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Cuts for no reason. How to treat deep cuts on hands? When medical help is needed

Cuts are a violation of the integrity of the skin by sharp objects. If the cuts only affect the skin and fatty tissue, they will go away on their own. If muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves or blood vessels are damaged, consult a doctor. Such injuries are considered common occurrences in everyday life. They are received by adults and children. To avoid negative consequences from cuts with a knife, blade or glass, you need to know the basic rules of first aid.

What dangers do cuts cause?

  • Injuries with sharp objects: a knife, blade or glass are dangerous due to damage to arteries, nerves, and large vessels. If cuts on the hands are not treated immediately with a blade or other sharp object, dangerous microorganisms will enter the wound. Gangrene may begin or a trophic ulcer may form that cannot be healed. The infection can be life-threatening.
  • If the cut becomes inflamed, complications in the form of purulent leaks and phlegmon are possible. This is a condition when pus does not flow out, but remains inside and spreads into the surrounding tissues. If the temperature rises and general weakness, you should urgently call a doctor.

First aid for cuts

Anyone can be injured by a sharp object. You can also deal with a small cut yourself if you know how. What to do if you get a cut on your hand in the first minutes after getting injured? First of all, don't panic. If a person himself is afraid of the sight of blood, first aid should be provided by someone who is not afraid of it. It is as follows:

  • The cut is carefully examined to determine how serious the injury is.
  • After examination, the wound is washed well with running water. If this is not possible, you can use bottled water, which is sold at every kiosk.
  • To prevent the spread of infection in the wound, you should not touch it with your hands. If necessary, you can wash the cut with soap foam, which should be washed off immediately after treating the wound. Do not use laundry soap. Children's products are better suited for this purpose.

  • Everything described above is done very quickly, in a matter of seconds. The most important thing is to stop the bleeding, for which the arm, finger or leg is raised so that the cut is above the level of the body. The cut area should be compressed with your fingers wrapped in a bandage or a clean cloth. After a few minutes the bleeding should stop if the cut is shallow.
  • If an artery is damaged, which can be determined by a stream of bright scarlet blood, you need to apply a tourniquet above the wound. And if the bleeding is venous - lower. flows calmly, no stream, and has a dark color. When the blood circulation in the arm stops. Therefore, in order to prevent limb necrosis, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  • After all measures have been taken to stop the bleeding, the cut should be disinfected. To do this, treat it with an aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide. But if the wound is deep, the solution should not get inside, since small vessels can become clogged with air. The area around the wound is treated with alcohol solutions. Iodine or brilliant green is suitable for this.
  • ARGOSULFAN ® cream promotes the healing of abrasions and small wounds. The combination of the antibacterial component silver sulfathiazole and silver ions helps provide wide range antibacterial action of the cream. The drug can be applied not only to wounds located on open areas of the body, but also under bandages. The product has not only a wound-healing, but also an antimicrobial effect, and in addition, promotes wound healing without a rough scar 1.
  • The last thing you need to do when providing first aid, if you get a cut on your hand with a knife or other sharp object, is to apply a sterile bandage or just a clean handkerchief to the wound, constantly wetting the bandage with disinfecting aqueous solutions. This is necessary so that the bandage always remains wet and does not stick to the wound.

If more than ten minutes have passed after first aid and there are no positive results, that is, the bleeding does not stop, you need to call an ambulance.

Glass injuries

Most often, a person can get cuts from glass at home or at enterprises associated with its production. Glass is a very fragile and brittle material that breaks frequently. The slightest carelessness leads to injury.

Cuts on the hands and other parts of the body caused by glass have their own characteristics. They are incised bleeding wounds. Their edges are smooth and even, so they do not soften or crush the fabric. This is more conducive to healing than lacerations.

Cuts occur most often on the arms and hands. As a rule, their back surface is damaged. The most dangerous injuries are caused by hot glass. It has the ability to quickly cool and disintegrate in the skin and muscle tissue into many small fragments that are not visible even on an x-ray. Such fragments are difficult to remove, and migrating in tissues, they cause pain, new damage and bleeding. Sometimes fragments remain in tissues for years. A hot glass injury can be aggravated by a thermal burn.

What should you do if you get cuts from glass?

  1. Clean the wound, that is, wash it with a 70% alcohol solution or chlorhexidine.
  2. Apply local anesthesia by applying primary sutures.
  3. For shallow injuries, Michel brackets are used. The victim does not require surgical assistance. It is enough to apply an aseptic bandage to the wound after washing the wound.
  4. If cuts on the hands are accompanied by burns, the wound does not need to be sutured. You should treat it and apply a bandage lubricated with ointment.
  5. If you find glass fragments in the tissue that are visible to the eye, you need to remove them and consult a doctor for further treatment.

When cut, the man lost consciousness. What to do?

Sometimes even small cuts can cause a person to faint. To prevent this, you need to:

  • Provide fresh air if the victim is indoors. To do this, you need to open the windows and doors, but exclude drafts.
  • Take deep breaths several times.
  • Massage your earlobes and upper lip.
  • Rub your cheeks vigorously.
  • If this does not help, you should wet a cotton swab with ammonia and let the victim smell it.

Knife and blade cuts

Most often, a person gets a cut on his hand with a knife, since he uses this cutting object constantly: at work or at home. Carelessness leads to injury. There are cases where knife wounds are intentionally inflicted. This happens during a fight or robbery against a person. No less rare are cuts on the hands with a blade while shaving or creative work associated with its use. There are different cuts. It depends on what they were applied with.

  • Injuries inflicted by a sharp object - a knife, blade, glass - are characterized by cut wounds.
  • If the injury is caused by a blunt object, the cut will have jagged edges. Such wounds most often occur on the hands and fingers.
  • If you simultaneously apply a traumatic object to an arm, leg, or any other part of the body with blunt and sharp objects, the wound will be of a combined nature.
  • A sharp and thin object: an awl leaves a puncture wound.

for cuts

During an injury, a vein in the arm may be cut. This is easily determined even visually. The blood from the wound flows calmly, without pulsating, and is dark in color. In this case, the person loses a lot of blood. A particular danger is that air is sucked into the vessels and can enter the heart. If this happens, death occurs.

In order to stop bleeding from the vein, a pressure bandage is applied. The wound is covered with clean gauze and pressed on top with an unrolled bandage. If you don’t have it at hand, you can fold a handkerchief or a clean cloth several times. Then the applied products should be pressed onto the wound. The bleeding must stop. If there is nothing at hand, then the cut vein on the arm or leg is immediately pressed with the fingers, and the limbs are raised up.

In what cases should you see a doctor for cuts?

  • If the cut is deep and its length is more than two centimeters.
  • When it is impossible to quickly stop the bleeding.
  • If, when providing first aid, it was not possible to remove fragments of foreign objects from the wound.
  • When cuts on the hands or other parts of the body are caused by a contaminated object. This could be a shovel or a rake.
  • If the victim is a child or an elderly person.
  • When, on the second day after the injury, the skin around the cut acquires an atypical color, pus oozes from the wound and the injury site becomes numb.
  • If there is an increase in body temperature and general weakness.
  • When a week after the injury

The victim must tell the doctor what steps were taken to provide first aid and how the wound was treated. Then the specialist will decide how to treat the cut.


  • Cuts on the hands (photo above) can result in irreversible consequences if they are inflicted on the wrist area. In this case, the nerves and tendons are damaged.
  • Often during an injury, the victim's hands are injured. What to do? Contact your doctor immediately. The fact is that treatment of deep wounds is carried out by applying sutures immediately after the injury. If this is not done eight hours after the cut, the wound cannot be sutured at all in the future, as bacteria will have time to get into it. When the wound is closed, they can cause suppuration.
  • If cuts on the hands are accompanied by heavy bleeding with bright scarlet blood, then the artery is damaged.
  • Remember, even a minor cut, especially on the face, leaves a scar.

  • If the foreign body fragments are not removed from the wound, it will become inflamed and pus may ooze from it.
  • To prevent a serious cut injury from causing complications, you should be vaccinated against tetanus.

There are contraindications. You need to read the instructions or consult a specialist.

Cuts on the hands are one of the most famous and common everyday human problems. After all, you can get injured from a knife, tin can, and even forks or fish bones. In our article we will tell you for which cuts it is enough to wash the wound, and in which cases you should consult a doctor. And also about how first aid should be provided correctly.

I got a cut, what should I do? What to process?

In most cases, domestic injuries are not dangerous or critical. And there is no need for the services of qualified specialists.

But in order to protect yourself from contracting infections or subsequent complications, you need to carry out proper first aid.

It is worth noting that even a minor cut will result in capillary bleeding that needs to be stopped. Once you are finally sure that the bleeding has stopped and there is no threat of severe bleeding, perform manipulations that will help stop the bleeding.

How to stop bleeding from a cut

  1. Wash the wound. This helps remove dirt and makes it possible to assess how deep the wound is.
  2. It is necessary to blot the wounded area with gauze or a bandage. In extreme cases, a clean rag will do.
  3. Elevate the injured area as high as possible above body level. This will reduce blood circulation and, therefore, speed up the stop of bleeding.
  4. Treatment with an antiseptic or brilliant green is necessary. Wherein. It is important to treat the cut along the contour, and not to pour it into the wound, because in this way there is a possibility of a burn.
  5. If necessary, cover the wound with a bandage or cotton swab.

These tips help with minor cuts that do not require professional intervention. But what to do when your finger, veins, palms are cut, and you also find a violation of the integrity of the epidermis - a deep cut, after which heavy bleeding occurs?

Deep cut: what to do?

What to do when your finger, veins, palms are cut, and you also find a violation of the integrity of the epidermis - a deep cut, after which heavy bleeding occurs?

Then you immediately need to do the following:

  1. Make a gasket from a clean sheet of fabric (bandage, gauze).
  2. Place the finished pad on the wound, pressing it.
  3. After a short time, no more than 15 minutes, the bleeding should stop.
  4. Apply a bandage over the pad without removing it.

If blood continues to flow out profusely after 15 minutes, you need to put a new one on top of the old tampon, and so on until the bleeding stops completely. Don't forget that blood loss is very serious. Therefore, if you have heavy bleeding, be sure to call a doctor.

It is very important, when applying a bandage, in no case to use adhesive tape, duct tape or plaster in a circle. Namely, this factor can further reduce blood circulation. In order to avoid such consequences, use the longest possible bandages, thanks to this, they will hold tighter.

Deep wound - do you need a doctor?

In our world, everyone evaluates the depth of the wound differently: for some, the depth is less than a millimeter, that is, the skin has only been cut, but he already believes that the wound is almost fatal. Others, on the contrary, even touching the veins and meat tissue, believe that everything will pass by itself.

To avoid any questions, we will tell you cases when a deep cut requires the intervention of a specialist:

  1. The wound bleeds for more than 15 minutes, even after using pressure and a pack.
  2. You feel numbness in the wound area.
  3. The skin around the wound turns blue, white, or cold to the touch.
  4. Severe contamination of the wound. And the victim himself is a diabetic, an elderly person, or his immunity is very weak.
  5. There are foreign fragments left by glass, a knife, a blade, or possible contact with them.
  6. The wound is located on the face or neck.
  7. After .
  8. You are showing signs of infection. This usually occurs within a day or two.
  9. Wound healing does not occur for 12 or more days.

In what cases does a wound need to be sutured?

There are cases when independent wound healing is impossible. And in such cases, the only treatment option remains, namely, to sew it up. In what cases the wound is sutured is described below:

  1. The edges of the wound cannot be closed.
  2. The depth of the wound is more than 0.5 cm, and the edges of the wound themselves are torn.
  3. The length of the wound is more than 2 cm, and its depth is more than 0.5 cm.
  4. Muscles, fat, or even bone are visible.

Of course, after such an operation, small or small scars will remain at the suture site. But this is better than getting gangrene or suppuration, which will require longer treatment and observation.

Wounds and manicure

Unfortunately, getting injured, cuts, or injections during a manicure is quite common. And an important factor is the processing of the working tool. After all, through blood you can not only spread infection, but also such serious diseases as hepatitis, AIDS and many others. Therefore, if you are getting a manicure, it is best to do it in a professional, trusted salon, where the staff has all the permits and equipment to carry out such procedures.

Be sure to ask how the instrument is treated and how often it is sterilized. After all, it is your safety.

If you are injured during a manicure, you should immediately wash it, disinfect it with any antiseptic, and consult a doctor.

If you do not have the opportunity to get an appointment with a specialist, you can steam the wounded finger in a solution of soda and salt, and make a tampon with aloe juice. All this helps to destroy pus and various bacteria, and also relieves swelling.

Let's sum it up

Now you know how dangerous cuts on your hands can be. But you also now know how to provide first aid, what to apply, how to avoid infection and much more!

The most important thing is to treat the wound in a timely manner and take measures to heal it.

Home directory of the most important tips for your health Agapkin Sergey Nikolaevich

Cuts and scratches

Cuts and scratches

We have come a long way in first aid since the days of biting a bullet and dousing the wound with vodka to disinfect it. Clinical studies have found The best way wound treatment, and the knowledge gained can be used to provide first aid at home.

Call the ambulance if you cut yourself and...

Blood spurts from the wound;

The bleeding did not stop after you pressed firmly on the cut for 5 minutes - clockwise (without lifting the gauze every minute to check how it was doing, even if you really wanted to);

If there is a possibility that dirt, splinters or pieces of metal have entered the wound, even if they are not visible;

When a cut occurs, motor disturbances occur; you cannot bend or straighten the injured limb;

The wound is a deep puncture, such as when you step on a nail;

The wound was caused by an animal or human bite.

In the following cases A doctor's consultation is required:

The cut seems to have healed and the bleeding has stopped, but reopens when it resumes motor activity. This is especially important if the cut is on your hand.

The edges of the wound did not close, but there was no significant bleeding.

You have any complications that affect wound healing (for example, diabetes, immunodeficiency conditions).

Also, consult your doctor if you have any questions after applying stitches, staples, or medical adhesive.

We learned to stitch wounds a long time ago. Some doctors prefer to use stitches anyway. Others use them only in areas where a tight wound connection is needed (for example, on the hands). Very deep cuts may require internal sutures placed under the surface of the skin to connect the deep tissues and then sutures placed into the skin.

Staples are often used to stitch together surgical wounds. They are also used in departments emergency care in cases where it is not necessary to obtain an aesthetic scar, for example on the scalp, where the scar will not be visible. Staples are easy and quick to apply. Both sutures and staples must be removed after a few days; healing time depends on the location and depth of the wound.

Medical glue is becoming more and more popular. Research shows that the cosmetic effect of its use (even on the face) is no less, if not greater, than that of sutures. Ask if in your case it is possible to use glue rather than stitches. The glue does not need to be removed; it will wear off on its own over time.

A butterfly bandage is used when the wound is not too deep and is located on areas such as the shoulder or back. The name of the bandage is related to its shape. The bandage is attached to a patch and eventually comes off on its own.

Expert opinion

The cut heals as new cells appear to close the wound. If there is a scab (crust), oxygen cannot reach the growing skin, which slows down healing. In addition, if new cells are formed in poor conditions, the new skin will be different from the surrounding skin - a scar will appear.


Question. Are threads for stitching wounds really made from animal tendons?

Answer. No, they are not made from tendons or cat intestines, although this is a literal translation of English cat gut. The first catgut was made from ox intestine in the 1800s. Its advantage was that after some time the sutures dissolved on their own. But its production has now been stopped as a more suitable synthetic material has become available.

Question. Can stitches be placed on a wound only for a certain period of time?

Answer. Yes, after 6-8 hours the doctor will not be able to apply stitches or staples. By this time, the wound will be infected and closing it will increase the risk of infection. Therefore, if you cut yourself in the evening, do not wait until the morning to go to the doctor. In the morning it will no longer be possible to stitch the wound.

Question. When is a tetanus vaccination necessary?

Answer. Tetanus vaccination is required in the following situations:

1. You don't remember the last time you did it.

2. You were injured and the last time you had a tetanus shot was more than 5 years ago.

3. You were vaccinated more than 10 years ago.

Wash the wound with water or hydrogen peroxide. Peroxide has the ability to stop bleeding.

Some antibiotic ointments contain anesthetics to relieve pain. Talk to your pharmacist to choose the right drug for you. Look for pramoxine, a local anesthetic, among the ingredients.

Don't be alarmed if a cut on your forehead or head bleeds a lot, as there are many superficial blood vessels in these areas. Stay calm, take a deep breath and try to carefully examine the cut site itself. You may be surprised to find that the cut is very small and easy to deal with. To prevent complications and obtain the best aesthetic healing result, it is better to seek qualified medical help.

Don't hesitate to go to the emergency room because you are concerned about something How you got hurt. Believe me, you won’t surprise the ambulance doctors with anything. They need accurate information about the injury to make the right decisions and do everything possible to prevent infection.

A "liquid bandage" is a form of skin adhesive that doctors use. This glue is not very strong and is not intended to be used on its own to heal serious wounds (and it will not glue your fingers together.) This glue is suitable for tightening minor scrapes and cuts, especially in areas where it is difficult to apply a bandage, such as elbows or knees. Some doctors categorically reject this method of treating wounds and use only antiseptic solutions and sterile dressings.

Expert opinion

Clinical trial results show:

In almost half of the cases, patients do not have the habit of regularly cleaning their wounds.

70% of patients do not treat cuts with antibiotic ointment.

60% of patients do not apply protective bandages to cuts.

72% think that air baths and eschar formation promote healing.

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Life is filled with many unpleasant surprises, cuts, minor injuries, falls, which are accompanied by scratches, bruises, and abrasions. If you clearly know what to do in each specific situation, you can try to prevent serious consequences from cuts and wounds.

What is a cut, abrasion, scratch

A cut is a through damage to all layers of the skin, which is accompanied by damage to the underlying tissues. A scratch is a damage to the surface layer of the skin - the epidermis, which is limited in area and, as a rule, has a linear configuration. An abrasion is usually called a more significant defect in the surface layers of the skin.

Why do cuts and abrasions appear?

A common cause of this type of injury is careless handling of piercing or cutting objects during work and at home. In addition, cuts sometimes occur as a result of injuries or manifestations of aggression. Scratches can be the result of careless handling of pets or appear as a result of scratching.

Sometimes injuries can be caused by falling on broken glass. In such cases, a piece of foreign material (glass or stone) remains in the wound. If you can't easily remove foreign body from the wound, you should consult a doctor. An x-ray may be needed to detect the foreign object. If the wound does not heal for a long time, and pain, redness, and fluid appear near it, it is likely that there may be a foreign body here - a splinter or sliver.

Know how to provide first aid

Abrasions, cuts, and scratches should be perceived as an integral part of a healthy, inquisitive childhood. No child is able to grow up without bruises, falls, and injuries. Therefore, it is worth making sure that first aid can be provided by everyone who remains with the child. A special place is given to facial injuries in children. In the case of facial injuries, proper treatment of the wound and correct application of a bandage determines whether the scar after a cut on the face remains minimal or noticeable.

Symptoms of a threatening nature with cuts that require mandatory medical intervention:

  • pulsating bleeding;
  • bright red bleeding (arterial damage cannot be ruled out);
  • severe bleeding, which is accompanied by large loss of blood;
  • a scratch on the face, a cut in any other place, if it is desirable to reduce the possibility of scar formation to a minimum;
  • a cut on the wrist or hand where there is a risk of damage to tendons and nerves;
  • a wound that is accompanied by an increase in temperature;
  • development of symptoms of inflammation - redness, red stripes, temperature, swelling around the wound, spreading more than a finger around the wound;
  • deep wound (you will have to apply stitches);
  • a contaminated wound in a patient who was vaccinated against tetanus more than five years ago;
  • a wound that cannot be completely cleaned;
  • soil mixed with manure has entered the wound (the likelihood of tetanus infection remains high);
  • a wound that does not heal for a long time (maybe some foreign material remains in the wound);
  • a wound that is accompanied by vomiting and nausea, especially with head injuries.

On your own

For minor injuries, there is no need to seek help from a doctor. Minor scratches and cuts can be treated independently using medications from your home medicine cabinet.

Adolescence is accompanied by psychological problems, so teenagers can express themselves by making cuts on their hands. First love, misunderstanding on the part of parents and peers - all this is difficult for the fragile psyche of a teenager.

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Processing means

If the wound is not treated, purulent inflammation may begin and without treatment the consequences will be more severe than just a scar. It is dangerous when the places where the veins are cut are cut.

In medical practice, there have been cases when gangrene began from a simple cut, and the limb had to be amputated.

If dirt has already gotten into the wound, remove it. To do this, you can use tweezers or a sterile bandage twisted into a flagellum. Treat a clean wound with an antiseptic.

The most common medications at home:

  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • Chlorhexidine bigluconate;

Hydrogen peroxide will be especially effective; upon contact with the wound, it will form bubbles that will remove germs and bring them to the surface. If pharmaceutical drugs If you don't have it on hand, then a 2% solution of table salt, vodka or chamomile infusion will do; they will not be able to heal cuts on the wrists.

You can stick an adhesive plaster on top or wrap it with a bandage over your cut hand. For minor wounds common to teenagers, these measures will be sufficient. For deeper cuts, if a guy or girl cuts veins, the wounds need to be treated at the emergency room. If the bleeding does not stop, a vein may be affected.

You need to go to the emergency room, and not come up with an excuse for your mother. Another danger is the possibility of hitting the tendons. You need to see a doctor to maintain full functionality of your arm.

Warning - don't cut yourself or try to cut anything, it's dangerous, even if it doesn't hurt.

Treatment methods

Treatment depends on their depth and quantity. Minor injuries, with a minimal amount of blood, do not require treatment methods other than conventional antibacterial treatment.

To help a deep cut heal faster, you can use special ointments. If they are deep enough, medical intervention may be required to stitch them up. You won’t be able to cut yourself painlessly; the pain will be very annoying, but it will remain a reminder.

There is no point in healing cuts; unresolved psychological problems will lead to self-flagellation. The right decision would be a heart-to-heart conversation with people who have gone through a similar period in their lives, or, alternatively, turning to a psychologist.

How to hide damage

After inflicting injuries, there will be a desire to hide the cuts from the eyes of others.

Parents, even mothers, are unlikely to appreciate such behavior, and teachers will report it to a social worker.

For wounds, places are chosen that are easy to hide with clothing.

You can hide cuts using:

It is much more difficult to hide cut hands from family and in the hot season. A popular accessory is tattoo sleeves - no one will notice under the image printed on the fabric. The wrists are hidden under various baubles and decorations.

One option is to constantly use bandages. Having bandaged a limb, you can lie about the real reasons for the bandage, because bandages are also used for bruises.

The most simple method will wear long sleeves.

But it is far from effective - the sleeve can ride up at any moment, revealing cut hands. Clothes will still have to be removed in different situations. There is essentially no point in hiding cuts - the secret will be revealed, this can happen even in a banal photo.

To disguise and cover up traces in conscious age, people often use tattoos and large pictures.

Teenage problems

Why do they cut veins? Often one of the forms of self-expression is conscious damage to the body. A child (mostly from 13 years old) wants to scratch himself, cause himself pain, or make a wound on his arm.

For many teenagers, shallow cuts are especially common due to the accessibility of the limb.

At this age, changes occur that are completely incomprehensible to a teenager. Girls get periods and breasts grow, boys have erections and wet dreams. Pubic hair begins to grow. If you do not first tell your child about future changes in the body, it will come as a shock.

If a child’s physiological changes occur earlier than those of his peers, then his alienation is natural, and cuts will be a consequence of the desire to return to his usual body.

The attempt to open the veins is explained by the fact that the teenager wants to draw attention to himself and his experiences. This behavior is like wanting to pinch yourself during a nightmare. Under the influence of hormones, the worldview changes dramatically, and reality somewhat loses its boundaries.

The body becomes the only stronghold, and to confirm reality, teenagers inflict wounds on themselves. Many of them claim that along with the bleeding, all the negativity and dark thoughts came out of them. Cutting does not always indicate a desire to commit suicide.

On the contrary, by throwing out negative emotions, the child confirms his desire to continue living. Suicidal people do not want to share their problems with others, and they consider showing cuts to be right, trying to attract attention. Most of these eye-catching cuts simply scratch the top layer of skin and are not life-threatening.

Psychologists are inclined to believe that by injuring himself, a teenager unconsciously shows that he has internal problems.

This cruelty towards one’s body is suppressed aggression towards other members of society. This action is similar to medieval bloodletting - it reduces internal pressure. Often teenagers do more than just harm themselves.

You can find inscriptions and memorable dates on your hands. The child makes it clear to others what is bothering him. This is accompanied by listening to depressive music and viewing corresponding images on the Internet.

After self-harm, the teenager feels relief, somewhat similar to the relief of a drug addict after receiving the coveted dose. This occurs because the body produces endorphins - happiness hormones - to drown out pain.

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Healing time

The healing process does not depend on one factor. The depth of the wounds, immunity and antibacterial treatment of the hand with a cut play a big role.

An inflamed, deeply cut wound will take much longer to heal. The cut may take several days to several weeks to heal. But if you damage the skin on your arm or leg over and over again, you will have to wait a long time for healing. And, new wounds mean real problems.

In most cases, the desire to cut goes away along with adolescence, you just need to survive this period.

It’s bad if a child wants to close his soul and immerse himself in himself, because he has no one to talk to. In the future, this is fraught with the development of complexes, chronic depression and other psychological problems, especially among older girls.

If you notice even minor scratches on the veins of the left or right hand, then remember that the most important thing to begin with is to establish contact with others, and all problems will go away.

Why are injuries dangerous?

With cuts (even a finger) and wounds, a large vessel, artery, or nerve can be damaged. If dangerous microorganisms enter and the wound is not treated, you may even lose an arm or leg.

If gangrene begins or a non-healing trophic wound forms, they will become a life-threatening source of infection. In medical practice, there are cases when a decision is made to amputate to save a person’s life.

At the inflammatory stage, complications such as purulent leaks and phlegmon occur. This occurs when the pus that forms in the wound does not come out, but into the surrounding tissues or into the cavities between them.

If, after receiving an injury, the condition of the whole body began to deteriorate sharply, fever and weakness appeared, then you should urgently consult a doctor.

Caring for deep injuries

If the wound surface is regarded as large, even in the subjective opinion of the wounded person, seek medical help. Cuts longer than 1.5-2 cm will take a long time to heal on their own, cause discomfort and will probably lead to complications.

See your doctor. The same applies to wounds that bring unbearable pain (possible damage to a nerve branch), or wounds that are accompanied by profuse, continuous bleeding.

Medium-sized wounds and cuts cannot always be treated with surgery. But when any wound is sutured, it will always heal faster.

Medical care includes: treatment of the wound, excision (circumcision) of the edges of the wound, stopping bleeding, suturing. Sometimes sutures can be placed a little later, when the inflammatory process in the wound decreases.

The wound dressing must be changed daily. In the first week, a wet-dry bandage is applied, then they switch to ointment ones.

Antiseptic drugs are used in wet dressings. Ointments for treating wounds consist of antimicrobial agents and substances that promote healing. For example, ointment is used: levomikol, levosin, methyluracil.

At the same time, a prophylactic course of broad-spectrum antibiotics is prescribed.

How to hide

I don’t want to answer unnecessary questions at school, from my mother or neighbors, about what these suspicious stripes are on the child’s forearms or legs. The most important question is how to get rid of characteristic scars. You can disguise small marks from a blade on your hand using a regular foundation with a dense texture.

Methods used:

  • Green dense corrector to disguise acne, and on top - powder or foundation;
  • Artistic tattoos;
  • Bracelets, baubles;
  • Clothes with long sleeves.

Later, when the cuts are completely healed and healed, laser skin resurfacing can be done. But first you will still have to consult with a good dermatologist to determine how safe and effective the procedure will be.

Loss of consciousness

Due to excessive blood loss or fear of blood, a person who receives a deep cut may lose consciousness. Everyone should know what to do in case of a cut, if the victim has fainted or is in a pre-fainting state, because such a condition can be life-threatening.

To prevent fainting, you must:

  1. Open windows and doors wide, creating a draft and air flow from the street;
  2. Unbutton the victim’s collar, loosen the tie, remove jewelry from the neck that may interfere with the flow of oxygen;
  3. Give the person cool water to drink;
  4. Turn on the air conditioner nearby;
  5. The victim should breathe deeply if he is still conscious;
  6. A person on the verge of fainting has his upper lip and earlobes massaged;
  7. Rubbing your cheeks vigorously helps prevent you from fainting.

If these methods do not give the desired result, the cotton wool is moistened with ammonia and given to the person who is fainting to sniff.

When do you need a doctor?

If a person cuts himself, he should consult a doctor if:

  • The wound is more than 2 centimeters deep;
  • The bleeding does not stop for more than 10 minutes;
  • There are glass shards or other objects in the wound;
  • A person cuts himself with a contaminated object;
  • When a child or an elderly person is injured;
  • Color change skin, numbness and presence of pus on the second day;
  • General hyperemia and weakness;
  • Poor wound healing after a week.

If you get a cut from something dirty, you should get a tetanus vaccination.

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