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Evergreen ornamental trees for garden landscape design. Evergreen coniferous trees and shrubs Deciduous trees and shrubs

Evergreens, despite their assortment inferior to flowering crops, cannot be called boring. A variety of crops that remain attractive both in summer and winter can satisfy any taste. Along with the usual green crowns, original variegated and flowering plants can boast winter-green foliage. And it is absolutely impossible to remain indifferent to miniature shrubs and trees of dwarf varieties, as well as to the most bizarrely shaped beauties.

Juniper in a flower garden. © Solty & Sons

The irreplaceable talents of evergreen stars

Plants with winter-green foliage are always perceived as special. They are beautiful in any season, at any time of the year. Stable attractiveness and immutability allow for plenty of experimentation with herbaceous plants and seasonal accents, as if “building” on an evergreen base. But the purely aesthetic characteristics of such cultures are always inferior to practical ones.

Evergreen accents are the most important skeletal crops. They are responsible for the attractiveness of the garden throughout the year, even in winter. Skeletal plantings are the basis of landscaping, the base on which all decorative objects are based. When everything “temporary” - luxurious flowering, colorful leaf fall, an incomparable parade of summer flowers - is over, the quality of the garden’s design can be judged by the main parameter: does it have enough winter green crops so that it is not boring in the garden even in the coldest time of the year .

According to the main function, evergreens should be used in garden design. Considering them not as accents, but as a base, the basis of design, those unchangeable elements that will be present in landscaping for many years, “supports” for creating decorative groups, flower beds, ridges. Evergreens are placed individually or in whole groups, combined with each other, used in hedges and groups of trees and shrubs. They fit perfectly together, combine, enhance the meaning and functions of each other. For example, you can easily mix holly and mahonia, cypress, rhododendrons, cherry laurel in a composition that will look luxurious in the active season, as if appealing to the legendary southern motifs, and decorate gardens in winter.

Japanese Pieris (Pieris japonica). © standhisround

On a note: the assessment of the garden according to the parameter of proper landscaping is carried out in winter, when all the main plants shed their leaves and even persistent perennials enter the dormant stage. Bare crowns and empty flower beds should not make the garden boring. If it seems empty and lifeless to you, then you should introduce more evergreens into the design.

Constant doesn't mean boring

Due to their stability, evergreens are often mistaken for the most boring category of garden plants. But the winter-green beauties are capable of surprising not only with their crown that persists through the winter, but also with their inimitable diversity. The range of such plants is by no means limited to conifers, and among the latter there are non-standard varieties and inimitable originals. Plants with an unusual appearance are by no means uncommon for evergreen crops. Their assortment is not limited to just balls and figures made of yew and boxwood, hedges made of cherry laurel and cypress, boring common spruces, holly, fir, junipers, pines and euonymus. In some you will be able to observe unexpectedly powerful flowering, in others you can enjoy striking needles or leaves, and still others will surprise you with their compact size and picturesque beauty of the “mini” format.

The range of evergreens allows everyone to find the right solution for almost any artistic task. Diversity concerns not only aesthetic qualities, but also height, size, and growth rate. For small gardens, you can choose excellent alternative options that, even at a significant age, will not take up much space.

Elaeagnus pungens. © Bri Weldon

Let's get to know the most original and unusual of the evergreen beauties closer

Winter green favorites with beautiful flowers or variegated leaves

The most beautiful and dark shades of green, as a rule, are characteristic of evergreen plants. But the colors are not at all limited to luxurious greenery, and in spring or summer you really want the luxurious crowns to also join the general parade of flowering. The problem with boring green will be solved by beautifully flowering species that hide for several weeks under a lush blanket of inflorescences, as if exploding with bright flashes.

The most famous beautifully flowering evergreen shrub is rhododendron. This is the most striking, lush-flowered and elite garden shrub, preferring shading and predominantly acidic, nutritious soils. The only exception is the rhododendrons of the Inkarho group (inkarho-rhododendrons), which tolerate alkali well. Today, hardy hybrids are especially valued, and the choice is made not by species, but by varieties, the range of which covers a wide variety of shades and sizes.

Mahonia bealei. © songbirdPA Mahonia media. © J.H.J.F.W. Br. Holly barberry (Berberis aquifolium), or Holly mahonia (Mahonia aquifolium). © wallygrom Fraser's Photinia (Photinia fraseri). © Ewa Photinia David (Photinia davidiana). © Colin Viburnum David (Viburnum davidii). © debbystagg

But the range of evergreen plants from the flowering group is not limited only to the most famous shrubs. Also worthy of attention:

  • beautiful evergreen Kalina David (Viburnum davidii) is one of the best ornamental varieties of this classic shrub;
  • Kalmia latifolia (Kalmia latifolia), known by the nickname mountain laurel, producing numerous wide bells with touching color in June;
  • Skimmia japonica (Skimmia japonica), valued not only for its spectacular umbrellas of inflorescences, but also for the beauty of its red berries and, in regions with harsh winters, combining garden and indoor “career”;
  • Wintergreen acuminate or pointed (Gaultheria mucronata, we sometimes distribute under the old name Pernettya mucronata) - one of the most spectacular ornamental berry plants;
  • hybrid Photinia Fraser (Photinia fraseri) with its small white flowers collected in panicles, formerly known as Stranvesia (Stranvaesia) Photinia of David (Photinia davidiana);
  • blooming in spring with yellow flashes Mahonia(For example, Mahonia holly (Mahonia aquifolium), which is more correctly called Barberry holly (Berberis aquifolium), hybrid Mahonia medium (Mahonia media), Mahonia Beale (Mahonia bealei) etc.
Wintergreen (Gaultheria mucronata). © Ross Bayton Japanese skimmia (Skimmia japonica). © pittigliani2005 Kalmia latifolia. ©JacoTen

If flowering shrubs require more care, then variegated plants give the same effect of an explosion of colors, without making the seasonal work schedule any more difficult. Almost every conifer has its own variegated varieties - from spruce to juniper, and other winter-green plants. For example, the variegated variety "Maculata" Sucker prickly (Elaeagnus pungens) gives the whole bush an amazing elegance, the curly, lace crown seems unusual and as if glowing from within.

A real chameleon deserves much more recognition - Pieris japonica (Pieris japonica) with colorful young shoots. Red branches of the unique variety “Mountain Fire” or multi-colored shoots that change from red to salmon, and then light green shoots of the variety “Forest Flame”, variegated variety “Variegata” - there is plenty to choose from.

The best evergreens with unusual leaf or needle shapes

Columnar spiers, pyramidal thujas or prostrate junipers are unlikely to surprise anyone. But among evergreen plants there are also special forms and exotic variants of needles or leaves. Wintergreen status does not mean the absence of fancy varieties and varieties.

Sciadopitys verticillata. © Powell Gardens Japanese cryptomeria (Cryptomeria japonica). © Ross Bayton Small-flowered pine “Schoon’s Bonsai” (Pinus parviflora). © von-hammel

One of the most original rarities in our gardens is Araucaria chilean (Araucaria araucana). Its cone-shaped crown seems to be studded with triangular needles, and upon closer examination, the bizarre structure of the needles seems increasingly unusual. At a young age, araucarias are not very adapted to harsh winters and need shelter, but the older they get, the better they tolerate the conditions of the middle zone.

More like outstretched wings, with feathery branches, fancy bushes of unique yellow Yew berry (Taxus baccata) - a rare variety "Dovastonii Aurea". Combining an outlandish color with unusual drooping shoots, it seems alive and ready to move off any moment, and looks great as an original accent. Drooping and sometimes hanging shoots, decorated with original needles, are also characteristic of the Blue Snake variety. Himalayan cedar (Cedrus deodara) and varieties "Pendula" Wich fir (Abies veitchii).

The gray needles with a blue tint look like tangled curls on the more familiar plant - Small-flowered pine (Pinus parviflora) variety "Schoon's Bonsai". This is a very decorative and, at the same time, small plant, up to 2 m high, whose crown always remains dense even at the bottom of the bushes.

Vicha fir “Pendula” (Abies veitchii). © mvf Yew berry "Dovastonii Aurea" (Taxus baccata). © Traumrune Chilean araucaria (Araucaria araucana). © Patrick Nicolas

The original needles are a distinctive feature Cryptomeria japonica (Cryptomeria japonica) variety "Cristata". This is a large conifer up to 10 m high, the individual “needles” of which reach a length of 10-12 cm, are curved at the base and fancifully flattened on the sides, which gives them a resemblance to a cock’s comb.

More like dill needles Sciadopitis whorled (Sciadopitys verticillata), often called whorled tuevik, or Japanese umbrella fir. Capricious, tall, growing only in moist, super-nutritious and, moreover, acidic soil, the beauty, although it requires increased attention, turns into the main star of the design.

Mini accents that you can’t remain indifferent to all year round

Evergreens do not always have to be large to play their role in compositions. And in the design of such places as rock gardens, narrow ridges, ribbon flower beds, small front gardens, you do not use ordinary thuja or fir. Even the most modest garden ensembles will have their stars - dwarf varieties and types of familiar evergreen crops that seem especially spectacular. Shrubs and mini-sized trees attract attention with their perfect forms, crown density, and eye-catching colors. They are the most luxurious accents available.

Blue spruce "Conica" (Picea glauca). © F. D. Richards Cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus). © English Hedging Oriental flatweed "Aurea Nana" (Platycladus orientalis) or eastern thuja (Thuja orientalis). © F. D. Richards Cypress blunt-leaved “Nana Gracilis” (Chamaecyparis obtusa). © georgeweigel Mountain pine, or European dwarf pine (Pinus mugo). © Jim Harding Black pine "Nana" (Pinus nigra). © hgeers

There are also mini-stars among the flowering winter-green shrubs. Various varieties Rhododendron creeping (Rhododendron repens), today classified as a form Rhododendron Forrest (Rhododendron forrestii), are practically invisible under the wonderful inflorescences. There is also a dwarf variety Cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) - a compact, 30-centimeter "Mount Vernon", whose bush diameter is 2.5 times its height.

But still, the main stars among miniature evergreens are conifers. The best decorative mini-varieties can safely include dwarf spruce, pine, etc.:

  1. A curvy beauty that will forever make you forget about boring ordinary spruce trees, a compact favorite - Blue spruce varieties "Conica" ( Picea glauca). Even in old age, this beauty will not exceed 3 meters in height; with its dense conical crown, it will fit perfectly even into a flowerbed of minimal size.
  2. Not exceeding 2-2.5 m, slow growing Cypress blunt-leaved (Chamaecyparis obtusa) variety "Nana Gracilis".
  3. The most famous of the dwarf pines is the “Pug” variety. Mountain pine trees or European dwarf pine (Pinus mugo), which grows so slowly that it reaches its maximum meter height only after decades.
  4. The main candidate for decorating flower beds Black pine (Pinus nigra) variety "Nana", limited to 3 meters and amazing compactness of the crown.
  5. The dwarf favorite among thujas is the variety "Aurea Nana" Thuja eastern (Thuja orientalis, according to recent studies it is more correct to call Biota or Eastern flatweed (Platycladus orientalis), which is limited to a meter height. The needles, which look like dense fur and have a bright yellow color, glow in sunny areas and captivate with both their texture and unusual density.

Among the variety of evergreen crops, everyone can find a plant to their taste. Attractive looking at any time of year, evergreens boast varieties with unusual variegated leaves and beautiful flowers. Even the most “boring” types of evergreens in the hands of skilled gardeners can easily turn into intricate green figures and ideal hedges that will not leave anyone indifferent.

Main types

They will give the summer cottage a pleasant look and completeness, and from mid-autumn to mid-spring they will become the main decoration of the area, delighting with their bright crown. However, in addition to a purely decorative function, evergreen plants actively used for zoning space, creating hedges and designing sculptural compositions and help solve several important problems related to the technical features of the sites. In landscape design, evergreen plants such as spruce, pine, cypress, juniper, honeysuckle, fir, boxwood, ivy, yew and thuja are most actively used.

Evergreens are very popular in garden decoration. Gardeners have the opportunity to create an atmosphere of comfort in their garden at any time of the year. Evergreen trees and shrubs create pleasant partial shade in summer and serve as a backdrop for flowering plants. In late autumn they add variety to the dull gray landscape, and in winter they look very decorative against the background of white snow.

Types of evergreens

The range of evergreens is very diverse. There are not only well-known conifers here, but also deciduous shrubs with powerful and beautiful flowering. Evergreen plants, varied in height, size, and growth rate, are suitable not only for large areas. Low-growing and miniature varieties do not take up much space and are very popular among owners of small plots.


Once upon a time, coniferous trees were used exclusively for planting on city streets, but now they are often found in garden plots. Many gardeners have become real fans of these plants. The most common varieties of evergreen conifers:

In group plantings involving conifers, it is necessary to take into account that their roots grow strongly and in the future these trees may occupy a fairly large area.

Deciduous trees and shrubs

These plants come from tropical and subtropical countries, many of them are very thermophilic. Popular types of evergreen deciduous trees:

Evergreen deciduous trees must be planted in places protected from strong winds.

In garden design

The choice of evergreen plants is large, which makes it possible to use them to decorate any garden landscape. Hedges and group compositions are formed with the participation of the following plants:

Evergreen shrubs provide an excellent backdrop for many flowering plants. The following evergreen crops look good in tapeworm plantings:

Evergreens improve the microclimate and save you from monotony. They can become the main accent on the site or be combined with other garden crops.

Evergreens maintain their green color throughout the year, regardless of the season. This is a rather specific type of plant, which has a number of undeniable advantages over deciduous plants. Evergreen trees and shrubs can delight with their rich color all year round, which is very important for landscaping around the house, in parks and public gardens . We will talk about the features of evergreen plants in this article.

Where do evergreens grow?

What grows on our beautiful planet are mainly forests of the Northern Hemisphere. Evergreen trees such as spruce, pine, fir, podocarp and others are widespread here . In addition to needle-shaped evergreens, there are also deciduous evergreen trees, vines and shrubs that inhabit the temperate rain forests of the Southern Hemisphere. The xerophilic (thick, hardened foliage that resists water loss) coastal forests of the Northern Hemisphere are home to evergreen rhododendrons (Pontic, dense rhododendron), cherry laurel and holly.

Most tropical rain forests contain broadleaf evergreens. Their foliage is usually thicker and more leathery than that of common deciduous trees. Additionally, each leaf can remain on an evergreen tree for two or more years. An example of this is the evergreen cocoa tree. Cold-temperate and arctic regions typically grow cone-shaped shrubs or coniferous trees such as pine and spruce.

Evergreens in gardening art

The unusual forest color of spruces and pines serves as an effective basis for any park or garden, and decorative bushes are a kind of addition. Such a union of tiers will ensure the attractiveness of the site throughout the entire life of evergreens.

There are various options for combining needle-shaped and deciduous evergreens for planting near the house. For example, spruce, honeysuckle, cypress, juniper, fir, ivy, boxwood, bristlecone pine, yew, thuja and some types of rhododendron can perfectly zone the landscape, especially in combination with decorative seasonal plants.

When planning planting on your site, it would be right to focus on evergreens. It is they who must form the basis on which all other inhabitants of the garden will rely. After the completion of seasonal flowering, such a garden will not be boring even in the winter season. If your garden seems empty and bare, this is a sure sign that you should add winter green plants to your garden.

Evergreen trees and bushes can be placed separately from each other or in groups, combining their different types. Evergreens are suitable for hedges, which is not only practical, but also environmentally friendly.

With the help of evergreens it is possible to satisfy any aesthetic needs in design. Miniature shrubs, which can be given almost any shape, fit perfectly into small gardens. If the area of ​​the territory allows, then you should definitely plant majestic tall trees. Moreover, in both cases, the height and size can be adjusted by trimming. Evergreens are a good material for gardening creativity. Shrub sculptures, or as they are also called topiary, can increasingly be seen not only in city parks, but also near residential buildings.

The undeniable advantage of flowering varieties of evergreens is that they do not require much additional care and will not complicate the gardening schedule, as happens when other crops bloom. Thus, with minimal effort, you can ensure a well-groomed look in almost any garden.

The most popular evergreens

Below are examples of the most famous evergreens:

  1. Spruce trees will be a good solution for garden decoration. Of course, not every variety of this majestic tree will suit every garden. European or common spruce– the most common evergreen tree when decorating summer cottages, squares, and alleys. Many varieties of this tree have been developed, differing in needle shade, size and growth rate. On average, the height of spruce is from 30 to 50 meters, and the width is up to 5 meters. This cone-shaped tree can live up to 300 years without any care. Of course, more decorative varieties of spruce are suitable for domestic cultivation: “Akrokona”, “Inversa”, “Maxveli”, “Tompa”. Moreover, in addition to aesthetic value, spruceordinary will become a good barrier from winds and snow for other plants, and will also serve as raw material for useful medicinal tinctures.
  2. A slightly less common coniferous plant is Araucaria chilean. The cone-shaped crown of this tree with triangular needles looks very original. The younger the tree, the more picky it is to growing conditions and needs additional care, and the older it gets, the more severe conditions it can withstand.
  3. Thuja. A dense crown of unusual needle-like leaves and a pleasant aroma make the evergreen thuja shrub a leader in landscape design. To date, more than 100 species of thuja have been bred, among which tall and miniature shrubs with a variety of colors - green, golden, blue and reddish shades enrich the garden with their wide range. These evergreens are excellent for pruning and haircuts, but to keep their shape, it is better to tie the thujas with thick rope for the winter.
  4. Japanese umbrella fir is a pyramidal coniferous tree, quite picky about environmental conditions. For good fir growth, only moist, oxidized soil is suitable.Needles up to 15 centimeters long resemble umbrellas, which explains its second name “umbrella pine.”
  5. Recently, small evergreen trees have been gaining popularity in garden plots. boxwood, which are used to decorate borders and fences. The ability to grow in shaded areas and be trimmed in a variety of shapes and levels of difficulty make this plant suitable anywhere in the garden. It is worth remembering that boxwood leaves are poisonous and unsuitable for consumption. Therefore, after working with a plant, you must wash your hands!
  6. Rhododendron one of the most famous flowering shrubs, but it is not the only one.
  7. Several types Mahonia bloom with yellow flowers in spring.
  8. The hybrid will decorate the garden with small white fruits during the flowering season. Photinia Fraser.
  9. Wintergreen acuminate– a spectacular fruit plant with red berries is ideal for combining with other types of plants, as it easily gets along with its “competitors”.

"Compact" evergreens

It is not at all necessary to focus on large winter-green trees and bushes. Today it is impossible to imagine small front gardens, alpine hills and narrow flower beds without dwarf varieties of evergreen plants. Just like in large areas, they are used to create mini-accents in areas of limited area. Thanks to its small size, it will be easy for anyone, even a completely inexperienced gardener, to maintain the neat shape of plants in perfect condition.

The compact leader of landscape zones is blue spruce, the height of which does not exceed 3 meters, even in old age. With its thick cone-shaped shape, it will fit into any flower bed. In second place in popularity - slow in growth rate cypress obtufolia. Japanese black pine despite the impressive name, it is completely harmless in appearance due to its compact crown and small 2.5-3 meter height. For thuja orientalis characterized by a meter height and a bright yellow color.

There are many flowering miniature evergreen shrubs that will enhance the area with their discreet and “intelligent” appearance. Among them cherry laurel, the crown diameter of which is more than twice its height. During the flowering season creeping rhododendron And Rhododendron Forrest completely envelop the entire bush.

Juniper "Blue Carpet" a very good option for decorating cascades over walls. This fast-growing plant with silver-blue evergreen foliage reaches 15 cm in height and 15-50 cm in width. Japanese garden juniper is a dwarf evergreen plant that reaches a height of 60 cm and forms a dense mat 30 to 40 cm wide.

This concludes our brief review of evergreens. And although we have not mentioned all the representatives of the flora that fall into this category of plants, most evergreen trees, bushes and vines have the same ability to delight our eyes and souls with their bright greenery even in the middle of winter.

Hearing the words “evergreen tree,” most residents of the middle zone will see the depth and nobility of blue, silver, green spruces, mighty cedars, slender pines. For a city dweller who has a country house with a garden, the list of trees that look luxurious both in winter and in summer expands to include cypresses, thujas, and junipers.

Photo example:

In home gardens laid out in central Russia, beyond the Urals and in Siberia, evergreen trees are of particular importance: during long snowy winters the eye lacks lush summer greenery. And only evergreen conifers, sprinkled with snow, with their stern noble appearance and deep green needles, remind of the summer holiday.

There is an opinion that the proper landscaping of a garden should be assessed in winter: all the deciduous trees have fallen off, the snowy space is riddled with bare tree branches. If at this time the garden suddenly seems boring and uninteresting, then you should think about the insufficient landscaping of the area and plan to plant evergreens.

The importance of evergreen bushes and trees in garden design

Evergreen ornamental trees belong to the category of skeletal, supporting accents of the entire garden. Planted for many years, they form the basis, the basis of all garden design. Some flowers are forced out of the site by others, the gardener's preferences, as well as the layout of the site, may undergo some changes. Only perennial conifers grow into their place, setting the rhythm and determining the pattern of the entire garden in summer and winter.

A wide selection allows you to find a specimen for each specific task, because among the evergreen trees there are miniature specimens, weeping forms, and species with amazing shades of color.

Main advantages of conifers

The main advantages that determine a wide range of uses in the garden are the following qualities:

  • Evergreen crops are easy to care for;
  • Most of them prefer partial shade and shade;
  • They combine well with each other and with decorative deciduous trees and shrubs;
  • They tolerate formative and decorative pruning well;
  • They maintain their decorative appearance throughout the year, taking full responsibility for the aesthetics of the garden in winter.

The most popular conifers for landscape design

The idea of ​​evergreen trees growing in Russia is associated specifically with conifers. The names of most of them are familiar, and the appearance of even once exotic specimens is familiar.

Few people will be surprised by the yew topiary, boxwood walls, cypress trees cutting through the sky, blue spruce trees, creeping junipers. Conifers have long and firmly won the love of gardeners.

In addition to traditional tall conifers, compact, dwarf forms of coniferous trees are increasingly used in landscape design:

  • Common spruce "Tompa" - this green pyramid grows only one and a half meters in height, and the diameter at the base reaches two meters. Her photo:
  • The dwarf form of balsam fir “Kiwi” is up to half a meter in height. Photo:
  • Canadian spruce Picea glauca ‘Laurin’ by the age of ten, growing by 2 cm per year, reaches a height of 40 cm. Photo:
  • Deciduous

Only an expert can name evergreen deciduous trees that can grow in harsh climates:

  • The most famous and popular deciduous plant, existing in the form of a bush and small trees bearing a crown all year round, is boxwood. It is from its woody variety that huge complex figures and high dense fences are cut out.

The culture can be called by other names: stone tree, buxus. Without regular shaping haircuts, it loses its decorative effect. A poisonous plant, requires hand protection when caring.

  • Mahonia– a frost-resistant, shade-loving plant, flowering and fruiting (magonia berries are used in the production of wine and confectionery).

In Russia it is more often found as a dense evergreen shrub, which makes dense hedges.

In winter, the green leaves take on a reddish tint;

  • Lavrovishnya- an evergreen tree, in its native places reaching a height of 6 meters, in cold climates - up to two meters. Dense thickets of cherry laurel, so named because of the similarity of foliage to laurel and fruit to cherries, form a dense hedge. It grows quickly and has high decorative qualities. Despite its toxicity, it is used in folk medicine. Photo:
  • Another tree that looks more like a shrub in mid-latitude conditions is euonymus.

Frost-resistant euonymus is very unpretentious with high decorative qualities. In summer it prefers shade and partial shade. Also refers to poisonous plants.

A garden created by painstaking work, maintained with care and love, combining annual and perennial plants, deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs, will be harmonious at any time of the year and will never bore its owner.