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Sati Casanova personal life latest. Sati Casanova confirmed that she had separated from her husband. Social and political position of Sati Casanova

Sataney "Sati" Setgalievna Casanova. Born on October 2, 1982 in the village of Verkhniy Kurkuzhin, Baksan district, Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Russian singer and actress, model, TV presenter. Former member of the female pop group "Factory".

Sataney "Sati" Casanova, was born on October 2, 1982 in the Kabardian village of Verkhniy Kurkuzhin, Baksan district.

By nationality - Kabardian.

Father - Setgaliy Talostanovich Kazanov.

Mother - Fatima Ismailovna.

She has three younger sisters: Svetlana, Maryana and Madina.

After school, she entered the Kabardino-Balkarian School of Culture and Arts in the city of Nalchik, from which she graduated with a degree in academic singing. Laureate of the regional competition “Nalchik Dawns”. At one time she worked as a singer in a restaurant, to the complete displeasure of her family.

At the age of 16 she set off to conquer Moscow and entered the Russian Academy music named after Gnessins for the specialty “pop singing”. However, she never finished her studies at Gnesinka. During her studies, in order to be able to support herself in the capital, she worked in a casino and sang in the music show “Voyage of Dreams.”

In 2002, she became a participant in the 1st season of the Star Factory project. Based on this project, a women's group was formed in December of the same year "Factory". In addition to Sati, there were Alexandra Savelyeva, Irina Toneva and Maria Alalykina.

The group was produced by Igor Matvienko. In the project “Star Factory - 1” the group took 2nd place.

The group “Factory” quickly became very popular, and their songs “About Love”, “Factory Girls”, “Fish” and a number of others became leaders of the charts.

In February 2003, the group shot a video for the song “About Love”, and after some time the single “Oh, Mom, I fell in love” (a version of the song “Oh, Yes”) appeared.

Some time later, Maria Alalykina learns about her expulsion from the university, and therefore in August 2003, after a tour, she leaves the group. After some time, it becomes known about her pregnancy. After Maria left, the group consists of three members - Irina Toneva, Sati Casanova and Alexandra Savelyeva. It is with this composition that the team achieves popularity.

With the updated lineup, the group is filming videos for the songs “The Sea is Calling” (together with Jam), “Beyond the Horizon” (together with Ivanushki International), and “Factory Girls.”

In November 2004, “Factory” released its debut album “Factory Girls” and received the “Golden Gramophone” award for the song “About Love”.

Factory - About love

The Factory group appeared in Maxim, FHM, and Penguin magazines.

Sati also repeatedly posed for men's glossy magazines. She was included many times in the ratings of the sexiest women by the Russian-language versions of FHM and Maxim magazines.

Sati Casanova won the Astra Award in the category “The Most Stylish Singer” in 2006, as well as four music awards as part of the “Factory” group. In 2009, Sati was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Republic of Adygea, and the following year she received the same title in Kabardino-Balkaria. And in 2012 she became an Honored Artist of Karachay-Cherkessia.

In May 2010, after 8 years of work in the Factory group, she left the team and began a solo career under the leadership of Igor Matvienko. The singer worked only on her own authority and in the same year she released her first solo single “Seven Eighths”, recording a video for it.

Then, one after another, new compositions and videos for them began to be released - “Buenos Aires” (2011), “Otherworldly” (2011), “Feeling of Lightness” (2012), “Fool” (2013), “We will believe in miracles” (2013), "Goodbye" (2014) and "Until Dawn" (2014).

Sati Casanova - Fool

In 2012, Sati Casanova entered the German Sidakov School of Drama.

Graduated in 2014 Russian University theater arts (GITIS) with a degree in actor, workshop of V.V. Teplyakov and P.O. Chomsky.

In 2014, she recorded the song “Feeling of Lightness” with the singer Batista, for which a video later appeared.

In 2015, for the hit “Happiness Is”, she was awarded the Audience Award from Sound Track. In the same year, she received two Golden Gramophones for the hit “Until Dawn”.

In 2016 she received the Golden Gramophone for the composition entitled “Joy, Hello”. I recorded a duet with Rinat Karimov - a song called “Salam to all.”

In September 2017, she presented a video with rapper Doni for the song “I will steal.”

She has been a participant in shows on central TV channels many times. In 2010 - in the Channel One show “Ice and Fire” together with Roman Kostomarov (the couple took third place). In 2011, she was a co-host in the Phantom of the Opera project, in which pop stars performed classical works. In 2013, the singer took part in the show “One to One” on Channel One. In 2014, Sati Casanova became a participant in the “Live Sound” program on the Russia-1 channel. In 2015, she appeared in the project “Empire of Illusions of the Safronov Brothers” on the STS channel.

I tried to start a business. In 2011, she opened her restaurant “Kilim”, the menu of which included dishes of Azerbaijani, Uzbek and Arabic cuisine. But the establishment lasted less than a year, bringing the singer only losses and not the desired income.

She has starred in commercials many times and worked for brands such as Unilever, Clear vita Abe, Gracio, Danisimmo. She was the face of: Climona clothing (2012), fashion week of the MEGA shopping center (2014), CASIO watch line (2014), Mercedes Benz cars (2014), money transfers Golden Crown (2015).

Since October 2015, she has been the face and co-owner of the women's outerwear brand made from artificial materials, Only Me.

Social and political position of Sati Casanova

In September 2016, at a press conference in Nalchik, Sati Casanova said that her foundation was engaged in creativity, and not in helping “crooked and askew” children. This statement outraged the public. In particular, Lolita Milyavskaya and singer Danko, who is raising a disabled child, criticized the singer. The singer later made a public apology.

Sati Casanova about sick children

In January 2017, Sati Casanova published a post on her Instagram microblog in which she expressed her indignation at the initiation of an administrative case against St. Petersburg resident Dmitry Ugay (Hare Krishna by religion), who went to trial for a lecture on yoga given in October 2016. The lecture was considered missionary activity by law enforcement agencies.

Casanova admitted that she teaches yoga herself and is now afraid of being arrested. She criticized the law under which the case is being conducted and noted that yoga is not a religion, but a philosophical teaching and there is nothing dangerous in it. Casanova also noted that the era of Stalinism has long passed, and a person cannot be deprived of the right “to acquire knowledge, to understand oneself and life.”

Later, however, Casanova wrote a new post in which she softened her position: “But!!! I want to assure everyone that my post is in no way anti-government (!!!) I am deeply convinced that there is nothing more stupid than cursing the authorities, one’s origin, one’s country.”

Sati Casanova in the program "Alone with Everyone"

Sati Casanova's height: 166 centimeters.

Personal life of Sati Casanova:

Not married and never has been. At the same time, she had many high-profile novels that were in the center of media attention.

She had a relationship with the son of a famous Russian singer- Andrey. However, the couple soon broke up.

Then the singer had a new boyfriend - program director of Russian Radio Roman Emelyanov. For the first time together they appeared in public at the premiere of the film “Suicides”.

She also had a relationship with her son-in-law, billionaire Timur Kulibayev. At that time he was married.

Sati: “With him I was like a delicate flower. He gave me diamonds, then he bought a car. He told me: “Baby, you have a curved spine, you should do yoga,” and with his light hand I took up yoga for about 14 years ago. Since then, men come and go, but yoga remains forever. A year and a half later, he gave me an apartment, I was so grateful! He is one of those men who will never say: “You are ungrateful, I gave it to you, give it back!” "I believe his wife knew about everything, but we never crossed paths. Often men, having such money and power, assert themselves in this way, but this does not detract from my love for him and gratitude."

Kulibayev left her for the sake of socialite Goga Ashkenazi.

In 2016, there were rumors about her affair with businessman Alexander Shenkman, who is much older than her. However, Sati herself claimed that they were just good friends.

In August 2017, it became known about Sati’s relationship with Italian photographer Stefano Tiozzo. Then the couple was photographed in one of the Moscow registry offices. Then they stopped hiding their romance. Soon their upcoming wedding was announced. As the singer said, they met at the wedding of her friend Marina Missbach.

In October 2017 it became known that. Casanova and Tiozzo got married at Moscow Wedding Palace No. 4.

Later they. At the holiday, Sati appeared in a snow-white wedding dress with golden embroidery on the hem. The groom also tried on a traditional Kabardian costume. Sati has repeatedly emphasized that Stefano respects the national customs of his chosen one. The wedding ceremony in the Caucasus was attended mainly by friends and numerous relatives of the lovers. Sati specially selected identical burgundy outfits with national flavor for the bridesmaids. The entire holiday was held in traditional Kabardian style.

The couple intends to live in two countries - Russia and Italy.

In the fall of 2019, Sati announced that she was leaving Russia for Italy. According to her, she is tired of life in Moscow, where she has an apartment. In Italy, Satie spends a lot of time near Turin - the homeland of Stefano Tiozzo. “I fell in love with Italy immediately. Local people are relaxed and positive, which cannot be said about compatriots due to historical and geographical reasons,” the singer noted.

Sati is a vegetarian who practices and teaches yoga. She is a follower of Swami Vishwananda, a Hindu guru from the island of Mauritius.

In 2011, she acquired a 3-room apartment in an elite building in Moscow, located next to Mosfilm. The housewarming was celebrated according to Muslim rites. She said that the apartment was a gift from her ex-lover, with whom she had been together for a long time.

Filmography of Sati Casanova:

2006 - Hello, I'm your dad! - episode
2007 - Snow Angel - episode (a girl renting an apartment from Zhanna)
2012 - Cinderella - cameo
2015 - Barefoot across the sky - Bita’s mother

Singles by Sati Casanova:

2010 - “Seven Eighths”
2010 - “Game”
2011 - “Buenos Aires”
2011 - “Otherworldly”
2012 - “Fairy Tale”

2013 - “Winter”
2013 - “Fool”
2013 - “We will believe in miracles”

2014 - “Farewell”
2014 - “Badynoko”
2015 - “I loved you”
2015 - “There is Happiness”
2015 - “My happiness is sleeping”
2015 - “Lullaby”
2016 - “Degas besam” (Love of the heart)
2016 - “Salam to everyone!” (feat. Rinat Karimov)

2017 - “My truth”

Video clips of Sati Casanova:

2010 - “Seven Eighths”
2011 - “Buenos Aires”
2011 - “Otherworldly”
2012 - “Feeling of Lightness” (feat. Batishta)
2013 - “Fool”
2013 - “We will believe in miracles” (feat. Brandon Stone, “5sta Family”, Sonya Lapshakova)
2014 - “Farewell”
2014 - “Until Dawn” / “Porque te Amo” (feat. Arsenium)
2015 - “There is Happiness”
2015 - “My happiness is sleeping”
2015 - “Lullaby”
2016 - “Joy, hello!” / "Happiness Hey"
2016 - “The best is yet to come!”

Sati Casanova is a popular singer who came from the outback to conquer Moscow. Many may envy such success, but only Sati knows how much work it cost her and how much effort was invested to become what she is now. There was a time when the singer was malnourished, but she bought a cheap but new dress and was eager to fight again. After all, as the girl says: “My appearance is my calling card,” and she always tried to look presentable.

Casanova had many rich and famous suitors for her heart, but Sati was not ready to take a serious step. However, fate brought her together with her prince, with whom she fell in love and married. Read below about how the singer achieved everything, and who was able to charm the beauty and plunge her into a sea of ​​passions.

All fans of the singer are interested in knowing how the girl’s life is going, her career, weight, age. How old is Sati Casanova can be calculated based on her date of birth. Since the singer was born on October 2, 1982, then this moment she is thirty five years old. Of course, the beauty looks much younger than her age, and the girl is not lacking in figure. With a height of 167 cm, Sati weighs 47 kg. Slender, graceful, like a reed, the singer pleases with her appearance. What is the secret of her beauty, because it is noticeable that she glows from within, rejoices like a child and sincerely smiles at everyone. Could this be love? And what Sati Casanova herself says about this. The singer's photos in her youth and now differ only in hair color.

More than once the girl experimented in beauty salons in order to somehow change, to be more beautiful. But as they say, you can’t go against nature, with natural hair color it turned out best for her, which she agreed to and calmed down on that.

Biography and personal life of Sati Casanova

The biography and personal life of Sati Casanova is a very fascinating story that began in Kabardino-Balkaria, where the girl was born. Sati was the older sister, and besides her there were other sisters in the family - Sveta, Maryana and Madina. The family lived in a village where father, Setgaliy Kazanov, and mother, Fatima Kazanova, were ordinary workers. In 1994, the Casanovas moved to live in Nalchik and there the girl decided to study singing at a music school.

After school, Sati entered the cultural school, where she continued to work on her vocals. Her first songs were heard in a local restaurant, but this was not enough for the singer and she went to Moscow, where she entered the Music Academy. The girl lacks finances, it was very difficult, but her goal moved her forward and not in vain. Having passed the casting, Sati became one of the participants in the Factory group. The whole country begins to sing the songs “About Love”, “Factory Girls” and Sati is in seventh heaven, her dream has come true.

In 2006, Casanova entered the acting department, and in 2010 she began a solo career, where popular hits such as “Farewell” and “Fool” are gaining momentum. Sati began participating in television projects and television shows. “Ice and Fire”, “The Phantom of the Opera” and many others are gaining ratings due to Casanova’s participation, because the singer has become an idol for many fans.

Sati had enough suitors in her personal life, but none of them touched the strings of her soul. She met with Andrei, Kobzon’s son, and was even invited to Joseph’s birthday. Afterwards there was an affair with businessman Arthur Shashnichev and everyone was sure that the wedding was inevitable, but here Sati gave up. Roman Emelyanov, who allegedly courted the singer, also quickly stepped aside. And in 2016, joint photographs with Alexander Shenkman, who was thirty years older than the girl, appeared online. Many assured that this was friendship.

In 2017, Sati Casanova met Stefan Tiozzo and married him. There was no doubt that this was her man. They felt each other so much that they realized that the couple was a single whole. Sati shares that she drew many men what they didn’t have and believed in it. With her husband, there is no need to finish drawing anything, he suited her so well in all aspects.

Family and children of Sati Casanova

Sati Casanova’s family and children are, of course, in the singer’s plans. Sati is now learning her husband’s native language - Italian, explaining that she will need it when talking with Stefano’s relatives and with her future children. The couple is going to live in Moscow for now, since it is convenient for Casanova due to her occupation, for which she is grateful to her husband for his understanding.

Stefano's parents fell in love with the girl very much and said that she was now their daughter. These touching words touched the girl so much that Sati burst into tears. Casanova and her husband may have different faiths, but they have the same goal - to be a faithful, devoted person and to love each other all their lives. I would really like to wish that everything will work out this way for the couple in the future. After all, if two people dream, it will definitely come true.

Sati Casanova's husband - Stefano Tiozzo

Sati Casanova’s husband, Stefano Tiozzo, having met Sati at the wedding of mutual friends, initially thought that the girl was very arrogant. Only later was the couple able to recognize each other’s true feelings. Stefano, originally from Italy, works as a photographer in different parts of the world, where he takes pictures of unprecedented beauty that will take your breath away.

Sati admits that the first thing that touched her was that Stefano was interested in the girl’s childhood, her goals and other details in life, which many were not interested in. The lovers could not tear themselves away from each other, enjoying simply communication. It seemed that they had known each other for many years, they were so comfortable together. “And somehow I quickly agreed to get married,” says the singer, “And all because it’s real.”

Instagram and Wikipedia Sati Casanova

Instagram and Wikipedia of Sati Casanova are naturally in great demand and popularity. After all, Sati does not hide her personal life from her subscribers, and this is the most interesting thing for fans. The girl added photographs of where she and her husband are relaxing and what romantic days the singer has.

As fans have noticed, Sati and Stefano are very suitable for each other, their eyes glow with happiness. The guys in the pictures even look the same, but if lovers are similar, then they will be happy.

Sati Casanova has become popular since the beginning of the new millennium, when she joined the new group, called "Factory". Her real name is Satanei. It was received in honor of one of the Muslim goddesses, who is considered the deity of wisdom and personifies motherhood. The name Sati was invented for the girl by producer Matvienko, who believed that fans would not remember the name Satanya.

The girl sang literally from the cradle. She inherited her excellent vocal abilities from her father, who delights the whole family with songs at various holidays.

Now the girl is incredibly in demand. She is constantly touring. In addition, Sati participates in various television shows, in which she has shown herself to be incredibly talented.

Height, weight, age. How old is Sati Casanova

IN last years Sati Casanova is developing her solo creative activity. She treats everything that connects her with creativity with humor. In public she is modest, as a true oriental beauty is allowed to behave. Her parametric data is of interest to many, including height, weight, age. How old Sati Casanova is became known quite recently when she announced that her anniversary concert tour would begin on her 35th birthday in Nalchik.

Sati Casanova maintains her excellent physical shape in the gym. In addition, she developed her own diet, which she follows every day.

Biography and personal life of Sati Casanova

The birth of the future star took place in 1982 in a small rural settlement With beautiful name Verkhny Kurkuzhin, which is located in the center of Kabardino-Balkaria. Sati spent her childhood years here. When she was 12 years old, the family moved to Nalchik, where she began studying vocal singing at the Children's Art School. After graduating from 9th grade, the girl decided to continue her education in the vocal direction. At the age of 17, he won the “Nalchik Dawns” competition.

Soon the girl moved to the capital Russian Federation and entered the Gnessin School, where she began to study pop-jazz vocal singing. In 2002, Sati got into the casting of the show “Star Factory”, after which, together with other vocalists, she organized a group, which they called “Factory”. From now on creative biography and the personal life of Sati Casanova are becoming interesting to all young people. For 10 years, the girl traveled all over Russia and neighboring countries as part of the “Factory”. The group received several prestigious awards of the Russian Federation, including “Golden Gramophone”, “Song of the Year”. In 2006, Sati began studying at GITIS, receiving an artistic education.

Since 2010, Sati left the group and began to develop her solo career. In addition to touring, the girl takes part in various television shows, including “Ice and Fire”, “The Phantom of the Opera”, “One to One”, where the actress clearly shows all her talents.

Sati Casanova is a very bright personality, so she is constantly credited with many different relationships. But in fact, very little is known about the singer’s personal life.

Family and children of Sati Casanova

Sati's family is very friendly. In addition to the popular performer, three more girls were raised here. They had names - Sataney, Svetlana, Maryana, Madina. All the daughters loved their parents and were not contradicted. In particular, they revered the father, who, according to Eastern tradition, is an authority for his daughters.

When the eldest decided to go to Moscow to conquer the musical Olympus there, the father, after much deliberation, did not simply agree. After all, the family was not rich and did not have enough money to provide accommodation in the capital. Even now, Sati wonders what her father thinks about her. creative activity. A girl, if she has a few free days, rushes to her home. And the whole family is happy about her arrival, and Sati Casanova’s children, according to her, will spend a lot of time here, and they will be welcome.

Now Sati’s parents are waiting for their daughters to marry well and give them grandchildren.

Sati Casanova's ex-husband - Dmitry

Soon after the girl became the lead singer of the popular group “Factory,” she began dating a young and successful entrepreneur, Dmitry. Information appeared in the press that Sati would soon marry him. But the wedding never happened. It turned out that the terms of the contract stipulated that Sati could not get married for a 6-year period.

Scandals often arose between young people on this basis. Dmitry insisted that Sati leave the group, following the example of one of the soloists, Amelkina, and as a typical Eastern woman took care of him and their future children. But the girl did not dare to do such an act and left Dmitry.

Sati Casanova's ex-husband - Alexander Shekman

Alexander Shekman was more than 20 years older than Sati, but this is not an obstacle, as the artist puts it, to real feelings. They met at a social party. Alexander even left his family, leaving his wife and two children, because Sati refused to meet with married man. He surrounded his beloved with attention and care, helping her in all creative matters. He proposed, but it was decided to take place in the future, in 2016. But soon information was disseminated in the media that the young people decided to break up. What caused this was unknown at the time.

Ex-husband Sati Casanova - Alexander Shekman, even after breaking up with his ex-lover, helps her in her creative activities, participating in various projects.

Sati Casanova's husband - Arthur Shachnev

The relationship between Sati and Arthur was a secret to everyone, although the proposal was made back in early 2016. In April, it was announced about the upcoming wedding celebrations, which were to take place in close family circle.

On her birthday, Sati Casanova threw a gorgeous bachelorette party for all her girlfriends, even inviting her former colleagues from the Factory group.

It is known that the wedding took place on one of the islands in the Mediterranean Sea. Another celebration took place in one of the Moscow restaurants, which was attended by friends of the singer and her husband.

It is known that Sati Casanova’s husband, Arthur Shachnev, is a successful businessman who produces his wife’s creative activities.

Instagram and Wikipedia Sati Casanova

Sati Casanova is registered on social media pages. She is an active user, communicating with many connoisseurs of her singing and artistic talent. On the Instagram and Wikipedia pages of Sati Casanova you can find out the most full information about the singer. On the pages you can listen to songs performed by her not only in Russian, but also in her native Balkar language.

Sati posts photos on her page. Here you can see pictures of the girl at various periods of her creative activity. She is sometimes presented with young men who are believed to be her husbands. But Sati Casanova prefers not to answer users’ questions about her marriage.

After Sati Casanova admitted that before meeting her husband she had an affair with a married man, she was criticized. The new husband of the “ex-factory owner” could not stay away...

At the end of May, Sati Casanova started talking about betrayal, writing about it on Instagram. Users suggested that family life there is a rift between the singers and things may even lead to divorce. However, it was unclear to whom exactly the post was addressed. Now, apparently, something is becoming clearer.

Betrayal is probably the most painful of trials. At this moment, there is no ability to enter into the skin of the one who betrayed: what was he guided by... One’s own pain and rage drown out everything else. Another scar on the heart...

Sati Casanova

Let us remind you that on the air of the “Secret for a Million” program, singer Sati Casanova spoke about her past romance with an oligarch who did not skimp on gifts. The man presented the celebrity with diamond jewelry and gave her a car. In response to expensive gifts, she wanted to give the oligarch a child.

He was married, and is still married. However, I loved this man very much, I even planned to give birth to his child. I think his wife guessed about everything that was happening, because such influential people always have someone on their side

Sati Casanova

Later it turned out that another girl gave him the child. After this, Casanova broke off all relations with her lover. She refused to mention his name, but the program aired the story of the artist’s secret affair with billionaire Timur Kulibayev, the son-in-law of Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev.

I asked him directly if this was true. And he answered: “True.” You see, it’s one thing to guess that models are flying to him by plane, and another thing to know for sure. In the end we broke up. But I'm still grateful to him for what he did for me.

Sati Casanova

With her frank confession, Casanova only gave rise to criticism of herself. After hearing this, Internet users accused the girl of inappropriate behavior for a Muslim woman... Sati's husband, Italian photographer Stefano Tiozzo, decided to speak out on this matter.

In his microblog, he noted that he was very lucky to tie the knot with such a popular personality as Sati. And then the photographer criticized the haters themselves, accusing the world of show business of all sins.

All this happens in a world of “shark people” who first smile at you and then stab you in the back. But, despite everything, Sati is devoted to the values ​​in which she grew up. In life, it's not what you do, but how you do it that matters. That's why I admire my wife so much!

Stefano Tiozzo

On the air of the show, he also spoke about his reverent feelings for his wife and stated that he dreams of quickly becoming the father of her child.

In addition to the affair with the son-in-law of the President of Kazakhstan, Casanova was credited with an affair with the program director of Russian Radio, Roman Emelyanov, as well as with the son of Joseph Kobzon.

In 2013, Casanova met music producer Arthur Shachnev - their romance developed very rapidly - a year later the couple announced their engagement, but then unexpectedly broke up.

In 2016, it became known that the singer was going to marry the 55-year-old president of Rosvodokanal, Alexander Shenkman. They even claimed that Casanova was pregnant and therefore the wedding would take place in the very near future. Although the couple’s relationship was no longer a secret, Sati tried not to advertise this romance. However, she also could not keep this man.

The wedding of Sati Casanova and her Italian partner Stefano Tiozzo, or rather the official wedding registration, took place on October 4, 2017. A more magnificent celebration of the painting of the newlyweds, according to the singer herself, should take place in 3 stages.

Sati Casanova: biography

The young singer was born on October 2, 1982 in Kabardino-Balkaria into a large Muslim family. In addition to Sati, her parents had 3 more daughters. The future singer spent her entire childhood in her native village, where she studied. First at school, which she graduated with success, and then at the cultural school.

Sati's father always adhered to fairly strict moral rules, and when the young girl began performing in one of the restaurants in Nalchik, such behavior caused strong indignation in the family. After working as a singer for some time, the young girl set off to conquer Moscow.

Sati's finest hour

Arriving in the capital, young Casanova immediately submitted documents for pop-jazz vocals to the Academy of Music. The girl's training took place in absentia. Therefore, she devoted her free time to working part-time in the music show “Voyage of Dreams.”

In 2001, the “Star Factory” project was launched, which helped Casanova to realize herself and gain popularity among millions of television viewers watching the lives of young musicians present on the TV show. Sati Casanova successfully passed the casting and became one of the participants in the project, which served as a springboard for the famous star in Russian show business.

The young singer proved herself at the “Star Factory”, demonstrating her talent and external beauty, and a year later the producer of the project, Igor Matvienko, took the young beauty into the “Factory” group, in which the girl performed for 8 years. But in 2010, Casanova announced her departure from the team. Since that time, the girl began to pursue a solo career.

Personal life

Until recently, the 35-year-old singer denied rumors about her upcoming wedding with an Italian. Sati Casanova explained her action by saying that she prefers to keep her personal life secret from outsiders, not giving journalists unnecessary topics to discuss.

However, in early August of this year, the popular singer, accompanied by a charming and slender brunette, was noticed at the entrance to the Wedding Palace at No. 4, which, by the way, is the only institution in the capital where citizens can register relationships with foreigners. The ex-soloist of the Factory group filled out documents indicating the imminent registration of marriage. From that moment on, information appeared in the media about the upcoming wedding of Sati Casanova , supported by facts.

According to the ex-soloist of the Factory group, she never thought that she would marry a foreigner. Because she assumed that such marriages were doomed - due to different mentalities, outlooks on life and the language barrier.

Love story of Sati and Stefano

As it turned out, the singer is really planning a wedding. Her future husband is a famous photographer in Italy, whose name is Stefano Tiozzo. As a rule, he specializes in photographing natural landscapes. However, not so long ago he boasted of a photograph of Sati against the backdrop of a blooming lavender floor. The girl, for her part, gave her beloved a return gift by filming her husband in a video clip called “Thank you.”

The young people met about a year ago. Their meeting took place at the wedding of Marina’s friend and Stefano’s brother, Cristiano. As Sati shared, just at that time she was disappointed in her relationship with a man, but, despite this, the young man was able to interest the girl.

When Sati met the Italian she liked for the second time, she discovered how unusually he looked at the world. After a while, the young people began to communicate using social networks, gradually getting to know each other from different sides. After numerous dates in real life, Stefano Tiozzo confessed his love to the famous artist and proposed marriage.

About a week ago, the famous singer celebrated her anniversary. On his chosen one’s 35th birthday, an Italian photographer flew to the Russian capital to congratulate the bride and sing her favorite song in Russian.

Wedding of Sati Casanova and Stefano Tiozzo

According to the young bride, the upcoming wedding should take place in three stages. After the painting in the capital's registry office, Sati Casanova's wedding (the girl's photo is presented in the article) should take place in Italy - the homeland of her husband, where the most magnificent celebration will take place. After which the newlyweds plan to go to Kabardino-Balkaria, where the girl also wants to arrange a festive wedding ceremony to the delight of her family and friends. Sati Casanova and her groom chose rings for the wedding from the famous jeweler Daria Petrova, preferring jewelry with a family monogram inside.

At the festive ceremony, which will take place in the bride’s homeland, the young performer wants to wear outfits made in the national Circassian style. With such a request, the former soloist of “Factory” turned to a well-known designer in the Caucasus, Madina Saralp.

After the wedding, Sati Casanova and her husband are planning to go on a honeymoon. The couple chose the classic option - the Maldives, where the newlyweds plan to go and relax for a couple of weeks.

Meeting Artur Shachnev

Before her wedding with an Italian photographer, the famous singer had serious relationship with businessman Arthur Shachnev, which should have ended in a wedding. The young people met on September 12, 2013, when the singer gave a concert at the White Clouds club, where Shachnev spent his free time in the company of his friends.

Sati made an indelible impression on Arthur during her speech, after which the young businessman hastened to make himself known. At that time, the young man was interested in martial arts and had a solid business. He was known for such projects as “Peter Pan”, “Notre Dame de Paris”. And also because he created Russia’s first commercial symphony orchestra and opened the “From Dusk Till Dawn” club.

Wedding of Sati Casanova and Arthur Shachnev

The girl began dating Arthur and gradually began to understand that this was exactly the man with whom she had dreamed of living her whole life. Six months later, the couple announced to their loved ones that their wedding would take place in May 2014. Sati Casanova dreamed of a secluded registration that would take place somewhere on the island. After which the famous artist wanted to continue the holiday in her homeland in the company of close and dear people in accordance with all traditions and accepted customs.

However, on the eve of the upcoming event, the popular singer broke off her engagement with the businessman and announced a break in relations. The star did not provide a specific reason for the separation. The only thing is that she pointed out that Arthur is a wonderful person, but, alas, they will not make an ideal married couple, since they are not created for each other.