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I have a severe headache, no pills, what to do. All about medicine. Cool air and sleep

Sometimes the headache occurs suddenly, as if squeezing in a strong vice. Of course, if you have medications at hand, dealing with it is not particularly difficult. But discomfort often arise at a completely inopportune moment, and then it is very, very difficult to eliminate them. And sometimes you have a severe headache and the pills don’t help. But you can’t leave the situation like this, you need to act, but somehow differently. And today we will help the readers of “Popular about health”, we will tell you what to do if you have a headache, but there are no pills or if they do not help.

You need to understand that if medications do not help, then this is a reason to visit a doctor as soon as possible. It is important to establish the reason and act on it. If the pain comes to you in the evening, then before visiting the doctor, there are some things you can do.

Sometimes win headache, which came suddenly, can be done quite simply. First, you should try to completely relax. Lie down comfortably, close your eyes and put all thoughts out of your head. Wait about a quarter of an hour, and the unpleasant symptoms may go away on their own. Surprisingly, quite often only relaxation is enough to get rid of pain.

Massage also helps relieve discomfort. And it is quite possible to do it yourself. Massage your head, moving with gentle movements from the forehead to the back of the head. Then go down to the ears, and also massage the area from the crown to the back of the head. Slowly lower yourself towards the neck area. Also stretch your neck a little.

Fresh air will help relieve headaches. Open the window and ventilate the room. If possible, go for a short walk to the nearest park.

For many people, when they have a severe headache, peace and quiet is not enough. Even indoor light can contribute to increased discomfort. And then you should turn off the lamp, close the curtains or blinds. Humidifying the air can also help - using a humidifier or a regular spray bottle, as well as hanging wet towels around the radiator.

To get rid of headaches, you can prepare yourself a warm bath. The ideal option would be to add a couple of drops of essential oils, for example, lavender or lemon, to the water. You can also use peppermint or marjoram oil. Lie in warm water for about a quarter of an hour, but do not overheat. The water should be at a comfortable temperature.

A hot shower may also be a good option. This procedure will help eliminate spastic pain resulting from muscle spasms that are localized on the back of the neck and head itself. But be careful, after a hot shower, any draft can lead to increased pain and the development of myositis. So dry yourself thoroughly and put something around your neck.

In some situations, a cold compress can help relieve headaches. This procedure helps to narrow the blood vessels localized in the painful area and reduces the severity of painful pulsation. To carry it out, you can take a bag and fill it with ice cubes, then wrap it in a towel and apply it to the forehead, temples or back of the head. Of course, instead of ice cubes, you can use any package from the freezer.

If you have a star balm lying around your house, then a headache is a condition in which such a medicine may well manifest itself. Simply apply a small amount to the temples and bridge of the nose. And after just a few minutes, a couple of balm will help improve the condition.


If you want to get rid of headaches, perform a simple and effective acupressure massage. By influencing active points, you can improve your well-being by an order of magnitude.

One of the active points is located in the area between the eyebrows, where the bridge of the nose gradually flows into the forehead area. It is also called the third eye point. Just massage it with your finger for a couple of minutes.

Applying pressure to points located near the inner base of the eyebrows will also help cope with headaches. They are symmetrical and need to be massaged simultaneously, but not longer than one minute. Apply light pressure to such areas by applying clockwise pressure.

The following points are located on both sides of the nostrils. But not right next to them, but a little further - where there is a depression in the lower part of the cheekbones. Massage them not too intensely for thirty seconds to one minute.

Treatment of points located on the back of the head - right on the hairline - will help overcome headaches. Massage such areas, and the unpleasant symptoms will become less pronounced.

Two centimeters from the temple above the ear there is a small pit. If you are worried about pain in the frontal lobe and temples, massage this area. Act simultaneously on both sides of the head, so the effect of the massage will be maximum.

To get rid of headaches, applying pressure to a point that is located away from the head - on the arm. It is located between the thumb and index finger, on the back of the hand. Cover your hand with the fingers of your other hand on both sides and massage this point for thirty seconds to one minute. Then repeat with the other hand.

Alternative medicine methods

If you are experiencing a headache, try taking a slice of lemon and rubbing it on your temples. Also a good option would be an aromatic drink made from mint, rose hips or ordinary chamomile. This drink has calming and analgesic properties. You can also brew lemon balm tea, sweeten it with honey and drink it warm in small sips. If a headache occurs due to low blood pressure, drink a cup of fairly strong and sweet tea.

Of course, if a headache occurs regularly, it is better to find out the reasons for its occurrence with a doctor.


Video "Headache, what to do without pills"

What to do if you have a headache? Today, this issue worries a huge number of people, since headaches cause inconvenience to almost everyone, the only difference is the frequency of pain return. Very often, women suffer from migraines and other types of pain, especially those who have given birth more than once.

Such a syndrome may indicate completely different processes when comparing the pain of a child and an adult. Pain is just a consequence of some negative processes occurring in the body, therefore, if the same pain symptom is regularly repeated, a trip to the doctor cannot be postponed.

There is no need to describe in detail the sensations that a headache brings with it, because every person has felt it at least once in their life. Headache can be called the most popular type of pain syndrome. The medical definition is as follows: a headache is associated with unpleasant pain sensations in the space of the skull, which often indicate the presence of pathological processes and diseases.

What pathological processes can pain signal? Possible reasons a lot of. We should start with anatomy.

If you have a headache, then something happens to the lining of the brain, the vessels that are located in it, the bones of the skull or the soft tissue that forms the brain.

The reason may be hidden not only in structural changes; processes of violation of the threshold of sensitivity and homeostasis are often observed. The head hurts when the body temperature rises or falls to pathological limits, the head is overheated or hypothermic, and general intoxication of the body occurs, for example, under alcohol or toxicological influence.

Reason wide range Anatomically, the types and subtypes of headaches are characterized by the fact that the nerve endings in the structure of the brain are located and distributed unevenly. This explains the appearance of local or diffuse pain symptoms.

Why is it important to know about this? How does this relate to those patients who do not know what to do if they have a headache? At the beginning of the pathological process, if it is still present and develops in the human body, all of the above is important for the correct diagnosis of changes occurring in the brain. We must remember that the nature and intensity of the pain symptom is often disproportionate to the same parameters of the pathological process.


What else should you tell your doctor about if you have a headache? About all the symptoms that occur in each individual case. For example, the head begins to hurt in one state or another, it splits or there are cases of aching pain, the syndrome torments at different times of the day, returns seasonally, its appearance was noted earlier, in childhood or adolescence, or it occurs in connection with atmospheric changes.

Before determining what to do for a headache in each particular case, you should figure out what type of headache we are talking about. As shown above, such pain is characterized by its clinical diversity, and its cause can be a whole range of structural and non-structural changes in the brain, spaces and tissues adjacent to it.


IN general view Headaches can be classified as follows:

  • migraine is a pathological process in blood vessels and cardiovascular systems;
  • pain associated with organic disorders of the brain and its surrounding membranes;
  • pain associated with pathological processes, various inflammations of the ears, teeth, eyes, nasopharynx;
  • pain of psychogenic nature;
  • pain that occurs as a result of the disease internal organs, but not the brain;
  • pain resulting from the spread of various infections and viruses in the body;
  • pain that occurs as a result of a head injury.

Migraine is characterized by pain syndrome, which regularly repeats and returns, in in this case, a prolonged painful spasm is most often felt in one half of the head, as well as a feeling of heaviness. This is a form of disorder of cardio-vascular system. But migraine is not always a form of cardiovascular disorder. Sometimes patients had headaches due to decreased vascular tone, fragility and thinness of their walls. Migraine is something that accompanies many people in different periods their lives. This is a problem that can be resolved, but not without the help of medical intervention.

Now about more severe cases. For example, a patient has a headache. Today she hasn't stopped hurting. Yesterday, the day before yesterday and a week ago, painkillers do not help, and it seems to him that the pain is constantly getting worse. This is an alarming signal, but there is no need to panic or put off visiting a doctor. In some cases, severe and prolonged pain indicates the presence of a tumor, abscesses, the presence of a hematoma, the development of meningitis and encephalitis. Such serious diseases are usually accompanied by severe dizziness, loss of vision, partial or complete loss of memory, and loss of consciousness.

Prevention and treatment

Migraines and more serious cases of brain-related illnesses have been mentioned as examples to make the dangers clear. Sometimes big troubles can be hidden behind such symptoms. Therefore, constant pain is of particular concern to a person.

So, I have a headache all the time: what to do? Rule number 1: do not panic, but take action. As you can see, treatment follows from the essence of the disease and its severity. And a pain symptom is just a consequence of complex processes.

What to do with a headache that occurs extremely rarely and is not too disturbing due to its mild severity? Analgesics are usually used to relieve pain; they are affordable and widely available for sale and use. In addition to Analgin - the most popular drug - you can take Paracetamol, Acetylsalicylic acid, Citramon or Ibuprofen. It is worth noting that doctors and pharmacists are engaged in fierce debate around these drugs: can they be used? However, nothing better than this list has been invented. If headaches plague a child, you need to remember that Acetylsalicylic acid is contraindicated for him, as this can lead to the development of hepatocerebral syndrome.


What needs to be done to prevent the appearance and development of this painful problem? To begin conducting adequate self-diagnosis, you need to write down your observations about the frequency and nature of pain. If they do not stop, this will help the doctor deal with the existing headache problem. Observation data can include information about whether atmospheric changes outside the window have changed, whether there have been serious physical and emotional stress, or stress. Girls and women should add information about menstruation to this list.

What will help prevent the development of pain? Normal work and rest schedule, healthy sleep, mixing stress conditions to a minimum, quitting smoking and alcohol abuse, regular exercise without excessive zeal. Don't be nervous about trifles!

Headaches are one of the most common ailments in humans. As soon as they feel this symptom, many rush to take various painkillers, most often in the form of tablets. However, sometimes situations arise in which a headache occurs, pills do not help, and most people do not know what to do.

The reason why nothing helps is that headaches are often just a symptom of more serious illnesses. In this regard, it is necessary to fight not with the consequences, but with the source of the problem, that is, with the cause of the disease.

There can be many reasons for the appearance of a headache - from simple fatigue to problems requiring surgical intervention. Most often, a headache does not go away for the following reasons:

  • stress caused by conflicts or anxiety;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • rheumatism in the neck;
  • excessive use of alcohol or tobacco;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • allergies or poisoning;
  • drug exposure;
  • weather dependence.

Coping with most of these factors is not difficult - a person just needs to change his lifestyle a little, react more calmly to difficulties and balance his diet.

However, in some cases this will not be enough and you will need to take specialized medications or the help of a qualified specialist. The latter is especially important, since self-medication can lead to a worsening of the condition or loss of valuable time for medical care.

Doctors note that headaches may be one of the symptoms of the following health problems:

There are also types of headaches that are not associated with other pathologies. These include:

  • migraine;
  • cluster headache.

As you can see from the list, the diseases are serious. That is why, if you have a severe headache (and especially if) and pills do not help, you need as much as possible early diagnosis to prevent complications in the future.


This disease has a long duration - from several hours to several days and is often hereditary. Most often women suffer from the disease. The causes of migraines are mainly sleep problems, hormonal changes, unbalanced nutrition and vascular pathologies. With a migraine, the pain usually has a pulsating nature and is focused on one side of the face.

The disease can be recognized by the symptoms that precede it:

  • irritability;
  • isolation;
  • vomiting or nausea;
  • aversion to bright light and noise.

In order for the headache to go away, some changes in diet are needed. Thus, experts recommend giving up alcohol, coffee, citrus fruits, smoked products, chocolate, eggs and cottage cheese. It is best to immediately consult a specialist when symptoms appear and undergo a full diagnosis of the body, based on the results of which a further course of treatment will be proposed. If this is not possible, then the following folk remedies can help:

  • lemon peel, which is applied to the temporal areas;
  • freshly squeezed potato juice;
  • tincture based on clover leaves;
  • blackcurrant juice, take 3-4 times a day;
  • massage of the temporal areas using mint oil.

Cluster pain

The disease resembles the previous one, but differs in a smaller area of ​​​​the painful area. As a rule, it occurs at one point of the head. Most often found in men with an athletic build. Character traits The patient's appearance is usually: square face, cleft chin and light eyes. This type of headache does not occur in children.

Cluster pain is more acute than migraine pain. In addition, there is a burning sensation in the head in the eyebrow area and pain in the eyes. The pain may eventually spread to the ears, jaw, or temples. The duration of pain varies from several tens of minutes to several hours. In some cases, attacks may disappear for a long time. The symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • irritability;
  • eyes water and turn red;
  • pallor;
  • nausea;
  • nasal congestion;
  • sweating

A possible cause of pain is a change in hormonal levels associated with impaired functioning of the hypothalamus.

Brain tumor

This tumor appears in the brain tissue and can be either malignant or benign. The latter can be cured without surgery. A malignant tumor grows very quickly and metastasizes. Therefore, the disease is difficult to treat, especially in the later stages.

With this disease, pain is felt constantly, and only intensifies during movement. The most severe pain occurs in the morning and at night due to the accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues. The nature of the pain is pressing, throbbing.
In addition to the headache itself, other symptoms gradually appear:

  • bouts of vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • vision problems;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • memory impairment;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • persistent signs of fatigue.

Treatment carried out at the initial stage has a much greater chance of success than in later stages. This is why it is recommended not to delay visiting your doctor. Sometimes the patient’s life depends on this. As a rule, radiation therapy and certain medications are prescribed. In some cases, surgery cannot be avoided. Treatment based on folk remedies does not help here. The maximum that can be achieved is to reduce the symptoms.

Sometimes pain occurs due to intoxication. You can be poisoned, for example, by fumes of toxic substances contained in clothing or furniture. To remove pain, it is enough to get rid of problematic household items. However, the most common cause of headaches is food poisoning. If you suspect this disorder, you should:

  • rinse the stomach;
  • take activated carbon;
  • drink a laxative.

These measures will help remove harmful substances from the body, as a result the pain will decrease or stop completely. In case of poisoning, headache pills do not help. In case of alcohol poisoning, it is recommended to drink some orange juice or mineral water.

Pressure drops

Unstable blood pressure, in addition to headaches, can lead to dizziness or even a stroke. If this problem occurs, be sure to contact a specialist. Having found the cause of blood pressure changes, he will prescribe appropriate medications.

In some cases, a headache is added to the toothache over time. Of course, first of all you need to solve your dental problem by visiting a good dentist. Decoctions based on the following herbs will help:

  • fragrant mint;
  • Linden;
  • sage;
  • chamomile flowers;
  • yarrow.

Before taking the tincture, you should cool it to room temperature, as too hot or cold liquid will only worsen the symptoms.

Stress and depression

Stressful and conflict situations, anxiety, depression almost always lead to headaches. The main thing in this case is to calm down, try to get rid of the problem and relax. Sometimes it will be enough to take a mild painkiller and valerian tincture. But the main thing is to get a good night's sleep.

As a preventative measure, it is necessary to ventilate the premises more often, change your working position every half hour, and also do exercises. A head massage helps a lot. It would be a good idea to seek psychological help to a specialist. After an appointment with a psychologist, a person sometimes completely reconsiders his views on problems. In particularly advanced cases, antidepressants or sleeping pills may be prescribed.

If the result is positive, appropriate medications and events. Trying to self-medicate can lead to dire consequences, as some remedies can worsen the situation.

Treatment methods

When you have a headache, you don’t always need to rush to take medications. This can be addictive and in some situations will only make the pain worse. The best solution would be to do a light head massage, namely the forehead, temples and back of the head. Then it is advisable to go for a walk in the fresh air. Will have a beneficial effect on the condition Herb tea with the addition of mint or motherwort. But drinking coffee is not recommended.

When working, you need to change positions more often, and if necessary, use desk lamp and ventilate the room more often. Upon returning home, you should take a contrast shower and drink a glass of honey and milk. If all this does not help, then you need to take painkillers. However, remember that this should be done no more than once a week, so as not to become addictive.

  • the head should not get too cold, so you need to wear a hat or other headgear;
  • try to find out the cause of the disease by consulting a specialist;
  • try not to get depressed and support positive attitude Despite everything;
  • healthy sleep is the key to your health;
  • do not forget about periodic walks in the fresh air;
  • in case of severe pain, avoid sudden movements and unpleasant odors;
  • Take painkillers less often.

Folk remedies

Hawthorn and oregano with the addition of lemon are good for headaches. The decoction is prepared by adding a tablespoon of one of the herbs, lemon and a spoon of honey (optional) to a container of boiling water. Next, you need to let the product brew, then take it 50 ml 15 minutes before meals 2-3 times a whole day. Popular folk remedy is taking baths with infusions of aromatic herbs and lemon balm.


If you experience frequent headaches and regular painkillers do not help, you should definitely make an appointment with your doctor. Correct and timely treatment using appropriate medications will help avoid problems and complications in the future. Of course, most often pain appears due to stress and overexertion, but it’s still not worth the risk, because your health, and in some cases even your life, is at stake.

The pain, from which the head simply splits in half, is known to many. Sometimes it seems that there is no other escape from it except the guillotine or lobotomy.

Of course, pills come to the rescue. But, as the doctors themselves say, this is not the best solution, especially if they are abused. After all, most analgesics and many vasodilators have an echo effect, that is, over time they themselves provoke an attack.

Therefore, before you swallow another pill, try to cope with your headache yourself:

  • A method for the lazy: do nothing, just lie down, close your eyes and relax in complete silence. Wait 10-15 minutes until it goes away on its own. Oddly enough, in most cases it works.
  • Do a head massage - with light stroking movements from the forehead to the back of the head. Next, walk from the crown down to the ears and from the crown to the back of the head, smoothly going down to the neck. By the way, don’t forget to massage your neck too.
  • Ventilate the room well. Or, if time and weather permit, go for a walk in the fresh air.
  • Darken the room (turn off the lights, close the curtains, blinds) and try to humidify the air in it. If you don't have a humidifier, just hang wet rags on the radiator.
  • Take a warm (but not hot) bath, adding a few drops of essential oils to the water: lavender, lemon, peppermint, marjoram. Fragrant foam and sea ​​salt welcome! Alternatively, take a hot shower. This will ease the cramping pain caused by muscle spasm on the back of the neck and head. You can also take mustard foot baths - they reduce blood pressure in the brain.
  • Apply cold compresses - they constrict the blood vessels in the painful area and reduce painful pulsation. The best way to make a compress is to wrap a bag of ice cubes in a towel and apply it to your forehead, temples or the back of your head for 10-15 minutes.
  • Apply menthol ointment to your temples or the back of your head (ordinary “star balm” will do), or essential oil(preferably citrus or rosemary).
  • Drink a glass of still water. Often cramps occur from dehydration of the body. And it comes not only on a hot day, but also, for example, from sitting for a long time at the computer or after working out in the gym.
  • Eat something warm: soup, porridge. Irregular eating often leads to headaches - this is due to fluctuations in blood glucose levels.
  • Listen to calm, pleasant music or watch an interesting comedy program. Laughter not only tones blood vessels, but also promotes the production of excellent painkillers - the pleasure hormones endorphins.
  • If your head hurts often, and doctors don’t find any problems with you, try wearing a couple of pieces of yellow amber on yourself all the time (closer to your head, of course). It is believed to relieve migraines.


what to do if you have a very bad headache? (there are no tablets nearby)

The issue is resolved and closed.

Best answer


      1 0

    7 (61040) 7 492 1135 8 years

    1.Picture an image of a person in front of you. If this is difficult for you, you can use a drawing or a photograph of a person.
    2. Show where on the person the source of your pain is located. This does not have to be the exact part of the body that hurts you now.
    3. Describe this pain in detail and out loud: what is its shape, color, volume, location on the imagined image, what is its surface, smooth or rough, hard or soft, sticky or slippery, what is inside and outside, if any then the sound, then we describe it. If you can pick it up, how much weight does it have?
    4. Think about where you can place the image we described in the previous paragraph in order to completely get rid of it, completely destroy it.
    It can be broken, burned, drowned, melted, buried, etc. depending on what you got. We destroy the image. It should disappear completely.
    5. Now we need to be distracted by something for a couple of minutes, watch TV, call a friend, read a book, answer a couple of questions on the website...

      0 0

    6 (8548) 2 7 25 8 years

    Sleep it off. And the more you sleep, the better. I think this is the best way)
    And put on music in the background while you fall asleep that usually calms and relaxes you.

      0 0

    6 (11752) 3 7 24 8 years

    It has been scientifically proven that if a person often suffers from headaches and at the same time devotes some time to massage at least 2-3 times a week, then his attacks will be at least half as frequent and much weaker. Massage restores blood supply and allows the body to relax - and this relieves spasms - the main cause of pain. In addition, a head massage is very pleasant. Do it with smooth circular movements - moving from the back of the head to the forehead. And the bio-point responsible for normalizing pressure is located under the occipital protuberance [self-massage for headaches - in the BTW section].

    2. Stretching

    Tension pain occurs due to stagnation of blood in the collar area and because the muscles become numb and “stony”. It's simple! We stretch our neck, raising our head up, then lowering it down, then left and right, and finally making circular movements with our head. Moreover, at the end point of each movement, we make a stretching movement with our neck and fix the neck and head in this position for 10 seconds. Then rest for five seconds and proceed to the next movement.

    3. Warm - cold

    If the pain is throbbing, then you can apply ice or a wet towel to your temples - important arteries pass here that supply blood to the cerebral cortex. A slight drop in temperature can quickly relieve headaches, CNN Health reports. On the contrary, if the pain is pressing, then you should put something warm on the back of the neck - this will create an outflow of blood and lower the pressure.

    4. Relaxed atmosphere

    Very often we cannot cope with a headache without medication simply because we do not know how to relax. Hence the constant overvoltage. Give your poor little head “unloading” minutes - at least 20 minutes after a working day, listen to pleasant background music (preferably without words, so as not to concentrate on the meaning of the song and start humming), learn to control your breathing according to the yogic principle (breathe with your stomach, “knock down” breathing rhythm - this helps relieve stress). And most importantly, you need to accustom yourself to a short time clear your head of all extraneous thoughts! According to scientists, in a day we absorb only 5-7% of the necessary information; all other thoughts are empty troubles.

    It is better to do self-massage while sitting. All points need to be pressed with medium force for 1-1.5 minutes each.
    So, if you have pain:

    The first point is located above the bridge of the nose - in the middle between the eyebrows. Turn your thumb with your nail down and apply pressure with the pad.
    Next, find a point located along the midline of the face 1-1.5 cm above the front border of hair growth. Press down on it with the pad of your thumb.
    From above, inspect your hand with your fingers tightly folded. A muscle tubercle forms between the thumb and index finger. The point we need will be in its center. Press down firmly with the thumb of your other hand. Massage the points on both hands alternately.

    Feel the hole on your temple - this will be the “sun” point, especially revered in Chinese massage. It is better to massage these points simultaneously with your middle fingers.
    The next point is located on the head directly behind the top point of the ear. Press on both points simultaneously with the pad of your middle finger.

    First, thoroughly stretch the muscles in the neck and shoulder area.
    Then, using your index fingers, use light circular movements to massage the brow ridges from the bridge of your nose to the center.
    Find a point under the occipital protuberance. Massage it a little longer - 2-2.5 minutes.