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Deputy Bastrykin Investigative Committee. What is the head of the insurance company Alexander Bastrykin known for and who can replace him?

Alexander Bastrykin was born on August 27, 1953 in the city of Pskov. Grew up in a working-class family. His father Ivan is from the Kuban Cossacks and went through the entire war. His mother, Evgenia Antonova, worked at a defense enterprise during the blockade. In 1958, the Bastrykin family moved to live in St. Petersburg. In 1970 he graduated from 27 high school Vasileostrovsky district of Leningrad with in-depth study of the Russian language, literature and history.

In 1975 he graduated from the Faculty of Law of Leningrad state university, studied in the same group with Putin and was the head of this group. Subsequently, Bastrykin entered Putin’s closest circle of associates, where he received the informal nickname “Starosta.”

In his youth, Bastrykin studied classical dance for eight years at the People's Ballet Theater of the Palace of Culture named after the First Five-Year Plan. Along with this, he was fond of volleyball and played guitar in the student vocal and instrumental ensemble of the Faculty of Law of Leningrad State University. Attended classes at the “School of Young Journalists” at the youth newspaper “Smena”.

From 1975 to 1978 he served in the internal affairs bodies of Leningrad - as a criminal investigation inspector and investigator. In 1977, he joined the ranks of the CPSU. He did not leave the party until its liquidation in 1991.

In 1979, he entered graduate school at the Faculty of Law of the State University in the department of criminal procedure and criminology, from which he graduated in 1980. Afterwards, he began teaching there. academic discipline“criminal procedure - forensics”, which he conducted until 1988. He combined teaching at the university with socio-political work. He was the secretary of the Komsomol committee of Leningrad State University, a member of the party committee of Leningrad State University. Afterwards, for a year he was secretary of the Leningrad City Committee of the Komsomol.

From 1983 to 1985 - Secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the Komsomol. Oversaw the work of the departments of agitation and propaganda, culture, military-patriotic education of youth, the Leningrad city Komsomol operational detachment, issues of interaction with Komsomol organizations of the Leningrad Military District, the Leningrad Naval Base, internal and border troops, law enforcement agencies of Leningrad and Leningrad region. He was a people's deputy of the Dzerzhinsky District Council of People's Deputies of Leningrad and the Lomonosov Council of People's Deputies of the Leningrad Region.

From 1985 to 1986 - senior lecturer at the Faculty of Law of Leningrad State University, taught the main course of lectures on criminology, and taught a special course “Search, inquiry, investigation.” From 1986 to 1988 - Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the CPSU of Leningrad State University for ideological work. From 1988 to 1991 - director of the Institute for Advanced Training of Investigative Workers at the USSR Prosecutor's Office in Leningrad, head of the department of investigative tactics.

In 1992, he became head of the department of law at the St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions. From 1992 to 1995 - rector and professor of the St. Petersburg Law Institute. In 1995 - head of the department and professor of the department of transport law at the St. Petersburg State University of Water Communications.

From 1996 to 1998 he was assistant to the commander of the district troops for legal work - chief legal management Northwestern district internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. At the same time, he taught at the St. Petersburg Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the St. Petersburg School of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

From 1998 to 2001 - Director of the North-Western Branch of the Russian Legal Academy of the Ministry of Justice Russian Federation, Chairman of the Academic Council, Head of the Department of Theory of State and Law. From 2001 to 2006, he headed the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the North-West federal district, continuing his teaching work at the Russian Legal Academy of the Ministry of Justice of Russia.

From June 12 to October 6, 2006, he was the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Central Federal District. And on October 6, 2006, at the 183rd meeting of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, Bastrykin was confirmed as Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation. Oversaw issues of compliance with the law in the preliminary investigation authorities.

At the 206th meeting of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation on June 22, 2007, a resolution was adopted on the procedure for appointing the Chairman of the UPC of the Russian Federation. At the same meeting, Bastrykin was confirmed as the First Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation - Chairman of the Investigative Committee at the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation. On September 7, 2007, Bastrykin took up his duties in his new position. He was not relieved from the post of First Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation.

Alexander Bastrykin acted from October 4, 2010, and from January 15, 2011 he was appointed Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. On February 20, 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin awarded the head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Alexander Bastrykin, the highest rank - General of Justice of the Russian Federation.

Bastrykin is the author of more than 120 scientific papers on current problems state and law. Chairman of the Academic Council of the Russian Legal Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation - North-Western Branch and Professor of the Department of Theory of State and Law. Doctor of Law, Professor. Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation.

Family of Alexander Bastrykin

First wife, in 1981-1988 - Bastrykina Natalya Nikolaevna, lawyer, owner of the company LAW Bohemia s.r.o. since May 21, 2001.

The second wife is Olga Ivanovna Alexandrova, candidate of legal sciences, associate professor, rector of the All-Russian University of Justice, RPA of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, before that she was the director of the academy’s branch in St. Petersburg. The family has two children.

Awards of Alexander Bastrykin

State awards

Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2008).
Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (2012).
Order of Alexander Nevsky - for active legislative activity, services in strengthening law and order, many years of conscientious work) (2013).
Order of Honor (2014).
Order of Honor (Republic of South Ossetia 2009)
Order of Friendship (Republic of Armenia, 2016)
Order of Merit (Republic of Ingushetia 2013)
Certificate of Honor from the President of the Russian Federation (2009); Certificate of honor from the Chairman of the Federation Council Federal Assembly Russian Federation; Certificate of honor State Duma Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
On January 11, 2007, he was awarded the title “Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation.”

Public awards

Order of Peter the Great, 1st degree "For outstanding services and great personal contribution to the development and strengthening of the Russian State"
Badge of Honor "Silver Cross" of the Union of Georgievsk
Laureate of the Russian Lawyers' Association "Themis" Award (2011)
Certificate of Honor from the Regional public organization"League of Veterans of Service for Combating Organized Crime."
Diploma of the Russian-Slavic movement “Russian March-Slavic Assembly” - for personal contribution to the revival of national self-awareness, spiritual and moral foundations of the Russian people.

Honorary titles

Honorary Worker of Justice of Russia
Honorary employee of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation.
Honorary employee of the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation.
Honorary employee of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

Ranks and titles

On July 25, 2002, Bastrykin was awarded the class rank of State Counselor of Justice, 2nd class of the justice authorities.
On December 8, 2006, Bastrykin was awarded the class rank of State Counselor of Justice, 1st class of the prosecutor's office
Police Colonel
Cossack Colonel
Colonel General of Justice (special rank of the Russian Investigative Committee, January 15, 2011).
General of Justice of the Russian Federation (February 20, 2016).

Head of the Investigative Committee of Russia Alexander Bastrykin. Photo:

This week a trial will begin in Moscow, which may become one of the most high-profile proceedings of the end of 2017. A dozen and a half people will stand trial, including Shakro Molodoy (Zakhary Kalashov), considered one of the leaders of the country’s criminal world. The defendants in the case are accused of extorting money from the owner of the Elements restaurant on Rochdelskaya Street and the famous shootout at the same restaurant in the very center of the city, not far from the Government House, with the death of two of its participants.

During the trial, important details may be revealed that have already influenced the course of the investigation of another part of the same story. Namely, the high-profile case of a bribe of €500 thousand, which, according to investigators, senior employees of the Investigative Committee of Russia (ICR) allegedly received from Shakro for easing the fate of his associate Andrei Kochuykov, nicknamed Italian.

The deputy let it slip

At the end of the summer of 2017, more precisely, in the twentieth of August, the FSB Investigation Department then opened a new case against the three main accused from the Investigative Committee, the head of the internal security department Mikhail Maksimenko, his deputy Alexander Lamonov and the deputy head of the Moscow department of the Investigative Committee Denis Nikandrov. a bribe of 500 thousand, now not euros, but dollars. Moreover, in the coming days, one of the trio of key defendants, Alexander Lamonov, may be released from custody.

It was a sharp turn in criminal history. And it happened after one of the defendants in the case testified and revealed the chain of corruption (in operational slang - “drip”), he said NT law enforcement source. The information was confirmed by several other interlocutors familiar with the investigation.

Mikhail Maksimenko. Photo:

We are talking about Lamonov’s deputy in the Internal Security Directorate of the ICR, Denis Bogorodetsky. Immediately after the arrest of his superiors - Maksimenko, Nikanorov and Lamonov - in July 2016, he resigned from the authorities and was a witness in the case. The investigator even ordered a polygraph test for him to determine “whether he has information in his head about handing over a bribe to his superiors,” but he, on the doctor’s recommendation, temporarily refused this procedure.

A year later, at the end of July 2017, the investigator changed his status in the case - from a witness to a suspect - and took him into custody. And a month later, Bogorodetsky gave testimony that allowed the investigator to open a new case against senior officers of the Investigative Committee. In exchange for the necessary testimony, Bogorodetsky was first released under house arrest, and then suspicions were completely removed from him in the original case (about a bribe of €500 thousand). In the new case (about a bribe of $500 thousand), the investigator issued a confession to him, as an intermediary in the transfer of the bribe, and released him on his own recognizance.

The turn in history happened after one of the defendants in the case testified and revealed the chain of corruption (in operational slang - “drip”), reported NT source in law enforcement agencies and confirmed by several interlocutors familiar with the investigation

Socially responsible businessman

Over the course of a year, this case was investigated by the deputy head of the FSB Investigation Department, Colonel Mikhail Savitsky - he was investigating, trying to unwind the chain of two streams of money allocated for the Italian, arrested for participating in a shootout near the Elements restaurant, to high ranks in law enforcement agencies - he learned about them from negotiations Maksimenko and Lamonov, overheard by security officers. Until the summer of 2017, investigators were studying only one of the two corruption chains - the one that came from Shakro Molodoy.

Thanks to the testimony received this summer, Savitsky received information on the second chain of funds for the release of Italian and changed the main version of the investigation regarding the distribution of roles in this case. According to the new version, we are no longer talking about a conspiracy of three leaders from the Investigative Committee with the leaders of the criminal world, but about an attempt to bribe Bastrykin’s direct subordinate, Mikhail Maksimenko. He became the main recipient of money, which, according to the updated interpretation, was no longer transferred from the criminal authority, but from business.

Alexander Lamonov.Photo:

By the way, by the time a new turn in the case took place, Savitsky had received a promotion and became a major general, it follows from the case materials.

The following picture emerges from the current accusation formula. Entrepreneur Oleg Sheykhametov, who is also involved in the restaurant business, being a co-owner of the Yakitoria chain of Japanese restaurants, decided to help out his long-time comrade and partner Andrei Kochuykov (Italian).

Kochuykov has been friends with Sheykhametov since the 1990s, he said NT a source close to the crime boss.

Sheykhametov allegedly collected money and handed it over to a former employee of the Main Directorate of Internal Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Evgeniy Surzhikov. After his dismissal from the internal affairs bodies, he worked for Italian in a private security company and was present at negotiations in the Elements restaurant on Rochdelskaya Street, which ended in a fatal shootout - this was the same high-profile showdown that began the “Shakro case” (about the creation of a criminal community), and the “case of ICR officers” (about a bribe for the release of Italian). Initially, Surzhikov was arrested in connection with an episode from this great history- the episode just concerned a shootout near a restaurant.

According to the new version, we are no longer talking about a conspiracy of three leaders from the Investigative Committee with the leaders of the criminal world, but about an attempt to bribe Bastrykin’s direct subordinate, Mikhail Maksimenko. He became the main recipient of the money

When new circumstances were discovered, Surzhikov did not deny it and confirmed the information received by the investigator about the money transferred through him. As a result, he was issued a confession and was released from responsibility for mediation, sources say NT in law enforcement agencies. At the same time, as part of the shootout case, he was transferred to house arrest.

From the testimony of Sheykhametov and Surzhikov, it follows that the former policeman received a box of money from the businessman (their meeting took place in the Novinsky Passage shopping center on Barrikadnaya), then handed it over to his comrade Bogorodetsky, who gave the money to Lamonov. The latter handed them over to his immediate superior, that is, Maksimenko.

Denis Nikandrov. Photo:

Gracious Lubyanka

Multiple sources NT, familiar with the progress of the investigation, reported that the episode with the transfer of funds from Sheykhametov becomes central in the current version of the investigation. The investigation is no longer going to prove the transfer of funds from Shakro and even plans to stop proceedings against Zakhary Kalashov on the case of giving a bribe of €500 thousand, limiting it to charges of extortion.

In addition, due to new circumstances, the investigation is going to terminate proceedings against Lamonov, who, according to the original version, was one of the main recipients of €500 thousand. “Lamonov should only be charged with mediation in the framework of a “parallel case.” And then there are negotiations on release from liability,” he said NT another source who is well acquainted with the circumstances of the case.

Now, according to the magazine’s interlocutors, Lamonov’s transfer to house arrest is being agreed upon - this could happen in as little as a week, in mid-October.

As for General Maksimenko, having become, according to investigators, the main bribe-taker in this case, he refused any communication with the investigation, citing Article 51 of the Constitution.

Investigators were able to discover the bribe transfer chain thanks to FSB operatives. Important evidence was the wiretapping of telephone conversations of senior officers of the Investigative Committee - Maksimenko, Lamonov and Nikandrov

The ICR officers, as follows from overheard negotiations, tried to alleviate the fate of Kochuykov (Italian) by transferring his case to another investigative unit. However, they encountered opposition from opponents from the FSB - “faces”

In the conversations of senior ICR officers, the numbers “five hundred”, “four hundred”, “two hundred” are heard. We are talking about $500 thousand allocated for the release of the Italian and the distribution of this bribe

Conflict with security officers

In total, since the summer of 2016, the FSB has opened 4 cases of bribery against Mikhail Maksimenko. The colonel is considered Bastrykin's closest associate. According to Fontanka, in 2007, when the Investigative Committee under the prosecutor’s office was created, Maksimenko became the head of the physical protection of the department and, accordingly, of Bastrykin himself.

Soon after his arrest, Maksimenko announced a conflict with the leadership of Directorate “M” of the FSB, which arose due to his refusal to comply with their demands on personnel issues in the Investigative Committee.

This department is responsible for supporting the case of Maksimenko and Co. His operatives were interested not only in who and what bribes were transferred for the Italian. "They asked more serious questions," says source NT, familiar with the investigation. According to him, “emshchiki tried to get evidence against Bastrykin and the head of the personnel service of the ICR ( Major General Viktor Dolzhenko. - NT)».

Shortly after his arrest, Maksimenko announced a conflict with the leadership of Directorate “M” of the FSB, which arose due to his refusal to comply with their demands on personnel issues in the Investigative Committee.

Companion NT believes that the main target of the attack was Bastrykin himself. However, another interlocutor close to Maksimenko claims that he had a “personal confrontation” with the leadership of Directorate “M”. “As far as I know, there was a long-term conflict between the deputy head of Directorate “M” of the FSB and Maksimenko,” says the source. “The conflict arose due to the fact that Maksimenko agreed to carry out operational search activities against ICR employees only if there were sufficient grounds and did not allow the M Directorate to put pressure on the investigators.”

Another source NT, who has a trusting relationship with the arrested ICR officers, claims that the security officers tried to extract testimony from them “in relation to the leaders of the ICR for any known facts" The FSB eventually received such compromising evidence, but did not give it any further action, the source claims. NT in law enforcement agencies. “For a month and a half (FSB officers) tried to implement this information and coordinated it with the president. But he did not give the go-ahead (to continue development),” the interlocutor states. NT.

Autumn offensive

Part of the big game against Bastrykin was the recent attack on another general close to him - the head of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Moscow, Alexander Drymanov, the source claims. NT, close to Maksimenko. Drymanov was the immediate superior of Nikandrov, one of the three main defendants in the bribery case for the Italian. “Drymanov is a political figure, everything was done in order to overthrow the first person (Bastrykin),” the interlocutor insists NT. On September 1 and 2, searches were carried out at Drymanov’s workplace and home. This operation, according to sources NT, was authorized by Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Viktor Grin after a meeting at the Prosecutor General's Office at the end of August.


However, Drymanov remained in the status of a witness, sources say, noting that the issue of his resignation will still be resolved in the near future.

As for Bastrykin, his resignation, several sources say NT, will take place no earlier than the presidential elections in 2018. “There will be no resignation until the presidential elections. But now the topic of distribution of powers of the Investigative Committee is being actively discussed among the security forces,” the interlocutor says NT in law enforcement agencies. Here it is necessary to clarify that representatives of the Prosecutor General’s Office have repeatedly stated that they would like to regain some of the powers that prosecutors lost after the separation of the Investigative Committee. But Lubyanka also claims the privileges of the TFR.

“There will be no resignation of (Bastrykin) before the presidential elections. But now the topic of distribution of powers of the Investigative Committee is being actively discussed among the security forces.”

According to the interlocutor NT, law enforcement agencies are discussing a bill to amend the Criminal Procedure Code, which would allow the FSB Investigation Department to take over part of the powers of the Investigative Committee. Namely, those related to corruption-related crimes. However, in fact, the FSB is already actively involved in the investigation of these crimes as operational support - in particular, in cases against governors and former head of the Ministry of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukaev. And this began precisely with the arrest of three ICR officers.

After the Duma elections, Chairman of the Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin will leave his post. The issue was resolved after the initiation of criminal cases against high-ranking employees of the department, RBC sources say

Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin (Photo: Mikhail Klimentyev/press service of the President of the Russian Federation/TASS)

Bastrykin's resignation

Alexander Bastrykin will leave the post of chairman of the Investigative Committee, interlocutors close to the leadership of the FSB, the central apparatus of the Investigative Committee, and three close to the Investigative Committee told RBC presidential administration source. The resignation will take place shortly after the elections on September 18, although RBC's interlocutors do not give exact dates. “I’m hearing this for the first time,” presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov told RBC, answering a question about whether Bastrykin’s resignation is really being discussed now. Representative of the Investigative Committee Vladimir Markin (whose imminent departure became known on Wednesday) refused to talk with RBC.

In July, Bastrykin’s department found itself at the center of a scandal in connection with a criminal case against high-ranking employees of the Investigative Committee. in an especially large amount (Part 6 of Article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) were presented to the head of the Department of Interdepartmental Cooperation and Internal Security (UMISB) of the ICR Mikhail Maksimenko, his deputy Alexander Lamonov and Deputy Head of the Main Investigation Department for Moscow Denis Nikandrov. According to FSB investigators, they tried to people of the criminal authority Zakhary Kalashov, nicknamed Shakro Molodoy. The operatives assigned a key role in the case to Maksimenko, who, in law enforcement, was one of the most influential employees of the Investigative Committee and a friend of Bastrykin, RBC sources in the Investigative Committee and the FSB say. Markin then expressed gratitude to the FSB officers for the detention.

The issue of Bastrykin’s career was resolved after the arrests of his subordinates, says an RBC interlocutor close to the leadership of the FSB, but all personnel decisions were left for the period after the Duma elections. At the same time, Peskov told reporters that “hypothetical speculation [about the possible resignation of the chairman of the Investigative Committee] against the backdrop of investigative actions is absolutely unacceptable.”​

Dissatisfaction with Bastrykin “has been matured for a long time,” explains the FSB source. According to him, the chairman of the Investigative Committee often attracted undue attention to himself. In April of this year, the Chairman of the Investigative Committee published in the magazine "Kommersant" -Power” in which hejustified the tightening anti-extremist legislation and reasoned that Russia’s problems are related to the hybrid war that the United States is waging against it. In the summer of 2012, he met with Sergei Sokolov, deputy editor-in-chief of Novaya Gazeta. In the same year, the founder of the Anti-Corruption Foundation, Alexey Navalny, Bastrykin received a residence permit in the Czech Republic and real estate in this country. And at the end of 2015 it became known that the Spanish prosecutor’s office was with members of the Tambov criminal group.

In 2015, President Vladimir Putin expressed dissatisfaction with the work of the head of the Investigative Committee at one of the meetings, sources close to the government and the security department told RBC. His work coordinating the work of Russian and Armenian security forces to investigate the high-profile murder of an Armenian family by a Russian soldier was considered clumsy, one source.

The Investigative Committee is objectively in crisis, and the head of the Investigative Committee has relied on unprofessional personnel, says an RBC interlocutor close to the presidential administration. The level of investigation in the Investigative Committee has been dropping all the time, says lawyer Ruslan Koblev. According to him, the lack of prosecutorial control had a negative impact on the quality of the investigation. “Investigations have become opaque and have come down to investigators stuffing cases with formal evidence, because they know that in the end the courts will still hand down guilty verdicts,” says the lawyer.

Bastrykin fulfilled his function by creating the Investigative Committee, but in the process of this work, he first seriously damaged relations with the Prosecutor General’s Office, and later the effectively working connection with the FSB was disrupted, says political scientist Evgeniy Minchenko. The head of the Investigative Committee lost the hardware war with other law enforcement agencies, states an interlocutor close to the leadership of the Kremlin administration.

New leader

The current deputy chairman of the ICR, Major General of Justice Igor Krasnov, is being considered as a possible new head of the department, say two RBC interlocutors close to the leadership of the ICR and the FSB. ​Krasnov is known for investigating high-profile cases. Since 2009, he has been leading the case of the murder of lawyer Stanislav Markelov and Anastasia Baburova in the center of Moscow. As a result, nationalists Nikita Tikhonov and Evgenia Khasis, involved in the activities of the “Combat Organization of Russian Nationalists” (BORN), were detained and convicted. Krasnov led the investigation into the murder of Boris Nemtsov for two months, after which he was replaced at the head of the investigative team by Nikolai Tutevich . In May 2015, Krasnov joined the Investigative Committee, which included the best employees of the department.

Earlier, RBC's interlocutors said that the current governor of St. Petersburg, Georgy Poltavchenko, was being considered to replace Bastrykin. According to them, the decision to change the head of the Northern capital was discussed in security circles that he could head the joint Investigative Committee. Theoretically, this option is being considered now, says an interlocutor close to the Kremlin. But there is still doubt that Poltavchenko will be able to actively engage in the operational management of the work of the Investigative Committee.

​If Bastrykin really leaves his place, then he could probably be replaced by a person not from the Investigative Committee, but from the prosecutor’s office or the FSB, lawyer Koblev suggests.

Before the boss

On Wednesday it became known that its official representative Vladimir Markin was leaving the Investigative Committee. This information was confirmed by an RBC source close to the presidential administration with reference to a source and TASS. Markin himself refused to comment on the information about his resignation.

RBC's FSB interlocutor explained that Markin's fate was supposed to be decided after the elections, but the latest scandals surrounding the department's press secretary "filled the cup of patience." ​Markin leaves his post amid accusations of plagiarism. At the beginning of September, the major general presented the book “The Most Loud Crimes of the 21st Century in Russia,” after which journalists from Novaya Gazeta and Kommersant stated that Markin used the texts of their publications without the permission of the editors and indication of sources. Later publishing house , which stated that the book Markina was published without reference to excerpts from media materials due to a technical error. ​On Wednesday, September 14, Markin’s meeting with readers was supposed to take place at the Moscow bookstore, but it was canceled for reasons beyond the store’s control, according to a message published on the website.

Markin had a difficult relationship with most of the TFR investigators, say three RBC interlocutors close to the department. According to one of them, the representative of the Investigative Committee was often not warned about impending searches or other operational activities. For example, Mikhail Khodorkovsky at the end of December 2015 came as a surprise to Markin.

A TASS source said that Markin “is changing his field of activity because he received another offer where he can solve no less large-scale and responsible tasks.” Interfax, citing an interlocutor in the fuel and energy complex, reported that Markin could take the position of deputy general director of RusHydro for public relations and government agencies. A source close to the government confirmed to RBC that this option is possible. “We started discussing it recently, literally yesterday, but no decision has been made yet,” he said. The head of the RusHydro press service told RBC that he does not have such information.

9 years of investigation

Bastrykin is a graduate of the Faculty of Law of Leningrad State University. At the university, he was the head of the group where Vladimir Putin studied. Later he worked in the internal affairs bodies, defended his dissertation and was secretary of the Leningrad city committee of the Komsomol. In the late 1980s - the first half of the 1990s, he headed first the Leningrad Institute for the Improvement of Investigative Workers at the USSR Prosecutor's Office, and then the St. Petersburg Law Institute. In the 2000s, he worked as head of the Department of the Ministry of Justice for the Northwestern Federal District, and in 2006 he was appointed Deputy Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika. In 2007, Bastrykin headed the Investigative Committee at the Prosecutor's Office, on the basis of which the Investigative Committee of Russia was formed in 2011.

MOSCOW, February 20. /TASS/. By his decree, Russian President Vladimir Putin awarded the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Alexander Bastrykin, the highest rank - General of Justice of the Russian Federation.

Decree "On assignment military ranks senior officers, special ranks of senior command personnel and highest special ranks" was published today on the Internet portal of legal information.

This is the highest rank provided for by the law “On the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.” Until now, Alexander Bastrykin had the rank of Colonel General of Justice.

62-year-old Alexander Bastrykin has headed the Investigative Committee since its formation - first as the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation (since June 2007), and then (since 2010) - the independent Investigative Committee of Russia.

Alexander Bastrykin. Biography

Born on August 27, 1953 in Pskov. Father, Ivan Ilyich, a native of the Krasnodar region, comes from a family of Kuban Cossacks. Participant in the Finnish and Great Patriotic Wars, naval officer. Mother, Evgenia Antonovna, was born in Luga, Pskov region, and during the siege of Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) she worked at a defense enterprise. Since 1943, she fought as part of the combat units of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet and took part in the battles for Königsberg.

In 1975 he graduated from Leningrad State University. A.A. Zhdanov (Leningrad State University; now St. Petersburg State University). He studied with Vladimir Putin and was the head of the group.

Doctor of Law, Professor (1994). In 1987 he defended his dissertation on the topic “Interaction of domestic and international law in the sphere of Soviet criminal proceedings.”

After graduating from the university, he was assigned to the internal affairs bodies of Leningrad, where he worked as a criminal investigation inspector, then as an investigator.

Member of the CPSU since 1977 (remained a member of the party until its ban in August 1991).

In 1977-1980 studied at the graduate school of the Faculty of Law of Leningrad State University, was a teacher at the department of criminal procedure and criminology at the Faculty of Law.

In 1980 he was elected secretary of the Leningrad State University Komsomol Committee, in 1982 - secretary of the Leningrad City Komsomol Committee. In 1983-1985. - Secretary of the Leningrad Regional Komsomol Committee.

In 1985-1987 - Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Leningrad State University. In 1986 he was elected deputy secretary of the university party committee.

From 1988 to 1991, he headed the Leningrad Institute for the Improvement of Investigative Workers at the USSR Prosecutor's Office, and was the head of the department of investigative tactics.

In 1992 - Head of the Department of Law at the Humanitarian University of Trade Unions in St. Petersburg.

In 1992, he was appointed rector of the St. Petersburg Law Institute. At the same time, in 1995-1996. — Professor, Head of the Department of Transport Law at St. Petersburg State University of Water Communications.

From 1996 to 1998 - assistant to the commander of the North-Western District of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for legal work.

1998-2001 - Director of the North-Western branch of the Russian Legal Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg.

In 2001, he was appointed Deputy Head of the Federal Directorate of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Northwestern Federal District (NWFD), and in 2005 - Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Justice for the Northwestern Federal District. In 2006, he headed the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Central Federal District.

By decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin on October 6, 2006, Yuri Chaika was appointed Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation.

In 2007, the Prosecutor's Office was formed at the Prosecutor's Office. On June 22, 2007, the Federation Council approved the candidacy of Alexander Bastrykin for the post of chairman of the UPC. In connection with the formation of the apparatus of the new structure, until September 2007 he was the acting head of the committee.

Since September 2007 - First Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation - Chairman of the Investigative Committee at the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation.

After the creation of the Investigative Committee (IC) of Russia on the basis of the Investigative Committee of Russia, Alexander Bastrykin was entrusted with the duties of the chairman of the committee (decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 4, 2010).

On January 14, 2011, he was appointed chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia. He took up his duties the next day, January 15.

Alexander Ivanovich Bastrykin – Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, General of Justice, legal scholar, Doctor of Law.


Alexander Bastrykin was born on August 27, 1953 in Pskov. The ordinary working-class family into which the future head of the Investigative Committee was born had, nevertheless, a heroic history.

Alexander Bastrykin’s father fought on the fronts of the Soviet-Finnish and Great Patriotic Wars, and was awarded the medals “For Military Merit”, “For the Defense of the Soviet Arctic”, “For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War”. Patriotic War 1941-1945."

During the siege of Leningrad, my mother worked at a defense plant, and in 1943 she went to the front, where she became an anti-aircraft gunner, went through the battle route from Leningrad to Konigsberg, participated in difficult battles, for which she was nominated for military awards.

The Bastrykins lived in Pskov until 1958, and then moved to Leningrad. In the Northern capital, Sasha went to school with in-depth study of humanities and not only managed to study very well. His range of interests was very wide: classical dance, volleyball, playing the guitar, visiting a theater studio and a school for young journalists at the youth newspaper “Smena”.


In 1970, Alexander Bastrykin became a student at Leningrad State University. It is worth noting that the competition for the Faculty of Law was 40 people per place, and Alexander entered on a general basis.

At Leningrad State University he became the head of the group. His classmate was Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. The young people became friends.

In 1975, the future head of the Investigative Committee received a diploma and assignment to the police, but two years later he returned to his native university as a graduate student.

In 1980, Bastrykin successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis on the investigation of criminal cases involving foreign citizens.


Alexander Bastrykin’s career began in the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, where he worked as an assigned investigator and criminal investigation inspector. In the police, the future head of the Investigative Committee joined the CPSU and remained a member of the party until it was completely banned, i.e. until 1991.

After defending his Ph.D. thesis, Bastrykin taught at the department of criminal procedure and criminology at his native university. At the same time, he made a successful career in the Komsomol organization, going from secretary of the Komsomol committee of Leningrad University to secretary of the Leningrad regional committee of the Komsomol. Like most successful Komsomol functionaries, Bastrykin’s activities continued in the party: from 1986 to 1988. he was in charge of ideological work in the party committee of Leningrad State University.

It is noteworthy that information about the direct participation of Alexander Bastrykin in the expulsion of Boris Grebenshchikov from the ranks of the Komsomol became public knowledge, although Grebenshchikov himself did not confirm this.

In 1987, Alexander Bastrykin became a Doctor of Science, and in 1988 he received the position of director of the Institute for Advanced Training of Investigative Workers at the USSR Prosecutor's Office in Leningrad, which he held until 1991.

From 1992 to 1995, Bastrykin was the rector and professor of the St. Petersburg Law Institute, and in 1995 he headed the department of transport law at the University of Water Communications.

In 1996 - 1998, the chief investigator of the Russian Federation was deputy commander of the North-Western District for legal work, and then headed the North-Western branch of the Russian Legal Academy.

In 2001, Bastrykin moved to work at the Ministry of Justice, and in 2006 - to the main department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where, as a deputy prosecutor general, he oversaw compliance with the legality of the preliminary investigation. The position of Prosecutor General at that moment was held by Yuri Chaika and, thus, was Bastrykin’s immediate superior.

In 2007, an Investigative Committee was created within the prosecutor's office. The order to transfer 18 thousand employees from the prosecutor's office to the Investigative Committee was signed personally by Bastrykin, as the acting head of the committee. A new structure, independent and controlled by the President of the Russian Federation, was entrusted with the direct investigation of crimes.

Bastrykin was appointed Chairman of the Investigative Committee as an independent structure on January 15, 2011. It must be said that the head of the Investigative Committee held personal receptions with citizens every month.

Earlier, in 2008, the Anti-Corruption Council under the President of the Russian Federation was created, which included Alexander Bastrykin.

The most high-profile cases of Alexander Bastrykin

In February 2008, regional prosecutor Evgeny Grigoriev was killed in Saratov. Alexander Bastrykin personally headed the investigation, which was completed within three weeks. The case was solved.

In 2008, the investigative team of the Investigative Committee conducted an investigation into the so-called five-day war - Georgia’s armed aggression against South Ossetia. The work of the group, which resulted in 500 volumes of the criminal case, was headed by Alexander Bastrykin. The case was transferred to the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

In 2009, the head of the Investigative Committee sharply criticized Russia’s migration policy, leading to an increase in crime among migrants, and high level corruption in the Federal Migration Service. It is worth noting that extradition issues were under the jurisdiction of the prosecutor’s office, and not the Investigative Committee.

In 2010, from the village of Kushchevskaya, Krasnodar Territory, there was mass kill, which received a huge public response. The investigation was headed by Alexander Bastrykin.

In 2014, the head of the Investigative Committee initiated criminal prosecution Ukrainian officials accused of war crimes and genocide against the civilian population of south-eastern Ukraine.

Injured while performing

On November 27, 2009, the Nevsky Express high-speed train was blown up, as a result of which 28 people were killed and 132 passengers were injured. Alexander Bastrykin personally went to the scene of the terrorist attack. While he was at the scene, another explosive device went off. The head of the Investigative Committee was concussed and wounded medium degree gravity.

Books by Bastrykin

Despite his enormous busyness and successful career, Alexander Bastrykin always found time for scientific activity and writing books.

In three books by Professor Bastrykin: “Shadows disappear in Smolny. The Murder of Kirov”, “The Ideal Crime of the Century or the Collapse of a Criminal Case”, “The Murder of Kirov. A new version of an old crime,” the author put forward his own version of the events that occurred in Leningrad in 1934.

In one of his interviews, the General of Justice said that he published some books at his own expense.

Scandals related to Alexander Bastrykin

In 2012, Alexey Navalny accused the chairman of the insurance company that Bastrykin owns real estate in the Czech Republic, is a co-owner of the company LAW Bohemia and has a residence permit in the Czech Republic.

Alexey Navalny about Bastrykin

Bastrykin admitted only that he had a visa and an apartment in Prague with an area of ​​46 sq.m. The head of the Investigative Committee said that the property worth $68 thousand was purchased by him in installments before the start of his civil service. Bastrykin sold his share in LAW Bohemia.

Personal life of Alexander Bastrykin

Alexander Bastrykin is married. His wife, Olga Ivanovna Bastrykina, works as vice-rector of the Russian Law Academy. The son of the head of the Investigative Committee, Evgeniy, born in 1986, is the chief specialist of the office of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for the North-West.

Head of the Investigative Committee now

Bastrykin combines work in the Investigative Committee with writing books, actively uses social networks, maintains a VKontakte account, where he writes about the events of the Investigative Committee, cultural life and famous people. The professor willingly gives lectures to law students.

There is information that Bastrykin writes poetry and publishes them on the website “”, posing as the Polish poet Stanislav Strunevsky. The main theme of the poetry of the chief investigator of Russia is the activities of liberal politicians, presented by Bastrykin in an ironic manner.

Again Navalny sat down for a day / And our poor minds / Known bitterness and sadness / After all, he is our symbol! Ours is steel!