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Holiday May 17 is International Family Day. Russia and other countries celebrate Family Day. Congratulations on International Family Day in verse

15 May International Day of Families, celebrated annually on 15 May, was proclaimed by UN General Assembly resolution No. A/RES/47/237 in 1993. The establishment of this day aims to draw the attention of the public of countries to numerous family problems. According to the UN Secretary-General, when the fundamental rights of one family are violated, the unity of the entire human family of which they are members is threatened. Being one of the main institutions of society, the first stage of human socialization, the family develops and changes along with the surrounding world, responding in its own way to the demands of the time, responding to social needs and shaping them itself. The family, as the main element of society, has been and remains the guardian of human values, culture and historical continuity of generations, a factor of stability and development. Thanks to the family, the state strengthens and develops, and the well-being of the people grows. At all times, the development of a country has been judged by the position of the family in society and in relation to it by the state. A person’s life begins with the family; here he is formed as a citizen. Family is a source of love, respect, solidarity and affection, something on which any civilized society is built, without which a person cannot exist. The well-being of the family is the measure of the development and progress of the country. Holiday emblem Many countries around the world have developed entire strategies for demographic development. And on this holiday itself, various educational, public and festive events are held - concerts; meetings of married couples with extensive experience family life; charity events for guardian families with children and for children from large and low-income families; trainings for young families; thematic workshops and conferences, radio and television programs, newspaper publications and programs dedicated to family topics, and other events. By the way, every year for International Day families choose a specific topic. Thus, over the years, the motto of the Day was: “Promoting social integration and solidarity between generations”, “Ensuring a balance between work and family responsibilities for the benefit of families and society as a whole”, “Solving the problems of low-income families and problems of social exclusion”, “Impact migration on families around the world”, “Families and people with disabilities”, “The impact of HIV and AIDS on family well-being”, “Families and aging - opportunities and challenges”, “Creating families through partnership”, “Men in charge? Gender equality and children's rights in modern families" and others. Let us remind you that on July 8 our country celebrates the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. What could be more valuable than family?
The father's house greets me with warmth,
They are always waiting for you here with love,
And they send you off on your way with kindness!
Father and mother and children together
Sitting at the festive table
And together they are not at all bored,
And it’s interesting for five of us.
The baby is like a pet to the elders,
Parents are wiser in everything
Beloved dad - friend, breadwinner,
And mom is closest to everyone, dearest.
Love it! And appreciate happiness!
It is born in a family
What could be more valuable than her?
On this fabulous land!

International Family Day is celebrated in Russia and other countries on May 15. The holiday was invented back in 1989, but certain traditions developed only in 1994. Since that time, Family Day has been officially proclaimed a “red day of the calendar”, including thanks to the activities of the UN.

How to celebrate Family Day?

Traditionally, on May 15, events aimed at supporting and popularizing the institution of family are held in different regions of Russia. The leadership of cities, villages and the country as a whole honors the most worthy representatives of the “cells of society” - they are awarded the Order of Parental Glory, prizes and other insignia.

On this day they pass round tables By topical issues children's leisure and education, fertility problems, creating comfortable living conditions for families and developing social support measures, as well as the importance of patriotic education. After all, love for the homeland begins precisely with love for family and one’s roots. It is not without reason that they say “a strong family is a strong country.”

In Russia, when 2008 was officially proclaimed the Year of the Family, events aimed at strengthening the institution of the family were held everywhere, new support measures were developed, Special attention was given to large families and families in difficult life situations.

On what days do you still remember the importance of family?

Along with May 15, International Family Day, there are several other dates in Russia that remind us of the importance of strong family relationships. It's July 8th - the day of love, family and fidelity. The date was set on the day of remembrance of Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom, who showed an example of sacrificial, selfless love throughout their lives.

Mother's Day is also celebrated in Russia. The holiday does not have a specific date - it falls on the last Sunday of November.

But the International Day in honor of mothers in a number of other countries is celebrated on the second Sunday of May. This time is typical for Estonia, USA, Malta, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Australia, Japan, Belgium, Brazil.

How are families supported in Russia?

Russia has developed a number of measures to support families with children and young families. For example, from January 1, 2018, on the initiative of President Vladimir Putin, a monthly allowance is awarded for the birth of the first child in the family. The Maternity Capital program has been operating for more than ten years, providing payments for the birth of a second child. There is a program to provide a plot of land for housing construction at the birth of a third child and regional maternity capital at the birth of a third child.

16:52 — REGNUM In Georgia, on May 17, Family Day was celebrated, in connection with which a procession took place in Tbilisi from the building of the Great Concert Hall of the Georgian State Philharmonic to cathedral Holy Trinity. The procession was mainly attended by parishioners of the Georgian Orthodox Church and representatives of the traditional Georgian public. They carried icons and other attributes of Orthodoxy through the streets of the capital.

Along the way, at the Kashveti Church on Rustaveli Avenue, the procession participants were blessed by the priests of this church. The Locum Tenens Catholicos-Patriarch of Georgia joined the action in honor of Family Day Shio.

At the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, the participants of the procession were met by the Patriarch himself Ilia II, who served a prayer service in connection with Family Day. Mothers of many children took part in this action, and by the decision of the patriarch they would be awarded certificates of honor.

The action, which was planned by representatives of LGBT societies and organizations for May 17 in connection with the Day against Homophobia celebrated by the Western world, did not take place this time.

On the evening of May 16, representatives of the NGO “Equal Rights Movement,” who had planned a rally for May 17 near the government administration building to protect LGBT rights, reported that the event was cancelled. The reason given was the desire to avoid a possible confrontation.

Let us recall that on May 17, 2012, during a rally of LGBT representatives and defenders of their rights in Tbilisi, there was a clash with counter-protesters organized by supporters of traditional foundations and representatives of the Georgian Orthodox Church.

After this incident, on the initiative of the Catholicos-Patriarch of Georgia, Ilia II, May 17 was declared Family Day in Georgia.

Subsequently, the LGBT society annually organized actions on May 17 in honor of the Day against Homophobia and similar mass incidents of beatings of representatives of sexual minorities were not recorded, since the police took enhanced measures to separate the participants of the two opposing actions. On the eve of this May 17, Minister of Justice Tea Tsulukiani stated that the Georgian government and law enforcement agencies are ready this time to ensure security and the right to freedom of expression for all citizens. However, as representatives of the Equal Rights Movement stated, after a two-day rally on May 12-13 and the situation created there, this time they decided to cancel the action in connection with the Day against Homophobia.

The procession in honor of Family Day was not without incidents that day. Three participants in the procession, representatives of the Georgian Mission organization, including Georgian actor Gia Korkotashvili, an active defender of traditional Georgian foundations, were detained for petty hooliganism and disobedience to the police near the Freedom Square metro station.


Sexual minorities refer to people of sexual orientations other than heterosexuality. In the 1990s, the acronym LGBT emerged to refer to lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders.

The word "homophobia" comes from two words that are translated into Russian as "similar" and "fear". The term "homophobia" is used to define the fear of homosexual thoughts. In Europe, the term is also used in official documents along with xenophobia, sexism and racism.

At the end of August 2019, it became known that the Brazilian government had decided to stop funding films and television series on LGBT themes. Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro expressed bewilderment: “I don’t know why you should spend budget money on such films.”

International Day of Families was established by the UN General Assembly in 1993. It was then that the UN General Assembly proclaimed a resolution on the annual celebration International Family Day May 15th.

The establishment of this day aims to draw the attention of the public of countries to numerous family problems. According to the UN Secretary-General, when the fundamental rights of one family are violated, the unity of the entire human family of which they are members is threatened.

Being one of the main institutions of society, the first stage of human socialization, the family develops and changes along with the surrounding world, responding in its own way to the demands of the time, responding to social needs and shaping them itself.

The family, as the main element of society, has been and remains the guardian of human values, culture and historical continuity of generations, a factor of stability and development. Thanks to the family, the state strengthens and develops, and the well-being of the people grows.

At all times, the development of a country has been judged by the position of the family in society and in relation to it by the state.

A person’s life begins with the family; here he is formed as a citizen. After all, it is the family that welcomes the baby who is born and surrounds him with parental love, which is the solid foundation of a person entering life. In the family, the child learns to communicate, comprehends the moral norms of society, gets to know himself and the world. And the parents, in turn, pass on to him the memory of the family and the wisdom of generations. Therefore, it is so important that the family be a real home for every person, and every person knows that there are people in the world who will always support him in everything.

Family is the source of love, respect, solidarity and affection,something on which any civilized society is built, without which a person cannot exist. The well-being of the family is the measure of the development and progress of the country.

Family is the most important social value, since each person, in addition to ethnicity or social status, is also characterized by marital status.

A family for a child is an opportunity for intellectual, emotional, mental and physical development.

For an adult, a family is a small team in which you can satisfy your needs, but you also need to fulfill the requirements.

Rules for a healthy and happy family

1. All family members are equal and are perceived equally by each other.
2. The most essential qualities in a family are trust, openness and honesty.
3. Communication within the family occurs on the basis of mutual consent.
4. All family members can count on support.
5. Each family member has certain obligations and responsibilities for his family.
6. Vacations, with rare exceptions, should be family-friendly and bring joy to all family members.
7. Family traditions are very important and are respected by everyone.
8. Everyone in the family is an individual, with their own characteristics, which everyone treats with respect.
9. The family must respect the right to personal space and ensure the inviolability of everyone’s personal life.
10. Even if the feelings of a family member are not shared by the rest of its members, they are accepted and considered.

There are many proverbs and sayings about family, and the most important thing is that everyone in family relationships should be comfortable, and each person should feel important and needed.

But the family is the most important unit of society. Yes, the family structure must change, adapting to the time in which it is created. But at the same time, the family should not be destroyed, because the greatest fear of any person is the fear of loneliness.

If a person is successful in his family, then it is easier for him to be successful in other areas of life. In addition, the family forms high level responsibility of citizens, instills basic moral and social values.

Congratulations on International Family Day in verse

On Family Day I wish peace to the bird
Settle in your skies
So that the apartment is cozy,
Let the house be filled with kindness.
So that children's laughter can be heard alive,
Reflected by the sparkles of the stars,
And health filled my veins,
Illuminating your blood with happiness.
So that your friends visit you often,
So that the friendship is strong -
May all sorrows escape forever,
Let music play in our hearts.

Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family means trips to the country in the summer.
Family is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.
The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,
Dreams of good things, excitement and trepidation.
Family is work, caring for each other,
Family means a lot of housework.
Family is important!
Family is difficult!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!

Happy Family Day
All of you, dears!
So that in happiness and love
You lived all the time!
So that the house is full
There was certainly yours,
And so that you can live in it