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Rosneft has revealed the salary of its president. Kommersant compared the incomes of top managers, their subordinates and foreign colleagues. How much does Igor Sechin earn per day?

A. On April 23, the company’s Board of Directors approved the “Standard on payments and compensation to top management,” Whereby The monthly official salary of the president is set by a decision of the company's board of directors within the range of 15-20 million rubles. ($293.3-391 thousand according to course Central Bank on Tuesday).

Sechin’s specific salary “gravitates toward the lower limit,” Rosneft press secretary Mikhail Leontev explained to Gazeta.Ru.

The salary of the company's first vice president (currently a former top manager of TNK-BP Management) is 30-50% of the president's salary established by the council. For other vice presidents, the salary is set at 20-40% of the salary of the head of the company, for other top managers - 10-35%.

In addition, Rosneft top management may be paid annual bonuses, bonuses based on the results of implementation of significant projects, and bonuses if they are awarded state awards, departmental awards, or awards from Rosneft itself.

For Igor Sechin, as the president of the company, the annual bonus is set at 150% of the annual remuneration, that is, 270-360 million rubles. ($5.28-7 million).

For other top managers, the annual bonus is set at 140% of the annual salary.

Payments of bonuses based on the results of the implementation of significant projects can reach six times the monthly salary, but can also exceed this amount if there is a positive recommendation from the board of directors’ personnel and remuneration committee. Prizes for receiving state and departmental awards are determined by order of OJSC NK Rosneft. If a top manager received a corporate award, the bonus is 50-150 thousand rubles.

Sechin’s salary has long excited the imagination of the press and even became the reason judicial trial between the top manager and the Axel Springer Russia publishing house, as well as four correspondents of the Russian version - the Savelovsky court recognized that the publication of data on Sechin’s income that was not officially confirmed discredits his honor, dignity and business reputation.

In December 2014, a government decree was issued according to which the heads of companies with state participation (including Rosneft, etc.) are required to publish information about their income. But the demand raised numerous objections, especially from the head of Russian Railways, who said that publishing income information would violate trade secrets.

As a result, in March 2015, the government allowed members of corporations with state participation not to publish data on the income of their managers. The Prime Minister's press secretary, Natalya Timakova, then noted that the heads of such corporations are businessmen rather than civil servants.

At the same time, she noted that the top officials of companies with state participation are still required to file an income statement, but they are no longer required to post information about their earnings to the public. The government has decided that such information should be published only by managers and chief accountants of companies in which the state holds 100%.

The topic was returned to in mid-April, when the President of the Russian Federation, during a “direct line,” “persistently recommended” company executives to “show their income.”

“From the very beginning, we were ready to disclose information about the income of top management,” says now. — However, Rosneft is a commercial company and operates in a competitive market. And so we wanted other companies to do it with us.”

Vladimir Putin previously said that it is necessary to compare salaries of top managers of large companies not with the national average, but with the average earnings of top managers throughout the industry as a whole.

Illustration copyright AFP Image caption Sechin, who heads Rosneft, is considered Vladimir Putin's closest ally

The board of directors of Rosneft has extended the powers of the president of the Russian state company Igor Sechin for five years. The company reported for the first time how much Sechin would earn as president.

As the state-owned company reported, the salary for the president of Rosneft is set by the board of directors from 15 to 20 million rubles ($290-390 thousand).

Based on these figures, Sechin’s salary per year, excluding bonuses and additional payments, could reach 240 million rubles ($4.7 million).

The amount of the president's annual bonus is set as a percentage of the annual monetary remuneration and amounts to 150%. Thus, taking into account the bonus of 360 million rubles, Igor Sechin can receive up to 600 million rubles per year ($11.8 million).

For other top managers of Rosneft, the amount of official salary is set from the official salary of the president of Rosneft: for the first vice president - from 30 to 50%, for vice presidents - from 20 to 40%, for other top managers - from 10 to 35%. The size of the annual bonus for these top managers is set as a percentage of the annual cash remuneration and amounts to 140%.

Rosneft, which in the past refused to disclose information about Sechin’s income and property, is reporting for the first time the salary of the head of the company.

The state company previously referred to the fact that Rosneft is not “a state company created on the basis of federal law, and therefore is not obliged to report on the income of its managers.

Effective manager

In December 2014 at the annual press conference Russian President Vladimir Putin said that he did not know the salary of the head of Rosneft, whom he called “a fairly effective manager.”

“I don’t know Sechin’s salary. To be honest, I don’t even count my own salary,” Putin said then.

The issue of Sechin's salary as head of Rosneft even became the subject of a lawsuit last year against Forbes magazine, which named the head of the state-owned company the highest paid top manager in Russia.

In the 2013 Forbes ranking of the highest-paid executives of Russian companies, the magazine named Sechin the most expensive manager, estimating his remuneration at $50 million. Sechin sued Forbes, proving in the first instance that the amount indicated was unreliable and the publication damaged its business reputation.

Due to the court decision, Forbes was forced to make adjustments to the annual publication of the ranking of the highest paid Russian top managers in 2014.

Forbes included the president of Rosneft on the list as an “out of rating” participant. At the same time, the authors of the rating placed Sechin immediately after Andrei Kostin, Chairman of the Board of VTB, who took first place.

Five more years

Sechin's term of office expired in May 2015.

At the end of April, the head of the Federal Property Management Agency, Olga Dergunova, announced that a directive had been submitted to the government to extend Sechin’s powers as head of the state-owned company.

Sechin became head of Rosneft in May 2012, shortly after Vladimir Putin took office as president for the third time.

Prior to this, Sechin oversaw the Russian fuel and energy complex in the government as Deputy Prime Minister and was chairman of the board of directors of Rosneft.

Elena Demakova

Updated: 2019.06.13

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Igor Sechin's salary is an excellent reason for envy. On this moment Russian statesman and top manager, chief executive officer of the oil and gas company PJSC NK Rosneft - a dollar millionaire and one of the richest officials in Russia.

Since 1991, Igor Ivanovich Sechin has climbed the career ladder hand in hand with the current President of Russia. Sechin worked in different positions, but after coming to power " United Russia"Headed by Putin, he becomes deputy head of the Administration of the President of Russia (2000). In February 2004, he joined the board of directors of Rosneft, and in March of the same year he became an adviser to the president.

In May 2008, Igor Sechin was appointed Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. After 7 months - Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC INTER RAO UES. Sechin’s career gained momentum until 2012. It reached its peak at the moment when Vladimir Putin became president for the third time - Sechin was promoted to president of Rosneft.

Revenue growth dynamics

If you believe Igor Ivanovich’s declaration, then his income for 2011 amounted to 3.1 million rubles, his wife declared about 9 million rubles.

According to Russian edition Forbes magazine, in 2013, Igor Sechin topped the rating of the richest top managers in Russia. His income for 2012 was 50 million dollars - which is 5 million rubles a day.

On August 23, 2013, the Rosneft company announced that Sechin had acquired a 0.0075% stake. He bought about 794.863 thousand shares, with a total value of 185.998 million rubles.

According to official data, Sechin’s salary in 2018 was $4.1 million. If this is true, then it turns out that the head of a state corporation earned more than the head of state.

Putin's official salary in 2018 was 8,586,000 rubles. Moreover, every year he signs a decree reducing the President’s salary by 10%. Starting from 2015, this decree applies to the President himself, deputy prime ministers and ministers, the Prosecutor General and the head of the Investigative Committee.

Main income items today

As the state company Rosneft reported, the official salary is set by the board of directors and ranges from 15 to 20 million rubles per year.

The basic salary of the head of Rosneft does not appear to be very large.

But there are a number of additional payments and bonuses:

  • Additional payment for participation in the work of the Management Board - 5%.
  • Bonus for working with information constituting state secrets. The procedure and conditions for their payments are regulated by law Russian Federation O state secret and LND (local regulatory document) of OJSC NK Rosneft.
  • Award based on the results of implementation of significant projects. Amount - 6 monthly salaries or 120 million rubles.

Analyzing these figures, we can assume that Igor Sechin’s salary is 240 million rubles per year. Plus an annual bonus of 150% of the salary, which is 360 million rubles. It turns out that Sechin can receive up to 600 million rubles a year. This is 50 million rubles a month - salary alone. 1.6 million rubles per day, 66,700 per hour, 1,120 rubles per minute, 19 rubles per second.

Igor Ivanovich also receives income in the form of dividends from Rosneft shares - 110 million rubles.

According to the Rosneft company report, in 2018, eleven members of the board, including the chairman, were paid 3,829,873,606 rubles, of which 761,204,600 rubles were salaries.

According to the Russian edition of Forbes, Sechin occupies fourth position in the ranking of the most influential officials, businessmen, company executives and representatives of law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation.

Additional sources of income

To all these official incomes you can add a salary at Pirelli, where Sechin is also the head.

In May 2014, Sechin went to court demanding that data on his salary be refuted. He achieved his goal and on August 1, the Sverdlovsk Court of Moscow ruled in favor of the top manager and forced Forbes to write a refutation.

In 2014, in connection with the sanctions imposed against the Rosneft company, Sechin asked the Russian government for a loan of 1.5 trillion rubles. The money was taken from the National Welfare Fund to buy new Rosneft bonds. The 1.5 trillion rubles requested by the company is more than all the total government spending on healthcare, education and housing and communal services in 2014.

In 2016, media attention was attracted by Igor Sechin’s huge house in Barvikha, worth about 3.8 billion rubles. The area of ​​the plot itself is 32,398 sq. m. m. The Vedomosti newspaper wrote about the house, with which Sechin did not agree. The official won the lawsuit and achieved the destruction of the entire circulation of Vedomosti with allegedly false information.

This is not all of Igor Ivanovich’s property. The head of a state corporation can afford to buy a yacht for his wife worth about $150,000,000. Sechin has a five-story apartment, whose cadastral value is 831 million rubles. The real cost, according to Insider, is two and a half times higher.

In addition to personal property, Sechin has corporate properties - residences and airplanes. He even has his own personal plane worth $55 million (3.6 billion rubles).

Lawsuits against magazines and newspapers, of which Sechin had more than 5, did not prevent him from increasing his income.

Igor Sechin is the second most powerful person in Russia after Putin. Sechin earns millions, buys five-story apartments and yachts, and runs a huge state corporation. But at the time Sechin joined Rosneft, its total debt, short-term and long-term loan obligations were 700 billion rubles. The company is still not doing well. Its debt in 2017 increased by 15% and amounts to 4 trillion rubles. At the same time, management bonuses have increased fivefold since 2016.

The total income of members of the board of Rosneft, 69% of which is owned by the state, increased to 3.7 billion rubles in 2015. In 2014, the board received 2.8 billion rubles. The growth was mainly due to premiums

Chairman of the Board of Rosneft Igor Sechin (Photo: Mitya Aleshkovsky/TASS)

​Total income of board members oil company Rosneft increased to 3.7 billion rubles in 2015, as follows from the quarterly report published by the company (.pdf). At the end of 2014, the total income of the company’s board was 2.8 billion rubles.

According to the report, wage members of the board amounted to 682 million rubles, remuneration for participation in the work of the management body - 81.5 million rubles, bonuses - more than 2 billion rubles. Other remunerations amounted to RUB 912 million.

“The bonuses include the amount of annual bonuses based on the results of 2014, one-time bonuses based on the results of the implementation of significant projects and in the case of state awards of the Russian Federation for previous periods. Remuneration, bonuses or other forms of remuneration are not paid to members of the company’s board for work in the management bodies of subsidiaries of Rosneft Oil Company OJSC,” the report says.

Based on the results of their work in 2014, members of the Rosneft board received more than 743 million rubles. as salary, bonuses amounted to more than 1.2 billion rubles, other types of remuneration - 843 million rubles, compensation of expenses - 1.2 million rubles. The total income of board members according to the 2014 report (.pdf) exceeded RUB 2.7 billion.

Thus, the increase in income of the company's board members was mainly due to bonuses, which increased from 1.2 billion to 2 billion rubles. Currently, the board of Rosneft includes 11 people. It is headed by company president Igor Sechin.

In May 2015, RBC President and Chairman of the Board of Rosneft Igor Sechin in the amount of 459 million to 612 million rubles. Then the company published the “Standard on Payments and Compensation to Top Managers.” The document was approved by the board of directors of the oil company on April 23 and came into force the next day. According to it, the salary of the president of Rosneft is set at 15-20 million rubles. per month. Thus, Igor Sechin’s annual salary is in the range of 180-240 million rubles. At the same time, the vice-president of the oil company, Mikhail Leontyev, argued that the salary of the first person “is much closer to the lower limit.”

Video: RBC TV channel

In addition to the salary, top managers on the board of directors of Rosneft are entitled to an additional payment of 5% of the official salary of the president approved by the board of directors of the company. According to this rule, Sechin can receive from 9 million to 12 million rubles in addition to his salary. in year.

The document also stated that the “standard size” of the bonus to the president of Rosneft was set at 150% of his annual monetary remuneration. The bonus, as also explained, is paid in case of achievement of individual and collective key performance indicators (KPIs), which are approved annually by the board of directors. If, based on the results of 2015, he considers Sechin’s work as president worthy of a bonus, then his income could increase by another 270-360 million rubles.

The main shareholder of Rosneft is the fully state-owned OJSC Rosneftegaz, which owns 69.50% of the company, 19.75% of the shares belong to BP, one share belongs to the state represented by Federal agency for state property management, the remaining shares are in free circulation.

In addition, each Rosneft representative receives a pleasant bonus at the end of the year - 140% of the salary for Last year. According to Forbes, Sechin rightfully holds the status of the highest paid manager. After this, the head of Rosneft filed a claim in court, allegedly his income should not concern the media. Rosneft is not considered a state company that appeared on the basis of federal laws, because Sechin doesn’t owe anyone anything.

Sechin is an honest top manager

The last time the whole world heard loudly about Sechin. His name was associated with the Ulyukaev scandal. We are talking about extorting a large bribe from Sechin - amounting to $2 million.

While the proceedings were ongoing, the media did not stop “digging” under the chairman of Rosneft. No one is bothered by his huge salary. In 2018, she even surpassed the earnings of the director of the world's largest oil refining company in China, PetroChina. Capitalization according to official data reached $307.21 billion. The salary of a Chinese business manager in China remains modest - around $118,000.

Average salary in Russia in 2018

The latter is determined by the cost of the food basket and essential goods that it is able to provide minimum needs Russian.

In 2018, the minimum wage and the cost of living were equal in value. Private employers have the right to set salaries for employees at their own discretion, which cannot be said about public sector employees. The latter have a fixed income, often for Good work civil servants are given bonuses and allowances. Also, the minimum wage is indexed annually based on the rate of inflation.

It is correct to consider salaries by industry in which employees are employed. Rosstat determined the following indicators of the average earnings of Russians for 2018:

  1. Those involved in the mining industry receive an income of 71,000 rubles every month.
  2. Fuel energy workers can boast a salary of 81,000 rubles.
  3. According to the Statistics Committee, Russians extract minerals for an average salary of 51,000 rubles.
  4. The transport sector employs workers who earn 43,000 rubles.
  5. Civil servants are paid 40,000 rubles. We are talking about top managers and heads of departments. Other subordinates do not receive as much, especially in the provinces. The closer the region is to the capital, the higher the salary.

Who gets the least

The list of those who are forced to survive on a meager salary looks like this:

  1. Doctors and teachers receive a maximum of 15,000 rubles, and then only with extensive experience. For example, a nurse is entitled to only 10,000 rubles a month.
  2. Despite the fact that workers in manufacturing perform important work, craftsmen and technologists live on 16,000 rubles a month. Those who work in the pulp and paper sector receive 32,000 rubles.
  3. In the food industry, earnings average 29,000 rubles.
  4. The production of furniture and carpentry allows employees to claim a salary of 22,000 rubles.
  5. Those employed in the production of clothing and footwear receive 21,000 rubles.