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How many minutes does it take to cook beef liver? Cooking beef liver in a saucepan. Salad with boiled liver

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A large number of dishes can be prepared from beef liver, and therefore many people have a question: how long to cook beef liver for salad, pate, pies and other various dishes so that it is soft?

Since beef liver is a delicate product and contains a lot of folic acid and vitamins A, B and C, it is important to boil it properly so that it does not lose all its useful properties and at the same time did not become tough. Here you should pay attention not only to the cooking time, but also to the cooking process; there are some subtleties here.

How to cook beef liver for salad

For salad, it is best to take chilled liver, but if you have frozen liver, you need to defrost it before cooking, leaving the product at room temperature, covering it with cling film, or do it in the microwave by turning on a special mode for this.

Before cooking beef liver in a saucepan, rinse it well - put it in a bowl with water or milk - leave to soak for 5-10 minutes. Firstly, after soaking, we can remove the film much faster, and secondly, milk, as a rule, reduces the specific bitterness of the offal.

After the product has thawed, be sure to remove all films, veins, bile ducts, wash it and cut it into the necessary pieces. Place the liver in a pan of boiling water. Next, remove the foam as it appears. You need to cook on low heat under the lid, 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add salt to the offal. If we add salt during soaking or before cooking, the dish will turn out to be dry and tough.

How long to cook beef liver

If you want to cook beef liver in a large piece (whole) until cooked, then after boiling water, keep it in boiling water for about 40 minutes, no more.

If the pieces are small, then 20 minutes or even less is enough. You can check the readiness of the liver by piercing it with a fork or knife; if light, pink juice appears at the puncture site, then the dish is ready.

How long to cook beef liver for pate

Can different ways. For example, if you want to make boiled liver pate, then you need:

- rinse the liver and throw it into boiling water and cook for 10-15 minutes. Skim off the foam periodically; you need to add salt at the very end so that the offal does not turn out hard. After this time, pierce it with a knife; if a clear juice comes out, it means everything is ready and you can turn off the heat.

If you know all these nuances and subtleties in cooking, then not only the beef liver will turn out soft and very tasty, but also dishes made from it.

How long to cook beef liver for pies until done

Since the pies are then cooked in the oven and subjected to additional heat treatment, it is enough to cook the liver for the pies for only 15-20 minutes maximum. This is based on the fact that we take a whole piece of product without cutting it.

Nutritionists say that liver is one of the most useful offal that a person can eat today. Experts recommend supplementing your diet with this particular product, as its content is rich in protein, amino acids, vitamins and microelements. That's why it took a fairly high place in the food chain.

Most people are accustomed to eating beef liver fried, but it has an equally pleasant taste when boiled. Since this is a very gentle product, which contains folic acid, vitamins of groups A, B, C, it is very important to cook correctly, preserving all the above beneficial properties. The purpose of this publication is to help you understand how to properly boil this offal so that it is soft and juicy.

Cooking methods

One of the simplest and most accessible ways to cook liver is boiling. Most often, housewives use a good old saucepan for this process, and those who keep up with the times use a slow cooker. Let's take a detailed and step-by-step look at the nuances of cooking using these methods.

In a saucepan

It is imperative to remember that the preparatory work before cooking over a fire in a saucepan is very great importance and have a significant impact on taste and result. So, we provide you with detailed cooking instructions.

  1. We clean the piece of liver that was selected in advance from veins and film using a knife. To give it a softer and more delicate texture after cooking, after cleaning you need to wash it and put it in a bowl with milk for one hour or cold water.
  2. Bring a saucepan filled with cold water to a boil.
  3. You can add various spices and seasonings to the water to taste.
  4. Place the liver in water that has previously boiled.
  5. If you use a whole piece, then cook for at least 35-40 minutes, with small cuts - 15-20 minutes.
  6. Add salt about five minutes before the end of boiling.
  7. You can check readiness with a knife or fork by piercing the liver: if pinkish or red juice appears, do not remove from heat for another 5 minutes; if it is light, take it out.

In a slow cooker

One of the most used household appliances for cooking liver in the kitchen is the slow cooker. There is a claim that if you cook it using a slow cooker, you can preserve all the beneficial properties and elements. Here's how to do it:

  • we prepare the product itself for further heat treatment - we clean it;
  • chop into small pieces;
  • place the multicooker on the sieve, place it on the bowl previously filled with water and close the lid;
  • select the “Steam” mode;
  • the process lasts for 30 minutes;
  • Add salt at the end, while the liver is still hot.

How long to cook fresh and frozen liver?

Buying beef liver these days is not difficult. At the points of sale in front of us, it can be of two types - fresh or frozen. There is no significant difference in preparation, namely when we are going to boil it.

There is only a mandatory rule, which is proper defrosting: to avoid a sharp temperature change that can harm the product, you need to let it thaw in the refrigerator.

How long does it take to prepare a product for a child?

Nutritionists and pediatricians advise young parents to begin introducing beef liver into the diet of their babies from 7-8 months. At this age, the taste of liver is acceptable to the child.

However, it is no secret that the liver, as a rule, often initially causes negative and unpleasant emotions in children, but mothers really want their child to consume this offal in their diet, because it is a storehouse of vitamins. In this regard, the question often arises about how to properly prepare beef liver for a child under 1 year of age or more, preserving all the useful things in it.

There are no particular differences in cooking liver for children and adults. There are mandatory and important rules.

  1. When preparing beef liver for a small child, it is important to pre-soak it with milk. About one hour will be ideal.
  2. Regardless of where you cook the liver, a regular saucepan or a slow cooker, do not forget to also use finely chopped onions and carrots. This is done in order to remove all those unpleasant odors that children do not accept. Sometimes, and this is all according to taste and desire, you can add tomato paste(1 teaspoon), or sugar - 1 tablespoon will be enough. And our goal of removing foreign odors has been achieved.
  3. In general, it is recommended not to salt the product either during or after cooking.
  4. After the product is ready, it must be passed through a meat grinder or crushed with a blender, thus turning it into a homogeneous puree.
  5. You can give it to your child in its pure form or add vegetables.

When cooking in pieces in a pan, make sure that the liver is soft and juicy - 30-35 minutes is enough for this.

Approximately an hour, but it will not take so long to cook if you use a whole piece. We check as stated earlier: if there is clear juice, it’s ready, if not, cook for some more time.

  • Buy this offal fresh, chilled, try to avoid its frozen counterparts. It’s better to freeze it at home yourself if necessary. The shelf life in this condition is up to 6 months.
  • When choosing a component, pay attention to the color: it should be bright red, the surface should be uniform, and the smell should be very distinctly meaty.
  • Two days is the shelf life of a ready-boiled product. And store all this for a short time in the refrigerator, in a hermetically sealed container.
  • In order not to make a mistake when choosing beef liver, remember its characteristics. The first is that the film gives the surface smoothness, the second is the bile ducts, that is, what the liver is permeated with.

  • Bitterness is the main and very significant drawback; unfortunately, it can ruin the taste already ready-made dish. Soaking it in milk or water for about an hour before boiling will help protect yourself from this trouble. And also do not forget to remove all films and veins. If you don’t have time for this and you’re in a hurry, there is another solution - add a dairy product such as cream or sour cream to the water during the cooking process (the result will be similar).
  • Add salt only at the end, this will help avoid toughness.
  • If afterward it seems to you that the bitterness is still present, you can simmer the product with vegetables; onions and carrots work well; a pinch of sugar won’t hurt either. You can also use tomato ketchup or sour cream when stewing.
  • Cook the liver for a minimum amount of time, otherwise it can become dry.
  • To learn how to properly cook beef liver, see the following video.

To prepare a tasty and healthy salad with liver, you should know how to cook it correctly. Subtleties, secrets and useful tips experienced chefs proper cooking liver. Step by step recipe with photo. Video recipe.

Liver is a delicate and amazing product containing a huge number of beneficial properties. Most often it is fried with onions, in sour cream sauce or made into pate. However, it can be an independent dish if it is simply boiled. The boiled offal can be used as a spread, used as a filling for pies, and used as a component for salad. Properly boiled liver has an exquisite taste, becomes juicy and soft. We’ll talk about how to cook liver for salad in this review. It is worth noting that not everyone is able to cook the liver correctly the first time. Experienced chefs determine its readiness by eye, but beginners need to adhere to the cooking technology. To ensure that the boiled product does not end up raw or overcooked, but has an amazingly delicate taste, you need to know all the nuances and secrets of cooking liver.

  • If the boiled liver turns out to be very tough, it can be revived by stewing. Simmer it over low heat for half an hour in sour cream or water.
  • Check the readiness of the offal with a fork. If you pierce a boiled liver with it to the middle, red juice will come out - the liver is undercooked, pink - it’s ready.
  • The liver is cooked over low heat.
  • You can speed up the cooking process by chopping the offal into small slices.
  • The product will be more tender if you put 1 tsp in water. honey or sugar.
  • To eliminate the specific taste, various aromatic spices are added during cooking of the product.
  • Calorie content per 100 g - beef liver - 125 kcal, pork - 130 kcal, chicken - 136 kcal.
  • Number of servings - 800 g
  • Cooking time - 1 hour 10 minutes


  • Liver - 1 kg
  • Ground black pepper - a pinch
  • Salt - 1 tsp. or to taste
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc.

Step-by-step preparation of boiled liver for salad, recipe with photo:

1. Beef liver and poultry liver are best suited for cooking. However, pork, turkey and rabbit will do. High-quality fresh liver is dark red in color, without damage, with a smooth smooth surface and a pleasant smell. The surface of the pork liver has a mesh grain, while the surface of the beef liver is thin and smooth, and it also shines due to the film.

Wash the selected liver, carefully remove the veins and remove the film. If the liver is frozen, then keep it in hot water half a minute, then the film will be easier to remove. To make the film remove faster and easier, rub the raw liver with salt and leave for 10 minutes. If you want to make the product more tender, then fill it with milk or ordinary cold water for one hour.

2. Place the livers in a cooking pot (cut them into pieces if desired) and add water until they are completely covered.

3. Place the pan on the stove over high heat and bring the liver to a boil.

4. As soon as the liver boils, skim off the foam with a spoon, turn the temperature down to minimum, close the lid and cook for 45 minutes.

Different types of liver take different amounts of time to cook. Whole beef liver is cooked for 40 minutes, pieces - 20 minutes. Pork liver is cooked for 50 minutes, chicken liver for 10-30 minutes.

Beef liver is a delicate product that many are accustomed to eating fried. Although, when properly prepared, boiled liver has an equally exquisite taste, and it also becomes juicy and soft. Boiled pieces of liver can be used to make pate, salad, pie filling and many other dishes.

How long to cook beef liver

Boiling is the easiest way to prepare liver. Usually 35-40 minutes are enough to bring the product to readiness. You can check whether the beef liver is boiled using a knife or fork. You need to pierce the meat to the middle, if a light-colored liquid flows out, it is ready, but if the liquid is dark reddish in color, it is better to boil the liver a little more.

How to cook beef liver correctly

If this is your first time cooking liver and you don’t know how best to do it, the following instructions will help you:

  1. Rinse the liver and carefully remove the film and veins from it. A simple action will help you easily remove the film from frozen offal - dip it in hot water for half a minute.
  2. Pour the prepared liver with milk or plain cold water. Leave it like this for 1 hour.
  3. Pour water into a saucepan, place it on the stove and wait until it boils.
  4. Dip the liver into boiling water, either a whole piece or cut into smaller pieces.
  5. Boil the product as a whole for 40 minutes, in pieces - 20 minutes.
  6. Add salt 5 minutes before cooking is complete.

If the knife easily passes into the liver and no pinkish juice appears from it, then it is completely ready.

  • The main disadvantage of liver is that it can taste bitter. Sometimes this is felt especially strongly - the dish turns out to be spoiled. To get rid of bitterness, the offal should be placed in milk or water an hour before boiling. A simple manipulation will make the liver soft and tasty. If you don’t have time to soak, you can add cream or sour cream to the water when boiling - the effect will be about the same.
  • Frozen beef liver can be stored in the freezer for up to 6 months. The boiled offal should be eaten within 2 days, but only if it is placed in a sealed container and stored in the refrigerator.
  • To prevent the liver from becoming tough, it is recommended to salt it at the end of cooking.
  • If after boiling you notice that the liver is bitter, you can stew it with vegetables, such as onions and carrots, adding a little sugar. In this case, stewing with sour cream and sweet tomato ketchup will also help.

Simple recipes for dishes with boiled beef liver

Boiled liver can be served as a complete dish with various sauces and side dishes. It can also be used as a main ingredient in various dishes.

Boiled beef liver pate

For this dish you need to buy 500 g of liver, one piece at a time onions and carrots, 50 g salted lard, 3 tbsp. spoons of milk and butter.

Cooking process:

  1. After peeling, grate the carrots on a coarse grater.
  2. Peel and finely chop the onion.
  3. Prepare the liver, cut it into cubes and soak in milk for an hour.
  4. Pour water into a container and put it on fire. After boiling, immerse the liver there and boil for up to 40 minutes.
  5. Fry the vegetables by adding 1 tbsp to the pan. spoon of water.
  6. Add the liver to the vegetables and fry for 15-20 minutes.
  7. Pass the liver-vegetable mass together with lard through a meat grinder twice.
  8. Add butter and milk to it.
  9. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and form the pate into a ball or roll.
  10. Wrap in cling film and refrigerate.

Salad with boiled liver

This salad includes the following ingredients: 250 g of boiled beef liver, 30 g of arugula, half a red onion, one cucumber and one tomato, 20 g of olive oil, black pepper and salt.

Cooking process:

  1. Cut the liver into thin shavings.
  2. Chop the arugula.
  3. Cut the red onion into thin half rings, the cucumber into strips, and the tomatoes into cubes.
  4. Place all products in one container. Add salt, pepper, oil and mix well.

Boiled baked beef liver

For this dish you need to stock up on products such as beef liver (450 g), 2 pcs. carrots and tomatoes, hard cheese (100 grams), sour cream (250 ml). Garlic, a couple of tablespoons of butter, will help improve the taste of the dish. Bay leaf, ground black pepper and allspice peas, salt, herbs.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour water into a suitable container and place it on the fire. Place carrots there, cut lengthwise into four pieces, allspice and bay leaves.
  2. After boiling, place a piece of liver in water and boil it until tender under a closed lid. Turn down the fire.
  3. Cut the finished boiled liver into thin strips or slices and place in a mold, first greasing it with butter.
  4. Place carrot pieces and chopped 3-4 cloves of garlic on top.
  5. Season with salt and pepper and cover the liver and carrots with thin tomato slices.
  6. Pour sour cream on top, sprinkle with grated cheese and herbs.
  7. Place the form in hot oven and bake for up to 15 minutes at 180˚ C.
  8. When serving, decorate the dish with herbs.
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Beef liver is a difficult product to prepare. You need to use a lot of culinary tricks to turn it into a delicious, tender dish. Surely every housewife will be interested in knowing how to cook beef liver that is tasty and soft. There are many such recipes.

The taste of the offal in question goes well with full-fat sour cream, especially homemade. In addition to sour cream (4 tablespoons), the following is used: 550-650 g of liver, salt, large white salad onion, flour. How to cook liver in sour cream is described below.

  1. The onion is finely chopped and fried in any hot fat until golden brown.
  2. The liver is freed from the film with a sharp knife, washed, dried and coarsely cut. If dense vessels come under the knife during the process, they need to be removed.
  3. Each piece is rolled in flour and salt and lightly fried.
  4. Next, the meat product is placed in a pan, sprinkled with sautéed vegetables, poured with sour cream sauce, flour and 400 ml of boiled water. The liquid is salted and flavored with any seasonings to taste.
  5. Simmer the contents of the pan over low heat for 20-25 minutes.

The resulting gravy is delicious when served with potatoes, buckwheat or pasta.

Stroganoff-style liver in a slow cooker

According to this recipe, the capricious offal takes a long time to prepare, but the taste will be delicate. To prepare the dish, take: 750 g of liver, 1 tsp. salt, 2 white onions, ground black pepper, 1.5 tbsp. water, tomato, 4 tbsp. fat sour cream, 2 tbsp. wheat flour.

  1. The liver is washed, cleaned of ducts and cut into miniature pieces.
  2. The onion is chopped into cubes, after which the products are cooked together in oil in the “Baking” mode for 12 minutes.
  3. After adding flour, the components are fried for another 6-7 minutes.
  4. The tomato, along with the skin, is cut into cubes and also placed in the bowl.
  5. After another 3-4 minutes, you can pour the food with a mixture of sour cream and warm water, salted and peppered in advance.
  6. In the “Stew” program, the appetizer is cooked for 35-40 minutes.

After the device signals, you can leave the dish with constant heating for some more time to soften the finished product as much as possible.

Beef Stroganoff with sour cream and onions

For this traditional treat, any meat products used are cut in a special way - into long thin bars. The ingredients you need to take are: 450 g of liver, salt, 1 tbsp. flour, white onion, 230 g fat sour cream, 2/3 tbsp. water.

  1. The liver is cut after clearing of veins and films.
  2. The pieces are fried in hot oil until lightly crusted, then sprinkled with onion half rings and simmered together over low heat for another 6-7 minutes.
  3. Dissolve the flour in cold water and cook in a separate container for a couple of minutes until thickened. Next, sour cream is added to the liquid and brought to a boil.
  4. The resulting sauce is poured over the offal with onions.
  5. You need to simmer the treat under a closed lid for another 6-7 minutes.
  6. At this stage, add salt to taste.

Thin slices of liver soften perfectly.

Cooking option in milk

The simplest way to cook beef liver deliciously is to stew it in milk. In addition to the offal (430 g), will be used: 130 ml drinking water, salt, a couple of cloves of garlic, 2 onions, 3.5 tbsp. flour. One glass of milk will be enough.

  1. The liver is washed, cleaned of all excess, cut into pieces and beaten thoroughly with a special hammer.
  2. The slices are rolled in salted flour and fried in hot oil.
  3. First, the meat is filled with water and sprinkled with onion half rings.
  4. A few minutes after the liquid boils, warm milk is poured in. Once boiling begins, the mixture must be stirred frequently.
  5. The dish will simmer over low heat for 5-7 minutes.

At the end of cooking, you need to place the garlic, passed through a press, into the dish.

How to deliciously fry beef liver in a frying pan?

Even in an ordinary frying pan you can make the liver tender and juicy, and with a minimum set of ingredients. In addition to the liver itself (670 g), you need to take: 2 onions, salt, 120 g of wheat flour.

  1. The offal is washed and cleared of films, after which small steaks are cut.
  2. Onions are cut into half rings.
  3. First, the steaks are rolled in salted flour, placed in a frying pan with hot oil, covered with vegetable slices and fried on one side for 5-6 minutes. Then turn them over, add additional salt if necessary and cook covered for another 8-9 minutes.

You can serve the resulting treat with any garlic sauce.

Tender liver cutlets

Children especially like liver cutlets. Sifted wheat flour with a volume of 90 grams will act as a thickener for minced by-product. Also taken: 470 g of liver, salt, onion, a small spoon of starch, 130 g of lard, egg, black pepper.

  1. The liver with vegetables and lard turns into homogeneous minced meat. To do this, you can use any device that is at hand.
  2. Flour, starch and a whisked egg are added to the resulting mass.
  3. Spoon the liver mixture into a small amount of hot oil. The cutlets do not fry for long - a couple of minutes on both sides. Otherwise they may lose their tenderness.

These cutlets are delicious served with any side dish.

How to boil beef liver so that it is soft?

Boiling is the easiest way to prepare the offal under discussion. The main thing is to know how to do it correctly.

  1. After the piece of liver has been washed and cleared of veins and films, it is filled with cold milk or regular drinking water. You need to leave it in the liquid for about an hour.
  2. Next, the liver is wrung out, filled with new water and placed on the stove at medium heat.
  3. The offal is prepared for 35-45 minutes. To speed up the process, you need to cut the liver into small pieces. Then it will cook in 15-17 minutes after boiling.
  4. The product is salted 5-7 minutes before the end of cooking.

If you pierce a piece of liver with a fork and pinkish juice comes out, it means the meat is not ready yet.

Juicy recipe with vegetables

Beef liver is especially delicious fried with vegetables. In addition to the offal (450 g), take: tomato, carrot, 120 g green beans, 10 g salt, white onion, bell pepper, 2-3 garlic cloves, 400 ml milk, 3 tbsp. soy sauce without additives.

  1. The liver is cut in half and soaked in milk.
  2. Vegetables are coarsely chopped and fried for 3-4 minutes in fat (without tomatoes).
  3. The fried foods are moved to the edges of the frying pan, and the liver, chopped into pieces, is cooked in the middle. When it turns white, you can mix the products and cook together until the meat component is completely cooked.
  4. Lastly, the mass is salted, slices of tomatoes are laid out on it, and soy sauce and add chopped garlic cloves.
  5. After 2-3 minutes the dish is completely ready.

You can add oregano and other dry seasonings to the snack. This will saturate the beef liver with the piquant aromas of herbs.

Soft and tasty liver for children - pancakes

Such tender pancakes are prepared even for the youngest visitors kindergarten. They will help diversify protein menu crumbs. In addition to the liver (180 g), take: half an onion, an egg, 1 tsp. salt, 60 g white flour.

  1. The liver is soaked in ice water, dry with a paper towel and chop coarsely. In the process, large bile ducts, veins and films must be removed.
  2. Together with the peeled onion, the offal turns into homogeneous minced meat.
  3. Egg and wheat flour are added to the mixture. The base of the pancakes is salted and kneaded to dissolve the lumps.