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Health benefits and harms of cocoa powder. What are the benefits of dark chocolate for losing weight or building muscle? What are the benefits of cocoa for bodybuilding?

Height muscle mass is possible not only with the help of artificial additives, but also by consuming regular milk - natural milk, which has given the world many strongmen.

Why milk is good for muscles

Let's figure out how this product promotes muscle growth and how it is useful.

  1. Milk provides growing muscles with all the necessary amino acids.

After physical activity milk is ideal.

To grow muscles, you need to consume 2.5 g of protein (protein) per kg of weight every day. There are not very many of them in one glass of milk - 8 g, but these “liquid” proteins are quickly and efficiently absorbed by the body.

One of the main components of milk, casein, due to its slow absorption, ensures regular delivery of amino acids to muscle tissue. It also contains equally important proteins globulin and albumin. The latter contains a lot of the amino acid tryptophan, which provokes the production of growth hormone - somatotropin. And somatotropin, in turn, contributes to the appearance of defined muscle relief and the formation of muscle mass.

  1. It prevents the increase in fat layer.

Milk contains a sufficient amount of slowly digestible proteins, which reduce the feeling of hunger after exercise.

During training, you eat heavily. A high calorie diet leads to increased production of the hormone insulin, which converts carbohydrates into fat reserves. Milk blocks this function of insulin, and your weight grows only due to muscles.

  1. Contains calcium, which is beneficial not only for bones, but also for muscles.

Increased consumption of calcium-rich foods is especially important for women involved in strength sports, since their losses of this macronutrient are very high.

Calcium is the main mineral responsible for muscle contraction. Its deficiency reduces the effectiveness of training. If you regularly perform strength exercises, your calcium requirement increases. Eating large amounts of protein (meat, fish, nuts or beans), which are rich in phosphorus, flushes calcium from the body. Milk helps compensate for these losses.

  1. Gives energy and stamina.

This product contains a sufficient amount of riboflavin (vitamin B2), which ensures energy metabolism. Thanks to this vitamin, carbohydrates and fats obtained from food provide energy. And this allows you to work more efficiently.

  1. Helps restore water-energy balance in the body.

After a workout, your entire body needs water and nutrients. All this can be obtained from milk.

  1. Fresh milk gives very fast results.

Despite all the usefulness of milk, when boiled, most of the valuable substances and lactic acid bacteria disappear. Fresh milk not only contains many useful macroelements, minerals and proteins, but also special compounds - cytokines. During exercise, muscle fibers are torn and then healed by the body's stem cells. And the process of degeneration of these cells into muscles is controlled precisely by cytokines. Therefore, by getting a lot of these compounds from fresh milk, a bodybuilder accelerates the growth of his muscles.

The advantages of this drink, beloved since childhood, also include its availability, safety, and low calorie content. In addition, the product stimulates the intestines, which allows the body to quickly receive the necessary substances.

How and when to drink milk

Drink milk before and after strength training

If you cannot drink fresh milk, you should opt for pasteurized milk. To improve its qualities, a spoonful of whey protein is added to it. You need to get at least a liter of milk every day. To do this, drink a glass every 3 hours. You can cook porridge or make cocktails with milk.

You should know that this product does not go well with fruits, fish, meat and yeast products. The ideal option is to drink it separately 1-2 hours before another meal.

Goat's milk is preferable to cow's milk as it contains more protein and vitamins and has fewer calories (68 cal per 100 g).

Here's how to take milk for weight gain:

  • whole – occasionally, 1 glass (250 g), with the addition of whey protein;
  • 1% and 2% fat, as well as low-fat - in the same volume with the addition of whey protein, and after physical activity with chocolate syrup.

Drink milk before and after strength training. It is better to take it warm, as it improves digestion.

The most effective way to restore an athlete's strength after exercise is whole chocolate milk. To prepare a simplified version of this drink, mix 200 ml of whole milk with 1 tsp. cocoa. You should drink the mixture no later than half an hour after training.

Chocolate milk has a better effect on muscle protein synthesis than skim milk.

You should also drink milk at night. It can take up to 8 hours for casein to be absorbed, and by fully receiving this protein, the body recovers better even after intense exercise.

Powdered milk for muscles

For muscle growth, it is permissible to consume and powdered milk. It is obtained by evaporating water from regular milk. It is better to take skim milk powder as almost all the excess fats have been removed. Whole milk powder contains a lot of bad cholesterol and is dangerous for people with cardiovascular diseases and hypertension.

The third type of milk powder - instant - is obtained by mixing dry and skim milk.

The amount of fat in milk powder varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. Typically, 100 g of a low-fat product contains 250-350 calories, and a whole product - 450. It contains a lot of calcium and other useful substances and 20-30 g of protein per serving. The main condition when taking this powder is to choose a quality product and not exceed this dosage.:

  • men take 2-2.5 servings per day (one dose – 100 g);
  • girls and women – 1-1.5 servings each.

These proportions are suitable for skim milk. The whole product is consumed in half doses (each serving is 50 g).

Powdered milk is consumed 5-7 hours before sports activities and a couple of hours before bedtime. You can eat the powder in dry form and wash it down with water, dilute 4-5 tablespoons. spoons in warm boiling water, add to a protein shake.

You can also prepare the following healthy drink. Pour 5-7 tablespoons of milk powder into a glass of water and add a little warm water. Stir. After this, stirring continuously, fill the glass to the top. Leave the drink for 10 minutes or longer. After this, add berries or fruits and oatmeal.

Benefits of other dairy products

Other dairy products are also beneficial for building muscle mass. Natural yogurt, curdled milk, kefir and cottage cheese will enrich the body with calcium and vitamin D, which improves bone structure and promotes muscle growth. They also help get rid of excess weight(fat mass). Especially recommended dairy products containing beneficial bacteria. These bacteria improve digestion, which, in turn, ensures the complete absorption of increased volumes of protein foods.

Cheese and butter can be consumed in small quantities.

Here is the approximate volume and rules for taking dairy products:

  • You can eat a slice of homemade cheese before bed, and low-fat cheese - additionally before and after physical activity;
  • Eat low-fat homemade yoghurts as a separate meal with the addition of whey protein;
  • occasionally you can eat cheddar or parmesan cheese (also one slice);
  • Low-fat cheddar cheese can be added a slice at a time to dishes such as a salad or omelet - this will provide an additional 7 g of protein in the diet;
  • After strength training, you can eat fruit yogurt (0.5% fat) with whey protein added to it.

It will also be interesting to watch a video about whether baby food is beneficial for muscle growth.


Milk can cause allergic reactions: cough, rash, nausea, runny nose. In this case, you should replace it with any fermented milk products.

Milk is contraindicated for people with a deficiency of the lactase enzyme, which ensures its absorption. Such people experience gastrointestinal upset when consuming this product.

For stomach ulcers and gastritis (especially with increased acidity) Dairy products are also not recommended. People over 50 years of age should limit milk consumption (no more than a glass a day), as it provokes the development of atherosclerosis in old age.

For a healthy adult, the consumption rate increases to 0.5-0.8 liters, but bodybuilders can take up to 2 liters of low-fat milk. In this case, the growth of muscle mass will not be long in coming.

Be sure to read about it

After a hard and intense workout, our body especially needs fluid. Having a glass or two at the end of training is no less important for an athlete than correctly distributing the load. But what exactly should you use to quench your thirst if you are tired of regular water, and you simply cannot stand mixtures for athletes? Here's what doctors think about this:


To quickly recover muscles after physical exercise, you need to drink cold cocoa. And preferably with milk. As American scientists from James Madison University have proven in experiments, it is this drink that allows muscle tissue to shortest time bounce back after training. Moreover, the relaxing power of cocoa begins to act much faster than that of special drinks intended for athletes.

The thing is that cocoa contains the amount of proteins necessary for muscle recovery. In addition, it contains carbohydrates that replenish the energy reserves of muscle tissue. If you drink cocoa with milk, then in addition you will replenish your water supply, as well as potassium, calcium and magnesium ions, which are secreted by the sweat glands during physical activity.

The milk itself is especially useful for those who exercise strength training. It helps burn fat and build muscle. This was scientifically confirmed recently by Canadian scientists from McMaster University.

In experiments, they compared the effectiveness of two glasses of skim milk, a soy drink (with the same amount of protein and calories), and a soda drink with the same calorie content. As it turned out, athletes who prefer milk are twice as effective at losing fat. But their muscles build up 40-60% faster than those who “wash down” their workout with something else.


Another sports relaxant, oddly enough, is sweet coffee. The fact that this drink perfectly restores muscles and helps them absorb glucose became known after experiments conducted in Australia.

Seven marathon cyclists took part in the study. First, they had to exercise on exercise bikes until they were completely exhausted, and then eat a dinner with minimal carbohydrates. Then the participants were divided into two groups - one was given sweet drink with caffeine, and others without. Interestingly, fairly high dosages were used - the equivalent of 5-6 cups of strong coffee.

The result of the invigorating effects of caffeine exceeded all scientists' expectations. In the muscles of cyclists from the “coffee” group, the supply of glycogen, the main “fuel” of muscle tissue, was restored 66% faster. In addition, caffeine consumption increased the levels of glucose, insulin, and proteins involved in the transfer of glucose into muscle cells in the blood of athletes.

Today on the Internet you can find recipes for many diets intended for people leading an active lifestyle and involved in fitness. An interesting set of similar recommendations can be found, for example, on the website

Unfortunately, advice on fitness nutrition is often incomplete, since it is given by people who do not have scientific education in this area. After all, in our country we simply do not have such university departments as “Sport and Exercises Science”, which train professional fitness trainers with a scientific knowledge base in many countries of the world.

In this article you will find recommendations on a fitness diet that are given to their students by professional fitness trainers in the countries Western Europe. A recommendation that often causes consternation among many ordinary people who want to lead healthy image life, since they in no way associate cocoa with proper fitness nutrition. And yet, it is connected with him.

Why should fitness diets include cocoa?

During training, the number of free radicals increases very actively, and in order to minimize their negative impact on the body, personal fitness trainers always advise people involved in fitness to adhere to a diet high in antioxidants. And one of the options for such a diet is a diet that includes a significant amount of cocoa.

Cocoa is rich in antioxidants, whose molecules prevent the oxidation of biomolecules and cell damage. At the same time, antioxidants are useful not only in preventing oxidative damage to cells, but also in restoring existing defects caused by free radicals.

It is not surprising that in a study recently published in the pages of the international scientific journal Journal of Physiology, it was discovered that cocoa contains a natural antioxidant, flavanol, which can increase endurance during training even in professional athletes.

However, antioxidants are not the only rationale for including cocoa in a fitness diet.

Cocoa is one of the best food sources of magnesium, which is essential for normal heart function, which is especially important for people who undertake additional physical activity.

Magnesium takes part in more than 300 enzymatic reactions. It is involved in the synthesis of fats, proteins and nucleic acids; without it, muscle contractions are impossible, including contraction of the heart muscle. Magnesium improves blood flow and plays a key role in the metabolism of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the form in which the human body stores energy reserves.

In addition to magnesium, cocoa is enriched with other microelements necessary for people leading an active lifestyle and doing fitness. This is potassium and iron.

To replenish magnesium reserves in the body, our advertising advises taking medicines, for example, Panangin, positioning it as “food for the heart.” However, uncontrolled use of Panangin may well lead to an overdose of magnesium, which can be more dangerous than its deficiency. Therefore, it is much more reasonable to replace Panangin with natural cocoa.

Below is a recipe for a delicious and healthy cocoa-banana smoothie for athletes and just people leading an active lifestyle and doing fitness.

Banana-chocolate smoothie for fitness nutrition

Ingredients: 1 cup coconut water (or dairy-free milk), 2 tablespoons raw cocoa powder, 2 tablespoons chia seeds (soak in liquid for 3-5 minutes), 1 small handful of baby spinach or 1/2 spoon dried herbs , a pinch of pink Himalayan salt (or air dried sea ​​salt); 1 scoop vanilla protein powder, half a banana, 2/3 cup ice, 1-2 teaspoons almond butter.

Many bodybuilders are interested in knowing how dark chocolate affects the body. Is it useful or not? And the answer, it turns out, is simple - certainly useful. But first things first. It should be said right away that when you are tired and overworked, chocolate will not only become tasty treat, but will also lift the overall mood.

Useful properties of chocolate

Due to the presence of sugar and fat in chocolate, the content of two main neurotransmitters in the body increases: ephedrine and serotonin. Low levels of these substances have been found to cause feelings of depression and anxiety. When there is a sufficient amount of these substances in the body, the person begins to feel good.

Also, when eating chocolate, a person actually heals himself. Scientists have conducted studies trying to find the relationship between the presence of healthy fats in the body and the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

As a result of these experiments, it was proven that stearic acid, which is part of chocolate, has no effect on cholesterol levels. This made it possible to remove this product from the list of potentially dangerous for the heart. Thus, even if you eat a bar of chocolate, the body will not be harmed, but will only improve your mood. Cholesterol levels will also remain the same.

Chocolate contains a huge amount of antioxidants, including flavonol and flavonoid. It has been experimentally established that these substances have cardioprotective properties. Thanks to them, blood viscosity decreases, the walls of blood vessels expand, which significantly improves blood flow.

In addition, antioxidants help maintain normal blood pressure. If we talk about antioxidants, then most of them are found in cocoa powder, which in general turned out to be one of the most valuable products due to the absence of sugar and low calorie content. But right behind it comes dark and bitter chocolate. Dark milk contains the largest amount of flavonol, twice as much as milk.

Chocolate and sports

A special study on the amount of antioxidants in various foods was conducted by Dr. Jung Lee. For the experiment, he chose cocoa powder, green and black tea, and red wine. As a result, cocoa powder unconditionally took first place, beating out the “silver medalist” - red wine - by more than two times. Black tea contains the least amount of antioxidants.

The effect of flavonoids, which dark chocolate contains, on the athlete’s body was also studied. The experiment involved more than 20 people who consumed one slab of the product daily for two weeks. Then, also for two weeks, the athletes participating in the experiment adhered to their usual diet, excluding from the diet only vitamin and mineral supplements and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

As a result, it was proven that under the influence of flavonoids, blood flow significantly improved. It is also worth noting that chocolate is also useful for weight loss, due to the presence of a large amount of proanthocyanidins.

Is chocolate harmful?

Based on all the research, we can say with confidence that eating chocolate will only benefit the body. But it should be remembered that the product contains quite a lot of fat and sugar. In addition to it, fish, nuts, seeds and other foods are also sources of antioxidants.

It is also worth remembering about cocoa, which contains practically no fat and sugar. But if you happen to be a chocolate lover, then you shouldn’t deny yourself the pleasure.

Video about the benefits and harms of chocolate:


During intensive training the body loses a large amount of fluid as a result of active sweating, reducing the volume of blood, which is important for obtaining oxygen to muscles and organs, and the supply of electrolytes necessary for muscle contraction.

Rehydration plays a huge role in the body's recovery after exercise. And here a natural question arises: need to drink after training, so as not to harm the body.

In our article we will look at what drinks you should not drink after a workout and why.

What not to drink after training

1. Sports drinks

Sports energetic drinks- this is nothing more than a mixture of salt, sugar, water and dye. Very often, you can find other ingredients in the drink that are credited with energy and fat-burning properties. Most often it is guarana, caffeine, yohimbine, etc. Manufacturers claim that drinking the energy drink will give you a boost of energy and replenish all fluid losses. In a sense this is true. Sugar, as a 100% carbohydrate, is indeed a source of energy for the body, but its effect is unstable and ultimately only harms health. After a quick spike, your energy levels drop and your body does its best to balance out the toxic effects of sugar.

The beneficial effects of other additives may also raise doubts: the effect of guarana on the body has not yet been fully studied, and, for example, caffeine is a diuretic, i.e. a drink containing it will not saturate the cells with moisture, but, on the contrary, will work towards dehydration. Additionally, sports drinks contain a lot of refined salt. This is done to replenish what the body has lost through sweat. However, salt added to sports drinks is not The best way restore sodium levels. In large quantities, it can only cause damage to the body, in particular damage the arteries.

2. Alcohol

Another drink that should not be consumed after training is alcohol. The main problem is that it slows down the recovery process by inhibiting the functions of the hormones that are normally involved. Alcohol reduces the production of the male hormone testosterone and protein synthesis, which prevents muscle building. But on the contrary, it increases the production of estrogen, which is responsible for fat deposits. Exercise stimulates the production of the enzyme lipoprotein lipase, which helps break down fat. But just 40 g of strong alcohol almost completely inhibits the production of this enzyme. Add to this the increased appetite that alcohol causes, and you will understand that drinking alcohol not only ruins your workouts, but also causes significant harm.

3. Carbonated drinks

Sweet carbonated drinks, as well as sports drinks, contain large amounts of sugar. We have already written above about the harm sugar causes to the body. Sugary carbonated drinks are also bad for the heart. Sometimes phosphoric acid may be used in carbonated waters. It can usually be found in cheap sodas. If you don’t want to wash calcium out of your body, increase bone fragility and worsen your health, give up this drink.

Many people like to drink sparkling mineral water; it seems tastier than regular water. It all depends on the physical activity and the reaction of your body. Due to the carbon dioxide content, sparkling water can cause belching, flatulence or bloating. Also, due to the presence of gas, it takes up more space in the stomach compared to regular water. You can drink soda after exercise if your body tolerates these types of drinks normally. If you are unaccustomed to drinking a new type of liquid, it is necessary in small quantities, monitoring the reaction of the digestive system.

4. Packaged juice

The dangers of packaged juice can be compared to carbonated sweet drinks. A glass of reconstituted orange juice contains as much as 5 tsp. Sahara. With regular consumption of such a product, the risk of developing diabetes increases several times. In addition, packaged juices do not contain the vitamins and healthy fibers found in fruits. The nutritional value The fruit is lost when you juice it, and you end up consuming pure sugar in the form of fructose. Many manufacturers do not skimp on adding various stabilizers and aromatic components to the juice in order to embellish the taste of the concentrate from which the drink is made.

5. Coffee

There is a lot of talk about the benefits of coffee: this drink increases energy levels, gives vigor, and restores strength. Coffee accelerates the removal of lactic acid from muscle tissue. It is this acid that causes nagging muscle pain after training. Caffeine can partially relieve this effect. This positive side coffee. But, in addition to the benefits, drinking caffeine after a workout can also cause harm. Caffeine interferes with the reloading of glycogen into the muscles and liver and the take-up of protein for muscle repair. In addition, caffeine has cardiovascular and nervous system stimulating effect. After training, the whole body is in good shape. Therefore, additional stimulation of the body with caffeine increases the load on the entire body as a whole. This can be dangerous, especially if you have problems with the cardiovascular system.