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Signs of intoxication. External signs of alcohol intoxication are clearly specified in the law. Signs of moderate alcohol intoxication

State alcohol intoxication characterized by severe intoxication of the body. It manifests itself most clearly after drinking large amounts of alcoholic beverages. This is a temporary condition, which is accompanied by a violation of the psychological and physiological functions of the body. Human behavior and reactions change. Signs of alcohol intoxication are subjective, but some of them are common to all drinkers.

About the pathological condition

A condition in which vegetative, mental and neurological disorders occur due to alcohol consumption is called alcohol intoxication. It is the result of the influence of the breakdown products of ethyl alcohol on the human body. These toxic substances negatively affect the entire human body in general and the central nervous system in particular. A drunk person is no longer able to control himself. The severity of this condition depends on individual tolerance to alcohol and the amount drunk.

Alcohol is absorbed in all parts of the gastrointestinal tract from the moment it enters the oral cavity and ending with the small intestine. The highest concentration of ethanol in the blood is observed one hour after consumption. alcoholic drink. With the blood flow it spreads throughout the body and penetrates all its tissues. It is broken down in the liver through various enzymes. Ethyl alcohol is excreted through urine, sweat and exhaled air.

Pathological behavioral reactions and other negative manifestations are the result of the effects of ethanol on the cerebral cortex. Since the vasomotor and respiratory center, after drinking alcohol, reflexes weaken, heart rate increases, and breathing changes. In most cases, alcohol intoxication is indicated by three signs: unsteady gait, bad breath, and slurred speech.

Alcohol has a detrimental effect:

  • on the heart and blood vessels. Alcohol abuse increases the risk of alcoholic cardiomyopathy, arrhythmia, vascular occlusion and other pathologies. of cardio-vascular system;
  • organs gastrointestinal tract(Gastrointestinal tract). Toxic breakdown products of alcohol irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive organs, disrupting this process. Patients with alcoholism often suffer from gastritis and ulcers.
  • liver. Alcohol causes necrosis of liver tissue. The destructive process also occurs after a person stops drinking alcohol. With alcoholism, patients may suffer from fatty hepatosis and cirrhosis of the liver.
  • genitourinary system. Ethyl alcohol partially settles in the kidneys, accumulates in sperm and testicles, which reduces reproductive ability and potency.

The negative effect of alcohol on the central nervous system manifests itself in behavioral disturbances

Degrees of severity and their signs

External signs Alcohol intoxication depends on the amount of alcohol consumed and the strength of the alcoholic beverage. General condition of the human body and individual characteristics perceptions of alcohol also play an important role in what manifestations may occur during alcohol intoxication. Elderly people and teenagers are more likely to get drunk from strong drinks.

All signs of intoxication from alcohol are grouped according to the severity of this condition, there are three of them - mild, moderate and severe. In addition, severe poisoning and alcoholic coma are distinguished separately. This classification is based on the amount of ethanol in the blood. In mild cases, it ranges from 20 to 100 mmol/l. To achieve a state of mild intoxication, 2-3 glasses of alcohol are enough.

The following are its characteristics:

  • redness of the facial skin from a rush of blood;
  • increased excitability;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • absent-minded attention;
  • uncharacteristic liveliness and wit;
  • elation and slight euphoria;
  • sparkle in the eyes;
  • blurred vision.

With mild intoxication, sexual desire and appetite increase. The duration of this state is 3–5 hours, after which the person becomes sleepy and falls asleep deeply. After waking up, there is no hangover or headache. This is due to the fact that a mild degree of intoxication is characterized by the psychotropic effects of alcohol rather than the toxic ones. All a person’s memories of what happened are preserved in full.

The average severity of alcohol intoxication is characterized by a combination of toxic and intoxication manifestations. Among the signs, symptoms of central dysfunction predominate nervous system. The average degree is determined by the presence of ethyl alcohol in the blood from 100 to 250 mmol/l. The following manifestations are observed:

  • slurred and slow speech;
  • difficulty finding words;
  • inappropriate and impulsive behavior;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • inability to accurately make small movements;
  • shaky and uncertain gait;
  • sweeping and intermittent movements;
  • difficulty in external perception;
  • disturbed orientation.

With such a degree of intoxication, a person’s self-esteem unreasonably increases with a sharp decrease in his critical attitude towards himself. Mood fluctuations are observed, a person can be in a state of euphoria and at the same time sharply show irritability, dissatisfaction and resentment. Depressive feelings are again replaced by a feeling of euphoria. After intoxication, a person falls asleep and after waking up, some episodes that occurred while intoxicated fall out of memory and are forgotten. The next morning, severe intoxication appears, and performance is reduced.

Severe alcohol intoxication is diagnosed when the blood contains ethyl alcohol in an amount of 250 to 400 mol/l. In this state, the ability to orient is almost completely lost and numerous disturbances in the vital systems of the body are observed. The person is unable to react to people, he is very inhibited and does not understand what they are saying to him, and he himself cannot explain anything.

The intoxication effect is long-lasting and lasts for several days.

The characteristic features of this degree are as follows:

  • inability to stand on your own feet;
  • significant difficulties in speech and facial expressions;
  • dizziness;
  • complete lack of appetite;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • disturbances of consciousness;
  • urinary and fecal incontinence;
  • decrease in body temperature below normal;
  • amnesia.

Physical manifestations of this degree of alcohol intoxication include: rapid heartbeat, decreased blood pressure, and increased sweating. With such symptoms, serious complications can develop. A severe degree of intoxication is dangerous because a person can fall into a coma. This is especially true for those who drank a very large dose of alcohol for the first time.

The degree of intoxication is determined by the amount of alcohol in the blood

Signs of pathological intoxication

According to the form of manifestation, alcohol intoxication is divided into:

  • to depressive. An intoxicated person develops an obsessive idea of ​​suicide. In this case, the help of a specialist is required;
  • dysphoric. A person in a state of intoxication appears inexplicable fear and panic, he is suddenly overcome by an irresistible melancholy;
  • hysterical. It is more common in women and is characterized by increased conflict;
  • hebephrenic. An adult in a state of intoxication begins to behave like a child. At the same time, he shows aggression if this fact is pointed out to him.

Pathological forms include epileptoid and paranoid alcohol intoxication. The first is characterized by sharp changes in prostration and excitement. Its main signs are anger and aggression, inappropriate behavior. The consciousness of the intoxicated person is not impaired. The paranoid form of intoxication is distinguished by the fact that a person becomes paranoid and sees a danger to himself in everything. Gradually, he is overcome by uncontrollable horror and hallucinations appear.

Alcoholic coma is also a severe form of intoxication. It is accompanied by such manifestations as: loss of consciousness, increased pulse rate, constriction of the pupils, severe vomiting. Against the background of a low temperature, sweat appears on the patient’s forehead, and the skin of the face turns blue. During a deep coma, the pulse and blood pressure drop to a critical level, everything slows down. life processes, the person may die.

Alcoholic coma - extreme degree of intoxication

Necessary manifestations for drawing up an act

Alcohol lovers often face difficulties both in everyday life and at work. So, if an employee is confirmed to be intoxicated at the workplace, then this threatens him with disciplinary action or even dismissal. Drunk drivers driving vehicles pose a danger to others. Therefore, traffic police officers have the right to stop suspicious drivers and check them for alcohol intoxication.

This right is clearly stated in the law. It is also indicated that when such violators are identified, an alcohol intoxication certificate is drawn up. Identification and testing is carried out on the following points: external symptoms, breath analysis and blood test for the presence of alcohol. In some cases, to identify residual alcohol metabolites in the body, it is necessary to take a urine sample.

Examination of alcohol intoxication is enshrined in law

The main signs of intoxication are: slurred speech, inappropriate behavior, smell of alcohol on breath, unsteady gait. Therefore, identification is carried out precisely according to these indicators. The following fields are filled in in the inspection report:

  • Date and place of inspection.
  • Full name, position and type of unit of the person drawing up the act.
  • Information about the person being examined (full name, place of work, date of birth and place of residence, telephone number).
  • Signs of intoxication.
  • The exact start time of the examination.
  • The device used to perform the procedure.
  • Percentage of detection of ethyl alcohol in human exhaled air.
  • Confirmation or refutation of the fact of alcohol intoxication.

The examination process must take place in the presence of 2 strangers - witnesses. A copy of the report with the results is given to the person in respect of whom the procedure was carried out. At the same time, he must indicate whether he agrees or not with the presented results and sign the document.


Drinking alcohol leads to behavioral disorders, mental and autonomic reactions. Understanding what the external and clinical signs of alcohol intoxication are, what the main stages of this condition are, can help you act correctly in a situation of inadequate manifestations of a drunk person. When drawing up a medical examination report, symptoms of intoxication are noted without fail.

What is alcohol intoxication

The set of neurological, autonomic, and mental disorders that occur to a person after drinking alcohol is called alcohol intoxication. The degree of influence that consumed alcohol has on the physical condition and behavior of an individual depends on a number of factors: age, physiological characteristics, and state of the body. A number of behavioral or clinical signs can determine the degree of intoxication.


Medical science defines three stages of alcohol intoxication and their symptoms. They depend on the amount of alcohol consumed and are assigned to certain percentages of the concentration of ethanol breakdown products in the blood. Each stage has its own clinical and behavioral signs. There are mild, moderate and severe stages. From stage to stage, behavioral disorders intensify, well-being worsens, the adequacy of perception is disrupted, and the drunk person loses control over himself and his actions.

Clinical signs of intoxication

The symptoms of alcohol intoxication at each stage differ from each other. As the concentration of alcohol in the blood increases, the mental state of the drunk person changes, his ability to concentrate, control his emotions and his body. There are the following stages of intoxication:

  1. Light (ethanol concentration 0.5-1.5%). It is characterized by a surge of strength, a rise in mood, and the onset of mild euphoria. The person is sociable and emotionally excited. However, even with such small doses, a disturbance in concentration is observed, which can lead to serious negative consequences when performing complex work, operating vehicles or operating machinery.
  2. Moderate severity (1.5-2.5%). As intoxication increases, irritability, anger appear, and manifestations of aggression are possible. This effect is called dysphoric inebriation. Coordination of movements changes, and movement disorders are possible. Mental excitement gives way to lethargy and drowsiness. This stage ends with falling into deep sleep.
  3. Heavy (2.5-3%). A neurological disorder characterized by difficulty orienting oneself in space and time. Disturbances in the activity of the vestibular apparatus begin, consciousness is depressed (later this manifests itself in the form of amnesia), the pulse slows down, and respiratory disorders occur. The person may fall into an unconscious state.

External signs

As the degree of intoxication increases, the external signs of a drunken person become more and more apparent. You can recognize an individual who has consumed alcohol not only by the smell of alcohol. The state of the drunk is characterized by mental arousal, expressed in non-standard behavior. Motor activity, as a rule, increases, while the ability to coordinate movements worsens with each subsequent serving of alcohol. Each sign changes as the ethanol concentration increases.

Change in pupils

After the first doses of alcohol, the effect of “shiny eyes” appears. As the concentration of ethanol increases, the pupils dilate, because the speed of reaction to light decreases, and convergence is disrupted - the ability of the pupil to narrow and focus in a certain direction of gaze. In a severe stage of intoxication - in an alcoholic coma - anisocoria is possible (the pupils of the right and left eyes become different sizes).

Signs of excitement

At different stages, emotional and motor arousal manifests itself in different ways. At first, the excitement is pleasant, expressed as an increase in sociability, motor activity. As the concentration of ethanol increases, coordination of movements is disrupted, and emotional manifestations also get out of control. At a severe stage, pathological intoxication may occur, accompanied by paranoid or hysterical psychosis.

Coordination disorder

The ability to control your body becomes progressively worse from mild to severe stages. Coordination disorder is characterized by the inability to walk or stand straight, movements of the arms and legs become spontaneous, and the functioning of the vestibular apparatus is disrupted. In severe cases of intoxication, a person falls into a semi-conscious or unconscious state and loses the ability to move.

Disorder of consciousness

From a mild to a severe stage, a person who has consumed alcohol loses the ability to control the movements of his body and ceases to adequately recognize and evaluate what is happening to him. There is a reassessment of one’s own capabilities, which, with atypical intoxication, is replaced by a deterioration in mood, the adequacy of self-perception and perception of the surrounding reality is disrupted. In severe stages, there is a complete loss of control over one’s thoughts, which may be accompanied by hallucinations and delusions.

Behavioral disorders

Signs of inappropriate behavior when drinking alcohol can manifest themselves individually. When a person becomes aggressive, they may begin to provoke conflicts or fights. Moderate and severe conditions are characterized by behavior that is radically different from behavior when sober. Physically weak men demonstrate manifestations of strength, cowardly men show recklessness and courage, timid men show determination. An individual who has taken alcohol may, in a state of passion, perform actions dictated by suppressed with a sober mind desires and needs.

Residual signs

A residual sign of drunkenness is intoxication of the body, which occurs and worsens as the breakdown products of ethanol are removed from the body. Headaches, nausea and vomiting, dry mouth, dehydration, dizziness, severe weakness, pain in bones, muscles, aching joints and other symptoms of ethyl alcohol poisoning can last from 2 to 20 hours, depending on the condition of the body and the amount of alcohol consumed.

Intoxication in teenagers

There are no specific signs of alcohol intoxication in adolescents; all the symptoms are strong and make themselves felt by the difficulties and problems that a young man or girl experiences in society. Due to the lack of habit of alcoholic beverages, autonomic disorders and coordination disorders are more pronounced. Alcohol withdrawal is also more severe. In case of regular use, dependence on a chemical and emotional level forms quickly, within a year and a half.

Alcohol intoxication is a transient condition that develops after drinking alcohol. It is provoked by the psychoactive effect of ethanol and is a comprehensive symptom complex of altered physiological, mental and neurological reactions.

Alcohol intoxication causes changes in human behavioral functions

The intoxicating effect of alcohol is realized through stimulation of the underlying structures of the central nervous system under conditions of inhibition of the higher centers of the cerebral cortex. Stimulation of the peripheral nervous system is also of certain importance.

After drinking alcohol, its maximum concentration in the blood is determined by the end of the 2nd hour; the degree of intoxication depends not only on the amount of drink taken, but also on the speed of its consumption. The same volume of alcohol, drunk over a different period of time, has a different effect on the body: in an adult middle-aged man without concomitant pathology of the excretory organs, 200 ml of anhydrous alcohol drunk over 4–5 hours will cause persistent intoxication, in 1– 2 hours – acute poisoning.

Alcohol selectively accumulates in brain tissue, where its concentration is 75% higher than in the bloodstream. Normally, within an hour, a healthy liver inactivates approximately 10 ml of alcohol in terms of anhydrous alcohol.

Mortality caused by alcohol consumption, according to average data from the World Health Organization, is 6.3% in men and 1.1% in women. The highest mortality rate is observed in Eastern European countries: for example, from 1990 to 2001, more than half of Russian males 15–54 years old died from causes directly related to alcohol abuse (including pneumonia, tuberculosis, toxic damage to the liver, kidneys, injuries ).

Synonym: alcohol intoxication.

When physical and mental dependence on ethanol occurs, chronic alcohol intoxication develops - alcoholism.


The cause of alcohol intoxication is alcohol consumption.

The severity of intoxication directly depends on many factors: gender, age, weight of a person, connection with food intake, genetically determined characteristics (for example, the activity of the enzyme that breaks down alcohol, the body’s tolerance), the amount of alcohol drunk per unit of time, its type, quality and strength .

Forms and degrees

Alcohol intoxication is classified by severity and form.

According to the degree (according to the alcohol content in the systemic bloodstream, indicated in ppm), intoxication is divided into the following types:

  1. Less than 0.3‰ – no effect of alcohol on the body.
  2. From 0.3 to 0.5‰ – insignificant influence of alcohol.
  3. From 0.5 to 1.5‰ – mild intoxication.
  4. From 1.5 to 2.5‰ – moderate intoxication.
  5. From 2.5 to 3.0‰ – severe intoxication.
  6. From 3.0 to 5.0‰ – alcohol poisoning, possible death.
  7. More than 5.0‰ (according to some sources – 6.0‰) – poisoning incompatible with life.
The degree of intoxication depends not only on the amount of drink taken, but also on the speed of its consumption.

Alcohol intoxication comes in the following forms:

  1. Simple intoxication.
  2. Altered simple intoxication (dysphoric, hebephrenic, paranoid and hysterical variants).

In the presence of predisposing factors, the development of acute transient psychosis, which occurs in the form of twilight stupefaction (sudden switching off of consciousness with deep disorientation), is possible.

This condition is designated as pathological intoxication, its forms:

  1. Epileptoid.
  2. Paranoid (hallucinatory-paranoid).


Depending on the dose, routes of entry into the body, individual hereditary characteristics of the body, as well as the body’s tolerance to toxic doses of ethanol, the manifestations of various psychophysiological effects and the degree of their severity can vary significantly.

Mild alcohol intoxication

A mild degree of intoxication has the following signs:

  • decreased accuracy of small movements that require increased concentration;
  • absent-mindedness (easily switching, distractibility);
  • slight change in speech;
  • complacent mood, state of psychological comfort;
  • weakening of self-criticism and critical attitude towards others;
  • lively, expressive behavior, slight agitation;
  • disinhibition of drives (food, sexual);
  • hyperemia skin;
  • tachycardia, increased blood pressure;
  • increased sweating.
Normally, within an hour, a healthy liver inactivates approximately 10 ml of alcohol in terms of anhydrous alcohol.

Mild alcohol intoxication usually lasts from several minutes to several hours. After neutralization of intoxication, some decline in mood, lethargy, and slight motor retardation are noted. Negative consequences no, the memories of the state of intoxication are not distorted, they are preserved in full.

Moderate alcohol intoxication

Moderate intoxication is characterized by the following:

  • lack of coordination of movements (sweeping, carelessness);
  • speech features (blurred speech, slow speech, deliberately correct articulation);
  • uncertain, jerky, shaky gait;
  • partial disorientation in time and place;
  • fragmentation of mental experiences;
  • difficulty perceiving and assessing what is happening;
  • a sharp decrease in criticism of one’s own condition and behavior;
  • impulsiveness and unreasonable actions;
  • a sharp change in mood - from complacency to aggressive irritability, a melancholy-angry state;
  • depressively colored emotional reactions.

Such intoxication, as a rule, ends in deep sleep with a pronounced post-intoxication state after waking up (manifested by lethargy, nausea, headache, and a feeling of weakness). Some events that took place while intoxicated (usually the final episodes) fall out of memory.

Severe alcohol intoxication

Severe alcohol intoxication is characterized by the predominance in the clinical picture of the following toxic effects of alcohol and phenomena of depression of the central nervous system:

  • depression of consciousness;
  • complete disorientation;
  • sometimes involuntary defecation, urination;
  • loss of connection between mental experiences;
  • lethargy, incoherent speech, long pauses between words;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • lack of facial expressions;
  • instability of posture;
  • pronounced cyanosis of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • cold extremities;
  • low availability or complete inaccessibility to contact;
  • tachycardia, hypotension;
  • weak pupil reaction to light;
  • rare hoarse breathing.

In extremely severe cases, an alcoholic coma develops with no signs of mental activity or reaction to stimuli.

Severe intoxication and alcoholic coma are absolute indications for emergency medical care.

After leaving the state of intoxication, severe post-intoxication disorders are observed, loss of ability to work for several days, and inability to remember the events that took place.

Altered forms of simple alcohol intoxication

Altered forms of simple intoxication also have characteristic features:

  1. Dysphoric variant. Euphoria stage and high mood absent. Characterized by a gloomy mood with irritability, anger and conflict, a tendency to aggression.
  2. Paranoid option. It manifests itself as increased suspicion, touchiness and pickiness. The words and actions of others are regarded as attempts to offend and humiliate the interlocutor, and malicious intent is seen in everyday actions.
  3. Hebephrenic intoxication. It is manifested by foolishness, mocking, clownish mood and actions.
  4. Intoxication with hysterical features. It is characterized by theatricality of actions, exaggerated sorrowful experiences, a tendency to demonstrative, exalted actions or deliberate suicidal attempts, the purpose of which is to attract attention.

Pathological alcohol intoxication

Pathological intoxication begins suddenly, manifests itself as unmotivated emotional outbursts with delirium, expressed fear, anxiety, uncontrollable motor and speech agitation, often with aggressive actions towards oneself and others. Pathological intoxication ends with sleep as suddenly as it begins; after awakening, amnesia develops or vague, fragmented memories are retained. Such intoxication comes in the following forms:

  1. Epileptoid. It is characterized by sudden disorientation in time and place, loss of contact with reality, sudden agitation (intense, meaningless, chaotic actions), malice, affects of fear and anger.
  2. Paranoid (hallucinatory-paranoid). It manifests itself as sudden onset delirium, loss of contact with reality, suspicion, and wariness. Victims may perform complex actions, their behavior reflecting a distorted perception of the environment. Speech is fragmentary (in the form of individual words or phrases).


The main diagnostic criterion for alcohol intoxication is the strong odor of alcohol from the breath.

Mortality caused by alcohol consumption, according to average data from the World Health Organization, is 6.3% in men and 1.1% in women.

For differential diagnosis simple intoxication with its altered or pathological forms, as well as intoxication with other (including narcotic) substances, it is necessary to conduct a number of studies:

  • collection of anamnestic data (information about previous abuse, neuropsychiatric diseases, traumatic brain injuries, possible reception alcohol, specifying the quantity and strength of the drink);
  • general examination;
  • laboratory determination of ethanol concentration in the blood;
  • urine analysis for the presence of traces of narcotic substances and their metabolites;
  • immunochromatographic test for the presence of alcohol in saliva;
  • Rappoport reaction (discoloration of a pink 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate with the addition of drops of sulfuric acid when blowing);
  • Mokhov-Shinkarenko reaction (change in the color of the reagent from yellow to green or blue when blown into special glass indicator tubes containing fine-grained silica gel treated with chromic anhydride and sulfuric acid).

Consultation with specialists (neurologist, narcologist, psychiatrist) is also required.


Mild intoxication does not require treatment. In cases of moderate intoxication, the need for therapeutic measures is determined by changes in the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Severe intoxication and alcoholic coma are an absolute indication for emergency medical care, which consists of the following:

  • gastric lavage;
  • taking enterosorbents;
  • detoxification therapy;
  • if necessary, drugs to stimulate cardiac and respiratory activity;
  • for hypertension, tachycardia - beta-blockers;
  • parenteral administration of oxidizing agents.


Main preventive measure The development of alcohol intoxication, which entails a sharp deterioration in well-being, is the refusal to drink excessive amounts of alcohol in a short period of time, on an empty stomach.

Consequences and complications

The consequences of alcohol intoxication are not as harmless as is commonly believed. Among them:

  • development of chronic alcoholism;
  • acute alcohol poisoning;
  • toxic hepatitis;
  • acute liver failure;
  • acute renal failure;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • delirium tremens (“delirium tremens”);
  • alcoholic coma;
  • pathological intoxication;
  • alcoholic psychosis;
  • alcoholic polyneuropathy;
  • epileptic syndrome;
  • alcoholic encephalopathy.

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The result of drinking alcoholic beverages is alcohol intoxication. It consists of a disorder of autonomic functions, behavioral disorders and mental state drunk. The ability to recognize signs of alcohol intoxication makes it possible to timely detect a state of intoxication and prevent or remove an employee from work. Such signs are required for documentation in the act of intoxication at work.

Signs of intoxication from alcohol by degree

As alcohol enters, internal changes occur in the body. They are reflected in external manifestations: speech, coordination, appearance of the drinker, gait, mood. The stronger the drink and the greater the quantity, the more pronounced the signs of intoxication.

Mild degree

Light intoxication is achieved after a couple of glasses of alcohol. Changes due to alcohol consumption are due to psychotropic effects.

After drinking alcohol, the drinker becomes excited, active, and sociable. There is a noticeable shine in the eyes, visible changes in the pupils are observed (they dilate inadequately to light conditions). Movements are sharp and unclear. There is a characteristic smell of alcohol coming from the mouth. Attention is scattered, concentration deteriorates, therefore, even with internal self-confidence, driving a vehicle is strictly prohibited. In addition, clinical signs of alcohol intoxication are facial flushing and increased heart rate. After a couple of hours, the drinker becomes drowsy and falls asleep easily.

Average degree

More pronounced neurological disorders are observed. Coordination deteriorates, which outwardly manifests itself in sloppy movements and an unsteady gait. The drunk cannot clearly formulate thoughts, speech is confused, and the sequence of presentation is disrupted. When you try to put your finger to your nose with your eyes closed, the hit is unclear. Pungent odor of alcohol from the mouth.

Attacks of nausea and vomiting are possible. There may be a rapid change in mood, from a good-natured and sociable drinker instantly becoming aggressive and hostile, and vice versa. The behavior is impulsive, the drunk has poor orientation.

Severe degree

Characterized by a predominance of toxic effects, the activity of the nervous system is suppressed. With such intoxication, coordination disorder is expressed in the fact that the drunk cannot stand on his feet. Speech consists of indistinct muttering and emotional cries. Pulse is rare, possible disturbances from respiratory system. Severe frequent vomiting, urinary incontinence, and feces. The temperature of the extremities is lower than body temperature.

A person who has consumed alcohol ceases to orient himself in time and space. The ability of the pupils to focus is noticeably weakened. There is depression of consciousness, the abuser is delirious, and hallucinations are possible. Facial expressions of emotions are difficult. Blood pressure drops and heavy sweating occurs. There may be swelling on the face.

Methods for diagnosing intoxication

In order to identify and record intoxication, the employee’s condition is analyzed on site, as well as in a medical clinic. First of all, it is assessed appearance drunk. The presence of visual signs of intoxication is established. These data are subject to mandatory recording in the act of being intoxicated at the workplace.

If it is necessary to verify and document intoxication, the concentration of ethanol vapors during exhalation is measured. This is possible without visiting medical institution with a special breathalyzer device. The employee’s refusal to take a breathalyzer test is reflected in the document. If the norm of 0.16 mg/l in the exhaled air is exceeded, the person is recognized as being intoxicated, which must be noted in the report. The results of the study of air vapors are also documented, indicating the full names of those present and verifying them with signatures.

If the worker agrees, he will be examined in a medical facility, where a second check will be performed with a certified device. After which the narcologist determines the type of additional research for intoxication and conducts urine and/or blood tests. The employee’s refusal to be referred for a medical examination is reflected in the report.

A blood test for alcohol is highly accurate. For the most accurate result, the material must be collected no later than 5–6 hours after drinking alcohol. Otherwise, over time, the alcohol concentration decreases and the result will be less informative.

Testing urine for alcohol intoxication gives more accurate results. To determine intoxication by urine analysis, a much longer time interval has been established. The stronger the drink and the lighter the drinker’s weight, the longer the time the alcohol remains in the urine.

How to draw up an act of intoxication

If there is at least one external sign of alcohol intoxication, a report is drawn up. These symptoms include:

  • smell of alcohol on breath;
  • confused and slurred speech;
  • unsteady gait.

The document is drawn up in any form if its form is not approved by the enterprise. It is acceptable to use computer technology or fill out by hand. It is recommended to draw up the act in two copies, one of which remains with the organization, the other is handed to the violator.

The act is drawn up in the presence of at least 2 witnesses who affix their signatures to the document. It is especially important to draw up a report if the employee refuses to undergo further examination. In such a situation, the act will become the only evidence of drunkenness while at work. It will also be a formal basis for preventing or removing an employee from work.

For an act in the workplace, it is important to observe some key points. The location and date of preparation of the document, positions and names of persons present during registration must be indicated. It is necessary to document the conditions under which the employee was found drunk. It is important to describe the symptoms of intoxication observed in the employee:

  • movement coordination disorder;
  • characteristic odor of alcohol on breath;
  • dilated pupils;
  • facial redness;
  • instability of posture;
  • incoherent speech;
  • trembling in hands;
  • obscene language towards others, etc.

The conduct of a breathalyzer test at the enterprise is reflected in the act; if it is refused or a medical examination is refused, a note is made about this. The drunk employee is asked to explain his condition, and his explanations are recorded verbatim. In case of refusal to explain the situation, a note about this is also made. The worker is invited to familiarize himself with the document and put his signature; if he disagrees, a note is made that the worker refused to familiarize himself with and/or sign the document.

Test: Check the compatibility of your medicine with alcohol

Enter the name of the drug in the search bar and find out how compatible it is with alcohol

The problem of alcohol addiction in our country does not lose its acute relevance. The reasons for the widespread nature of this addiction include the availability of alcohol, the unwiseness of consuming alcoholic beverages, and the mentality of Russians. Those who drink alcohol constantly have to face difficulties at work and in ordinary social life.

The procedure for examining a person for the degree of intoxication is outlined in the legislation of the Russian Federation. And this resolution, in particular, the signs of alcohol intoxication for the act, should be known to everyone. To protect yourself from illegal actions of law enforcement officials and shortcomings of inspections, noticing possible errors and errors in time.

You need to know the rules for conducting a sobriety test and drawing up a report

A drinker at work will sooner or later have to deal with drawing up an official document. After completing this paper in the service, the drinker is threatened with loss of work or (as a minimum punishment) disciplinary action. A drunk person who is caught driving a vehicle will also have to face problems.

According to the law, persons who were driving while drunk face punishment ranging from a large fine to administrative arrest. The penalties in this case are tougher, since a person driving a car while drunk creates a threat to the lives of other road users and pedestrians.

Alcohol and dismissal

A person who is intoxicated loses the ability to control himself and take responsibility for his actions. Which is what deserves the administration to apply various educational measures. Compiled in in this case The protocol can play a decisive role in punishment and become the basis for dismissing a person.

But it happens that a person becomes a victim of unverified accusations and biased assessments. Therefore, each person should know the exact order of the legal relationship that exists between him and the person holding a managerial position.

Degrees of intoxication

The first thing you should know is that the act (protocol) itself, indicating that a person is drunk at work, is drawn up exclusively in cases where the employee was seen drinking alcohol in the following places:

  1. At various branches of the company.
  2. Directly at your workplace.
  3. On the territory that belongs to the working area.

But you should also know that not in all cases the execution of the relevant act serves as the reason for further dismissal. In this case, the determining factor is the time when the employee was noticed drunk or drinking alcohol. If this happened outside of working hours, then the maximum that could threaten the violator is a warning from management.

An act that records the employee’s presence in drunk in some cases it is not drawn up at work. These are the following situations:

  1. If the employee was at work after hours.
  2. When an employee took a dose of alcohol before starting work and was allowed to work.
  3. The drinker turned out to be a pregnant employee or the mother of a young child (under 6 years old), the mother of a disabled child or someone who has single status.
  4. A minor employee of the organization is intoxicated. In this case, he can be fired only with permission from the State Labor Inspectorate (STI).

A certain paradoxical situation arises. After all, instead of receiving a well-deserved punishment, these categories of citizens calmly avoid censure. But the rest of the employees in the same case have to answer to the fullest extent of the law.

How is the fact of intoxication established by law?

Verification by representatives of the authorities and the law of the fact of detection of intoxication is carried out in strict accordance with the procedure established by law. It is carried out by adhering to the following points:

  1. External symptoms of intoxication.
  2. Analysis of the air exhaled by a person.
  3. Testing blood for the presence of alcohol.
  4. Urine sample to detect residues of alcohol metabolites.

How does alcohol intoxication manifest?

The initial examination is carried out directly on duty or when the driver is stopped. Police officers or representatives of administrative management check and record the person’s external symptoms of alcohol intoxication.

Visual cues

All visible symptoms, the detection of which will indicate intoxication, are prescribed in current Code Administrative Offences. All external signs of alcohol intoxication, clearly indicated in the law, are as follows:

  • unsteadiness and instability of gait and posture;
  • a distinct alcoholic odor from a person;
  • inappropriate behavior that does not correspond to the situation;
  • difficulties with speech functions (meaningless, incomprehensible speech);
  • dilated pupils of the eyes (this sign is also evidence of drug intoxication);
  • change in skin color (ethanol increases venous blood flow, as a result of which the skin turns sharply red).

Air vapor research

After an analysis of the external symptoms of intoxication has been carried out, the next step is to measure the concentration of alcohol vapors in the air exhaled by a person. A special device is used - a breathalyzer.

What can serve as confirmation of intoxication in a person?

The maximum permissible norm for the volume of ethyl alcohol in air masses during exhalation is also prescribed in the Law of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. It is 0.16 mg/l.

If this level is exceeded, a person is considered drunk, which in certain situations leads to administrative fines, withdrawal of rights or service problems, up to and including dismissal under the article. If a driver is detained, traffic police officers confiscate the car, and the owner of the car is sent to a narcologist for a medical examination.

But in this case, a visit to the doctor is not always carried out. But only in the following situations:

  • when a drunk driver (by external signs) refuses to voluntarily take a breathalyzer test;
  • the driver claims that he is sober and categorically disagrees with the final data of the device after measuring the air.

Before escorting a violator to a narcologist, traffic police officers are required to issue a referral protocol for a medical check. The official document states the following points:

  • information about the witnesses present;
  • time of the breathalyzer test;
  • external symptoms indicating intoxication;
  • complete information about the device used.

Table of ppm used to determine the degree of intoxication

An official document is also attached to the protocol, which records all the instrument readings obtained during the test. And only then the traffic police officer accompanies the offender to a narcologist for a medical examination.

How is the medical examination carried out?

A medical examination carried out by a narcologist is officially regulated established instructions with the mandatory completion of a certificate in form 307/u-05 (“Medical examination report to detect intoxication”). In this document, the narcologist fills in all the information about the person being tested and notes the identified external signs of the presence of ethanol in the body, in particular:

  • features and nuances of speech;
  • visual appearance of the skin;
  • description of the offender's behavior;
  • whether there is a smell of alcohol from the person;
  • type of pupils (dilated, normal, constricted).

When drawing up an official conclusion act, the use of ordinary colloquial speech is unacceptable. All characteristics and descriptions must have clear wording, not deviate from those outlined in the legislation, and have clear, legible official definitions.

Before carrying out directly clinical tests A repeated measurement of the person’s exhaled air is taken using devices that have the appropriate certificate. The evidence received is entered into an official act.

Then the biomaterial is collected from the offender and a medical examination takes place. What kind of research will be organized is determined by the narcologist himself. The main goal of this procedure is to identify ethanol and confirm the fact of drunkenness.

External signs of intoxication depending on the stage

Based on the results of the inspection, an official conclusion is drawn. This paper is also drawn up in accordance with all established rules and should not be described by the physician in any form. There are only two final conclusions:

  1. The state of intoxication has been established.
  2. The state of intoxication has not been established.

In the case where external signs of intoxication are evident, and the measurement of exhaled air does not show intoxication, a repeat measurement is carried out after 15-20 minutes. This can happen if a person has recently taken alcohol and the alcohol has not yet been absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract and has not reached the bronchopulmonary system.

If a repeated test does not show the presence of alcohol, but there are obvious external signs of intoxication, biomaterial (blood or urine) is collected. Based on the results of these checks, an official conclusion is made about the presence of drunkenness. But sometimes the stages of alcohol intoxication and their signs can give ambiguous results if you rely only on a blood test.

Therefore, one cannot make a conclusion about a person’s condition based on the indicators of analysis alone. The final result is made based on two measurements (urine and blood):

It is the totality of these indicators and the description of all external, visible signs that becomes the basis for determining a person’s intoxication/sobriety. At the same time, the absence of one of the necessary indicators indicates a gross violation of the rules for conducting a medical examination. In this case, a person can calmly challenge the findings in court.

All violators, and especially drivers, should know that they do not have the right to refuse to undergo a medical examination. In this case, such a refusal entails the withdrawal of rights and the imposition of an administrative fine on the violator.

If all checks are completed according to the completed referral and you do not agree with the results obtained, the person can undergo a re-examination at an independent clinic (but no more than 4-5 hours later).

This procedure will be paid, but it will become a fundamental fact for confirming a person’s innocence in court. It is also necessary to understand that it is the presence of external signs of intoxication that serves as a reason for traffic police officers and management representatives (if the case occurs at work) to send a person for a medical examination. And you cannot refuse it.

You cannot refuse to undergo any of the examination methods (blood sampling, urine sampling, breathalyzer testing). In this case, this will be regarded as a refusal to undergo a medical examination, and the person himself will be subject to administrative punishment.

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