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Baking recipes for the autumn ball. Vegetable pies: fall recipes for family dinners. Potato pie with mushrooms

For most, the arrival of autumn causes an attack of blues: warm summer days are behind, rain and slush ahead, and vacation is far away. Recipes for delicious autumn baking are one of the easiest ways to please yourself and your loved ones. Moreover, the range of seasonal fruits and vegetables is impressive. Read on to learn how to prepare simple and original dishes.

Flavored pies

It’s impossible to imagine delicious autumn baking recipes without baked goods. Firstly, because just the aroma of a pie taken out of the oven awakens a beastly appetite. Secondly, it’s better to fight the autumn blues with something tasty - the effect of the pleasure hormone, serotonin, has not yet been canceled. Thirdly, in the fall it is difficult for the body to rebuild its activities (a couple of days ago you were still lounging on the beach, and now you are actively immersed in the work process). A double dose of calories is a must.

Contrary to popular belief, delicious fall baked goods don’t have to be sweet. Here are the most popular baking recipes for lovers of nutritious, savory pies.

Potato pie with mushrooms

Ingredients. To prepare the dough you will need half a glass of milk, 7-10 g of dry yeast (or 20 g of fresh), half a tablespoon of sugar, 1 egg, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, a glass of flour, a pinch of salt. For the filling, take half a kilogram of any mushrooms (it is most convenient to work with champignons), 2-3 large potatoes, one and a half onions, 150g of cheese (preferably soft, then the golden brown crust on the finished product will not be too hard), 2-3 tablespoons of sour cream (with mayonnaise the taste is more piquant).

Preparation. Dissolve sugar, flour and yeast in warm (but not hot) milk, cover with a clean towel and leave in a warm place for 10-15 minutes before rising. Separately, beat the egg with a pinch of salt (without salt the dough will turn out too bland), add vegetable oil, beat everything again (you can use a fork, not a whisk). Add the whipped mixture to the dough in small portions, stirring constantly. Stir in the flour (it’s better to add one spoon at a time to avoid lumps) and knead the dough. When ready, it should not stick to your hands. If the dough is too soft, add flour. If it is very tight, add a little vegetable oil. You should knead, crushing the edges on all sides. Leave in a warm place, covered with a towel. In half an hour, the dough should increase in volume by one and a half to two times.

If you use dry yeast, you can skip the first step of increasing the dough in volume. In this case, all the dry ingredients are mixed separately, the liquids separately, after which everything is thoroughly kneaded together.

For the filling, cut the onion into half rings and the mushrooms into thin slices. We do not cut the mushrooms very finely, as they shrink significantly in size during baking. We cut the potatoes into slices (try thinner so that they are baked) or grate them on a coarse grater (like potato pancakes). The cheese is grated on a medium grater.

Grease a springform pan with a diameter of 25 cm with margarine or vegetable oil (if you use baking paper, grease only the sides). To prevent the dough from sticking, you can sprinkle the pan with flour (be sure to shake off the excess).

Roll out the dough thinly, no more than 3 mm, carefully form the sides. Grease the dough with sour cream (for piquancy, you can mix sour cream with Dijon mustard), lay out the mushrooms, add spices (basil, salt, pepper). If you added mustard to sour cream, do not get carried away with spices. If not, you can sprinkle with herbes de Provence. We spread the filling, and the top layer is grated cheese.

The pie is baked at 180 degrees for 30-35 minutes. We focus on the color of the cheese. If it’s slightly golden, that’s just right (don’t wait until it turns dark brown).

If you are making a pie for the first time, it is better to add half-finished filling. Fry the mushrooms with onions, boil the potatoes until half cooked and grate them. You can add fresh dill and a little cilantro to the filling (do not overdo it with cilantro, as its taste is pronounced).

Other filling options:

  • one large zucchini (or zucchini) cut into cubes, mixed with onions (half rings) fried until golden brown and carrots (grated on a coarse grater). For color, you can add green onions or dill;
  • Cut half a head of cabbage into thin strips and simmer until half cooked with onions. You can mix fresh cabbage with sour cabbage (take one sour cabbage for two parts fresh). Spices - salt, pepper;
  • tomatoes and red pepper (2 pieces each). Pour boiling water over the tomatoes to remove the skin. It is better to take hard ones so that they give less juice and the dough does not get soggy. Cut the peppers and tomatoes into large cubes and lightly fry in vegetable oil. To make the filling more viscous, add 100-200 homemade cottage cheese. For added spice, black pepper can be replaced with paprika;
  • half a kilogram of pumpkin pulp (first cut off the skin and remove the seeds) grate on a coarse grater, simmer with onions and carrots, salt and pepper.

Delicate desserts

Pie with apples

Ingredients. For the dough: half a stick of butter, one and a half cups of flour, 3-4 tablespoons of sour cream, 2 yolks. For the filling: 5 large non-acidic apples, 150 g sugar, cinnamon, vanillin (on the tip of a knife).

Preparation. Grind the cooled butter with flour until crumbly. Separately, grind the yolks with 2-3 tablespoons of sugar, add sour cream. Pour the resulting mixture into the crumbs in portions and mix. If the dough sticks to your hands, add more flour. As a result, it should be elastic. Place the dough in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

To make the filling, peel the apples, remove the core, cut into slices, add sugar and cinnamon.

Roll out the dough to a thickness of 5 mm, place it in a mold on baking paper. To ensure that it rises evenly, pierce it with a fork in the middle and along the sides. Distribute the filling.

Bake at 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes. Sprinkle the finished pie with powdered sugar.

Instead of apples, you can add pear or plum. Dried fruits and nuts, which can be lightly fried in a dry frying pan, will help diversify the taste. Be sure to wash the raisins and pre-steam them.

Unusual combinations of ingredients

Pie with viburnum

Ingredients: 1 cup of washed viburnum berries, 2 apples, 5 eggs, 2 cups of flour, 1 cup of sour cream, 1 cup of sugar, soda slaked with vinegar (one-third of a teaspoon).

Preparation. Mix viburnum and coarsely grated apples with 2 teaspoons of sugar. Beat eggs with a glass of sugar, add sour cream, slaked soda with vinegar, mix thoroughly. Add flour one tablespoon at a time. Pour one third of the dough into a springform pan (you can line the bottom with baking paper), lay out the filling, fill with the remaining dough and level it out. Bake at 200 degrees until golden brown.

For more delicious fall baking recipes, watch the video below.

Ingredients (11)
freshly squeezed orange juice – 7 tbsp. l.
flour – 10-12 tbsp. l.
baking powder - 1 tbsp. l.
egg – 4 pcs.
salt – 0.5 tsp.
Show all (11)
Ingredients (16)
For the test
275 g premium flour
100 g powdered sugar
150 g butter, room temperature
1 egg
Show all (16)
Ingredients (13)
300 g cranberries (fresh or frozen)
100 g peeled pine nuts
80 g butter
150 g sugar
Show all (13)
Ingredients (14)
4 apples
3 carrots
4 eggs
250 grams cane sugar
a packet of vanilla sugar or vanilla
Show all (14)
Ingredients (13)
1 egg
200-250g flour
2 tbsp sour cream
1 tbsp butter
Show all (13)
Ingredients (16)
1 egg
3-4 tbsp. spoons of sugar
250 ml milk
flour - how much will take (about 0.5 kg)
Show all (16)
Ingredients (14)
150 g cold butter
250 g flour
75 g fine sugar (you can skip or less)
1 egg
Show all (14)

Ingredients (22)
For caramel
150 g brown or regular sugar
200 ml cream (33%-35%)
vanilla sugar or vanilla pods (1-2 pcs.)
Show all (22)

Ingredients (15)
150 g flour
125 g butter
25 g sugar
1 tbsp. spoon of ground almonds
Show all (15)
Ingredients (14)
Chicken egg 2 pieces
Brown sugar 4 tablespoons
Baking powder pinch
Ground cinnamon pinch
Ground nutmeg pinch

Delicious recipes for autumn pies - with a fresh harvest of zucchini and squash, potatoes, cabbage, etc. Most of the recipes here are made with yeast, but for a long time we have been baking everything only with sourdough or leaven grounds: the dough does not rise so much, it is denser, the taste is more aromatic, the pies are not so fluffy, they are heavier. But our flour is not white, but homemade rye - coarsely ground. And this dough makes wonderful baked goods - pies and pies with different fillings.

So all recipes can be adjusted taking into account your personal baking experience. Exchange sugar for honey, mayonnaise for cream with salt or sour cream, etc.

Pie with mushrooms and potatoes

  • 100 ml milk
  • 7-10 g dry yeast (or 20 g fresh)
  • 0.5 tsp Sahara
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 250 g flour
  • 300 g mushrooms
  • 400 g potatoes
  • 150 g onion
  • 150 g cheese (semi-hard or hard)
  • sour cream (you can use mayonnaise)

Add sugar and yeast to warm (not hot!) milk. Place in a warm place, it should rise in about 15 minutes. Beat the egg with salt, add vegetable oil, beat again, mix. Mix with yeast and stir. Add flour and knead the dough - not very stiff.

Cover the bowl with the dough with a towel and place it in a warm place. You can pour warm water into a bowl and place the bowl with the dough there. If you use yeast, then after about 30 minutes the dough should rise. If you use sourdough or leaven grounds, the time may be different.

Cut the onion into strips, mushrooms into slices. Cut raw potatoes into very thin slices. Grate the cheese.

Grease the pan with butter or line it with baking paper. However, I always do without this - I just sprinkle the (enamel) tray with coarse flour. But in this case, the dough is thin and there is a lot of filling - it is safest to bake on paper.

Roll out the dough thinly, about 3 mm, spread it into a mold so that there are sides. It is convenient if the tray has sides - then we spread the dough on the tray. Grease the dough with sour cream, add mushrooms, pepper and salt. Add onions, potatoes, sour cream, and add a little salt. Sprinkle cheese on top.

Instead of slicing the potatoes, you can grate them on a coarse grater - then they bake better and faster.

Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for 30-35 minutes. When serving the pie (it strongly resembles pizza), you can sprinkle with herbs and serve with sour cream. It may take longer to bake - you need to check when the potatoes are done. When baking, you can wait until the cheese turns golden brown - this may take not 30, but 50 minutes.

Instead of mushrooms, you can use chicken fillet here, or put other vegetables, cabbage for example, in general, there is a lot of room for imagination.

To prevent the mushrooms from “floating”, you can fry them in advance, you can also boil the potatoes - because they can be difficult to bake. Perhaps it depends on the potatoes - some are baked, some are not - you need a variety that cooks quickly, maybe it depends on the thickness of the filling on top of the potatoes... In general, you need to check. The pie turns out VERY tasty and aromatic!

Pie with zucchini (or zucchini, pumpkin). Or pancakes

The pie is quite dry, it is an option instead of bread - or in addition to it. This is good served with tea.

Grate the zucchini on a medium grater (if the skin has already become hard, peel it). Add the egg to the zucchini, stir, add sour cream, and salt. Add baking powder (or slaked soda) and flour, mix as needed to form a homogeneous dough. The dough should be thicker than for pancakes. By the way, this option can also be baked as pancakes, making the dough a little thinner.

Grease the mold and place the dough. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for 40-50 minutes. It should not be made too high, otherwise it may not bake. You can prepare garlic sauce for it. Or you can add a little grated carrot to the dough for beauty. When the pie cools down, it is placed more “baked”; when hot, it can resemble pancakes. You can add grated cheese to the dough, or sprinkle cheese on top.

You can add a little ginger, celery, and garlic.

A pie with cabbage

  • 200 ml milk
  • 7 g dry yeast (or 50 g raw)
  • 100 g butter or margarine
  • 2 eggs
  • 500 g flour
  • 1 kg cabbage
  • 150 g onion
  • 2 eggs
  • pepper
  • vegetable oil

Add yeast to warm milk. Add 100 g of flour, mix, put in a warm place to rise. Instead, you can use ready-made homemade sourdough starter. When the dough has risen, add oil and stir. Add eggs, salt, mix. Add flour and knead the dough, put the dish in a warm place to rise. If using yeast, then after half an hour the dough will rise: knead it and let it rise again. If you use sourdough, it will take longer to rise, you can do without this kneading and bake right away (dividing it in half - see below).

While we prepare the filling: chop the onion, finely cut the cabbage into strips. Fry the onion in vegetable oil until golden. Add the cabbage to the onions and simmer them together until the cabbage is soft (about 20-30 minutes). Beat the eggs. Add the eggs to the cabbage in the frying pan, mix, salt and pepper to taste. Simmer for 5 minutes.

Divide the dough in half. Grease a baking tray with oil or line it with baking paper. Roll out one part of the dough and place it on a baking sheet. Place the filling on the dough, place the second rolled out piece of dough on top, and pinch the edges. Make a cross-shaped cut in the middle to allow steam to escape.

Place the pie in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake for 30-35 minutes.

You can use this recipe to bake not just one pie, but many small pies. And the filling can be replaced with another - for example, with canned fish and onions, with potatoes, etc. You can add semolina to the flour in the dough - the dough will be more crumbly. But if you bake with homemade flour, it’s already crumbly. Cabbage can be stewed in milk - the taste of the pie will be creamier. Or you can add boiled rice to the filling along with cabbage. The dough of this pie is soft and very tasty, and you can experiment in different ways with what filling to add.

Almost all the leaves have already fallen off the trees, and November has shrouded our half of the planet in either thick fog, like milk, or the tiniest rain. The last gold from the maples will get wet under this rain... It is in our power to turn the season of rains and leaf fall into a bright, interesting time! As if by the wave of a magic wand, the role of which will be... a rocking chair. Of course, if you simply wave it around, it is unlikely to achieve anything. But if you knead and roll out the dough, and then bake gingerbread cookies in the shape of maple leaves, and even paint them! The mood will rise during the cooking process, and will be strengthened by a friendly tea party with gingerbread!

When I was little, I had such a dream - to go to the forest to pick mushrooms. I wanted it so much that I even dreamed about this trip. Instead of mushrooms, we picked raspberries and strawberries in the forest, and went to the cookery for mushrooms - almost the same as in the photo! Do your children also dream of collecting mushrooms? Give them such a holiday. Even on a rainy day, in your kitchen, you can “pick” a basket of mushrooms... if mom bakes mushroom cookies! These mushrooms are definitely edible, but let the forest mushrooms grow in their own forest, for squirrels and other living creatures - especially since children under 6 years old should not be given mushrooms at all, even champignons from the store! This is heavy food. Well, as for wild mushrooms, everyone already knows - that you can eat everything, but some only once... so let's buy proven champignons or oyster mushrooms for adults, and delight the kids with cute mushroom-shaped cookies.