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Presentation on the topic of owl, bird of prey. Presentation of "Owls" (2nd grade) on the world around us - project, report. They have very cute eyes -

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Owls are widespread in Russia and are represented by almost 150 species. Owls live in almost all natural areas. It is easy to recognize an owl by some common features common to most of them.

The first of the signs that you immediately notice in an owl is its large head with large round eyes looking forward. The beak is short, curved, with nostrils located at the base. The plumage of these birds is usually thick and soft, the tail is rectangular, and the wings are relatively large and rounded. Compared to its body weight, the owl's wings are large, so it flies and glides without much effort and is completely silent.

Plumage The coloring of owls' plumage is usually "protective", that is, it blends with the environment, helping the bird to remain unnoticed during the daytime rest. The feathers of forest owls are usually brownish, while species living in coniferous forests have a grayish tint. Owls - inhabitants of deserts and their relatives, found on flat terrain, are distinguished by a lighter color: owls in the desert are certainly red.

Owls have acute vision and hearing. Their big eyes adapted for hunting in conditions low light. The owl's large eyes and the ability to turn its head almost 180 degrees help it see well. Its ears are located on both sides of the facial disc, and these birds have such fine hearing that some owls are able to determine the location of their prey in pitch darkness, or even under a layer of snow.

Habits of Owls Almost all species of owls are nocturnal. During the day, most owls rest in a favorite place - on a branch, in a crevice, on a rock ledge, or even under the canopy of the roof of an abandoned house. There are species that make nests in depressions in the ground, and there are also those that live in burrows. Almost all owls are sedentary birds, that is, they live in one place all their lives, but there are also migratory species among them.

Diet of Owls Owls almost always feed on live prey. Their diet is mice, voles, shrews, rats, lemmings, rabbits, earthworms, various insects, small snakes, fish, and crustaceans. It happens that an owl while hunting can kill a young fawn; many of them attack other birds and even small owls.

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Orders of birds: Diurnal raptors. Owls. Chicken. Presentation on biology for 7th grade students Author Nevmerzhitskaya E.N. biology teacher MBOU DR "Malo-Luchenskaya secondary school No. 13"

Lesson objectives: -show the diversity of birds of prey, features of their structure associated with their way of life; - reveal the importance of birds of prey in nature; -continue to develop skills to work with educational information; - fostering a sense of collectivism, caring attitude towards environment; -development of creative abilities.

DIURAL BIRDS OF PRAIRY In the fauna of Russia there are 55 species, of which 48 are nesting. The largest birds of prey in our country are the Steller's sea eagle and the black vulture (total length 115 cm, weight 8 - 10 kg, the smallest is the Amur falcon (length 27 cm, weight 150 g). All types of birds of prey are characterized by a strong, curved hooked beak. Distributed all over the world: they are not found only in Antarctica and on some oceanic islands. Birds of prey form family pairs. Nest once a year. Nests are usually in trees, sometimes in hollows, on rocks, on the ground. Carnivorous (feeds in mostly vertebrates, but among them there are many species that hunt exclusively insects, there are gourmets that live on a diet of snails only. Vultures and condors feed on carrion. They search for food in flight.

golden eagle vulture kite falcon eagle harrier hawk

The black vulture and American condor have a wingspan of up to 3 meters. Pygmy falcons have a wingspan of 25 cm and reach a size of 17-20 cm. American Condor Black Vulture

OWL ORDER There are 134 species in the order. Owls are distributed all over the world, except Antarctica and some oceanic islands. They are found in a wide variety of conditions - in forests, deserts, tundras, on mountains (in Tibet up to an altitude of 5000 m). These are nocturnal birds of prey. All owls have well-developed vision and hearing (they see not only at night, but also during the day). Characteristic feature The advantage of owls is their ability to perceive low-intensity sounds, which is associated with a nocturnal lifestyle and feeding on rodents, which they locate with an accuracy of 1 degree. They reproduce once a year. Nests are placed in hollows, in rock crevices, and often on the ground.

Owl Filin Tawny Owl Scops Owl

By destroying large numbers of mouse-like rodents, owls bring great benefits agriculture. A tawny owl, for example, catches about a thousand mice and voles during the year, which would eat up to 500 kg of grain during this time. Therefore, owls of all species are subject to strict protection.

ORDER GALINIA There are 19 species in the fauna of Russia, including pheasant, quail, gray partridge, white partridge, capercaillie, black grouse, and hazel grouse. Birds vary in size, have a dense build, strong legs, and are adapted for raking earth and forest litter. Birds fly fast over short distances. The plumage is short and dense. They nest on the ground. The bird is herbivorous, feeding on insects in summer. Birds often form permanent pairs. The beak is short and dense.

Black grouse Pheasant Guinea fowl Ocellated turkey Carax Weed chickens

Consolidation of what has been learned The largest birds of the order Diurnal birds of prey? Why do birds of the Owl order need to be protected? Do birds of the order Galliformes form permanent pairs? What birds of the studied orders live in our area?

Quiz "Living synonyms". Often in Russian speech we use words that are synonyms, which can reflect the character of a person, appearance, features of movement, features of conversation. For example, we say “stomp like a bear”, “this is a no brainer”, “hungry like a wolf”. And what kind of birds are people compared to when they say: Chirping like... Cooing like... Hissing like... Caw like... Pounding (saying the same thing) like... Puffed up like... Swim (go smoothly) like...


Kapelyan Irina Natanovna, teacher of geography and natural science. GBSKOU 613 (correctional school of 8 types), St. Petersburg

There are hours when there is extraordinary silence in the forest. This happens at night, when it becomes so quiet that the slightest squeaks of mice can be heard.

An owl, a nocturnal predator, flew out of a cozy corner of the forest from a hollow tree. She flies slowly and completely silently over the ground, listening to the slightest rustle. Not a single mouse will have time to escape from the owl. The victim is always caught up with a strong paw with sharp claws. Owls look out for their prey from a tree. The predator sits motionless, only rotating its head in different directions by 180 degrees, and sometimes by all 270. Having seen the prey, the owl, having flown a few meters, descends vertically. She will never miss.

On clear moonlit nights, owls hunt until sunrise. Birds have very sharp eyesight and excellent hearing. The eyes of an owl are similar to a cat's - just as large and convex. Often in fairy tales, an owl's eyes glow in the darkness of the night, but this is not so. In addition, it is also a fiction that owls do not see anything during the day. 4/?page=45

Throughout the day, owls sleep, hidden in a cozy place on a tree. For some reason, daytime birds do not like the owl, so when they see it during the day, they swoop down on the nocturnal predator, trying to peck it. /

Owls owe their existence to the silence of the forest at night. Because during the day, even with the help of sight, it is impossible to hunt cle.aspx?id=448

Owls are extremely useful birds. In years when there are a lot of mice, owls consume exclusively these harmful rodents. By exterminating rodents, owls bring great benefits to agriculture and forestry.

– All about owls Sleepy owls “Saw Ru” Owls are not what they seem. Photo of owls. interesting facts about owls. life of owls 25 photos.

The presentation is used as an illustration of the “Window to Nature” section in the section “Fascinating journeys into the natural world. Forest" Films "Faces of Nature. Owls" and "Owls" downloaded from Films "Faces of Nature. Owls" and "Owls" downloaded from

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    • Since ancient times, owls have been considered a symbol of learning and wisdom, which originates from the ancient state of Athens, where these birds were considered attributes and companions of the goddess Athena.
    • It is owls that are most often found on Greek coins.
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    • The owl is an amazing bird. And this is an indisputable fact.
    • She is mysterious, beautiful and expressive.
    • If you have ever met this bird, you will never be able to confuse it with any other.
    • The owl is, firstly, distinguished by its large ears and eyes, unusual beak, fluffy feathers and flat face.
    • In addition, it makes funny sounds, and each type makes its own.
    • These individuals often live solitarily, but sometimes they gather in flocks, which are called “parliament”.
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    • Owls are a very diverse group of birds, with more than 220 species belonging to the order Owls.
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    • The order Owls is divided into two families - owls, or true owls, and barn owls.
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    • The largest living owl is the Eurasian eagle owl.
    • The smallest owl is the size of a sparrow
    • For example, the Peruvian pygmy owl is 15 cm tall and weighs only 30 grams.
    • Its height is 75 cm, weight is up to 4.5 kg, wingspan is up to 190 cm.
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    • Owls are birds of prey.
    • Owls feed on a wide variety of prey, including mammals, other birds, insects and reptiles.
    • There are even species in Africa and Asia that feed exclusively on other birds.
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    • Owls cannot chew their prey because, like other birds, they do not have teeth.
    • They swallow prey whole, so they tear large prey into small pieces to make it easier to swallow.
    • They later regurgitate unprocessed parts such as bones, fur and feathers.
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    • The type of structure of an owl's foot is called zygodactylous. This means that two fingers face forward and two fingers face back. This helps owls easily catch prey. Sometimes the third toe may rotate forward to make the bird more comfortable on the perch.
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    • Most owls are nocturnal birds.
    • They are active at night.
    • A few species (such as the short-eared owl) are active in the morning or at dusk, and some (the short-eared owl and the short-eared owl) hunt during the day.
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    • The owl's eyes are fixed in their sockets. This means that owls need to turn their heads to look in one direction or another. Since the eyes of owls look forward, they have well-developed binocular vision.
    • Contrary to popular belief, owls cannot turn their heads completely backwards.
    • It can turn 135 degrees in any direction, meaning the owl can look over its shoulder.
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    • Owls see especially well at a distance and in low light.
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    • Owls are farsighted birds; they cannot see clearly a few centimeters from their eyes.
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    • Many species of owls have special feathers adapted for silent flight. This helps them minimize the sound their wings make.
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    • Owls that hunt fish do not have special formations on the edge of their wings, so they do not fly so silently, but they have a special structure of their claws, which are covered with special serrations that help to firmly grasp slippery fish.
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    • On the front of the wings, the owl has special irregularities that cause air turbulence. This reduces the noise from the wings and makes the flight silent.
    • This distinguishes them from daytime predators - eagles, falcons, vultures, in which the structure of the wing edge is different, and the wing “whistles” a little in flight.
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    • Just like other nocturnal mammals, the owl has a layer of special cells in its eye that improve sensitivity to the smallest light sources.
    • A side effect of this is that the owl's eyes glow in reflected light.
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    • Owls are the only birds whose outer ears are made of folds of skin. The ears are located slightly asymmetrically, which allows you to accurately determine the direction of the sound source.
    • The owl's sound detection accuracy is phenomenal - less than one degree vertically and horizontally.
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    • Owls can hear sounds with a frequency of 2 Hz (humans - at best, from 16).
    • A special type of owl is the barn owl, which relies solely on hearing when hunting.
    • Other owls also use their vision for this.
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    • Not all owls are nocturnal animals.
    • Some owl species hunt during the day, such as the little owl, snowy owl and great gray owl.
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    • Owls have many sounds. The familiar “hooting” of an owl is a sign of claiming rights to a territory, although not all species can make this sound.
    • Other sounds of owls are squeaks, hisses and calls.
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    • Owls live in all regions of the Earth, with the exception of Antarctica, Greenland (most of them) and some remote islands.
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    • Owls live in pairs.
    • A couple among owls, like a strong married one, lasts for many years and, possibly, throughout life.
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    • Owls sometimes house small snakes in their nests.
    • They feed small insects, competing with owlets for the prey brought by the owl.
    • As a result of this symbiosis, chicks grow faster and get sick less.
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    • They distinguish prey with the help of thread-like feathers located on the beak and paws, which serve as “sensors”.
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    • There have been cases of owls attacking humans - this happens when owls need to protect their offspring.
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    • Some owls are migratory, some are sedentary.
    • They do not build their own nests; they often settle in rock niches, hollows, old nests of birds of prey, as well as in other shelters created by nature, and less often in human buildings.
    • Their eggs are round, glossy and pure white.