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The most unusual dates for a man. The perfect date at home: what can't you do without? A romantic date for your beloved man as a way to strengthen the relationship

Cinema-theater-restaurant - for the hundredth time in a row it already smacks of banality. But not all men know how to look after beautifully.

Beautiful in the understanding of many women is equal to “romantic”, and the latter is splashes of champagne, serenades under the balcony, bouquets of flowers, sweets, butterflies, etc. If your prince is not one of those, don’t rush to get upset.

I have already said that the best “suitors” are those whom it is better to avoid.

Normal worthy men They are not at all required to have the skills of conquest and courtship, they are engaged in business - which gives a material result. Therefore, this is more a reason for joy than for frustration.

And yes, most men do not have such a developed imagination and do not have the opportunity to think for a long time. And you can tell him yourself what you would like, what’s the problem?

Do you think showing off is unwomanly?

Okay, then play a game: come up with and write on pieces of paper all your most interesting ideas dates (where, how, when) - and play forfeits.

Or even organize something yourself. At least once. Set an example, so to speak. And then give him the palm...

1. Museum Day

Go to any museum or gallery together. Find a good guide and even the most “boring” museum can turn out to be exciting and exciting if a professional takes charge.

Believe me, it's mega-romantic! Especially if you are both intellectuals and love your city. Discovering something new, exciting, unknown in it, expanding your horizons at the same time - isn’t it interesting?

2. Evening of intellectuals

Continuing intellectual topic— now there are a lot of “creative spaces” and specialized establishments, including smart cafes, where you can not only drink a cocktail, listen to good music and eat, but also play board games.

That's right, but how about playing together in an interesting setting (and in such establishments it doesn’t happen to others), accompanied by a light casual conversation and continuing the evening?

Play anything “for your desire”, where your desire will be your very dream date, which he undertakes to arrange for you if you lose.

3. Cycling

If you both love leisure- get ready! Take bicycles (if you don’t have your own, it’s no problem to rent), stock up on water and food, and go for a ride around the city/suburb.

Roller skates, scooters and anything suitable for active walking are also an option.

You can even plan your route in advance and stop for a picnic along the way.

4. Dance romanticIk

Take the two of you to a dance class or just any themed dance party in town. Boogie-woogie, salsa, bachata, tango - it doesn't even matter if you can dance.

Regulars of such parties will teach you any step just as well as a teacher in class and will themselves become an incredible spectacle on the dance floor.

5. Horseback riding

An elite and very beautiful option for a date. By the way, you can combine it with a romantic photo shoot and replenish your Instagram.

Horses are incredible animals and can give just as much as humans. Even if you don't know how to ride a horse, it only takes a couple of lessons to master the skill.

6. Fly

A hot air balloon, a hang glider, a tandem parachute jump - all this, of course, is quite extreme, but you both will probably remember this for the rest of your life!

By the way, “adrenaline” dates bring people closer together than dancing. True, such extreme entertainment is not suitable for everyone, it’s not for everyone.

And find out in advance who is afraid of what, so that no one loses consciousness in the air. :)

7. Creative master class

Pottery, watercolor painting, cooking classes for two. Hundreds of services are ready today to provide access to any type of experience.

If your man is a Bolognese fan, find a chef and cook dinner together.

Another idea to add:, for example, sushi - and let him eat it straight from you. Deliciously stimulating.

8. Spa for two

If you really want to take a break from extreme sports and activities, invite him to spend a day at the spa. With a jacuzzi, hammam, four-hand massage for everyone, wraps and aromatic teas to boot.

Relaxation squared, especially if you both work.

9. Tea ceremony

For lovers of exotic, oriental culture and simply delicious tea, an interesting option is a real Chinese or Japanese tea ceremony!

More than an hour of the most sophisticated and sophisticated ceremonies, fascinating stories and philosophy from the master.

If the East is too subtle for you, visit a wine, cheese, and whiskey tasting. Enjoying the taste of the drink and communication will be especially pleasant in such an environment.

10. Boat trip

So that your man doesn’t have to work the oars while you admire the views in the boat.

Climb aboard a pleasure boat. Or, alternatively, have a romantic dinner on a yacht. If your city has a river or sea, this option is simply a must.

Go admire the scenery, talk while drinking water and champagne in glasses about important things or trifles, just relax and have fun.

Hints don't work?

The list can be continued, and there is a whole sea of ​​ideas to be found. BUT all this makes no sense if you are not able to voice your desire to your man. Don’t hint, don’t push, but voice it correctly.

Not an option? Then just show him this article or tell him directly. And he will have no chance of not thinking of arranging for you something from the list.

Believe me, coming up with an original date for a guy is a more difficult mathematical task.

The main thing is not to take the ideas from to heart - this is pseudo-romance invented by bored scriptwriters! There is a movie there, but life is here.

Good luck,
Yaroslav Samoilov.

Now, knowing what was said above the day before, and letting the girl know from the first minutes of the date that you appreciated her work and you like her, you will already receive advantages from her in your profile.

“I am very pleased to be next to such a charming and elegant lady. Thank you for being with me today, I am very pleased.”

Give her compliments. Not standard. Ours and for her. “You have amazing taste in choosing eau de toilette. What is this? Nina Rcci or Roberto Cavalli? And it doesn’t matter that you don’t understand perfume. What is important is your attention to detail and your pleasantness towards them.

Behavior should be adequate, but with moments of unpredictability and intrigue. This turns on the weaker sex. And of course, do not put a specific woman, if it is not your mother, in the rank of the Goddess of Olympus. She will put on the crown from the first hours of the meeting, oh, you will suffer with her, fulfilling her whims. Your relationship should begin to be built on the same “thickness foundations.”

It will be nice if she notices/finds out that other girls are interested in you, they know how to like you, and they reciprocate. The resource in this situation is the girls around her: waitresses, cashiers, consultants, anyone, the main thing is to get a positive reaction from them towards yourself in front of her.

Note: girls who are at work will more easily express their sympathy for you, since they do not have the right to be rude and ignored due to their job responsibilities. 😉

If it’s not clear why you should do this, ask in the comments and I’ll give you a breakdown.

Sweets in moderation

Another technique that works on an unconscious level, and if you master it to the point of automatism, your success in falling in love will increase significantly. Remember: give her everything, a little less than she wants. I did not make this grand discovery right away. But damn, how great it works! When kissing her, stop first; if you touch her, remove your hand, and do not wait until she removes it herself. You tell a story, create intrigue, and ask her about something distant, let her take the initiative in continuing your story. And try your best in everything.

It’s like they showed you a box of chocolates, and you think that you can eat all of them, but as soon as you’ve eaten a couple of pieces, the box is covered and put away on the sideboard, with the words: “the rest will come later.” And you, remembering the taste of these sweets, look up like a cat. It's the same with your partner.

Communication for both

What to talk about with a girl on a date? This is the top question from a huge number of insecure guys. My friend, I’m really telling you that you can communicate on absolutely any topic, the main thing is that both are in in the right mood. If she is very positive about you, constantly laughs at jokes and smiles at you, you can at least turn on the “delusion generator” - words do not carry any meaning in this situation.

It's not so important what you say, it's important How And at what point.

And you can start to lift her spirits by showing sincere interest in her. Motivate her to talk about herself. And really listen to her and ask questions. There is no more favorite topic for a person than himself. And if you consider that in the world now the majority are only interested in themselves and their problems, then a man’s honest interest in a woman’s personal stories will create the right impression of you.

In the same way, when telling about yourself, don’t spread your tail like a peacock, but don’t hide your real talents and successes too much. There is an opinion that you shouldn’t show off all your advantages on first dates, but hide them for as long as possible. That’s right, with one “but”: if you don’t interest the girl from the start, the finish may not happen. See how simple it is. 😛

ABOUT! I remembered the top anti-successful topics: don’t even think about talking about your life’s failures, problems, and especially about the fact that you have complexes with the opposite sex. This is cruel, very poorly appreciated by partners.

And to conclude the topic: how do you feel that you are comfortable, sexy, and interesting with a new girl - the words themselves will flow from you like a river. So get into this state quickly!

The game is our everything

Do you want, as I say, to “irritate” the beauty? Play the game “closer-further” with her. This is the most common technique for shaking emotions. The only thing it doesn't allow is to remain neutral. By the way, it works in both directions, that is, if the girls still “put” on the ban and secretly entered our gazebo and sit “warming” their cute ears. Do you think the guys and I are against it? God forbid!

So, the main idea is that it’s like a contract shower, only not physical, but emotional. “You have great taste in choosing dresses and shoes! Oh, if I were a girl, I would be jealous of you! But here's your handbag... please tell me that it was just given to you as a gift, and you had no other choice but to accept it! Oh, how many emotions you will evoke in her with such a phrase. Plus a carload of questions and new topics for conversation and discussion of her tastes.

“I was hooked by your voice, even on the phone, when we agreed on our date! He is so feminine and exciting... You definitely need to be an actress, a crowd of fans is guaranteed. But your look when we first met... Wow, how it alarmed me! ... It felt like I already owed you two ice creams and a charter flight to Haiti!”

Rave? Yes! But do you really think that she won’t start asking what’s wrong with her look? I would bet against this opinion.

In general, the essence is: you praise and envy one thing, deny the other, joke about it, find out.

A rough example of the “Stone Age” stage of your life: you protect the girl you like from the attacks of your classmates, but at the same time, during recess, you grab her pencil case and run away so that she can run after you, taking it away. Romance, what... 😆

Touching and kissing

Everything is going well for you, and you want the next stage of rapprochement? And it is right! You can’t imagine what a high percentage of relationship breakdowns are due to a guy’s indecision to move beyond talking. As pick-up artists say, the girl is fading. Not in the literal sense, of course. Since we already know that ladies are not always good at taking initiative, the main “violin of the concert” remains with us.

So, how do you start touching and caressing her? There is nothing simpler and more non-binding than straightening her hair or taking her hand, to check if she is cold or how warm and gentle her hands are, and yours are “frozen” at this time.

Of course there will be “checks” from her on men’s steel “bells”. You respond to her claims with a smile and calmly: I couldn’t resist; I like you; I don’t want to restrain myself from touching you. Friend, if you have created her comfort from your company, and she allows you into her personal space (and this, as we remember, in front is the distance of an outstretched arm, on the side - the width of a palm, and in the back - a distance equal to the height of a person) then no there won't be any problems.

It's the same song with kisses. Start getting closer to her, whisper something in her ear, kiss him on the cheek, and when she turns around, kiss her on the lips. If you see that she herself wants to kiss and is excited, kiss her right away.

She dodges, pretend that nothing happened, and work on her condition. The association with a soldering iron comes to mind, may the ladies forgive me - as long as it’s cold, it won’t do any good.

Never ask permission to kiss her or take her hand. How afraid they are of such questions, and how your shares will fall, according to the principle of the DJIA index after 09/11/2001, it is better to never know.

The bottom line: warm it up for close maneuvers, but don't let it sizzle. 🙄


I know, I’m already tired of reading, so I’m starting to finish. I tried not to repeat too much with one of our conversations, where you, so you can see additional points there. Plus, I left a few interesting tips for our next conversations about specifically the first and second dates, so in order not to miss them and I have an incentive not to put off the conversation, join the group on VK and show interest in the topic in the comments , and behind me, as people say, it will not rust. 💡

To organize the information, here is a short summary of how to behave:

  • More original compliments.
  • The game "closer-further".
  • If you want to do something, do it! But first, gain her trust and interest in you.
  • Touch a girl casually, and “mean it” when you see that she wants it herself. You will be desirable to her when you give comfort and emotions in the right proportion.
  • There will be a lot of checks from her.
  • Women feel when they are genuinely liked and relax.

All! It's enough for today. Re-read, accept, understand, try, share your experience and feedback. Good luck with your dating, and remember: a happy family begins with the first impression. All the best to you and your family!

If you don’t get enough vivid impressions within your couple (and this is a common thing when life together gets into a comfortable rut), then there is a risk of going somewhere else for them or starting to unconsciously “rock the boat” by clinging to your partner over trifles. To prevent this from happening, organize a little adventure for the two of you!

Ideas to spice up your dates

Let a weekend on a yacht in the Mediterranean, a helicopter flight and other dizzying dating options known to you from films remain within the confines of the television screen. A fun rendezvous should not require preparation comparable to a special operation and cost you loans.

City Tour

The streets along which you walk to and from work are sure to conceal some kind of history. The beautiful building in which the tax office of your district is located was quite possibly once a merchant’s mansion. It turns out that at that intersection, in the last century, an attempt was made on the governor’s life, and a famous children’s writer spent his summer in this inconspicuous house. To become a guide for your companion, you don’t need to bury yourself in dusty archives - just download and study a guide app in advance or read a couple of articles by local historians, which are easy to find on the Internet.

Picnic on the roof

It sounds almost unrealistic, but in fact there is nothing complicated here. You can climb to any city roof by asking the keys from the house manager or the HOA representative. A bottle of wine, fruit and light snacks will be enough for dinner at altitude - the main course will be watching the stars and city lights from an unusual height. Don’t forget a couple of blankets: one can be used to spread out treats, the other can be used to cozy up for the two of you.

Outdoor cinema

You've probably seen or read about American drive-in cinemas, when the screen is installed in a large clearing, and the audience watches the film each in their own car. The fashion for such film screenings has spread throughout Russia, but even if it has not yet reached your city, it doesn’t matter - you only need a laptop with your favorite film, a car (your own or rented), a secluded place if possible and a companion who agrees with what you want to see. that the back seats are ideal places for kissing.


Wine shop, cheese factory, chocolate patisserie self made... Any place where they can give you a short lecture and treat you to something tasty will do. IN in this case What is important is not so much the opportunity to try several types of product, but the atmosphere itself. Therefore, take an interest in reviews about the chosen establishment in advance and discuss all controversial issues when booking. Say that you want to have a romantic date, which means that the presence of other participants is undesirable. If this is not possible, discuss what surprise you can prepare for your loved one.

Cooking master class

If your man says that he doesn’t like to cook, it means that he simply doesn’t know how to do it very well and is embarrassed to admit it. In one-day culinary schools they will help you either master the secret of cooking some complex holiday dish, or, conversely, they will teach you how to cook an everyday dinner with a minimum of hassle and expense. There are plenty of places where you can find a teacher in a chef’s hat: such master classes are regularly organized by restaurants, cafes, training centers and even consulates of countries famous for their cuisine!

Relaxation for two

An option that a man may have come across in collections of ideas for Valentine’s Day, but was never inspired by, is a joint visit to a SPA salon. It may include a simultaneous couples massage, a “health barrel”, a tea ceremony, a hammam or a sauna. You can get by budget option— buy passes for a one-time visit to the pool and just swim side by side.

Who will pay?

If you are determined to arrange a turnkey date, then you pay - and not from your general budget. Another thing is that not every man can calmly watch a girl take out her wallet, so decide all financial issues in advance.

check yourself

If you are used to taking on any task with Stakhanovite zeal and seem to get a little carried away when planning a date, check yourself with the checklist!

■ The budget should not go beyond what is reasonable - for example, the amount of your weekly expenses in the supermarket. This is still a date, albeit not quite an ordinary one, but still not a celebration of a crystal wedding.

■ Respect time and space limits. A date cannot last three days and take place five hundred kilometers from your hometown. Otherwise, this is already a mini-vacation, which, by the way, you better organize together - it brings you incredibly closer together.

■ The format of the date should be interesting to both of you. There is no need to use a plausible pretext to drag a man to a jazz festival if he only listens to Russian rap.

What your man is unlikely to like

If you got inspired and made your own list original ideas for a date - re-read it carefully and cross out everything that your man is unlikely to like.


Even if the shopping center is on the way, even if you just need to pop into one department for a minute, and even if you decided with the best intentions to be a stylist, devoting the whole evening to selecting new looks for your “half” or “family look” for the two of you - cross it out ! For a man, going shopping together is torture, and for you it is also a ruinous option, because you pay for an atypical rendezvous yourself, as has already been agreed upon with you.


The result will probably be sweet and romantic, but the process itself with changing clothes and freezing in awkward poses is quite tedious. It is unlikely that the man will be delighted. It's better to put it off until your wedding anniversary (or even completely).

Double date

It doesn’t matter whether you invite a couple you know to join or agree to take a single boyfriend and girlfriend with you and at the same time try to arrange their personal life. In any case, the focus of attention will be partially shifted to strangers. Is this what you wanted in the first place?


Go together to an animal shelter to walk a dozen dogs, or volunteer to deliver boxes of food and toys to large families. This is a wonderful initiative that honors both of you, which, however, does not fit in with the very idea of ​​devoting time to each other. So another time.

Hi all!

Today we have unusual article. And it is unusual in that it is not me who will give you advice, but one interesting girl. I promised you that I would open such a section?! Now you can read advice from a female perspective.

Today's topic is: unusual date with a girl.

And really, how can you arrange an unforgettable date for her, so unusual that she will remember you for the rest of her life?

This is a kind of art that requires regular practice and valuable advice.

Well, now you will get these tips.

When you already know each other, don’t be shy - ask the girl what kind of gifts she likes, music, her favorite places, what she dreamed about as a child (maybe you can make her dream come true?). And ask which date she thinks would please her more? (just to avoid the right choice place, gift, etc.)

After all, we girls will tell you everything with great pleasure, and you will feel good (because we give you the key to your desires, and all you have to do is use it), and we are pleased that you are interested.

At first I thought I would give you the usual tips on how to give a girl an unforgettable date. But then the thought came to me that we are different girls after all. And we are so different and need an individual approach.

Individual dates

This is an interesting subtitle.

Now let's see what types of women there are and decide which ideas for dating a girl are best to use for each of them.

Calm- such girls need a calmer environment, a calm romantic dinner by candlelight, where music is playing (you can do this at home, invite them to a restaurant, if it’s quiet and peaceful in the evenings, then you can set the table on the balcony, or on the shore rivers, etc.).

Quiet and peaceful walks in the parks, or just walks. But because you have an unusual date with a girl, which means stop at some intervals and, as if by waving a magic wand, give her some gift (a smile and sparkle in the eyes are guaranteed).

You can simply bring a girl to the shore of the sea, river or lake and just sit (but of course, don’t forget about the surprise). I am sure that until the end of your walk she will think for a long time about what a romantic guy each of you is. You can go to different places where it is quiet and peaceful.

Active and positive– such girls are happy with any date, like a hungry cat is with sour cream – it’s not difficult to arrange an unforgettable date for a girl.

You can take her to attractions, ride a bike with the desired route for you. It’s also possible with stops where you already have prepared a small but pleasant trifle(you can arrange a small, so to speak, picnic).

Take her to the bowling alley (they always play songs there, you can slowly approach the administrator and order her favorite song and at that time give a flower or a gift, both nice and original). Bring her to dance school(so to speak, you will surprise her, and, of course, she will look at you with great interest and dance with you). There are many interesting places where you can take a girl.

Sports– girls who at least somehow love sports and don’t mind trying new sensations. If you want to arrange an unusual date for such a girl, then use those date ideas that I personally think are the best.

You can go to the roller skating rink. It’s a lot of fun (even if she doesn’t know how, but you will definitely not be left without attention because you will be a real support for her).

By the way, you can try to arrange paragliding(if you yourself are ready for this), but as I said, ask what she likes so as not to make a mistake with the choice. You can take a girl to the playground, play ball with her (even if she doesn’t know how, she will definitely be interested).

Can be arranged hiking trip, where on some mountain write some wishes on pieces of paper. Stick the leaves into the bottle and bury the bottle(and only you will know this place, and, of course, give her a gift).

IN winter time You can also connect a roller. Unlike just a walk in the cold (where you will spend 15 minutes at most), you you will combine business with pleasure. You’ll kill two birds with one stone: you’ll keep warm and it’ll be interesting.

Let's talk a little about gifts

Gifts come in different forms, now there are no problems finding and buying, the choice is worth it, what gifts do you need? When you know what your girlfriend likes, it’s much easier. So I advise you to start with simple and original gift simultaneously.

For example, there is no need to simply give flowers. Girls, so to speak, don’t “fall for it” anymore. Instead, give her a "Teddy Bouquet" (a bouquet of little bears). Such a bouquet will definitely not wither, and will always be there. a pleasant memory about your date.

But be careful. Calm and romantic girls prefer such gifts. If you give such a plush bouquet to a cold girl, the effect may be the opposite.

You can do the same with other gifts. You can give small, but practical, not expensive, but valuable. Interesting, but original. Give gifts that will always remind her of you.

Of course, every date needs to be thought through to the smallest detail, no matter how simple or complex it is. If you want to arrange the perfect date for a girl, then you have to plan everything. Calculate time, place so that you and your girlfriend feel comfortable. If you want to give something, it must be unusual gifts.

I'll tell you a secret: simple gifts will not only not help you, but will also ruin everything. Sergei, probably already told you about this.

In general, no matter what kind of girl she is, and no matter what you come up with for her, or cook for her (of course, knowing what she loves), she will appreciate everything, don’t be afraid to come up with ideas and implement them. Girls like guys who act confidently, so don’t be afraid to put your ideas into action for an unusual date with a girl. And believe me, there will be another one in the world happy girl, who has such a guy, but good things are not forgotten!

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So, you have now read the advice of my friend, who will now run the “girls’ advice” section.

I think she gave some very logical advice that you can use. The only exception is that you should not give gifts in the initial stages, when you have not had sex or even kisses.

An unusual date with a girl is something that you need to invest time and energy into only when your relationship has at least just begun to move into the stage of falling in love. The main indicator that surprises can be arranged is that the girl herself is looking for communication with you, offers to meet, etc.

The funny video I promised:

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Some more information on the topic:

Communication with a girl on the Internet: advice from a girl

Do you often remember the candy-bouquet period of your relationship with your future husband? Some delve into their memories with nostalgia, others wait for initiative from their current spouse, while others, in the bustle of days, have no time to think about past romantic times. All reasons have the right to exist. However, they are not a dogma, they say, with the advent family life you need to forget about “liberties” in the form of a rendezvous. On the contrary, they help to add fuel to the fire of marital passion. We, in turn, are ready to share win-win ideas for organizing a date with your own husband. I must admit, sometimes they are quite budget-friendly.

1. Have dinner together

You don't have to go to a fancy restaurant and wear your best clothes. How do you like the idea of ​​face to face... on the roof? You don’t even have to cook food: you can order it at your favorite food outlet. Or just make do with a bottle of champagne and light snacks. It remains not to forget a couple of blankets and a romantic mood. Are either of you afraid of heights? Another location could be a balcony, a backyard, a high hill outside the city, or a park. Another bonus is the stars in clear weather. We bet you haven't seen them in a while.

2. What is our life? A game!

You can spend time just as interesting within the walls of your home. Let's say organize a game night. You can compete in checkers, chess, backgammon, monopoly, cards, walkers, sea battle, computer games... Asking “pepper” can fulfill the partner’s wishes in case of loss. Excitement, sparkling eyes, fun are guaranteed. Just remember to turn off your phones so that nothing distracts you from the process.

3. Fun in the kitchen

Is it possible? And how! Only on the condition that both sides are included in the cooking process. It is not at all necessary to prepare dishes from complex ingredients (although this is not forbidden). The object of your attention may be various cocktails and snacks. Or you can get by with fondue altogether by purchasing or borrowing a special installation. Once you have melted the cheese and chocolate, start treating each other by dipping pieces of food. At the end of the meal, you can watch your favorite movie or sing karaoke in the next room.

4. Surprise evening

It is not at all necessary to tell your loved one about your plans for the evening. And just take him and invite him to where he would like to be. A pub with your favorite beers, a concert by a band dear to your heart, or tickets to a sports team game, a themed exhibition... There are so many places you can visit! Just don’t reveal all your trump cards at once. A note indicating the place to go, the time and, possibly, the dress code will help to thicken the intrigue.

5. In a dark hotel room...

Don’t want to deal with kitchen issues and organizing the evening? Rent a room in a remote hotel, where the likelihood of meeting friends is reduced to zero. Lingerie for a special occasion, champagne, light snacks, “spicy” accessories for a hot night. You can also tell your husband about the upcoming magical evening with a note. You can throw it in a wallet, a loved one’s pocket, or send an SMS message. When else will you have the opportunity to feel like the heroes of an amorous story?

In fact, the topic of date ideas with your own husband is endless. Where else can you go?

favorite cafe;
first date location;
dolphinarium or zoo;
going to the skating rink;
shared bike ride;
a trip to the planetarium;
participation in tasting;
a unique master class or lecture;
playing golf, etc.

Only they often look very attractive, but in practice... Many of us find it difficult to “turn off our heads” and distract ourselves from family troubles. An endless stream of excuses begins: I’m tired, there’s so much to do around the house, what about the children, etc.

In fact, all family members will benefit from a rendezvous with your own husband. Let's not forget that a strong family is the merit of a happy marriage, that is, the relationship of its creators. It turns out that younger family members will be prosperous if their parents are happy. Therefore, finding time to communicate with your own husband, showing interest in your partner, caring is your direct responsibility.

And don’t let your conscience torment you that you are acting dishonestly towards children. After all, they learn from your example how to build connections with the opposite sex. Of course, at first they may not like the absence of their parents, the disruption of their usual order. But over time, your daughters and sons will learn to be independent, because you need to occupy yourself with something in your absence. Of course, in the presence of adults, if the children are still small. Close relatives, family friends, reliable neighbors, employees of gaming centers, etc. can act as nannies.

Today, think about the idea of ​​going on a date with your own husband. Even with the most modest budget, you can organize a stunning evening that will warm you with memories and rekindled feelings for a long time.