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How old is Shurygina now? “He knocked her down with a blow and raped her in different positions.” The mother of raped Diana published her letter online. Diana's life before the transfer

The story of the rape of Diana Shurygina became public knowledge back in 2016. The opinions of spectators and observers were divided, with the majority of them siding with the accused of the crime. This happened because of the behavior of a girl on one of the most popular talk shows on television. She behaved offensively not only towards the relatives of the guy who allegedly raped her, but also towards own parents and studio guests.

Biography of Diana Shurygina

Diana Shurygina is from Ulyanovsk, date of birth: June 12, 1999. The girl’s parents are ordinary people; her father worked as a truck driver, her mother worked as a salesperson in one of the city’s supermarkets. The family always, as at the time of the scandal, needed money, and, according to observers, this was the trigger for filing a rape report. But the Shurygins could not imagine that the relatives of a guy accused of a crime would take such a step - they would turn to TV channels for support and protection from accusations.

Diana took advantage of the situation and tried to portray the victim also on television, in programs

  • “Let them talk” with Malakhov,
  • "In fact",
  • "Live"
  • and others.

The reaction of the audience to the programs with her participation was not in her favor - the persecution of the whole family began, and the Shurygins were forced to leave for Moscow.

On this moment Diana Shurygina is not a star, but rather a brand, a show, and even an object for ridicule, the creation of memes and gifs. Such fame does not bother the girl at all; she takes part in the show with pleasure, as if not realizing that fame should be somewhat different.

Personal life of Diana Shurygina

The hype and scandal around the name of Diana Shurygina aroused interest not only in the rape scandal, but also in her personal life. Photos with the girl have become public knowledge, confirming that she is not from that category of heroes whom viewers and observers are ready to feel sorry for and with whom they are ready to empathize.

Despite her notoriety, Diana managed to meet a man who fell in love with her and even married her. But she also made him a participant in the scandalous show, publicly accusing him of treason in Dmitry Shepelev’s “Actually” program.

Diana Shurygina has only recently been married. Her husband was the cameraman of one of Channel One’s television programs, Andrei Shlyagin. Many were surprised and even outraged by this young man’s decision to marry Diana Shurygina. Someone put forward a version that he wants to “promote himself” at her expense, but the couple talks about mutual deep love, both from television screens and on the Internet, which causes even more doubts, rumors and speculation around their names.

Diana Shurygina suspected her husband of cheating and, not discussing such a sensitive moment at home alone with her husband, went to Channel One, taking with her her mother, friend and the “hero of the occasion.” A family famous throughout the country took a lie detector test to dot the i's in their relationship with each other and find out who was cheating on whom.

This episode of the program “Actually” was filmed almost urgently and in a short time - literally a day. Host Dmitry Shepelev told a short backstory: Diana herself contacted the program. The girl was hysterical and threatened to commit suicide, suspecting her husband of cheating. The fact is that Diana came across two photographs showing her husband Andrei in the company of a beautiful long-haired stranger - the young man hugged her and seemed to even kiss her. Well, instead of finding out all the details directly from the guy, Diana, according to the good old tradition, went on television - they say, in the studio of Channel One, being in the detector sensors and in front of the experts “in truth and lies,” Andrei certainly won’t lie.

“I’m really worried about this, because I found my man, I planned to live with him all my life, and I don’t know what will happen to me if the betrayal is true,” Diana said in confusion in the studio, barely finding the words.

Andrei denied all accusations of infidelity from the beginning of the program until the very end, but at the same time he said that Diana could still have reasons to suspect him of infidelity - they say, girls, if they want, will always find something to quarrel about. The guy denied in every possible way that it was him in the photo, and he didn’t recognize that stranger at all - “this is some kind of stupidity” was all he said. Andrey did not rule out photomontage. Meanwhile, the lie detector showed that Andrei understood well that it was him in the photo, and knew perfectly well who the stranger was.

During the program, Diana managed to cry and hysteria several times. The girl really lost her temper when she found out that her husband allows his colleagues, both male and female, to sit in the front seat of the car where Shurygina usually drives. Diana sincerely did not understand how he could put someone in “her place,” even in her absence.

Diana’s mother Natalya Shurygina added fuel to the fire. The woman, having appeared in the studio, began to say from the threshold that she was not surprised by Andrei’s infidelities. According to her, the guy more than once gave reasons to doubt his fidelity. Natalya repeated the sacramental phrase “I told you so” addressed to Diana several times. Andrei himself, in turn, repeated a couple of times that he and his mother-in-law rarely see each other. And this, apparently, is very good for him.

As a result, Natalya stated that she wanted Diana and Andrei to divorce.

For such a mother-in-law, a guy can be forgiven for everything; his very patience implies great and pure love,” said lawyer Ivan Mironov in the studio, for which, in fact, he was sent somewhere far away by Natalya.

Psychologists in the studio called Diana’s condition “delirium of jealousy”, “anxious suspiciousness” and several times advised her to contact specialists to undergo treatment - with endless suspicions that a nervous breakdown is not far away, and then even divorce.

Fortunately for everyone, the lie detector showed that Andrei did not cheat on the girl. By the way, the guy was not at a loss and asked to ask Diana a similar question about loyalty to him. The girl’s answer turned out to be the same - she didn’t go out with anyone. However, the answer to another question to Andrey turned out to be curious: did he at least once regret that he lived with Diana. His answer “no” turned out to be a lie. And he quickly justified himself: they say that in moments of heated swearing, he actually had thoughts of leaving the family.

Twice betrayed: Diana Shurygina accuses her husband of treason. In fact. Issue dated 05/30/2018. The notorious Diana Shurygina challenges her husband Andrei to a lie detector test. Is he really cheating on her? How else can he explain that just a few months after the wedding he hugs and kisses another? Behind the scenes is a girl who is ready to come out and frankly tell the truth that Andrei himself does not dare to reveal.


Diana Shurygina from Ulyanovsk became one of the most talked about people of last year after she announced to the whole country about rape - student Sergei Semenov abused her on one of the “entries”. The phrase “At the bottom” became an Internet meme - this is how Diana indicated the amount of strong alcohol she drank at a party during the program “Let Them Talk.” Now the hashtag #nadonishke shows thousands of different publications on social networks. Shurygina’s lawyer managed to get Sergei Semenov a serious punishment - first he was given eight years in a maximum security colony, then the sentence was appealed - appellate authority reduced the sentence to three years and three months in a general regime colony. And in January 2018, unexpectedly, the guy was released on parole, having served a total of less than two years for rape. After the incident, Diana herself gained wild popularity and found a husband - her wedding with Andrei Shlyanin took place on October 1, 2017.

On January 31, minor Diana Shurygina, together with her father, took part in Andrei Malakhov’s talk show “Let Them Talk.” Then TV viewers and social media users did not believe the veracity of the testimony of the young victim of violence.


Many popular Russian bloggers took up arms against the heroine of the scandalous television broadcast. Some of them are convinced that the court made a wrong decision, and Sergei Semenov, who was convicted of raping the minor Diana, is not guilty of anything. Despite the mitigation of the sentence, the young man’s defenders are in favor of a complete reversal of the sentence.

Meanwhile, the story with Semenov is strikingly reminiscent of another event in the life of young Diana. Earlier, the girl accused her ex-boyfriend Vlad Troshin of rape. According to rumors, then the guy was allegedly allowed to pay off by paying the Shurygin family one million rubles.

Later, the Shurygin family allegedly tried to pull off the same story with Semenov, but they miscalculated - the guy’s parents turned out to be from a poor family. As a result, the young man went to jail.

Meanwhile, Diana Shurygina recorded a video message to the Russians. She admitted that after the talk show they began to recognize her on the street. “Some just pass and look, some stop, some ask questions. For example, how are you doing. I react to this calmly,” noted Diana.

In a video message, the girl also spoke about the program itself, which caused a lot of noise. According to Diana, she wore bright makeup on the talk show, as this image was thought out by the stylists of Channel One. But for the next episodes of “Let Them Talk,” the heroine of the program decided for herself what to wear.

According to Internet users, Shurygina’s scandalous fame is only to her advantage. And if at first the girl, according to her, suffered from mass bullying on the Internet, now she is becoming an increasingly popular and successful media personality. Three episodes of the talk show “Let Them Talk” have already been filmed about a minor victim of violence and, apparently, this is not the end of the story.

How much is a minute of fame?

Despite the fact that 17-year-old college student Diana Shurygina is currently not officially employed anywhere, and the incredible, albeit negative, popularity that has befallen her can allow her to make good money on social networks. Thus, Shurygina’s Instagram page alone, according to rumors, can bring in about 20-25 thousand rubles.

Let’s add here a monetary reward for participating in the “Let Them Talk” show. Initial fee for ordinary people, who first became heroes of television talk shows, is about ten thousand rubles - regardless of the number of participants. In addition, they are paid for travel to Moscow and back, as well as accommodation in the capital.

Probably, the Shurygin family was content with approximately the same amount after the first broadcast. Bloggers believe that after the release of the program with Diana’s participation brought high ratings, the Ulyanovsk residents’ fees could increase sharply. “Personally, I have no doubts about the commercialism of all family members, and they clearly had enough intelligence to raise the stakes,” writes user kikimora.

According to rumors, the Shurygins have already received hundreds of thousands of rubles for participating in three episodes of “Let Them Talk.” However, it is unlikely that it will be possible to find out the true numbers. Now they constitute a trade secret - unless, of course, Diana decides to brag about her income on social networks.

Strike the iron without leaving the cash register

The dramatic story that happened to Shurygina became a source of enrichment for the most enterprising Russians. There are those who are in a hurry to make money on the scandalous fame of the injured girl. In an effort to capitalize on a hot topic, bloggers are using the rape scandal to attract millions of views in pursuit of subscribers.

A genuine "dianomania" is gaining momentum on the Internet - before our eyes, in a very short time, a girl has turned from a crime victim into a desired heroine of blogger parties. Hundreds of fake Shurygina accounts have appeared on the Internet. In addition, Diana’s real profiles on social networks, due to the increased popularity of their owner, were under threat of hacking.

So, according to rumors, Diana Shurygina’s Instagram account was stolen, and now its new owners are trying to make money from the image of a young victim of violence. Let us remind you that an advertising post on a girl’s page on a social network – real or fake – will cost the advertiser 20-25 thousand rubles.

In addition, the pretty resident of Ulyanovsk may have a career as a movie star. It was reported that Shurygina was offered to star in the ending of the crime drama “Yegor Shilov” directed by Yuri Spiridonov. According to Diana, she is now considering this proposal.

Some more numbers

Meanwhile, the video “A Few Answers at the Bottom,” posted on Youtube on the “Visiting Diana Shurygina” channel, collected more than three million views within two days of its publication. According to Internet users, this promises a good profit for a beginner, but already popular video blogger.

According to open sources, Google transfers to partners more than 50% of the revenue from advertising placed either before the launch of a blogger’s video or banner. According to the price list, the simplest video advertising on YouTube costs 335 rubles per thousand impressions.

Let's say the blogger accounts for 60%. Then from a thousand impressions he will receive 200 rubles. In Russia, a video channel with 20 thousand subscribers is considered a star. Let’s say a blogger publishes two videos every week, gaining 13 thousand views on each. In this case, he will earn about 20,000 rubles.

According to experts, income from a video channel may be higher if YouTube also sells banners or advertising aimed at a specific audience. In theory, it costs twice as much. However, in reality the income turns out to be even less.

Thus, according to market participants, one million views brings an average of 70–80 thousand rubles. The fact is that not all advertising is monetized - not all space can be sold. In addition, there are restrictions. For example, an advertisement cannot be shown to one user too often, so it is often sold at a discount, and then the real price will be not 335, but 150 rubles per thousand impressions.

Diana Shurygina is an ordinary girl from Ulyanovsk who became famous overnight.

Diana was born on June 12, 1999 in the city of Ulyanovsk, at that time her mother was 15 years old. The girl’s parents raised her together; her mother is now a housewife, and her father is a truck driver. They also have another daughter, who is 7 years old. Diana's father worked a lot, often went on business trips, and accordingly devoted little time to raising his daughters.

As a child, Diana was interested in dancing and athletics, and after finishing 9th grade she entered the Ulyanovsk Pedagogical College to become a supervisor of machine tools and metalwork.

Previously, only her friends and acquaintances from Ulyanovsk knew the girl, but on January 31, 2017, the whole country, and nearby states, started talking about her.

Release of the program “Let Them Talk” with the participation of Diana

On January 31, the first episode of the “Let Them Talk” program was released on Channel One, in which Diana’s rape was discussed. According to the girl, on March 31, 2016, at the birthday party of her friend, her condition alcohol intoxication two adult boys took advantage of it.

One of them, Sergei Semenov, beat the girl and raped her, after which she wrote a statement to the police. Diana did not deny that she drank strong alcohol at her birthday party, but claims that she was against sexual relations with Sergei and made this clear.

The girl does not blame the second guy, because he left her alone immediately after her request. At that time she was 17 years old, and she was waiting for her boyfriend from the army.

The whole country discussed the story of Diana’s rape, and several more episodes of the program were released with her participation. The girl’s behavior in the studio was very emotional, thanks to which she became popular on the Internet. Many memes with her participation appeared, songs were also written about her, and videos were made. They talked about it on the street and discussed it among famous video bloggers.

Diana's life before the transfer

Diana Shurygina was an ordinary child and teenager; her family had average income. At the age of 15, Diana Shurygina had her first serious relationship, but her mother opposed their life together.

Later, the girl found a new young man who joined the army, and it was during this period that Diana found herself a victim of rape. Her boyfriend returned from the army in the summer of 2017, but the girl does not tell how their further relationship developed.

Life after the transfer

Few people supported Diana Shurygina, many did not believe her words, and defended Sergei Semenov. Immediately after the release of the program, they began to write threats to her on the Internet, they tried to make an attempt on her mother, and her father had his car tires slashed.

Diana instantly became popular, with more than a million people following her on Instagram. Diana was invited to a charity evening, where she met famous bloggers. There she was well received, she talked and took pictures with almost all famous bloggers, and some themselves took the initiative.

Almost all famous bloggers made vlogs about her story, which significantly increased their popularity.

One of the most famous video bloggers in Russia, Nikolai Sobolev, was present at one of the episodes: “Let them talk.” It was after the release of this program that its audience increased significantly.

With a family

After the broadcast aired, Diana received a lot of hatred from Sergei’s defenders. The girl was accused of lying, many are sure that there was no rape, and the guy was sent to prison for three years.

But there are also Diana’s defenders, who created her support groups, and are confident of Sergei’s guilt. As a result, Diana and her family were forced to move because they constantly received threats.

In February 2017, Diana created her own channel on YouTube, where she answered frequently asked questions and talked about herself. The channel quickly became popular, with several hundred thousand people subscribing to it. Diana was advised to create her own channel by the host of the program “Let Them Talk.” Andrey was inspired by Diana’s story and supported her in every possible way.

After the release of five episodes of the TV show, Andrei Malakhov in June 2017 launched a project dedicated to the life of Diana Shurygina. The project was called: “Shura-mury with Diana Shurygina”; its episodes tell about Diana’s life, both before her popularity and now.

Now Diana and her parents live in Moscow; her parents cannot find work. Diana receives many offers of cooperation. Diana has repeatedly mentioned that she wants to create an anonymous organization to help women who have suffered from violence.

Currently, Diana works as a barista in a coffee shop, and with the money she earns she provides for her parents, who are temporarily unemployed. Diana tried herself as a singer, but she did not like this activity. She was also offered to star in the film, the girl accepted the offer.

Diana Shurygina became a media person after appearing on the talk show “Let Them Talk,” which is broadcast on the central Channel One in prime time. The story of the rape of a 16-year-old girl divided society into two halves, disputes between which still do not subside.

Childhood and youth

Diana Alekseevna Shurygina was born in the summer of 1999 in Ulyanovsk into a low-income family. My father earned money by working as a long-distance driver. Mom worked as a salesperson in a hypermarket. Information emerges from open sources that mother Natalya Shurygina gave birth to Diana at the age of 15. The father was 19 years old at the time of the girl’s birth.

The youngest daughter Karina appeared when the eldest was 10 years old. The family lived in a hostel and later rented an apartment. Diana Shurygina attended a choreographic school and was fond of athletics. Having received incomplete secondary education, she entered the Ulyanovsk Vocational Pedagogical College.