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The most beautiful and rare names for girls. How to choose a name for a girl born in May? What name can you give to a baby girl?

Surely you have encountered people whose names did not suit them at all. And less often you hear about those whose lives have changed dramatically after changing their name.

A name is a very important part of a person’s identification and self-identification; in other words, both those around him and the person himself identify themselves with their name. When parents face the question “how to choose a name for a girl?”, everyone approaches the decision differently. One of the methods - choose a name using numerology. In this case, you can rely on the month of birth, date of birth and even the day of the week.

What to name the girl? Selecting a name by month

When choosing girls' names by month, one must take into account the character that birth at a certain time of the year gives. So, "winter" girls responsible, persistent, but often cold. They are independent in making decisions. They can be given either names that give softness to the character (Venus), or, conversely, names that correspond to such a character (Saturn, Mars).

Born in spring They are also loners, but they are less interested in social success and more interested in family, hobbies, and children. Names that “teach” collectivism are also suitable for them - the names of the Moon, Venus, Mercury.

A suitable name for a girl born in summer, is under the protection of the Sun. It does not allow you to dissolve in family and friends, it gives individualism and creativity. And the names of girls born in the fall, correspond to the “socially oriented” Jupiter.

If you want to give a name to a girl whom you would like to have an unusual destiny, choose the names of the higher planets - Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

How to determine which planet a name is associated with?

  1. Number all the letters of the alphabet with numbers from 1 to 9 (after 9, 1 will go again, you will find the corresponding meaning of the letters below).
    • 1 - A, I, C, B
    • 2 - B, J, T, S
    • 3 - B, K, U, b
    • 4 - G, L, F, E
    • 5 - D, M, X, Yu
    • 6 - E, N, C, Z
    • 7 - Yo, O, Ch
    • 8 - F, P, W
    • 9 - Z, R, Shch
  2. Add up all the numbers obtained from the letters of the first and last name. For example, let's calculate the number of the name OLGA SOLOVIOVA: OLGA = 5+2+8+4+1 = 20 = 2+0 =2 SOLOVIOVA = 8+5+2+5+3+8+7+3+1 = 42 = 4 +2=6
  3. Sum up to a single digit. This will be the number that needs to be correlated with a specific planet.
    • Number 1: SUN
    • Number 2: MOON
    • Number 3: JUPITER
    • Number 4: URANUS
    • Number 5: MERCURY
    • Number 6: VENUS
    • Number 7: NEPTUNE
    • Number 8: SATURN
    • Number 9: MARS

Select child's name by date of birth

But only an astrologer can choose the names of girls by date of birth. However, try yourself in this science! If you have a girl's horoscope from one of the many online horoscope programs, look at where her Sun and Rising Sign are. In the signs of which Element?

  • If on Fire (Aries, Sagittarius and Leo)– choose the name of the Sun, Mars, Jupiter.
  • If in the Earth (Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn) – choose the name of Venus, Saturn.
  • If in the Air (Libra, Gemini, Aquarius)– the names of girls born under this Element receive the protection of Mercury and Uranus.
  • If in Water (Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio)– names of Pluto, Moon, Neptune.

When checking girls' names by planetary numbers, do not forget to calculate not only the full name, but also the diminutive name.

For example, let's take the name Anastasia. It's on the list of the most popular girls' names of 2012, which is why I turn to it so often. Little Anastasia is most often called Nastya or Stasya. Nastya is the name of Saturn, Stasya is the name of the Moon.

So, before adult Anastasia demonstrates her thriftiness and femininity, Nastya’s parents will have to deal with their daughter’s stubbornness and toughness. But Stasya is the same “lunar” name as the full version.

Birthday girls names

If the ways to determine girls' names by dates are not enough for you, you can use another method. It takes into account on what day of the week was the girl born?. Each day has its own planet:

  1. Monday - Moon,
  2. Tuesday – Mars,
  3. environment – ​​Mercury,
  4. Thursday - Jupiter,
  5. Friday – Venus
  6. Saturday – Saturn,
  7. Sunday - Sun.

We find the number of the name, as in the previous method, and see whether the chosen name relates to the management of the planet of the birthday. So, choosing girls' names by day, we find that the name Anastasia is suitable for those born on Monday.

Every parent faces the question - what name to give their child? Naming a child a girl is a responsible and difficult task. Choosing a child's name requires a lot of imagination and patience, because each family member may have their own opinion on this matter. Finding a compromise in such a situation is the most correct solution.

When choosing a beautiful name for a girl, you need to be guided not only by what your choice carries with it, but also by its combination with the middle name and last name. It is worth paying attention to how you want the girl’s character to be, whether she will be gentle and sensitive, cheerful or strong and firm. For example, name Kira can bring determination and thriftiness to its owner, and Sophia - sophistication and delicacy.

So what should you name a girl so that in the future the name does not become a cause of quarrels and name changes?

Fashion influence

Many people trust the choice of name to annual fashion. After looking at popular names for girls, parents future woman stop at one of them. And indeed, if the name is known, then in the future no one will doubt its attractiveness. However, it is necessary to think about the other side of this choice: different stages As a girl grows up, and subsequently a girl and a woman, she can meet peers with the same name. Not everyone likes this, because everyone wants to feel unique.

Unusual names

Often you want to choose a rare and extraordinary female name. At the same time, parents use all their imagination. Girls appear with long-forgotten ancient Russian names borrowed from other languages. These are, for example, Adele, Dobromira, Camilla And so on.

When choosing an extravagant name, you should consider whether the girl has enough strength to defend herself in a difficult situation. An unusual name can cause teasing in childhood and adolescence.

Tribute to memory

Wanting to show their respect for their ancestors, people call their daughters by names that have often gone out of use. In such a situation, it is not necessary to follow the exact spelling of the name - you can simply replace it with a more modern interpretation.

The name for a daughter is often taken from works of art and films. Flashy, copyrighted names will not always be clear to others. In addition, it is not known how your child will relate to this kind of association.

Names and religion

You can also choose a name according to religious calendars. Some parents entrust this choice to the priest when baptizing their child. Many give their daughters double names - one given in the church, which is not disclosed, and another, publicly available, usually close in meaning to the first.

In any case, for the most correct choice when deciding what name to name your daughter, you should be guided not only by scientific facts, but also by a loving heart.

May is the warmest and sunniest month of spring. However, those born at this time have the opposite character. They are distinguished by their waywardness, firmness and lust for power. It is important to choose a name for a girl born in May in accordance with her characteristics, so that it smooths out the sharp edges of her character and enhances the positive qualities of her personality.

Character of May girls

The month of May endows the fair sex with lust for power, demandingness, determination and rationalism. Girls born during this period, from an early age, show interest in everything new, strive for independence and do not tolerate objections.

They are firm in their decisions. Nothing and no one can convince them if they know exactly what to do. They are born leaders who know how to lead people., take responsibility and make decisions independently.

They often find it difficult in relationships with other people. Not everyone is ready to accept May people as they are. Straightforwardness and tactlessness often interfere with meeting people and making acquaintances.

However, due to their lively and stubborn character, girls born in May can achieve great things in their careers, creativity and business in the future. It seems to others that people like them are always lucky, and that they have a special gift that helps them make their way in life. In fact, all their achievements are a consequence hard work and working on yourself.

What name should I give according to my horoscope?

May is the period of dominance of two zodiac signs: and Gemini. What character traits do these constellations endow girls with at birth and what names correspond to them?

Taurus girls (April 21 – May 20) have a fairly calm and balanced character. They are consistent, practical and ambitious. They grow up to be good housewives who value family and stability. Material values ​​play a big role in their lives.

Taurus girls are fashionistas and spenders. However, they take any purchases seriously and will never throw money away. They show flexibility in communication and do not like to argue or conflict. At the same time, they know how to stand up for themselves and their loved ones, to defend their point of view.

Names that are suitable for girls of this constellation:

  • Karina
  • Veronica
  • Angelica
  • Tatiana
  • Diana
  • Pauline
  • Marina

Girls - (May 21 - June 21) - inquisitive, active and purposeful natures. They do not like objections or disagreement with their opinions. They like to criticize and demand too much from the people around them. Their character traits– emotionality, sociability, creativity and originality. The main drawback is inconstancy.

When choosing a name for a girl born in late May early June, you need it to convey more seriousness or flexibility. Suitable names:

  • Anastasia
  • Evgenia
  • Natalia
  • Catherine
  • Elizabeth

How to name your daughter according to the church calendar?

So that the daughter is always accompanied by a guardian angel, and the name brings good luck in all areas of life, with the question of what to name the girl, one should turn to the calendar, which contains Orthodox names saints

  • 1st of May– Tamara (“queen”).
  • May 2– Alexandria (“protector”).
  • May 3– Susanna (“lily”), Maria (“mistress”), Irma (“honest”), Ivanna (“God’s gift”).
  • the 6th of May– Valeria (“strong”), Alesya (“forest”).
  • May 7– Elizabeth (“who honors the Lord”).
  • May 8– Victoria (“victory”).
  • 9th May– Teresa (“protector”), Matryona (“progenitor”).
  • May 10– Taisiya (“wise”), Marianna (“mistress”), Anastasia (“alive”).
  • May 11– Anna (“the giver of good”).
  • may 13– Agnia, Agnessa (“lamb”).
  • May 14– Ninel (“brave”), Tamara (“queen”).
  • May 15– Zoya (“life-loving”).
  • 16th of May– Yuliana, Yulia, Ulyana (“curly”).
  • May 17– Tatiana (“founder”), Pelageya (“sea”).
  • May 18– Irina (“peace giver”).
  • May 20– Caroline (“queen”)
  • 22nd of May– Ella, Elina, Eleanor (“Greek”).
  • May, 23rd– Renata (“resurrected”)
  • May 24– Ivanna (“God’s gift”).
  • 26 of May– Arina, Irina (“peace-giving”), Taisiya (“wise”).
  • May 27– Ella, Eleanor, Elina (“Greek”).
  • May 29– Alina (“noble”)
  • May 30– Evdokia and Avdotya (“favorable”).
  • May 31– Elizabeth (“honoring God”), Christina (“follows Christ”), Juliana (“curly”), Camilla (“noble”).

When choosing a name, do not forget about its euphony and how it will be combined with the surname and first name. Do not forget that

Every expectant mother, expecting the birth of her long-awaited daughter, wants to choose the most beautiful name for her, which will not only decorate her, but also bring good luck. If you are in this situation, then this article is for you. Here you can find a list of the most unusual and beautiful names for girls.

When choosing a name for a child, each woman is guided by different principles.

Some people consider it necessary to name their child after their close relative, while others want to give their baby the name of their idol. It has become a very popular and fashionable trend in our time to call children by church, ancient names, because they are rare. People who want to emphasize the high social status of the family in a child’s name prefer to name it after Western monarchs.

When choosing a name, some mothers are guided by the advice of astrologers, who select names for babies that are suitable by date of birth, or by season, as our ancestors did. If a child was born into a family in harsh winter, then he was given a soft and sunny name, and if in the spring, then he was given a hard and harsh name.

Beautiful names for girls and their meanings

The list of names in this article is not compiled according to any of the above principles.

The main criterion that was taken into account was the nationality of the newborn girl. After all, a name is the calling card of any person. Introducing himself strangers, it should be immediately clear to them which country you come from.

Now let's move on to top list of the most beautiful names for girls in each in some countries of the world.

Beautiful Russian names for girls

Most modern Russian names for girls that are given to newborn girls are of Greek or Roman origin. Many of them will be in trend more than ever in 2017. Despite fashion, Russian mothers prefer to name their daughters, guided by primordially Russian principles in this matter:

  1. Traditions. This includes the names that were borne by representatives of the royal and imperial families of Russia. They sound beautiful, noble, go well with any middle name and are associated with Russian history. Based on this, girls are most often called:

  1. By time of year

  1. By month:

Of course, this list is just a hint for those who are looking for a name for their child. It is not necessary to strictly adhere to it.

Beautiful old names for girls

The beauty of ancient names is that they denote qualities of character - kindness, hard work, wisdom, generosity. If you want your daughter to have some such quality, then you can name her with the appropriate old name.

We have compiled a list of the most popular such names in our time and described the meaning of each of them. We invite you to name your princess:

Beautiful church names for girls

According to Orthodox tradition Names of newborns must be given according to the calendar - the list of saints in the church calendar. People have long believed that by naming a child after a saint, a strong bond develops between the baby and his guardian angel. The saint will become the patron saint of the baby and will accompany him through life, protecting him from adversity, misfortune and bad weather.

Every day according to the church calendar we celebrate the name days of saints. Based on this, you can give your child a name. Just look in the calendar on which saint’s day your daughter was born, and give her the appropriate name.

There is a more simplified option - to name girls according to the church calendar, taking into account not the day of her birth, but only the month. The list of these names is as follows:

Beautiful Muslim names for girls

Female Muslim names have Persian, Iranian and Turkic roots. They are very melodic and beautiful. Muslims sacredly honor their traditions and culture, therefore they believe that the name predetermines the fate of a person. Among the many wonderful Muslim names, we have identified the top 14 that are most often used:

Beautiful Tatar names for girls

The Tatars are a very distinctive people. Sometimes young parents even come up with names for their children themselves, composing them from different words, thereby emphasizing the uniqueness of their child.

However, there is a certain list of Tatar names that are the most popular:

  1. Aigul - “a flower that grows under the moonlight”
  2. Aisylu - “mystery of the Moon”
  3. Guzelia – “a very beautiful girl”
  4. Guzel - “a girl to be admired”
  5. Damira – “a girl with a strong character”
  6. Ilsiyar - “patriotic girl”
  7. Yulduz – “ bright Star in the sky"

Beautiful Kazakh names for girls

Kazakh female names are in many ways similar to Tatar and Muslim ones, because the origin of these peoples is historically connected. Most often, Kazakh mothers call their daughters:

Beautiful Arabic names for girls

To the very beautiful foreign names for girls are Arabic. Their beauty isn't in how they sound. For the Russian-speaking population, it is sometimes not possible to pronounce them. All their charm lies in their meaning. For example:

Beautiful Turkish names for girls

Continuing to list beautiful oriental names for girls, one cannot fail to mention the Turkish ones. Often female Turkish names are associated with the date of birth of a girl or some important holiday of national significance. As an example, here is the list:

  1. Names of Quranic origin:

  1. Names denoting natural phenomena:
  • Eileen – “light of the moon”
  • Goksel - “rain from the sky”
  • Tan – “color of sunset”
  1. Names denoting flora and fauna:

  1. Names meaning water element:
  • Derya - “ocean”
  • Su – “water”
  • Damlya - “drop”

Beautiful Armenian names for girls

Armenians name their children according to the same traditions as all Muslim peoples. Among the most beautiful Armenian female names are the following:

Beautiful Bashkir names for girls

To the number beautiful islamic names for girls include the Bashkir ones, who, just like the Tatar ones, praise beauty and best qualities women. Among them:

Beautiful Azerbaijani names for girls

When a girl is born in an Azerbaijani family, guests who come to the house where the newborn lives wish her to grow up in accordance with the meaning of her name. Therefore, Azerbaijanis are very attentive to the issue of choosing a name for their daughters. By the way, these names are similar in sound to Armenian and Kazakh ones. For example:

Beautiful Caucasian names for girls

The Caucasian peoples have a lot of different female names, which can mean the same thing, but sound differently. This is due to the linguistic characteristics of these peoples. Some of the most popular names for newborn girls in the Caucasus include:

  • Aliya – “exalted girl”
  • Alma – translated from the Turkic language this name means “apple”
  • Balzhan – “honey sweetness”
  • Malika - “royal person”
  • Sholpan - “bright morning star”

These same names are considered the most beautiful for Uzbek girls.

Beautiful Chechen names for girls

Chechen names represent simple words, consisting of a pair of syllables. Most often they have meanings of precious metals, rare plants, animals, human character traits and temperament. For example:

Beautiful Georgian names for girls

Georgian names are words consisting of a noun and an adjective, that is, they mean some kind of object with main characteristic. As an example, here are the most beautiful female names that Georgians give their daughters:

  • Dariko – “a girl given by God”
  • Mamuka – “rising sun”
  • Manana - “she who was revealed by heaven”
  • Angela – “snow fluff, snowflake”
  • Kekela – “beautiful girl”

Beautiful Japanese names for girls

The Japanese can be called a people who sacredly cherish their traditions and history. But in Lately Japanese names no longer reflect this feature of the mentality of this Asian people. Modern families In Japan, they name their daughters after anime characters. We included the most beautiful of them:

  • Kumiko – “beautiful child”
  • Aika – “love song”
  • Izumi – “fantastic girl”
  • Katsumi – “victory of beauty”
  • Naomi - "beauty"
  • Harumi – “beauty of spring”

Beautiful English names for girls

In England, for several years in a row, the same female names have remained at the peak of popularity. And all because the fashion sets The Royal Family, which honors and observes the historical traditions of its homeland, therefore, names new family members after outstanding English warriors, monarchs and artists. In the list of the most beautiful female names:

  • Amelia – “hard worker”
  • Jessica - "foresighted"
  • Isabella - "beauty"
  • Scarlett - "bright"
  • Charlotte - "free"
  • Hannah - "merciful"
  • Emma - "divine"
  • Julia – “from the Yuli family”
  • Katie – “bringing happiness to everyone”

Beautiful American names for girls

American female names are similar to English ones. In addition, Americans call their daughters by many names typical of the British. Among the most popular there are several:

  • Abby - "daddy's girl"
  • Sharyl - "aristocrat"
  • Holly – “close, kindred spirit”
  • Alice - "noble girl"
  • Angelina – “angelic”
  • Chris - "great"
  • Amanda - "nice"
  • Emily - "rival"

Beautiful French names for girls

French names for girls are the most romantic and sophisticated. They sound melodious. Among them there are those that can be considered native French, as well as those that were formed from other names, for example, German. We will tell you a few original French names for girls:

  • Vivien - "living"
  • Virginie – “innocent”
  • Jannet – “merciful”
  • Giselle – “swift”
  • Josephine - “she who gives blessings”
  • Edith – “struggling”
  • Eloise – “possessing good health”

Beautiful Ukrainian names for girls

Ukrainian names have common roots with Russian names, since both Ukrainians and Russians are Slavic peoples who have one ancestor, history up to a certain point and Orthodox faith. Original Ukrainian names include:

  • Yaryna – “calm”
  • Bogdana – “given by God”
  • Lyubava - “beloved”
  • Chacluna – “magical”
  • Mikhailina – “divine”
  • Solomiya – “light”
  • Odarka – “gift”
  • Marusya – “kind at heart”
  • Orina – “peaceful”

Beautiful Italian names for girls

All Italian names are of Latin origin. Many of them are similar to Russian names - those that we or our relatives are called by. However, Italians still prefer to name their daughters after their loved ones or great figures in their history. Nowadays you can often meet girls with the following Italian names:

  • Gabriella – “endowed with divine power”
  • Conchitta - “pure and immaculate”
  • Donna - "true lady"
  • Bella - "beautiful"
  • Paola – “modest”
  • Stafania – “royal”

Video “Name and Destiny”

In this video you will learn about how our name affects our destiny and luck.

A correctly chosen name has a strong positive impact on a person’s character and destiny. But how to choose the perfect name?

Sometimes parents try to choose a name before birth, but this prevents the child from developing. The name must be chosen based on the fact of birth. An extremely deep and comprehensive analysis of the girl’s character. Astrological and numerological techniques have wasted all the knowledge about the influence of a name on fate over the centuries and turned into nothing more than entertainment.

Christmastide calendars, without consulting a pure and seeing specialist, are also superficial knowledge. Which do not provide any real help in assessing the influence of names on the child’s fate.

And lists of popular, happy, beautiful, melodious female names completely turn a blind eye to the individuality, energy, and soul of the child and turn the selection procedure into an irresponsible game of parents in fashion dictated by ignorance, lack of professionalism and selfishness.

>There are cultural interpretations of what women's names mean, but in reality the influence of a name on each woman is individual.

Various characteristics - positive features name, negative traits name, choice of profession by name, the influence of a name on business, the influence of a name on health, the psychology of a name can only be considered in the context of a deep analysis of subtle plans (karma), energy structure, life goals and the type of a particular child.

The topic of name compatibility is generally an absurdity that turns on interactions different people internal mechanisms of influence of a name on the state of its bearer. And it cancels the entire psyche, unconscious, energy and behavior of people. Reduces the entire multidimensionality of communication, interaction, and human behavior to one false characteristic.

The meaning of the name has no literal impact. For example, Victoria, this does not mean that the girl will win everywhere. The name can block her heart center and she will not be able to give and receive love.

The most popular female names of 2015\2016\2017...2019 are also a misconception. Despite the fact that 95% of girls are called names that do not make their fate easier. You can only focus on a specific child.

Secret female name, as a program of the unconscious, a sound wave, vibration is revealed in a special bouquet primarily in a person, and not in semantic meaning and characteristics of the name. And if this name is not suitable, then no matter how beautiful, melodious, astrologically accurate, or benevolent it is, it will still be a crooked dummy.

Below are about 500 female names. Try to choose several that you think are most suitable for your child. Then, if you are interested in the effectiveness of the name’s influence on fate,

Female names in alphabetical order:

Augusta / Augustine (old) – summer
Avdotya (folk from Evdokia) - famous
Aurelia (new) - golden
Aurora (new) – goddess of the dawn
Agapia (old) - from Greek. agapao - I love.
Agata (new) / Agafya / Agathia (old) - from Greek. agathos - good, honest, kind.
Aglaida (old) – sparkling / daughter of beauty, charm
Aglaya (new) – brilliant
Agnes / Agnessa (old) – chaste
Agnia (old) – immaculate or fiery
Agrippina / Agrefena (old) - from the Roman family name Agrippus (Agrippa)
Ada (old) – decoration
Adele / Adelia / Adelaide (Old German) - from adal - noble and heyd - state, class.
Aza (old) – first
Azalea (new) - flowering bush
Aida (new) - giver of harvest
Akilina / Akulina (old) - eagle-haired
Aksinya (folk from Ksenia) - hospitable or, on the contrary, alien (“xenos”)
Alevtina (old) – alien to evil
Alexandra (old) – protector of people
Alena (from Elena) – sunny
Alina (new) – stranger
Alice (new) – charming
Alla (old) – selfish
Albina (old, cf. new Alvina) - “white”
Anastasia (old) – resurrected
Anatolia (new) - eastern
Angelina (old) – angel
Angela (new) - angelic
Angelika - meaning to be determined
Animaisa (old) - soulful
Anisiya / Anisya (old) - sweet-smelling
Anita (new) - obstinate
Anna (old) - “grace”
Antonina / Antonida (old) - kind
Antonia (old) - entering into battle
Anfisa / Anfusa (old) - blooming
Apollinaria (old) - sun goddess
Ariadne (old) - sleeping
Ariana - meaning to be confirmed
Arina (folk from Irina) - calm
Arcadia (new) - shepherdess
Arsenia (new) - courageous
Artemia (old) - unharmed
Assol - meaning to be confirmed
Astra (new) – “flower”
Astrid (scand.) - passionate
Asya - meaning to be confirmed
Afanasia (old) - immortal
Aphrodite (old) - emerging from sea foam
Aelita (new) - from Greek. aer - air and litos - stone
Aella (new) - from Greek. aello - whirlwind, hurricane

Female names, letter B:

Bazhena (Old Russian) – saint
Beata (new) – blessing
Beatrice (old) – blessing
Bela (glory) – beautiful
Bella (new) – beautiful
Bereslava - meaning to be confirmed
Bertha (new) – magnificent
Bogdana (glorified) – given by God
Boleslava (slav.) – more glorious
Borislava (glory) – fighting for glory
Bronislava (slav.) – glorious protector

Female names, letter B:

Valentina (old) – healthy
Valeria (old) – strong
Wanda (slav.) – hospitable
Varvara (old) – savage
Vasilina (new) – royal
Vasilisa (old) – royal
Vassa (old) – queen
Wenceslas (slav.) - more glorious
Venus (old) – “love”
Vera (old) – “faith”
Veronica (old) – biblical name
Veselina (glory) – cheerful
Vesta (old) – patroness of the hearth and hearth
Vidana (glory) – prominent
Quiz (old) – winner
Victoria (old) – “victory”
Vilena (new) - Vilena River (France)
Viola / Violetta / Violanta (new) – “violet”
Virinea (old) - green, fresh
Vitalia / Vitalina (new) – vital
Vlada (slav.) – owning
Vladimir (new) – owning the world
Vladislava (glory) – owner of glory
Vlasta (slav.) – ruler
Will (new) – free
Vseslava (slav.) – glorious everywhere

Female names, letter G:

Gaia (new) - wife
Gali (old) – bright
Galina (old) – calm
Hanna (Ukrainian from Anna) – blessed
Gayana / Gayaniya (old) - earth
Gelena (New Polish from Elena) – light
Helium (new) – solar (Helios)
Gella (old) – fallen into the water
Dahlia - meaning to be determined
Gertrude (new) – patroness of women
Glafira (old) – sophisticated
Glyceria (old) - sweet
Gloria (old) – “glory”
Goluba (Old Russian) – tender
Gorislava (glory) – kindling glory

Female names, letter D:

Daina (new) - another reading of Diana
Dana (new) – goddess of the moon
Daria / Daria (old) – winner
Darina (new) – giver
Daryana (new) – winner
Dekabrina (new) – winter
Deya / Diya (new) - divine
Juliet (old) - analogue of Julia
Diana (new) - divine
Dina / Dinia (folk from the old Digna) - “faith”
Diodora (old) - given by God
Dionysia (old) – patroness of winemaking
Dobrava (Old Russian) – kind
Share (Dolyana) - value to be confirmed
Domna / Domina (old) - lady, mistress of the house.
Domnika/Dominika (old) – belonging. to God
Dorothea / Dorothea (old) - from Greek. doron - gift, gift and theos - god.

Female names, letter E:

Eve (old) – giver of life
Evgenia (old) – noble
Evangelina - meaning to be determined
Evdokia (old) – well-known
Eupraxia (old) - doer of good deeds, virtuous woman
Catherine (old) – immaculate
Elena (old) – chosen one
Elizabeth (old) – worshiper of God
Yesenia - meaning to be confirmed
Efemia / Euphemia (old) - pious
Euphrosyne / Euphrosyne (old) - from Greek. Euphrosyne - joy, fun.

Female names, letter Z:

Jeanne (new) – “gift of God”
Zhdana (Old Russian) – waiting

Female names, letter Z:

Fun - meaning to be determined
Zarina / Zorina (new) – light
Zvenislava (glory) – spreading glory
Zinaida (old) – born of Zeus
Zinovia (old) – “Zeus’ power”
Zlata (slav.) - golden
Zoya (old) – “life”

Female names, letter I:

Ivanna (folk from John) – “God’s gift”
Ida (new) - mountain, “descendant”
Ilaria (old) - cheerful
Ilona - meaning to be determined
Inga (new) - from ancient Scand. Invio is the name of the god of abundance.
Inessa (new) – serene
Inna (old) – name of Rome / stormy stream
Joanna (old) – “God’s gift”
Jonah (old) – “dove”
Hypatia (new) - related to horses, equine (hippos)
Hippolyta (new) – from “(g)ippo” - horse and “litos” - stone, slab
Iraida (old) – goddess of the rainbow
Iroida (old) - heroic, daughter of a hero
Irina (old) – “peace”
Isidora (old) – patroness of fertility
Spark (new) - bright
Iphigenia (old) – immortal
Oya (old) - from Greek. ia - violet

Female names, letter K:

Camilla - meaning to be determined
Capitolina (old) - main
Karina - meaning to be confirmed
Carolina (new) - brave
Katerina (from Ekaterina) – immaculate
Kira (old) – “mistress”
Kirilla (old) – mistress
Claudia (old) – lame or from the Claudian family
Clara (new) – clear
Clarice / Clarissa (new) – light
Cleopatra (old) – beauty
Concordia (old) - consonant, agreeing
Constance (old) – persistent
Christina (new) – baptized
Ksenia (old) - stranger

Female names, letter L:

Lada (Old Russian) – sweetheart
Larisa (old) – “seagull”
Leniana (new) - from Lenin
Lenin (new) - from Lenin
Leonida (old) – “descendant of the lion”
Leonila (old) – lioness
Leontia (new) – lion
Lesya (new) – courageous
Libya (old) - originally from Libya
Lydia (old) – first
Lika - meaning to be confirmed
Liliana (new) – blooming
Lily (new) – “flower”
Lina (new) – an independent name or a diminutive of Elina
Lyubava (Old Russian) – beauty
Love (old) – “love”
Lyubomyra (slav.) – darling of the world
Lyudmila (old, famous) – dear to people

Female names, letter M:

Mavra (old) - dark-skinned, dark-skinned
Magda (new) - see Magdalene
Magdalene (old) - sounding / originally from Magdala, in Palestine
Madeleine (new) - see Magdalene
Maya / Maya (new) – goddess of spring
Malvina (Old German) – From mal - justice and wine - friend..
Margarita (old) – “pearl”
Marina (old) – sea
Maria / Marya (old) – bitter
Marie (new) - variant of Maria
Martha (new) – mistress
Martha (old) – mentor
Matilda (Old German) - from macht - strength and hild - battle.
Matryona / Matrona (old) - mistress, mother of the family, mother
Melania / Melania (old) - dark, dark
Milada (slav.) – kind
Mila - meaning to be confirmed
Milana / Milena / (slav.) – sweetheart
Militsa (old, famous) – sweet in person
Miloslava (slav.) – glory is sweet
Mira (glory) – peaceful
Myrrh (glory) – fragrant, fragrant
Miroslava (slav.) – winner
Mitrodora (gr.) - a gift from the mother.
Mlada (slav.) – young
Mstislava (slav.) - conqueror
Muse (old) – goddess of art / inspiration

Female names, letter N:

Nadezhda (old, famous) – “hope”
Nadiya (popular, from Nadezhda) – “hope”
Nana (old) - nymph
Nastasya (popular, from Anastasia) - resurrected
Natalya / Natalia (old) – native
Nellie (new) – young
Neonila (old) – principled
Nika (old) – “victory”
Nina (old) – ruler
Novella (old) - new
Nonna - meaning to be determined
Nora (new) – cold

Female names, letter O:

Oksana (Ukrainian, from Ksenia) – hospitable
Octavia (old) - eighth
Oktyabrina (new) – autumn
Olesya (Ukrainian, from Alexander) – courageous
Olympics (old) – keeping calm
Olympia (new) – named after Zeus
Olga (old, old Russian) – saint

Female names, letter P:

Pavla (old) – small
Pavlina (old) – beauty
Pelageya - meaning to be determined
Platonida (old) - descendant of Plato
Polyxena (old) – Trojan princess
Polina (new) – fortune teller
Pravdina (new) – honest
Praskovya (folk, from the old Paraskeva) - “Friday”

Female names, letter P:

Rada (old, famous) – bringing joy
Radmila (slav.) – joyful
Raisa (old) – submissive
Regina (old) – queen
Renata (new) - newly born
Rimma (old) – Roman
Rogneda (slav.) - admitted to the council of equals/council of men
Rose (new) – “flower”
Rosalia (new) – blooming
Rozana (new) – flower
Rostislava (glory) – growing for glory
Ruslana (new) – lioness
Rufina / Ruth (old) - red, red-haired

Female names, letter C:

Sabina / Savina (old) - from the Sabine family, Sabine woman
Salome / Solome (old) - ...
Svetlana (Old Russian) – light
Svetozara (glory) – bright dawn
Svetoslava (new) – glory is bright
Svoboda (new) – “freedom”
Svyatoslav (slav.) – glory is holy
Sevastian (old) - ...
Severina (new) – northern
Selena / Selina (new) - moon
Seraphim (old) – fiery
Slava (slav.) – “glory”
Slavyana (slav.) – Slavic woman
Snezhana (new) – cold
Sophia / Sophia (old) – “wisdom”
Stanislava (slav.) – become glorious
Stella (old) – star
Stepanida / Stefanida (old) – “wreath”
Stefania (old) – “wreath”
Susanna / Sosanna (old) – stubborn / from Hebrew - “shushanah” - “white lily”
Suzanne (new) – stubborn

Female names, letter T:

Taira (new) – persistent
Taisiya (old) - “god-pleaser” and “lover of children”
Tamara (old) – “fig tree”
Tamila / Tomila (Old Russian) – languishing
Tatyana (old) – founder
Tomila - meaning to be determined

Female names, letter U:

Ulyana (folk, from old Juliana, cf. Juliana)
Uslada (new) – sweet-voiced
Ustinya (folk, from old Justina, cf. Justina)

Female names, letter F:

Faina (old) – shining
Felixana (new) – successful
Felicata / Felicity (old) – happy
Felicia (old) – “happiness”
Fedora / Theodora (old) – “God’s gift”
Thekla - meaning to be determined
Feodosia / Feodosia (old) – landowner
Philadelphia (new) - loving Delphi
Flavia (old) - from the Flavian family
Flora / Floria (new) – goddess of flowers
Florentina (new) – blooming
Florence (new) - blooming
Floriana (new) - young or blooming
Photina (old) - according to the calendar Svetlana

Female names, letter X:

Harita (old) – goddess of beauty
Kharitina (old) – beauty
Chionia (old) – nymph
Christina (old, cf. new Christina) - Christova

Female names, letter H:

Cheslava (slav.) – honest glory

Female names, letter E:

Eurydice (new) – bitten by a snake
Eleanor (new) – complex
Elina - meaning to be confirmed
Ella - meaning to be confirmed
Elvira (new) – balanced
Elmira (new) – calm
Emilia - meaning to be determined
Elsa (new) – courageous
Emma (new) – self-critical
Erica (new) – creator of the temple

Female names, letter Y:

Juliana (old, from Juliana) – curly
Julia (old, from Julius) – fluffy
Humanita (new) - humane, human
Juno (old) – patroness of marriage

Female names, letter I:

Jadwiga (new) – rich warrior
Yana (new) – “Sun Goddess”
Ioannina (new) – light
Yarina - meaning to be confirmed