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Customs will be cleared of Andrei Belyaninov's entourage. Federal Customs Service Who is the head of the Federal Customs Service

They conducted searches and seized documentation from the central office. According to Gazeta.Ru’s interlocutor sources in law enforcement agencies,

Investigative actions within the framework of a criminal case against a St. Petersburg businessman for alcohol smuggling took place at the home of the head of the Federal Customs Service Andrey A and his adviser Lobanov.

“The search operations were carried out both in the offices of these individuals and at their places of residence,” said the interlocutor of Gazeta.Ru. According to him, the investigation has reliable information about their illegal activities related to the protection of smuggling. So, according to the source,

The business cards of the head of the Forum holding, Dmitry Mikhalchenko, were confiscated from Belyaninov’s office.

As Gazeta.Ru found out, searches were carried out at several addresses at once. Thus, operatives searched the house of the head of the Federal Customs Service with an area of ​​1,565 square meters. m, located in the village of Bachurino. They were amazed by the luxurious interiors of the country house of the head of customs.

The walls of the house are decorated with paintings from the 17th-19th centuries; security officials do not exclude the possibility that the paintings are genuine.

Large sums of money in rubles and foreign currency were found at the head’s house, which were kept in shoe boxes. According to security officials, Belyaninov personally took them out from the mezzanine.

Belyaninov explained to investigators that the money found in his house was “family savings.”

“This is exactly the explanation listed in the documents,” said the TV channel’s interlocutor.

In addition, operatives visited three Moscow apartments that belong to Belyaninov. Also, according to sources, his wife owns a land plot with an area of ​​2.5 thousand square meters. m in the Tver region, on which there is a house located right on the banks of the Volga.

The Belyaninovs have at their disposal a pier with a part of the coastline located in a conservation zone.

The head of the Arsenal group of companies was also searched. According to the source, he owns ten apartments, four cars and four non-residential buildings.

“A number of customs officers condoned the import of products, and it was in connection with this that FSB investigators conducted searches and seized documents at workplaces,” says a source in the law enforcement agencies.

Earlier it was reported that FSB officers conducted searches directly in the office of the director of the Federal Customs Service, Andrei Belyaninov, and the head of the Arsenal group of companies, Sergei Lobanov, who previously worked as an adviser to Mr. Belyaninov. At the same time, citing his sources in law enforcement agencies, he notes that FSB officers, “as is customary in such situations, personally notified the head of the FCS, Andrei Belyaninov, about the event.”

“No claims were made against any of the service employees,” the source claims.

The FCS press service refused to comment on the investigative activities taking place in the central office building.

A criminal case in connection with the illegal supply of elite alcohol was opened in the spring of this year against St. Petersburg billionaire Dmitry Mikhalchenko, as well as co-owner of the company Contrail Logistics North-West, general director of the South-Eastern Trading Company and deputy general director of Forum Boris Korevsky.

According to investigators,

businessmen organized illegal supplies of elite alcohol to Russia through the port of Ust-Luga under the guise of construction sealant.

So, in 2015, Mikhalchenko and his accomplices purchased alcoholic beverages in stores on the territory. The cost of one bottle ranged from 10 thousand to 20 thousand rubles, and the cost of one container of products - from 1.7 million rubles. Fake documents were prepared for the products, after which the alcohol was sold to stores.

In addition, during searches at the port, FSB officers found several hundred bottles of the exclusive 1912 Courvoisier cognac worth about 500 thousand rubles in opened containers. a piece. Also, at the Ust-Luga port terminal, about a hundred containers with sanctioned meat products, which were imported into Russia under the guise of potato chips, were seized.

A criminal case was opened against Mikhalchenko under Part 3 of Art. 200.2 of the Criminal Code of Russia (smuggling of alcoholic beverages in an organized group on a particularly large scale). He is currently under arrest.

“It is clear that businessmen could not act without the help of customs officers, and in connection with this the searches at the Federal Customs Service were connected,” says the interlocutor of Gazeta.Ru.

The last two were considered Dmitry Mikhalchenko’s trusted people. Meanwhile, Dmitry Mikhalchenko’s business has always been closely connected with (FSO). His business partner Nikolai Negodov worked in the FSB in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region in the 1990s. During those same years, the former head of the Federal Security Service (FSO), who retired this year, also worked in the same regional department.

In 2007, by decision of the government, FSUE Ateks, which acted as a general contractor for the construction and repair of government facilities, was transferred to the jurisdiction of the FSO. And people close to Dmitry Mikhalchenko who had previously worked in his business structures were appointed as the heads of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise.

It was through the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Atex of the Federal Security Service of Russia that the Baltstroy company began to receive its first large contracts.

Today, according to the Kontur.Focus database, the co-founders of Baltstroy JSC are Alexander Testov. The manager of the company is Alexander Kochenov (arrested in the case of restorers), and the general director is businessman Dmitry Sergeev, who is now also arrested. Over the past year, the company won 48 tenders worth 14 billion rubles. In total, since 2010, Baltstroy’s portfolio includes 253 government orders worth 71 billion rubles. At the same time, according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities database, until 2015 Baltstroy was a closed joint stock company.

By the way, Dmitry Mikhalchenko was one of the key partners of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Passport and Visa Service” of the Federal Migration Service of Russia. For example, on the website of the passport and visa center it is indicated that services for issuing foreign passports are provided by Document Preparation Center LLC, a structure of the Forum holding.

) - a federal executive body that, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, carries out the functions of control and supervision in the field of customs affairs, as well as the functions of a currency control agent and special functions to combat smuggling, other crimes and administrative offenses.

On May 11, 2006, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the Federal Customs Service was transferred to the subordination of the Government of the Russian Federation. Previously, the Federal Customs Service of Russia was subordinate to the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade.

Functions of the Federal Customs Service

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 26, 2006 No. 459, the FCS is assigned the following main functions:

  • maintaining registers of persons, organizations and objects included in the field of customs affairs (customs brokers, intellectual property, etc.)
  • issuance of certificates and permits for the right to operate in certain areas of customs affairs
  • determination of the procedure and direct implementation of customs clearance and control
  • classification of goods in accordance with the commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity (TN FEA) (as well as maintaining the TN FEA), determination of the country of origin and customs value of goods and vehicles transported across the customs border of the Russian Federation
  • law enforcement activities - combating offenses in the field of customs affairs
  • some advisory services provided free of charge to participants in foreign economic activity

Particularly highlighted is the function of collecting customs payments - customs duties and customs fees. Along with internal taxes and revenues from the management of state property, customs payments are one of the main types of federal budget revenues. Thus, in January 2008, customs authorities transferred 274.77 billion rubles to the federal budget.

Territorial structure of the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation

  • Regional customs departments (corresponding to the federal districts of the Russian Federation)
  • Regional customs (often, but not always, corresponding to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation)
  • Customs posts
  • Customs of central subordination (for example, customs of Moscow airports, Central Excise Customs, etc.)

Information Technology


2013: The arrears of Russian customs amounted to $40 billion

In 2013 alone, the Russian budget received $40 billion less from customs, scientists from the Russian Academy of Sciences calculated using the methodology they developed, RBC reports. The use of this methodology made it possible to identify significant discrepancies in foreign trade data on imports and exports.

The scientists who conducted the research used, in particular, data from the customs and banking currency control system of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the “mirror statistics” method. By comparing the total amount of payments and the invoice value of imports and exports of goods from Russia declared by customs authorities, scientists determined the total amount of undervaluation when declared, and then used the “mirror statistics” method to check the primary data.

According to the Federal Customs Service, in 2013, 6 trillion 564.56 billion rubles were transferred to the federal budget. In 2014, customs collections increased by almost 7 percent - to 7 trillion rubles. In January-February 2015, the Federal Customs Service reduced payments to the budget by 20 percent compared to the same period a year earlier.

The Federal Customs Service accounts for approximately half of all federal budget revenues. The Russian federal budget deficit in 2015 is projected at three percent

Vladimir Bulavin has always been a man of his word. He promised himself, his wife, his mistress to become a billionaire and... he became. Naturally, not in dollars, but only in rubles, but there is so much power in your hands and the work is not dusty. The total wealth of Vladimir Ivanovich Bulavin, according to the data of the “non-corrupt official” Navalny, is 2.5 billion rubles. Not much, as for an old-timer, you will say, but not little, you will agree.

Customs is one of the most corrupt places in Russia. Just imagine the volumes of goods transported daily, as well as the volumes of contraband that are already found on store shelves. We must understand that this is a serious business, which is built according to a vertical scheme - cash flows from ordinary employees go up, and then accumulate in apartments, similar to the one that was maintained by the previous head of the Federal Customs Service Andrei Belyaninov.

Economic security, like the filling of the Russian budget, largely depends on the federal customs service. Everything that crosses the border and enters Russia for the purpose of further sale is first encountered by customs officers, writes the website

Taking into account Russian realities, it is easy to understand that the Federal Customs Service could not help but turn into a breeding ground for corruption. At customs posts and at airports, wherever customs officers exercised control, legends arose about “stable taxes” - how much in dollars employees charged for transporting contraband in a given volume. Ordinary customs officers play the role of “runners”, directly receiving money from smugglers, then, as in a pyramid, the money goes up to the customs management.

But this is only a version, while the actual facts will be even more terrible. Until 2016, he headed the Federal Customs Service Andrey Belyaninov. Mr. Belyaninov was one of the key characters in shaping the sad image of customs.

Although he resigned of his own free will, this event was nevertheless preceded by something else. Namely, searches in the office and two private houses, during which they found 60 million rubles and jewelry. Considering that the official salary of the head of the Federal Customs Service in Russia barely reaches 45 thousand, it is not difficult to understand that the general’s income is unearned. Even taking into account all the regalia and rank.

Andrey Belyaninov got away unscathed

Thus, Belyaninov left a thoroughly corrupt department that had truly rotted “from the top down.” He was replaced by an FSB general, a security officer, the same age as Vladimir Putin, and in general, who, at first glance, has a lot in common with the president Vladimir Bulavin. Before this, Bulavin held the position of plenipotentiary representative in the Northwestern Federal District, and all of his earlier career dates back to the KGB and the FSB.

Vladimir Bulavin has been getting richer every year since taking office

It is not difficult to understand that Vladimir Bulavin’s primary task as head of the Federal Customs Service, to which he received his appointment on July 28, 2016, was to restore order. The general himself spoke about this in passing, noting that his work directly affects the security of the state, as well as the budget. And these two factors are fundamental for the government and the president in the current foreign policy conditions. So it’s difficult to overestimate Bulavin’s mission.

Who is he - Bulavin Vladimir Ivanovich?

True, in the almost full two years that Vladimir Bulavin has been in office, a real revolution has not happened in the department. They began to talk less out loud about the scale of corruption, and it would be strange if such “subtle matters” became the subject of idle conversations.

But what is much more surprising is that Vladimir Bulavin was unable to reduce the conflict between the Federal Customs Service and the FSB to zero, although it would seem difficult to find a more ideal performer for this role. Moreover, the tension between departments has only worsened...

The old security officer is not in authority?

The changes in the leadership of the Federal Customs Service are intended not so much to pacify smuggling as to end the chaotic conflict between customs and the Federal Security Service. The fact that the FSB is the most influential security agency in Russia has already been proven. But the former chief customs officer, with one sweeping gesture, gave the FSB a slap on the wrist, which led to subsequent reshuffles.

Born in 1970 in the city of Arkalyk

Turgai region of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In 1991 he graduated from the Higher Border Command School of the KGB of the USSR named after. F.E. Dzerzhinsky

From 1991 to 1998 he served in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR and the Russian Federation, from 1999 to 2010 he served in the Federal Penitentiary Service.

Since 2010, he has been serving at the Central Customs (Canine Center of the Federal Customs Service of Russia)

He was awarded Certificates of Honor from the Federal Customs Service of Russia and has medals from the Federal Penitentiary Service.

First Deputy Head of Customs
Aleksandr Vladimirovich

Born in 1964 in the village. Chufarovo, Lukoyanovsky district, Gorky region

In 1986 he graduated from the Higher Border Command School of the KGB of the USSR named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky

From 1986 to 2007 he served in the internal troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs

Since 2007, he has been serving at the Central Customs (Canine Center of the Federal Customs Service of Russia)

Awarded the “Champion” badge, the “Excellent Customs Service” badge, received gratitude from the Federal Customs Service of Russia, and was awarded Certificates of Honor from the Head of Customs

Deputy Head of Customs - Head of the Civil Service and Personnel Department Colonel of the Customs Service
Sergey Valentinovich

Born in 1960 in the city of Fryazino, Moscow region.

From 1983 to 1995 he served in the Armed Forces of the USSR and the Russian Federation.

In 2001 he graduated from the Russian Customs Academy.

Since 1995 he has been serving in the customs authorities. Since 2008, he has been serving at the Central Customs (Canine Center of the Federal Customs Service of Russia).

He was awarded the anniversary badge “10 years of the State Customs Committee of Russia”, the badge “Excellence in the Customs Service”, medals “For Diligence”, “For Service in Customs Authorities” of III and II degrees. He was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the State Customs Committee of Russia and a Certificate of Honor from the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

Deputy Head of Customs Colonel of the Customs Service
Sergey Nikolaevich

Born in 1962 in the village of Voskresenskoye, Pereyaslav, Khmelnitsky district, Kyiv region.

In 1985 he graduated from the Higher Border Command School of the KGB of the USSR named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky. From 1985 to 1998 he served in the Armed Forces of the USSR and the Russian Federation.

From 1999 to 2006 he served in the Federal Penitentiary Service.

Since 2006, he has been serving at the Central Customs (Canine Center of the Federal Customs Service of Russia).

Awarded the badge “Excellence in Customs Service”, Certificate of Honor from the Federal Customs Service of Russia, and Gratitude from the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

Deputy Head of Customs, Lieutenant Colonel of the Customs Service
Alexander Anatolyevich

Born in 1960 in the city of Kursk.

In 1984 he graduated from the Kharkov Higher Military Aviation School of Radio Electronics named after the Lenin Komsomol of Ukraine.

From 1984 to 2008 he served in the Armed Forces of the USSR and the Russian Federation.

Since 2011, he has been serving at the Central Customs (Canine Center of the Federal Customs Service of Russia).

Awarded the Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (with swords), and the Certificate of Honor of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

Over the past month, players in the foreign economic activity market have been following the clash between two of Russia’s most important law enforcement agencies: the FSB, which in recent years has achieved recognition as the most influential, and the Federal Customs Service, on which half of the country’s budget depends.

As you know, the FSB Central Office reached out to the First Deputy Head of the Far Eastern Customs Sergei Fedorov. He was taken to the capital and accused of patronizing the business of the largest figure in the customs community of Siberia, Rodion Tikhonov. And shortly before this, several entrepreneurs were arrested for smuggling in Primorye, and along with them, the deputy head of the Vladivostok Sea Port customs post, Evgeniy Romanchenko, was injured on suspicion of bribes. That distant news began on February 20 and ended at the end of March. In parallel to this, similar events developed in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, where the regional FSB attacked the North-West Customs Department. We are from the beginning of March published those information reports, but the nuances that we understand today only decorate this fight.

It all started on March 2, when, at the annual meeting of the Federal Customs Service in Moscow, the Deputy Head of the North-Western Customs Administration (also the Head of the North-Western Operational Customs), Major General Alexander Bezlyudsky were awarded the medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" 2nd class. And a few hours before this, operatives of the 2nd department (customs line) of the Economic Security Service of the FSB began a search in the office of the head of the Kingisepp customs, Sergei Slepukhin. So, when the head of the Federal Customs Service Vladimir Bulavin (by the way, Colonel General of the FSB) shook hands with Bezlyudsky, both, of course, were informed of the situation.

There is also a hidden irony in this sketch. The procedural order of the state is so structured that the award goes through all stages in the presidential administration only after appropriate checks in the security forces. And first of all, in the specialized divisions of Lubyanka and Liteiny, 4. That is, the day before, in the same 2nd department of the SEB, there was at least no objection.

The second wave was also cleverly designed. Or treacherous - depending on how you look at it. At seven o'clock in the morning on March 6, the same operatives came to the country house of Alexander Bezlyudsky with a search. Therefore, at 10 o’clock he could not be in the Administration building on Savushkina Street on the video selector with the same Head of the Federal Customs Service Bulavin. Therefore, Bulavin again received an information emotion regarding the North-West Customs Administration. Moreover, a search was already underway in Bezlyudsky’s office that morning.

Simultaneously, State Security came to the St. Petersburg apartments of Bezlyudsky’s two daughters, one of whom has three children. It’s not that common sense, but rather the practice of sophisticated combat, suggests that such events are not aimed at a specific effect, as is printed in search warrants, “the address may contain objects and documents of interest to the investigation.” This is a powerful element of psychological pressure. Like special forces officers who beautifully understand that no one is going to offer them any resistance. And it comes out, as at the front: “Comrade General, we are being attacked in all directions by superior forces.” If your moral and volitional strength is broken, then it’s time to retreat in an organized manner or flee chaotically.

At the same hours, counterintelligence receives information that Bezlyudsky’s wife left for Moscow in her personal car. Almost for the first time in the history of similar events involving high-ranking civil servants, the wife’s phone is detected, the traffic police of the Moscow region are sent to intercept, and three crews block her when approaching the capital. After which the 56-year-old lady, who was not formally detained, was actually locked in the salon for six hours. During this time, FSB officers are leaving St. Petersburg with utmost service zeal. Her car is officially searched. They find nothing and go back with angry disappointment.

And General Bezlyudsky at about 16:00 on March 6 was brought into the entrance of Liteiny, 4, from Shpalernaya Street, interrogated by the Investigative Service, then they politely made a face, and at about three in the morning on March 7 he left as a witness.

Only ex-employee of the North-Western operational customs Zakhar Sychev, who was also searched at the same time, was not released. He was detained and sent to house arrest on March 9, accused of transferring bribes, but in fact the situation is stalemate. According to the initial version of the investigation, Sychev transferred money to Bezlyudsky, but other than this version, it seems that there is nothing left in the case.

All that remains is what no one from the outside can notice. The initiator of the implementation was the head of the 2nd department of the SEB, FSB Lieutenant Colonel Nikolai Sirotin. Naturally, such large-scale, planned actions were approved by the head of the SEB “customs” department, Colonel Yuri Gurenkov, from the head of the SEB, Colonel Andrei Yakovlev, and then everything was agreed upon by the head of the FSB Directorate for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, Alexander Rodionov. That is, operational information was reported, which was backed by confidence in achieving goals - at a minimum, the demolition of the leadership of the North-West Directorate, at a maximum - recruitment. In the intelligence service, both are considered indicators, unlike, for example, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where without charges being brought, everything loses statistical significance.

Based on the above, we see that only Slepukhin lost his nerve, and on March 19 he wrote his resignation letter. As for the head of the North-Western Directorate, Lieutenant General Alexander Getman, and his deputy, Major General Bezlyudsky, then, according to our data, they were in Moscow a couple of times after this epic. The first is with Bulavin, the second is with the deputy head of the Federal Customs Service, FSB Lieutenant General Anatoly Seryshev.

Indeed, there were a lot of rumors, and preliminary information about personnel decisions after this news, but I’ll tell you this, and you draw your own conclusions: if at the highest level they were sure that something was wrong, they would have told them to go long ago for free bread,” the interlocutor from the central office of the Federal Customs Service hinted to us.

[, 03/15/2018, “Getman, get away”: Moscow advised the chief customs officer of the North-West to look for a job. But first Vladimir Putin must sign. The local forces were not comfortable creating a mess: they would not be able to influence the new candidate, which means that it is unlikely that someone under his control will come.

The other day, the head of the North-West Customs Administration, Alexander Getman, had an unpleasant conversation with the head of the Federal Customs Service, Vladimir Bulavin. As they say, Getman was recommended to look for a new job. At the moment we do not have information whether he wrote a report, but the rules of the game in this coordinate system do not imply stubbornness after such proposals.

If Getman writes a letter of dismissal, a rather lengthy procedure will be launched. Firstly, like most managers, he probably has a large supply of unspent vacation days. At this time, the head of the Federal Customs Service will send documents to the presidential administration, where a draft presidential decree will be prepared. In terms of time, we can talk about a month and a half. [...]

And on January 15, to the head of the Main Directorate for Combating Smuggling of the Federal Customs Service of Russia Andrey Yudintsev Alexander Bezlyudsky and the head of the department for combating economic customs crimes of the operational customs, Evgeny Aleshkin, were supposed to arrive. On March 12, Yudintsev politely asked Hetman about this in a letter, which was at the disposal of the editors. - insert]

Despite the fact that our friend did not agree to authorize his comment, he allowed the author to provide statistics that were prepared for that very board on March 6, when they began to randomly search Bezlyudsky.

I am reading out the dynamics for 2017 according to your management: the value of seized goods is 757 million rubles, which is 58.6% more than in 2016; additional accrual - 973 million rubles, which is 20.7% more than in the previous one; additional collection - 625 million, which is 124% more. Do you have time to record? Of course, there are many more indicators, but the rest will only confuse you.

From this we conclude that the capital either does not agree with the position of the regional FSB, or understands what is behind it. The market players themselves, who predictably did not want their names to be used, point to a specific point of aggravation of the intraspecific struggle. We also wrote about her. Then, on February 19, in Ivangorod, instead of cheap fuel pellets, goods were found in the cargo, subject to a serious duty, worth $400 thousand.

Here it is necessary to explain that the FSB, represented by specialized units, often demands loyalty. Such relationships are expressed not at joint meetings, where they mint the state approach, but in informal wishes, where everyone understands between the lines. For example, where not to look. There is no public attitude towards what happened FSB, we won’t get anything from the Federal Customs Service. Moreover, until a final procedural decision is made, no one in these departments will say anything, even to each other. Let the opinion be formed in both corners, but the rules of the game do not allow it to be expressed loudly.

Assuming that Alexander Bezlyudsky, to whom we have dedicated many lines over the past month, will not want to communicate with us, we prepared a question.

- Alexander Mikhailovich, do you understand where you came from?- the author managed to ask, quickly introducing himself.

“Yes, not a boy,” he answered, immediately defending himself with the catchphrase: “Sorry, I don’t have time.”

So an uncomfortable time came between them - no peace, no war.

Evgeniy Vyshenkov