All about car tuning

Transmigration of the soul of the deceased. Reincarnation in the philosophy of Ancient Greece. Unexplained fears, phobias and concerns

Chapter 39. The theory of transmigration of souls and its shortcomings. Destruction of the “pyramid of the soul” and the disintegration of personality. Natural selection at the present stage.

“But if you are dumb as a tree, you will be born a baobab

And you will be a baobab for a thousand years until you die.”


So, what happens to the soul after it is “placed” in any of the spheres of the spiritual-immaterial world? One of the possible answers to this question is given by the widespread theory of transmigration (reincarnation) of souls in its multiple presentations and modifications.

“The mythological picture of history is drawn by Plato several times, and everywhere we are talking about the transmigration of souls... In the Phaedrus and in the Republic we find the statement that the transmigration of souls occurs once every thousand years” (A. Losev, “Plato ").

“People are links in a long chain of cause and effect, in which not a single link is independent of all the others. The history of an individual does not begin when he is born - it takes place over many centuries. The spinning wheel is a symbol of a series of lives determined by the principle of karma... The Wheel of Life gives us new opportunities with the help of which, if we want, we can improve our destiny. In this wheel, not only people, but also all living beings constantly rise and fall” (Radhakrishnan, “Karma Yoga”).

At the same time, there are even statements about supposedly experimental “confirmation” of the theory of reincarnation.

“According to V. Nalimov, his [Y. Stevenson’s] method of studying reincarnation-interpreted cases is documentary in nature, including interviewing witnesses, studying archival materials, a thorough analysis of errors, possible distortions, etc. The monograph contains a description of 1,300 cases of reincarnation in various parts peace" (A. Martynov, "The Confessed Path").

A. David-Noel (“Among the mystics and magicians of Tibet”) notes that after the death of the abbot (lama), the monks search for his new incarnation (sometimes for 20-30 years).

Yu. Ivanov gives the following indirect “confirmations” of reincarnation: during some meetings with new faces, pictures of the distant past seem to emerge; the feeling during some events that they are a repetition of previous similar events; the emergence of geniuses (their manifestation at an early age).

Finally, in Lately There are more and more descriptions of experiments on “remembering past lives” under hypnosis...

In order to determine at least theoretical the possibility of relocating the soul into a new physical body, let us consider some of the main provisions of the theory of reincarnation.

“The process of incarnation into a physical body (reincarnation) for most people is an automatic process in which people do not consciously participate. According to the laws of evolution, which are based on the Creative Will of the Absolute, the human soul needs difficult sections of the evolutionary path, difficult tasks in order to experience a renewed consciousness and receive a new impulse to move along the path of spiritual development. Such a difficult part of the evolutionary path is life in the physical body. The karmic mechanism, located in the sixth body of a person and dosing (according to the degree of spiritual development of a person) the duration of his stay in all subplanes of the astral plane, determines the conditions and family in which a person should be born" (Yu. Ivanov, "Man and his soul. Life in physical body and astral world").

“The embodied spirit is influenced by matter; a person who overcomes this influence through the elevation and purification of his soul approaches good perfume, with whom he will one day unite. The one who allows evil passions to take over himself and places all his joys in satisfying coarse desires, draws closer to unclean spirits, giving preference to animal nature” (P. Galeva, “Conversations with Allan Kardec”).

“The spirit can bring its incarnation closer or further away (but not indefinitely). He can “ask” God for a specific incarnation” (ibid.).

“...the connection of the soul with the body begins at conception, but is complete only at the moment of birth (this connection is not final: if it is interrupted, the child is born dead)” (ibid.).

“From the moment of conception, anxiety begins to take possession of the spirit... this anxiety continues to increase until birth; during this interval his state approximately corresponds to the state of the embodied spirit during the sleep of the body; as the moment of birth approaches, his thoughts are erased, as well as memories of the past, which, having entered into life, he, being a man, is no longer aware of; but this memory little by little returns to him in his state of mind” (ibid.).

“During reincarnation, the reverse process of tuning bodies occurs. When moving from one subplane to another, consciousness seems to move away, a person falls, as it were, into sleep (the soul does not awaken immediately from sleep after birth-incarnation in the next physical body; for years of childhood it exists as if in a half-asleep state and finally awakens only somewhere by the age of thirty...)” (Yu. Ivanov, ibid.).

At first glance, the theory of reincarnation may seem quite logical, but a slightly more careful study of it reveals a number of very

serious flaws . And above all, inconsistency of the provisions of the theory of reincarnation in various sources not only in minor details, but also in major ones.

For example, in the Tibetan book of the dead“Although the possibility of reincarnation is allowed, it is not obligatory for everyone. P. Galeva asserts the possibility of reincarnation only for humans, but in the views of Buddhism such a possibility is allowed for all living things. Christianity generally denies the possibility of the soul transmigrating from one physical body to another. Quite a strange discord, given the fact that almost all the properties of the spiritual-immaterial world analyzed earlier in this treatise, which were mentioned in one teaching, could be found in almost all other teachings about the spirit...

Very serious doubts are raised about such a central position of the theory of reincarnation as “ memory loss "with a new incarnation. If relocation is really carried out to achieve a certain level of development of the soul, then why does a person not remember his past?.. What is the great meaning in all the forgetting and remembering?..

Let's say, according to Yu. Ivanov, the memory of previous lives is erased, since

“...premature knowledge of one’s incarnations can stop the further development of the soul, plunging the soul into despair if any betrayal in the past is revealed, or strengthen conceit, one of the most blocking qualities on the path of spiritual development” (ibid.).

There couldn’t be any “stronger” arguments!.. Was it really impossible in this case to lay down some other mechanism for protecting such an “easily vulnerable” soul? At least the mechanism that already exists in the human psyche: erasing the sensitivity of perception and reducing the significance of events as memories move away from the moment of doing what is remembered (“erasing” with the passage of time). And although complete “forgetting” does not occur in a person, his psyche is protected from “despair”. And conceit can arise quite easily even within one life...

And it is also strange that in the “primary sources” there are not even any hints about “remembering past lives” from the most outstanding personalities (Christ, Buddha, Mohammed...), although in theories they are assigned the role of “remembering everything”...

Some modern metaphysical “manuals” express the idea that only that part of the soul participates in transmigration, which does not include memory, consciousness, or self-awareness. But then it is completely unlawful to talk about safety of the soul (with her complex personality qualities, complex qualities of “self”), and not just about her relocation to a new body. It would not occur to anyone to assert that the entry of atoms that were once part of one physical body into the composition of another physical body means the “relocation” of the old physical body to a new one. Why, then, for the elements of a spiritual-immaterial substance caught in a cycle similar to the cycle of matter, is an absolutely opposite, unsubstantiated conclusion made?..

“...if the soul is immortal by nature,

If it is introduced into our body at birth,

That's why we can't remember what happened to her before,

And we keep no trace of her past deeds?

If the properties of the soul have changed to such an extent,

That from the past all memory has been completely erased,

So, in my opinion, she is not far from death.

As a result, it must be recognized that past souls

They died, those who are now living were born again."

(Lucretius Carus, “On the Nature of Things”).

Further. For some reason, the theory of reincarnation rejects the possibility of the transmigration of souls through family ties, although, by all considerations, there must be some kind of correlation: the genetic similarity of the physical bodies of relatives should create more favorable conditions for precisely such “related” reincarnation... Moreover, the genotype determines some properties and mental structure, i.e. properties of a “relay” of external influence and communication with “spirits”; hence,

there must be a certain connection between the properties of the “soul pyramid” of parents and children, which is confirmed by facts from real life, but is rejected by the theory of reincarnation .

“The spirit always has the abilities that are inherent to it; the main thing is that it is not organs that give abilities, but abilities that stimulate the development of organs” (P. Galeva, “Conversations with Allan Kardec”).

The spiritual abilities of different, unrelated people may be very close, but where is the similarity of their material organs? spiritual abilities, which again contradicts the theory of reincarnation. The theory refutes itself...

The specific stages of the process of transmigration of the soul in the theory of reincarnation raise even more questions. For example, Yu. Ivanov, in an effort to make the theory of reincarnation logical, in his presentation of the initial stage of “incarnation” writes:

“During sexual intercourse, energy is released at a certain frequency, which, together with the genes of the fertilized egg, has an attractive effect on a being ripe for reincarnation, located in the astral plane, and whose vibration has the same frequency as the energy released during sexual intercourse. As a result, conception occurs” (Yu. Ivanov, ibid.).

But it follows, for example, that

spirits must literally swarm around brothels , being “tied” by an unknown force to the “idle version” and, according to the theory of reincarnation, being in a kind of “twilight” (i.e., weakly thinking) state...

Let's say we find fault with little things. But what next?..

Here a man was born. According to the theory of reincarnation, he is faced with the task of working off “bad karma.” In his life, on the contrary, (according to the same theory) he constantly gains it. What to do?.. One option: to reduce the influx of “bad karma”, this person needs to reduce the number of social contacts. In the limit, a person is isolated from everything that can add “bad karma” to him, in particular, from society itself. Then, according to the logic of the theory of reincarnation, a person in a “wild” state should be more “purer” than a civilized person. But this is an obvious absurdity... A person in general can become a person (in the full sense of the word) only in society, since he is a social being .

But these are all “little things”. There are more serious contradictions with ordinary statistics. Let's say if the number of people on Earth increases (and this is reality), then the frequency of reincarnation should also increase , and not decrease, as should be the case with the “improvement” of souls, and as the theory of reincarnation proclaims.

“The various corporeal existences of the spirit are always progressive and never retrograde; but the speed of progress depends on the efforts we make to achieve perfection” (P. Galeva, ibid.).

“...a soul of low spiritual development has a high frequency of reincarnations, since it is drawn to Earth by carnal lusts and attractions to material wealth. A soul of higher spiritual development, tired of earthly existence and satiated with everything that the Earth could give it at a given stage of its evolution, nothing forces it to return until its own desires bring it to Earth. The totality of the soul's desires regulates its new births. Further, when a person reaches a high degree of development, he enters a state of conscious and voluntary transition from one life to another (and then the full memory of past lives is revealed)" (Yu. Ivanov, "Man and his soul. Life in the physical body and the astral world").

Further. The ultimate goal of all incarnations, the theory of reincarnation believes that the soul reaches that level of development when it leaves the chain of incarnations and finds itself in that area of ​​the spiritual-immaterial world, which is usually called Nirvana, and into which only the “best”, most developed souls are able to get. If the best are selected for Nirvana, then the system (i.e., the human population) has, from the point of view of improving souls,

negative efficiency , since only the worst remain in the system. Consequently, humanity (as well as the souls of people participating in reincarnation), according to the theory of systems modeling, worsens (and does not improve!) their qualities. The conscious return of “improved” souls (remaining in sound memory) according to the theory of reincarnation itself is extremely rare and isolated, since this is the level (at least) of Christ’s disciples. Therefore, there are no serious violations in the above pattern and there should not be. Again the internal contradictions of the theory...

The contradictions listed above are certainly sufficient to ensure that complete discrepancy between the theory of reincarnation and reality and elementary logic . But then it is necessary to explain the effects observed in experiments on “remembering previous lives” under hypnosis (by the way, the only serious experimental material related to the theory of reincarnation).

One of the options for a “non-reincarnation” explanation of these effects may be the option proposed by V. Safonov:

“...some individual... suddenly spontaneously tunes in to the wave of information , existing in the “personal cell” of this or that once really existing person” (V. Safonov, “Unreal Reality”).

And more than that. This is not just tuning into some information, but

the strongest resonance with another spiritual-immaterial object that has similar characteristics with "remembering". In this case, a strong resonance causes the “rememberer” to enter a state close to the state of someone else's soul . That is, “reincarnation” in the experiments under consideration is only “tuning” to the “natural frequencies” of a certain soul in the information field. Hypnosis only removes barriers and facilitates such adjustment (using the attitude: “you can do this”).

At the same time, the identification of one’s “I” with the soul from the information field seems to be quite natural, since in a hypnosis session there is a readiness of the hypnotized person to identify (merge) himself with another personality (he receives from the hypnotist task to remember yourself and, forced to carry out his task, identifies himself with the object with which contact is established). The hypnotist here turns out to be a force that introduces distortions into the interpretation of the information received . Cases of such identification of one’s “I” with other personalities, even without any hypnosis, are quite common in real life and have already been described earlier...

Let us note that in recent decades professional psychologists have also been actively studying the effect of “remembering past lives” and have already come to conclusions similar to those just stated. The main argument against the reality of “reincarnation” in the cases studied by these psychologists was what turned out to be possible during the hypnotic session change the course of the “remembered” picture . And moreover, based on this possibility of “interference” in the observed “picture of the past,” even entire methods of psychotherapy have been developed to date, aimed at solving the internal problems of the hypnotized person. (Those who are interested in this topic should refer to R. Moody’s work “Going Back”.)

So, the theory of reincarnation does not stand up to criticism. But in this case the question remains open future fate the soul after its “placement” in one of the “spheres” of the spiritual-immaterial world. What's happening to her?..

In descriptions of post-mortem experience one can find evidence (unfortunately, perhaps the only significant evidence) that the soul is indeed capable of continuing to exist even after its “placement” in one of the “spheres” of the spiritual-immaterial world for a relatively long time.

“... during the transition to another plane of existence, most were met by people who once loved them and died earlier...” (R. Moody, “Life After Life”).

At the same time, facts of meeting with people who died quite a long time ago are noted. If a person’s soul disintegrated or was reincarnated after a certain short period of time, then the deceased would not meet the souls of people who died before the specified period, but such “meetings” still take place.

However the continued existence of the soul after the death of the physical body does not mean its immortality, even if it ceases to exist within the framework of physical time . No one can exclude frailty and the spiritual state.

“Survival after the death of the body, however, differs from immortality and means only a postponement of mental death” (B. Russell, “Why I am not a Christian”).

Just as a person (in his physical expression), once born, ever dies, so his “pyramid of the soul,” once formed, must someday disintegrate

. (Remember that we can only talk here about the spiritual-immaterial “time”.)

We have actually already touched on some options for the collapse of the “pyramid of the soul”. Let's say, for the period of spiritual-immaterial existence, two such options were mentioned (there may be more; however, we are not yet able to determine them).

First, the option cessation of individuality, dissolution of personality in Nirvana . Although the reality of the existence of Nirvana, as an independent phenomenon, remains a very big question, one cannot deny the possibility of personality destruction at the will of the individual himself . (Actually, it is precisely this kind of self-destruction that the school of Buddhism aims at.)

Secondly, destruction of the “pyramid of the soul” can occur at the stage of transition to the “other world” and adaptation to it . Based on ordinary logic, it is obvious that there is a variant of the destruction of the soul in “Hell” (i.e., when passing through the sphere of one’s own mental images) under the extreme stress that the soul experiences at the same time. Interaction with negative images that is dissonant in nature can, in principle, destroy the soul as a single system, which again is tantamount to mental death. When mental stress on the “pyramid of the soul” exceeds a certain limit of its stability, it can collapse .

“Death is a strong mental shock; in most cases, the energy network is torn, confused, and its structure breaks. She is no longer able to restore herself, she dissolves, and now the person is already completely dead” (R. Sheckley, “Immortality Corporation”).

By the way, a similar destruction of the psyche sometimes occurs during a person’s physical life

in case of severe stress . And this is one of the options for ending existence human personality even before the death of the physical body ; option, which is by no means the only one.

Let's say another, more exotic option is also possible - the option zombie , When the human psyche is destroyed by purposeful external influence . In this case, the entire “upper” part of the “pyramid of the soul” is destroyed and only the structures that ensure the physiological existence of the organism remain. At the same time, as practice shows, the “control levers” of the physical body are preserved (for which, in fact, this targeted influence is carried out).

It should be noted that the possibility of preserving the “control levers” of the body in the absence of personal structures is confirmed both by some pathological cases of mental patients and by Yu. Longo’s experiments on “revitalizing” corpses...

In real life, we also find evidence of the possibility of personality disintegration, the disintegration of the spiritual and non-material component of a person, even without any outside targeted intervention.

“With normal, physiological old age, there is a change in the activity of the senses, the mobility of emotional reactions and motor skills changes. Such people become less active, their range of interests narrows, one-sided attachments or emotional coldness towards others appear. For some, characterological traits become aggravated as they age” (I. Lakosina, G. Ushakov, “Medical Psychology”).

This indicates that in old age not only a disruption of the functions of the physical body can occur, but also a disintegration of the “upper”, most fragile connections in the “pyramid of the soul” (the most stable connections, naturally, are those that determine the basic properties, i.e. . person's character).

The destruction of part of the “pyramid of the soul” naturally changes the properties of the “pyramid” itself. .

“In old age, well-being and self-awareness change, dissatisfaction with oneself, self-doubt, and a feeling of inferiority appear. The mood is often low, sometimes anxiety arises for various unimportant reasons. Some become gloomy, irritable, and pessimistic. Grumbling and grumpiness often appear. Old people can be selfish and self-centered, their circle of interests narrows, and there is an increased interest in the past and an overestimation of it. Lack of self-confidence and their capabilities, anxiety for the future makes old people stingy, over-cautious, and conservative” (ibid.).

“Changes in mental activity at the age of reverse development can be combined into several of the most typical syndromes: affective syndromes (depressive, manic, fear syndromes), delusional, dementia-like, neurosis-like and states of altered consciousness” (ibid.).

Let us note here that

in this case, there is a destruction of the most important (for spiritual-immaterial existence) function of the soul: the ability to receive and process information, without which the soul in the spiritual-immaterial world is simply deprived of sources of energy for its activities .

“ [elderly] people... the processes of mental adaptation to new requirements and circumstances worsen, habits and stereotypes are more difficult to change, memory and attention decrease” (ibid.).

“Memory disorders often extend not only to current events, but also to past ones: patients do not remember the past, confuse it with the present, they shift the chronology of events; disorientation in time and space is revealed... Similar memory impairments are often observed in mental illnesses of late age, which are based on progressive, qualitatively unique destruction of the cerebral cortex. Clinically, the disease is characterized by steadily progressing memory disorders: first, the ability to remember current events decreases, events are erased from memory recent years and partly from a long time ago. Along with this, the distant past preserved in memory acquires special relevance in the mind of the patient. He does not live in a real real situation, which he does not perceive, but in fragments of situations, actions, situations that took place in the distant past. Such deep disorientation with the relegation of ideas not only about the environment and loved ones, but also about one’s own personality to the distant past with senile dementia it develops gradually” (B. Zeigarnik, “Patopsychology”).

“Such memory disorders, characterized by “living in the past”, false recognition of others, with behavior adequate to this false orientation, arise mainly in senile dementia. It is based on a diffuse, evenly occurring atrophic process of the cerebral cortex” (ibid.).

“S.G. Zhilin suggests that an unclear perception of the world in senile dementia is due to the disinhibition of developed differentiations, a general weakening of the analyzer functions of the cortex. Become inert nervous processes They cannot keep up with the change of unfolding events coming from real life, and they record only individual parts, components of the environment and situation. All the described phenomena occur against the background of intellectual impoverishment, caused by the death of a huge number of cortical cells” (ibid.).

Although we are inclined to attribute these processes to the consequences of the destruction not of the cerebral cortex, but of the “pyramid of the soul” itself, the process still has precisely this character - and it does not matter what is considered primary. Zeigarnik worked under conditions of complete dominance of the materialistic approach, hence such conclusions. The essence of his conclusions on the process of destruction: insufficient activity of the memorization process; low memorization strength; excessive distractibility, thoughts slipping into side associations - comes down to a statement

destruction primarily of the logical part of thinking (the most recent acquisition of humanity).

But this process of destruction of the “upper” layers of the “pyramid of the soul” may not be limited to only a small part, but can go very deep and lead to complete destruction of personality .

“In extreme old age, people remain individuals, but if the old age of a person is accompanied by atrophy or other damage to the brain, he may stop being a person "(S. Rubinstein, "Psychology of a mentally retarded schoolchild").

Several interesting conclusions can be drawn from this. Firstly,

not all souls continue to exist after the physical death of a person, since his psyche, his personality can be destroyed before or during the process of physical dying .

Secondly, the processes described clearly suggest continuation of natural selection among the human population . Further existence after the death of the physical body continues only to those living systems that are adapted for this. Those who are better adapted to the conditions of the spiritual-immaterial world (have the ability to process information and “tune” to the necessary frequencies, have a psyche that is resistant to external influences, etc.), those who, in theory, exist “longer”, do not collapsing, in the spiritual-immaterial world . This, in fact, should not be surprising, since, as mentioned earlier, with the emergence of self-awareness, with the advent of man, evolution shifted to the spiritual-immaterial sphere.

Third. Even if the soul survived physical death, it can (and in theory should) at some point in spiritual-immaterial “time” cease to exist. If, as we believe, the mental activity of a living person is the result of the activity primarily of his “pyramid of the soul” (and not the material brain), then the destruction of the soul in the spiritual-immaterial world should have a similar character to the process of destruction of the psyche in old age . Therefore, the study of the destruction of the psyche in old people can also give us an idea of ​​the processes that occur during the destruction of the soul already in the spiritual-immaterial world...

And fourthly. A person can regulate the duration of his existence in the spiritual-immaterial world during his lifetime. In order to increase the “time” of conscious activity after physical death, an individual must: develop the ability to receive and process information (including by increasing his level of knowledge); acquire skills of conflict-free coexistence with other individuals; increase the stability of your psyche (including by developing a strong worldview and the ability to manage your own emotions); develop willpower and the ability to control your thoughts. That is, he must do everything that is implied by the term "development of spiritual perfection" .

Much has been said about the controversial issue of reincarnation, but we return to this issue again and again. After all, if we look closely at the world around us, we will see undoubted signs of reincarnation. Whether it is in the cyclical movements of the moon, or it is contained in nature: seeds, pollination, the cycle of life surrounds everything around us.

There are probably many different forms of reincarnation, expressing this amazing phenomenon in the most different ways. In essence, any form of regeneration of life as energy can be seen in the maturation of the stages of life itself, the phases of development that ultimately lead to regeneration.

One of the biggest and unknown mysteries of reincarnation is whether the consciousness/soul reveals the memory of a life spent in another body. Can we see signs in ourselves that we may have previously used soul energy? Is it possible to discover and identify with our past selves, and if so, what are the most effective ways to discover and understand it?

It is important to understand that reincarnation is not a “speculation” of faith - more than 50% of the world population consider the phenomenon to be true in one form or another. Such beliefs have been entrenched for thousands of years in religious movements. The philosophical and scientific logic of reincarnation has found friends even in scientific communities - for, as we have already seen, signs of conservation of energy work everywhere.

Reincarnation and the physical body.

When thinking about reincarnation, the question inevitably arises: when we are reincarnated into a new body, our old self - personality, beliefs, characteristics, etc. — will they be able to be reborn? Logically the only answer is no, since gaining the energy to adapt in a new way requires the ability to be reborn in many different forms.

Thus, there are multiple selves in reincarnation, embodied by the Buddhist belief that the cycle of energy continues indefinitely while our personalities are reborn during the process.

This allows the memory to persist - although not in the version that directly leads to us, opening up characteristics from previous incarnations for memories.

Along with this, some of us experience the reincarnation of the soul/consciousness into new uniform, is able to comprehend “memories” from before. For some unknown reason, the memory of these people is more “plastic”, adapting more easily to a new body. Here are some of the most common ways in which one can gain insight into reincarnation.

Recurring dreams.

Many people report recurring dreams. For better or worse, the same dreams often follow a person throughout life, and have no clear, expressed cause. They are not associated with stress or traumatic experiences, and are often completely divorced from our personal experiences without any logical explanation.

A typical example would be a performance where the experience of many centuries is recalled, as if in real time. past life. In such dreams, we feel like free researchers studying the world long before we were born.

Dreams revealed in dreams are a reflection of our deep subconscious, reviving memories and experiences that lie dormant in our waking life.

Memories of a past life.

Some of the most famous evidence of reincarnation comes from the memories of very young children, who can describe experiences and life events far beyond their actual ability. Similar memories come in relation to specific people and places, revealing amazing detail of events.

Strong intuition.

Our natural intuition lies at the intersection of the conscious and unconscious, often bordering so closely that we seem to be able to get to the “essence” or “understanding”, the basis of our existence.

Intuition gives a natural understanding of what is happening around us, practically dictating actions and actions. Highly developed intuition is based on the foundation of vast experience; it is obvious that the skills acquired in past lives have an impact.

An outstanding phenomenon of Deja Vu.

Most people experience a feeling of déjà vu at some point in their lives. Many afterlife researchers believe that this is the most common way for people to acknowledge the evidence of reincarnation.

There is no full description for the Déjà Vu effect, but yet it is a very mysterious experience - recognition of a familiar place, face, smells, sights, simply a feeling of previously experienced feelings.

Déjà vu is sometimes considered a neurological “blip,” but many describe it as a feeling unlike any other—a feeling of confidence and knowledge of how a situation will unfold that is definitely being encountered for the first time in this life. And as such, Déjà vu probably represents the key to understanding transformation.


The ability to predict what may happen in the near or distant future is called event prediction. Fascinating predictions of what is going to happen can be obtained in looks, feelings or emotional terms. There are many examples where disaster could have been avoided based on the emotion “I don’t feel right” and alternative decisions made.

Many believe that precognition is an expressive reflection of an unconscious connection to spiritual energy, allowing people to “see” what is happening around them, and not just what lies within themselves.

There is also an opinion that reincarnation does not necessarily occur in ascending time. On the contrary, you can be reincarnated into the past, along with the memory of the future. And as recent research shows, the soul/personality can be reborn in another world.

Memory from a past life.

The opposite of precognition is the recollection in exact detail of events not experienced in this life, dating back to a time when a person was not yet born. There was definitely an unlocking of the memory of another life. But it is possible that this is due to the coincidence of memory, which is why some people remember a past life quite easily.

Wisdom beyond her years.

The phrase “a wise head on the shoulders of the young” has more than one meaning. In our case, the meaning lies in several reincarnations. Moreover, each stage of reincarnation, passing from life to life, accumulates life experience. Our souls, moving along the steps, progress through various stages of development.

We experience a sense of maturity and understanding of the world at a young physical age, when it is more natural to be inquisitive, more reckless and prone to mistakes.

Not my people, and the planet is alien.

Some people actually believe that they belong to another culture or even time period. This could be a dormant experience and the activation of a memory from a past life.

For example, living in a civilization that left the scene thousands of years ago, and being reincarnated many times, a person retained the images of the past culture, which took a dominant position in his subconscious. It is clear that the energy of consciousness is transferred to a new body, as evidenced by these cases.

Some of the planet's inhabitants go through their entire lives without feeling comfortable on Earth. From the point of view of reincarnation, this may be because for these people the appearance on the planet was the first time. According to, a person’s soul after death does not always return to “its world.” Alternatively, they could be reborn at the opposite end of the universe.

In fact, the proposed abundance of existing theories and signs about life after death, reincarnation, etc., reveals incredible aspects of the universe, about which we know offensively little.

See for yourself: the idea of ​​quantum worlds speaks of the division of the Universe into neighboring worlds. Thus, we all also appear in new worlds. When a person dies, then in order to “enter” a new body, this is the foundation of reincarnation.

But then, where does the soul itself begin? - maybe it was originally a creation of the Universe? What do you think about all this?

The question of reincarnation has concerned theologians and philosophers throughout the history of humankind. Is death forever, or is it to be continued? If yes, which one?

In this article

Is it possible to count lives or remember them?

One incarnation or seven hundred in geometric progression? Or maybe there are nine of them, like a cat? Or is there an infinite number of chances to correct mistakes? Some believe that it is possible to be reborn at least fifteen times, others insist that seven attempts are enough to realize your destiny.


Nobody knows the true answer. Only strange or terrible events make you think about the eternal.

Most ordinary people are interested in the external side; take everything as a joke computer game or fun fun.

  1. What is the previous body's appearance and gender?
  2. What part of the world or country did I live in?
  3. How many attempts are left and how to increase them?

Knowledge about rebirth will allow you to correct the present and future. The past has great power, so we need to work on mistakes.

Special meditations, conscious sleep or deep hypnosis will help refresh your memory. Having tuned in to the right wave, we plunge into a trance and go on a journey through places of memory.

Meditation as one of the ways to remember your rebirth

Meditation to clear karma from the negative experiences of previous incarnations:

You can see past events and trace their influence on the present with the help of a magic ball. Often psychics use other reflective surfaces: water or mirrors. The methods only work if the seer is endowed with strong energy. An unprepared and illiterate seeker will hear only echoes of past events, blurry and unclear images that do not give a clear answer.

Reincarnation and the laws of karma

Theories about karmic relationships on the Planet are held by Buddhists and followers of the Hindu religion.

Wheel of Samsara. Going beyond it means fulfilling your destiny and breaking the chain of reincarnations

  1. Society lives according to the laws of cause and effect. If in your current incarnation you are a despot and a rapist, get ready to get what you deserve next time.
  2. Karma implies an unlimited number of returns: until complete repentance and correction of mistakes.
  3. Thoughts are material just like actions. It's quite a bad thought to harm karma.
  4. Freedom of expression. We choose to be good or evil and are responsible for our actions.
  5. Reincarnation balances actions and gives a chance for correction.
  6. Negative or positive qualities are acquired in the process of evolution. At the moment of birth we are tabula rasa - a blank slate.
  7. Karmic laws impose restrictions. You can move forward or backward only in a given plane. It will not be possible to jump over what is destined from above. Karma is like a river: you swim, hang on, or drown ingloriously. It is impossible to go on land until connections are worked out and business is completed.

How to atone for sins is a separate question. There is no exact answer to this, only assumptions. On a whim, wandering as if in the dark, the soul must perform a series of actions that compensate for negative actions. Clues come in the plots of dreams, fragmentary memories, the effect of what has already been seen, strange encounters.

If you have killed someone in the past, you will tragically lose a close friend or relative in this reality. If you didn’t keep your promise, get ready for constant deception. You made someone unhappy, suffer until you realize the mistake. The list of assumptions can be continued indefinitely.

The video clearly outlines the laws of karmic relationships:

Transmigration of souls: to believe or not to believe

There are so many religious teachings, so many possible answers to the question of immortality. The first primitive beliefs, which arose during the period of tribal relations, meant by relocation the ability of the spirit to be reborn in the circle of its family. Such views are held by the indigenous peoples of the north and the Indians. For them, Genus is a constant value. Children are grandparents, grandparents and other relatives.

The process of transmigration of souls is endless

Socrates, Pythagoras, and Plato spoke about possible reincarnation.

The fire-worshipping Slavs also believed in repeated returns. The ancestors attributed to the soul the possibility of incarnating not only into a thinking being, but also into inanimate objects or animals.

Buddhism, on the contrary, teaches that evolution occurs from a primitive to a higher being, initially all were plants.

In this video you will learn how to remember past lives. At the end of the video, a simple and accessible master class on managing memories is given:

The Christian religious concept states: we are born once. After death we go to heaven or hell. There we wait for the Last Judgment, at which we receive either absolution or punishment.

11 facts confirming the rebirth of the soul

Parapsychologists say that there are practically no new residents. Everyone was reborn, just some more, others less, more often or less often. Everything depends on the karmic purpose and the effectiveness of fulfilling the tasks set by Fate. The spirit does not always return to the body immediately; it waits for the next incarnation for decades and centuries. For the Universe, the concept of time is relative. What takes years for a living being is just a moment for the Cosmos.

The parable clearly shows how our perception correlates with the Cosmic Mind.

The stingy one prayed:

- Lord, what is a thousand years to you?

- A moment.

- What is a thousand coins to you?

Give me this penny!

- Okay, wait a moment.

Recurring dreams

Dreams are real, just like waking life. They are a reflection of fears, hopes, worries. The subconscious gives figurative clues on how to act in reality. In dreams, dormant dragons, demons and angels are released. Traveling through the valley of dreams, you can meet your other “I” and remember previous incarnations.

In dreams we see distant worlds and past lives

Dreamers say that they find themselves in places that do not exist in real life, but they clearly recognize them. While traveling on the astral plane, we meet acquaintances, but when we wake up, we understand that these are strangers. It is possible to feel in the subconscious the foreign presence of thoughts, emotions, desires. What other signs indicate reincarnation?

  1. Constant nightmares with similar plots.
  2. Bright, colorful pictures of foreign countries.
  3. Own transformations or amazing metamorphoses of familiar things.
  4. Fantastic dream scenes.
  5. The extraordinary reality of what is happening in the world of illusions.

All these phenomena indicate that the soul is painfully trying to remember its previous place of residence.

Strange Memories

The older the Mind, the less likely it is to remember the past, say parapsychologists and occultists. Unconscious visions come to children, but parents usually attribute them to wild imagination. Sometimes they are afraid of revelations and forbid the child to talk about an illusory vision of reality. Non-existent interlocutors or friends are not a figment of a sick imagination and are not a reason to take a child to a psychiatrist. Try to talk in an interested and friendly manner. Suddenly the child will be able to remember and realize himself in previous incarnations.

There is a legend that the cry of a baby at birth symbolizes knowledge. But at that moment the guardian angel puts his hand on his head and makes him forget what happened before. Erases memory to keep the secret.

Intuition as a reminder of a previous life

From the point of view of official science, intuition is a projection of the subconscious into reality. Scientists believe that there is nothing mystical or irrational: the brain constantly records and processes information, and at the right moment suggests the right decision. It seems to us that it came from outside, but in fact we generated it ourselves.

It happens to everyone: you’re walking down the street and you think about a friend you haven’t seen for a long time. After a few steps you see a familiar face in the crowd. Esotericists will call this a premonition. Fundamentalist scientists will shrug their shoulders and say: you first saw your friend in the crowd out of the corner of your eye, and then you thought about him. And not the other way around.

Occultists believe that the higher the level of consciousness and the more rebirths, the more powerful the intuitive flow.

This video contains a powerful mantra that reveals intuition:

Trusting your inner voice saves your life. The media has described many examples of how, feeling discomfort and danger, passengers returned plane or train tickets before the disaster. They didn’t get into a car that was involved in an accident a few hours later. We took a different road instead of the usual route and avoided terrorist attacks.

Deja vu

Moments that escape understanding appear under the influence of stress, an unusual or unpleasant situation. Smells, sounds, surroundings - you never know when you will feel an amazing feeling.

Scientists studying quantum theories suggest that déjà vu directly indicates the multivariance of the Universe and the presence of parallel spaces. Parapsychologists say that these are echoes of experienced memories. The greater and more often the effect is observed, the older age consciousness.

Empathy as a sign of rebirth and a highly developed soul

Who are empaths? These are people who are able to physically sense the experiences of others. And not only mental, but also physical. The degree of involvement in other people's problems is so high that the empath feels them as his own. They perceive common grief as part of themselves.

Depending on their religious affiliation, they are called Saints, Righteous or Prophets. In the secular tradition, they are awarded with the epithets: “doctor from God”, “teacher by vocation”. Such lamps of Light burn brightly and go out early. Often their fate is tragic. Example: Elizaveta Glinka (Doctor Lisa).

The gift of foresight

Strong seers come to Earth once every century, and sometimes more. Knowledge gained from mysterious images cannot always be fully deciphered or openly transmitted to descendants. The famous quatrains of Nostradamus are an example of foresight. Due to the peculiarities of the time, the Master was unable to clearly present the information.

Occultists consider Mikhail Lermontov’s poem “I Go Out Alone on the Road” as direct evidence of his involvement in the host of Mature Souls. The verses contain the following lines:

It’s solemn and wonderful in heaven!

The earth sleeps in a blue radiance...

In Lermontov's time, space exploration was far away. But how could he have known that the planet looked exactly like this from orbit: surrounded by a bluish halo?

This is what the Earth looks like from space

Lermontov's works indicate that his spirit went through dozens of reincarnations. The tragic death of the poet confirms the fact. He lived just long enough to clear his karma.

A look into the past

Information from the past comes in the form of fragmentary memories, unrelated chaotic visions. People are able to remember historical events that happened hundreds of years ago. A tourist from America, visiting Rome for the first time, amazed the guides with the accuracy of her descriptions of places she had never seen before.

Maybe Jerusalem syndrome, which doctors consider a mental disorder, is a memory?

Jerusalem syndrome is called short-term insanity in particularly sensitive people. Men imagine themselves as Jesus wandering to Golgotha, women experience the suffering of the Virgin Mary, who lost her only Son.

Mental and biological age

It's not about how a person looks outwardly, but how young he feels. It happens that children are serious and focused, and adults feel like teenagers until they turn gray. Parapsychologists associate the phenomenon with the true age of the soul.

The fewer incarnations there were, the brighter and more emotional the Spirit manifests itself. Everything seems new, unusual and attractive to him. He never tires of being surprised and discovering the facets of existence. Travelers and tireless wanderers most often have young hearts. Examples: Jacques Cousteau, Fyodor Konyukhov.

From this video you will find out how old your soul is:

Inexplicable attraction to a foreign culture, language, customs

Someone is interested in the philosophy of the East or has a thirst for knowledge of the culture of Ancient civilizations. Desire to study foreign language or dressing in costumes of a certain era can be explained by the theory of life reincarnation.

A striking example is a popular phenomenon among young people - cosplay. Boys and girls choose a similar real or fictitious image and recreate it with the help of makeup, hairstyle or clothing.

Unexplained fears, phobias and concerns

Psychologists believe that we develop all our complexes and fears in childhood. Fear of heights, falling or water indicates a violent death in the past. By unraveling the tangle of phobias, you can get closer to unraveling the origin and purpose of the soul.

Phobias are a product of fears from the past

The feeling that the Earth is not your home

Unreasonable anxiety, chronic fatigue, anxiety, a feeling of unreality of what is happening. Such emotions arise as a result of the aging of Consciousness. It gets tired of endless reincarnations and strives to leave earthly limits as quickly as possible. Loneliness, lack of friends, alienation and hostility of relatives are indirect signs pointing to a soul ready to go into Space.

The feeling is based on the premonitions of old people who accurately name the date of departure. The tired clearly know the duration of their stay on Earth and do not regret their imminent death.

They passionately desire to return to their origins, to the boundless space of the Universe and take a break from the difficult path.

Films and books about soul reincarnation

Popular science and fiction literature is devoted to issues of life and death.

  1. First on this list is Raymond Moody's Life After Life. The author collected the experience of patients who experienced clinical death and realized that going beyond the physical shell is real.
  2. Denise Lynn, Past Lives, Present Dreams. In the book, the author gives simple and accessible techniques for realizing your “I”.
  3. Sam Parnia "What Happens When We Die" In the scientific work, the professor of medicine talks about studies conducted with patients who survived coma and short-term care.
  4. The book and film of the same name “The Secret” will interest those who are concerned about the cause-and-effect relationships between our actions and the reaction of the Universe.

Memories, reincarnation and expanding the boundaries of consciousness have always been of interest to directors.

  1. The cult American film Flatliners was released in 1990. A remake was filmed in 2017. The film tells about the posthumous visions of a group of young doctors who decided to undertake a risky experiment.
  2. “Anesthesia” is not recommended for viewing in anticipation of major surgical interventions. But it can be confidently classified as a film that expands the boundaries of consciousness.
  3. The historical painting “The Mummy” will allow you to look at the problem of embodiment from a different point of view.
  4. Among domestic TV series, we recommend watching the recently released film “The Other Side of Death.”
  5. The multi-part mystical drama “Premonition” will tell how, as a result of an accident, a woman acquires the gift of clairvoyance.

The soul is immortal

There are more questions than answers. Are post-mortem sensations real, or are these the last bursts of brain activity before complete extinction? Visions, premonitions, intuition - what is behind these concepts? World experience of numerous reincarnations or blind Faith. Everyone is free to choose a point of view that corresponds to religious or other beliefs. Or maybe just follow Vysotsky’s advice:

Isn't it better to be a decent person while alive?

A little about the author:

Anomalous zones of the world: unidentified and incredible or unexplored and forgotten?

I have no doubt whatsoever about the existence of what is called new life, and that the living rise from the dead.

Good day. Do you often think about what awaits you after death? You can often hear about such a concept as reincarnation after death. But only a few people imagine what it is. Here we will try to look behind the veil of secrecy and find out whether life after death is possible.

Reincarnation after death: what is it?

People have been interested in questions of life and death for centuries. They tried to understand what was beyond the line, whether Hell and Heaven existed, or all this was fiction. But what is reincarnation? How does it happen? Does karma have an effect?

Reincarnation, according to Buddhist ideas, literally means “rebirth.” When the physical shell of a creature dies, the soul moves into another body, still in its infancy. But this is a generally accepted and somewhat vague concept.

In some religions there is an opinion that the human Spirit is capable of rebirth, but everyone can have several Souls.

The soul is an energy-informational subtle matter that remains on Earth after death for some time, while the Spirit is already moving to other worlds. The spirit is formed from several souls, which it “collects” along its life path, while reincarnation occurs from one body to another.

Basic theories of reincarnation

So far, humanity knows nothing for certain about reincarnation, although hundreds of philosophers, parapsychologists, esotericists and scientists have studied it. Not only people who believe in the supernatural, for example, like the famous Helena Blavatsky, talked about this phenomenon, but also physicists, astronomers - the great minds of the past and our century.

One of the most common theories reincarnation reads that after physical death a person’s soul moves into the body of the opposite sex. That is, if you are currently a man, it means that in a past life you were a woman. It is generally accepted that it is by alternating the sexes that a harmonious spiritual balance is maintained.

Based on the same theory, reincarnation is not always successful. And for some reason, an echo of the “past sex” makes itself felt in the new body (feminine character traits in men and vice versa). The result is a split personality from which the person himself suffers.

Parapsychologists assure that it is quite possible to eliminate this problem if you find out the reasons why in the past it was not possible to successfully move into a new body. Today, there are a dozen methods to find out who a person was in a past life and what problems he had there. The most effective way is .

What bodies does the soul move into?

Opinions esotericists on this matter diverge: someone says that the soul cannot pass from the human body into the body of an animal, just as the soul cannot pass from the body of an animal into the body of a person, a stone or a plant. Others believe that the soul can easily travel through different bodies and be anyone in its incarnation.

On this basis another one arose theory reincarnation, references to which we can find in various religions of the peoples of the world.

According to this theory, each person has his own karma - a “load” that he carries from his incarnation to the next over several lives (). If he has done a lot of bad things, he will be reborn as an animal. And this will happen until his soul is cleansed of filth and receives the right to be human again. And in some cases, the soul will have to go through all the agony of waiting for the next incarnation, as if it were restless.

Here task reincarnation is lesson learned. If in a past life you could not accept, for example, poor people, then in your next life you will not be particularly rich. In this way, the Spirit remembers the consequences and learns a lesson from its behavior.

Based on the concept of karma, many religious teachings explain the trials and suffering that befall everyone living on Earth. There is no exact confirmation of this fact, but that is why it is esoteric, because it is impossible to understand and prove. Everyone is free to decide what to believe.

Animal Rebirth

The reincarnation of our little brothers is just as possible as the reincarnation of people. Animal souls also receive new life, regardless of whether it is a snake or a dog.

And here rebirth of cats– a separate topic. Some people believe that only nine lives can be lived in a cat's shell, which has not been proven.

There have also been cases where a pet wanted to return to its owner so much that in the next incarnation it was an absolute copy of its previous shell, which is why it was certainly noticed and placed in a new family.

Is it possible for suicides to be reborn?

Suicide is a deliberate interruption of a life lesson. It is condemned in most religions and is considered a terrible sin. Not only will a suicide receive “to the fullest” from the Higher Powers, it is known that even his presence in the family spoils the karma of the entire Family, having a negative impact on the lives of all loved ones. And in order to understand their grief, a suicide person will most likely experience the same thing upon reincarnation. It doesn’t even matter how many years pass until the lost soul realizes the wrongdoing—she shouldn’t expect a good incarnation.

No matter how big the suicide’s problems may be, they do not justify his action. And in the next reincarnation, a person is forced to work off his mistake, continuing to live with big problems.

According to some reports, the soul of a suicide remains imprisoned for some time in the form of a wandering ghost, or serves a certain time on one of the levels of the astral plane.

Spiritual experience (karmic task) during reincarnation

Each Spirit, coming to Earth in a human body, has a karmic task, a certain lesson that it must learn. Based on this task, his life is shaped.

In addition to accumulating spiritual experience, a person will have to do “work on mistakes.” For example, if in this life you seriously criticize the physical defects of others, in the next life you will probably be born with the same defect yourself.

Do you look down on people? This means that after reincarnation you will experience the life of a poor person, forced to be “at the beck and call” of others. But you should not treat this as a punishment - this is training, with the help of which the Spirit will finally become absolutely free and pure. So, dear reader, take care of your karma from a young age!

Historically, Christianity had nothing against reincarnation. She is mentioned in the works of St. Augustine, Origen and other confessors of that time. However, Emperor Justinian created a special decree and any mention of the fact that there is life after death was tantamount to signing his own death warrant. Why the emperor was opposed to belief in life after death remains a mystery.

The belief in reincarnation was one of the reasons for the execution of Giorgiano Bruno by the Holy Inquisition. He argued that the soul is not attached to only one body, but can travel from one to another.

With the Inquisition gone, people were able to talk about faith more freely. Therefore, many brilliant minds of that time spoke about reincarnation - Voltaire, Henry Ford, Benjamin Franklin, Victor Hugo, Carl Jung (who, by the way, based on the theory of reincarnation, created an entire branch in psychology) and others. They were all sure that after death a person would continue to live in a new incarnation.

In the East, the concept of transmigration of souls is not considered something out of the ordinary. Moreover, traditionally, the belief in reincarnation has “grown” into the culture, life and science of many eastern peoples.

Real evidence of reincarnation manifestations

Do you believe that a person can suddenly remember moments from a past life, or even be born with complete memories of previous incarnations? This seems fantastic, however, many cases of manifestations of such memory have been documented.

Moreover, inexplicable cases have been recorded when not only a person’s speech changed under the influence of memories of a past life, but also physically he acquired the features of his ancestor. What can be considered proof of the existence of reincarnation.

The James Leininger Story

One of the most sensational stories that confirms the existence of reincarnation is the story of the boy James Leininger.

The baby began to wake up every night screaming “The plane is on fire! I can't get out! At first my parents chalked it up to being overly impressionable from visiting the museum. military equipment, where James really liked the planes. However, night attacks became more and more frequent...

The psychologist, to whom the concerned parents turned, could not find the reason for this behavior, so he asked the parents not to panic, but to try to find out the details from their son’s nightmares and calm him down.

But then things got even more interesting. Little James described all the parts of the toy plane to his mother, although he could not know what they were called. He constantly drew old planes in flames. And one night, waking up from another nightmare, James began talking to his mother.

An amazing dialogue took place:

Mom: “Who is this person who can’t get out?”
James: "It's me"
Mom: “What happened to your plane?”
James: "It caught fire and fell."
Mom: “Why did he fall?”
James: "I got hit."
Mom: “And who hit you?”
James: “The Japanese, of course!”

After this incident, the boy described in detail the structure of aircraft from the Second World War. He told me that he was flying on a Corsair-type aircraft that took off from the Natoma ship and many other details, even the names of his colleagues.

When the father, not believing his ears, rushed to check what the boy was telling him, he was shocked! All the details turned out to be real. And the names that James named were actually on the lists of the dead of that time.

As a result, it was possible to find out that boy considered himself James Houston, pilot, shot down off the Japanese coast more than 70 years ago.

Studying the case of James Leininger, the famous psychologist Carol Bowman stated that such a vivid experience of a past life is not uncommon and not an isolated case. This could well happen if the death of the previous incarnation was violent and left a deep trauma in the soul, which manifested itself after reincarnation.

The Graham Huxtable Story

Reincarnation often manifests itself in abilities person. People spontaneously remember languages ​​that they could not know, or even “dead” dialects. Or they develop a practical skill that was not there before and which was impossible to learn.

The mysterious story of the British Huxtable clearly proves the possibility of transmigration of souls.

One day, Graham volunteered to participate in hypnosis with Dr. Eimall Bloxham. While in a deep trance, Graham began to describe visions from his past life. Moreover, he is completely turned into a completely different person named Ben.

Scientists and numerous witnesses were present at the experiment. However, none of them could find an explanation for what began to happen next.

Graham said that serves as a gunner on warship"Aggie." And he began to give orders using professional sailor jargon and terminology of the time.

He also talked about family, about the woman whose husband he was (although Graham was still single).

The entire experiment was recorded on camera, after which this recording was examined by many scientists. Oddly enough, they proved that Graham spoke the pure dialect of the common people of 18th-century Britain. This is a long-forgotten dialect that no one uses at all!

Judging by the statements, Graham-Ben got on the Aggie during an attack by an enemy ship, where he was wounded in the left leg.

Dr. Bloxham was unable to immediately bring the patient out of the trance - Ben did not want to leave the gun. After Graham woke up, he said he couldn't feel his left leg. And I was very surprised when I heard the recording of my story. As it turned out, he remembers absolutely nothing.

Memories of life in a past incarnation are one of the clearest proofs of the existence of reincarnation. And although modern science cannot prove its existence, it is not able to refute its existence. Or maybe this is just a distorted perception of reality, processed by the subconscious? Who knows, because miracles happen and there are thousands of evidence of this.

As Buddha said: “If you want to know what you did in a past life, look at how you live now. If you want to know how you will live your next incarnation, look at what you are doing today.”

And I suggest you try it for yourself

And it doesn’t matter whether reincarnation exists, you should think about your actions and actions in this life. In any case, even if there is only one life, it is worth going through it with dignity.

< Elena Izotova>

Different religions have different ideas about life after death. Each person is able to identify the opinion that best suits him. Reincarnation is the rebirth of a person after death. Leaving the body, the soul passes into another living being. This opinion is not inherent in all religions, but there are some that say exactly this.

So, for example, in Buddhism, it is believed that a person has certain karmic laws, thanks to which he will be reborn into different beings several times, depending on how much he deserved during earthly life.

Not many people want to believe in the disappearance of both the body and soul after death. Some are inclined to believe that after death, breathing, they go to heaven in paradise, others believe in reincarnation. This question remains unstudied and no one can give an exact answer to it. However, the concept of reincarnation is lively discussed by many people, especially adherents of some religious movements.

Origin and meaning

Literally, “reincarnation” means “secondary entry into flesh and blood.” The word is borrowed from Latin. In other words, this is the transmigration of the soul from one body to another. There is also a certain religious movement that claims that reincarnation is beyond doubt.

Reincarnation can be carried out into any living creature, not necessarily from person to person. Different traditions have different definitions of the spiritual sheath. In some she is reincarnated from life to life, in others she goes into another world. In any case, the soul is considered to be an immortal entity that never dies.

There is a purpose to reincarnation that makes it happen. In many religions, there are ideas that the spiritual shell of a person is reincarnated into another being from time to time in order to undergo evolutionary changes and allow it to improve over several lives, as well as to work out sins or karmic ideas.

It is not necessary to be a follower of any religion. Some people simply believe in reincarnation while being atheists. Initially, the concept of reincarnation appeared a long time ago. It was mentioned in ancient scriptures. Even among the Indians, it is believed that the soul of a deceased relative after death passes to a baby from the same community.

Socrates, Pythagoras and other philosophers of ancient Greece believed that reincarnation actually exists. Many people even in the modern world believe in it.

Reincarnation laws of physics

Subtle matter, from a scientific point of view, has been studied for a very long time. However, no one has yet given an exact answer to the question about the existence and subsequent movement of the soul after death.

There is the so-called law of karma, which is not separate from the concept of reincarnation. Each life, the soul undergoes evolutionary changes, becomes better, and is cleansed of karmic mistakes. Sometimes, according to some religions, not one, but several lives are needed to work out all a person’s karmic mistakes.

According to the law of karma, all human actions and thoughts are embodied in this and subsequent lives. In order for karma to become pure, one incarnation in a person is not always enough. Therefore there may be several of them.

Reincarnation during life

Every person has subtle matter. Different peoples call it differently. It is usually called the soul. A person has not only a physical body, but also a subtle one, which is responsible for the actions, thoughts and actions of a person in this and subsequent lives.

It is believed that reincarnation also involves a change of gender. That is, if in this life a person is a man, then in the previous life he was a woman. If in a past life a person did not work out what was necessary and did not close his channels, then in this life he may experience some difficulties in the form of mental disorders, visions, split personality and other difficulties.

There is some idea that reincarnation occurs from living being to living being, but if the soul can reincarnate from a human to an animal, then it cannot go back.

There is a concept of relocation during life. That is, if a person does not need to change the body in a given life, then she can be reincarnated in this life without changing the biological carrier.

Such processes do not occur often, but usually for a person they are accompanied by some serious shocks, such as clinical death. After such experiences, a person feels completely different, although his body remains the same as it was.

There is one case in the history of mankind, recorded not so long ago, when an American fell into a long coma, and when he woke up, he realized that he was a Swede. That is, the process of reincarnation took place in an existing body.

There is a certain table, based on which you can learn a lot of interesting things if the soul was reincarnated in the same biological carrier.

There is also a temporary relocation of the soul to another body. It is observed among actors when they completely transform into other characters and get used to the role so much that they no longer remember who they were before. Returning from the role later is quite problematic for them, but possible. This process must be carefully planned by the actor in order to learn how to return his soul to his own body after leaving the role.

Past Lives and Your Soul

There are certain methods that allow you to find out who a person was during a past life, that is, who his soul was in before moving into his present body.

The principles of reincarnation exist not only in human lives; there is a law of cyclicity that can also be found in nature: the change of day and night, seasons. Destination in past and present lives may differ, since karmic mistakes are worked out in each new life, some become fewer, others become more.

11 Signs Your Soul Has Reincarnated

The process of reincarnation is not grasped by a person, since the physical body does not have the ability to remember the past lives of his soul. But under certain conditions, it is possible to recreate pictures from the past in memory. The spiritual shell of a person is immortal, but it can have age.

Some teachings suggest that the more mature a person is in a particular field, the more often they have had experience in that field in past lives. Not all people have mature ones, some have younger ones.

There are certain postulates that will allow you to determine that she was already in another body before yours.

  • Repeated dreams. All people see dreams, but not everyone remembers them. However, there are dreams that are repeated several times and become annoying. At the same time, in a dream, a person clearly feels like a different person, or the dream is so realistic that it is then difficult for him to come to his senses when he wakes up.
  • Unusual memories. It is especially common in young children when they remember something that their parents do not remember and which, it seems, did not really happen.
  • Strong intuition. The unconscious flow can protect a person from any action. Or he can predict an event. Not everyone has well-developed intuition.
  • Deja vu. They say that it is most often observed in young people and goes away over the years.
  • Empathy.
  • The ability of foresight. A person can predict his own and other people’s future, and has the opportunity to “peek” ahead to find out the answer to some questions.
  • Clairvoyance. Very few people have it.
  • Feeling out of age. Some people feel that their spiritual experience is superior to that of their physical body.
  • A desire to learn about another culture or traditions of a people.
  • Phobias.
  • I don't feel at home on Earth.

A person who has at least one of these signs may not understand why this is happening to his consciousness, but this may mean that she has already been reincarnated. Perhaps more than once.

Recurring dreams

Dreams are the companion of every person. Even small children dream. The older a person gets, the less often and the more blurry illustrations he sees, but some do not see them even at a young age.

There are dreams that literally haunt a person throughout his real life. They dream so often and clearly that a person begins to think that this really happened to him. At the same time, in a dream he sees some unfamiliar person, place, conversations, etc. Something that he does not encounter in this life. This moment suggests that the spirit has already been in this place or met such a person in a past life.

Strange Memories

Young children experience memories from their past lives most intensely. Sometimes parents mistake childhood memories for jokes or fantasies, but almost always they are not fantasies, but memories from their past lives.

You have a strong intuition

People with strong intuition definitely have a fairly mature spirit, since it gives them a connection to some unconscious sources, with the help of which they can possess a certain amount of information.

Young people, mature people, and even children have good intuition. Not every person may have a mature soul. But people with good intuition have sufficient experience with their spiritual shell.

Deja vu

Many people, especially young people, often encounter in their lives the concept of deja vu. When you assume that something is going to happen, but what exactly is happening, it is either difficult or completely impossible to remember. Deja vu is not necessarily associated with something unpleasant. It can also be caused by positive aspects.

Deja vu can be caused by various circumstances. Usually they appear spontaneously, but sometimes they are caused by some smells, sounds, voices and other things. Psychologists say that déjà vu is nothing more than a neurological disorder, but those who believe in reincarnation believe that it appears as a reflection of past lives.

Are you an empath?

People who can immerse themselves in the pain and joy of another person, regardless of their own experiences, are called empaths. They will feel everything that the other person is feeling so strongly that they think they are experiencing these feelings in their own lives. There are very few such people. The majority are fixated only on their own experiences. But the ability to empathize speaks of the past transmigration of the soul into another body. When reincarnation occurs, the spiritual shell remembers some events and reflects them in future lives.

There are often those who only pretend to empathize. In reality, they are not imbued with the experiences of another, but only superficially accept reality, while remaining completely immersed in themselves. But those who truly experience and feel all the suffering and joy of others have a mature spirit.


Very few people have the ability to foresee certain circumstances and incidents. These abilities can appear both in childhood and in mature age. Sometimes they occur after serious incidents and experiences in a person’s life.

Precognition can be done through visions, dreams, feelings and many other aspects. It is clear that this ability manifests itself in people with a mature spirit.

Clairvoyance regarding past events

The ability of clairvoyance appears very rarely. Most often, a person has this ability from early childhood, but it can open suddenly in adulthood. Some try not to hear what they actually hear in order not to delve into many circumstances.

Information obtained through clairvoyance cannot be proven. However, many people do confirm the reality of the events predicted and received by the seer.

You feel older than your age

There are people who cannot correlate their physical and mental age. Sometimes it seems to them that their soul is actually more mature than their body. Even at a young age, they do not make the mistakes that their peers make; they use their own experience, which came from nowhere. This fact suggests that such people have a mature soul that helps in real life.

You have a strong attraction to a particular culture, time period, environment

Attachment and the desire to learn as much as possible about any culture or tradition of a people indicates that in a past life the soul lived in the physical body of a person belonging to this group.

At the same time, a person may not understand why he is so eager to determine the meaning of this culture for himself; everything happens unconsciously. This often occurs among archaeologists who are searching for information and artifacts from a period that is very important to them.

Unexplained fears or phobias

some children may be afraid of some inexplicable things. No one scared them, no one told them horror stories, but for some reason the child is afraid of water, spiders or something else. This is due to past life experiences. During reincarnation, the spiritual shell remembered and imprinted negative experiences and transferred them to the real body.

Parents often mistake such phobias for fiction, but in reality they are often reflections of a past life. This happens much less often in adults, but it also happens.

You feel as if the earth is not your home

An inexplicable phenomenon sometimes occurs in people when they feel that they are out of place. They do not feel the earth as their home. There is a feeling that I arrived from another planet or from another world, or from another time period.

Often this feeling is accompanied by constant anxiety, unawareness of some of one’s actions, strange dreams and even neurological disorders. Such people have a spiritual shell that has been reincarnated, perhaps more than once.