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Eastern horoscope woman cat man snake. Cat and Snake: horoscope compatibility promises great love

In nature, the Hare and the Snake get along poorly. This does not mean that everything happens the same in the human world. Rather, everything is exactly the opposite. The compatibility of the Snake and the Rabbit, based on their eastern horoscope, is high. These individuals know how to make their partner happy.

Rabbit Traits

A person born under this sign is characterized by wisdom and a sense of calm. It will take a lot of effort to get the Cat mad. This symbol of the eastern horoscope has all the makings to become a diplomat. People born under the constellation Cat are often tasked with conducting important negotiations.

New situations for a Cat are an indicator of instability. They prefer to know everything in advance and never commit rash acts. If they are faced with a task that they have not calculated in advance, then this leads them into a stupor.

Snake Character

The Snake symbol in the eastern horoscope is characterized as a wise nature. Such people never accept quick solutions and always think about everything before committing this or that action. The bright Snake is hard not to notice even in the noisiest company. If you fall in love with her, you will dream about her until you meet her in reality.

The main character traits of such people include:

  • determination: this zodiac sign knows perfectly well what it wants from life and boldly moves towards its goal;
  • hard work: people born under this sign never give up on something halfway, they prefer to finish what they start and only then decide whether it is necessary or not;
  • willpower and strength of character: it is almost impossible to break a person born under the sign of the Snake; he is able to fight back in order to achieve what he wants.

Snake Man and Rabbit Woman

Thanks to the fact that a man has charm, he easily finds mutual language with all the women. The advantage of such a man’s character is that he is not a supporter of hasty and thoughtless relationships. He prefers to first get to know the girl better and only then decide whether he is ready to live with her all his life or not.

It is difficult to find flaws in such compatibility between Snake and Rabbit. If a man chooses a woman born under the sign of the Rabbit, their relationship is doomed to long and happy years.

Union in love and marriage

The characteristics of these signs indicate that the compatibility of the Snake and the Rabbit in love and marriage will be crowned with success. The guy in this relationship is looking for care, support and attention, and the Hare girl easily fits this. She will not only give her loved one advice, but also agree with him in certain situations.

The woman in this pair will be discreet, friendly and caring. In marriage, she will be the keeper of the home, providing her man with comfort, and the guy, as he wanted, will become a real protector and patron for her. In a joint marriage, these symbols will find what they have been looking for for so long during relationships with other partners.


In friendship, the compatibility of Rabbit and Snake is also high. Both partners prefer a quiet home holiday instead of a noisy party. Although they are considered the life of the party, their love of peace will only bring them closer.

In friendship in this pair there will be no follower. Each of them has own right vote. When difficult conflicts are resolved, both parties agree to compromise in order to maintain friendship. Both the Snake and the Rabbit will never communicate with those people who are not interesting to them. First, they must find out everything about those around them, and after that make a decision with whom to be friends.

Business relationship

Since the Rabbit prefers to weigh everything, the Snake’s common business with him will bring good result. In this pair, the man will negotiate and make important decisions. At the same time, it is better for a guy to listen to the opinion of his partner. Her overly developed intuition will help protect herself from attackers and traitors.

Men born under the sign of the Snake are demanding individuals. They are ready to take responsibility and lead people. The cat in this pair prefers to obey. He believes that this will cause less harm to the business and reduce the risk of his guilt in the event of an accident.

The Snake man is demanding and often runs a business. The Rabbit Woman prefers not to take responsibility

Union in bed

In the sexual sphere of these signs, everything is extremely calm. There are no quarrels between them regarding positions or behavior in bed. Each of them wants experiments and extreme sports from time to time. Each partner is ready to listen to the opinion of a loved one and do as he wants.

The squeezed Rabbit understands that the Snake does not like calm and traditional sexual relationships, therefore, despite own desires, he is ready to regularly introduce something new into his intimate life. Also, men who know about the conservatism of their women are ready to give in for the sake of peace of mind of their partner.

Snake Woman and Rabbit Man

The Cat man and the Snake woman are the best tandem that can only be found in nature. Despite her attractiveness, the woman in this couple will never rush between several men. She prefers to choose one and give herself entirely only to him.

In a pair of Snake and Rabbit, a man needs a kind and caring woman who will provide him with comfort and mutual understanding. He is attracted to her by her composure, which appears in difficulties and conflicts with others.

Relationships in love and marriage

In a pair of Snake and Rabbit, a woman becomes a real keeper of the hearth. She is ready to do cleaning and cooking every day while her man is at work. In love and marriage, their compatibility is high, because partners support each other in a difficult situation.

A man trusts his partner completely. She protects him from troubles and gives advice in difficult periods of life. In love and marriage, the woman takes the lead. The guy is not against this state of affairs, because it is difficult for him to make decisions on his own. In a pair of Snake and Rabbit, a wise woman is engaged in raising her man, but she does this gently, almost imperceptibly.

Friendly Union

If we consider the compatibility of the Snake and the Cat in friendship, then it is high. Such a highly probable union is influenced by the fact that the partners not only have the same views on life, but also common interests.

Although Snakes are not as sociable as Cats, they can also become the center of attention in a noisy company. Because of her erudition, she knows how to win over those around her, which cannot but attract the Hare.

Business compatibility

When considering the horoscope of the Snake and Rabbit, their low ability to negotiate with each other is noted. If in love and friendship a man and a woman find a common language and complement each other, then in the business sphere they are incompatible.

In a relationship between a Rabbit man and a Snake woman, the guy will try to take the reins of power, which the fairer sex will not like. Because she has wisdom, she will be able to manage the business, but with such an act the girl will completely terminate any business relationship with her partner.

Intimate relationships between signs

In sex, the Rabbit man and the Snake woman complement each other. At the first meeting, each of them experiences an irresistible desire and passion for each other, but such signs of the eastern horoscope are not characterized by promiscuous relationships. They first take a closer look at their future partner, get to know him better, and only then take the initiative.

In a pair of Rabbit man and Snake woman, the woman shows more initiative, and the man is satisfied with this situation. He is ready for various experiments and role-playing games, he just doesn’t have enough imagination for it. When a woman shares her ideas, the guy is ready for any feat. The partners know everything about each other, so their union in bed is ideal.

The Snake woman shows more initiative in intimate relationships than the Rabbit man

Although in nature snakes and rabbits cannot get along with each other, in humans the opposite is true. The Rabbit and the Snake complement each other in character, their union can be harmonious.

From the article you will learn how these two signs combine in friendship, business and love. At the end of the article, difficulties that this couple may encounter and recommendations for overcoming them are indicated.

general information

The snake in the eastern horoscope is a symbol of wisdom. A person of this sign has a bright character and knows how to make informed decisions. This is a bright personality that is noticeable in any company.

The main characteristics of people born under the sign of the Snake are determination, hard work, and strong character. If such a person has set a goal, then he will go towards it to the end, regardless of what the goal is.

The rabbit is eastern horoscope– nature is soft and calm. He is also endowed with wisdom and diplomacy. Such people are often lucky in business, luck accompanies them.

Rabbits love security and comfort. In any new situation, they feel uncomfortable and look for a way to avoid such events. These people are reserved, so it is pleasant to communicate with them, they are good friends.

Business compatibility

Rabbit and Snake can work well together as business partners. They complement each other in character, such a connection may well develop into friendship or a romantic relationship.

The Snake will benefit from the Rabbit's habit of thinking things through. He does not like risk, so he makes only balanced, very thoughtful decisions. Besides, he doesn't like risk. On the one hand, this will save the business from adventures, but on the other hand, it may hinder its development.

Snakes are usually more emotional and less susceptible to logical analysis. Therefore, they need to trust the Rabbit to make important decisions. But you shouldn’t discount the Snake’s intuition - it is developed at a high level and rarely makes mistakes.

At the same time, the Snake is a demanding person. She can lead people, while the Rabbit prefers to obey. He can become a good worker: polite and efficient.

Compatibility in friendship

Rabbit and Snake usually have common interests. They always have something to discuss and talk about. Therefore, such a friendly union is close to ideal.

The snake is demanding of itself and others. She does not tolerate empty talk and does not respect people who like to brag. She cannot be called a socialite: she would rather spend the evening with her hobby than at the opening of a nightclub.

Although the rabbit is a soft, compliant person, he still has certain principles. He, too, will not communicate with just anyone and will carefully choose his social circle. In this they are similar to the Snake.

Compatibility of Rabbit Man and Snake Woman

The Snake Woman is a charming lady who attracts glances. There are always a lot of fans around her. But at the same time, she does not rush from one relationship to another. She has her own interests, so a man does not occupy her whole life.

She is an excellent housewife who knows how to create comfort. The Rabbit really appreciates this in women, so he will be pleased with his chosen one. During hours of inspiration, the Snake likes to clean up the house or prepare culinary masterpieces.

Another plus of this union: both signs know how to keep emotions under control. The Snake woman can remain calm in everyday life when she doesn’t like something. The rabbit appreciates this, as he does not like violent displays of emotions.

In these relationships, the main thing is trust. The Rabbit trusts himself to the Snake, and she takes care of him, trying not to injure her partner in any way. Maybe he's not ready to accept serious decisions and values ​​comfort too much, but she is ready to put up with it and gently raise him.

Compatibility of Snake Man and Rabbit Woman

The Snake man has his own charm and attractiveness. Usually women are delighted with him. But he is not attracted to casual relationships. He is looking for the one who will complement him and appreciate him. Usually this woman turns out to be the Rabbit.

Snake men are often vulnerable, so they do not trust every girl they meet. The Rabbit Woman, with all her restraint and tact, will protect the honor and dignity of the Snake. It is also important for him that his partner agrees with him in a relationship. A kind and sympathetic Rabbit Girl can give him this feeling of self-confidence.

The harmony of this union lies in the fact that the Rabbit is looking for peace and comfort, and the Snake can just give it to him. He strives to become a protector and patron for his partner.

Compatibility in bed

A woman and a man of these signs combine well not only spiritually, but also physically. Sex life will be satisfying for both signs. This is a logical continuation of their spiritual communication.

But sometimes a couple uses sex to resolve their conflicts. This is not the best way out, since it is better for these signs to talk out all the grievances than to take them out in bed.

Both partners are passionate and temperamental. They can “light up” each other and know how to please their partner. Both welcome experiments in bed. They are inventive, which makes their sex life varied and not boring.

Compatibility percentage

The compatibility of these signs is 90%. They may become perfect couple, if they compromise for the sake of the relationship. Each of them needs to work on themselves to become an ideal for a partner.

Both signs can be vulnerable and sensitive. In this case, all the diplomacy of the Snake and the gentleness of the Rabbit are required so as not to offend the other. Usually at the beginning of a relationship they have no idea how vulnerable their partner can be.

This can cause friction and resentment. But this is inevitable in every union - in the first few months or years, a man and a woman get used to each other and look for an approach to their loved one. It is easy for the Rabbit and the Snake to find such an approach; they can penetrate into the recesses of their partner’s soul, which they usually do not show to other people.

Disadvantages of the union

Difficulties in relationships may arise due to the vulnerable nature of the Snake. The partner needs to be very sensitive and attentive so as not to offend her.

The rabbit can be wasteful. At the same time, the snake should not reproach him for useless acquisitions. The Rabbit is more likely to be influenced by logical arguments than by emotional reproaches.

Quarrels in these relationships occur infrequently and are usually quickly forgotten. If the partners quarrel, you should remember the rule: in marriage, a man and a woman are equal. They are both responsible for the relationship and their lives. There is no need to try to shift responsibility to someone else.

The Rabbit may be a closed person, but usually the Snake knows how to approach him. It is important for such a couple to discuss all grievances and air out grievances. This is the only way they can resolve their conflicts.

Although Snakes are surrounded by the attention of the opposite sex, their partners should not be jealous. They will not commit treason because they value Rabbits. If the Snake decided to cheat on the Rabbit, it means that everything is very bad in their relationship.

The Rabbit and the Snake are an ideal married couple. Peace and harmony always reign in their home. They are the example of an ideal marriage for their friends. They can also create strong friendships and become good business partners.

The beautiful couple Cat and Snake operates on the “hunter-prey” principle. Yes, it’s not difficult to get caught in the Snake’s net, but getting out of them is almost impossible. This does not mean at all that the Cat became a victim and is now suffering greatly in captivity. The relationship between this couple is going well, because they harmoniously complement each other. The too attractive image of the Cat attracted the Snake with its simplicity, charm, and interesting inner world. The Cat also really likes the Snake, although he feels awe of this person, be it a man or a woman. Fear of losing this wonderful lover. Their compatibility is great, and over the years the union becomes very strong. The stars advise you to take care of your soulmate, because not everyone is given the opportunity to receive such great love.

Eastern horoscope for lovers

In the East, everything happens slowly. In classical astrology, the ruling zodiac constellation changes every month. It influences people’s lives, their destinies, and gives a certain charge of stellar energy at birth. We are used to the fact that there are 12 zodiac signs. With their help, you can determine the compatibility of a couple in love and their fate in marriage.

The Chinese horoscope is much more complicated, because it does not divide the year into 12 months, but our entire life into cycles of 12 years. Every year, our world’s destinies and lives are controlled by one of the twelve Rulers of the World. They leave one by one from the Heavenly Palace, where they await their turn. Year after year, they affect our lives and compatibility with partners.

The month of birth is also taken into account, but it only gives your sign special features, enhances or, on the contrary, reduces the influence of its qualities on your character. Thus, each sign can have 5 subsigns:

  • earthen;
  • wood;
  • fiery;
  • water;
  • metal.

Zodiac signs also correspond to years, so each year also passes under the sign of one of the constellations.

Cat Man, Snake Woman

The Cat (or Rabbit) man is very interesting person. He hardly has a stunning appearance, but his charisma successfully compensates for everything else. He is interesting, open, and friendly. His friends are extremely happy that they have their own man, Cat. He always comes to the rescue, is ready to lend, come, move cabinets, help with advice. In general, good man, this cat. Kota is lucky in love, because he is surrounded by fans. Not everyone is ready to confess their love, because they are afraid of being rejected.

The cat does not advertise his novels unless he considers them something serious. He will introduce only the one who has completely captured his heart to his friends and relatives. With others, he behaves impeccably honestly and beautifully. There will always be time for his passion, gifts, flowers and surprises. Although, she will always have the feeling that he is doing this only because it is necessary. Maximum compatibility of the Cat with other signs is achieved if he is older than his partner. The Cat and the Cat are not a very good union in love, they are too restrained, and this prevents the couple from developing positively.

The Snake woman is deadly charming, attractive and always on top. She knows how to wait. The right moment, for example, to lure the man you like into your network. The Snake woman is by nature a hunter of the opposite sex. The Snake knows about men's weaknesses and can be an excellent actress when needed. It’s interesting to be with her, because most often she is an educated woman with a lot of interests. She watches herself, her words and actions. When the Cat comes into view, the Snake activates.


This is an interesting partnership of different signs, because for the Cat she becomes the most important person in life. The snake pays a lot of attention to him, does not hide his feelings, as others do. She is ready to give and receive, she knows what she wants from life. This fascinates the Cat man, and he is ready to completely immerse himself in this exciting romance.

Couple in love

A beautiful couple in love will be happy. The Snake loves to give gifts, even if his beloved did not ask for them. This is his tribute to his style. They will prepare for the wedding together, but only when the Snake decides it’s time. This does not happen right away, because he must be well sure that this is the same woman, even if happiness clouds his eyes.

The Cat woman is looking forward to telling her family and friends about her upcoming marriage. The ceremony itself will be very gentle, classic. White dress, a bouquet, orange flowers in their hair - they both dream of such a wedding.

They have many friends, so everyone will come with visits and gifts. It is best to go on a trip to Europe - this idea will appeal to both. IN family life The cat will take care of the house if possible. She is not very suited to work, to earn a living. It would be better to leave her at home.

The Snake man loves children and wants to have 2-3. His wife will support his desire, because she is also crazy about babies and is ready to tinker with them without a break. The compatibility of this couple becomes stronger every year. Both enjoy their marriage.

The Cat man became very attached to his beloved. It would be a real shock for him to lose her. The snake likes to leave in English, but in this case it’s better not to do that. It’s better not to leave such a union at all, because they feel so good together. Be together, go through difficulties together. The stars have given you this beautiful love and compatibility.

Snake man, Cat woman

A very interesting partner of the Cat is the Snake man. He knows exactly how to get what he wants, and in the case of the Cat, it's simple.

It is not at all difficult to become a prisoner of the charm and eloquence of a man born in the year of the snake: he can conquer almost any woman. She herself will not understand at what moment she managed to find herself in the alluring embrace of a cautious boa constrictor. But to become a constant companion of a snake man, it is not enough to attract his attention.

The Snake man has many irreplaceable qualities - good-looking, educated, interesting in all respects. He has some very personal hobbies that he will share with someone he can trust. Slightly old-fashioned, that rocks music, communication with the fair sex. He loves to spend money for his beloved.

It is very important to understand the soul of the Snake man - he is a vulnerable person, in fact. He is easily offended by rudeness, misunderstanding, and unwillingness to acknowledge his point of view. He is wise, so you are unlikely to hear words of condemnation from him. He will simply disappear from your life.

The Cat Woman is a very sweet person. She is positive and attracts good atmosphere and weather. It’s easy to communicate with her, because the Cat has a kind word and a good joke for everyone. The Kota woman has many fans, and most of her friends are in love with her. She tries not to focus her attention on this, because making a choice is not easy for her. The Cat woman does not play with feelings, she really is who she is.

The compatibility of the Cat and the Snake is great, because the Snake does not leave her a choice. He saw the target, crept up to her, and now the Cat was completely hypnotized by her charm, attractiveness, and manners.


Couple in love

The Snake woman is not against concluding a union of two hearts and formalizing it. Her beloved Cat also longs for a quick wedding. It is best to try to combine both of your ideas about the ideal ceremony. This is not always easy, because in their dreams both saw her differently.

Their life together begins extremely positively, because souls in love love each other. The Cat man is ready to fulfill any whims of his wife for the sake of her complete favor. Sometimes it seems that the Snake does not take her husband seriously, but this is not so. Yes, she is used to keeping a certain distance, but it decreases with every year of their life together.

This couple will produce wonderful, gifted children, because their parents are far from ordinary people. The Snake is a little cold, but this is compensated by its charm, and the Monkey, on the contrary - the harmony in the energy of these signs makes their marriage unique and very strong. The Snake admits that the Cat man is the most worthy candidate for her hand and heart.

We are responsible for those we have seduced. This is how we can paraphrase the famous saying of Saint-Exupery. The Snake man should not forget that it was he who initiated this relationship. Now the Cat is looking at him with loving eyes, so appreciate it.

Your life will turn out very well in terms of love, fidelity, compatibility of characters and interests. The Snake already realized that the Cat was ready to follow on his heels, shared his interests and made them his own. Don't lose your star connection.

The compatibility of the Rabbit (Cat) and the Snake is quite high. They have similar temperaments, which allows them to influence each other in a favorable way. Their couple is distinguished by constancy and harmony. Both the Rabbit man (Cat) and the Snake woman have a love for everything beautiful. Both boast excellent taste and impeccable manners. It is these qualities that contribute to the mutual desire to make a couple.

A man born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat) has impressive potential and developed intuition. He is well brought up. This will be appreciated by his companion, who will, without much effort, help him find application for the boundless talent of the Rabbit man (Cat), in particular, in the material sphere.

The peculiarity of a man is that he does not attach importance to many aspects of family life, while at the same time he has an independent character. For him great importance has freedom. That is why a woman born in the year of the Snake appears to him as a companion with inflated demands. Everyday problems arise on the basis of a philosophical attitude to life. Partners are characterized by a craving for contemplation. Neither one nor the other is eager to do household chores. They try to avoid the responsibilities that come with family life. If these responsibilities are correctly divided, then a man and a woman will be able to create a strong union that is not threatened by anything.

Rabbit man (Cat) and Snake woman: general compatibility

The Rabbit man is an extremely good match for the Snake woman

This union has bright prospects. Both partners in this couple prefer a calm and planned life. Moreover, the compatibility of the Rabbit man (Cat) and the Snake woman increases every year. For this reason, the Eastern horoscope advises to treat the chosen one with due respect and show care. Such relationships should be valued, because not every couple can boast of such a strong mutual understanding.

The Rabbit Man (Cat) is very attractive in appearance. He loves to communicate and attract the attention of the opposite sex. In addition, his defining qualities are sensitivity, kind-heartedness, participation and gentleness. IN this union His unsurpassed charisma plays an important role. A man born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat) is tactful. He understands what his companion needs and easily provides it to her. Women like him. His companion, born in the year of the Snake, is well aware of this and uses all the tricks to win the man over.

The Rabbit Man (Cat) can boast of a large number of friends. He is always ready to help out his friends: borrow money, help with repairs, give practical advice, and so on. Fans attack him. He has countless affairs and affairs. However, he prefers not to talk about his personal life. He will introduce his chosen one to his family and relatives only if she can conquer him.

A woman born in the year of the Snake is very beautiful, graceful and sweet. She is dressed with taste and elegance. Her appearance is distinguished by its impeccability. She attracts with her mysterious beauty and leaves no one indifferent. A woman is well versed in men and their weaknesses, which helps her use them if necessary. Acting talent provides an opportunity to achieve what you want. It’s never boring with such a companion, because she has a good education and good communication skills. She knows very well what she wants from life. All her goals are certainly achieved.

A man born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat) is interesting to the Snake woman. And he, in turn, shows sympathy for her. Her hypnotic eyes have a strong effect on the chosen one. The woman fascinates him and attracts him to her. The partner is ready to plunge into the relationship from the first minutes of meeting. Because of this, the novel begins quickly.

Rabbit Man (Cat) and Snake Woman: Marriage Compatibility

The Rabbit man is an excellent family man, ready to support his partner in many ways.

The loving Rabbit (Cat) is somewhat frightened by the dictatorial tendencies of the chosen one. Compatibility in marriage between a Rabbit (Cat) and a Snake is based on the desire of both for homeliness, comfort, a wide range of interests, and an initial desire to understand their partner. Such relationships quickly become serious. If everyone in such a union has an inherent desire to develop spiritually, then the couple will be happy and strong.

It is not easy for a Rabbit (Cat) man to understand his beloved’s desire for chic and high level life, however, he easily accepts this and allows the Snake woman uncontrollable expenses. A man wants there to be no conflicts in the family. And for this he is ready to do anything.

Often, the position of leader in such a marriage is occupied by a woman born in the year of the Snake. She tends to analyze in detail all situations that arise and make a choice in favor of an appropriate solution. A man is not capable of this. However, quarrels, one way or another, arise between spouses. The main thing is that both the man and the woman accept each other for who they are and do not make futile attempts to change their partner.

A man born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat) is an independent person. He doesn't want to be controlled. Sometimes he needs solitude. Difficulties arise because lovers are different emotionally. A man is a more sensitive and subtle nature. A woman is driven by prudence and an inability to empathize. Precision and logic characterize her attitude to life. In addition, she does not like and does not want to give up her habits. It is extremely important for her to control everything that happens.

If a woman stops commanding her husband, then the compatibility of the Rabbit man (Cat) and the Snake woman will increase significantly. The Snake woman should trust her companion and give him the right to make fundamental decisions. A man will need to come to terms with the fact that the responsibility for supporting the family rests entirely with him. His chosen one will not save. She appreciates expensive acquisitions and does not skimp on constantly updating her wardrobe. The level of success of the Rabbit man (Cat) plays an important role in this marriage. If the spouse does not pay due attention to earning money, then the chosen one will begin to motivate him and set the right direction for his activities.

Despite many positive qualities and sincerity, the Rabbit man (Cat) prefers not to demonstrate his real emotions and feelings. But he is unlikely to be able to hide anything from his wife. Regardless of whether there are disagreements, both spouses prioritize family and home. If they want to create a happy couple, they will definitely succeed.

Rabbit man (Cat) and Snake woman: compatibility in love

The Snake woman does not strive for “novelty” in sexual relations, but tries her best to dominate

It is not easy to answer the question of what the sex life of spouses will be like. Here are the meanings personal characteristics men and women. For this reason, talking about the compatibility of Rabbit (Cat) and Snake in love is not easy. Sexual relationships can either lead to complete misunderstanding or, conversely, become an option for resolving controversial issues. The Rabbit man (Cat) is not satisfied with his woman’s desire for unconditional leadership. If a woman born in the year of the Snake gives up her position to her lover, then intimate life will improve and please both partners. A man is characterized by temperament, passion and a tendency to experiment. His chosen one, on the contrary, is rather uninitiative. He will need to make an effort to change his wife.

No matter how strong the union may be, life provides each of the partners with the opportunity to improve themselves. Arising quarrels and troubles are a great help with this. Much depends on how the spouses prefer to solve problems: in a positive way for the relationship or in a negative way.

If lovers do not tire each other with endless complaints about life, then the relationship will be harmonious. They should pay attention to their spouse, which everyone greatly needs. The Rabbit (Cat) man should more often show firmness and determination in actions and words. The Snake Woman should become softer. You need to work on yourself to prevent the destruction of this wonderful union.

Both men and women want to be alone from time to time. They also need personal space. It is worth discussing these issues at the very beginning of the relationship. If the Snake woman does not want to overdo it and harm the relationship, she needs to treat her husband more calmly and with understanding, then the couple will be truly happy.

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Modern men and women quite often, before getting married, find out their belonging to the signs of the eastern horoscope. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to calculate the compatibility of two people and other important points things you need to know when deciding to take such a serious step as marriage.

What is the eastern horoscope?

The East became the founder of mystical knowledge and horoscopes. They take the drawing up of personal horoscopes very seriously, which determine a person’s character traits and many of his life principles.

According to some reports, the eastern horoscope has been around for four thousand years, and all this time people have been consulting it before making an important life decision. Chinese written sources claim that the horoscope was born after Buddha left our land. Twelve animals came to say goodbye to him, which began to symbolize each year of the twelve-year cycle. The wise Buddha distributed the animals according to their efficiency. Those who managed to arrive first stood at the beginning of the cycle. The rest are falling behind. Animals endow people born under their protection with certain character traits. It is these secrets that the eastern horoscope reveals.

Compatibility of people according to the eastern horoscope

Only specialists and people who are passionate about this topic can study all the intricacies of the eastern horoscope. A large number of people superficially check the horoscope data; most often, women who are concerned about issues of love and compatibility turn to him.

According to the eastern horoscope, not every person can live with another. Some are destined to be friends or work productively together, but others are simply made for each other and can form the perfect union. You can find out this by knowing the animal that corresponds to the year of birth of the partners. Let's look at the compatibility of Rabbit and Snake according to the eastern horoscope.

Rabbits: basic character traits

The Year of the Rabbit is sometimes also called. It is believed that both animals were able to convey their traits to humans. Briefly, the Rabbit can be described as a sociable and friendly nature. These people quickly find a common language with absolutely everyone, which has a positive effect on their careers. Usually they achieve great success in this area and do not know financial problems.

In the year of the Rabbit, people are born who are difficult to anger. This trait attracts friends to them and provides them with a large circle of acquaintances. Some acquaintances may turn out to be useful, and the Rabbit will certainly benefit from them, but he cannot refuse to communicate with people he finds unpleasant. Therefore, he very often suffers from his indecision, continuing for many years to communicate with friends who are absolutely unsuitable for him.

Snake: horoscope in oriental style

What is the nature of the snake? The horoscope says that this is an excellent life partner. Those born this year are distinguished by great patience, intelligence and insight. At the same time, such people are very demanding of themselves and others, but can sympathize with all those suffering in the world. This quality makes them patrons and philanthropists.

If born as a woman, then her wisdom will contribute to a successful marriage. Next to her, a man grows up and achieves great success. She will always help with advice, most of which are really worthwhile. The Snake can bypass any conflict or obstacle, which slightly delays its career advancement. But, having risen to its level, the Snake will never lose its place.

Experts always advise drawing up a horoscope for the Snake from birth. After all, these people are even affected by the weather on the day they are born. In order for the life of a person born under this sign of wisdom to be successful, many factors must be taken into account.

Snake and Rabbit: compatibility in business

Both signs belong to the category of friendly and cautious, so they understand each other very well. The Snake and the Rabbit can be together almost around the clock and not cause irritation. They may come up with a great plan of action or be in charge of an important project. You can be sure that everything will be done efficiently and on time.

But if in your company the heads of departments are the Snake and the Rabbit, the compatibility will not be so noticeable. Both signs cannot be active and lead other people at all. On the one hand, their efficiency and experience allow them to do this, but the lack of career ambitions and the ability to insist on their own makes them useless leaders. Moreover, having power, they practically refuse to contact other people and perceive their opinions.

Rabbit and Snake: Marriage Compatibility

Considering the compatibility of these signs, it is worth noting that they suit each other very well. They dream of a quiet life in a cozy house, where they will have everything they need for a comfortable existence. At the same time, both partners need the minimum to feel happy.

Of the pair, the Snake is always the more active; it takes full responsibility for comfort and financial well-being. You should listen to her advice and do as she says. A rabbit usually cannot make decisions on his own; they are very difficult for him. But by listening to his partner’s advice, he will easily achieve what he needs and will feel much more confident in life’s troubles. In marriage, both signs become more tolerant and can live together all their lives, not paying attention to minor failures and everyday problems.

What leads to problems in a Snake and Rabbit couple?

Partners interact well during periods of calm in family life, so you should be very wary of storms in a couple that makes upSnake and Rabbit. Compatibility,determined by the eastern horoscope will not help them here. Both signs can absolutely stop understanding each other, uttering a lot of accusations. The rabbit loves time devoted to itself. In peace and quiet it is easier and simpler for him, but the Snake is not vulnerable and has difficulty understanding the depth of his partner’s soul.

Therefore, it is worth accepting each other from the very first day of marriage and not trying to change. IN otherwise The Snake and the Rabbit simply cannot exist in the same territory, which will lead to separation.

How to make a marriage between a Rabbit and a Snake happy?

Despite their compatibility, Rabbit and Snake must actively work on their relationship. If they give free rein to their emotions, then they will not even have a chance for a happy future.

The Rabbit is quite curious by nature, so he may have affairs on the side. But he is not too active, which is practically a guarantee of his loyalty. Since the Rabbit can fulfill the need for communication and attention in the circle of numerous friends, it is considered one of the most faithful signs that builds strong relationships with a long-term perspective.

The snake strives to keep everything under control, so it is very jealous and suspicious. The Rabbit's sociability makes her fearful, and she constantly harasses her partner with surveillance. The slightest reason causes a storm of emotions in the Snake, which it successfully hides due to its internal restraint. But every quarrel leads to new suspicions and questions in the couple.

The Snake and the Rabbit, whose compatibility according to the eastern horoscope can be designated as 90% of 100%, should give each other freedom and be more attentive to the emotional experiences of their partner. Only in this case will the Rabbit’s desire for freedom be satisfied, and the Snake’s suspicion will not turn into a scandal. As a result, the union of these two signs will turn into a strong and happy marriage.