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Size matters. Review of Sony XBA-H3 hybrid headphones. Sony XBA headphones: stylish, comfortable, high quality - choose the best models Packaging and accessories

Only a year has passed since the launch of Sony's line of hybrid in-ear headphones, but the company has already managed to rethink the technology and update the entire series. Before this, two models were available to Russians - XBA-H1 and XBA-H3. The new family has replaced the letter 'H' with 'A' and consists of 3 models - A1, A2, A3, plus: Sony introduces the flagship model XBA-Z5. We will definitely consider everything new the lineup, but today we’ll focus on the XBA-A3, which replaced the XBA-H3.

Design and Construction

If you remember the XBA-H3 model, then you can imagine that these were quite massive - by the standards of the in-ear class - headphones. Which is not surprising if you take into account the hybrid design of the model. Inside each earphone there are three sound emitters at once: two reinforcement ones and a large dynamic one with a membrane with a diameter of 16 mm. The XBA-A3 are created using a similar 3-driver design, but thanks to the efforts of Sony engineers and designers, the headphones have lost a little weight and generally look less bulky. The plastic case is no longer glossy, but matte and looks more like metal; fingerprints on it are now practically invisible. There is a straight groove running down the center of the front panel - this clever solution visually makes the model more compact and neat. The left and right earbuds are marked with colored circles located on the rear panel - white 'L' and red 'R', respectively. The detachable cable also has color coding at the connection point with the headphones - you won’t be able to mix up the channels.

The fit has remained virtually unchanged; due to the design, it is quite specific and is a bit reminiscent of the UltimateEars TripleFi 10. Unlike, for example, Shure or Westone, the body of which is placed in the auricle parallel to the head, the XBA-A3 are positioned perpendicularly and protrude from the ears. For additional fixation, there are ear hooks made of rubber with a memory effect - about 10 centimeters of cable are wrapped in it. Despite the large size of the case, the fit of the model is not very deep, so owners of small ears should not be alarmed ahead of time.

Of course, the fit of the XBA-A3 is not the most common, but new does not mean bad. If you take the time to select suitable attachments (of which there are as many as 7 types in the set), you quickly get used to the headphones; from the outside you can see them more than others, but the feeling is that you can easily forget about them. The only point worth noting is that due to the part of the case protruding from the ear, the headphones may not “make friends” with some winter hats (but even here everything is not so simple; the author of the review, on the contrary, received additional fixation due to the hat).

Before moving on to the most interesting part, let’s pay attention to the XBA-A3 configuration. In addition to the headphones themselves, the box contains a convenient leather case with a zipper; in addition to the main compartment, it has a couple of pockets for tips, accessories and a replacement cable. There are 2 cables included - standard and headset. Both are 1.2m long, flat with fine longitudinal grooves for tangle resistance and microphone suppression, angled jacks. The headset cable is single-button and compatible with smartphones on any platform (iPhone, Android, Windows Phone). As mentioned above, the set includes 7 pairs of replaceable attachments: 4 sizes of regular silicone and 3 sizes of special combined attachments from Sony - the outside is the same silicone, but inside it is sealed with foam material. These tips combine the benefits of foam tips (tighter fit and sound insulation) with the durability of silicone tips. Additional accessories include a reel for adjusting the length of the cable and a clip for fixing it on clothing.


The idea of ​​hybrid headphones is to combine the advantages different types drivers - the warm and powerful bass of dynamic drivers, plus the precise and detailed mids and highs characteristic of balanced armature drivers.

In terms of sound, Sony made quite a lot of progress with the previous model. The XBA-H3 headphones had a very rich and lively sound with an excellent stereo panorama for the class of in-ear headphones - the model could compete even with full-size headphones. What has changed in the new version of XBA-A3?

Sony have developed armature drivers with a new design that differs from competitors: the armature in them is T-shaped and connects directly to the diaphragm. According to the company, this design provides higher driver linearity and reduces distortion. Indeed, the detail and quality of mid and high frequencies have increased noticeably. With the XBA-H3, the 'middle' was pushed back a little, which, together with the rise in the midbass region, made the sound of vocals or, for example, a guitar somewhat distant, plunging them into the depths of the mix. Here the tonal balance has become smoother, voices sound clearer and more pleasant. The bass retained its depth and volume, while also adding a little detail. The sound stage and the transfer of space in the new product are even better, there is no isolation of conventional ‘plugs’, the sound extends beyond the head, the instruments are well separated from each other. The hybrids have a multi-genre sound - hip-hop and dance genres rock, metal pleases with dynamics and a clear rhythm section, and symphonic music with airiness and conveyance of space.

As for a source suitable for headphones, the XBA-A3 demonstrates its character and quality sound even with a smartphone. Thanks to high sensitivity, there is no lack of volume. If you are not spoiled by Hi-End, perhaps this bundle will seem more than sufficient. And yet, this is far from the limit of the capabilities of this model, which is further hinted at by the Hi-Res Audio label placed on the box - Sony has optimized the headphones for playing high-definition audio formats (with quality from 96 kHz / 24 bits and higher) and working with high-quality sources . For example, in conjunction with the Sony Walknam ZX1 and Hi-Res recordings, the sound of the XBA-A3 truly blossoms - if not with new, then with brighter colors and their combinations, and the musical canvas is drawn with more precise and finer strokes. The sound stage becomes wider, as if someone had opened the windows, transparency and detail reach new heights, and there is no trace left of the remnants of tightness typical of in-ear headphones.

We also tested the model with Sony's new flagship portable DAC/amplifier PHA-3 (PCM support up to 384 kHz / 32 bit, DSD 2.8 MHz / 5.6 MHz). In addition to the standard 3.5 mm jack, this device has a Sony format balanced jack (2 x 3.5 mm). A balanced headphone cable is not included in the package; it must be purchased separately (for testing, we used the balanced cable included with the flagship XBA-Z5 model, a review of which is expected in early December). When using a standard connection, the sound of the XBA-A3 with the PHA-3 is excellent, even more delicate than with the ZX1, plus more power reserve. But uncompromising perfectionists should, of course, try a balanced connection with this amplifier. In this way, you can achieve excellent channel separation and detail; a balanced cable has a particularly good effect on the low-frequency response, and the bass becomes even more concentrated and articulate.

Only a year has passed since the launch of Sony's line of hybrid in-ear headphones, but the company has already managed to rethink the technology and update the entire series. Before this, two models were available to Russians - XBA-H1 and XBA-H3. The new family has replaced the letter 'H' with 'A' and consists of 3 models - A1, A2, A3, plus Sony is introducing the flagship model XBA-Z5. We will definitely look at the entire new model range, but today we will focus on the XBA-A3, which replaced the XBA-H3.

Design and Construction

If you remember the XBA-H3 model, then you can imagine that these were quite massive - by the standards of the in-ear class - headphones. Which is not surprising if you take into account the hybrid design of the model. Inside each earphone there are three sound emitters at once: two reinforcement ones and a large dynamic one with a membrane with a diameter of 16 mm. The XBA-A3 are created using a similar 3-driver design, but thanks to the efforts of Sony engineers and designers, the headphones have lost a little weight and generally look less bulky. The plastic case is no longer glossy, but matte and looks more like metal; fingerprints on it are now practically invisible. There is a straight groove running down the center of the front panel - this clever solution visually makes the model more compact and neat. The left and right earbuds are marked with colored circles located on the rear panel - white 'L' and red 'R', respectively. The detachable cable is also color-coded at the point where it connects to the headphones - you won’t be able to mix up the channels.

The fit has remained virtually unchanged; due to the design, it is quite specific and is a bit reminiscent of the UltimateEars TripleFi 10. Unlike, for example, Shure or Westone, the body of which is placed in the auricle parallel to the head, the XBA-A3 are positioned perpendicularly and protrude from the ears. For additional fixation, there are ear hooks made of rubber with a memory effect - about 10 centimeters of cable are wrapped in it. Despite the large size of the case, the fit of the model is not very deep, so owners of small ears should not be alarmed ahead of time.

Of course, the fit of the XBA-A3 is not the most common, but new does not mean bad. If you take the time to select suitable attachments (of which there are as many as 7 types in the set), you quickly get used to the headphones; from the outside you can see them more than others, but the feeling is that you can easily forget about them. The only point worth noting is that due to the part of the case protruding from the ear, the headphones may not “make friends” with some winter hats (but even here everything is not so simple; the author of the review, on the contrary, received additional fixation due to the hat).

Before moving on to the most interesting part, let’s pay attention to the XBA-A3 configuration. In addition to the headphones themselves, the box contains a convenient leather case with a zipper; in addition to the main compartment, it has a couple of pockets for tips, accessories and a replacement cable. There are 2 cables included - standard and headset. Both are 1.2m long, flat with fine longitudinal grooves for tangle resistance and microphone suppression, angled jacks. The headset cable is single-button and compatible with smartphones on any platform (iPhone, Android, Windows Phone). As mentioned above, the set includes 7 pairs of replaceable attachments: 4 sizes of regular silicone and 3 sizes of special combined attachments from Sony - the outside is the same silicone, but inside it is sealed with foam material. These tips combine the benefits of foam tips (tighter fit and sound insulation) with the durability of silicone tips. Additional accessories include a reel for adjusting the length of the cable and a clip for fixing it on clothing.


The idea of ​​hybrid headphones is to combine the advantages of different types of drivers - the warm and powerful bass of dynamic drivers, plus the precise and detailed mids and highs characteristic of drivers with a balanced armature.

In terms of sound, Sony made quite a lot of progress with the previous model. The XBA-H3 headphones had a very rich and lively sound with an excellent stereo panorama for the class of in-ear headphones - the model could compete even with full-size headphones. What has changed in the new version of XBA-A3?

Sony have developed armature drivers with a new design that differs from competitors: the armature in them is T-shaped and connects directly to the diaphragm. According to the company, this design provides higher driver linearity and reduces distortion. Indeed, the detail and quality of mid and high frequencies have increased noticeably. With the XBA-H3, the 'middle' was pushed back a little, which, together with the rise in the midbass region, made the sound of vocals or, for example, a guitar somewhat distant, plunging them into the depths of the mix. Here the tonal balance has become smoother, voices sound clearer and more pleasant. At the same time, the bass retained its depth and volume, while also adding a little detail. The sound stage and the transfer of space in the new product are even better, there is no isolation of conventional ‘plugs’, the sound extends beyond the head, the instruments are well separated from each other. The hybrids have a multi-genre sound - hip-hop and dance genres rock, metal pleases with dynamics and a clear rhythm section, and symphonic music with airiness and conveyance of space.

As for a source suitable for headphones, the XBA-A3 demonstrates its character and quality sound even with a smartphone. Thanks to high sensitivity, there is no lack of volume. If you are not spoiled by Hi-End, perhaps this bundle will seem more than sufficient. And yet, this is far from the limit of the capabilities of this model, which is further hinted at by the Hi-Res Audio label placed on the box - Sony has optimized the headphones for playing high-definition audio formats (with quality from 96 kHz/24 bits and higher) and working with high-quality sources . For example, in conjunction with the Sony Walknam ZX1 and Hi-Res recordings, the sound of the XBA-A3 truly blossoms - if not with new, then with brighter colors and their combinations, and the musical canvas is drawn with more precise and finer strokes. The sound stage becomes wider, as if someone had opened the windows, transparency and detail reach new heights, and there is no trace left of the remnants of tightness typical of in-ear headphones.

We also tested the model with Sony's new flagship portable DAC/amplifier PHA-3 (PCM support up to 384 kHz/32-bit, DSD 2.8 MHz/5.6 MHz). In addition to the standard 3.5 mm jack, this device has a Sony format balanced jack (2 x 3.5 mm). A balanced headphone cable is not included in the package; it must be purchased separately (for testing, we used the balanced cable included with the flagship XBA-Z5 model, a review of which is expected in early December). When using a standard connection, the sound of the XBA-A3 with the PHA-3 is excellent, even more delicate than with the ZX1, plus more power reserve. But uncompromising perfectionists should, of course, try a balanced connection with this amplifier. In this way, you can achieve excellent channel separation and detail; a balanced cable has a particularly good effect on the low-frequency response, and the bass becomes even more concentrated and articulate.


Everything in this model is made to a very high standard. high level, but due to its original and non-standard features, it is unlikely to become “folk”. Some will be put off by the size, some by the fit, and many by the price, of course. But those who are not afraid to experiment will most likely love the XBA-A3 and join the camp of fans of hybrid headphones. The XBA-H3 were not ideal in-ear headphones, and neither were the XBA-A3. But the XBA-A3 is certainly a very successful update to the progressive line of hybrid headphones, and with this new product Sony takes one step closer to the ideal

The XBA-A3 differs from its competitors by the presence of three different emitters at once. Moreover, each one works on a separate frequency range. This is the reason for the high sound quality of the device. The headphones use reinforcement drivers; a number of unique technical solutions are collected in such a small package.


The complete package of the device makes a strong impression. At the very least, this justifies the relatively high cost.

Separately, it should be noted that the headphones are supplied with two sets of cables:

  • for the player;
  • for smartphone.

The difference lies precisely in the presence of a call answer button, as well as a microphone. This makes the model a full-fledged headset that can be used with your phone as comfortably as possible. In addition, the headphones come with a fairly convenient case. This makes it easy to carry and use the Sony XBA-A3. You can carry it without much difficulty, the cable will not get tangled.

Another point that sometimes greatly surprises all users is the presence of a large number of overlays. Today, you can count on one hand the models of in-ear headphones that come with such a choice. Which is undoubtedly a serious advantage.

In total there are as many as 6 pairs of different linings. They all have different sizes. This will allow any user to choose an ear pad for their own ears without any difficulty. Three sets are made of special rubber. The rest are supplied with a special filler. This allows you to choose pads of suitable softness. It is the configuration of the Sony XBA-A3 model that significantly distinguishes it from its analogues.

Design, model construction

Despite the positioning of the model as compact for its class, the XBA-A3 are quite massive headphones, taking into account their in-ear type. Such a decision is forced, since the significant overall dimensions are a consequence of the use of as many as three sound emitters in each earbud.

The headphone body is made of plastic. But at the same time its surface is rough. Therefore, even with frequent use, the presence of fingerprints will not be noticeable. There is a border in the center of the front panel. This design solution makes the model somewhat more compact – but only visually.

Most users rate the Sony XBA-A3 by appearance positively. Moreover, despite the year of manufacture, some analogues from other manufacturers in this price range are significantly inferior in this sense. An example would be Master&Dynamic ME05BL. But the given model differs in the material of manufacture. The body is made of metal, while the XBA-A3 is entirely plastic.

8 best Sony headphones

Comfort of use

The XBA-A3 is distinguished by its extremely unique fit. Moreover, it is much less convenient than analogues in this price category or more expensive. For example, Dunu DN-2000 Gold is much more comfortable in this sense. But their price is at least 2 times higher. However, with enough diligence and desire, you can easily select the appropriate tips for a particular ear. Moreover, due to its ergonomics and shape, getting used to this model will not be difficult.

Compactness makes use as convenient as possible. However, others will be able to see the somewhat protruding body of the headphones. This affects use in winter. Due to its size, this model may simply not “make friends” with some hats. The length of both included cables is 1.2 m. Due to this, you can use the headphones as comfortably as possible.


The model is initially positioned as a device for listening to music. And it does its job perfectly. The T-shaped diaphragm design creates maximum driver linearity. This can significantly reduce distortion. The sound quality is at the highest possible level. Which completely justifies the cost. Detailing has especially increased at mid and low frequencies.

Users highlight excellent tonal balance in the midrange. There is no typical problem for tunnel headphones - closed space. The sound easily goes beyond your head even when playing low-quality music. The bass is as rich as possible, the volume is completely preserved. All this together makes it easy to compete with more modern counterparts. For example, with Philips Fidelio S2 White.

With proper equalizer settings, you can achieve the most noticeable channel separation. This will significantly emphasize the lower frequencies. The articulation of the bass will make it easy to perceive the sound as clearly as possible.

5 Best Hybrid Headphones

Performance characteristics

Basic device parameters:

  • full range of reproduced frequencies – 3 - 40,000 Hz;
  • impedance value – 32 Ohm;
  • sensitivity – 105 dB/mW;
  • membrane diameter – 12 mm.

Separately, it is necessary to note the design of the connection cables. They are made of oxygen-free copper. This type of metal allows you to maximize the quality of transmitted sound. The model is distinguished by the finest attention to detail. This applies to both production and sound. Some users are put off by the size and price. But 95% of all reviews about this model are positive. But all lovers of high-quality sound will undoubtedly love the Sony XBA-A3.

The rating includes headphones from one of the best series presented by Sony – XBA. Detailed information about sound quality, size, configuration and features of use is everything you need to make a purchasing decision.

Models presented:

Sony XBA-A3

Sony XBA-A3 headphones are an improved version of the popular XBA-H3 model. The device pleases with its compact size, the practical matte body does not leave marks,

Hybrid headphones Sony XBA-A3 delight with excellent sound. Rich bass complements high and mid frequencies well, excellent detail, deep and clear vocals - you can make out every detail of the sound.

Moreover, the model is optimized for working with high-definition compositions.

  • Markings on headphones and cable. A convenient solution that allows you to avoid confusing your headphones;
  • Memory foam material for earhooks. Provides reliable fixation of the device;
  • 7 types of attachments - the owner of the headset can easily choose best option, taking into account personal characteristics.
  • Despite the compactness of the model, the headphones protrude slightly from the ears, which causes discomfort when worn under a hat;
  • A non-standard fit may become an advantage in the future, but initially you will have to get used to it.

Sony XBA-A1

Sony XBA-A1 hybrid headphones traditionally, like all products of this brand, delight with their original design. They are quite simple, but this is where the true chic lies. Small size and comfortable fit, which is noticeable in comparison with previous models presented in the XBA line.

The dynamic driver provides rich bass, as well as excellent transmission of high frequencies, while the mids are consistently smooth. The armature driver is responsible for excellent sound detail, ensuring sound clarity. This model is optimal for all musical genres, from classical to electronic music. You can feel every instrument – ​​and the higher the quality of the selected track, the better the level of detail.

  • Noise insulation. This feature is implemented at a very high level - you can enjoy exclusively tracks played through headphones;
  • Ear pads with memory effect, which ensures a complete fit to the ears, increasing the comfort of using the device;
  • Practical matte surface that looks stylish and expensive.
  • Hard cable. In part, this is an advantage of the device, because it is distinguished by excellent durability, but on the other hand, friction on clothing, the resulting microphone effect, and constantly tangled wires cause inconvenience.

Sony XBA-2

Sony XBA-A2 headphones, like other models in this series, are distinguished by excellent build quality and pleasant colors.

The direct fit of the headphones allows you to fully enjoy the sound. In addition, it is worth noting excellent noise insulation performance, as well as ear pads made of memory foam material. The combination of emitters provided excellent sound - the bass is rich in saturation, but there is no hum. The sound is spacious, the mids are well defined. The upper frequencies are not so bright, but there are no wheezing or sharp changes even when listening at maximum volume.

  • Excellent package. Case, 7 options of attachments, wire frame;
  • The durable noodle cable does not tangle.
  • Weak HF. This model will appeal to lovers of good bass, but the manufacturer should still work on the upper frequencies.

Sony XBA-Z5

In appearance, the Sony XBA-Z5 headphones have much in common with the model that was released earlier (XBA-A3): the same rectangular groove, original fit, comfortable and reliable fit. The metal body is a significant advantage.

The combination of reinforcement and dynamic drivers ensures excellent transmission of low and high frequencies, as well as excellent tonal balance.

If you want to choose headphones with bright sound, pleasing not only with surround sound, but also with powerful bass, as well as an excellent frequency balance. The sound is soft and stunningly clear - there is no extraneous noise or synthetic sound. This model is rightfully considered one of the best options for the ultimate hybrid headphones.

  • Light weight and excellent strength - this was achieved through the use of magnesium alloy;
  • Excellent equipment is a significant plus of this series. The kit includes a case, replacement tips and detachable cables;
  • Good sound even with a standard connection to a smartphone.
  • Large body, shallow fit - the device does not cause discomfort during operation, but it is not very comfortable to wear under a hat, and the product may not be suitable for those who wear glasses.

Sony XBA-100

Small, comfortable Sony XBA-100 headphones are durable and reliable, thanks to the brass housing. The build quality does not cause the slightest criticism - the cord is a convenient length, everything is carefully thought out down to the smallest detail.

These headphones are chosen by those who prefer bright and rich sound. The bass is not as pronounced as in most other models in this series, but the frequency balance is perfectly maintained. Good noise insulation provides clear and spacious sound - while listening you can enjoy the detailed sound. The sound source plays an important role - the better it is, the more pleasant it will be to enjoy listening.

  • The headphones are practically not felt in the ears, thanks to the comfortable fit and light weight;
  • Original design - the model looks interesting and stylish, but at the same time the design is well thought out and does not cause discomfort to the owner.
  • The wire gets tangled easily, which causes some inconvenience during operation of the device.

Sony XBA-C10

The variety of shades will appeal to those who choose Sony XBA-C10 headphones - you can easily choose the desired color. The design is very simple and laconic - a neat model without unnecessary details, excellent quality.

The headphones are great for all musical genres, the volume reserve is amazing - and it will definitely be more than enough. Soft surround sound, no noise or muffled notes in the high frequencies, emphasis is placed on the mid and high frequencies. Considering the affordable price, this option is optimal - the sound is more than decent.

  • Comfortable fit thanks to the use of a special loop and tight fixation in the ear;
  • Miniature size and light weight - in this model you can play sports, travel, go to public transport. You don't feel the slightest discomfort even after wearing it for a long time.
  • The wire is quite strong, but gets tangled very easily; its length is increased and is 1.2 meters.

Sony XBA-4

Sony XBA-A4 headphones, despite their rather large size, are lightweight. The design is made of durable plastic.

The sound is quite bright - this is not a choice for those who prefer a smooth sound. The bass, like the high frequencies, is very saturated - not everyone will like it. But we managed to get remarkable detail, and the sound was quite voluminous. This option is optimal for lovers of the classics, but there is no clear solution to this issue - some are looking for just such a sound option, but for others it will seem excessive.

  • The noodle cable is strong enough, does not get tangled, and does not rub when using the device;
  • Excellent sound insulation - even when traveling on the subway and public transport, no extraneous noise distracts you.
  • Due to the rather large size of the device, headphones are not suitable for everyone - it all depends on the structure of the auricle.

When purchasing Sony XBA headphones, you will not be disappointed with the choice. What to choose: stunning monitor sound Sony XBA-A1, stylish design and the variety of colors of the Sony XBA-2, or the miniature and compact Sony XBA-100 headphones? The variety of options presented in the XBA series will satisfy even the most demanding buyer.

Sony XBA-1 long ago and Sony XBA-C10

The XBA-3 model is second in seniority only to one, the XBA-4, in the line of in-ear headphones manufactured by Sony. The names in the family are the most logical: if the name includes a three, this means that there are exactly three reinforcing emitters inside each earphone. We have already tested the Sony XBA-1 a long time ago and the Sony XBA-C10 recently. As you might guess, those devices are single-driver, “budget” by the standards of armature headphones. These cannot be called budget ones: purely psychologically, an audiophile is much more often ready to shell out 1,600 hryvnia (6,400 rubles) or so for monitor, stationary, large, in a word, headphones. But it’s quite difficult to pay such a sum for “plugs”. Let's see if they deserve it.

In the package, which is completely inconvenient and not representative, you can find the headphones themselves, 4 pairs of silicone tips and the same number with a foam-like noise insulator inside, a reel for winding the wire, a hard carrying case and a lot of all sorts of papers. The set is good, although, as for me, it lacks the “tree-shaped” nozzles that are beloved by many and traditional for reinforcing plugs. The 1.2-meter long wire is noodle-shaped, more reliable in appearance compared to the same XBA-C10, although a little thin, it seems reliable (it’s a shame if the wire in headphones for 1600 hryvnia quickly frays!) and does not get tangled as easily as a wire with a circle at the base. It bifurcates, and asymmetrically, which is convenient for wearing. The plug is “L”-shaped, standard.

The design is typical Sony, neat, nice, although personally I'm not a fan of the silver shine. However, if they were golden, it would be worse. The fit of the headphones is quite good in most ears tested, including mine, although initially you need to try to push them deep enough: the fit determines what you hear. Traditionally, the sound insulation of these reinforcement plugs is very good, you can listen to music in the subway, but on the street you need to be careful, because the surroundings fade into the background, ceasing to bother you with their annoying unnecessary sounds.

Sound. The sources were iPhone 4s, a jailbroken second-generation iPod Mini, Cowon C2, and iRiver T10. In principle, on all players the headphones sounded very good, clear, dynamic, although the sound was somewhat dry. You need to get used to the bass; after using membrane headphones, it is not immediately noticeable, but compared to the XBA-1 it is simply magnificent. Perhaps those who love protruding bass will not recognize these headphones, but it seemed to me as it should: elastic and clear, without pressing or clogging other sounds. The mids are very good, transparent, vocals sound great. The stereo panorama is wide, all instruments can be heard individually, and there is volume. Overall the sound is very good - detailed and uncolored. Reinforcement. However, it should be recognized that headphones depend on the source and quality of the recording.

On compressed MP3 recordings, all the shortcomings stick out, and weak sources do not pump them up enough. But when connecting headphones through a portable amplifier Fiio E17 and playing classical music in Flac format on the player, the headphones delighted me. Let's say, without an amplifier and with MP3, the XBA-1 headphones sounded no worse: there were not enough highs and lows, but the shortcomings of the recordings and the weakness of the source did not stick out. Rock, including fast rock, sounded great, the headphones handled even the most dynamic places without problems. Jazz is not bad, but it lacked...Warmth or something... However, these are personal preferences. Well, the metal was a little lacking in assertiveness. In a word, for an ordinary inexpensive player without an amplifier, I would not recommend them: the effect is “from a gun at sparrows”, you will very quickly understand the imperfection of the device, the sound loses its composure (especially “from above”). It’s better to take the XBA-1 if you are targeting “reinforcement”. But paired with a hi-fi player or a smartphone/regular good player with an amplifier, you begin to understand why you have to pay that kind of money.