the mode for setting up the section bar, navigation bar, action bar, and also the Desktop. We will talk about this in more detail in the next chapter.

The main menu command Service?Parameters is intended to switch to the mode of viewing and editing additional parameters of the program. As practice shows, in most cases the default settings are optimal for most users.

However, the most important element of setting up the program is setting up accounting parameters. The transition to this mode is carried out from the Administration section using the Setting up accounting parameters item located in the action panel. In this mode, the general accounting strategy and conceptual focus of using the configuration are determined. Specifically, for each section of the program, you indicate which features and functions you intend to use and which you do not. For example, if you want to use price groups, check the appropriate box in the Marketing section. If your company is engaged only in wholesale trade, and retail does not interest you, uncheck the Use retail sales checkbox in the Retail sales settings section (in this case, the link to the Retail sales section will disappear in the section panel). We will look at the procedure for setting up accounting parameters in more detail in the corresponding section of the next chapter.

The next stage of preparation for work is entering initial data into directories, catalogs and classifiers. They store all the information that is necessary for further work. In particular, information about the partners with whom the enterprise cooperates is stored in the partner directory, the range of inventory items is formed in the item directory, data on warehouses is stored in the warehouse directory, etc. For example, when creating a document for the release of inventory items, you will need information from at least four directories: items, organizations, warehouses and partners. You can enter and edit data in directories while you work (for example, from the document editing mode, you can always switch to the directory editing mode and add the necessary data to it), but it is much more convenient to enter the required minimum information into the directories in advance, so as not to be distracted and Don't waste extra time on this.

1C: Trade Management 11.3 offers a modern interface with flexible settings and a large number of tools for trade organizations. Compared to earlier versions, many things are implemented here that previously had to be completed independently. So, for example, in UT 11.3 it is possible to work with discounts and bonuses (including cumulative ones), solutions for monitoring and managing warehouse balances, purchases and many other functions have been thought out. The program provides everything to solve most enterprise problems through built-in components. Let's look at how to start working with 1C this version, if you already have a ready-made database, or you decide to create a new one. The principle of operation for the stationary version and the rented 1C online is the same.

After installing the program or gaining access to the database on a remote desktop, you need to launch it (double-click on the 1C shortcut). A dialog box opens asking you to add an infobase:

To add a database, you must agree, after which the program will offer to create a new database or load existing data:

A new database will be created when you select the first item; if you already have a database copied to your hard drive or in cloud storage, then select the second item. When you select it, a window opens in which you need to specify the name of the database and the path to the data files:

After entering the information, click the “Next” button, the program will offer to configure the launch parameters, here you can agree with the default settings. After confirming the settings, the created database will appear in the list of databases available for use. It can be launched by double-clicking or using the “1C:Enterprise” button:

In the future, you can add new databases and edit existing ones using the appropriate buttons. When starting, you will be required to enter your username and password. If a password has not been set, the program will prompt you to create a new password.

The logic for grouping the 1C:UT 11.3 interface differs from version 10.3. Elements are distributed according to their occurrence in certain business processes. It's quite simple to understand:

The “Main” tab contains the basic elements that are used most often:

The remaining tabs contain items that relate to a specific process. The most important points are highlighted in bold.

To improve the usability of the program, you can create your own list of frequently used elements. This is done by adding an item to the “Favorites” section.

You need to click on the star next to the name of the item, after which the item will appear in the list, and you won’t have to waste time switching the toolbar:

Working with goods and services begins with creating elements in the item reference book. The directory is located on the “Master data and administration” tab:

When you select an item, a list of items opens; if the database is new, then the list is empty. You need to add elements here. It is convenient to enter item elements into item groups, so first create the necessary groups. There can be as many of them as you like; the program allows you to distribute them hierarchically; one group can include several subgroups. Addition new group occurs by clicking the “Create Group” button. In the form that opens, enter the name and indicate which group the newly created group belongs to:

The creation of the group is confirmed by the “Save and close” button, after which the element appears in the list:

All the necessary groups are added in the same way. After they are created, you can begin adding items to these groups. The group to which this item should belong is selected. A new product/service is added using the “Create” button. A form opens in which you need to enter data about the item:

First, fill in the fields:

    Type of item – indicates what type the item belongs to: product or service, the value is selected from the list;

    Working name – the name of the element that will be displayed in the database, as it is more convenient to search for it during work (internal name);

    Print name – what the element will be called in official documents;

    Article – unique alphanumeric factory designation element.

This data is enough to create an element; in the future, you can adjust and expand the information for each item. Clicking on the “Record and close” button will add the item to the directory. The remaining elements are filled in in the same way.

It is important to understand that creating an item in the directory does not in any way affect the state of warehouse balances. In order for a product to be listed in the warehouse, it must be capitalized.