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Seasonal fruits and vegetables: selection rules and seasonality calendar. What are seasonal fruits and vegetables? When to collect vegetables and fruits time of year

What should we remember when buying groceries? About the best season to eat our favorite fruits and vegetables. Nobody likes pale, tasteless tomatoes or huge, shiny, but devoid of aroma and taste strawberries. They contain more harmful substances than vitamins and minerals. And if we want to eat healthy food, then we need to use what nature has prepared for us at different times of the year.


This is the time when everything awakens to life, and the first rays of the sun give us energy and optimism. To replenish the vitamin deficiency after winter, you need to consume the foods that this time of year offers us. First of all, these are cucumbers, parsley (greens), lettuce, radishes, green onions, sorrel, spinach, beets, rhubarb, arugula, asparagus. Fruits include apples, pears, strawberries, cherries, and cherries.


In late spring and early summer, vegetables such as beans, green beans, broccoli, zucchini, kohlrabi, beet leaves, eggplant, and new potatoes appear. Then pepper should appear on our tables, green pea, young beets, corn, beans. At the beginning of the season, you can open the strawberry season, and then raspberries and currants. In mid-summer, you should more often consume watermelons, gooseberries, peaches, nectarines, and various berries - strawberries, blueberries, blueberries, etc.


The main vegetable that comes to mind at this time of year is pumpkin - the queen of autumn. The vegetables that are important at this time are melons and squashes, zucchini and zucchini. In addition, the harvest of Brussels sprouts, chicory, endive, black turnips, and artichokes begins. In autumn, cranberries, quinces, plums, and grapes appear. This is also the time for mushrooms.


At this time, natural resources are not available, and we must use the harvest of previous seasons - in the form of canned food, jam, marinades, pickles, and eat dried or frozen foods. In addition, at this time of year we must take care of our immunity by providing the body with foods with vitamin C. Among other things, we will find it in citrus fruits, which, although they do not grow in our country, can be purchased in any store. Never forget about nuts, which are also a treasure trove of vitamins and minerals.

Whole year

Each season has its own special “collection” of vegetables and fruits. Apart from this, there are fruits and vegetables that you can eat all year round, and these include pears, apples, turnips, onions, garlic, beans, cabbage, carrots, leeks, parsley root, celery, and mushrooms.

Why is it so important to pay attention to seasonality? This is because fruits and vegetables eaten during the time of year when they are harvested contain the most nutrients and are most beneficial to our health. This is the main reason why we must adapt to the rhythms of nature and extract from it what it is in this moment ready to share with us.

Seasonality of vegetables and fruits - an aspect that we do not always take into account when choosing products. After all, in supermarkets all year round, vegetables and fruits are laid out in neat piles on refrigerated shelves, even and smooth, as if by choice. Large retail chains make us think less about the quality of products and more about a wide selection and maximum convenience of purchasing: at any time of the year, any day of the week and any time of the day. We eat regularly beautiful vegetables and fruit from the supermarket, succumbing to the illusion healthy image life.

Are vegetables and fruits always healthy?

While we are happy to fill our carts with fruits and vegetables, we forget that they will only be useful during the season, which is different for each product. Moreover, out-of-season fruits can harm the body. But how can this be? Haven't we been taught since childhood that fruits and vegetables, especially raw ones, are a source of many vitamins?

Yes and no. Seasonal fruits, ripened according to the natural cycle and collected at its peak, are maximally rich in vitamins and microelements. Such vegetables and fruits can and should be eaten unprocessed, preserving them useful composition.

Modern agricultural technologies, catering to endless consumer demand, supply us with a wide selection of out-of-season products that are not only not healthy (vegetables and fruits grown under artificial conditions do not accumulate the required amount of vitamins), but are also harmful. Additives that stimulate growth and early ripening, nitrate fertilizers, pesticides that do not have time to decompose due to too short a cycle - all this is harmful to our health. Children under three years of age and the elderly are especially susceptible to this.

Such vegetables and fruits must be carefully processed before consumption to reduce harmful effects. It is recommended to soak them in cold water(or in a weak solution of vinegar), cut off the stalks and peel the peel. But even in this case, their benefits to the body will be minimal.

Stocking up on vitamins for future use

Realizing that winter comes after an abundant summer, we consciously or unconsciously adjust our diet, trying to get enough of juicy fresh tastes and accumulate more vitamins in reserve. This desire is reinforced by national food traditions: seasonal vegetables in the summer they do not leave the table, alternating in “green” salads and various types of okroshka. The craving for fresh vegetables and fruits is not accidental: our body instinctively chooses what will be useful for it. Thus, carrots contain beta-carotene, which is converted by body enzymes into vitamin A (retinol), which strengthens the retina. Cucumber consists of 95% water, saturated with potassium and serving as an excellent means for removing toxins and toxic substances. And the red color of the tomato is due to the lycopene it contains, which prevents the division of some cancer cells.

The World Health Organization recommends eating at least 400 grams of fruits and vegetables, fresh or cooked (excluding potatoes and similar starchy root vegetables), per day to prevent disease heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity. For convenience, you can remember the universal “five servings rule”: you should eat 5 or more different fruit and vegetable “servings” per day. One serving is approximately 80-100 grams, or an amount that can easily fit in a folded palm: a carrot, a tomato, a couple of tangerines or a small bowl of vegetable salad.

Canning, drying or freezing?

To maintain the correct balance in your diet even in winter, you can make preparations from seasonal vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs and mushrooms. The most popular, but least valuable option in terms of preserving usefulness is canning. This way you can cook a lot vegetable dishes, completely ready to serve. However, canning requires heat treatment, therefore the content of vitamins and minerals in the final product is minimal. There is also little benefit in jams and preserves, because prolonged boiling and combining with sugar does not have the best effect on the composition of berries and fruits.

A more gentle treatment is drying at room temperature, in the sun or in the oven. This option is well suited for fruits, berries, mushrooms and herbs.

Finally, an almost ideal way of preparing food is to freeze the food. It allows you to preserve as much as possible not only the beneficial composition, but also appearance, taste and aroma of vegetables and fruits. It should be remembered that re-freezing is undesirable, so it is better to distribute the products into small portion bags.

Seasonal calendar of vegetables and fruits

To easily navigate the seasons and create a delicious and healthy menu all year round, use our seasonal calendar.

Cabbage: white, red, Brussels sprouts. Shallots and leeks, artichokes, turnips, parsnips

Citrus fruits (grapefruits, lemons, oranges, tangerines), quince, persimmons

Cabbage: white, red, Brussels sprouts. Shallots, parsnips


Watercress and radicchio salad. Asparagus, spinach, radish, rhubarb

Asparagus, spinach, radish, White cabbage. Salads: cabbage, lettuce, radicchio, arugula. Young peas

Asparagus, spinach, radishes and radishes, rutabaga. Beans, peas. Carrots, zucchini, cucumbers, bell pepper. Cauliflower, broccoli. Salads: lettuce, cabbage, radicchio

Strawberries and wild strawberries, cherries and cherries. Red currants, gooseberries, blueberries

New potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes. Cauliflower, broccoli. Carrots, zucchini, eggplant, bell pepper. Green peas and beans. Celery, leeks and onions. Watercress, lettuce, lettuce

Strawberries, raspberries, cherries and cherries. Black and red currants, blueberries, blueberries, gooseberries. Peaches, apricots, nectarines

Potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers, carrots, eggplants, zucchini and zucchini. Cauliflower, red cabbage, broccoli, green peas. Bell pepper, corn, onion. Radish, radish, rutabaga, chard.

Watermelons and melons, plums, peaches, nectarines and apricots. Gooseberries, blueberries, currants, sea buckthorn


Cucumbers and tomatoes, bell peppers, carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, eggplant and zucchini. Cauliflower and broccoli. Onion and leeks, cabbage, horseradish, radishes and rutabaga

Apples, plums, figs, pears. Melons and watermelons. Sea ​​buckthorn

Tomatoes, carrots, pumpkin, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower. Leek, rutabaga, turnip, horseradish

Apples, pears, figs

Carrots, pumpkin, turnips. Cauliflower and Brussels sprouts. Leeks, horseradish

Persimmon, pear, quince, cranberry

Brussels sprouts, pumpkin, turnip, leek

Quince, persimmon, pomegranate. Cranberry. Citrus

Why do you eat seasonally? perfect solution and base healthy eating?

There are several reasons for this, because seasonal products:

  1. 1 more useful– most of these products come to us “straight from the garden”, grown without dangerous fertilizers and not treated with chemicals;
  2. 2 tastier– the natural and bright taste of fresh products cannot be compared with canned, pickled and other preparations rich in spices and salt;
  3. 3 cheaper– there is no need for their long-term storage (heating, lighting, security) and they do not require additional effort for production.

We have collected the main products for each month and described the beneficial properties of each of them*.


Midwinter. Behind New Year with its feasts and festivities. Our body is already a little tired, but we can’t relax, because Christmas and the Old New Year are ahead! The day has already begun to increase, although we don’t really notice it yet.
In January, as throughout the winter, we seem to be in a state of hibernation. Of course, we continue to lead our usual lifestyle, go to work, play sports, etc. However, it is in winter that we experience a state of increased sleepiness, our activity decreases, we become slower and it takes us more time to perform habitual actions.


Despite the fact that this is the last month on the winter list, warming cannot be expected. The frosts do not stop, and the snow does not even think of melting. Old name " fierce” fits perfectly to describe the weather conditions of this month. Severe frost and violent whirlwinds rage during this difficult time for people.

But it’s worth remembering positive aspects. Firstly, February is the shortest month of the year, which means that winter will officially end soon. Secondly, we gradually begin to feel that the day is getting longer, and this cannot but rejoice. However, all our strength and resources are running out. Now we need to get a second wind. And we will do this using methods already known to us: healthy sleep, walks in the fresh air, morning exercises and, of course, healthy and wholesome nutrition.


The only month of the year, with the onset of which not only nature awakens from sleep and winter cold, but also our hearts... It smells of spring, snowdrops and tulips. It brings the first rays of sunshine and is beautiful women's holiday. Once upon a time A.S. Pushkin called this month “ morning of the year».

With the arrival of March, many people begin to slowly free themselves from bulky winter clothes. And the result of such “freedom” is often a runny nose, colds and coughs. Unfortunately, this is not surprising, since the body, suffering from a significant lack of vitamins, is no longer able to resist diseases. Therefore, helping yourself through a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition– our sacred duty is with you.


The most fun and funny month of the year! In addition, it is also considered the sunniest month, since it is during this period that the sun increases its activity, giving us a feeling of warmth and comfort. Translated from Latin it means “ warmable», « solar" And our ancestors called it “ let's bloom"for the flowers that the earth gives us with his arrival.

April is the second month of spring, so at this time of year nature almost completely wakes up from its slumber. However, even despite this, you need to be prepared for the cold, which may still return. Considering this, as well as a fair amount of vitamin deficiency, which usually develops by this period, we need to reconsider our diet and try in every possible way to help our body protect itself from diseases, stress and spring depression.


The last month of spring, which is popularly called month of love and flowers. Moreover, it is called the greenest month of the year, since it is during this period that nature begins to come to life and delight us with its natural beauty.

However, despite the spring mood and warm rays of sunshine that the May weather often bestows upon us, its changeability and instability still remains. It is in May that the air temperature can rise to 25 ºC or drop to 1-2 ºC. Such changes, as well as weakened immunity after winter, often lead to colds and deterioration of well-being. But even in this case, there is still no need to despair. With a properly organized daily routine and diet, you can survive this difficult time with dignity and greet the summer with a smile!


The first summer month, which brings with it not only the long-awaited rays of sunshine, but also the day summer solstice, or the longest day of the year.

In the old days June was called " multi-colored», « in the light of day" and even " grain growth" In addition, people believed that warm June nights brought an abundance of fruits. And even the rains of June were valued more than gold. It was in June that the time for long haymaking came in the villages, and everyday work in the fields began. Moreover, June is a great time to boost immunity and improve the general condition of the body. After all, it is during this period that berries, fruits and vegetables begin to appear, rich in vitamins and nutrients, the lack of which we experienced acutely in winter.


This is perhaps one of the most unpredictable months of the year. Since ancient times, it was not for nothing that people called it “ sufferer"(for the excessive heat and scorching sun under which it was necessary to work) and " Groznik"(for strong, sudden thunderstorms).

However, it is in July that you can fully enjoy the grace of nature, bright summer colors and the alluring aroma of ripening fruits and berries.

Along with this, doctors say that it is during this period that both adults and children most often suffer from intestinal infections. And it’s all due to ignoring or even ignorance of the basic rules of organizing your nutrition.


Depending on the region of residence and traditions, the Slavs called the third month of summer differently: serpen, stubble, stubble, generous, soberikha, thick-eater... Modern name“August” came to us from Byzantium, where, inheriting traditions Ancient Rome, the last month of summer was named after Octavian Augustus.

This month, let’s not forget about the principles of proper nutrition – variety, balance and moderation. And also, you should follow the principles of “summer” nutrition - low calorie content; more vegetables, herbs and fruits; cleanliness and freshness of products. It is very important to maintain the body’s water balance during this period, because in the summer heat a person loses up to 2 liters of fluid per day.


Got its name from Latin septem(seven) because it was the seventh month of the old Roman calendar. The Slavs called him " spring", in honor of the heather blooming during this period, or ruin(roar), because in this month the autumn bad weather began and “roared” outside the window.

In September, the Slavic New Year or Church New Year begins (September 14), that is, a new starting point for the church year and its holidays (the first of them is the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary). In autumn we follow the principles seasonal food which the wise Chinese command. Namely, when planning a diet in September, we take into account the characteristics of this time of year and choose products traditional for our area.


It is the tenth month of the year, although it received its Latin name octo(eight) even before Caesar's calendar reform. People associate him with many folk signs, beliefs and were called differently: muddy, podzimnik, wedding party.

Nutrition in October should solve two problems - depressed mood and autumn colds. Therefore, a properly balanced and organized diet will help us cope with these tasks, and will also help prevent many other diseases. It is very important with the onset of cold weather, when the appetite awakens and the body stores up nutrients before winter, not to get too carried away with high-calorie foods, giving preference to low-calorie dishes with high level useful substances.


The last month of autumn, like its predecessor, confused us in counting the months of the calendar year. According to the Gregorian calendar it is the eleventh, but according to the old Roman calendar it is the ninth, which became the basis for its name (from the Latin November, that is, the ninth).. But our ancestors called it differently: Leafy, Leafy, Leafy, Ice, Breast, Freeze-up, Start of winter, Half-winter, Wedding, Month of full pantries, Gates of winter. November will not pamper us much with warmth - after all, it often blows snow, threatens Mikhailovsky and Kazan frosts, fogs and rare thaws. This month is rich in church and secular holidays, and it also marks the beginning of the Nativity Fast. November is a wonderful occasion not only to think about healthy eating, but also to switch to it.


We are boldly entering winter, starting our “wintering” from the last month of the year and the first winter - snowy, cold, with frequent winds and frost in December. He received his name from the Greek "δέκα" and the Latin December, which means “tenth,” since it actually had such a serial number according to the old Roman calendar, even before Caesar’s reform. People called December: jelly, winter road, gloom, chills, wind chime, frost, fierce, lute, timid, prosinets. December is rich in folk and Orthodox holidays, the beginning of the Nativity Fast and preparations for the New Year and Christmas celebrations.

For each month we have selected:

  • products that are seasonal for the European part of Russia, fresh and ripening at a certain time;
  • fruits and vegetables long-term storage , which can be stored for several months without compromising quality or special processing;
  • cereals, which actually have no expiration date and are evenly distributed throughout the year;
  • fish and poultry, available in fresh throughout the year;
  • imported products, which are delivered to us during the ripening or catching season (seafood, citrus fruits, exotic fruits and vegetables);
  • mushrooms, obtained both in the natural environment and grown in special premises.

When getting acquainted with any month, we recommend that you also read the previous and subsequent ones - since most products cannot be distributed strictly by month, and they last for more than one month, so the division turned out to be quite arbitrary.

05.07.2016 Vladimir Zuikov Save:

Good afternoon, Dear friends! Zuikov Vladimir is with you. As I promised, today we begin to consider new topic about seasonal fruits and vegetables - the food we eat. A very important issue that is ignored by many when it comes to “healthy eating”. And at the end of the article I will share with you the seasonality calendar.

It is summer now - best opportunity get the maximum benefit from berries, fruits and vegetables. You need to eat more of them while everything is available. But it is also important when purchasing to take into account the quality of these same products and the season of their natural ripening. Many people ignore this question, thinking that in the summer everything is useful by default and in season.

Are fresh fruits and vegetables always healthy?

If you go to a supermarket, fruits and vegetables are available all year round. Come in and buy what you like. Everything is beautiful, neat, shiny - as if chosen. Retail chains put a lot of effort into making us want to buy maximum convenience at the lowest possible price.

In supermarkets (especially large ones) there is practically nothing for a raw foodist to do. It's full of everything, but there's nothing to buy. Eating plants from the supermarket is just an illusion of a healthy lifestyle.

Now we have agricultural technologies that cater more to ignorant consumer demand than to utility. That's why supermarkets and vegetable markets are stocked with such a wide range of out-of-season products. They are not only not useful, but also harmful to our health.

The fact is that such vegetables and fruits are grown in artificial conditions, stimulating their rapid growth and earlier ripening of the crop with the help of aggressive nitrate fertilizers, pesticides and other nasty things. Some people think that the issue can be solved by cutting off the peel or soaking it in water. Well, yes.

About storage. Industrial vegetables and fruits in warehouses usually have their shelf life artificially increased using various chemical treatments. As a result, we have “eternal” apples and other plastic fruits on sale. By the way, read about my experiment with apples that never rotted over the spring and summer.

Of course, no one has ever died from these apples if they ate them in small quantities. But the intestinal microflora was definitely damaged. As a result, weakness, reduced immunity, and friendly intestinal bacteria die, which means that beneficial substances are not synthesized.

And if we are talking about raw foodists, then eating plant foods of such low quality is one of the reasons why the transitional stage of a raw food diet for some lasts for YEARS, when it should be completed in 6-8 months. Guys, I’m already tired of repeating that chemicals in a raw foodist’s diet are a road to nowhere.

For example, when making a salad of cucumbers and tomatoes in the spring, you are well aware that you are eating out-of-season foods filled with chemicals. Well, if you don’t agree with me, then think about what you can grow in our climate in winter and spring or how to bring something from distant countries without using chemical substances.

Well, in winter and spring everything is clear. What about in the summer? For example, in June, markets actively sell apricots, peaches, tomatoes, and melons. Many raw foodists use them. Are these products healthy? Many people think so.

In fact, the season for all of these fruits begins in mid-July. Yes, for those brought from more southern regions - a little earlier, but not at the beginning of June. That is, you eat greenhouse fruits, for the cultivation of which all sorts of chemicals are usually used.

For example, to grow tomatoes in such huge quantities, greenhouses alone are not enough. Be sure to use chemical growth and maturation stimulants. All this goes into your body. Will there be any benefit from such a raw food diet (or whatever your diet is)?

Reasons to avoid out-of-season fruits and vegetables in favor of seasonal ones:

  1. Benefit. During the season, fruits and vegetables contain the greatest amount of useful substances and many times less fertilizers are used to grow them. Nature itself suggests that everything should be consumed in due time.
  2. Taste. Seasonal products have a much brighter and richer taste than non-seasonal ones. For example, in winter tomatoes are like tasteless plastic, but in August they just ask to be eaten one by one.
  3. Better nutrition. Seasonal fruits and vegetables saturate the body much better than their “empty” out-of-season counterparts.
  4. Price. In season, products are much cheaper than out of season (there are exceptions). Seasonal ones go on sale almost immediately, without long-term storage and processing. Therefore, eating what is seasonal is also beneficial for saving your budget.
  5. Save the planet and support local farming. Buying natural products at markets in season, you save nature. After all, growing out-of-season products pollutes environment greenhouse gases and chemical waste from agriculture.

Friends, the key to health, youth and beauty is the consumption of mainly seasonal products. Only seasonal sun-warmed fruits, vegetables and herbs contain many vitamins, minerals and other useful substances. Off-season people are deprived of all this.

When you come to the market or a vegetable stand, your eyes widen. They sell so much stuff there almost all year round! But now you start to wonder: is it worth buying?

Rules for choosing vegetables and fruits

Guys, actually buying quality fruits and vegetables is not that difficult. To do this, first of all you need to follow the following rules:

  1. Try to buy only seasonal fruits and vegetables. For example, strawberries in January are not in season and even dangerous, but in June they will provide maximum benefit and taste.
  2. Try to buy plant foods that are grown in open ground under the sun's rays. Greenhouse food always contains less nutrients and more nitrates and pesticides.
  3. Never buy fruits and vegetables that are too beautiful or perfectly shaped. Yes, supermarkets and vegetable warehouses are filled with such products, but there is nothing useful in them. Choose foods that are more homely looking but naturally grown.
  4. It is advisable to buy fruits and vegetables that are fully ripe and have not been stored in warehouses for long. That is, it is better to avoid unripe or, on the contrary, rotten and spoiled ones.
  5. Give preference to local vegetables and fruits rather than imported ones from overseas. Take this point into account when creating your individual diet.
  6. When purchasing imported fruits, check that they are in season in the country from which the fruits come.
  7. Don’t forget and don’t be lazy to make preparations for the winter. The blog has articles on how to freeze and dry fruits, vegetables and herbs yourself.

It's actually simple. Products out of season will not bring health. Chemistry and nitrates. The most important thing for a healthy diet is to choose natural, seasonal fruits and vegetables. That is, those that have ripened according to the natural cycle, and that are grown without aggressive chemicals. Be it local or imported fruits.

Seasonal calendar of fruits and vegetables by month

So which vegetables and fruits should you buy depending on the season and where they are grown, and which ones should not?

The seasonal calendar of fruits and vegetables will help solve this issue. We made it in a convenient table format, by month.

Our calendar is compiled taking into account natural conformity, it takes into account precisely the factor best quality fruits and vegetables. This is its main difference from other seasonal calendars from the Internet, which take into account only the fact that a product goes on sale (for example, strawberries in April).

Friends, use the seasonal calendar for your health and create a healthy menu. I look forward to your comments on today's topic. And see you soon in new articles!

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In pursuit of health and beauty, we strive to eat a balanced diet, giving preference to natural farm products that are sold in markets. But here it is important to choose not only seasonal products, but also those that will help the body recover after the winter period.

1. Citrus fruits

At the end of winter, when choosing foods, we advise you to focus on those that contain vitamin C. This will help you support the body, weakened by a long winter and less varied food than in summer. Buy regular and red Turkish oranges, as well as tangerines and grapefruits.

2. Nuts

Feel free to buy any nuts that you love, because the widest range of this variety is presented on the shelves. useful product. Not all nuts have the same properties, so it is best to buy several types and alternate them. It can be as usual walnuts, hazelnuts or cashews, as well as more exotic ones, such as Brazil nuts, pecans or macadamia nuts.

3. Greens

Agree that winter food is more monotonous than summer food. To add flavor, just sprinkle chopped herbs on any dish, and it will sparkle with new flavor colors. Actively use not only parsley and dill, but also basil and mint. And be sure to include spinach in your February menu.

4. Dried fruits

A wonderful option for February sweets will be dried fruits, which are rich in minerals and various trace elements. When going to the market, be sure to buy raisins and dried apricots, figs and prunes, dates and apricots. All these dried fruits can be eaten separately or made into energy bars with them.

5. Root vegetables

Nowadays you can find a lot of root vegetables on the market that we don’t eat so often. Among them are parsnips and parsley root, turnips and celery root. These products will diversify your usual diet and fill your body with vitamins.

6. Sweet pepper

We have already mentioned how important it is to consume enough vitamin C, which is why be sure to buy Bell pepper, rich in this vitamin. It is best to choose red peppers, but yellow and green peppers have a slightly lower concentration of vitamin C.

7. Exotic fruits

Exotic fruits are especially popular in winter. Most often they are brought from Thailand, so check with sellers on what days deliveries occur to ensure that you buy only the freshest mangoes and passion fruits, pineapples and lychees.

8. Green vegetables

Green vegetables are a group of foods that should be in your diet all the time, especially if you are looking after your health and want to stay slim. Among the simpler and more accessible green vegetables in February, choose broccoli and Brussels sprouts, as well as green beans and asparagus. True, the latter is most often delivered only to order.