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A pleasant surprise for your birthday. How to make a Birthday Surprise: interesting ideas. You can arrange such a surprise for your beloved guy

A close friend’s birthday is a real puzzle: you don’t know how to surprise your friend on her birthday while giving her a gift that she has long dreamed of. Even an inexpensive present will be remembered for a long time if emotions and impressions are attached to it.

Method number 1 – create intrigue

You can surprise your friend not with a gift, but with the process of presentation. Alternatively, don’t give it right away main gift, but arrange an adventure game. First, give your friend a gift box with a mini-surprise and the first puzzle, after solving which she will get to the second mini-surprise with another clue, and so on until she gets to the main gift. And in each mini-surprise, in addition to hints, put some pleasant little things: a chocolate bar, a flower, a soft toy or a souvenir.

You can be intrigued if the gift is packaged in a small box, which is placed in a larger box, and so on. During the process of unpacking the gift, the birthday girl will go over the possible options in her head.

Method number 2 - make an original gift

A win-win option is to surprise your friend with a gift made for her. A T-shirt, mug, phone case with a name or photo will not get dusty on a shelf or in a closet. The girl will like the painting with her portrait.

A professional artist will draw such a portrait from a photograph, and to make it even more interesting, ask the master to depict the birthday girl in the image of a favorite book or film character, against the backdrop of the sea, landscape, mountains or medieval castles. You can draw a picture in different painting styles: from romanticism to post-impressionism.

Method number 3 - create the mood

A surprise for a friend on her birthday can be done even before the main gift is presented, creating the mood. The birthday girl will be delighted if she wakes up in a room decorated with balloons, fresh flowers or butterflies. Don't torment her with waiting for the first congratulations over the phone. She will not be offended by a night call with a request to look out the window if she sees a wish in it, laid out with candles.

It is unexpected and joyful to receive congratulations from strangers. To do this, let a dozen people she doesn’t know send SMS with congratulations at the same time. An incredible number of letters from unknown numbers will cause a lot of emotions in your friend. In order not to congratulate her with banal phrases, prepare: record a comic song, create a slide show or make a video in which you tell her warm and sincere words.

Method number 4 - make an original gift with your own hands

Proven method original congratulations- This is a DIY surprise for a friend. For those with a sweet tooth, it’s more pleasant to receive goodies not in a bag or box, but in the form of a bouquet, in which sweets are wrapped instead of flower buds.

An alternative is to bake homemade cookies, but not with fruit or cream filling, but with wishes. Another original way to congratulate is to make a cake out of cardboard. Let it consist of boxes in the form of pieces of delicacy, inside of which there will be pleasant little things: a magnet with a joint photo, lip gloss, a bottle of your favorite perfume. If you plan to give money as a gift, then it is better to present it in an unusual and original way, for example, in a bag tied to balloon, or in a photo frame.

Method number 5 – give emotions and impressions

Impressions and a good time will surprise your friend on her birthday. So that the name day celebration does not turn into banal gatherings at home, and the hero of the occasion feels like a queen, and not a dishwasher and cook, book a table for her in a restaurant. Spending holidays at the table is a stereotype; it’s better to celebrate your birthday in a water park, on the beach, in a bowling alley or a paintball club. At the end of the evening, give a final surprise - give a limousine ride around the city at night.

For calm natures a good gift will be a certificate for treatments in a spa or beauty salon, which will give you the opportunity to pamper yourself and relax. A certificate for a professional photo shoot is the best surprise for a friend who loves being photographed.

A modern woman lives at a very fast pace, managing to do thousands of things in a day, and in this bustle she sometimes forgets about the most important thing - her Beloved Man, or rather, that it’s time to... no, not feed him, but pamper yourself with something romantic, exotic or extreme!

It's time to surprise your loved one for absolutely no reason, just to spice up your daily routine, refresh your feelings, or thank your “hard worker” and breadwinner for your efforts and care!

And if there is a real reason and there is a holiday ahead - Valentine's Day, February 23, his birthday, even more so, it's time to think about it!

And then the question arises, how to do this and how can you please and surprise a man?

In this review, we tried to collect the most complete collection of ideas for organizing pleasant and interesting surprises for your beloved man.

Surprise idea for a man No. 1: “Rest day”

If you know for sure that your chosen one has worked hard and is physically and mentally exhausted, do not drag him on a romantic ski trip (of course, this is great, but not this time), it is better to bathe him in your care.

Let him sleep, bring coffee to bed, download his favorite movie, prepare dinner according to his mother’s recipe, in the evening - a warming bath and massage, and at night - kind words in his ear.

It will definitely be appreciated, but how exactly, try it and find out!

Surprise idea for your loved one No. 2: “Extreme”

If, on the contrary, the husband has a sedentary job and a routine has become firmly established in his life, a shake-up is needed: paragliding, an ATV race, a group outing for paintball.

The thrills experienced together will bring joy to both!

Surprise idea No. 3: “Meeting with friends!”

Knowing that in the evening there will be a broadcast of a match with your favorite team on TV, secretly invite his friends to visit you, buy beer and snacks and go (!) to visit your friend. Or buy scarce tickets to a stadium or rock concert! It’s even cooler if you book your loved one and a couple of friends a table at a strip club!

Such a “feat” will be remembered, trust will pay off, and friends (and this is very important!) will be “envy”!

Surprise idea No. 4: "Pedigree"

This surprise idea for your loved one- especially good for family men. From time immemorial, men have been concerned about procreation and are sensitive to their surname; now many connections have been lost, and the history and roots of many families have been forgotten or lost. Work hard, search, collect information, then beautifully design and present the history of your betrothed’s family.

Such interest and serious attitude to his surname and family will evoke a response of gratitude in the heart of your loved one, and besides, it will be useful for your children!

Surprise idea No. 5: "Sign of goodwill"

We should not forget that the mother-in-law who is unpleasant to us is the beloved mother of our betrothed, and enmity with her “tears” his heart. Take a step forward - invite your loved one's mother to visit, cook her favorite dish, be a kind and cordial hostess and give them the opportunity to chat about their favorite topics.

It is difficult to take the first step, but it will help, peace in the family, gratitude and love for your spouse! Again, this is a good role model for children.

Surprise idea No. 6: “Fulfillment of a cherished dream"

Every man has a favorite activity or hobby: car, fishing, hunting, tourism, computer, TV, etc. - anyone associated with him will be appreciated. There is a danger of not guessing correctly (with a gun, spinning rod, etc.) - you can ask friends for help or simply give a gift certificate to a specialized store.

It will sound like a dream come true if you usually resist your betrothed’s hobby, suddenly you organize it yourself and with an open heart let you go on a long-awaited fishing trip!

If your sweetheart likes to sit near the TV, sign up for an extended package of your favorite cable TV programs - every time he picks up the remote control, he will remember with a kind word! It will not go unnoticed if you make a photo book about his (!) trip somewhere.

A respectful attitude towards your other half’s hobbies will make you closer and dearer!

Surprise idea No. 7: “The sky in diamonds”

If funds allow, then buy a piece of the Moon or another planet and add a super-powerful telescope to it so that your loved one can show their “plot” to friends! If you don’t have such funds, then you can have a picnic on the roof under a natural starry sky or make a “Starry Sky” from luminous stickers or a compact projector (sold in holiday stores), and show him a “new constellation” with the name of your loved one. Or launch a note into the starry sky on balloons declaring your love for him!

It's touching and beautiful - you'll enjoy it yourself too!

Surprise idea #8: "Treasure Hunt"

Think over and organize a quest - finding a gift: place notes throughout the house (you can also do it in nature), which will step by step bring you closer to victory. Only here it is important that the “treasure” is adequate to the intrigue, and the prize found is definitely pleasant for him (a long-awaited item, a ticket to the stadium, a loved one who wears only a drop of perfume, an ultrasound of his unborn son, whom he does not yet know about, etc.) P.).

And then the boyish joy of your loved one from participating in the adventure is guaranteed!

Surprise idea No. 9: “An evening just for two”

Every woman in her life has heard something like this: “my best gift is you.” And this is truly a very valuable gift, but it is important to decorate it beautifully. It's best to have a themed party. For example, in Japanese style: a low table with sushi and sake, sakura branches, and next to an obedient, wise geisha, or in oriental style: hookah, belly dancing and your favorite concubine. You can arrange it on the basis of the “Anniversary Harem”, only present it in such a way that you are ready to be different for him, so that he feels like the owner of the harem and give him a basket of fruits with different wishes.

Striptease, Thai massage, the arrival of a “nurse” will be especially impressive if it is well prepared.

Such surprises refresh relationships and greatly flatter the pride of the men you love!

Surprise idea No. 10: “Total romance”

Strong and courageous halves are often much more romantic than ladies think, they just don’t always show it. They will definitely be touched if they receive a tender handwritten (!) letter - unexpectedly, for no reason - with words of love, and most importantly, gratitude.

Be sure to write why you appreciate him: specific actions, character traits, daily worries! Or write a lot of small notes and let him find them all day: on the bathroom mirror, in his pockets, in the glove compartment of the car, in his purse, in a folder, etc.

Don’t be shy to show your love and you will definitely receive it in return!

Surprise idea No. 11: “Fireworks for your loved one”

Give your loved one a fireworks display! Just don’t be stingy - not a fake one, but a real one - these days you can choose with various special effects that reflect some individual characteristic of the chosen one. And it won’t hurt to shout or whisper words of love in your ear through the noise of the fireworks.

Organize a bright, beautiful fireworks display in honor of your loved one and a fireworks display of emotions is guaranteed!

Surprise idea No. 12: “Share your smile!”

Often the first question that arises when a significant date in the life of our family and friends approaches is what gift to give. Our conversation will be about the most original surprises for the birthday boy.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

DIY birthday surprise

A surprise is a congratulation that is not only original, but also unexpected. A very big mistake in preparing a surprise is being too mysterious, avoiding communication and other things that are atypical for you. Therefore, the first rule of how to arrange a surprise for a loved one is to do everything as usual.

Another question is how to surprise and charm the birthday boy. Since you are unlikely to make a surprise in the morning, pretend that you forgot about the special day. Of course, the birthday boy will be confused and upset - this will be more than compensated for in the evening. If a person knows 100% that you couldn’t just forget, give a fake congratulation. A bouquet of flowers (or a bottle of inexpensive wine for a man) and a couple of stock phrases is something that will thoroughly confuse and confuse even the most discerning people.

But in the evening you can bring to life all the most creative ideas - a surprise party, a quest, a practical joke or just a romantic evening for two. We will try to understand today what kind of surprise is worth making.

What's a fun way to say happy birthday?

Traditional words, gifts and feasts are slowly but surely beginning to become a thing of the past. Nowadays creativity is very important - what more original way Congratulations you come up with, the better.


One of the coolest and most modern gifts is a video surprise. To do this, you yourself shoot a video with congratulations to all your friends and relatives, process all the material and make a short video using a video editor. This will be your gift for the birthday boy. You can post the video on social networks, send it by email, or show it on the big screen at your place of study or work. The latter method has a simply stunning effect, but requires prior agreement with management.

You can also record a video greeting from absolutely strangers— just ask random passers-by to say a few warm words to the birthday boy.

Another option for congratulating a surprise is suitable for a husband (wife) or close friends. These are short videos with tasks that the birthday boy must complete. This is a kind of quest for finding gifts. The principle of operation is simple - at the right time (and not in the middle of the working day), you send the birthday boy the first introductory video, thereby starting the game. You need to prepare everything in advance - a script is very necessary here. The main rule here is: one location - one video hint. Of course, all riddles should be simple and easily solved - the whole point of the game is in the chase, and not in the long discovery of the next secret. If for some reason the birthday boy could not solve the riddle, send him a small hint, but he must pay for it - recite a poem, sing, dance, or kiss the first person he meets. Make sure the tasks are fun, but not offensive.

If the video option is too complicated for you, conduct the quest using SMS or regular letters. This way, you can make a surprise for your husband by hiding the clues right in your home.

Birthday surprise for husband

When choosing a surprise for your husband, first decide on the location where you will celebrate - in an apartment, a restaurant or on the street. Surprises for the home include, of course, a romantic dinner or a surprise party. For young and relaxed couples, various types of games with erotic overtones are suitable. And what could be better for a husband than a wife in beautiful erotic lingerie, a delicious dinner and a good fun game in special cubes or roulette with tasks? The same surprise is quite suitable for your beloved guy, just make sure that friends or relatives will not come to congratulate him that evening (and he will return home on his own).

A surprise for your beloved man can be of very innocent content - for example, order a congratulatory banner near his work or buy a certificate for a parachute jump or hang gliding flight (but this is only if your beloved has a fair amount of fearlessness and self-control). For more balanced and quiet husbands, tickets to a concert or a reservation to visit a fishing club are perfect.

If you want to surprise a young man you just started dating, team up with his friends and throw him a beautiful and noisy party. He will definitely appreciate such a gift.

Birthday surprise for wife

A surprise for your beloved is always a pleasant chore. And it doesn’t matter at all whether this is a girl you just started dating, or you’ve been married for more than ten years.

Girls who love to take care of themselves can be given a certificate for a visit to the spa or a day of unlimited shopping (note that the latter method is very expensive). Such a gift would be appropriate for your best friend - you can share with her all the hardships of the holiday. You can also give your friend a professional photo session - any woman will certainly appreciate this.

For your beloved wife, you can also arrange a surprise party or an exciting quest to find a gift (the same applies to a friend). Or you can make a big gesture and give a tourist voucher for two. It doesn’t have to be a long vacation abroad—a weekend in another city is enough.

e"> Birthday surprise for relatives

In order to surprise your mother, you don’t need much - just congratulate her beautifully. To do this, record a video greeting, order a song on the radio, prepare a cake with your own hands, or beautifully decorate your house.

A surprise for dad could be a joint trip to hunting, fishing, or just to nature. Also a good gift would be the presentation of alcoholic checkers, chess or dominoes.

When preparing a surprise for your sister, take into account her personal preferences. If she is a fan of a group, get an autograph or buy tickets to a concert.

What to give to your brother? Yes, anything - it all depends on his age. A surprise for the child will be both a box with a secret and cool gift, and just an unexpected walk. But if your brother is old enough, give him a quest, a video greeting, a hot air balloon flight or a trial diving lesson. The main rule is to be more creative, because you are not preparing a surprise for a grandmother with a heart condition. By the way, these ideas can also be a wonderful surprise for a colleague in the office. I must say that drawing a birthday boy at work is one of the most popular services of holiday agencies.

Birthday surprise cake

A birthday gift in the form of a surprise cake is suitable for absolutely everyone, regardless of age. These can be creative compositions of sweets that the birthday boy really likes.


Also in the form of a cake there can be a box with wishes or gifts, a box or a ball with a surprise. The cake can contain anything - 100 wishes or compliments, a declaration of love, a box filled with Kinder surprises, and even a pet. In general, what do you have enough imagination for? A very interesting idea - a huge box in the shape of a cake with helium balloons inside.

You can also prepare a very unusual birthday surprise. No one canceled funny gifts - a hat with convolutions, an armored photo album or perfume with the scent of money. Now there are many sites that specialize in such products. There you will find cool, unusual and original things that you simply cannot find in everyday life. And for a sane person they are unnecessary.

20th birthday surprise

If at 3 years old it is enough for a child to receive a few balloons, then at 20 years old this will no longer surprise anyone. At 15, the main thing is extreme and adventure, on the verge of a foul. But at 30 years old, birthday people prefer quiet family entertainment without a noisy crowd and a bunch of relatives. Noisy and cheerful holidays will be appreciated by children aged 6-7 years. Remember that when choosing a surprise, it is important to take into account the age, as well as the hobbies and even the sense of humor of the birthday person.

Birthday- a time when dreams and desires come true, loved ones gather to give gifts and make surprises. What surprises can you make for your beloved friend so that she will not remain indifferent? Original and creative gifts that will always be in place are in our article today.

The main thing in the article

How to choose the perfect birthday gift for your friend?

  • The ideal birthday gift should be given from the heart and with love.
  • The one that she had been waiting for a long time, but did not dare to purchase herself.
  • A gift that will exceed all expectations.
  • If you give even an ordinary thing, you will present it in an interesting way.
  • You need to choose from a list of favorite preferences and hobbies.
  • Sometimes you need to be interested in specific desires.

How to design and present a gift to your beloved friend?

The design of a gift depends on the preferences of both the giver and the recipient.

  • Bright, flashy colors of paper - for energetic and cheerful people;
  • Pastel and calm shades of packaging- for calm and gentle individuals;
  • Thematic packaging - for fans and admirers of a certain direction;
  • Matryoshka packaging - for lovers of riddles;
  • Discreet packaging - for business and serious people;
  • Creative design- for creative individuals;
  • Design ideas- for connoisseurs of certain styles.

You can also give a gift in different ways:

  • With poems or wild wishes;
  • Just hand it over;
  • Quest;
  • Surprise;
  • By courier;
  • On the holiday;
  • Alone;
  • The company.

Ideas for the best and easiest DIY gifts for a friend

  1. Lip balm;
  2. Bath bombs;
  3. Frame;
  4. Plaid;
  5. Mittens or;
  6. Designer kitchen board;
  7. Anti-stress pillow;
  8. Rug;
  9. Lamp;

Drawing-portrait of a friend for her birthday

  • Looking at ancient portraits of beauties, some of us would like to see ourselves depicted on a large canvas. You can still give a portrait to your beloved friend these days. You can even try to draw it yourself, it’s written in more detail. You can depict not only a personal portrait, but also a portrait of you together.
  • Drawing techniques can be very diverse, for example, pencil, watercolor, acrylic paints or gouache.
  • Styles are selected depending on preferences. You can choose absolutely any one that in your opinion will be the most suitable. Happens satirical, humorous, picture, mythological, paired, caricature, costume, individual, historical, genre.
  • You can also choose the genre based on your preferences: cartoon, fantasy, geometric, photo portrait, grunge, pop art, pin-up, comic, background, digital art, object.

DIY jewelry for a friend’s birthday

Bijouterie- these are the same trinkets that you can never have enough of. They are needed always and everywhere, for a holiday, a party, a walk, a photo shoot or just to visit. You can give jewelry as a gift as individual items or as a set:

  1. Bracelets;
  2. Rings;
  3. Earrings;
  4. Clips;
  5. Necklace;
  6. Hairpins;
  7. Body chains;
  8. Beads;
  9. Necklaces.

You can make all of the above yourself by purchasing necessary tools and components.

Paper topiary - a beautiful DIY gift for a friend

Paper topiary- craft in the shape of a paper tree. Topiary is the gardening art of cutting trees. And the paper one is a miniature version of the most ancient craftsmanship.


  • Monetary;
  • From napkins;
  • Corrugated;
  • Musical;
  • Origami;
  • In the trimming technique;
  • Made from crepe paper;
  • Using quilling technique;
  • Without a leg;
  • From cotton pads;
  • From paper.

Origami - a gift in 5 minutes for a friend on another day

  • Origami- Japanese technique of paper folding different shapes. You can make interesting figures and memorable souvenirs from paper. All you need to do is stock up on paper, spend a little time and find instructions for making what you are planning to make, of which there are many on the Internet, including.
  • Using the origami technique, you can make figures of animals, people, birds, insects, tanks and other equipment. From paper you can create a beautiful bouquet of flowers, unusual crafts or entire collections of stunning figurines.

Gift-poster on whatman paper for a friend’s birthday

Gift poster- one of the most interesting ideas, because you can depict anything on whatman paper. The main rule is that there are no rules. Draw whatever you can think of or want. We offer you poster options:

  • Photo collage;
  • Portrait poster;
  • Poster of wishes;
  • “Complete the drawing yourself”;
  • Travel Poster;
  • “Chronicle” of memorable events;
  • Poster of the best and favorite sayings;
  • Sketches of favorite places.

You can make a poster using any tools. These could be clippings from old magazines, your photos, paints, markers and other items for decoration.

Sweet homemade birthday gift: ideas with photos

Most girls love sweets, so not every friend can resist a gift prepared with love, and even sweet. Therefore, here is a list of the most tempting delicacies that you can prepare with your own hands and proudly present to your beloved friend:

  1. Pie
  2. Donuts
  3. Candies
  4. Cookie
  5. Marmalade
  6. Marshmallow
  7. Lollipops
  8. Cake
  9. Muffins
  10. Cupcakes

  11. Cake

  12. Macarons

And remember, even the simplest sweets can be prepared in a special way, with soul and a creative approach.

A funny gift with humor for a cheerful friend on her birthday

A funny gift is suitable for that part of your friends who likes to joke and laugh heartily.

  1. Belly Button Cleaning Brush- a person who has everything;
  2. Brick- for the foundation of a future house;
  3. Book with sweets- to set the mood;
  4. Origami from banknotes- for a fun time;
  5. Homemade certificates- for the fun days to come.

Memorable gift for a friend's birthday

Leaves a memorable gift Nice memories. It is not always possible to buy something truly expensive and memorable for your friend. But it’s up to you to make a surprise that she will remember with warmth all her life. These are the gift options we will consider below.

Quest for a friend's birthday

Quest is one of the popular gift ideas in the last few years. Now there are many thematic and other methods of conducting quests. A quest is a chain of tasks connected to each other, upon completion of which you receive the main prize.

Quests can be arranged in different places:

  • At home;
  • On the street;
  • All over the city;
  • In a certain area;
  • At one place.

Activities can be themed, practical, fun or adventurous. After all, the very essence of the quest is exciting adventures. Give your friend a day of adventure with a gift in the form of a quest.

Handmade birthday cards for a friend

Handmade burst into our lives relatively recently, and has literally become the most popular hobby for most handicraft admirers. Postcards in this direction will not only be original, but also one of a kind. And you can read about how to make different postcards in ours.

Musical and creative gifts for a friend on birthday

Musical gifts will always make your friend happy when she is sad. We offer you options for the most touching creative and memorable gifts that will not leave any female person indifferent.

Video gift for a friend's birthday

A video gift is quite labor-intensive in terms of its creation and editing. But your friend will definitely be happy on this memorable day for her. The video can be shot in the following style:

  • Congratulations;
  • Stories;
  • Trips;
  • Story;
  • Jokes;
  • It's funny.

Song gift for a beloved friend on her birthday

  • Surely, many of you love to sing at home, in the shower or at karaoke. Then why not dedicate a song to your beloved friend? You can even write your own. You can also use the services of a specialist.
  • You can record your song in a recording studio, and then give your friend a disc with a dedicated track. There is also the option to play the song on the radio so that the whole country can hear it. True, this service is not cheap.
  • Or you can do everything yourself by performing the track live in front of the guests and the birthday girl. Your friend will be absolutely delighted with such a gift. After all, not every person will dare to undertake such a feat.

Poem as a gift for your best friend on her birthday

  • In the times of poets, poems were constantly dedicated to loved ones. They were composed by themselves, ordered or asked in a friendly manner from creative individuals. Nowadays, few people can boast of poetic inclinations. Although, if you find inspiration, this can turn from a gift into a hobby.
  • You can dedicate one poem or an entire series of poems. You can put it in a book. And if you want, you can read it at the holiday or record it on audio media.

Anniversary gift for a friend

Gift-impression- this is a type of gift that includes any service in one or more areas. IN last years the trend is gaining great momentum and becoming one of the most popular gift ideas. Varieties:

  • Quest;
  • Sport;
  • Extreme;
  • Beauty and Spa;
  • Romance;
  • Hobby.

Gifts are also divided into: for her, for him, for children, for two, for birthday, New Year, wedding, March 8, February 23 and February 14.

Surprise your friend with a gift “Open when...”

  • - an amazing surprise, because the main idea is humor. Such a gift will warm you when it’s cold, cheer you up when you’re sad, and even feed you when you want something tasty.
  • You can create a whole set of gifts with the signature “open when...”, and then write the answer, or put an item that characterizes it. These could be nice letters, things, food, praise, encouraging words, love notes, encouraging quotes and other forms of nice words.

Symbolic inexpensive birthday gifts for a friend: 29 ideas

  1. Keychain;
  2. Painting;
  3. Ball;
  4. Autograph of your favorite star;
  5. Parker pen;
  6. T-shirt;
  7. Living picture;
  8. Collector's editions of magazines;

    Making a birthday gift for your beloved friend will not be difficult, especially if you use our tips. And the most important advice is to follow the dreams and desires of your friend. After all, great joy comes from their execution.

Only a very close person can be inspired by someone else’s holiday and surprise a friend’s birthday by arranging something incredible. Friendship provides great opportunities - we know almost everything about this person. Dreams, passions, desires of a friend or fears, income and attitude towards gifts - everything you need to make a stunning surprise for your friend’s birthday, create perfect gift or turn an ordinary birthday into a surprise holiday.

Of course, a chic diamond necklace will impress any girl, but you don't need huge sums of money for a surprise to make your friend happy on her birthday. First of all, attention provided in the maximum amount makes a friend’s birthday special. The ability to accurately guess what you want is another criterion for a wonderful birthday. Unexpected Original gifts, surprises and fun, dear people - an undeniable sign of a real celebration. How can you surprise your friend for her birthday to make her happy?

There are a number of gifts that you can buy or make yourself, and the effect of them is hundreds of times greater than they actually cost. Of course, to create such gifts you need to know the hero of the occasion well. If there is not enough information about your girlfriend to come up with a surprise, it would be right to include colleagues, family members, and friends in your birthday congratulations - find out from them the missing information about the girl, perhaps even ask for help. It is a surprise for a friend from this category that shows how much others love a person.

Children's pranks

On your birthday, write on the asphalt under the windows “Lyuska, I love you!” Happy birthday!”, write similar nonsense on fences on the way to work. You can consolidate the effect with a photo greeting on a billboard along your friend’s route to work or home. This is the easiest way to please your friend in the morning.

As in childhood

On the night before her birthday, the girlfriend’s entire route from bed to work and back is strewn with surprises. There is a tangerine under the pillow, the path around the house is lined with sweets, your favorite sweet is put in your purse, so everywhere, at home, at work, in all your holes, stashes of sweets, goodies and gifts, you can even come up with vulgar surprises.


When your friend wakes up, her ceiling should be covered in bright balls, and there should be dozens of the same balls on the floor - such a surprise will immediately take her back to her childhood. Place as many wishes, confetti, gifts, or even a ball into a ball as possible. You can use the balloons to make a bouquet and a gift basket - a cute surprise! Even the gift itself can be made from long balloons - a prototype of what she really wants, but will receive only at the end of the holiday (a new phone or car, decoration or cake). This is a hint of a surprise.

Box with gifts

How to surprise your girlfriend for sure? Opaque envelopes or boxes (optimally of the same size and type) are placed in a large box, on which it is written when to open them (date or occasion). The reasons could be “The boss is annoying at work”, “My husband is annoying”, “I want, I don’t know what”, “The whole world is against me”, “I’m fat”. Inside there is a funny tip or a cool wish, plus a small gift (whiskey in a mini bottle, favorite chocolate, lace panties, new tights, condoms, perfume). The main thing is that there are a lot of surprises and all the mini-gifts are related to the birthday girl.


In a prominent place is a sheet of paper with a riddle for a friend. If she guessed right, she received a gift. Riddles can be anything - from children's puzzles, crosswords, ending with Sudoku and complex questions from her specialty.

Photo collage

Using a huge number of photographs, a newspaper is made, with a description of something relating to a friend, or simply a thematic photo collage about a friend. You can dedicate this surprise to your friends, family, career or the life of a friend. Touching and unusual.

All with a photo of the birthday girl

A cup, a pillow, a phone case, a T-shirt or a picture, a keychain, a mouse pad, pajamas - hundreds of gifts can be decorated with photographs of a friend. Choose any idea or make all the gifts at once - this will at least cause surprise and pamper her self-esteem.

An adult girl

Erotic massage

My friend for her 30th birthday will really like this surprise. It can be continued (intimate services from a professional) or just relaxation. If you have a husband, you can give such an intimate massage to both of them, in the same salon, and then give them privacy - the sex will be hot, like on the first date.

Surprise Party

Find a place, decorate, order food, music, invite guests and bring the hero of the occasion there under a fictitious pretext. In the style of American comedies - a friend comes in, everyone jumps out and shouts “Surprise!” together, firecrackers and streamers shoot. It's hard to figure out how to surprise a friend if you work together. Therefore, you need to do the organization in advance, outside of working hours, so that she doesn’t guess anything from your bustle.

Party with a stripper

Gather your best friends, invite a stripper, get a lot of goodies, your favorite alcohol, plus karaoke and a disco - this is how you can have a bachelorette party. This is a joint surprise, everything is a secret from a friend - make her dress properly and bring her to the holiday blindfolded.

Forced leave

There is no better surprise than a vacation. A trip is organized to a city or place where she has been planning for a long time. Everything about the gift is thought out - transport tickets are bought, housing is paid for and the route is worked out. You can buy an all-inclusive package. The best thing to do is to ask her for a vacation at work and negotiate with her family. The light option is a weekend tour or a trip to nature, a hike. All that remains is to hug her and see her off on vacation.


It is better to organize such a surprise at work or at a holiday - everyone freezes in an instant, and then does something synchronously. This could be a joint dance plus a congratulation song. A gift for creative people - with enough imagination and time for rehearsal.

Back to the past

One of the best ideas to surprise. This is the most unexpected birthday gift. Friends from the past gather (from the yard, classmates, classmates or from previous work). A bus is hired, a route is thought out with places of former glory (everyone understands their places by this). A friend and loved ones take such a walk into the past. And there will be a reason to drink and millions of topics for conversation. An unforgettable gift!

Extreme gifts - unforgettable!

You can always surprise someone so that your birthday will be remembered for years to come. It must be something important or extreme. Such surprises are not suitable for everyone, but if your friend is ready to take risks, go ahead! Let the adrenaline go wild, the fun doesn’t stop, and photo and video cameras record it for posterity. This will be the best birthday for your friend! Let's consider ideas cool surprises for cool girls.

If you jump with a friend, the surprise will be even better. Naturally, the entire organization, plus payment of all expenses, is the responsibility of the donor. And then you can have a picnic with barbecue.

Bridge jump

Such actions excite me every time, even if it’s the hundredth jump. And if it’s the first... It’s impossible to forget something like that. If you don’t die in the process from fear during such a surprise.

Horse rides

It doesn't matter if your friend has tried horse riding before. This is an indescribable pleasure, it will appeal to experienced riders and beginners. You can give such a surprise to a friend even from another city, via the Internet or by phone by ordering such a service.

Balloon flight

A similar surprise is already available in most cities. It would be especially chic to organize such a flight with your loved one. Evening city, view from above, drink a glass of wine together and make the most significant wishes in the sky - a wonderful end to the day you were born. The evening will be unforgettable!


A great way to spend time on a warm summer day. Of course, a friend can buy almost all of this for herself. But if someone else thinks about how to arrange such a vacation and presents everything on a plate with a rim, the pleasure will be many times greater. And if it’s an unexpected surprise, your friend should be satisfied.

Hiking with an overnight stay

Behind the bustle, projects and business plans, we forget how pleasant it is to get tired from walking through forests and hills, how incredibly romantic and sweet it is to fall asleep under the stars, how delicious fish soup made from fish caught with our own hands is. Such solitude with nature allows you to restore vitality better than lying on the beach for a week, although this is also an option.

A trip to the amusement park

All company or family visit the slides and swings, eat unhealthy food tasty food and drinks, don’t miss a single attraction - what could be better for a good weekend? A properly spent weekend with surprises is a great way to cheer up and make you happy!

Aerodynamic tube

Feeling like a bird, an astronaut or a piece of fluff - it’s impossible to simply describe the extraordinary impressions of such a trip. It is worth trying for all people at least once in their life. A harmless gift, but incredibly cool!

Diving lesson

There is no point in describing all the pleasure that a friend will receive. A surprise gift will be especially useful if you are planning a trip to the Red Sea soon.

Technical news, gadgets

How can you not pay attention to original gifts in the form of technology? Such gifts include equipment for cooking, relaxation, and hobbies. The main thing when buying is to understand that your friend wants such a gift. For insurance purposes, it is better to agree on an exchange within two weeks if the choice is unsuccessful. It is better to exchange for something else than to receive a useless item for the pantry.

Digital photo frame

A fun gift with thousands of photos in one frame. Plus stylish design, music and lighting - depending on the model. Available in frame or cube form, with additional built-in functions. A great gift for your beloved friend.

Massage mat or chair

Great idea for the city worker. Sit down in the evening, brew a cup of aromatic drink, turn on your favorite TV series and massager to vibrate mode... Let the whole world wait. And next to you is a line of relatives for your massager.


For those friends who monitor their health, such a device will come in handy. Although you can also choose a water filter or ionizer, a salt lamp, a fountain - all these gifts are additional self-care, home decoration and a way to prolong youth.

Robot vacuum cleaner

Every business lady dreams of such an assistant. And also her cat and parrot, who love to ride on it.

Mobile stuff

An external hard drive, a funny flash drive, an external battery (power bank), a portable hand warmer and many more fun inventions that make life easier for a friend, even away from home.

Beautiful gifts for a real lady

Although a modern girl can go through thick and thin, build a career and fly into space, she is still a girl, a lovely female creature. If you don’t know what surprise to give, give them your favorite scent or a silver pendant. Perfumes, jewelry, beautiful and comfortable clothes, shoes have not been canceled. A simple gift is a good solution.

List beautiful gifts for girlfriend:

Bouquet in bed

Before the hero of the occasion opens her eyes, it’s time to arrange a surprise - there should be a luxurious bouquet at her bedside. Fortunately, there is a courier service and such a service can be ordered so as not to run to the 24-hour flower market at 5 am. Coffee and croissant for my best friend's birthday.


You can pay for it, and your friend will choose the right time for herself and trust a professional. This will be a great way to capture the beauty and youth of your friend. And the photo can be used to order a painting from a photograph.


Only original and beloved. Another option is to go to the store together and choose something new. It's nice to just walk around and choose gifts. And someone else pays. You need to make an agreement with the manager in advance to wear perfume and hide the prices.


The situation is similar to the one described above. Let your girlfriend feel like a gentle and beautiful princess. After all, that's what friends are for?

Certificate to the boutique

Simple and convenient. I chose the amount, bought the card and put it in a card with a wish. But it’s better to go choose a gift with a friend, she will need it good advice good.

SPA day

Put your girlfriend under your arm and go to the salon, let him enjoy it. Facial and body treatments, depilation, body wraps, massage, peeling - you can’t just please a girl.

Makeup or hairstyle from a pro

Invite a master to your friend’s house so that she can come to work or a party in full dress – with chic makeup, a new dress and shoes.

Blind date

If your friend is free, you can arrange a date for her. It is important to understand that such a gift can become like a ticket to family life, and the worst evening in her memory.

Useful gifts for a real housewife

Although many people believe that household appliances are not a gift, but a family purchase, if a friend is interested in baking or cooking, sews beautifully or makes excellent toys, giving her a new, more functional model of some equipment will be very useful. She will be more happy about such a gift than a diamond ring.

What can you give to a business friend:

  • Multicooker-pressure cooker. A real helper for a busy business girl - add all the ingredients and go to bed. Baked goods, jellied meats and borscht - everything is simple and can be done in an hour at most.
  • Modern sewing machine. With this technique you can easily earn money, not just sew for fun. All family members, like the birthday girl, will be in fashionable outfits.
  • Device for sushi. Pamper yourself with delicious sushi, watch master classes from professionals - it will be a “belly celebration” for more than one weekend.
  • Noodle cutting machine. An unusual device that is not necessary, but it is desirable that it be in the closet of every housewife.
  • Master class from the chef. Making chocolate or exotic dishes, unusual desserts, restaurant cooking tricks - this is a surprise that real housewives will love. Professional utensils and appliances, the techniques of a real chef - a real ecstasy for those who love to cook.

Funny and cool surprises: holidays are fun!

A good gift idea for a friend - cool and useful things. These can be inexpensive surprises from a joke shop or real works of art. This category includes various puzzles and games for a large company. Don’t be shy - you are friends, and such gifts are given in a closed package, and the friend herself will decide who to show them to and who to try them on.

Funny gifts for a friend.

Award statuettes

Oscar, various statuettes, funny diplomas, certificates. You can order them online, where you can also order funny inscriptions for them. You can download examples of certificates and diplomas on the Internet and make a fun surprise yourself.

Erotic items

Various interior items, clothes or accessories with erotic elements will lift the mood of the hero of the occasion. Socks with sex positions, an erotic outfit for a date (nurse, maid), fluffy handcuffs, nipple stickers, a tail plug for the ass, a whip and a gag - such a gift will come in handy in family life.

Mini safe with lock

It seems like a small surprise, but something can be hidden there. All that was left was to hide the safe itself so that someone wouldn’t take it along with the goods.

Bouquet of sweets or soft toys

Buy a gift or make a gift yourself - it doesn’t matter. But such “flowers” ​​will make girls smile and feel tenderness. Candies, Stuffed Toys the younger members of the family will be stretched out after the holiday.

Crafts from money

There can be many ideas - fill a balloon with banknotes, then with helium. Make your friend a tear-off notepad, toilet paper, photo album or business card holder with her own hands from money. The main thing is that the money in the gift must be real, it must remain intact and can be used if necessary.

Original interior items

Buy something original that will fit well into the design of her home or simply add to her collection - in the spirit of a true friend. It can be anything from a bedspread to a rug front door. The main thing is something unusual and harmonious with the overall style of the apartment.

Invisible book shelf

A fun, useful gift. The books seem to float in the air. Stylish, no need to wipe dust off the shelf, original.

Umbrella stand

The design of such a piece of furniture allows them to even decorate the hallway or living room. Like the newspaper girl, she will be a real find for people with a sense of style.

In the form of a house or birdhouse, a cuckoo clock, a book or an electrical box - the variety of gifts is simply mind-boggling! But they all seem to give the room a soul.

Portable fireplace

A fun gift to make your living room or bedroom feel more cozy. This can be an electric or bio-powered model. An imitation of an ancient, massive fireplace, flames and smoldering coals, and most importantly, real warmth and light - a very good alternative for a city apartment.

Someone else's birthday is no less exciting a holiday than your own if the birthday girl is a friend. I really want, at least on this day, to give her as much love and happiness as she deserves.

2018-03-26 pvipadmin