All about car tuning

The spelling lag lies at the root of the word rule. The spelling of the roots is -lag-, - lie. Examples with the root gar

There are roots in which writing letters in place of unstressed vowels does not correspond to the general rule, but is subject to tradition. These include the following roots with alternating vowels.

1. Roots with letters a and o.

gar - mountains In place of the unstressed vowel the letter o is written, although under the stress - a, for example: burn, scorch, scorch, burn out, tanned, fire victim, combustible; But: soot, tan, soot, fumes. Exceptions (gar without accent): residue, dross, scorch, cinder(along with the cinder option).

zar-zor. In place of an unstressed vowel, a is written: dawn, lightning, glow, illuminate, illuminate, illumination, robin(bird), lightning; under stress - a and o, cf.: glow, radiant, radiant and dawn(plural of the word dawn), dawn, dawn, dawn, dawn(military signal, usually in the expression to beat or play dawn).

kas - kos. This root is written a if the root is followed by a; in other cases it is written about: cf. touch, touch, touch, touching, touching, but touch, touch, contact, inviolable(the vowel of the root does not occur under stress).

clan - clone. In place of an unstressed vowel, o is written, for example: bow down, bow down, bow down, bow down, bow down, bow down, bow down, bow down; under stress - o and a: cf. bow, incline, bow down, inclined, adamant And bow, bow, bow.

speck - crop. The letter o is written without emphasis in words meaning “to cover with drops, splashes”: sprinkle, sprinkling(from sprinkle), sprinkle, sprinkled, sprinkle; the letter a - in words with the meaning “to cover with small specks, dots”: marked, marked(from drip meaning “to cover with specks, to apply specks”), inclusion. Under stress - only a: speck, speck, speck, intersperse, interspersed, speck.

lag - log - lie . In place of an unstressed vowel, a is written before g, and before z - o, for example: state, impose, assume, attach, decompose, urgent, delay, vagina, adjective, term, versifier, But: lay down, lay out, set aside, lay down, offer, attach, presentation, position, sentence, versification, cover, put aside. The emphasis is always on: tax, pledge, forgery, forged, put, put. In the word polog, where the root -log- is no longer distinguished in the modern language, o is written without stress before g.

pop - mok - moch . In place of the unstressed vowel, the letter a is written before k in words meaning “dip, immerse in liquid”: dip, dip, dip; letter o - in words meaning “get wet”: get wet, get wet, get wet, get wet(in the rain), in words derived from wet (e.g., wet, phlegm, phlegm, woodlice) (under stress - in words wet, get wet, get wet, get wet etc.), and in words with the meaning “to dry with something that absorbs moisture”: get wet, get wet, blotter, blotter. Before h there is always the letter o, for example: wet, soak, wet, soaked(cf. under emphasis: wets, soaked; about verbs in -ivat type wet, soak see § 34, note 2).

pay - sing (in the verb pay and words with the same root). A is written without accent: solder, solder, unsolder, soldering iron etc. Under stress - a and o: cf. sealed, soldered, soldered, soldered and soldered, soldered.

swim - swim. A is written without accent: floating, fin, floater, floater(grass; beetle; water opossum), plover (beetle), phalarope (bird), float, floatable, afloat, floating; but: swimmer and swimmer with the letter o. Under stress - only a: swim, timber rafting.

Note. In a word quicksand(ground) letter is written s, as in other words derived from the verb float - float: float, float, blur etc.

equal - equal The letter a is written in words related in meaning to the adjective equal “identical”, for example: equate (someone with someone), equal (something or with someone. ), equate, equalize, compare, comparison, equalize(in something), equalize (score), straighten, level out(for example, lines - “make equal in length”), equalize, equation, leveling, equal, equal, equal, balance, equinox, equal, equal.

The letter o is written in words related in meaning to the adjective “smooth, straight, without unevenness”, for example: level (bed, road surface), level out, level out, level out, level out(make it even, smooth, straight).

However, in words equally, same age related in meaning to equal, the letter o is written; in the word plain, related in meaning to equal, there is the letter a. In words with an unclear relationship, the following is written: the letter a - in the verb to equal (in a line, during construction) and words derived from it equalize, equalize, level out(in service); the letter o - in combination the hour is not equal, in the word level.

different - different In numerous compound words with the first part diverse (various, versatile, discordant etc.) the letter a is written without stress, in the word separately - the letter o. Under the accent - a ( different, difference, vary) and about ( discord, discord, scattered).

ros(t) - ras(t) - rasch. In place of an unstressed vowel is written: a) before s (without subsequent t) - the letter o: grew, grew, grew, grown, thicket, overgrowth, algae, undergrowth; the exception is the industry and its derivatives ( sectoral, intersectoral, multi-sectoral); b) before st - the letter a, for example: grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, germinate, grow, grow, increase, increase, age, plant, vegetation, wild; exceptions: sprout, growth, usurer, outgrowth, growth, outgrowth, outgrowth, sprout, teenage(along with the teenage option); c) before u always a, for example: grow, grow, grown, increase, build-up, fusion.

Under stress before s (with and without subsequent t) - only o, for example: growth, growth, outgrowth, teenager, overgrowth; grew, overgrown, grown up, tall, wild plants.

skak - skok - skok - skoch. If the root ends in k, then the letter a is written in place of the unstressed vowel, for example: gallop, gallop, gallop, gallop, skipping rope, galloping, galloping, galloping, although the emphasis is o, for example: jump, jump, bounce, jump, jump(for verbs in -ivat like jump, see § 34, note 2).

If the root ends in h, then the letter a is written in the forms of the verb to jump and verbs derived from it (for example: I'm galloping, galloping, galloping, galloping, galloping, galloping), as well as in the elephant there is a jump (the forms of the same verbs are tested - for example, gallop, let's gallop, and derivatives jump, gallop); letter o - in prefixed verbs with -skochit (for example: jump up, jump up, jump up, jump out, jump out, jump out, jump off, jump up) and in the word upstart (check - forms of the same verbs, except to jump out: jump up, jump off etc.).

Wed: I'll skip (one hundred versts), skip it(verb forms gallop, gallop) And I'll pass, I'll pass(verb forms slip through, slip through); I'll jump, I'll jump(verb forms jump up, jump up approach at a gallop") and I'll jump, I'll jump(verb forms jump, jump"to quickly move closer to someone or to rise sharply").

creation - creature. In words create, creation, creator, created, create etc. the letter o is written without accent; under stress - not only about ( creative, creativity), but also a ( creature, created). In the word utensil, where the root -tvar- is no longer distinguished in modern language, a is written without emphasis.

2. Roots with letters i and e.

shine(k,t) - shine - shine. In place of the unstressed vowel, the letters i and e are written: i - before st with the subsequent stressed a, for example: shine, shines, brilliant, brilliance, resplendent, sparkle; e - in other cases, for example: shine, shine, brilliant, shining, sparkle, sparkle, sparkle, sparkle, reflection, sparkle, sparkle, sparkle, shine. Under stress - e and e: shine, glitter, shining; sparkle, sparkle, sparkle, glitter.

vis - weight. In place of the unstressed vowel, a letter is written in the verb hang (hang, hang) and its derivatives ( hang down, hang down etc.), as well as in prefixed verbs with the common part -hang: hang, hang, droop etc. (cf. under emphasis: hang, hang, hang); letter e - in words hang out, signboard, suspended, hinged, suspended(cf. under emphasis: hang, hang, hang).

lip-lep. In the words stick, stick, etc., the letter and is written in an unstressed position (cf. under stress: sticky, stick), and in words sculpt, stick, stick etc. - letter e (cf. under stress: sculpts, sticks, sculpting).

sid - se(d). In place of the unstressed vowel the following is written: the letter i - before the soft consonant d - in the verb sit (sit, sit) and its derivatives ( sit, sit up, sitter, get-togethers etc.); the letter e - before the hard d: rider, saddle (in the latter in the plural forms - e: saddles), saddle, seat, sciatic, sit, sit, press, squat, assessor, chairman, and also - before soft d - in derivatives from the word saddle ( saddle, saddle, saddle, saddle). Under stress - and and e, for example: sitting, imprisonment, diligent; sit down, sit down, village, homebody, fidget, hen, squat; in the forms of the verb sit and prefixes - also a (in writing i): I'll sit down, sit down, sit down.

Note 1. About writing vowels And And e in verbal roots with a fluent vowel, see § 36.

Note 2. In verbs with a common part -take(eg. borrow, pester, embrace, take away, lift, remove, understand, appease), which correspond to perfective verbs in -yay (take, accept, raise, understand, appease etc.), written after n in place of an unstressed vowel a letter And; the same in the verb take out(cf. owl view take out). In some verbs of this group, the unstressed vowel of the root can be checked by stress And in forms like take away, lift, remove(these are forms of verbs in -no), rarely - in derivative words: photo, in an embrace.

Note 3. Letter And in place of an unstressed vowel it is also written at the root of verbs conjure And curse. In the corresponding perfective verbs and other words with the same root, the letter is written (both in unstressed position and under stress) l: curse, curse, curse, damn, curse, curse etc.

Spelling- this is the spelling of words that corresponds to the rules of spelling or the established linguistic tradition. These are the places in words where schoolchildren most often make mistakes. A large and diverse group called root word spellings is associated with the spelling of vowels and consonants.


Working with the student spelling at the root, the student does not think about its place among the others, although the root spellings form a coherent, logically based system. Similar cases require similar verification methods. Mistakes can be avoided if you learn correctly highlight suffixes and endings in words and especially root spellings, determine their place among others and check by applying a rule or looking into spelling dictionary.

Important! Before starting the test, it is necessary to establish in which morpheme (part of the word) the letter being tested is located. A common mistake is applying the rule for another to one morpheme, or trying to check, for example, a vowel in a suffix using the vowel at the end of a related word.

Scope of the rule

Root is a common part of related words, but this does not mean that it will be the same in all cases. Alternations, build-ups, drops and letters make it difficult to recognize. In Russian there is even a zero (in the word take out), which is devoid of sound and letter expression, and appears only in other forms of this word.

Correctly identifying the desired morpheme is possible only by selecting and comparing words with the same root. It is necessary to take into account their significance. For example, will the words be related mountain And burn? At first glance, the morpheme -mountain- they look the same, but there is no commonality in the semantic meaning of these words, which means there is no relationship between them. The verification methods will also be different.


Root spellings can be divided into 4 groups:

  • unverifiable
  • verifiable
  • alternating,
  • selectable.

The ways of choosing the desired letter depend on their belonging to a certain group. How to highlight spelling: designate the morpheme, underline the letter being tested with one line. This method will help you write words correctly.


This variety includes several spellings. Unverifiable may be:

  1. unstressed vowels;
  2. consonants: unclear, voiced-voiceless pairs, unpronounceable, doubled.

What unites them is the inability to cope with difficulties without a dictionary.


Checked spellings at the root, the words regulate the choice of letters in place of the sound in a weak position, the spelling of which is established by the selection of test words or forms, where the vowel or is placed in a strong position and is clearly audible. How to check the spelling at the root of a word, examples:

For vowels, the strong position is stressed. To check an unstressed vowel in the root of a word, you need to find a cognate in which it is under, or change the given one so that the questionable letter becomes stressed:

G O ra - g O rka, in g O ry.

Unclear paired voiced and voiceless consonants are clearly audible before vowels and sonorants. Unpronounceables also appear at the end of a word. A test word or changing the form will also help here:

  • du b– du b ok, duh b s;
  • ches T ny – ches T uh, oh T en.
  • spring - spring, spring.

In the latter case, by analogy with the previous one, I want to insert an unpronounceable consonant, but checking shows that it is not there.

There is another way to check unstressed vowels, but it is not suitable for all words, but only for those containing certain combinations of letters. In modern times, traces of both Old Russian and Church Slavonic have been preserved. In the first there was full vowel, that is, each syllable ended in a vowel. The second allowed incomplete vowel combinations - consonants not separated by vowels. Both influenced the formation of the language, and now there are morphemes that in some words contain the Old Russian variant, in others - the corresponding Old Church Slavonic. By alternating full-vowel and half-vowel combinations, the spelling at the root of the word is checked: examples of their mutual replacement are given in the table:

Two different variants replace each other only in such pairs, so that one is checked by the presence of the other in related words. Now, knowing about the existence of the word m la last, m olo milk through A you won't write anymore. Incomplete forms are also found instead of the modern ones we are accustomed to in the solemn poetic works of past centuries, and their presence indicates modern spelling.

« ABOUTYo after sibilants” also applies to those being checked, but for checking it is necessary to select not words with a stressed variant, but words of the same root, where it appears in this place E. If such options are found, the root is written Yo, if not - then ABOUT(w e sweat - sh e bird, sh O rokh - related to E No).

Types of spellings at the root


Both vowels and consonants can have variants of use, but the main difficulties are associated with the choice of the former.

IMPORTANT! Alternations and checked spellings in the root of a word obey different rules; it is impossible to check them equally


What are spellings of roots with alternating vowels and how do the checked spellings in the root of a word differ from them? A word with an alternating vowel, although superficially similar to another, differs from it in meaning. At world yat (friends) – test word world. At measures In no case should you wear clothes - select a test word to check the unstressed vowel in the root, there is alternation here.

Alternating vowels are not cleared up by placing them in a strong position, like the spellings being checked in the root. For example, words with the root lag-lie and other cases with alternations require other verification methods.

The spelling of radical vowels with alternating consonants depends on one of four reasons.

Subsequent consonants

At the root -grow-(-grow-)//-grew- before SCH and combination ST is written A, and before WITH without follow-up T- Always ABOUT. Exceptions - proper names Rostov And Rostislav, common nouns sprout And moneylender are written through ABOUT, and the word industry- through A. This type is not included in the list. The reasons will be explained below.

Suffix -a-

From suffix -A- depends on the choice of vowel AND: choose - choose And r A eat, tear it apart - cont. And r A burn out, burn out - survive And G A t, despise – despise And r A huh, freeze – deputy And r A t, unlock - otp And r A t, cover - distance And l A is, wipe - st And r A t, deduction - subtract And T A nie, brilliant – bl And st A t;

vowel A: —kos-//-kas-(touch - to A With A nie)

combinations THEM, IN on the spot A (Z):

  • press A t - szh ima t
  • Mon I t - prin ima t
  • cl I there is - damn ina t
  • beginning A lo – beginning ina t
  • change I t - cm ina t

Words with roots -lag-//-false- obey both of these rules. A written before G, but the same words always have a suffix -A-(By lodge it - with lag ed), so two methods are suitable for checking them.


In words with alternations:

  • -gor-//-gar- (burn - tan),
  • -clone-//-clan-(bend over - bow),
  • -kop-//-drop-(dig up - dig up),
  • -silent-//-silent-(be silent - keep silent),
  • -morgue-//-marg-(blink - blink),
  • -late-//-late-(to be late - to be late),
  • -flutter-//-flutter-(to flutter - to flutter),
  • -stop-//-stay-(stand - insist),
  • -creation-//-creation-(create – creature),
  • -push-//-push-(push - push),
  • -torop-//-torap-(hurry up – hurry up) –

in unclear cases (without accent) the letter is used ABOUT.

Spelling vowels in the root -zar-//-zor-(zarya - zorka) obeys the opposite law: without stress it is written A.

The exceptions are the dialectal and special words vygar (vygar), vygarki, prigar, izgar, zorevat, which do not obey the rule.

Emphasis on words

Shades of meaning

Semantic shades also determine the spelling at the root of a word. Examples of choosing a vowel based on this characteristic:

-mac-//-mok-(dip - get wet): the first option is written in words with the meaning of immersion in liquid, the second - the ability to pass liquid, to be saturated with it.

-swim-//-swim-//-swim-(buoyant - quicksand - swimmer): the ability to stay afloat / move directionally in the flow / a combination of both meanings.

-jump-//-jump-(jump - jump): repeated or long-term action/single action. The exception is a jump.

-equal-//-equal-(equation - equalize): semantic connection with the concepts equal (same) and equal. Team "Equal!" and the word plain is not an exception, as it seems at first glance. "Be equal!" - the requirement is not to stand up straight, but to stand the same way. And the plain is not a flat surface, it has hills and holes, but is equal in height to sea level.

Alternating consonants do not cause spelling difficulties; their presence is taken into account only when identifying a morpheme.

Selectable vowels

Selectable root spellings include cases in which the choice of letter depends on its surroundings in the word.

The chosen ones include vowels after sibilants and Ts, the spelling of which is established by several rules:

  • zhi-shi, thicket, chu-chu– combinations in which it is not written Y, I, Yu, with the exception of the words jury, julienne, parachute, brochure, borrowed from French, foreign names and surnames such as Julie, Ciurlionis, Mkrtchyan, as well as Russian ones, in which a certain spelling has traditionally been fixed;
  • after C is written AND(except for the words chick, gypsy, chick, chick, tiptoe).

Also included in this group is the rule that AND, which stood at the beginning of the word, changes to Y after consonant prefixes, except super- (And interesting - without s interesting - beyond And interesting).

Part 1. Spellings with root vowels

Russian language. Spelling: Checkable unstressed vowels in the root.


The rules governing the writing of the considered options do not apply to other morphemes. There are only two exceptions: the method of selection I-Y, I-A, Yu-U applies to spelling in any morpheme, and replacement AND on Y also applies where the stem after a consonant prefix began with a prefix from- (is-). In other cases, the choice of letter requires other verification methods.

There are roots in which writing letters in place of unstressed vowels does not correspond to the general rule, but is subject to tradition. These include the following roots with alternating vowels with letters A And O, and also with letters And And e .

gar - mountains letter O , although under emphasis - A , eg: burn, scorch, scorch, burn out, tanned, fire victim, combustible; But: soot, tan, soot, fumes. Exceptions ( gar without accent): residue, dross, scorch, cinder(along with the option cinder).

zar – zar. In place of an unstressed vowel it is written A : dawn, lightning, glow, illuminate, illuminate, illumination, robin(bird), morning lightning; under stress - A And O , cf.: glow, radiant, radiant And dawns(plural words dawn), dawn, dawn, dawn, dawn(military signal, usually in the expression beat or tattoo).

kas - kos. In this root it is written A , if the root is followed by A ; in other cases it is written O : Wed touch, touch, touch, touching, touching, But touch, touch, contact, inviolable(the vowel of the root does not occur under stress).

clan - clone. In place of an unstressed vowel it is written O , eg: bow down, bow down, bow down, bow down, bow down, bow down, bow down, bow down; under stress - O And A : Wed bow, incline, bow down, inclined, adamant And bow, bow, bow .

speck - crop. The letter is written without accent O in words meaning ‘to cover with drops, splashes’: sprinkle, sprinkling(from sprinkle), sprinkle, sprinkled, sprinkle; letter A – in words with the meaning ‘to cover with small specks, dots’: marked, marked(from mottle meaning ‘to cover with specks, to apply specks’), inclusion. Only a is stressed: speck, speck, speck, intersperse, interspersed, speck .

lag - log - lie. In place of the unstressed vowel before G is written A , before and O , eg: state, impose, assume, attach, decompose, urgent, delay, vagina, adjective, term, versifier, But: lay down, lay out, set aside, lay down, offer, attach, presentation, position, sentence, versification, cover, put aside. Always stressed O : tax, pledge, forgery, forged, put, put. In a word canopy, where is the root −log in modern language it no longer stands out, without emphasis before G is written O .

poppy – mok – moch. In place of an unstressed vowel it is written before To letter A in words meaning ‘to dip, immerse in liquid’: dip, dunk, dunk; letter O – in words meaning ‘get wet’: get wet, get wet, get wet, get wet (in the rain), in words derived from wet(eg. wet, phlegm, phlegm, woodlice) (under stress - in words wet, get wet, get wet, get wet etc.), and in words with the meaning ‘to drain than n. moisture-absorbing’: get wet, get wet, blotter, blotter. Before h – always a letter O , eg: wet, wet, wet, soaked(cf. under emphasis: wets, soaked) about verbs in −to give type wet, soak see § 34, Note 2).

sing - sing(in verb solder and cognates). It is written without accent A : solder, solder, unsolder, soldering iron etc. Under stress - A And O : Wed sealed, sealed, soldered, soldered And solder, sing .

swim - swim. It is written without accent A : floating, fin, floater, floater(grass; beetle; water possum), swimmer(bug), phalarope(bird), float, floatable, afloat, floating; But: swimmer And swimmer with a letter O . Under stress - only A : swim, timber rafting .

equal - equal The letter a is written in words related in meaning to an adjective equal‘same’, e.g.: equate(who what n. with whom what n.), dress(what n. or with whom what n.), equate, equalize, compare (Xia), comparison, compare(what n.), level(check), straighten, level out(eg. lines– ‘make equal in length’), equalize, equation, leveling, equal, equal, equal, balance, equinox, equal, equal .

Letter O written in words related in meaning to the adjective smooth‘smooth, straight, without irregularities’, e.g.: level(bed, road surface), level out, level out, level out, level out(make it even, smooth, straight).

However, in words equally, same age, related in meaning to equal, the letter is written O ; in a word plain, related in value to smooth, – letter A . In words with unclear correlation the following is written: letter A – in a verb dress(in a line, during construction) and words derived from it equalize, equalize, level out(in service); letter O – in combination it's not exactly the hour, in a word level .

different - different In numerous compound words with the first part different (heterogeneous, versatile, discordant etc.) the letter is written without accent A, in a word apart– letter O . Under stress - A (different, difference, vary) And O (discord, discord, scattered).

grew(t) – ras(t) – rasch. In place of the unstressed vowel it is written:

A) before With (no follow-up T ) – letter O : grew, grew, grew, grown, thicket, overgrowth, algae, undergrowth; exception - industry and its derivatives ( sectoral, intersectoral, multi-sectoral);

b) before st – letter A , eg: grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, germinate, grow, grow, increase, increase, age, plant, vegetation, wild; exceptions: sprout, growth, usurer, outgrowth, outgrowth, outgrowth, outgrowth, sprouting, teenage(along with the option teenage);

V) before sch Always A , eg: grow, grow, grown, increase, build-up, fusion .

Accented before With (followed by T and without it) – only O , eg: growth, growth, outgrowth, teenager, overgrowth; grew up, overgrown, grown up, tall, wild plants .

jump - jump - jump - jump. If the root ends in To , then in place of the unstressed vowel the letter is written A , eg: gallop, gallop, gallop, gallop, skipping rope, galloping, galloping, galloping, although under emphasis - O , eg: jump, jump, bounce, jump, jump(about verbs in −to give type pounce see § 34, Note 2).

If the root ends in h , then they write: letter A in forms of the verb skaka ́ There are also verbs derived from it (for example: I'm galloping, galloping, galloping, galloping, galloping, galloping), as well as in the word leap(the test is the forms of the same verbs - e.g. gallop, let's gallop, and derivatives jump, gallop); letter O - in prefixed verbs −download(eg: jump up, jump up, jump up, jump out, jump out, jump out, jump off, jump up) and in the word upstart(check - forms of the same verbs, except jump out: jump up, jump off etc.).

Wed: I'll skip(one hundred miles), skip it(verb forms gallop, gallop) And I'll pass, I'll pass(verb forms slip through, slip through); I'll jump, I'll jump(verb forms jump up, jump up‘approach at a gallop’) and I'll jump, I'll jump(verb forms jump, jump‘approach someone or something with a quick movement. or rise sharply’).

Russian language is one of the most difficult languages ​​in the world. It has many rules, which in turn have exceptions. In this article we will talk about vowel alternation. We will also give examples of words with the root lag/lie.

What is alternation

In the Russian language, there are cases when in words of the same root any letter in the main morpheme changes. It can be either a consonant or a vowel. At the same time, the lexical meaning of the main morpheme is preserved. And if you select words with the same root, it turns out that they all carry a similar semantic load. The alternation of letters can be associated with simplification of pronunciation, a suffix that comes after the main morpheme, stress, the subsequent consonant, the lexical meaning of the root, etc.

In this article we will talk about the features of alternating vowels a/o. In this case, we are talking about several factors influencing writing. Namely: stress, the presence of a, the meaning of the root of the word. Let us consider the features of the use of words with the root -lag- and others that confirm this phenomenon.

Alternation of vowels a/o. Rule

Words with the root lag/log/lie are the most common. In this case, with an unstressed vowel in the main morpheme, a is used before g, and before z o. O is placed in the shock position.

Examples with the root -lag-: assume, urgent, state, adjective, etc.

Examples with the root -false-: assumption, presentation, put, laid, etc.

Examples with the root -log-: tax, preposition, pledge, etc.

There are also a number of roots with alternating a/o. These include the main morphemes with a: -gar-, -zar-, -pay-, -clan-, -tvar-, etc. Roots with the vowel o are considered paired. Among them: -gor-, -zor-, -sing-, -clone-, -crea-, etc. Let’s give some examples.

Fuel, tan, tanned, burn, tan, fumes, dawn, solder, insight, soldering iron, lightning, solder, radiant, soldering, glow, sealed, drink, zoryushka, solder, bend, bow, bow, bow, inclination, adamant, creator, creature, creativity, get up, creation, etc.

Words with the root -lag-. Examples

Lexical units with the main morpheme lag/log/lozh are quite common in speech. They create a large group of cognate words. Here is a list of examples. In accordance with it, you can easily select words with the same root.

put, supposedly, supposedly, positively, assume, put, presumptive, lie down, rely, lair, believe, impose, rely, impose, canopy, tax, imposition, offer, tax, taxation, impose, immutable, taxman, taxed, taxation, founder, proposed, concubine, enclose, entrust, impose, imposition, offer, offer, prepositional, preposition, proposed, adjective, attach, attach, attached, impose, tax, taxable, tax, cover, cover, depose, depose, deposition, set forth, set forth, presentation, not laid down, mold, urgent, put off, put off, deferred, postponed, shift, shifted, urgent, put off, put off, fundamental, shift, shifted, shift, lay down, pledged, re-pledged, pledge, forgery, enclose, substrate, counterfeit, enclosed, assume, supposition, opposite, opposite, subjunctive, add up, add up, folded, addition, position, decomposition, decompose, fold up, decompose, believing, relying, positive, decompose, decompose, special offer, goal-setting, lay down, laying down, packing, etc.

Use in speech

Let's figure out in what form lexical units with the main morpheme lag/log/lie can be found in speech and writing. To do this, let’s trace their use in some sentences:

  • My father had high hopes for me.
  • This question requires an urgent answer.
  • I hung up the phone because it was busy.
  • We arrived in nature, dismantled the tent and covered it with a canopy.
  • Tomorrow at the Russian language lesson, students will write a statement.
  • I'm used to relying on and trusting my intuition.
  • History does not accept the subjunctive mood.
  • Try to draw up a tentative psychological portrait.
  • I suggest everyone meet after class and discuss this issue.
  • He left his passport as collateral.
  • The company is expecting a tax audit in the next few days.
  • He doesn't even make much effort to achieve his goals.
  • The bank has developed a special offer for new clients.
  • The whole sky was overcast and it was pouring rain.

Try to give your own examples and continue this list.

Exercise for consolidation

Insert the missing letter using the above rule.

make an effort, urgent decision, write an ex...position, urgent... matters, tax inspector, proposed circumstances, lay...on the table, notebook cover, colorful adjective, rely...on case, sleep, subjunctive mood, house.

Now you know all the features of using words with the root lag/log/lie. And you can easily apply them in speech.

Technological lesson map

Subject Russian language

Class 5


Spelling of roots -lag-, -false-

Lesson type

A lesson in “discovering” new knowledge

Planned results (PUR)

Subject: Know about the alternation of vowels e-i in roots; learn to choose a vowel in the spelling a-o in the roots -lag-, -lozh-. Understand that alternating roots cause difficulties because they are invisible behind the prefixes; use a dictionary to determine the meaning of a word.


1. Cognitive: master the techniques of selecting and systematizing material; analyze, compare, establish similarities and differences, group.

2. Regulatory: look for ways to solve a learning task and complete it independently; correlate the goals and results of their activities; determine the degree of success of the work.

3. Communication: build a coherent monologue statement; present the results of your activities and the activities of the group.

Personal: form adequate self-esteem ; sustainable motivation for learning, instilling interest in cognitive activity.

Basic Concepts

Alternation, root

Problems to be solved

What is the direct meaning of the word? What is the figurative meaning of the word based on? What is a metaphor? What is personification?

Activity component of the lesson

Be able to:

Find the spelling;

Learn to use the vowel selection algorithm

Use an explanatory dictionary.

Forms of training

Individual, frontal, group.

Teaching methods

According to the source of “knowledge transfer”: verbal, visual.

According to the degree of activity of students’ cognitive activity: problematic.

Teaching Techniques

Frontal survey, group work, individual assignments.

Emotional and value component of the lesson

Introduction to works of fiction.


EOR: presentation, computer, projector.

Paper: cards with tasks, cards for the reflection stage, textbook.

Lesson steps

Teacher activities

Student activities


Organizational moment

Emotional, psychological and motivational preparation of students to master the material being studied.

Greets students and checks their readiness for the lesson. Creates a favorable psychological mood for work. Hello guys!

“We have been given possession of the richest, most accurate, powerful and truly magical Russian language.” Paustovsky K. G.

Greet the teachers and check their readiness for the lesson.

1. Motivation (self-determination) for educational activities

Purpose of the stage: inclusion of students in educational activities, creation of conditions for the emergence of internal readiness for inclusion in activities.

Organization of the educational process at stage 1

- Insert letters in pencil into the text

Guard! I have the unenviable position: today we are writing an exposition! The text must be presented in detail. Place all parts in accordance with the plan. I can’t rely on my friend, because I was positioned right in front of the teacher. And the teacher reads sentence by sentence. Relying on my knowledge, I diligently explain everything. A well-written text is the key to success. I can’t cancel my work: they’ll give me a bad mark and my parents will be called. And they will start a battle at home, so I will have to go to a state of siege.

Formulate answers to the teacher's questions.

Slide 1

2. Updating knowledge and recording difficulties in activities

Organization of the educational process at stage 2

-- What letters did you put in? Does everyone have the same letter in the same word? Why did this happen? What do we need to do?

Answer the teacher's questions.

3. Identifying the location and cause of the difficulty

Purpose of the stage: record the task that caused the difficulty, identify the places and causes of the difficulties in order to understand what exactly the lack of knowledge and skills is.

Organization of the educational process at stage 3

So, what is our goal for today's lesson? Lesson topic? (formulate, write down)

Choose words with the same root. Select the root in them. Why do related words have different root spellings? (alternation occurs)

Explain, add up, offer, propose, addend, set out, add up.

Write these words in two columns - with the letter A and with the letter O, highlighting the root


Explain Suggest

Lay out lay out

Offer Fold

Think: on what condition does the spelling of the vowel in these roots depend? (From the final consonantal root.)

Compare your thoughts with the rule in the textbook. How right were we? P.101 The roots –lag--, -lozh- are variants of one root.

Students discuss the situation.

Students formulate the topic of the lesson.

Slide 2-4

4. Construction of a project for getting out of a difficulty

Purpose of the stage: setting goals for educational activities and, on this basis, an action plan to achieve the goals.

Organization of the educational process at stage 4

To find answers to these questions,d Let's make an action plan. What will be the first step? Second? Third?

-Guys, let's make a diagram to make it easier to remember the rule. (Children recite the steps of the algorithm).

select the root; emphasize the root consonant:

at the root lag \ lie before F we write O. before G we write A) –

What are the similarities between the rules on the spelling of roots -lag- //-lozh- (the spelling of unstressed vowels of the root depends on the subsequent consonants)

Where can you find out the lexical meaning of words? (In the explanatory dictionary). Let's turn to the explanatory dictionary. What is the lexical meaning of the word?

(Individual task - find and read the meaning in S.I. Ozhegov’s dictionary.)

- Canopy - the word entered the Russian language from folk dialect vocabulary.

The meaning of the word canopy - you will find it at home in the dictionary.

The main thing to remember:

Never use a test word when writing words with alternating vowels in the root!

Now let’s compare our conclusions with the conclusions of the textbook. Do they match?

Students discuss, analyze, plan ways to achieve goals

Students create an action plan.

Slide 5-7

5. Implementation of the completed project

Now let's get back to the letter. Let's arrange the letters correctly, checking the algorithm. Draw a conclusion about the alternation of vowels in the roots - lag-, -lozh-.

They draw a conclusion.

Analyze, compare and summarize.

Slide 8

Physical education minute

I see that you have already stayed too long, let’s have some physical education with you.
1. If the root is the main significant part of the word, then stand up.+
2. If the ending forms different forms of the same word, then clap.+
3. If nouns have 3 declensions, a soft sign is written after the sibilants at the end of the word, then shake your head.+
4. If the word ball has a soft sign at the end, then jump.-

Doing exercises

6. Primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech

Purpose of the stage: speaking and consolidating new knowledge; identifying gaps in the primary understanding of the studied material; carrying out correction.

Organization of the educational process at stage 6

. Find the fourth odd one:

1) addition, position, set aside, false;

2) assumption, addition, term, state

Students work and make presentations.

Slide 9-10

7. Independent work with self-test according to the standard

U Students independently perform tasks of a new type and self-test them, step by step comparing them with the standard.

Organization of the educational process at stage 7

Replace the phrases with phraseological units, including words with roots -lag-/-lozh-.

Speak sincerely, frankly - ... hand on heart. (Put it down)

Do nothing, idle - sit... hands. (Folded)

Stop armed resistance, surrender -… a weapon. (Fold)

To die in battle -... your head. (Fold)

Stop fighting, act –… hands. (Fold)

When checking the exercise, students note mistakes and give themselves a grade on a point scale. Errors are analyzed and corrected.

8. Incorporation of knowledge and repetition into the system

Purpose of the stage: repeat and reinforce

Organization of the educational process at stage 8

From these verbs, use the suffix -eni- to form nouns.

Explain -...

Suggest - …

Assume - …

Place -...

Add up -...

Attach -...

Fill out the table, work in pairs

9. Reflection on learning activities in the lesson

Purpose of the stage: record new content, evaluate your own activities.

Organization of the educational process at stage 9

What goals did we set for the lesson? Have you achieved them? Prove it.

What difficulties did you have?

What helped us overcome them?

Exercise self-control and evaluate their work. Carry out self-assessment of their own educational activities, correlate the goal and the result. Discuss the forms of work in the lesson and the difficulties encountered.

Information about homework, instructions on how to complete it

    Compose a dictionary dictation based on the studied spelling. Graphically indicate the spelling.

    Compose a coherent text “I expressed my thought” using supporting words: add, insert, assume, suggest, shift, etc.

Write down the task.