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Blueness of nails. Blue nails on the fingers or toes - causes, treatment and prevention, possible complications. What to do if your nail turns blue

Blue nails can occur for a number of reasons. Some of them do not pose a threat to health and are easily corrected, while others require close attention and complex treatment. It is important not to ignore a periodically appearing symptom and consult a doctor in time for a high-quality differential diagnosis.

Why do fingernails and toenails turn blue?

Nails are an indicator of the health of the body. Their condition depends on the operation of many systems. A blue tint to the nails may indicate a malfunction in the functioning of one of the organs or appears due to a number of external provoking factors.

Hypothermia is considered a common cause of this problem on the arms and legs. In this case, the vessels feeding the nail plates sharply narrow, blood flow slows down and a characteristic bluish tint appears. The problem can be easily solved by dressing warmly.

Blue nails can occur due to injury

  • Another common cause is bruised fingers. In this case, only those nails that have been injured become blue. An allergic reaction to cold can also cause a similar problem. Additional reasons:
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • severe liver damage;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • fungal infection;
  • endocrine disorders;

wearing uncomfortable and tight shoes.

A blue big toe should be cause for concern. This symptom cannot be ignored. Often a similar problem occurs in people with diabetes mellitus, in which trophic ulcers form and blood circulation in the vessels slows down sharply. In this case, the affected area includes the nails of the thumbs. You will not be able to cope with the problem on your own; it is important to consult with a specialist.

Blueness of the big toe nail may indicate serious endocrine pathologies

The normal nail color is pale pink. A healthy person does not have any changes in the shape and shade of the plate. The appearance of a blue color, uneven surface and increased fragility indicates pathological processes occurring in the body.

Additional symptoms

  • Additional symptoms that may accompany blue nails:
  • pain in the nail plate area;
  • itching of the skin around the nail;
  • general unsatisfactory condition;
  • peeling of the skin next to the nail.

If the problem is related to liver disease, then additional signs arise such as:

  • pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • loss of appetite;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • changes in stool;
  • abdominal enlargement;
  • appearance of a yellow tint to the skin.

If a change in the color of the nail is associated with cardiovascular diseases, then additionally there may be pain in the sternum and under the scapula on the left side, shortness of breath, increased fatigue, surges in blood pressure, etc. If the pathology is associated with endocrine disorders, then mood may change and increase or, on the contrary, appetite decreases. When you have a fungal infection, your nails often not only become blue, but also begin to decay.

Treatment methods

The method of treatment directly depends on the nature of the cause. If the provoking factor is hypothermia, then in this case no special therapy is provided. You just need to warm up your limbs and blood circulation will normalize. Also, treatment is not required when wearing tight shoes. It is enough to eliminate the provoking factor itself. To do this, select anatomically correct shoes that do not restrict the foot and do not interfere with normal blood circulation.

Orthopedic shoes will help restore blood flow in the feet and eliminate blue nails

For fungal infections, liver diseases, endocrine and cardiovascular disorders, as well as vegetative-vascular dystonia, complex therapy is required, including drug treatment. Folk remedies are used as an auxiliary method. In rare advanced cases, surgery may be required.

A hematoma under the nail caused by a blow may go away on its own. However, if there is no positive dynamics for a long time, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Drug therapy

What groups of drugs are used:

  1. Antifungals: Mycoderil, Lamisil, etc. Drugs in this group are prescribed for the treatment of mycoses of the fingers and nails. In this case, the symptom disappears after the fungal infection is eliminated. The course of treatment may take 3–6 months. It all depends on the degree of damage to the nail.
  2. Psychotropic: Afobazole, Amitriptyline, etc. Used for vegetative-vascular dystonia, in which panic attacks often occur and blood circulation is severely impaired. Such medications improve mood, eliminate anxiety and the effects of stress. They are used in a short course.
  3. Nootropic: Piracetam, Mildronate, Nootropil, etc. Such medications are prescribed for heart diseases, endocrine disorders and vegetative-vascular dystonia. The drugs improve blood circulation and have an antioxidant effect. The course of treatment with them ranges from 1 to 2 months.
  4. Insulin-containing drugs: Protafan, Actropid, etc. Necessary to maintain optimal blood glucose levels. Used for diabetes.
  5. Hepatoprotectors: Ursosan, Ursofalk, etc. Such drugs can stop pathological processes in the liver, promoting the restoration of its cells. Drugs are prescribed for cirrhosis.

Attention: making a decision on your own to take this or that medication is dangerous. It is important to consult your doctor to determine the dosage.

Medicines used for treatment - photo gallery

Mikoderil has an antifungal effect
Afobazole - anti-anxiety drug
Nootropil improves blood circulation Protafan contains insulin
Ursosan restores liver cells

Surgical methods

Surgery may be required for advanced cirrhosis. In this case, the liver is completely removed and a donor one is transplanted. The operation is very long and involves a lot of risks. After the intervention, a long recovery is required.

Liver transplantation is performed with open access, that is, through an incision

Surgery may also be required for cardiovascular diseases. Especially if vein thrombosis occurs, which interferes with normal blood flow and increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. In this case, the operation often does not involve incisions, but is carried out using a puncture. The vessel is dilated using a special catheter, then the blood clot is removed and the intervention site is sutured.

Removing a blood clot from an artery using a catheter leaves no scars

Surgery may also be required for advanced stages of fungal infections. In this case, the nail is completely removed. The intervention is carried out using a laser knife or scalpel under general anesthesia. After the operation is completed, it is important to treat the operated area daily with healing and antiseptic solutions.

Nail removal may be required in advanced cases

Folk remedies

Effective folk remedies:

  1. Massage with essential oils. This remedy will help with circulatory problems in the nail plates of the hands and feet, and is also effective against fungal infections. You will need 2 drops of tea tree and lavender esters, which should be added to 1 tsp. jojoba oils. Then mix thoroughly and use the mixture to massage the affected nail plates once a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.
  2. Healing baths. You will need 1 liter of boiling water, which needs to be poured into 4 tbsp. l. sage Let it brew for 2 hours and filter. Add the infusion to a bowl of warm water. The liquid must be at least 3 liters. Then add 2 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt and lower your feet into the basin. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. You need to repeat it daily for 14 days. It is important that the water is warm, and in no case cool.
  3. Warming mask. This remedy is effective for blood flow disorders, fungal infections and injuries. You will need 0.5 tsp. ground red hot pepper. Add about 10 drops of water and 0.5 tsp to it. baby cream Everything needs to be thoroughly mixed and applied to the affected plates. After 20 minutes, rinse with water. Repeat the procedure every other day for 2-3 weeks. The course of treatment depends on the dynamics.
  4. Baths that accelerate blood circulation. You will need mustard powder in the amount of 4 tbsp. l. It is necessary to pour 4 liters of water into the basin. The liquid should be no higher than 40 degrees, but no lower than 38. Mustard should be added to the water and mixed thoroughly. Lower your legs into the basin for 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure every day for 2 weeks.
  5. Warming decoction. Helps with hypothermia of the extremities. You will need fresh ginger root, which needs to be washed and peeled. Then chop with a knife and 1 tsp. add to 500 ml hot water. After the liquid has cooled slightly, add 1 tsp. lemon juice. Drink the drink 2 times a day 30 minutes after meals. The course of treatment should not exceed 5 days, as ginger can cause a burning sensation in the stomach.

Traditional methods are used only to eliminate symptoms and as an auxiliary therapy. None of the listed remedies can solve the problem if it is associated with serious diseases that require drug treatment.

Fingers often turn blue during the frosty season. To eliminate this problem, I try not to go outside without gloves, and after returning home I take a hot bath with sea ​​salt. Sometimes I add pine essential oil. This method dilates blood vessels and accelerates blood circulation. The only caveat is that you should not add more than 2 drops of essential oil, otherwise it will burn the skin, which is confirmed from my own experience.

Ingredients for traditional medicine recipes - photo gallery

Essential oil tea tree has an antifungal effect Lavender essential oil accelerates blood circulation Jojoba oil is used as a base
Sea salt is good for skin and nails Ground red pepper has a vasodilating effect
Mustard powder must be thoroughly dissolved in water Ginger root is destructive to viruses, bacteria and fungi Lemon juice activates the work immune system Sage - a natural antiseptic

When should you not delay your visit to the doctor?

It is imperative to consult a doctor if you have additional symptoms, especially if the condition of your nails worsens.

  • They begin to peel off, crumble, or the skin around them changes color. If you feel unwell, digestive problems or pain in the heart, in addition to a dermatologist, you should visit:
  • cardiologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • therapist;


Comprehensive diagnostics will help identify the cause of the problem at an early stage.

What to do if your nail turns blue from impact

If the nail turns blue as a result of an impact, you should immediately apply ice or place your finger under running cold water.

Five minutes is enough. Then it is recommended to treat the finger and nail with chlorhexidine. Iodine or brilliant green can also be used as an antiseptic. After the entire plate has been processed, you need to carefully bandage your finger. A tight bandage will prevent the nail from peeling. After this, it is best to consult a doctor. A tight bandage for a bruised nail reduces the risk of plate rejection The nail does not peel off after a bruise in all cases. The risk of rejection occurs when

strong impact

. In this case, a hematoma forms under the nail. If the blood does not clot well, the size of the clot becomes larger. As a result, the nail plate begins to lift and peel off. To prevent rejection, you should apply cold in time, which will stop the bleeding and relieve swelling. To speed up the healing process, you can use castor oil for treatment. They should lubricate the affected nail once a day until complete recovery. At the same time, do not forget about tight bandages.

Castor oil has antiseptic and healing properties

An additional remedy is heparin ointment. It promotes the resorption of bruises and eliminates microdamage. The nail should be treated with heparin ointment 3 times a day until the hematoma disappears. The damaged finger should not be exposed to temperature changes.

Heparin ointment accelerates the process of restoration of damaged areas

Under no circumstances should you try to pierce the nail to release accumulated blood. This can cause an increase in hematoma and infection.

Prevention measures

How to prevent blue toenails and fingernails:

  1. Do not walk without gloves in the cold.
  2. Protect your fingers from bruises.
  3. Monitor the condition of the thyroid gland.
  4. If you have diabetes, eat right and take insulin on time.
  5. If you suspect cardiovascular pathologies, be sure to visit a cardiologist.
  6. Avoid alcohol and fatty foods, protecting the liver from dangerous diseases.
  7. Do not take any medications without medical advice.
  8. Avoid stress.
  9. If you suspect nail fungus, do not try to get rid of the pathology with folk remedies.
  10. Try to avoid using gel and artificial nails.
  11. Take vitamins.

To prevent blue nail plates, I also try to monitor my blood pressure levels, as I suffer from hypotension, which is manifested by poor circulation. To get rid of the problem, I do a light workout every day. At the same time, blood flow accelerates and heart rate increases.

Diagnosis by nails - video

Anyone can experience blue nails, but it is not always easy to get rid of such a symptom, especially when it is caused by injury or serious illness. With an integrated approach to the problem, the prognosis is often favorable. It is important not to delay treatment and not engage in self-therapy.

You shouldn't take your fingernails or toenails lightly. Sometimes a change in their condition - shape, color, structure - can indicate serious disturbances in the functioning of the human body. By monitoring the “indicators” of health, you can identify and prevent many ailments at the initial stage of their development. And the most characteristic and frequently encountered signal is the blueness of the toenails. Let’s try to figure out why this is happening and what it threatens.

"Harmless" culprits

There can be a variety of reasons why your toenails turn blue. Some of them are symptoms of serious pathological changes in the body, while others do not pose a serious health hazard.

The most common reason that toenails turn blue is mechanical damage. As a result of a slight impact, the vessels under the plate burst, and an ordinary one is formed. The most commonly affected areas are the little finger and thumbnails. Their edge location increases the risk of accidental impact.

Immediately after an injury, the entire space under the plate turns blue, and the fingers themselves hurt. But after a certain time, the hematoma takes on a clearly defined shape, usually a dark blue spot. In some cases, colors can vary from pink to dark brown and even black. It all depends on the intensity of the damaging effect.

Another harmless reason that the nail turns blue is too frequent use or the use of low-quality varnishes during pedicures. Coloring pigments penetrate the structure of the plate and change its color.

The presented causes are harmless to the body, as they are not symptoms of complex diseases. The hematoma spot will resolve itself over time. And only if this does not happen over a long period, then you should consult a doctor. Usually, to eliminate the blue spot, the nail is cut off and filed.

Mycosis of the nail

Fungal infection is a fairly common ailment that can affect a person at any age. It is difficult to combat, and the situation is aggravated by the fact that detection of fungal spores is delayed.

If you don't remember hitting yourself recently and your toenail turning blue, there's cause for concern.

In addition to the bluish color, other symptoms will appear on the finger:

  • redness of the skin ridges around the plate, peeling of the skin and itching;
  • change in the shape of the stratum corneum;
  • the nail changes its thickness up or down;
  • the plates of the legs become fragile and brittle.

The combination of these signs on several toenails gives serious cause for concern. In such cases, it is imperative to consult a specialist - a mycologist or dermatologist. Anyone can contract fungal spores, but there are certain groups that are most susceptible to infection:

  1. Children, teenagers and elderly people.
  2. People with reduced level immunity.
  3. Family members of the patient, because they are in direct contact with him.
  4. Women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The risk of infecting your feet with a fungal infection increases when visiting public places - swimming pools, gyms, solariums, saunas. Moreover, the spore can be picked up by the hands, and only then transferred to the feet when putting on shoes. Therefore, take care of the hygiene of your hands and feet.

Communication with internal organs

Very often, nails turn blue due to impaired or insufficient blood circulation in the tissues. In this case, the stain has a mild character, and the tips of the fingers also become bluish. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor, because such manifestations may be a signal of chronic illnesses.

This may be due to diseases internal organs. If liver function is impaired, a blue spot appears closer to the base of the nail. This suggests that there are many toxic compounds in the body that should have been retained by the liver.

Heart failure is also a common reason why the nail takes on a bluish tint. It is worth paying attention to the change in color of the fingertip.

If a bluish tint appears quite quickly, then the disease is severe and requires immediate intervention from a doctor.

Blockage of blood vessels in the limb may also be the reason why the nail has acquired a bluish tint. In this case, oxygen supply to the tissues is disrupted, which creates the risk of gangrene.

Other reasons

Less common reasons that lead to discoloration of the nail are poorly performed cosmetic procedures. Improper treatment of the cuticle and skin ridges during pedicure, as well as the use of low-quality cosmetics, leads to the fact that the nail turns blue.

The appearance of burrs and their improper processing is the reason why a blue tint appears on the plate. In addition, wounds left by hangnails can “attract” infection.

A third, less common source is improperly selected shoes. Pressure from boots or shoes leads to compression of the blood vessels, which is why the nails turn blue. This effect is aggravated when a person leads an active lifestyle, walks and moves a lot.

There are many reasons for changes in the color of the nail plate. It is worth analyzing your lifestyle, thinking about your state of health and consulting a doctor for help in determining the source of pathological changes.

An important indicator of health status. When there are problems in the body, the nail plate can change color, shape and structure. An experienced doctor will easily answer the question why fingernails turn blue and how important it is to respond to this symptom in a timely manner. To an ordinary person It will also not be difficult to understand the causes of cyanosis if you pay attention to some details.

In a healthy person, the nail plate is smooth to the touch, pale pink and has no foreign inclusions. Any deviations from the norm in shape or color can be an alarm signal from the internal organs.

However, blueness on the fingers can also be a sign of a common household injury. The main causes of this symptom, not associated with serious pathologies:

  • formation of a hematoma after a bruise or strong mechanical impact
  • low air temperature, frost. In this case, the symptom disappears after warming up.
  • complications after manicure. If during the procedure the master damaged the cuticle or plastic, cyanosis may occur
  • reaction to poor-quality coating or nail polish remover
  • reaction to certain medications taken by a person. These include, for example, anti-malaria drugs
  • consequences of contact with household chemicals
  • circulatory disorder

Wilson's disease is another ailment that can be signaled by blue nails. This is a disease in which a metabolic disorder leads to a malfunction of the internal organs.

In rare cases, the blue color of the nails at the very base indicates bad work liver.

Having noticed a change in the color of your nails, the first thing you should remember is whether they have been subjected to Lately shock, exposure to chemicals, acetone or manicure tools. If the cause is not found, you should consult a doctor and ask why your fingernails turned blue.

Fungal infections

Onychomycosis, that is, fungal infections, is one of the most common reasons changes appearance nail The shade can vary from pale yellow to blue-black.

Blue color of the nail plate is one of characteristic features fungus. In addition, the infection is always accompanied by symptoms such as itching, peeling and brittle nails.

The first signs of rubella - how to recognize the onset of the disease

Advanced nail fungus is fraught with such unpleasant consequences as complete detachment of the plate from the nail bed.

You can restore a healthy appearance to your hands only with the help of a dermatologist who will prescribe medication. Modern medicines make it possible to get rid of fungus using external or internal means, without surgical intervention.

Sign of heart failure

Blue nails can also indicate the presence of a serious problem such as heart failure. As a result of inadequate heart function, the blood supply to organs, including nails, is disrupted.

In the case when all the fingers have acquired a uniformly blue tint, it is worth thinking about whether the blood vessels are being supplied with blood. Other signs of heart failure:

  • shortness of breath not caused by exercise
  • rapid heartbeat

The consequences in this case can be very serious, even fatal, so it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor. The disease can be diagnosed by a physician, surgeon or cardiologist. Timely treatment can identify pathology and prevent its development.

Sign of pulmonary failure

In parallel with heart failure, pulmonary failure often develops. In this condition, the patient's blood gas composition is disrupted, which affects the condition of the nails.

This disease can be identified by accompanying symptoms: fatigue, headache, difficulty breathing. In addition to changes in the color of the nails, with pulmonary insufficiency the patient may be concerned about:

  • dyspnea
  • labored breathing
  • low pressure
  • nausea
  • blue skin tone

The disease can proceed very slowly and develop into an acute or chronic form. You can prevent complications if you ask in time why a person’s fingernails turn blue.

When to see a doctor

Sometimes nails can lead to painful consequences, including the formation of gangrene. This is why it is so important to get to a medical facility on time.

Nails turn blue on the hands or feet for completely different reasons; with any change within the body, the nail plates are the first to know about it. But fortunately, blueness is not always a source of poor health, so before diagnosing yourself, remember what happened to you the day before. Perhaps there was some kind of injury, and the bruise caused certain bluish swelling. Either dye has leaked under the nail plates, or quite severe hypothermia of the body or limbs has occurred.

If none of the options is suitable, then you should analyze the alarming symptoms of possible diseases. I would immediately like to note that in addition to blue nails, other indicators must be present for a particular disease.

Why do my nails turn blue?

Why do the nails on the extremities of the hands or feet, or only on certain fingers, turn blue? There are plenty of reasons not to worry or, conversely, to consult with a specialist in the near future.

An absolutely healthy person has a smooth nail plate with a uniform pale pink tint without any inclusions or stripes.

  1. Deviations in the color or structure of the nail (look at the photo) can serve as a signal of disturbances in the functioning of organs. But, as we have already figured out a little, the cause of blueness is not always associated with pathology.
  2. Hematoma formed after mechanical manipulation on one of the fingers or toes or on the entire limb.
  3. Damage to the cuticle or plate after manicure procedures can lead to complications in the form of cyanosis.
  4. Hypothermia due to low temperatures. After warming up from the cold, your nails and lips should return to normal shades. Impact medicines
  5. to certain areas of the body.
  6. Negative reaction to low-quality manicure products.
  7. Allergic reaction to contact with household chemicals.

Pathological processes of blood circulation. In rare cases, the cause may be more rare and serious diseases, for example, Westphal-Wilson disease, cirrhosis of the liver.

Or Raynaud's disease, which is associated with slow blood circulation. With this disease, the limbs of the legs or arms, ears, lips become very sensitive and painful to the cold. Therefore, if the blue color of the hole does not disappear, you should definitely contact a medical center.

On hands

  • a blue thumbnail indicates disorders in the cardiovascular system;
  • index fingers under the nails indicate problems in the liver or in the organs of the digestive system;
  • the blue base of the middle finger indicates disruptions in circulatory processes;
  • leather ring finger under the nail indicates instability of the endocrine system or a problem in the peripheral organs of the lymphatic system;
  • if the skin under the nail of the little finger turns blue, then you should pay attention to the intestines and heart.

Similar symptoms can occur on the fingers of both the left and right hands. And according to Tibetan healing, any ailment can be diagnosed even by the shape and outline of the nails. In this medicine, blue lumps often indicate a problem in the liver.

On foot

Toenails often turn blue for the above or other reasons, including blueness due to an impact. Hematoma is a common reaction to a bruise, which doctors can easily identify.

But sometimes the skin under the toenails turns blue for other reasons, which are also quite common in medical practice:

  • nail plate fungus. In addition to the blue tint, the disease is accompanied by a number of other symptoms, such as nail deformation, itching, weakness of the plate, and fragility of the nail tissue. At home, such a disease can be treated only after visiting a doctor who has prescribed specialized medications for you;
  • the wrong shoes to wear frequently. The nail of the big toe suffers the most, since it bears the main load of weight and pressure from the inner wall of the shoe. If the index toe is longer than the big one, then the one that is more elongated will hurt;
  • Melanoma is a malignant cancer formation, which is quite rare, develops due to an increased number of pigment particles. In most cases, such a cancerous form manifests itself in the form of an irregular mole, and much less often grows under the nails;
  • physical fatigue. This reflex can be found in professional athletes or simply in people who spend most of their time on their feet;
  • a poor-quality pedicure can also cause at least some discomfort, which can lead to more serious consequences. Initially, it all looks just like a slight blue discoloration.

A disease such as heart failure can also manifest itself on the toes, but in order to independently diagnose the disease, you need to pay attention not only to the nail.

You should take a close look at the skin around the nail plate; if it is also blue or bluish in color, you should immediately consult a doctor.

What to do about the problem? What to do with such a problem as blueness under the nails of the toes or fingers? You can correct the situation in several cases with your own hands.

If the deformation or blue beginning of the nail occurs due to wearing uncomfortable shoes, then it is worth choosing a looser or more comfortable pair.

In addition to tight shoes, compression stockings can also put pressure, which sometimes cause complications in the form of pain in the nails and slight blue discoloration. In order to avoid such discomfort, you should cut your nails very short, and after shortening them as much as possible, you should also sand the nail plates so as not to tear the elastic tissue. Pregnancy often presents surprises to expectant mothers and, unfortunately, not always pleasant ones. In particular, melanin dyschromia can sometimes be observed skin

under the nail plates. Pregnant women should not be afraid of this manifestation, but they should definitely visit a gynecologist, dermatologist and mycologist.

Visit to the doctor

A visit to the doctor cannot be avoided if the blueness does not go away on its own on the second or third day, or after hypothermia. With your own hands, you can only help a blue nail in the case of a household injury or bad shoes, the treatment of which we will describe below.

  • The following symptoms require medical intervention:
  • there is a blue tint not only under the nails, but also around them;
  • the area of ​​the nail plate with a blue color is accompanied by various pain sensations;
  • itching began, followed by peeling around the nails;
  • general negative condition: dizziness, headache, general weakness;
  • shortness of breath appeared even after light exertion;

predisposition of the body to pulmonary or heart failure. Bruises may appear periodically, which should also be recorded by specialists. medical institutions

An experienced doctor will help not only identify the problem, cure the disease, but also return the nails to their previous condition.

Also, if there are repeated manifestations of fungal diseases that have disappeared quite recently, you should repeat the treatment course and not resort to visiting a doctor.

Treatment at home

Treatment of blue nails can be carried out at home if a medical examination did not reveal any abnormalities in the functioning of the body. In this case, both folk remedies and medications are allowed.

  1. In case of injury, ice or other cold that can reduce the formation of a bruise should be used at the very beginning. Then, if necessary, an anesthetic is taken, the affected nail is lubricated with an ointment that promotes the healing of hematomas. Wearing a protective bandage is also not contraindicated. You can often find recommendations such as piercing the internal accumulation of blood at home with a needle, but such manipulations can bring a lot of negative consequences. In addition, in hospitals, the nail plate is pierced only if there is a possibility that it could lift the nail.
  2. If coloring of nail plates with chemical-based cosmetics is unsuccessful, you should wait for the natural color change of the nail, and in the future, no longer resort to low-quality, untested or cheap drugs.
  3. If you just need to increase blood flow in order to quickly and easily correct the situation with slight slight blueness, then you can make a bath for your fingers or toes with sea salt, soaking your limbs in water for 15 minutes. It is also recommended to add a few drops of lavender oil to the liquid or, in general, simply do a warming and restorative hand massage using this oil.
  4. It happens that at elevated temperatures the child’s limbs, arms and legs become cold, as a result of which the nails turn blue. This is largely due to vasospasm, which often disrupts the body's heat exchange mechanism during fever. First of all, you need to give your baby a No-Shpu tablet, the dosage of which is determined by age or weight category. Following this, you should immediately rub the legs and arms with your own hands in order to disperse the blood through the veins, while simultaneously giving as much warm (not hot or cold) drink as possible. Children who are predisposed to such spasms should be given an antipyretic as soon as the temperature reaches 38 degrees. Also, for any symptoms, it is extremely important to maintain contact with at least a local pediatrician or an ambulance operator.

Experts often advise taking vitamin or mineral complexes in certain courses after long-term illnesses, which will help strengthen and grow the nail plates and hair.


With the help of minor prevention, you can avoid many problems associated with blue nails. Simple rules will help prevent the development of diseases that you don’t even know about.

  1. Trim nails only with individual disinfected tools, without touching the skin.
  2. Wear shoes that are more comfortable and of higher quality than fashionable shoes that must fit properly.
  3. Be extremely careful when lifting heavy objects to avoid injury.
  4. Limit yourself from walking barefoot if you are not hardened enough or if you know that you are susceptible to certain diseases.
  5. At any time of the year, feet must be kept dry and clean.
  6. You should also keep your shoes, socks and gloves clean and fresh.
  7. Do not use household chemicals on any surface without gloves.
  8. Eliminate the causes immediately as soon as they make themselves felt, and do not wait for uncomfortable sensations.

It is extremely dangerous to ignore rare diseases, but a simple disease in an advanced form will be no less dangerous.

In order for your nails to please you with their appearance and general condition, follow simple recommendations.

Always listen carefully to the body, which in one form or another is capable of signaling problems or changes. And the slightest manifestations that go beyond the standard must be recorded and observed together with a specialist.

During normal functioning of the body, a person’s fingernails and toenails are shiny and pale pink in color. A change in their usual color is an alarming signal about a disease of the internal organs.

Causes of blue nails

  • One or several nails can suddenly turn blue - from cold or when struck. In addition, a similar phenomenon can occur immediately and progressively, with the appearance of additional symptoms, which most often occurs with internal diseases. There may be several reasons for this process:
  • A fungal infection that can progress both internally and externally.
  • Uncomfortable, tight shoes made from low-quality synthetic materials.
  • Mechanical damage. For example, a blue nail after a blow is not uncommon. Pinched fingers also fall into this category.
  • Diseases of the respiratory, nervous and cardiovascular systems.
  • Failure in the metabolic system and microelements (most often such as copper).
  • Intoxication with aggressive chemicals with prolonged contact with them.
  • Allergic reactions to poor quality cosmetical tools, long contact with varnishes, gel polishes, substances included in the composition for nail extensions.
  • Raynaud's syndrome is extremely rare.
  • An even rarer cause of blue nails is melanoma. This is a malignant formation that consists of darkly pigmented cells called melanocytes.

Correct diagnosis is the key to a quick and successful recovery. Now let's take a closer look at the reasons.

Fungal infection

If the reason for a blue fingernail is the appearance of a fungus, then along with a change in color there is thickening and delamination of the nail plate. An unpleasant odor may also be present. In the absence of therapy, complete deformation and separation of the nail from the finger occurs. How to treat blue nail? If you suspect you have a fungal infection, you should see a dermatologist. He will prescribe tests and comprehensive treatment.

You should not rely on self-medication, since it is known that all antifungal agents are very toxic and often cause a number of side effects. And if such drugs are selected incorrectly, fungal resistance may develop. It is very difficult to get rid of them later.

Mechanical injuries

The cause of blueness can be blows or pinched fingers. Blue discoloration in this case occurs due to a hematoma. Associated symptoms are pain, swelling at the site of impact. In this case, consulting a surgeon will help. The doctor will determine the extent of the damage and, if necessary, recommend treatment. Even small cuts, hangnails and an unprofessionally done manicure or pedicure (deep cuticle removal, strong pressure on the matrix with a spatula) can lead to blueing due to infection through a scratch or small cut. In such cases, you need to treat the wounds with any antiseptic solution, for example, chlorhexidine or alcohol.

Diseases of internal organs

With oxygen starvation of tissues, which is observed in diseases respiratory system, a blue nail also often appears. This can be both on the top and on lower limbs. Chronic heart failure and other diseases of cardio-vascular system cause the nails to turn blue. They are also accompanied by shortness of breath and the skin turns pale.

If you notice such symptoms in yourself or someone close to you, seek medical help immediately. There are cases of metabolic failure in the body, in which the normal process of removing copper from the body is disrupted - it accumulates in the soft tissues of the limbs and visually looks like their turning blue. This Wilson-Konovalov disease can also be congenital. A disease with similar symptoms, but caused by different causes, is called Raynaud's syndrome.

Thumb problem

Why does it happen that a person gets a blue toenail? In addition to the options described above, this can happen for other reasons. These include:

  • tight, uncomfortable shoes;
  • insufficient personal hygiene;
  • ingrowth of the nail into the skin.

Most often, it is the big toes that turn blue. Because they are most susceptible to compression, injury, and the appearance of fungus. Professional athletes are most often exposed to this phenomenon. Because the biggest load falls on their feet, and even the best quality shoes squeeze their toes.

What to do?

What to do if your nail is blue? First you need to find the reason. In the case when this occurs due to a disease within the body, it is not the blue nail that should be treated, but the root cause. Then after recovery the problem will go away on its own. Consult a doctor to select specific medications so as not to further harm the body.

Blue nail: treatment at home

Tips for helping at home can help you cope with the situation in some cases:

  1. If you have bruised your finger (the blue nail appeared after that), then you need to apply cold. Food from the freezer and ice are suitable for this. You can also place your blue nail and finger under running cold water.
  2. If you have frostbite, you need to warm your extremities. But at room temperature, without rubbing them or exposing them to hot water. Drink tea and wrap yourself in a blanket.
  3. If cyanosis is caused by low-quality cosmetics or household chemicals, then simply avoid contact with these products.

Prevention, prevention of blueness

Remember that arms and legs are a kind of indicator of human health. The following recommendations will help you avoid such problems:

  1. Buy and wear only natural, spacious shoes that fit properly.
  2. Be sure to air out and dry your shoes and boots before each use.
  3. Don't wear someone else's shoes, even if they belong to your relatives. You can easily catch a fungal infection through slippers or shoes. Treatment for it will take a long time and will not be easy.
  4. Wear only clean and dry socks. At the same time, change them regularly.
  5. Try not to injure your fingers and nail plates on your toes and hands.
  6. Pay attention to the occurrence of fungal infections in a timely manner and treat them.
  7. Do your manicure and pedicure carefully, or better yet, leave it to a professional.
  8. If you had to stay in wet shoes for a long time, then when you get home, soak your feet in warm water with a small amount of baking soda. This procedure will help disinfect the skin and soften it a little.
  9. Go for regular medical examinations to promptly identify and begin treatment for complex diseases.
  10. When coming into contact with any chemicals, use rubber or latex gloves.
  11. Walking in the fresh air will help saturate your blood with oxygen, improving blood circulation. They are also necessary for diseases of internal organs.

A little conclusion

Now you know why it happens that a person’s nail is blue. We examined the reasons for this phenomenon.

The article also touches on the topics of treatment and prevention.

If you follow basic hygiene rules and preventive measures, your nails will shine with health and look well-groomed.