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Beef processing plants in the Russian Federation. Companies of meat and meat products. CJSC Mikoyanovsky Meat Processing Plant

In 2017, the consumption of beef and pork continues to grow. Therefore, the largest players are increasing meat exports, trying to make the most of the emerging opportunities. In the US, pork production is expected to grow at 2-3%, poultry and beef - 3%. These plans can only be disrupted by a rapid strengthening of the dollar, which has already affected the export of beef and pork. But experts still agree that this year Americans will be able to find buyers for almost all types of products, which will ensure a stable 2-3% increase in production.

Pork and beef exporting countries are keeping a close eye on China, which is gradually reducing the growth of imports of these types of meat. Import growth is expected to decline by 3% between 2017 and 2020. This is explained by the fact that exporters of beef and pork have almost completely covered the demand for these types of meat from Chinese citizens with average and high level income.

Russia, like other major meat exporters, is increasing production with all its might. At the end of last year, poultry and livestock production increased by 5%. The Ministry of Agriculture believes that over the next three years production volumes will increase by at least another 10%.

Where is the best meat produced?

Experts consider American meat to be the best. The homeland of cowboys was able to earn the title of a country exporting meat of the highest quality thanks to the culture of raising livestock and assessing the quality of the product. Thus, to produce high-quality beef, American farmers cultivate elite breeds of Heriford and Angus bulls. Another important feature is fattening. At first, the animals are kept on a grass diet and only after a while are switched to a grain diet.

The leading countries in pig meat production are traditionally considered to be the USA, Canada and the Netherlands. American and European manufacturers pay Special attention selection, which allows you to achieve high quality of the final product and balanced biological value. The meat of large black pigs, characterized by a high content of muscle tissue, is especially valued.

New Zealand is considered the leader in the export of lamb meat. New Zealand's climate allows for plenty of green pastures to grow. Thanks to this, farmers have no shortage of good, environmentally friendly feed. In addition, New Zealand lamb is the meat of young animals, distinguished by its juiciness and excellent taste.

This is interesting

New Zealand farmers are extremely sensitive to the stress hormone content in meat. To achieve the highest quality meat, they developed a special technology for slaughtering animals.

The world's largest meat exporting companies

The world's largest meat producer is the Brazilian group of companies JBS. In terms of supply volume, the holding exceeds individual meat exporting countries. The company employs about 200 thousand employees at more than 150 factories, who daily produce tens of thousands of tons of finished products - from marbled beef to elite varieties of pork. JBS's annual turnover is more than $53 billion.

The Chinese WH Group is considered the world's largest exporter of pig meat. The company owns 13 large enterprises that supply meat to more than 15 million pigs annually. Pork is exported to dozens of countries around the world, including Russia after the recent lifting of the ban on the import of meat from China.

The largest producers continue to increase not only the volume, but also the quality of meat production. This positive trend cannot but rejoice, because regardless of which country is the leading supplier, the consumer in any case receives a product that is increasingly nutritious and healthy.

Russian meat market in last years is formed mainly due to domestic production (10-15 years ago it was formed by imports). The production volume of meat of all types in Russia in slaughter weight in all categories of farms in 2015 amounted to 9,483.9 thousand tons, which is 4.6% or 413.3 thousand tons more than in 2014. Over 5 years (compared to 2010), volumes increased by 32.3% (by 2,317.1 thousand tons), over 10 years (by 2005) - by 90.1% (by 4,494.4 thousand tons). tons). The volume of meat production was exceeded for the first time in 1991, when it amounted to 9,375.2 thousand tons.

At the same time, pork production in 2015 in slaughter weight amounted to 3087.4 thousand tons. Over the year it increased by 33.8% (by 113.5 thousand tons), over 5 years - by 32.5% (by 756.6 thousand tons), over 10 years - by 96.8% (by 1518 ,3 thousand tons). Compared to 1991, pork production has almost completely recovered (then it amounted to 3,189.7 thousand tons in slaughter weight).

Beef production, on the contrary, has a steady downward trend. In 2015, production volumes of this type of meat amounted to 1,636.2 thousand tons in slaughter weight. Over the year the reduction was 1.1% (17.9 thousand tons), over 5 years - 5.3% (91.1 thousand tons), over 10 years - 9.6% (173.0 thousand tons) . Compared to 1991, beef production in the Russian Federation decreased by 2.4 times.

The decrease in beef production over the past 10 years is primarily due to the optimization of the dairy herd - milk yield per cow is increasing, while keeping low-productive livestock becomes impractical.

The development of beef cattle breeding does not yet fully ensure the overall increase in indicators (total production of beef from meat and dairy breeds).

Poultry meat production volumes are growing most rapidly. In 2015 they reached 4,481.6 thousand tons. Over the year, the increase was 7.7% (320.2 thousand tons), over 5 years - 57.4% (1,634.8 thousand tons). Over 10 years, the figures increased 3.2 times or 3,093.8 thousand tons. The volumes produced in 1991 were exceeded by 2.2 times.

The production of lamb and goat meat in 2015, compared to 2014, decreased slightly - by 0.8% to 202.2 thousand tons in slaughter weight. At the same time, over 5 years the increase was 9.5%, over 10 years - 31.2%.

Production of other types of meat (horse meat, venison, rabbit meat) in 2015 was at the level of 76.4 thousand tons. Over the year, the reduction in volumes was 0.8%, over 5 years - 1.1%. However, over 10 years, volumes grew by 10.3%.

In the structure of meat production over the years, there has been a significant reduction in the share of beef and an increase in the share of poultry meat. The share of pork remains at approximately the same levels. In 2015, the share of pork was 32.6%, beef - 17.3%, poultry - 47.3%, lamb and goat meat - 2.1%, other types of meat - 1.0%.

Meat import

The Russian meat market is becoming less and less dependent on imports. In 2015, the lowest volumes of meat imports into the Russian Federation were observed, at least in the last 15 years. The total volume of imports of meat of all types and by-products in 2015 amounted to 1,171.8 thousand tons, which is 31.4% or 536.7 thousand tons less than in 2014.

The largest decrease in volume terms was the volume of imports of beef - by 207.8 thousand tons and poultry meat - by 203.2 thousand tons. Pork imports decreased less significantly - by 69.1 thousand tons.

The reduction in the volume of meat imports into the Russian Federation in 2015 was facilitated by the devaluation of the ruble, as well as restrictions on supplies from a number of countries introduced in August 2014.

Meat export

2015 is characterized by largest volumes meat exports from Russia, which reached 83.7 thousand tons. The main volume of exported meat is poultry, pig by-products and pork.

Over the year, the total volumes of meat exports from the Russian Federation increased by 6.9%, over 5 years - by 4.4 times, over 10 years - by 118.8 times.

Volume of the Russian meat market, consumption, self-sufficiency

Volume Russian market meat in 2015 amounted to 10,571.9 thousand tons, which is 1.2% less than in 2014 and 3.0% less than in 2013. The reduction in market volume is due to the fact that the increase in production volumes was slightly lower than the reduction in imports. However, over 5 years the market volume grew by 6.5%, over 10 years - by 28.6%.

In 2015, the minimum threshold for food independence in meat was exceeded for the first time. According to the Doctrine of Food Security of the Russian Federation, the self-sufficiency of the Russian Federation in meat should be at least 85%.

In 2014, Russia's self-sufficiency in meat of all types, according to calculations by the Expert Analytical Center for Agribusiness "AB-Center", amounted to 84.8%, in 2015 it reached 89.7%. 10 years ago the figures were 60.7%.

However, in 2014-2015. there is a reduction in consumption volumes (from 76.0 kg in 2013 to 72.2 kg in 2015 - a 5.0% reduction over 2 years), which is due both to a slight reduction in real disposable income of the population and to the fact that the volume of growth production is slightly lower than the drop in imports. At the same time, comparison over a longer period shows significant growth. Over 5 years, per capita meat consumption increased by 3.9%, over 10 years - by 26.1%.

Meat prices

The Russian meat market in 2015 was characterized by a significant increase in prices. To a lesser extent, the rise in price affected poultry meat.

Average annual producer prices for pork half-carcasses in 2015, compared to 2014, strengthened by 18.6% to 174.5 rubles/kg with VAT, prices for beef half-carcasses increased by 25.4% to 213.5 rubles/kg. Prices for broiler carcasses amounted to 102.9 rubles/kg - an increase of 12.1%, which is lower than the average inflation rate which in 2015 was 12.91%.

Over the year, retail prices for second-hand pork increased by 10.1% to 363.7 rubles/kg, for fresh pork - by 12.1% to 276.8 rubles/kg. Used beef in the retail segment increased in price over the year by 18.3% to 446.4 rubles/kg, non-prepared beef - by 20.9% to 308.6 rubles/kg. Prices for broiler carcasses increased by 13.0% to 136.2 rubles/kg, prices for chicken legs increased by 13.4% to 156.6 rubles/kg.

In the list of the largest meat processing plants in Russia, almost all plants belong to well-known agricultural holdings of the country. The largest meat processing plants in terms of profit are: Cherkizovsky, Ostankino, Mikoyanovsky, Velikoluksky, Ramfood, Ramensky and Starodvorsky sausages.

ChMPZ is the main meat processing enterprise within the Cherkizovo group, which is the largest agricultural holding in Russia. But the profits of this company’s factories decreased significantly in 2016. According to the holding's management, this happened for a number of reasons, including increased costs for wages and transport taxes.

In addition, the company had to write off cash assets in the amount of 1.3 billion at a loss, since the non-refundable subsidies that the holding was counting on were never received.

In addition, the recovery from the African swine fever outbreak had a negative impact on profitability. But the scale of ChMPZ production has not decreased, which still leaves it the position of the industry leader.

2. OJSC "Ostankino Meat Processing Plant"

  • Legal address: Russian Federation, Moscow, 127254, Ogorodny proezd 18.
  • Information O owners: Bellmar Capital Investment Limited - 23.07% shares, Renova Investment Limited - 24.61%, ABSI Enterprises Limited - 24.84%, Honeydrops Equities Inc. - 24.58%.
  • Number of employees: 3,792 people.
  • Turnover: 29.5 billion rubles.

It produces all types of meat products, including sausages, dumplings, frankfurters, frozen spring rolls, frozen, chilled and smoked meat. But due to high popularity trademark“Ostankinskaya”, other meat processing plants produce products under this brand, which significantly reduces the demand for OMPK products.

3. CJSC "Mikoyanovsky Meat Processing Plant"

  • Legal address: Russian Federation, Moscow, 109316, Talalikhina street, 41 building 14
  • Information about the owners: CJSC AVK Exima, share of shares owned - 87.51% and CJSC Ochakovo-Logistic - 12.49% of shares.
  • Number of employees: 5,500 people.
  • Turnover: 12.5 billion rubles.

The oldest meat processing plant in Russia, which has been operating for more than 200 years, and since 1933 received the status of the official supplier of meat products to the Kremlin. Also, the main sales location is Moscow and the Moscow region, where Mikoyanovsky Meat Processing Plant CJSC controls 20% of the market.


  • Legal address: Russian Federation, Vladimir region, Vladimir city, 600009, Polina Osipenko street, 41
  • Information about the owners: CJSC "ABI Group"
  • Number of employees: 6990 people.
  • Turnover: 16.7 billion rubles.

The owner of ABI Group (Anikeev Business Invest) is a State Duma deputy from “ United Russia" - Anikeev Grigory Viktorovich. His company produces more than 150 types of products, which are sold in 65 regions of Russia, as well as in the countries of the Customs Union.

5. OJSC Velikoluksky Meat Processing Plant

  • Legal address: Russian Federation, Pskov region, Velikiye Luki, 182111, Liteinaya street, 17
  • Information about the owners: Vladimir Podvalny owns 100% of the shares of the meat processing plant.
  • Number of employees: 20,000 people.
  • Turnover: 30.5 billion rubles.

The company is one of the systemically important enterprises of the Pskov region, which is implementing a project with an estimated investment of 50 billion rubles. Thus, in 2016, production was expanded at a cost of 7.4 billion. But, in connection with this, most of the company’s property is pledged to Sberbank.

6. Ramfood LLC

  • Legal address: Russian Federation, Moscow, 109341, Bratislavskaya street, 18
  • Information about the owners: United investors company B.V.
  • Number of employees: 186 people.
  • Turnover: 3.3 billion rubles.

The company's management planned to expand production capacity, but this moment the implementation of plans has been suspended, since the company has outstanding debt obligations to Promsvyazbank.

In the near future, the Promsvyazkapital group, which owns this banking institution, plans to transfer the meat processing plant to its own agricultural holding, Belaya Ptitsa.

7. OJSC "Meat Processing Plant Ramensky"

  • Legal address: Russian Federation, Moscow region, Ramenskoye city, 140100, Krasnoarmeyskaya street, 131
  • Information about the owners: The information is not publicly available.
  • Number of employees: 106 people.
  • Turnover: 1.3 billion rubles.

The plant has existed since 1974 and produces almost all types of meat products. The company is gradually increasing production volumes, expanding product sales regions.

The total volume of ranking participants exceeded 5.6 million tons of livestock and poultry for slaughter. At the end of 2016, the production of livestock and poultry for slaughter in Russia increased by 3.4% to 13.9 million tons (hereinafter - live weight). Including in agricultural organizations, the volume amounted to 10.1 million tons - 5.8% more than a year earlier. In general, more than 44% of the production structure was accounted for by poultry, about 31% by pigs, and 20.4% by cattle. The main driver of the industry was pig farming, which grew by 9.4% over the year, while poultry production increased only by 2.6%, and cattle production decreased by 1.6%.

To the share of the Central federal district in the total volume of meat production it accounted for almost 34% or 4.7 million tons, although the growth dynamics of the industry - plus 5.6% compared to 2015 - is not the highest here. According to this indicator, the Central Federal District overtook the regions of the North-West, adding 7.1%, although production volumes here are about five times less - 908 thousand tons. In 2016, only the Southern Federal District slightly (0.3%) decreased production output , up to 1.4 million tons.

First five Tatarstan closes with 484.3 thousand tons. The Republic improved the 2015 result by 3.3%. In particular, the production of cattle for slaughter increased by 3.4% to 155.4 thousand tons, pig production by 3% to 97.3 thousand tons, and poultry by 4.3% to 207.8 thousand tons. Despite the food culture - the Muslim population predominates in the region - pig farming is developing here, and not only for commercial production. For example, "" plans to create a selection and genetic center for 3.8 thousand animals and another complex for 7.5 thousand sows, investing 3.8 billion rubles. Also in the region, the production of poultry meat will further increase - thanks to the launch of new sites "". The enterprise's capacity will approximately double to 220 thousand tons.

Sixth place in the ranking in the Stavropol Territory, where 479.7 thousand tons of livestock and poultry were produced - 14.5% more than in 2015. Although the production of cattle for slaughter decreased by 2.1%, amounting to 55.3 thousand tons, pig farming added 25.1% to 68 thousand tons, poultry farming - 17.9% to 317.3 thousand tons. The largest producer is broiler in the region and one of the leaders of the country - GAP. In 2016, all of its poultry farms (except for the Stavropol region, the holding operates in the Krasnodar Territory, Adygea, Karachay-Cherkessia and Tambov Region) produced 343 thousand tons of broiler.

Seventh Bashkiria entered the list with 397.4 thousand tons of livestock and poultry, which is 0.9% more than in 2015. The republic is the country's leader in the production of cattle for slaughter, although this figure decreased from 230.3 thousand tons in 2015 to 200 thousand tons in the past. But the volume of production of pig products increased by 51.2%, amounting to 85.7 thousand tons, poultry - by 8% to 76.1 thousand tons. In particular, “” works in the region, which repurposed part of the poultry farms from egg production to meat production , and also modernized the Turbaslinsky Broilers complex, increasing the enterprise’s capacity from 20 thousand tons to 80 thousand tons per year.

Eighth place near the Bryansk region. Here, last year, 392.8 thousand tons of livestock and poultry were produced - 10.6% more than in 2015. Despite the fact that the region is home to the country's largest beef producer - "" - the production of livestock for slaughter in the region decreased by 9.1%, amounting to 56.9 thousand tons. The pig breeding sector was also in the red, albeit small - 0 ,8%. But poultry production added 20%, reaching 265.7 thousand tons. 38% of this volume was accounted for by the same “”: his “” launched new lines at the processing plant last year and was able to increase production by 37%.

Ninth The Voronezh region entered the ranking with 382.1 thousand tons, which is 11.5% more than the result of 2015. The production of cattle for slaughter here increased by 3.4% to 93.9 thousand tons, pigs - by 31.2% to 146.5 thousand tons. But poultry farming increased only 0.9% to 134.6 thousand tons The company "" is actively developing in the region - in December 2016, it opened another pig farm here with a capacity of 80 thousand animals per year. According to the regional Department of Agrarian Policy, the holding produces about 70% of all pork produced in the region. Also operating in the region is the “” group, which took first place in the “Agroinvestor” rating of the top 20 largest meat producers at the end of 2015.

Closes the top 10 Leningrad region, all farms of which produced 362.8 thousand tons of livestock and poultry for slaughter, which is 0.4% lower than the result of 2015. In 2016, cattle production increased slightly here - by 0.2%, amounting to 30.2 thousand tons, pig farming added 2%, reaching 4.8 thousand tons. At the same time, the poultry sector lost 0.8%, production volume amounted to 295.6 thousand tons. The largest broiler poultry farm in the region is “Severnaya” with a capacity of about 200 thousand tons. In 2015, it was bought by “”, a subsidiary of the Thai company, part of the international conglomerate CP Group.