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Spinach in a blender recipes. Spinach cocktail: beneficial properties, recipes, tips. So I present to you protein shake recipes that are full of nutrients and protein.

A wonderful drink with a pleasant texture and the mysterious name “smoothie” is a thick cocktail made from fruits or vegetables with the addition of juice, milk or pure water. At home, such a drink can be prepared using a blender or mixer.
The vegetable and fruit components of smoothies are very diverse. A healthy and tasty drink can be prepared from raspberries, strawberries, cherries, peaches and kiwi, as well as from sour berries - lingonberries and cranberries. Original drinks are made from soft vegetables. Banana occupies a special niche and is almost indispensable for herbal cocktails. The liquid ingredients for smoothies are usually juices, whey, cow's, nut, almond or coconut milk, as well as cold green/white tea and drinking water.

How to make and enjoy the perfect smoothie:
1. Use coconut or nut milk instead of cow's milk.
2. Be sure to add a sweet component for fruit drinks - honey, syrup.
3. Do not pour in too much liquid - the smoothie should be thick and viscous.
4. Consume cold.

To make a spinach and banana smoothie, you will need a blender or mixer.

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • Fresh spinach – 2 cups
  • Ripe banana – 1 pc.
  • Cow's or coconut milk - 1 cup
  • Pomegranate seeds or any berries for decoration
  • Liquid honey – 1-2 teaspoons
  • Lemon juice - 1-2 tsp. (for smoothies with water)

*Milk can be replaced with sparkling/still water.

Banana smoothie recipe.

1. Be sure to wash and dry the spinach leaves. For cooking, use fresh and undamaged leaves. Place spinach in blender container.

2. Ripe banana is moderately firm, slightly covered with “freckles” or tiny brown spots on the peel, wash and peel. Slice the banana and place it in a blender.

3. Add half the liquid. This recipe calls for ½ cup of milk.

4. Mix the ingredients at medium speed for 1-2 minutes, depending on the power of the blender or mixer. The consistency should be uniform, but small pieces of spinach have a right to exist in our drink.

5. Add the second part of the milk, run the blender for another 10 seconds. Pour the finished drink immediately into serving glasses.

6. Garnish the cocktail with a spinach leaf, small berries or pomegranate seeds. Drizzle a little honey over the berries. Taste immediately, with taste and pleasure.

Tips and tricks:
1. A smoothie has all the ingredients of a cleansing drink. This fact must be taken into account when using it. Carbonated water enhances the laxative effect significantly.
2. When replacing cow/coconut milk with water, use only bottled water.
3. Fresh spinach and banana smoothie with milk cannot be stored.

Step-by-step recipes for healthy smoothies with spinach and apple, kiwi, banana and avocado with milk, ice cream, kefir, mineral water, orange juice and natural yogurt

2018-09-01 Yulia Kosich





In 100 grams of the finished dish

3 gr.

0 gr.


2 gr.

21 kcal.

Option 1: Classic spinach smoothie recipe

Do you prefer healthier drinks to coffee and black tea? Then we recommend that you consider several spinach smoothie recipes that are very easy to make. Especially if you have an immersion blender at hand. By the way, the presented drink can be drunk in the morning, before or after training, or at night. But first things first!


  • 15 spinach leaves;
  • a glass of still mineral water;
  • a third of fresh lemon;
  • 2 grams of ginger.

Step-by-step spinach smoothie recipe

Wash all the spinach leaves by throwing them into an enamel bowl with cool, purified water. Remove them one at a time and shake off any droplets of liquid.

Place the ingredient on a dry towel of a suitable size to dry completely. When this happens, wipe the tall blender bowl with paper towels.

Now pour lightly or completely non-carbonated mineral water inside, pre-cooled on a refrigerator shelf for at least an hour.

Next, squeeze the juice from a third of the freshly washed lemon. Moreover, it is important to “catch” the seeds with a spoon so that they do not end up in the drink.

In addition, throw in a little ginger for flavor and all the dry spinach leaves. Immediately grind the components of the drink for approximately 1-2 minutes until relatively homogeneous.

It is important to serve spinach smoothies cold. However, storing the drink for more than a day is not recommended. Therefore, prepare it immediately before serving, especially since this, as you can see for yourself, is very quick and easy. It is also permissible to add to the recipe a thin lemon zest, removed from a third of the fruit from which the juice is squeezed.

Option 2: Quick smoothie recipe with spinach and kefir

We suggest creating a quick version of a spinach smoothie based on low-fat kefir, which must be well cooled and shaken several times before use. To make the drink more flavorful, add lemon zest to your smoothie.


  • half a bunch of spinach leaves;
  • one and a half glasses of cold kefir;
  • teaspoon (without top) lemon zest.

How to quickly make a smoothie with spinach

Pour the planned amount of spinach into a wide enamel bowl. Cut off the stems and pour water inside. Wash the surface of each sheet.

Shake the spinach and spread it out in a single layer on a clean towel to dry. At the same time, remove a little fine zest from a thoroughly washed lemon.

Now place the leaves in the blender bowl. Send the prepared citrus shavings there. Grind for a minute, and then thinly pour in very cold kefir.

Using a thin whisk, vigorously whisk the spinach smoothie by hand until a fine foam appears. Pour into small glasses and serve for breakfast.

Since we are making a dietary low-calorie drink, we strongly recommend using low-fat kefir. As for the zest. Spinach has a slightly sour tint. And if you don’t want to enhance this nuance, eliminate the lemon altogether or replace it with orange shavings - sweeter and more bitter.

Option 3: Spinach smoothie with apple and orange juice

Want to make your spinach smoothie even healthier? Then chop the leaves along with the green apple. But we suggest using orange juice with pulp as the base for this drink.


  • one and a half glasses of orange juice;
  • large green apple;
  • 10-12 spinach leaves;
  • a pinch of cinnamon.

How to cook

Wash each fresh spinach leaf in a bowl of purified water. Shake off and dry on a clean towel.

While this is happening, rinse a large green apple. After wiping with napkins, cut into quarters. Cut out parts of the core and remove the skin.

Cut the apple slices into thin slices. Remove the bottom of the spinach stems. Measure out some ground cinnamon.

Now wipe the tall container dry with a thin towel. Add spinach and apples. Grind to a mushy consistency.

Pour in pre-chilled orange juice. In addition, sprinkle the drink with cinnamon. Actively stir the smoothie with spinach with a whisk and immediately pour into glasses.

As for the juice used. It can be purchased ready-made or squeezed from fresh fruits. Moreover, it is better to take liquid with pulp, then the drink will turn out thicker and richer. Although the clarified and strained version is also suitable.

Option 4: Smoothie with spinach and banana with milk

We will prepare the next version of the drink based on fresh cold milk, which is important to check before use by boiling a small amount in a tablespoon. As for the additional ingredient, this time we will add a juicy, sticky banana.


  • two regular large bananas;
  • 15 spinach leaves;
  • a glass of skim fresh milk;
  • a pinch of vanilla.

Step by step recipe

Wash the spinach leaves. Shake off the moisture, cutting off the lower part of the stems in the process. Place the prepared greens in a transparent bowl.

Now cut the top of the bananas and remove the soft peel. Cut the peeled fruits into slices, removing thin fibers.

Throw the bananas over the leaves. Grind until relatively smooth using an immersion blender.

At the end add vanilla and pour in cooled fresh milk. Using a whisk wiped dry, beat until an airy foam forms on the surface. Pour the spinach smoothie into glasses or glasses.

It is important to add milk to chopped bananas with leaves in a thin stream with constant mixing. This must be done so that the puree gradually and well dissolves in the milk, and the drink itself turns out to be relatively uniform in consistency.

Option 5: Spinach smoothie with avocado and yogurt

Another traditional ingredient that is often added to spinach smoothies is avocado. However, it is very important to choose a ripe, juicy fruit that, when crushed, will provide a puree-like consistency to the drink.


  • one ripe avocado;
  • 8-9 spinach leaves;
  • a glass of natural yogurt.

How to cook

Peel the ripe avocado. Rinse thoroughly in filtered water. Cut into small (relatively) cubes on a vegetable cutting board.

Now cut the stems from the spinach leaves. Wash each and blot with napkins. Tear it into several pieces by hand. Place in a blender bowl along with the avocado.

Mix both ingredients to achieve a heterogeneous fine structure. Only then subtly introduce natural yogurt.

Cover the bowl with a lid and shake vigorously a couple of times. It is also permissible to beat the spinach smoothie with a suitable whisk. Serve immediately very chilled.

It is very important to choose a ripe, juicy avocado that can be crushed to a puree. If you have a slightly unripe fruit, leave it in the sun for several days, during which it will “ripen”. If the avocado still remains hard, we recommend cutting everything into cubes and baking in the oven until soft, which will take approximately five to ten minutes.

Option 6: Spinach and kiwi smoothie with vanilla ice cream

Do you want to pamper yourself a little with a tasty and at the same time healthy drink? Then let's make one last smoothie using amazing vanilla ice cream with the addition of fresh kiwi. It will turn out incredible!


  • two vanilla ice creams on a stick;
  • three kiwis;
  • 10-12 spinach leaves.

Step by step recipe

Cut off the fleecy peel in a thin layer from all planned kiwis. Then carefully wash the fruits. Blot to remove moisture. Cut into slices or circles.

The next step is to cut off the stems of the spinach leaves. Then wash everything and blot both sides with napkins. Tear with your hands and place together with the kiwi in a dry, high container.

Start grinding with a blender. After a minute and a half, turn off the device. Next, open both packets of vanilla ice cream.

Carefully remove the cold mass and transfer it to the beaten mixture. Continue beating with the same blender. In just a few seconds, pour the spinach smoothie into serving glasses.

If you can't find ice cream on a stick (without chocolate coating), purchase the cone version. Only in this case you will have to remove it and use it for other desserts or give it to the children, who will happily complete the task in a few minutes.

For the recipe with photos, see below.

Yesterday I cooked a very tasty new one green spinach smoothie with cucumber. As always, for a softer taste, I put a small banana in it. Drinking such green smoothies is very useful for everyone who monitors their health and wants to get a boost of energy and vitamins for the whole day! Cocktails made from fresh greens are especially useful for athletes to build muscle mass and for rehabilitation therapy after injuries and surgeries.

The fact is that fresh greens contain a huge, simply unrealistically large amount of calcium and iron in a form easily accessible to humans. The ideal form of consuming greens is cocktails, because in them you can mix the 100 g of greens we need per day.

By the way, did you know that spinach is a leaf vegetable, not just a green vegetable? namely a vegetable! Moreover, all over the world, spinach is recognized as the healthiest of all leafy vegetables. It is not possible to list all the beneficial properties and rich vitamin and mineral composition of spinach within the framework of this article. You can read about the benefits of spinach on the vast expanses of the Internet by entering the appropriate query into a search engine.

How to Make Green Spinach Smoothie

To prepare 2 glasses of green spinach smoothie you need to take:

  • fresh spinach leaves 100 grams;
  • ½ banana;
  • ½ large cucumber;
  • 1 glass of water.

To mix the cocktail, I use a blender with an s-shaped blade. Wash the cucumber, peel off the skin and chop into pieces, peel the banana and cut. Wash spinach greens and dry. Place spinach and half a glass of water in a blender. Beat until the greens are completely chopped. Add slices of fresh cucumber and banana, beat for a couple more minutes. That's it, the vitamin-mineral bomb is ready! We enjoy the wonderful taste and wonderful beneficial properties of this drink. By the way, it is very filling!

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Many people dream of losing excess weight without harming their health. If you have set yourself such a task, then spinach smoothie will make it much easier!

Obesity negatively affects a person's figure and self-esteem. But besides this, it is the main cause of heart disease, inflammatory processes in the body and other health problems. And this greatly worsens the quality of life.

That is why It is so important to get rid of bad habits as early as possible. Improve the quality of your diet and try to lead a healthy lifestyle that will help your body find balance and maintain the necessary energy.

In addition, you can take note of some useful supplements, which, due to their properties, improve metabolism and promote weight loss.

These are the additives we consider spinach smoothie. The nutritional composition of this drink will help control anxiety and speed up the process of burning calories.

Even if this is not a “magic wand” that will instantly relieve you of excess weight, but regularly taking spinach smoothies A- this is a great help in achieving the desired result.

Be sure to try it!

1. Spinach and orange smoothie

Rich in antioxidants and fiber, this delicious spinach and orange smoothie is sure to help you lose weight.

Try drinking this cocktail before or, better yet, replace it with a snack. When you suddenly want to eat something harmful.


  • 7 spinach leaves
  • juice of 4 oranges
  • 2 kiwi
  • 1 glass of water (300 ml)

Cooking method:

  • Wash the spinach leaves well and place them in a blender bowl.
  • Extract the juice from the oranges and then mix it with the spinach.
  • Add chopped kiwi and a glass of water to the mixture for a nice smoothie texture.
  • Mix in a blender for 2 minutes until you get a smooth drink.

Method of consumption:

  • Drink a glass of smoothie 30 minutes before your workout.
  • Drink on an empty stomach or as an afternoon snack.

2. Spinach, mango and coconut water smoothie

This healthy cocktail will help you get rid of excess fat. And also reduce cholesterol levels and cope with fluid retention in the body.

Vitamins and minerals included in its nutritional composition, help reduce inflammation, and also prevent fatigue and anxiety.


  • 6 spinach leaves
  • 1 ripe mango
  • 1 cup (200 ml)

Cooking method:

  • Wash the spinach and blend it with the mango pulp and coconut water in a blender.
  • Make sure the consistency of the drink is smooth.

Method of consumption:

  • Drink this smoothie when you feel hungry and crave junk food.
  • Try to consume on an empty stomach or during.

3. Spinach, Avocado and Pineapple Smoothie

This delicious combination of ingredients will fill you with energy and help you lose weight faster. This drink speeds up and controls appetite.

This smoothie contains digestive enzymes and anti-inflammatory compounds. They cleanse organism and help reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular and joint diseases.


  • 7 spinach leaves
  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 3 slices pineapple
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)

Cooking method:

  • Wash the spinach leaves and cut the avocado and pineapple into small pieces.
  • Place all ingredients in a blender and blend by adding a glass of water.

Method of consumption:

  • Drink smoothies on an empty stomach at least 3 times a week.
  • Consume to satisfy hunger (as a healthy snack).

4. Spinach, banana and nectarine smoothie

And this tropical smoothie has energetic and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, it is low in calories and helps you lose weight without harming your health.

The combination of ingredients is just a gift for the body. This is an excellent addition to any diet aimed at combating excess weight.


  • 6 spinach leaves
  • Ripe banana
  • 1 nectarine
  • 1 cup almond milk (200 ml)

Cooking method:

  • Combine the ingredients in a blender and then add a glass of almond milk.
  • Make sure the consistency is smooth. Serve to the table.

Method of consumption:

  • Drink smoothies before workouts or as an afternoon snack.

5. Spinach and apple smoothie

By combining the properties of spinach and green apple, you get an amazing low-calorie smoothie. This drink will cleanse your body of toxins. and will help you lose weight.

Consume it also if you suffer from constipation or other digestive system disorders.


  • 7 spinach leaves
  • 1 green apple
  • 2 cabbage leaves
  • juice of half a lemon
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)

Cooking method:

  • Combine all ingredients in a blender, adding the juice of half a lemon and a glass of water to obtain a lighter texture.
  • Make sure the consistency is smooth.

Method of consumption:

  • Drink when you are hungry, 2 or 3 times a week.

Are you ready to try these spinach smoothies? As you can see, There are several options to reap the weight loss benefits of this product.

Choose the smoothie that you like best and include it in your diet. You will not regret it!

This drink is prepared not only for pleasure. With its help you will supply your body with all the necessary amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Greens, rich in antioxidants, can remove toxins from the body and also have a healing role. For those who have intestinal problems, it can become a kind of lifesaver. But the popular opinion that you need to use a lot of it cannot be followed.

Experts believe that by drinking one glass of green smoothie a day, you will feel much better and more energetic.

Products for approximately three servings

  • banana - one piece,
  • water – from 200 ml,
  • lemon (lime) – half of one pc.,
  • spinach – approximately 70 g,
  • apples (green only) – two pcs.


Wash the spinach well, wash the lemon and apple.

Peel the banana. Remove the seeds from the lemon without peeling it, and the core from the apples. Cut off the stems from the greens. Cut all foods, but not finely.

To process ingredients, choose which kitchen aids you will use. You can prepare such a cocktail using an immersion and stationary blender, a food processor, or very finely chopping knives that turn individual products into a single mass. Or those that leave them in small pieces.

Chop spinach, lemon, apples, gradually adding water. Its quantity depends on how thick the drink you want to get, so that you can drink it or eat it with a spoon.