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UFO presence. Real evidence that aliens visited us (5 photos). Strange nature of the tracks

Today, ufologists constantly catch UFOs in earth orbit using web cameras installed on the International Space Station. But there is irrefutable photographic evidence that alien ships flew here much earlier, for example, in the eighties of the last century. (website)

From here we can draw a simple conclusion: humanity has been with us since time immemorial, but only with the development of modern technologies have we learned to notice them around and everywhere. And not only to notice, but, firstly, to perceive normally (without panic and fear of being considered crazy), secondly, to capture “flying saucers”, or even the aliens themselves, in photos and videos, and thirdly, share these materials on the Internet with other people, showing them to an audience of millions.

But two photographs (dated January 12, 1986) of a triangular UFO, which can still be found on the NASA website, are not so impressive to today’s Internet audience, but they are interesting because they were taken using a hand-held camera, and therefore the astronaut is their author personally watched the flight of this giant ship. However, at that time it was not customary to talk freely about UFOs, and therefore we do not even know the name of this space hero today.

But the pictures, in some fantastic way (how they weren’t deleted, I don’t understand?) were preserved in the archives of the American Aerospace Agency - and that’s great! The ship is actually gigantic in size, and it moves through space at tremendous speed. The difference between these two photographs is only 17 seconds, but during this short time the UFO “moved” significantly in the photo, this is noticeable even to a non-specialist.

There is no need to talk about any shooting defects, specks, etc., which skeptics love to present “reasonably” so much, since the two photographs show the same UFO, very clearly visible, with the only difference being its location in space. For an artificial Earth satellite or space debris, this object is moving too fast. In general, watch and judge for yourself...

Evidence that alien civilizations exist isn't just found in conspiracy theories or old X-Files episodes. There are many secrets in our world, including real evidence of visits to the Earth by unidentified flying objects. Here are just a few of them.

At the height of the Cold War, in November 1953, a suspicious object appeared in the skies over the Canada-US border. Radar devices showed that he was moving north at a very low speed. The Americans feared that this Soviet plane wanted to attack North American territory. In that case, however, it would be the slowest attack in history. The US Air Force base "Kincross" instantly took stock of the situation and sent a fighter piloted by Robert Wilson and Felix Moncla to intercept. The pilots were faced with the task of finding out what kind of object was in the radar field of view. The two-seat F-89 Scorpion aircraft was equipped with the latest military technology.

Canadian Airlines has denied the official version

However, while approaching the target, radar operator Wilson complained about problems with the radar. The ground command could not find anything better than to give the order to intercept. Well, then a mysterious picture unfolded before the employees of the military base: they saw how their fighter and the object merged into one point and continued moving towards the north, and then disappeared from the radar. Since then, nothing has been known about the plane with the pilots. The rescue operation did not yield any results. The official version of the military is that bad weather conditions led to the disaster, and the mysterious target is a Canadian airliner that strayed from its intended course. However, supporters of the theory of alien civilizations visiting Earth are confident that the fighter was kidnapped or shot down by a UFO. And representatives of Canadian airlines denied the official version.

Deputy Val Johnson's car

According to experts, the 70s were the peak of unidentified flying object activity in Minnesota. One such incident occurred with Deputy Val Johnson on August 31, 1979. A police officer was patrolling country roads at night. The last thing he remembered was a bright luminous object falling on his car. Three days after the incident, the deputy sheriff felt well. Police officers told him how they found him unconscious in a damaged car in the Red River Valley. Allen Hendry, a leading UFO expert, was involved in the investigation of the case.

Strange nature of the tracks

The scientist said that he had never encountered such unusual “evidence” before. The headlights and windshield were broken, and the antennas were twisted. However, the rim that secures the glass to the headlights remains in place. And the radio antennas were bent in such a way as if they were influenced by the power of thought. If it was an extraterrestrial intelligence, then it did not leave a single scratch. To top it all off, both Johnson's wristwatch and the watch in the patrol car stopped for 14 minutes.

Disappearance of Frederick Valentich

Are you ready for a truly creepy story? On October 21, 1978, 19-year-old fourth class pilot Frederick Valentich was flying over Bass Strait when he noticed a strange object following him. Indirect evidence of the capture can be considered the surviving radio conversations with the Air Traffic Control Center in Melbourne. In the most recent message, Valentich, in a panic, transmitted to the ground that the strange plane was again hovering over him. In the end, the young man saw that it was not a plane. When his words stopped, the grinding of metal could be clearly heard for several seconds. The young pilot had long been interested in UFOs, and on that ill-fated day he disappeared without a trace. Search operations did not yield any results. Air traffic control said it was "not possible to determine the cause of the disappearance of the aircraft and its pilot."

Eyewitness accounts from the ground

However, there were about 50 eyewitness reports talking about various objects that moved silently in the sky that day. One of the residents took pictures of the setting sun, against which a strange object was clearly visible. Some people that day saw a UFO in the form of a star with pulsating lights at the ends, others saw a strange ball shimmering in red and green. The young pilot was probably very interested in aliens. Otherwise, why would they show off their entire technical arsenal? Currently, there are many more prosaic explanations for this incident, from staging his own disappearance to the so-called mourning spiral (disorientation of the pilot in space).

NASA has problems: they were suspected of suppressing extremely important information that could radically change the understanding of the Universe for all mankind. American ufologists and supporters of “conspiracy theories” are convinced that the fact of the existence of aliens is being hidden from them. The fact is that the video broadcast from cameras that constantly monitor the space on board the ISS was unexpectedly interrupted. And just at that moment when some three unidentified flying objects flew past the Earth, which, however, could only have been a technical failure during image transmission. But a sensation has already happened: conspiracy theorists from all over the world have united in a single impulse - this is direct evidence of the presence of an alien intelligence, which the government, for some reason, does not intend to admit. Who controls the planet - perhaps the answer will be provided by a video leaked to the Western press. Three unidentified objects were captured by a NASA camera installed on the ISS. As if having completed their mission, they move away from the Earth. Apparently, a conspiracy does exist, thought the supporters of this theory, and with them users around the world.

Here are just a few quotes on the topic from social networks: "Bingo! They were caught red-handed as they left Earth's orbit." "This is exactly the type of evidence we need." "The footage is more than just evidence." Accusations rained down on the astronauts. US citizens are sure that the existence of a higher intelligence is being hidden from them. Let's take a closer look: several flickering dots are indeed very similar to a UFO. Let's say it's not space debris (it doesn't fly at that speed), it's not lens flare (they don't illuminate the image). What then? The version about an unidentified flying object is also supported by Russian ufologists. For the first time they started talking about UFOs in the 40s - falsification or a reliable fact, but then three saucers were discovered in New Mexico, presumably flying, with several bodies on board. The Soviet Union also stood guard over the galactic borders. The military talks about a secret directive from the General Staff that appeared in the 70s: “if a UFO is detected, document what is happening and immediately report to the top.” Evidence has been preserved from residents of Petrozavodsk, who on September 20, 1977 saw a large flying object in the sky, with yellow-golden rays emanating from it. Paranormal phenomena are still observed today. Cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev has seen strange objects on the other side of the window more than once, but there is another question: he doesn’t believe in aliens. “A cover from the device flew past us, but we identified it later,” says Sergei Krikalev. “Faith and facts are two different things. Yes, sooner or later we should encounter something like that, but I don’t know of cases confirming this. If so, then all this is not close to us." The Rossiya 24 TV channel is conducting its own investigation. Let's try to look beyond the usual: we showed the footage, which supposedly shows creatures of an extraterrestrial civilization, to a specialized specialist - a person who establishes contact with other worlds. The results are thought-provoking. “I feel vibrations, such a slight tingling,” fortune teller Seraphim shares her feelings. “This is unearthly energy, not from Earth.” American police regularly receive reports of unidentified flying objects. In 95 percent of cases, objects are identified as falling meteorites, but there is another 5 percent when intelligence agencies really cannot identify what is in the air. Guests from the future - who knows, maybe the NASA scandal is exactly that case.