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Consequences of the Fall of our ancestors in human nature. Basic educational literature. III. Consequences of the Fall

“Behold, I was conceived in iniquity, and my mother bore me in sin.” (Ps. 50:7)

Last Sunday, we discussed who is a participant in the covenant of works and what was the guilt that was placed on the shoulders of all mankind due to the first sin of Adam, our representative in the Covenant of works. Today we will look at the consequences of the fall of Adam and how this fall affected the nature of our nature and life here on earth.

You may notice the fact that our face is a clear indicator of how the fall of Adam affects our flesh, namely, as we grow old, the appearance of our face fades. The aging of our body indicates that the death that entered the world through Adam's sin has also struck us. This also indicates our origin, for we are flesh of flesh and bone of bones, the children of those first men and women whom God settled in paradise and who, to our greatest sorrow, could not resist temptation.

The psalmist David, in this text of Scripture, speaks of his birth in sin and iniquity. We must understand that the moment our flesh is united with the soul, sin becomes an inherent quality of our nature. And when we are born into this world, we are born sinners, because we have not only inherited legal guilt, but also an internal predisposition to evil.

And thus guided by the Holy Scriptures, we will consider the following points:

I. Every person who comes into this world is born in a state of sin and misfortune.

Every parent, holding a newborn child in his hands, tries to see his own facial features and character in him. We very often notice in our children certain habits and inclinations that we or our mothers and fathers have. But a character trait that is common to all people, regardless of their close or distant relationships, is that we have a common tendency towards evil. This tendency is common to all people, without exception. And no matter how we try to find something good in human nature, all the manifestations of human nature prove that we are born sinners.

First of all, we are born into a state of sin. This condition has a double basis. First, we are guilty of Adam's first sin because we have inherited the guilt of Adam's perfect sin. And secondly, sin, striking human nature, brings death, both temporary and eternal.

Our state of unhappiness directly indicates that every person born into the world is born alienated from God. A sinner is born a prisoner, imprisoned in sin. This debt pit bears some resemblance to the pit into which the prophet Jeremiah was thrown (Jer. 38:6) and it says “Jeremiah sank into the mud.” So here it is Dear friends Just as dirt sticks to our body, so misfortunes and troubles stick to the sinner. The sinner himself cannot get rid of this sticky and poisonous dirt that has penetrated into human nature and poisoned all his good intentions. And only Christ has an effective means that can cleanse a person from sin.

II. What is the sinfulness of the state into which humanity has fallen?

First of all, it must be mentioned that man was created holy, and had no reason to sin. In primordial human nature there was no inclination towards evil, and natural state man had a predisposition to goodness. It was human nature to wish for good.

And so, man fell into sin, and acquired a sad lot for all his offspring - sorrow and adversity. Adam's first sin is like the poisoned fountain from which all our grief flows. The state in which Adam’s descendants were and are born is that they do not want and cannot do anything but sin. Sin is man's bread and drink. In this sad state, true holiness is not achievable for man, for man is in a state of sin.

This state is extremely sad for us, since the sinner, being in this state, is also under the curse of the broken covenant of works, which requires perfect obedience, but does not give the strength to demonstrate this obedience. And this same covenant curses and condemns us to punishment for the slightest shortcoming or offense.

The source of all this is the complete depravity of human nature, which we have inherited from our forefather, in whom we all sinned and fell.

The psalmist speaks about the essence of original sin, because lawlessness and sin were already with him in the womb. And this state was not something unique to David, but is common to all the descendants of Adam, since his blood flows in our veins. Every son and daughter of Adam is afflicted with this leprosy. David points to original sin as the source of all uncleanness. But how can such a source carry the water of life?

The guilt of Adam's first sin punishes all who are born into Adam's family. And this guilt became ours even before we saw this world. The absence of original righteousness means that that righteousness and predisposition to goodness are lost, so that a person has nothing to cover his nakedness. The man had knowledge that is now lost. Man knew his Creator, but now we are “darkened in mind, alienated from the life of God, due to...” our “...ignorance and hardening of heart...”. (Eph.4:18)

The righteousness of man's will now presents a pitiful sight, for man desires nothing but evil. “For I know,” says the Apostle, “that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my flesh; because the desire for good is in me, but I don’t find it to do it.” (Rom.7:18) The holiness of human nature has disappeared. Man has become like a bird without wings, because now he cannot fly.

Sin has completely corrupted human nature. Man has not only lost his pristine righteousness and desire for good, but he is also filled with all kinds of evil. And here there is no third option, because a person is either right or wrong. Human nature must either submit one hundred percent to God, or it must be one hundred percent mired in sin “from the top of the head to the sole of the feet.”

III.What is the misfortune of our condition after the Fall?

In Romans chapter 5, Paul writes the following words: “Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, so death spread to all men, because all sinned.” The greatest stream of misfortunes and suffering filled this world, “death spread to all people.” To understand this, we must turn to the second chapter of the book of Genesis, where it is said “for in the day that you eat of it you will die.” This threat was carried out. Man has lost fellowship with God. God expelled man from the place where man was promised happiness. The Creator placed guards at the gates of heaven so that man would not have access to the tree of life. Moreover, the person is now under a curse. This is spiritual death.

Temporary death means that a person is subject to all sorrows in this life, both moral and physical. Eternal death lies in the fact that man, first of all, was expelled from paradise and lost access to the tree of life. And the death that God spoke about to Adam has now spread to all people. And the sad experience of humanity proves that this is so. As soon as we appear in this world, hordes of tormentors await us and accompany us to the very grave. And it doesn’t matter much what a person is dressed in, either dirty rags or royal clothes. Every tear or sad look is proof that a person is filled with misfortune. When the Creator created man, he did not cry, but man, born in the likeness of Adam, is born into this world, mourning his misfortune.

When the first man fell into sin, he lost everything. And you and I, being his descendants, are born not with a smile on our lips and joy in our hearts, but with tears in our eyes and absolutely destitute. In Adam we lost everything, the wealth that God gave him to possess. But above all material things, Adam lost the one in Whom the very essence of a person’s happy life was contained. A man has lost a Friend who has now become an enemy. Man lost communication with God, and this communication was direct without an intermediary. Before the Fall, when Adam heard the voice of God in paradise, he was not afraid, but after the fall, he began to hide among the trees, trying to hide from the gaze of the One who sees everything.

Thus, man, having lost communication with God, lost the source of all good, although on the other hand he gained, but how terrible was his acquisition. Man acquired death. He acquired sinful slavery. An illustration of this state can be seen in Samson, who, having been deceived by Delilah and deprived of his strength, could no longer resist his enemies the Philistines. So man, in general, being a sinner, acquired another master, the devil, who has power over man’s sinful nature.

Man has lost power over all creation, which was given to him to control. Therefore, it is in vain that man seeks consolation in the creation, and not in the Creator.

As a rule, people blame anyone for their troubles, but not themselves. This behavior clearly indicates that we descended from Adam, because as soon as Adam sinned, he immediately developed a plan for his justification before God for his sin. But all the troubles that befall us in our lives, be it natural disasters or our bodily illnesses, all this is a consequence of the sins of mankind and directly that first sin of Adam.

IV. Who can deliver us from this fallen state of sin and misery?

And now, dear friends, the natural man is in a state of sin and unhappiness, this state affects not only the external manifestations of his life, but also his inner world. Many people treat this evil as something insignificant, thinking that they can curse, swear, lie, steal and commit many other shameful sins with impunity. They think they won't have any problems. But if they had thought for even a moment about the terrible consequences that every sin entails, believe me, they would have had a different opinion about their fate.

All those who are in their natural state are extremely unhappy. They are far from God, their Creator. They have no interest in communicating with Him, and therefore they are under His curse and wrath, thereby subjecting themselves to all the misfortunes that their natural condition entails. They have fallen under the power and tyranny of the devil, and if God's mercy does not remove them from this state, they will forever settle in the abode of fallen spirits in eternal darkness.

Poor sinners, whatever your circumstances may be today, in this world, you are under God's wrath, for you have lost the source of all good. You can lead a religious lifestyle, read the Bible, pray, but if your religiosity remains just tinsel with which you are trying to cover your nakedness, then you will never have communication with God.

Sinners who are in the natural state, arise and go to the Lord Jesus Christ, for you will find no rest in creation. Only the Creator can give you peace. “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28) Only Christ can open access to the presence of God, for only His blood can quench the fire of God’s wrath, and only He can deliver you from the curse of the law. Which of you will remain in a crumbling house and how can you sleep soundly in the ruins of your natural state when God is your enemy.

Place these words on your heart and flee from the wrath you are under, “for wrath has gone out from the Lord, and defeat has begun.” For “it is terrible to fall into the hands of the living God!” (Heb. 10:31). Amen

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  • archim. Alypiy (Kastalsky-Borozdin)
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Consequences of the Fall(see:) - 1) consequences introduced into the visible world as a result of the deviation of the primordial from, which were reflected both on the person himself and on the reality around him; 2) the actions of God, caused by the Fall, aimed at preparing man for the Coming.

What were the consequences of the Fall?

The consequences of the Fall affected man in the most depressing way: in addition to the fact that he was expelled from (), he became corruptible, passionate, mortal; damaged the main forces of the soul (reasonable, volitional, irritable, feeling), disrupted their mutual consistency; the spiritual principle has lost its dominance over the carnal, and moreover, has gained the upper hand over.

The harmful consequences of the Fall affected not only the immediate culprits, the violators. Human nature itself was damaged. Since then, it has become hereditary in nature, transmitted to all people, from parents to children (see:).

In spiritual and moral terms, corruption manifested itself and still manifests itself in the fact that all the descendants of Adam (with the exception of the Lord) were and are born with a greater inclination towards evil than towards good.

As a result of the Fall, people fell under the power of fallen spirits. This power was manifested even beyond the grave, because after death the souls of all people, without exception, ended up in). It became possible to free ourselves from the power of the devil only after Coming into the world, Redemption, destruction of hell, education.

By the special will of God, even the earth was cursed for the sin of primordial man (). Since the time of this terrible curse, the earth has ceased to give people food freely, in abundance, as it was before the Fall (). Since the time of expulsion from Paradise, man has been forced to earn his food through hard work ().

After man lost his glory and purity, animals came out from under his obedience. Some of them simply stopped trusting the person, but many began to feel hostility towards the person.

The most terrible consequence is the destruction of the trusting relationship between man and God. In addition to the loss in the person of God of the All-Wise, Almighty and Good Mentor, having lost communication with Him, man lost the highest blissful joy. Having lost communication with the Source of true inexhaustible bliss, man began to look for sources of happiness and joy among the objects of the created world, and rushed to sinful pleasures.

Why did God allow such catastrophic changes to happen just because of one crime?

Today there are many judgments, the general meaning of which boils down to misunderstanding or even blaming God for the discrepancy between the severity of the punishment He imposed and the insignificance of the crime of the first people. It would seem, just think, that a man has tasted the forbidden fruit; Was it really worth subjecting him to such terrible punishments for this offense?

In reality, the crime was not insignificant, nor was the punishment excessively severe.

Firstly, by breaking the law “if you sin, you will die” (), a person knew what he was doing.

Secondly, disobedience to God was primarily associated not with the desire to taste the fruit, but with pride, envy of God, with the reluctance to communicate with Him as a creature with the Lord, with the desire to become like God oneself (

Anthropology of Seventh-day Adventists and Jehovah's Witnesses Daniil Sysoev

2. The Fall of Man and Its Consequences

2. The Fall of Man and Its Consequences

2.1. The Fall. Death of the soul

As the Lord faithfully promised, on the very day that the first man ate of the tree of knowledge, he died. But death first overtook not his corruptible flesh (it suffered it 930 years after creation), but his indestructible soul.

Otherwise, we cannot understand the direct words of God (Gen. 2:17), if we do not want to recognize the lie of the serpent as fair. After all, God did not say: “after that day,” but: “in the day that you eat of it, you will die.” One can, of course, try to prove that here the word “day” means “an indefinitely long period of time,” but then the sectarians are forced to automatically admit the correctness of theistic evolutionists and supporters of the day-epoch theory, with which they (this objection, however, applies only to Adventists) categorically (and quite rightly) disagree. To get rid of an obvious contradiction, sectarians pretend that it simply does not exist. “On the day on which our first parents ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,” write Jehovah’s Witnesses, “they were condemned by God and died in his eyes. They were expelled from Paradise and embarked on a path that ultimately led to death.” This explanation, of course, is completely helpless. Indeed, in the minds of sectarians, death is identical to complete non-existence. So, did Adam and Eve cease to exist for God after their condemnation? Who did He then expel from Paradise - decaying corpses? Their second phrase contradicts the first. If for God (Who is the only Source of objective knowledge) people are already dead, then how do they only begin to take a path that, as it suddenly turns out, will only someday (“eventually”) lead to death? The only way out of this impasse is the recognition of the Orthodox teaching that at the very moment of the Fall, man truly died spiritually. For the soul, life lies in the vision of God, and death in the loss of it, which, however, does not entail the loss of being itself, for the gifts of God are immutable (Rom. 11:29).

This understanding is perfectly confirmed by the biblical text itself. Immediately after the Fall, when the body has not yet had time to become ill or otherwise manifest the mortality hidden in it, the soul immediately shows signs of decomposition. - It begins with a feeling of nakedness, which, of course, was rooted not so much in bodily feelings as in the loss of the garment of grace that had hitherto enveloped and permeated the body.

Another sign of the death of the soul was that from the heights of wisdom it fell into the ocean of madness. Indeed, it is scary to read how Adam, who named the names of all the animals (and everyone can see how incredibly difficult this is), hides from the Omnipresent and Omniscient Creator under a bush! Is this not evidence of eternal death reigning in his heart? And how the love between the spouses, who previously represented a single whole, instantly disintegrated is evident from the fact that both Adam and Eve perceive each other as some kind of means that can be sacrificed.

God, through the prophet Ezekiel, warning people against becoming like Adam in his crime (Hos. 6, 7), says: “Behold, all souls are Mine: both the soul of the father and the soul of the son are Mine; the soul that sins will die” (Ezek. 18:4). Speaking first of all about the death of the very soul of the wicked, the prophet does not miss the death of the body that follows it, as stated in verse 13: “Whoever has done all such abominations will certainly die, his blood is on him.” It is worth dwelling on this verse in more detail, for it is almost always quoted by sectarians in polemics with God’s teaching on the immortality of the soul. Based on it, they claim that the soul here is the person himself, and therefore, since it is said that it dies, it means death absorbs him completely. Some polemicists (for example, Walter Martin) argue that it is better to translate this verse as “the soul that sins shall depart” - this more accurately conveys the meaning of the text. However, both the Greek translation and the context rather speak not of this, but of the death of the soul, which consists not in its destruction from existence, but about that “tribulation and distress for everyone who does evil” (Rom. 2:9), which the ap. speaks of. Paul. And it is a consequence of the rupture of grace-filled unity with God. If Jehovah's Witnesses and Adventists were right, then the entire 18th chapter of the prophet. Ezekiel is an example of blatant nonsense. After all, its main idea is to prove that each person is responsible only for his own sins, and not for the crimes of his father. And based on this thought, God says that since all souls, without exception, are His (Art. 4), then everyone will answer for himself: the righteous “will certainly live” (Art. 9), and the wicked “will certainly die, his blood will be on him" (Art. 13). If physical death is spoken of here, then, of course, our daily experience shows that the prophet is mistaken. After all, in relation to her, there really is “one fate for the righteous and the wicked” (Eccl. 9:2)! But if we talk about the state of the soul, then it is fundamentally different. For some, the soul actually lives (for example, for Abraham, the friend of God (James 2:23)), while for others it dies, falling away from the Creator (like the antediluvian giants - Gen. 6:3-5). They can say to this that all people have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23) and therefore we are all sinners, doomed to die. But the prophet in this text does not speak at all about original defilement, but about personal virtue or lawlessness. Otherwise, one cannot understand the enumeration of sins (usury, untruth, oppression, etc.) and good deeds on which a person’s life depends. Moreover, the Lord speaks of the possibility of repentance for the wicked, which will lead him to life, but if we were talking about original sin here, then the recognition of the possibility of its cleansing without the Calvary Sacrifice makes the entire Gospel meaningless, even in its sectarian reading. So, in these so often quoted words there is no indication at all of the mortality of the soul in the sense of its complete destruction, but of its eternal dying, which begins on earth, but does not stop even after bodily death. And the death of the body itself is only the logical conclusion of this process for the wicked (and the righteous die, paying off Adam’s debt).

And describing precisely this terrible state of the death of the soul, which precedes the death of the body, the Apostle Paul says: “You, dead in your trespasses and sins, in which you walked, according to the course of this world, according to the will of the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now working in sons of disobedience, among whom we all once lived according to our carnal lusts, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and thoughts, and were by nature children of wrath, like others” (Eph. 2:1-3). As the saint rightly says. Theophan the Recluse, “sin, as soon as it becomes a ruler over a person, kills his spirit. Just as bodily death is the cessation of bodily life, so with the entry of sin into a person, the root of inner life is cut off - the life of the spirit, which comes from God. In a sinner given over to sin, sensual inclinations and spiritual passions increasingly take precedence over the highest spiritual demands and suppress them to the point that the light of spiritual life finally goes out. At the same time, bodily life also withers due to the violation of the integrity of human life and the suppression of its proper relationship to the supreme Source of being and life. Hence illness, suffering and early death. Thus, sin kills not only spiritually, but also physically, and not just an individual, but often an entire race, as long as it works diligently to sin.” And behind this terrible process of disintegration hides the will of “he who has the power of death” (Heb. 2:14), who deceives people who follow their own lusts (Gal. 5:17), and blackmails them with the fear of death, thereby keeping them in slavery.

It is about this death of the soul, which precedes the death of the body, that many other places that sectarians refer to to justify their position are spoken of. But we will talk about this below, considering the Old Testament texts on which sectarians are trying to rely.

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The Fall and its consequences The serpent was more cunning than all the beasts of the field that the Lord God created. And the serpent said to the woman, Has God truly said, You shall not eat from any tree in the garden? 2 And the woman said to the serpent, We can eat the fruit of the trees, 3 Only the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, said

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III The Fall and its consequences. The location of paradise The stay of the first people in paradise was their stay in direct communication with God, which was the first and most perfect religion of the human race. The outward expression of this religion was the church, as a congregation

When the first people sinned, they felt ashamed and afraid, as happens to everyone who does wrong. They immediately noticed that they were naked. To cover their nakedness, they sewed clothes for themselves from fig tree leaves, in the form of wide belts. Instead of receiving perfection equal to God's, as they wanted, it turned out the other way around, their minds became darkened, their conscience began to torment them, and they lost peace of mind.

All this happened because they knew good and evil against the will of God, that is, through sin.

Sin changed people so much that when they heard the voice of God in paradise, they hid among the trees in fear and shame, immediately forgetting that nothing could be hidden anywhere from the omnipresent and omniscient God. Thus, every sin removes people from God.

But God, in His mercy, began to call them to repentance, that is, so that people understand their sin, confess it to the Lord and ask for forgiveness.

The Lord asked: “Adam, where are you?”

God asked again: “Who told you that you were naked? Have you not eaten from the tree from which I forbade you to eat?”

But Adam said: “The wife whom You gave me, she gave me fruit and I ate it.” So Adam began to blame Eve and even God himself, who gave him a wife.

And the Lord said to Eve: “What have you done?”

But Eve, instead of repenting, answered: “The serpent tempted me, and I ate.”

Then the Lord announced the consequences of the sin they had committed.

God said to Eve: " You will give birth to children in illness and must obey your husband".

Adam said: “Because of your sin, the earth will not be fruitful as before. It will produce thorns and thistles for you. By the sweat of your brow you will eat bread,” that is, you will earn food through hard work,” until you return to the land from which you were taken"that is, until you die." For you are dust and to dust you will return".

Expulsion from Paradise

And he said to the devil, who was hiding in the snake, the main culprit of human sin: " damn you for doing this"... And he said that there would be a struggle between him and people, in which people would remain winners, namely: " The seed of the woman will cut off your head, and you will bruise his heel.", that is, it will come from the wife Descendant - Savior of the World Who will be born of a virgin will defeat the devil and save people, but for this he himself will have to suffer.

People accepted this promise or promise of God about the coming of the Savior with faith and joy, because it gave them great consolation. And so that people would not forget this promise of God, God taught people to bring victims. To do this, He commanded to slaughter a calf, lamb or goat and burn them with a prayer for the forgiveness of sins and with faith in the future Savior. Such a sacrifice was a pre-image or prototype of the Savior, Who had to suffer and shed His blood for our sins, that is, with His most pure blood, wash our souls from sin and make them pure, holy, again worthy of heaven.

Right there, in paradise, the first sacrifice for the sin of people was made. And God made clothes for Adam and Eve from the skins of animals and clothed them.

But since people became sinners, they could no longer live in paradise, and the Lord expelled them from paradise. And the Lord placed a cherub angel with a fiery sword at the entrance to paradise to guard the path to the tree of life. The original sin of Adam and Eve with all its consequences, through natural birth, passed on to all their offspring, that is, to all of humanity - to all of us. That is why we are born sinners and are subject to all the consequences of sin: sorrows, illnesses and death.

So, the consequences of the Fall turned out to be enormous and grave. People have lost their heavenly blissful life. The world, darkened by sin, has changed: from then on the earth began to produce crops with difficulty; in the fields, along with good fruits, weeds began to grow; animals began to fear humans, became wild and predatory. Disease, suffering and death appeared. But, most importantly, people, through their sinfulness, lost close and direct communication with God; He no longer appeared to them in a visible way, as in paradise, that is, people’s prayer became imperfect.

The sacrifice was a prototype of the Savior's sacrifice on the cross

NOTE: See the Bible in the book. "Genesis": ch. 3 , 7-24.

God settled the first man Adam in paradise, in Eden, to cultivate and preserve it. Paradise - a beautiful garden - was located in Asia between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
Adam was created "from the dust of the ground." But he was alone - the animals were below him, and God was immeasurably above him. “And the Lord God said it was not good for man to be alone; Let us make him a helper suitable for him” (Gen. 2:18) It is no coincidence that Eve, the wife, was created from Adam’s rib, and not “from the dust of the ground.” According to the Bible, all people come from one body and soul, all from Adam, and must be united, love and take care of each other.
In heaven, among the many trees, there were two special trees. The tree of life, by eating the fruits from which people gained health and immortality of the body. And the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the fruits of which were forbidden to eat. This was the only prohibition of God; by fulfilling it, people could express their love and gratitude to God. The highest bliss of the first people was in communication with God, He appeared to them in a visible image, like a Father to children. God created people free, they themselves could decide what to do. Man lived in complete harmony with nature, understood the language of animals and birds. All the animals were obedient to him and peaceful.
The devil entered the serpent and tempted Eve to eat the forbidden fruit: “But God knows that in the day that you eat of it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like gods, knowing good and evil” (Gen. 3:5)
“And the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and desirable, because it gave knowledge; and she took of its fruit and ate; And she gave it also to her husband, and he ate” (Gen. 3:6)
Where has gratitude gone? People have forgotten the only commandment of God. They placed their desire above the will of their Creator. From the outside we see the vanity and insignificance of human desires. But it is always difficult to cope with your desires; your desires seem very significant. When a child does things his own way, contrary to his parents’ prohibitions, he is punished. Adam and Eve received their just punishment. But God initially called people to repentance. But Eve blamed the serpent, and Adam shifted the blame onto Eve and even onto God Himself: “The woman whom You gave me, she gave me from the tree, and I ate.” (Gen.3:12)
Forgiveness requested for an offense on time softens the punishment or even cancels it completely. But there were no requests for forgiveness. Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise with these words: “To the woman (the Lord) said: in illness you will give birth to children; and your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you” (Gen. 3:16)
“And he said to Adam: Cursed is the earth because of you; you will eat from it in sorrow all the days of your life; She will bring forth thorns and thistles for you; By the sweat of your face you will eat bread until you return to the earth; for dust you are, and to dust you will return” (Gen. 3:17-19)
The culprit of the fall of people - the devil - is cursed, and, when the time comes, he will be defeated.
People learned good and evil against the will of God. The human mind became darkened, the will weakened, feelings were distorted, contradictions arose, and the human soul lost its sense of purpose towards God. People did not become “like gods,” as the devil promised, but they became scared and ashamed.
(We will write down the consequences of the Fall in a notebook)
Consequences of the Fall of people:
1. Weeds grew on the ground - “thorns and thistles.”
2. Animals became wild and predatory. They stopped obeying man.
3. Disease and death came into the world.
4. People have lost direct communication with God.

Left without communication with God, alone with nature hostile to them, people repented. The most important thing that they could now pass on to their descendants was faith in the One God and His promise of the coming into the world of a Savior who would defeat the devil and reconcile humanity with God.
In memory of this God's promise, people made sacrifices. To do this, God commanded to slaughter a calf, ram or goat and burn them with a prayer for the forgiveness of sins and with faith in the Messiah. Such a sacrifice was a prototype of the Savior, Who had to suffer and shed His Blood for the sins of people. People had time for repentance and cleansing. The first sin that came into the world led people to other sins. God's care and admonition were over all people, but each person had freedom of choice - to accept or not accept God in his soul. Carry out the will of the Creator or follow your desires and impulses.
Adam and Eve had many children, but only three sons are mentioned in the Bible. Cain was born first, then Abel. “And Abel was a shepherd of sheep, and Cain was a farmer” (Gen. 4:2) One day the brothers made sacrifices to God. God accepted Abel's gift, but did not accept Cain's gift. Cain was very upset. “And the Lord said to Cain: Why are you upset? And why did your face droop? If you do good, don't you raise your face? And if you do not do good, then sin lies at the door; he draws you to himself, but you must rule over him” (Gen. 4:6-7)
In this biblical story we see that the expectation of recognition, some kind of gratitude for a good, good deed is not pleasing to God. By doing good to another selflessly, a person remains invulnerable to such vices as envy, vanity, and pride. Otherwise, they begin to dominate a person and lead to terrible sins. Cain did not heed the words of God, he was overcome by envy, and Cain, blinded by it, killed his brother Abel. If the first fall of man was directed against God, now man raises his hand against man.
The Lord gives Cain the opportunity to repent of his crime, asking where his brother Abel is. Cain lies in response that he does not know, forgetting that the Lord is Omniscient.
“And the Lord said, What have you done? the voice of your brother's blood cries to Me from the earth; and now you are cursed from the earth; When you cultivate the land, it will no longer give its strength to you; you will be an exile and a wanderer on the earth" (Gen. 4:10-12)
When Eve gave birth to her first son, she named him “Cain,” which means “I have acquired a man from the Lord.” She named her second son Abel - “something”, smoke, his name reveals Eve’s inner disappointment. She thought that salvation would come with Cain, but it turned out that evil came with him. “Man proposes, but the Lord disposes.” Moreover, all those who play the harp and pipe came from the family of Cain. This is an attempt to replace God with abstract art, to fill the spiritual emptiness with the sounds of harp and pipes. Also from the family of Cain came the forgers of all tools made of copper and iron. The era of bronze and copper begins. But these are not just copper and iron, but instruments of death. Sin is multiplying on earth.
The Bible, in its opening chapters, paints a grim picture of the world's sin. But the Lord uses evil itself for providential purposes and turns it into good. Throughout the history of mankind, the question has been resolved: does a person want to live on his own or with the Lord. And, accordingly, the results.