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Ukrainian myths about Russian special forces. Novorossiya special department in contact Novorossiya special department

The Ukrainian information space was filled with panic messages about “Russian special forces” operating on the territory of Novorossiya, which occasionally replaced the victorious reports of the military leaders of the Ukrainian army about the “destruction” of another “group” special purpose GRU-FSB.”

Let’s try to figure out whether the authorities are again “hiding something” and whether there are new soldiers of the “unknown war” in Russia.

In general, the current leaders of Ukraine are far from the first to explain the reasons for military defeats by some external and insurmountable factors.

Let’s not look far for examples - the Wehrmacht generals in their memoirs also liked to attribute the reasons for the failures of the German army in the battles of Moscow and Stalingrad to the excessively cold Russian winters. True, bashfully keeping silent about why the Wehrmacht units lost the battles on Kursk Bulge, which took place in the summer of 1943. Apparently then the heat prevented them from defeating the Red Army in the decisive battle.

But let's return to modern Ukraine. The myth about “Russian special forces” allegedly taking part in the Ukrainian events was born back in the days when the majority of Ukrainians were twirling their fingers at their temples in response to warnings that everything that was happening on the Maidan in Kiev could easily result in civil war, A harmless the actions of “their children,” which consisted of throwing Molotov cocktails at police units and setting car tires on fire, found understanding, sympathy and support from ordinary people who watched this bloody performance.

According to versions of a number of Ukrainian media, dated January-April 2014, Putinpersonallysent riot police units to Ukraine, who, dressed in the uniform of the special unit of the Ukrainian police “Berkut”, bludgeoned on the Maidan unfortunate hipsters, crackers and football fans. Ukrinform went even further in developing entertaining Ukrainian mythology and Russian participation in the suppression of the Maidan: according to their version, Putin himself (the President of Russia, if anyone doesn’t know, is a specially protected person), again itself personallyfencing with a rubber baton on the backfighters for cookies from Nordland and European integrationwhile using judo techniques.

Let's leave it to the conscience of Ukrainian journalists reliability this information. The President of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov answered them best: if the Chechen riot police really were in Kyiv, then the protesters from the Maidan would have cleaned up the garbage after themselves...

It would be something to laugh at, in a word, if Ukrainian creators of sensations did not go further and, after the start of the “Anti-Terrorist Operation” in the southeast of the country, did not fill the information space with messages about Russian special forces units allegedly taking an active part in hostilities on the territory of Novorossiya. Although specialists, at least somewhat familiar with the activities of special forces, such inflamed The news only evokes malicious grins; there are also those who completely take it on faith. Moreover, they are often voiced by persons related to Ukrainian law enforcement agencies. The US State Department has already begun to look for traces of the boots of Russian special forces on Ukrainian territory, and the Russian soldiers' mothers delayed the usual since the Chechen wars song with familiar motifs about “morgues littered with corpses” of unfortunate conscript soldiers.

So are Russian units involved in the events taking place in Ukraine or not? In order to understand this issue, you first need to understand what it is Special Forces and what he actually does. An officer of the Russian special forces, Andrei Vladimirovich Zagortsev, who is already familiar from the article about exposing the Ukrainian myth about “captured paratroopers,” will help us answer this question. After reading his stories based on real life, real, and not the mythical special forces, including its combat use, even a layman far from the army can easily come to the understanding that fighting, which are conducted by the Novorossiya militias, have nothing in common with the tactics and practice of using special forces.

Themselves special forces in Russian law enforcement agencies there are several varieties, very different in their functionality and possible application. It is clear that police special forces as part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have the same tasks, units of the FSB TsSN have completely different ones, in the Ministry of Justice - third ones, and within the armed forces - fourth ones. In the early 90s, in the Russian law enforcement agencies there was a general enthusiasm for creating various kinds of “special forces”, which in fact often simply were not such, since the prefix “ specialist-” it was customary, for the sake of “coolness,” to be added to the name of almost any more or less prepared units. In the First Chechen War, special forces units of almost all Russian security forces were actually used. This was due, on the one hand, to the catastrophic shortage of personnel trained for combat operations in the armed forces and internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, on the other hand, the use of elite special forces in combined arms combat, for example, during the storming of Pervomaisky in January 1996, led to the fact that they when using “not according to the profile” of the main tasks and functions, but instead of ordinary army units, they suffered serious losses and never fully completed the assigned task.

So what do army special forces do and are the actions of the militia in southeast Ukraine similar to the actions of special forces?

Here we will talk only about special forces of the armed forces, since similar units in other structures, for example in the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, have tasks that are very far from actions against military units of a mock enemy, accordingly, their combat and operational training is “tailored” to the specific specifics of the tasks performed tasks - for example, for the detention of especially dangerous criminals. You can read about how special forces operate from the already mentioned Zagortsev: in the first Chechen company, his unit carried out highly specialized targeted tasks, mainly avoiding, if possible, clashes with large formations of militants. A special forces battle against a large enemy formation is rather a forced situation that occurs if, while performing its main task, the special forces encounter head-on enemy forces and cannot avoid open combat. In such situations, it is very likely that a small and lightly armed group of a special forces unit, having limited ammunition and maneuverability, due to the lack of vehicles and heavy weapons, will simply be destroyed - since hand-to-hand combat techniques, under-barrel grenade launchers and a small number of anti-tank weapons - It is practically useless to use against artillery, mortars or large numbers of enemy armored vehicles. Functionally, army special forces operate behind enemy lines, conducting reconnaissance, disabling military communications facilities, capturing headquarters, airfields, and destroying warehouses with weapons and ammunition. This does not represent any particular secret, since the actions of the army special forces have been repeatedly described by many authors who at different times were involved in its activities, starting from “Viktor” Rezun-Suvorov, beloved by the liberals, ending with excerpts from the functionality and tasks published on veteran websites that well illustrate the specifics use of special purpose units.

Nothing like deep raids, seizures of headquarters, targeted neutralization of representatives of the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, large-scale destruction of transport infrastructure and communications in the rear of the forces conducting the “anti-terrorist operation”, according to the same Ukrainian media reports, was observed in the south-east of Ukraine during the hostilities. The militias fought not through guerrilla tactics and deep raids into enemy territory, but trying, whenever possible, to adhere to combined arms tactics and maneuverable defense - holding settlements and key transport infrastructure facilities. In principle, the combat tactics of the Novorossiya militia fit well into the “classic” actions of irregular paramilitary forces, whose members have military training received during compulsory military service. It had practically no differences from the actions of the rebels in the Transvaal during the Anglo-Boer War of the early 20th century, well described in the history of military art, or the relatively successful confrontation of the paramilitary forces of Dzhokhar Dudayev with the regular units Russian army and the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 1994-1996. It would seem that this has nothing to do with it FSB-GRU special forces, whose actions are widespread illuminated in the Ukrainian media?

And most likely, given that the current Ukrainian politicians and generals of the Armed Forces of Ukraine simply ashamed admit actual defeat , which was inflicted on them by the militia forces, which are staffed by ordinary Donetsk and Lugansk citizens who received military training back in Soviet time, or as part of the Ukrainian army in the 90s, when the armed forces of Ukraine were engaged not in politics and the sale of property, but in combat training. And write off the losses to presence third force, be it General Moroz or the mythical Russian special forces, which have already been destroyed several times by airsoft fans, is much easier and simpler than looking for answers to the questions of who is actually fighting and for whom in the South-East of Ukraine.

In conclusion, it is worth adding that as part of the New Russia militia, people of very different “origins” fought and are fighting. Among them there are also those who at different times served in special forces units, and not only Russian or Ukrainian.

For example, Nikola Perovic, a Serb by nationality, has been fighting in Novorossiya as a volunteer since June of this year. He actually served in the special forces. Just not Russian, but French. He served in Afghanistan and has military decorations. But for some reason, the Ukrainian media, based on this fact, are in no hurry to look for traces of the French special forces sent personally by Francois Hollande to the territory of Novorossiya.

It would be interesting to know, but in fact, Why?


Somehow I decided to put together operational (chronologically arranged) reports about the “heroic” defeats of the Banderlogs from the Armed Forces of the resurgent Novorossiya in Slavyansk ...

Operational Primary Sources:

01 - Refined (confirmed) LOSSES OF ARMORED VEHICLES of Banderlogs on the South-Eastern Front of New Russia for the period from May 2 to May 22, 2014 - are given here :
02 - Refined (confirmed) LOSSES of Aviation Equipment (helicopters, airplanes - aircraft) banderlogs on the South-Eastern Front of New Russia for the period from May 2 to May 22, 2014 - are given here : .
03 - Refined (confirmed) total losses of banderlogs in Personnel for the period from May 2 to May 16, 2014 - are given here :
According to the above author's research:

1. Updated (detail) Banderlog losses -cumulative total according to condition on 05/24/2014 . are given here :

Killed and wounded:

min. 761 people

2. Weekly operational summary of banderlog losses :
Losses for the period May 19-25, 2014

For May 24 - (-) 0 Banderlog (LPR militias took possession of BRDM-RKh, two KAMAZ vehicles, GAZ-66 and UAZ-469 vehicles, I.I. Strelkov’s militias - Destroyed (burned out) 1 armored personnel carrier, knocked out another)
For May 23 - (-) 17 Banderlog (2 infantry fighting vehicles were destroyed, a T-64 tank was knocked out, 11 enemy fighters were destroyed - NC, many were wounded, killed 6 and wounded 9 PS Kolomoisky)
For May 22 - (-) 61 banderlog = 53 (Olginka) + 5 PSov ( Ugledar ) + 3 (Lisichansk, military 1/2)(18 soldiers of the Perekop-Kharkov Prague-Volyn 51st mechanized brigade were killed and 35 were wounded, captured by the LPR 3 BMP-2; 2 burnt BMP 51st MB), 4 (6) burnt armored personnel carriers in Lisichansk (LPR))
For May 21 - (-) 15 Banderlog ( Krasny Liman - 12 wounded, 2 infantry fighting vehicles and 2 mortars damaged, 3 Ukrainian military personnel - Lisichansk )
For May 20 -(-) 50 banderlogs PS-National Guard
For May 19 - (-) 10 banderlogs - 4 soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine + 6 PS-National Guard (Kharkov)

Source (Situation in Ukraine on the eve of the elections. ITAR-TASS infographics):

3. Losses* (actually destroyed or disabled/damaged) in Military technology -cumulative total (as of May 24, 2014) :

4. Losses (actually captured by the militias of the DPR and LPR as war trophies) banderlogs of serviceable Military Equipment - cumulative total (as of May 22, 2014) - for May 24, 2014
05/24/2014 .
Added: Today at 19:37

At night, our detachment attacked a checkpoint near the village. Seleznevka (about two kilometers east of Slavyansk - north of Semenovka. 1 armored personnel carrier was destroyed (burned out), another 1 armored personnel carrier was knocked out . Our losses are 1 volunteer.

Today at 17.30 we carried out (as promised - the artillery positions were located outside the city) combined strikes on two enemy groups in the village of Kombikormovy and at the BZS checkpoint. The main efforts were concentrated on the latter - 90 minutes of 82-mm and 25 Nona shells. There was a little hell there - a gas station exploded almost immediately... There were several detonations of ammunition (they had a lot of things there and one of the headquarters of the National Guard was located there). It seems that the Ukrainians have losses and, I hope, considerable ones. Moreover, we had never fired artillery at them during the day at this point and they felt very at ease there.

The artillery of the invincible Ukrainian army at Karachun (and not only there) missed the advance of the column and the shelling itself and was unable to fire a single shot until our batteries were removed from their positions. However, judging by where they belatedly started shooting, they didn’t find our firing position at all.

Over the course of 24 hours, another 80 volunteers came to us, including about 10 from Russia.
Extra video! Shelling of Slavyansk by Ukrainian security forces

On December 5, representatives of the Sevastopol Cossacks, among whom was Vladimir Drevetnyak, gathered at the Government building.

In January, Vladimir Grigorievich, along with other patriotic public figures, restored the monument to Kazarsky, desecrated by vandals

Then he and I, a former naval officer, captain of the third rank, and in civilian life a specialist in working with stone, a deputy of the municipality of the Gagarinsky district, met.

During the past year, almost no public event in Sevastopol takes place without Cossacks. Now we have brighter reasons for getting ready. Today the issue of the inclusion of the Cossacks (how many of them there will be, what kind of troops, what it will look like) is being decided on the Council of the Governor of Sevastopol for the Cossacks.

Namely, what troops do you belong to?

We have the Sevastopol special department (regiment) of the Terek Cossack army. The command - the ataman - of this army, which is located in Vladikavkaz, officially recognized us and brought us the banner of the Sevastopol special department of the Terek Cossack army. We have a seal, everything is as it should be.

I am the chieftain, at the same time the deputy for the rear of this regiment, plus the chieftain of the Gagarin hundred. (Hundreds are the battalions into which the regiment is divided). In total there are five district hundreds in Sevastopol. Our army is the largest and one of the most combative. In general, there are many different Cossack troops in Sevastopol. We have all gathered now and will decide our organizational issues: what departments there will be, who will occupy what positions and whether they will occupy them, and so on.

Will the question of helping Novorossiya be raised there?

Many people call me and talk about this. I will try to raise this issue. But in my personal opinion, while official representatives of the government, big government people in Russia at the official level, clearly should not take part in this today. Just as citizens, as private individuals, if they want, then yes.

Can you somehow explain this, give reasons?

Yes, definitely. Firstly, the most unpleasant thing is the attitude towards this situation in the world, the desire of the world community to influence Russia in this conflict. Therefore, I would not give another reason for now. As they say, the dog barks, the caravan moves on. We are doing our job. Russia's support in this matter is simply decisive. Without her, nothing would have happened. Therefore, it is better to do more and talk less about it, especially on camera. Everything will happen as usual.

Tell me, please, what kind of participation do the people of Sevastopol, ordinary people, take in this? ordinary people?

It is difficult to overestimate him. Just imagine: sending just one person to a training camp costs 1,600 rubles. This is how much a bus ticket costs. And now we have two battalions sent there. Sevastopol residents support us with things, food, medicine, vehicles, fuel and, of course, money. And you need to top up your phone account and buy some accessories... This can only be done with cash. It's difficult. Not everyone believes that the money will go where it is needed. But the people of Sevastopol and people from mainland Russia, who trust me personally and my comrades, transfer money and help. Low bow to them. Without them, nothing would have happened, and so many Sevastopol residents would not have fought for a just cause.

Where should those who want to provide humanitarian assistance through your Department go?

It is best to get information from the Sevastopol forum:
Theme: "Help to New Russia (Zheleznyakov)."

A participant in the “Sevastopol Ritual”, who raised a lot of funds to help the fighting Novorossiya, Vitaly Kalfa, joins our conversation.

He believes that outreach efforts to provide humanitarian assistance should be more active. “How many people go online, and specifically to the Forum?” he asks. “A minority. And many want to help, but don’t know how.”

People need to be woken up, as was the case in March, on the eve of the referendum. After all, any family can provide all possible help. But for this, in my opinion, there must be a call from influential political forces. For example, such as the political council of the United Russia party, the Sevastopol branch of the ONF. How do you think?

Interested in social activist.

The Russian spring began in winter, even during the Anti-Maidan. And then the whole of Sevastopol - thanks to our Sevastopol Forum - began to organize various organizations: "Rubezh", Smooborona, DND and many others. - Vladimir Drevetnyak explains. - That is, this was not decided overnight, but Novorossiya happened quickly, and the Cossacks sometimes have to act spontaneously. Of our five battalions, including training ones, two are fighting in Novorossiya. This is quite a lot for our army. I believe that it is not we who should deal with appeals. The organization of assistance, including information, should probably be provided by those whose competence it is. I'm used to being responsible only for my area of ​​work. You yourself can contact the United Russia political council. And the Cossacks did their job, and will do it. And in general, the whole of Russia is participating in helping Novorossiya, which gives great effect and significance.

At the end of our conversation, I asked Vladimir Grigorievich a rather frivolous question: “Do militias often use strong words?” :No more than in ordinary life. - He answered. - And you know what’s interesting? The guys from the Caucasus fighting for Novorossiya, of whom there are quite a lot there, do not swear at all. And they don't drink alcohol. In any case, I didn’t come across any drinkers.”

You could see how the Koshevoy’s eyes lit up at the moment when he started talking about specific people!

Caucasians are generally very interesting guys, desperate. I really liked the Chechens. Hot, brave. The people there generally be healthy. There are more than two hundred Sevastopol residents in our regiment. Of course, there are many Cossacks: Kuban, Rostov, Don. There are many volunteers from Samara, Chita, Yekaterinburg, and Transbaikalia... Our people are very motivated spiritually. We will not let the residents of Novorossiya either starve or freeze. We will all fight until victory, which I am convinced! - will be behind us.

After the meeting, we called Vladimir Grigorievich, and he said that he was very pleased with the results.

At the beginning of next week, our Cossacks are leaving for the front line again:

This is what is written under this photo on the Sevforum: “Before you are the commanders of guns, combat vehicles, artillery installations, rocket systems... I will keep a photo report on our movement to Novorossiya. Today in Sevastopol. No other outcome except Victory of Russia, somehow I don’t remember. We too will defeat Zheleznyakov.”

Help for the ARMY of Novorossiya:

BIC 044525607
INN - 7701105460
Corr. sch. 30101810400000000607
Persons sch. 40817810440030071452
Drevetnyak Vladimir Grigorievich
Tel. +7-978-74-64-669
Sberbank card 67619600 0411546220
Rub. Yandex wallet 410011376535204

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On Sunday night, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) released the protocol of the agreement to resolve the crisis in Ukraine. The participants of the trilateral contact group that met in Minsk signed a 12-point document: ex-president Ukraine and the special envoy of the current President Poroshenko Leonid Kuchma, the leaders of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics Alexander Zakharchenko and Igor Plotnitsky, the Russian Ambassador to Kiev Mikhail Zurabov, as well as the official representative of the current OSCE Chairman on the settlement of the situation in Ukraine Heidi Tagliavini.

Here is the full text of the Minsk Protocol:

1. Ensure an immediate bilateral cessation of the use of weapons.

2. Ensure monitoring and verification by the OSCE of the non-use of weapons regime.

3. Carry out decentralization of power, including through the adoption of the Law of Ukraine “On the temporary order of local self-government in certain areas of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions” (Law on Special Status).

4. Ensure ongoing monitoring on the Ukrainian-Russian state border and verification by the OSCE with the creation of a security zone in the border areas of Ukraine and the Russian Federation.

5. Immediately release all hostages and illegally detained persons.

6. Adopt a law to prevent the prosecution and punishment of persons in connection with the events that took place in certain areas of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine.

7. Continue inclusive national dialogue.

8. Take measures to improve the humanitarian situation in Donbass.

9. Ensure the holding of early local elections in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On the temporary order of local self-government in certain areas of Donetsk and Lugansk regions” (Law on Special Status).

10. Withdraw illegal armed groups, military equipment, as well as militants and mercenaries from the territory of Ukraine.

11. Adopt a program for the economic revival of Donbass and restoration of the region’s vital activity.

12. Provide guarantees of personal safety for consultation participants.


Igor Plotnitsky: “We need the Russian language and contacts with Russia”

Head of Lugansk people's republic in an interview with "" he told what conditions the militias have, and what things raise questions.


The people's republics supported the protocol jointly developed by the contact group for the speedy implementation of points on the cessation of the use of weapons, on monitoring, on the release of hostages, on improving the humanitarian situation in the Donbass and Luhansk region, on the program for restoring the life of our regions. These points, in our opinion, are aimed at implementing the plan to resolve the conflict, announced by Russian President Vladimir Putin on September 3. Regarding other points of the protocol, we have more questions than answers. But we agreed to include them in the protocol so as not to slow down the start of the peace process.


We are satisfied that the adoption of a law on the special status of Donbass and Luhansk region is envisaged, and the holding of free elections in our republics is guaranteed. The people themselves will decide who should govern the Donetsk and Lugansk lands. It will decide regardless of military and information pressure from Kyiv. This law should not only give freedom to people’s self-government, but also secure the right of the residents of our republics to independently form people’s detachments of armed citizens to protect public order. This law should provide for the possibility of building relations with Ukraine on a contractual basis. It should record the status of the Russian language and Ukraine’s obligations not to interfere with the free economic ties of our republics with Russia ().


Kyiv is bringing fresh forces to Donbass

The leaders of the DPR and LPR asked the OSCE to monitor the implementation of the Minsk agreements by the Ukrainian side

“We expect that the OSCE will provide impartial international control over compliance with the ceasefire, as well as objective monitoring of the situation in Ukraine,” says the joint address of Alexander Zakharchenko and Igor Plotnitsky. “We consider it extremely important to achieve an end to the bloodshed and prevent a humanitarian catastrophe in the southeastern regions.”

Meanwhile, the militias have already noted several cases of violation of the truce by the Ukrainian side. Almost immediately after the ceasefire was announced, punitive forces fired at militia positions in Gorlovka and Amvrosievka. They hit Dzerzhinsk, Donetsk and the outskirts of Mariupol.

In addition, Novorossiya points out that Kyiv is using the truce to properly prepare for the next attack on Donbass. “Manpower has been brought in from Slavyansk,” said one of the militia commanders, Igor Bezler. - More than 500 units of equipment: Kamaz trucks, tanks, armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles. Buses transport militants from volunteer battalions, the National Guard and the Right Sector. From the village of Markov Yar, 7 artillery shots were fired at the positions of the militia.” And in Kyiv, it seems, they are in no hurry with refutations. On the contrary, they openly talk about their intentions: “This truce is needed in order to conduct a reconnaissance operation and find out the location of the enemy’s forces, as well as regroup troops,” said Andrei Lysenko, speaker of the information center of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, on one of the Kyiv channels. “Mariupol is and will be Ukrainian,” echoes the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov. - It is currently strengthening. Additional troops have been sent there. Including the 1st Operational Brigade of the National Guard."


What points do you think are missing in the Minsk Agreement?

Franz KLINTSEVICH, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense:

Everything there is thought out quite well, but it is unlikely to be feasible. The most the main problem- this is a conversation about the broad autonomy of Novorossiya within Ukraine. But I don’t think that after so much blood it will end peacefully...

Egor KHOLMOGOROV, publicist, Chief Editor portal "Russian Observer":

The agreement is categorically missing a clause on the creation of an independent tribunal to investigate military and humanitarian crimes. These include crimes in Odessa, crimes in Mariupol, and shelling of residential areas throughout the summer.

Mikhail DELYAGIN, director of the Institute of Globalization Problems:

There is a lack of recognition of reality: Novorossiya itself does not consider these territories to be part of Ukraine, and Nazi Kyiv does not control them.

Alexey MUKHIN, director of the Center for Political Information:

Unfortunately, the US guarantee clause is missing. Otherwise, this whole plan is unlikely to be implemented: it should be taken into account that the Kyiv authorities are strongly affiliated with the notorious “Washington regional committee”. And the United States has its own plan for what will happen in Ukraine in the near future.

Igor NIKOLAEV, director of the FBK Institute for Strategic Analysis:

From an economic point of view, there is no need to add anything to this list. The main thing and priority is for there to be a real ceasefire.

Silanty, reader of the KP.RU website:

The point under which Novorossiya will have the right to introduce its own currency. Why use the hryvnia, which looks like it will soon be equal to the Zimbabwean dollar?

Maria NIKITINA, listener of Radio “KP” (97.2 FM):

It’s not that I don’t have enough, I can’t understand: what can you even negotiate with people whose policy is to lie incessantly? After all, after Kyiv pulls up people and brings in new guns, the rivers of blood will be even more abundant...

Participants in the contact group meeting in Minsk, in addition to a ceasefire and exchange of prisoners, also agreed to give special status to the Donetsk and Lugansk regions and to hold early elections ()

On September 1, a significant event occurred that had been awaited for several months. Negotiations on a ceasefire and peace in the South-East of Ukraine began in Minsk, in which the DPR and LPR acted as an independent entity. Their representatives were included in the Contact Group for the settlement of the Ukrainian crisis, which also includes representatives of the Russian Federation, Ukraine and the OSCE. Personally, these are the Russian Ambassador to Ukraine Mikhail Zurabov, ex-President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma, official representative of the OSCE Chairmanship on the settlement of the situation in Ukraine Heidi Tagliavini, the rebel republics were represented by Deputy Prime Minister of the DPR Andrei Purgin. He submitted a 15-point ceasefire proposal for consideration. However, comments on these proposals have been controversial.

First, information appeared that representatives of Novorossiya demanded the adoption of a special status for Donbass. The media disseminated a commentary by Andrei Purgin, in which he said that “we are talking about the common security space of Ukraine, the DPR and LPR, about the post-war restoration of economic, cultural and social ties with Ukraine and that the DPR and LPR will not lay claim to other territories Ukraine".

These proposals are specified on the Russian Spring portal:

“LPR and DPR demand recognition of the special status of their territories, the end military operation Ukrainian security forces to hold free elections and recognize the status of the Russian language.

They also insist on special status for their armed forces and the right to appoint prosecutors and judges. At the same time, in their opinion, it is necessary to carry out an unconditional amnesty for militia members and all political prisoners.

The LPR and DPR also require a special procedure for conducting foreign economic activity, taking into account deepening integration with Russia and the Customs Union.

If these requirements are met, the LPR and DPR guarantee that “they will make every effort to maintain peace, preserve the single economic, cultural and political space of Ukraine and the entire space of Russian-Ukrainian civilization.”

“For the cessation of the punitive operation, the withdrawal of troops and the formal recognition of the DPR and LPR as part of Ukraine, the republics of Novorossiya will receive de facto independence:

Independent power structures, whatever they are called;

An independent economy, including freedom of foreign economic relations, which means joining the Customs Union and actual merging with the Russian economic space;

Legalization of foreign economic activity, including in relations with Western structures, i.e. the ability to avoid a blockade and boycott of export-import operations;

An independent judiciary;

With actual independence from Kyiv, the opportunity to seriously influence the Ukrainian domestic policy through representation in the Verkhovna Rada and participation in presidential elections;

In addition, conditions will probably be set for the remaining territories of Ukraine, such as the state status of the Russian language in Ukraine, the expansion of powers of the regions, etc.”

In fact, this is an ultimatum to Ukraine, which is unlikely to be accepted by the Ukrainian authorities.

However, later DPR Prime Minister Alexander Zakharchenko refuted the proposals made by Purgin and generally doubted that he could have expressed them.

The information that the DPR and LPR have announced their agreement to remain part of Ukraine is not true, Zakharchenko said on the Russian News Service. “It is unknown where this information came from. Most likely, Kyiv would like it to be like this,” the Donetsk prime minister considered, adding that the republics do not consider it realistic to remain part of Ukraine. He said that DPR representatives were sent to Minsk to consult on the prisoner exchange, “they did not have the authority to make such statements, and they did not make them.”

Then, Deputy Prime Minister of the DPR Andrei Purgin denied the message that appeared in the media about the alleged readiness to preserve a single political space of Ukraine.

“The next meeting will be on the 5th, while we exchanged documents with the Ukrainian side. They conveyed their vision of the situation, and we conveyed ours,” Purgin said. According to the Deputy Prime Minister of the DPR, at the next meeting of the contact group the first steps towards a ceasefire and the issue of exchanging hostages “all for all” will be discussed.

The fact that the next round of negotiations has been postponed until the end of the week plays into the hands of the Novorossiya army. During this time, it can cook the punitive forces in cauldrons, clear airports, liberate the villages of Shchastya and Maryinka, pushing the enemy to a missile-safe distance from Donetsk and Lugansk. Then block the grouping near Debaltsevo in the new cauldron on the northwestern front and thereby open the way to Lisichansk and Severodonetsk along one road line and to Kramatorsk and Slavyansk along the other. At the same time, in the south, Mariupol will be placed under a final blockade. Thus, the rebels will come closer to the complete liberation of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions (at this moment they control about half of their territory).

From these positions, the two unrecognized republics will most likely negotiate with the Ukrainian authorities on September 5. If President Petro Poroshenko remains stubborn here, the advance of the militia army will continue, and then the talk at the 3rd round of negotiations will be about stopping the advance of the Novorossiya army into neighboring regions in exchange for recognition of a “special status” or the creation of a demarcation line.

There is no doubt that the proposal for a “special status” was made. It’s just that Purgin hastened to make it public - it apparently was an unspoken message. Officially, the negotiator had to talk about the exchange of prisoners of war. Therefore, Zakharchenko had to refute his words, just as Purgin later did - himself.

Despite the fact that the DPR and LPR propose to remain part of Ukraine, this status is strategically beneficial to both the unrecognized republics and Russia.

In fact, we are talking about a status similar to Transnistria: de facto - an independent state, a protectorate of Russia, but de jure - a republic within Moldova. This confusing situation allows Transnistria to conduct its own policy and trade, independent from Moldova, but coordinated with Russia. But because of this burden, Moldova cannot join the EU, unite with Romania, and especially not join NATO. If the DPR and LPR remain part of Ukraine on the same principles, for the latter this option will be even worse than Transnistria for Moldova. Novorossiya, as a de facto independent state with a strong and strengthened army, being de jure part of Ukraine, can and will have a direct political and military impact on Kyiv and Ukrainian territories. This will lead to a further growth of separatism and the partisan movement in the southern and eastern regions, which were not included in Novorossiya, but were historically part of it. With the escalation of partisanship and the organization of uprisings in these areas, the army of Novorossiya can defend the insurgent people. And this will continue until Ukraine abandons the southern and eastern regions in favor of a new state and recognizes it. Either this wave will reach Kyiv, where the junta will fall and a new government, pro-Russian, will be established.

This scenario is, of course, more desirable for Russia. She might have been satisfied with the Ukrainian breakaway of the DPR and LPR back in May-June, but now she will want to return all of Ukraine to the Russian world.

Naturally, the Ukrainian authorities also see the hidden insidiousness in the “special status”, which is why they will not accept it under any circumstances. It is better for them to immediately abandon the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, rather than to be neighbors with them, having at their side an irreconcilable enemy who harbors a grudge. Therefore, the war will continue until the military forces of Ukraine are technically weakened and morally decayed. Then, again, it will be easier to take all of Ukraine at once rather than in parts. So the situation is still in favor of Novorossiya. The army, hardened in battle and having felt the taste of victory, will not stop. Now stopping the army of Novorossiya is the same as stopping the Red Army’s offensive against Nazi Germany. The enemy must be broken and destroyed. Only such a war could drag on for another year or much longer - how much strength and patience does the United States have to support the puppet government of Ukraine, and Square - financial and human resources.