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Lesson "UNT. Proverbs and sayings as a small genre of folklore, their folk wisdom" (6th grade). Lesson summary “Small genres of folklore. Proverbs and sayings Difference between proverbs and sayings

1.1. Proverbs as a genre of folklore. The difference between proverbs and sayings.

Proverbs and sayings- the most ancient genres of oral folk art, the priceless heritage of the people. They appeared long before the advent of writing and were passed down orally from generation to generation.

A.N. Tolstoy very clearly and accurately reflected the features of this immortal genre of folklore: “The Russian people created a huge oral literature - wise proverbs and sayings. It is vain to think that this literature was only the fruit of popular leisure. She was the dignity and intelligence of the people.

She established and strengthened his moral character, was his historical memory, the festive clothes of his soul and filled with deep content his entire measured life, flowing according to the customs and rituals associated with his work, nature, and the veneration of his fathers and grandfathers.”

Proverbs- these are poetic, widely used in speech, stable, brief, often figurative, ambiguous, having a figurative meaning, sayings, designed as sentences, often rhythmically designed, summarizing the socio-historical experience of the people and having an instructive nature.

Proverb- this is a turn of phrase or phrase that reflects some phenomenon of life. A saying is a small genre of folklore, often of a humorous nature.

According to Dahl's definition, a proverb is a short, colloquial speech that circulates among the people, but is not a full-fledged proverb.

Dahl also notes that a proverb is a current expression that could not develop into a full proverb and is essentially a new image that replaces some ordinary word.

For example, instead of “drunk” - “doesn’t knit,” instead of “fool” - “didn’t invent gunpowder” and so on.

Unlike a proverb, a saying does not contain any instructive general meaning. This is simply an image that replaces an ordinary word or defines a phenomenon: “eggs don’t teach a chicken”; "the word is not a sparrow."

It should also be noted that often sayings are some part of an already corresponding proverb: “ Two boots - a pair, both on the left foot».

Small folklore genres include works that are small in volume: proverbs, sayings, signs, riddles, jokes, proverbs, tongue twisters, puns. These genres in scientific literature are called proverbs(from Greek paroimia - parable 1).

Proverbs and sayings, as works of folk art, are close to each other in their artistic characteristics.

Define what it is proverbs And sayings, Russian folklorists tried back in the 19th century. F.I. Buslaev considered proverbs and sayings as artistic works of the native word, expressing the life of the people, their common sense and moral interests.

N.V. Gogol saw in them the result of popular ideas about life in its various manifestations.

IN AND. Dahl understood the proverb as “judgment, sentence, teaching.” In his Explanatory Dictionary he gave the following definition:

“A proverb is a short saying, a lesson, more in the form of a parable, an allegory, or in the form of an everyday sentence; a proverb is an individual of the language, of folk speech, it is not composed, but is born on its own; it is the walking mind of the people; it turns into a proverb or a simple figure of speech ". 2

A proverb, as defined by Dahl, is:

“a collapsible short speech, current among the people, but not constituting a complete proverb; teaching, in accepted - current expressions; a conventional figure of speech, a common way of expressing itself.” 3

The general characteristics of proverbs and sayings include brevity, conciseness, stability, and widespread use. Both proverbs and sayings can be defined as poetic, polysemantic, widely used in speech, stable short expressions that have figurative meanings. 4

Proverbs and sayings reflect folk wisdom, a moral set of rules of life. They represent broad layers of life and are educational in orientation. They enshrine the experience of the people. The topics of proverbs and sayings are very diverse. They express an understanding of the fundamentals of life, historical events, family relationships, love and friendship, human vices are condemned and virtues (sobriety, modesty, intelligence, hard work) and other moral qualities of a person are praised.

It is no coincidence that V.I. Dahl, in his famous collection of proverbs and sayings, arranged the material by topic: work - idleness, yard - house - farming - agriculture, superstition - omens - happiness - luck, good - mercy - evil, etc. 5

Folk proverbs reflect various aspects of human life: mythological ideas (" prophetic dream will not deceive"); features of serf life ("here's Yury's day for you, grandmother"); events of enemy invasions and wars ("empty, as if Mamai had passed"); courage, courage and heroism of the people ("the city takes courage," " to be afraid of wolves, so don’t go into the forest”). They capture all aspects of the people’s labor activity, love for the homeland, glorify work (“without work, only smoke the sky,” “labor feeds, but laziness spoils”), and expresses a sense of deep dignity person (“naked, but not a thief”, “not a penny of money, but fame is good”, “poor, but honest”).

Proverbs developed in all segments of the population, but most of all in the peasant environment, as the main bearer of national folk culture. The annual cycle of peasant labor is reflected in the proverbs “for the time being, one does not sow a seed”, “a good seed, a good shoot.”

Proverbs arose both among artisans - “without an ax - not a carpenter, without a needle - not a tailor”, and among barge haulers - “need will teach the rolls to eat”.

In proverbs and sayings, various artistic and visual means and techniques are used: comparisons (“another soul is like a dark forest”), metaphors, personification (“the hops are noisy - the mind is silent”, “putting spokes in the wheels”), antitheses, i.e. oppositions (“the root of the teaching is bitter, but its fruit is sweet”), hyperbole (“to go out of your way”, “to get lost in three pines”). There is also an artistic device in proverbs - tautology 6 (“they do not seek good from good”, “unheard of, unseen”).

According to their composition, proverbs are divided into mononomial, two-nomial and polynomial. Most of them are two-membered (“praise the rye in a haystack, but praise the master in a coffin”).

Proverbs can be based on opposition (“a man and a dog are always in the yard, but a woman and a cat are always in the hut”). In them, as well as in lyrical songs, the technique of parallelism is used (“a worm wears away a tree, sadness crushes a heart”).

Proverbs are rhythmic. They rhyme individual words (“you can’t even take a fish out of a pond without difficulty”), individual parts or the entire proverb (“don’t open your mouth to someone else’s loaf, but get up early and start your own”). They vary in form of expression. They may include a monologue or dialogue (“from a bow we are not, from a squeak we are not, and you can’t find something to drink and dance against us”, “Titus, go thresh!” - My belly hurts. - Titus, go drink wine! - Oh, let me cover myself and somehow drag myself."

Proverbs and sayings are examples of folk eloquence, a source of wisdom, knowledge about life, folk ideas and ideals, and moral principles.

Thus, proverbs and sayings, which arose as a genre of folk poetry in ancient times, have existed for many centuries and play an everyday and literary and artistic role, joining folk culture.

CNT. Proverbs and sayings as a small genre of folklore, their folk wisdom

Lesson objectives: reveal the wisdom, instructive meaning and perfection of the form of proverbs and sayings, the similarities and differences between two genre forms of folklore.

Lesson objectives:

    learning the ability to analyze the meaning of proverbs and sayings;

    development of students' speech;

    nurturing love for the Motherland, nature, one’s family;

    promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Vocabulary work: laconicism, aphorism, perfection of form.

Equipment: proverbs and sayings of writers written on the board.

During the classes

What kind of luxury, what kind of meaning?
what's the point of every saying
ours! What gold!

A. S. Pushkin.

I.Introduction to the genre of proverbs and sayings

1. Introductory conversation

Proverbs are gold mines in our language.

A person’s life takes place among a huge number of news, events and incidents. It is almost impossible to comprehend everything that is happening with a single human mind. Folk culture has created special oral memory mechanisms. The experience of many generations was passed on in the form of short sayings - proverbs and sayings. They are widely used in everyday speech. They appear in the mind suddenly, by the way, and allow you to express your thoughts more clearly.

The proverb vividly names and depicts some phenomenon, for example: “Goal is like a falcon”, “Like a cheese rolls in butter”, “Puffed up like a mouse on cereal”, “Softly lays down, but sleeps hard”, “Found a scythe on a stone” .

The proverb expresses a certain judgment and moral in connection with a life situation: “If you love to ride, love to carry a sleigh,” “If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either,” “There is no smoke without fire,” “A bad world is better than a good quarrel.”

Proverbs and sayings are able to so succinctly designate the phenomena of the surrounding world because they are applicable not to one case, but to all similar events.

“The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” they say about specific person, imitating their parents or mentors, and about all people whose character is similar to their parents.

The capacity of folk proverbs, each of which contains a potential plot for an entire drama, was used by A. N. Ostrovsky, who placed folklore sayings in the titles of his plays: “There wasn’t a penny, but suddenly it was Altyn,” “Poverty is not a vice,” “My own people.” “We’ll be settled”...

Proverbs preserve popular ideas about harm and benefit, intelligence and stupidity. About spiritual beauty and ugliness in the form of short sayings. They help us understand the history of our people, teach us to love our Motherland, be honest and hardworking, love and respect our parents, and lead a healthy lifestyle. They condemn laziness, ignorance and other negative human qualities. Using proverbs and sayings in speech, we make it figurative, colorful, and expressive.

Guys, let's remember the proverbs that you use in your speech. What proverbs and sayings do you hear from people around you?

(at school, at home)?

2. Reading and discussing proverbs about proverbs .

“You can’t escape the proverb”

“The proverb is not said in vain”

“The proverb will never break”

“A stupid speech is not a proverb”

“Speech is beautiful with a proverb”

3 . Discussion of statements about proverbs.

“That’s how well men write. It’s simple, there are few words, but a lot of feelings.”

L. Tolstoy

"Who came up with them so neatly..."

A. Pushkin

What fascinated Russian writers about proverbs?

4. Write in a notebook:

PROVERB - a genre of folklore, an aphoristically condensed, figurative, grammatically and logically complete saying with an instructive meaning in a rhythmically organized form (“As you sow, so shall you reap”).

PROVERB - a figurative expression, a figure of speech that aptly defines any phenomenon of life; in contrast to the proverb, it is devoid of a general instructive meaning (“Seven Fridays in a week”, “Put your teeth on the shelf”).

II . Working with proverbs from different thematic groups.

There are a lot of proverbs. Already in 1500, Erasmus of Rotterdam compiled a collection of ancient sayings and proverbs. From the end of the 17th century, collections of proverbs and sayings began to be published in Russia. The study of this layer of folk art was started by M.V. Lomonosov. V. Dal, a contemporary of A. Pushkin, collected proverbs and sayings for fifty years.

Guys, please read and comment on the proverbs and sayings that you prepared for the lesson.

1. Work in groups.

1st group: proverbs about the Motherland.

Every person - sooner or later, whether he realizes it or not - is necessarily connected with his Fatherland. The life and fate of a person to a certain extent depend on the fate of the Fatherland, which leaves a certain imprint on the formation of its civic traits. Fatherland is a social system to which a person belongs by birth. Our homeland is Russia. Our ancestors have always rightfully been proud of it, as evidenced by the following proverbs:

“Everyone has his own side.”

“The Holy Russian land is great, and the sun is everywhere”

“Seek goodness on the side, but love home the old fashioned way”

“On the other side, even spring is not red”

“On the other side, even a falcon is called a crow”

“From your native land - die, don’t leave!” and other proverbs.

“Whoever fights hard for his homeland is a true hero”

“In a foreign land, even kalach is not a joy, but in the Motherland, black bread is a sweetness.”

“On the other side, the Motherland is twice as dear”

“Be not only the son of your father - be also the son of your people”

“Take care of your homeland like the apple of your eye”

“To live is to serve the Motherland”

Yes, we love our Motherland for its glorious past, for the fact that it has repeatedly defended its independence in the fight against numerous invaders, for the fact that it provides equal rights to all nations of the country, for the fact that this is our past and future, for its majestic and diverse nature; for its heroic and hardworking people. A sense of national dignity presupposes responsibility for the fate of the people, which has developed over centuries. To be a worthy son of your people means to worthily represent your people among other nations.

2nd group: about nature

For example: “Forest and water – the beauty of nature”

“Forest and plants are the salvation of the beast”

“In a strong wind, the forest is quiet, but the field is wild”

“The enemy of nature is the one who does not protect the forest”

“A lot of forest - take care of it, a little forest - don’t cut it down, no forest - plant it”

“Plant a forest in a field - there will be more bread”

“It takes a second to break a tree, but it takes years to grow it”

“The green outfit is pleasing to the eye”

“Plants are the salvation of the shores”

"Forest and water - brother and sister"

Let's talk about the beauty of nature. “Beauty is the joy of our life. Man became Man because he saw the depth of the azure sky, the twinkling of stars, the pink spill of the evening dawn, the transparent haze of the steppe expanses, the crimson sunset before a windy day, the fluttering haze over the horizon, blue shadows in the snowdrifts of March snow, a flock of cranes in the blue sky, the reflection of the sun in myriads of drops of morning dew, gray threads of rain on a cloudy day, a purple cloud on a lilac bush, a delicate stalk and a blue bell of a snowdrop - I saw and, amazed, walked along the earth, creating new beauty. Stop in amazement before beauty - and nobility will bloom in your heart. The joy of life was revealed to man because he heard the whisper of leaves and the song of a grasshopper, the murmur of a spring stream and the play of silver bells of a lark in the hot summer sky, the rustling of snowflakes and the moan of a blizzard, the gentle splashing of waves and the solemn silence of the night - he heard and, holding his breath, listens hundreds and thousands of years of wonderful music of life. Know how to listen to this music too. Cherish beauty, take care of it,” wrote V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

The first snow, the first drops, the first rain and the first thunderstorm, the first leaves - nothing should pass our attention. Let everyone discover something important for themselves in nature. And everyone else will rejoice with him at his discovery.

3rd group: about a healthy lifestyle

We are all different, each of us has our own life, with our own interests, problems, plans. But we are united by one common desire - we all want to be happy. It is unlikely that any sage will be able to give a recipe for happiness, and few of us like other people's advice, preferring our own path of trial and error. And everyone has their own concept of happiness. But no matter how much they argue about what happiness is, without any doubt, everyone would agree that being a healthy person is already happiness. Hiking in the forest, to the river, bonfires on the seashore, playing sports, getting involved in your favorite job, your favorite activity - so many interesting things in the world. Is it worth spending precious years, days, minutes on bad and sometimes very dangerous habits?

Smoking and drinking are ugly habits. They destroy the most important systems of the human body. The idea of ​​drunkenness as a Russian custom is, to put it mildly, exaggerated. In Rus' there were strict wine drinking traditions. Beer, mash, mead - this is what our ancestors drank, and the strength of these drinks did not exceed 15 degrees. Drink alcoholic drinks It was accepted only on certain holidays. The use of alcohol by young people was condemned, and drunkards were subjected to public flogging.

Tobacco, which originated in America, came to the Old World at least 500 years ago. In Russia in the 15th century, those caught smoking were punished for the first time with 60 blows of sticks on their feet, and for the second time, their nose or ears were cut off. Smoking was found to be the cause of a fire in Moscow in 1634, after which smoking was banned on pain death penalty. In the 17th century, both smokers (they were tortured and whipped) and tobacco traders (they were flogged and exiled to distant cities) were severely punished.

Proverbs also say that our ancestors valued health and a healthy lifestyle. For example:

"Health is more important than wealth"

“Mind and health are more valuable than anything else”

" In a healthy body healthy mind"

“Clean water is a disaster for illness”

“Don’t be afraid of the cold, wash yourself up to your waist”

“Smoking is harmful to health”

“If you ruin your health, you can’t buy new ones”

“I lost money - I lost nothing, I lost time - I lost a lot, I lost my health - I lost everything.”

“You’ll be toughened up from a young age, it’ll be useful for the rest of your life”

“It takes one day to get sick, but seven weeks to get better.”

4th group: about family

Man is the connector of at least three centuries. In that century, grandparents lived with their parents, we remember them, in this century we live with our parents and children, but in the next century our grandchildren will live with their parents and children. They will remember us.

Family is what is close and understandable to every person. In the family, the child receives his first life guidelines, first beliefs and first worldviews, which depend, of course, on the spiritual and cultural atmosphere prevailing in it. Much depends on the relationships that develop in the family; they largely determine the future of the child. Happy is the one who has a mother and father, grandparents, brothers and sisters. After all, who better than a grandmother will leisurely and sincerely tell a grandson or granddaughter about the good Ivanushka, the evil Koshchei, about the hardworking Cinderella... These fairy tales will not be forgotten if no, no, and the grandmother says: “You are as hardworking as Cinderella, resourceful as Alyonushka.” , beautiful, like Vasilisa.” Happy are the mother and father who are told about their child: “Goodness itself,” “ kind person raised." This is not just praise for parents, but a tribute to sincere respect for their child. Goodness and kindness have always been highly valued and are valued by every nation, just like good family relationships.


“He who honors his parents never perishes”

"Glory to the son - joy to the father"

"Father and mother are sacred words"

“You can buy everything, but you can’t buy your father and mother.”

"It's warm in the sun, but good in mother's presence"

“There is no relative dearer than a mother”

“A mother’s anger is like spring snow: a lot of it falls but soon melts”

“The bird is happy about spring, and the child is happy about its mother”

“There is no friend closer to mother”

"A mother's affection has no end"

"Family quarrel before first sight"

“What is treasure for when there is harmony in the family”

How beautiful, how accurate! After all, family is an island of understanding, love, warmth and reliability. Here we draw strength, gain confidence, adopt doubts, find forgiveness for our mistakes...

Look at the parents who come home from work, how tired they are, how they are tormented by problems. Smile at them, let them receive the warmth and affection of your heart. Don’t conflict with your parents, remember: no one will understand you better than them, because they gave you the most valuable thing - life. Love and respect them. And the grandparents who live by your visits, you must support and help them with all your might. Remember, it’s not scary, but people are leaving the Earth. And along with them, all the insults and grief caused to them by you go away. Think about yourself and your family!

5th group: about time

In one of the philosophical stories of the famous Voltaire, Zadig, or Fate, the great magician asks questions to the main character. The first question was: “What in the world is longest and shortest, fastest and slowest, what is most easily divided into infinitely small quantities and reaches infinitely large quantities, what is most neglected and what is most regretted, without which nothing can be done?” to accomplish what devours all that is insignificant and resurrects all that is great?” It took Zadig a little time to answer this question. You probably guessed what the great magician meant.

Let's listen to the answer from Zadig, who said that the riddle talks about time. “Because,” he added, “there is nothing longer in the world, for it is the measure of eternity, and there is nothing shorter, for it is not enough to fulfill our intentions; there is nothing slower for one who comes to life, nothing faster for one who tastes pleasure; it reaches infinity in the great and infinitely divides in the small; people neglect it, and when they lose it, they regret it; everything happens in time; it destroys what is unworthy in the memory of posterity and bestows immortality on the great.”

There are things that we talk about often, that we know well, but which we have never seen or touched. Air, for example, is invisible, and you cannot grasp it with your hands. But we simply cannot live without him! So is the time! It is invisible, odorless, colorless. And you can’t touch it with your hands. And you won’t be able to hide it and you won’t be able to give it to a friend! But you can lose! And elusive time is very expensive. After all, there is no way to turn back wasted time. Time is the highest arbiter of all our affairs. And also, note that we all equally, without exception, obey the dictates of the clock hands. Time is probably the only thing that is incorruptible and impartial. That's why people say:

"Time is the best judge"

"Time will judge"

"Time is more valuable than money"

“If you miss a minute, you’ll lose hours”

“Know the value of minutes, the count of seconds”

“If you fall behind by an hour, you won’t catch up in a day”

“The day is passing - you can’t tie it by the fence”

“Time is not a bird - you can’t catch it by the tail”

“Years are like water: they will pass and you will not see”

2. Game for attention

Guys, on your tables there are cards on which the second part of the proverb is written. I will read the first part of the proverb, and whoever has the second part will finish it. Be careful! (or working with an interactive whiteboard)

For example: “Everyone is cute...” (own side)

“To protect nature means...” (to protect the Motherland)

“The whole family is together...” (soul in place)

“Who lied yesterday...” (they won’t believe that tomorrow)

“A tree is valued by its fruits... (and a person by his deeds)


Proverbs and sayings are included in folk culture as the purest and most precious source of folk wisdom. They are deeply rooted in history. Proverbs and sayings accompany a person from early childhood. Most of them are related to attitudes towards work, the Motherland, parents, friends, nature, health, healthy image life... Precision of thought and laconic presentation make it possible to quickly assimilate them from an early age, to perceive them not as wishes, but as a norm of life. Proverbs and sayings have always been a kind of guide to life, which adults have been guided by, introducing children to them. They have not lost their educational significance for moral education today.

Proverbs and sayings decorate and enrich a person’s speech, expand their vocabulary, and develop their imagination. After all, in order to use the simplest proverbs or sayings, you must quickly assess the situation, apply it to the proverb, compare their correspondence again, and only then express your judgment.

VI . Homework:

Write an essay on the proverb you like.

Lesson 3. Proverbs and sayings as small genres of folklore. Their folk wisdom. Variety of topics.

The purpose of the lesson: Show beautyAndthe wisdom of Russian proverbs and sayings; learn to interpret the literal and figurative meaning of proverbs and sayings. Explain the similarities and differences between the two genre forms of folklore.

Planned results: knowledge of the concepts of small genres of folklore,proverbs, sayings; the ability to distinguish between two genre forms, to use proverbs and sayings appropriately, to work in pairs and groups.

Lesson objectives:

    Educational: to develop the ability to distinguish between small genres of folklore, such as proverbs and sayings; teach the ability to analyze the meaning of proverbs and sayings; expand ideas about the culture and history of the native land.

    Educational: develop skills oral speech students;

    Educational : to cultivate, through the analysis of proverbs, a love for native literature, for the Motherland and for one’s family.

During the classes:

    Organizing time

    Examination homework on the topic “Ritual folklore”.

    Updating knowledge

Give examples of small genres of oral folk art. What genres do you know? (Riddles, carols, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, jokes, proverbs, sayings)

What proverbs and sayings do you know? What do you think is a proverb and what is a saying?

Let's try to find out this by verifying it with different examples.

    Work on the topic of the lesson.

    Teacher's word

Proverbs and sayings have been living in the speech of the people for many centuries. They were born in ancient times and reflect all aspects of people's lives. Collecting and recording proverbs and sayings began a very long time ago. The most famous collector of proverbs was Vladimir Ivanovich Dal (1801-1872). He devoted his life to collecting proverbs throughout Russia. He recorded proverbs and sayings from peasants, artisans and soldiers and systematized them according to various topics. Vladimir Ivanovich Dal created a major work - four volumes " Explanatory dictionary living Great Russian language”, where he cited many proverbs and sayings. The proverb has played and continues to play an important role in people's lives. A proverb and a saying are a reflection of the people's consciousness. Through the use of proverbs people learn the world. An aptly and appropriately spoken proverb can replace one whole or several sentences; the use of proverbs in speech is important and mandatory.

    Working with a dictionary.

Work in groups. Let's choose a specific topic for each group: Homeland, family, children, parents, work, laziness, study, friends, enemies, seasons. Now try to find proverbs and sayings that correspond to your topics in dictionaries, write them down in your notebook.

Each group selects, writes out the text in a notebook and then reads out the found proverbs and sayings in front of the class.

3. Comparison of proverbs and sayings.

What is a proverb? Let's turn to the literary dictionary.

(Individual work: students read the dictionary entry in the dictionary, write the definition in a notebook, read it in front of the class)

PROVERB - a short figurative expression with an edifying meaning. A proverb often has both a literal and figurative (figurative) plan. A proverb can fulfill the most different functions: to confirm any fact of life (this is exactly what happens), to give an assessment (this is good, or that is bad), to recommend what to do in this or that case (act this way, not that way), etc. The emergence of many proverbs is connected with real historical events(Here’s to you, grandma, and St. George’s Day; Moscow burned down from a penny candle) . The imagery of proverbs is often associated with the realities of everyday life(The staircase must be swept from above, not from below; a wedge is knocked out with a wedge) . A proverb that has the nature of advice, recommendation, appears in the form of an incentive sentence(If you love to ride, love to carry a sled; trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself) . Over time, a proverb, having lost part of its verbal expression, can become a phraseological unit.

Teacher's word

Thus, we can conclude that a proverb is a complete sentence - short and always moralizing.

Now try to define the saying.

(Individual work: students continue to read the dictionary entry in the dictionary, write the definition in a notebook, read it out to the class)

PROVERB is a figurative expression that exists in speech for emotionally expressive assessments (for example, “tired as a bitter radish” means an expression of annoyance.)

What is the difference between a proverb and a saying?(students share opinions)

Let's write in our notebook:

PROVERB - a genre of folklore, an aphoristically concise, figurative, grammatically and logically complete saying with an instructive meaning in a rhythmically organized form (“As you sow, so shall you reap”).

PROVERB - a figurative expression, a figure of speech that aptly defines any phenomenon of life; Unlike a proverb, it is devoid of a general instructive meaning. (“Seven Fridays in a week”).

In other words andproverbs , Andsayings - these are short, apt sayings. A proverb contains a complete thought, and a saying is part of a judgment without a conclusion.

4.Use of new knowledge in practice.

V.I. Dal called proverbs short parables. Unlike a proverb, a saying has no moralizing meaning. Dahl wrote: “A saying, by popular definition, is a flower, and a proverb is a berry; and this is true” And further: “This is the first half of the proverb.” What value do sayings and proverbs have for us, why do we consider them an important part of folk art?

Proverbs and sayings are presented on the board. Name which column contains proverbs and which column contains sayings? Why?

Written on the water with a pitchfork

The tongue weaves lace

Put your teeth on the shelf

Keep your eyes open

Easy to find

At least roll the ball

Put the pig down

Stay with your nose

When the cancer on the mountain whistles

Vomits and rushes

Not even a kick

    Spring is red with flowers and autumn with pies

    Fur coat lies there, and he himself trembles.

    You will learn from the smart, and you will unlearn from the stupid.

    It takes a second to break a tree, but it takes a year to grow it;

    There is nothing to blame for the mirror if the face is crooked;

    When trouble comes, trouble will not come to mind;

    Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.

Most proverbs cannot be taken literally. Let's consider direct and metaphorical, i.e. figurative meaning of proverbs.

The forest is being cut down and the chips are flying.
The direct meaning is that when trees are cut down, chips actually fly from under the ax. The figurative meaning is that you cannot do a big job without making small mistakes.
If you don't know the ford, don't go into the water.
The direct meaning is that you can ford a river when you know well where the ford is. Figurative meaning - if you want to do a serious thing, you must first learn how to do it so as not to harm yourself.
Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.
The direct meaning is that chickens can be counted when they hatch, but over the summer some may die, some of them will be carried away by a kite or a fox. Therefore, they say that chickens should be counted in the fall, when they have already grown and learned to hide from enemies. The figurative meaning is that the results should be summed up when the job is completed.
An apple tree produces apples, and a pine tree produces cones.
The direct meaning is that apples grow on an apple tree, but only cones grow on a pine tree. Portable - you don’t have to wait for something that should result in one result to bring another.

5.Creative work.

Proverbs and sayings decorate and enrich a person’s speech, expand their vocabulary, and develop their imagination. After all, in order to use the simplest proverbs or sayings, you must quickly assess the situation, apply it to the proverb, compare their correspondence again, and only then express your judgment. To learn to use proverbs and sayings in your speech, I suggest you take part in a small game called “Speech is beautiful with a proverb.” This game consists of several rounds. So let's begin.

1st TOUR “Shifters”. Find out proverbs in a distorted form.

    Enemies do not know each other in happiness (A friend in need is a friend indeed );

    Stupid feet curse in old age. (A smart head is revered from a young age);

    In my homeland, winter is also beautiful.(On the other side, even spring is not red);

    Great idleness is worse than tiny business.(A small deed is better than a big idleness) ;

    The incompetent is not afraid of idleness.(The master's work is afraid);

    Siskin is treated to novels.(The nightingale is not fed fables);

    A smart person doesn't hear someone close.(A fool is afraid of a fool);

    The devil will tell everyone, the hog will eat it.(God won’t give it away, the pig won’t eat it).

2 TOUR “In one word”. Replace the sayings with one word.

    To the backyard.(Refuse);

    Tuck it into your belt.(Win);

    Under Tsar Gorokh.(For a long time);

    At least roll a ball.(There is nothing);

    Easy to remember.(Appeared quickly);

    In the middle of nowhere.(Far);

    There's nowhere for the apple to fall.(Closely);

    Out of the blue.(Suddenly);

    Neither to the village nor to the city.(Inadvertently).

ROUND 3 “Where does the proverb come from?” Where did the proverb come from?

    The beaten one is not lucky. (From the fairy tale “The Fox and the Wolf”);

    Some are tops, some are roots. (From the fairy tale “The Man and the Bear”);

    And Vaska listens and eats. (From I. Krylov’s fable “The Cat and the Cook”);

    And nothing has changed. (From I. Krylov’s fable “Swan, Pike and Cancer”);

    And the casket simply opened. (From I. Krylov’s fable “Larch”).

ROUND 4 “What is the proverb about?” Identify the themes of the proverbs:

“Industriousness”, “Stupidity”, “Friendship”, “Motherland”, “Teaching”, “Negligent”, “Cowardice”, etc.

List of proverbs:

From your native land - die, don’t leave

Your own land is sweet in a handful

Every pine tree makes noise in its own forest

The bird that doesn't like its nest is stupid

Sell ​​your caftan and buy a letter

The root of the teaching is bitter, but the fruit is sweet

First there's the science and the beeches, and then the sciences

To teach the foolish to pour water into a bottomless tub

A rolling stone gathers no moss

See the tree in its fruits, and see the people in their deeds

The work is bitter, but the bread is sweet

Two are plowing, and seven are waving their arms

The head is thick, but the head is empty

The forehead is like a shovel, but the mind is not rich

They are afraid of wolves - do not go into the forest

6. Summing up .

We give marks for the best answers and comments in the lesson.


What role do proverbs and sayings play in speech?


Thus, proverbs and sayings are a source of folk wisdom, rooted in the distant past. Proverbs and sayings accompany a person throughout his life. They are dedicated to the Motherland and work, learning and laziness, health and nature, parents and friends. Thanks to their accuracy and simplicity, proverbs are easy to learn in childhood and are perceived as a norm of life. Proverbs and sayings enrich and decorate a person’s speech and develop imagination.


Illustrate a proverb or saying.

Small folklore genres include works that are small in volume: proverbs, sayings, signs, riddles, jokes, proverbs, tongue twisters, puns. These genres in scientific literature are called paremias (from the Greek paroimia - parable1).

Proverbs and sayings, as works of folk art, are close to each other in their artistic characteristics.

Russian folklorists tried to determine what proverbs and sayings are back in the 19th century. F.I. Buslaev considered proverbs and sayings as artistic works of the native word, expressing the life of the people, their common sense and moral interests.

N.V. Gogol saw in them the result of popular ideas about life in its various manifestations.

IN AND. Dahl understood the proverb as “judgment, sentence, teaching.” In his Explanatory Dictionary he gave the following definition:

“A proverb is a short saying, a lesson, more in the form of a parable, an allegory, or in the form of an everyday sentence; a proverb is an individual of the language, of folk speech, it is not composed, but is born on its own; it is the walking mind of the people; it turns into a proverb or a simple figure of speech ".

A proverb, according to Dahl’s definition, is: “a coherent short speech, current among the people, but not constituting a complete proverb; teaching, in accepted - current expressions; a conventional turn of phrase, a common way of expressing oneself.”

The general characteristics of proverbs and sayings include brevity, conciseness, stability, and widespread use. Both proverbs and sayings can be defined as poetic, polysemantic, widely used in speech, stable short expressions that have figurative meanings.

Proverbs and sayings reflect folk wisdom, a moral set of rules of life. They represent broad layers of life and are educational in orientation. They enshrine the experience of the people. The topics of proverbs and sayings are very diverse. They express an understanding of the foundations of life, historical events, family relationships, love and friendship, condemn human vices and praise virtues (sobriety, modesty, intelligence, hard work) as well as other moral qualities of a person.

3. Riddle as a genre, its features.

Riddle, a genre of folk poetry among all peoples of the world; a poetic, often allegorical description of an object or phenomenon. In ancient times it had a cult significance and was associated with beliefs and rituals that prohibited calling objects by their proper names. Later, the Riddle acquires mostly aesthetic and cognitive significance. Serves to test ingenuity. The riddles are distinguished by their variety of themes and richness artistic techniques, they are characterized by compositional clarity, rhyme, the presence of rhythm, and sound writing. In the Riddle there are comic elements that have a social meaning: “The pope is standing low, there are a hundred rizok on it” (cabbage). The riddle is widely included in other genres of folklore, as well as in literature.

Riddles are one of the artistic manifestations of oral folk poetry. IN AND. Dahl wrote that a riddle is “an allegory or hints, a roundabout speech, a circumlocution, a brief allegorical description of an object offered for the solution.”

Folklorists define a riddle as “an allegorical image of objects or phenomena of reality, which is proposed to be guessed.”

There are allegory riddles, description riddles, question riddles, task riddles.

A riddle usually consists of two parts: a riddle (question) and a riddle (answer), which are interconnected. Their topics are varied and closely related to the life and work of the people: nature, the world of animals and plants, labor activity, tools. They change as life changes.

Back in the 19th century D.N. Sadovnikov in the collection “Riddles of the Russian People” presented riddles on the topics: housing, household, yard, vegetable garden, garden, agricultural work, forest, earth and sky, etc. They give an idea of ​​the life and work activity of the Russian person.

A riddle as an artistic phenomenon presupposes a kind of dialogue (one riddles, the other guesses). The riddle contains an allegory (“without arms, without legs, but the gate opens” - the wind). It can be constructed in the form of a question (“what is visible only at night?” - stars). Riddles can be based on dialogues: – Is it black? - No, red. - Why white? – Because it’s green (red currants). The guessed item may contain an element of negation:

- Round, not a month, Yellow, not butter, With a tail, not a mouse. (Turnip)

Riddles use different means and techniques of artistic expression: comparisons (“black like a beetle, green like an onion, spinning like a demon, turning into the forest” - magpie), metaphors (“five sheep eat up a stack, five sheep run away” - hands), hyperbole (“the mother has twenty children, all the children are the same year” - a hen with chicks).

Riddles can be simple or complex. In simple riddles, one image is drawn (“without arms, without legs, climbs onto the wall” - opara). IN difficult riddles some action or event is depicted, therefore their composition contains a descriptive part, maybe a monologue or dialogue (“the violin creaks, the queen rides, asks to spend the night: “I can’t live forever, I can spend the night for one night: the pickers will come, they will lay out my bones, my body in they will throw the shaft, and steal the soul to heaven" - threshing bread) 5. Objects in the dialogues are depicted allegorically: ("Black cinder, where did you go?" - "Be silent, twist, spin, you'll be there!" - conversation between the grip and the broom).

In riddles, depicting the world, poeticizing it, teaching to see the unusual in the ordinary, poetry in everyday life, the people created examples of unsurpassed folk art of the word.